The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 08, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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wi'vJWw n Al m ,
( Continued from pago 20
gan Francisco whero thoy will sopar-
nto for their various vacations before
returning In tho fall to resume tholr
teaching at tho Marshflcld schools.
Miss Strinicr is to visit in uonvor,
Colo., and Carlsbad, Now Mexico, bo-
loro roiurniiiB iu " iwn,wiD ......
MarshHcld. Mrs. Baldwin nnd
daughtor stop In Los Angeles for a
few weeks, after which Mrs. Bald
win loaves by way of Nebraska for
hor homo In Hillsdalo, Mich., whoro
alio Will spend tho auminor, return
ing probably In tho fall to Join Miss
Baldwin In tho return to Mnrshllold.
Mlsa lnltnor Is to visit at Colorado
Springs nnd Donvor boforo going oast
to hor homo In Brooklyn, Michigan.
MIbb Cnrnontor will Btop nt sovornl
cities on hor way to hor homo at
MuBkcgon, Michigan, among them
Los Angolos, Borkoloy, San Francis
co, Donvor, Salt Lake City and Chica
go. O
Miss Tllllo Goorgo, a sister of Mrs.
Carl W. Evertson, enmo In on tho
Broakwntor today from tho oast to
visit at tho Evertson homo.
Mrs. J. T. Hall and daughter, Miss
EIbIo, nro planning to loavo on tho
noxt Rodondo to spend n fow wcoka
In San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wnrnor and
slstor, Miss Altco Hoyt, nro spondlng
Sunday at Allogany. MIbb Hoyt, who
has boon visiting hero at tho Warner
homo for tho past six weeks, loaves
on tho noxt Hcdondo for her homo In
Mrs. Masters of Sumnor nttondod
tho mooting of tho W. C. T. U. nt
Eckhoff hall, North Bond, Thursday,
whon Mrs. Jackson Sllbough loct
urod. O
Mrs. A. II. I'owors nnd daughtor,
Margnrot, who havo boon visiting ro
latlvcn In Mtnnonpolls left thoro
Thursday ovonlng for homo.
MIbb May Bonnott has wlrod that
sho -ullUnrri vo on tho Washington
to spond a month nt tho homo of hor
pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. Bonnott.
8ho has boon taking a courso In tho
school for professional nursos at Lnno
hospital, San Francisco for tho lout
two or theco years nnd hor return
homo will bo warmly welcomed by
hor many frlonds on tho Bay.
MIbb Nolllo Towor who Is attend
ing tho Unlvorslty of Washington at
Soattlo Is oxpoctod horo about Juno
12 to spond tho summor with hor
parents, Dr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Towor.
Clifford Donuo lu oxpectod homo
noxt Saturday to upond tho summor
vacation nt tho homo of his pnronts,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Downs, Ho Is
taking a business courso nt McMInn
vlllo Collogo.
Misses Mnmlo nnd Holon Gulovson
left this wook for Portland whoro
thoy will visit rolntlvos for n fow
wt eks. . r
-. O
R. C. Sherrlll who has taught nt
tho Iiunkor IIIII school tho pnst yoar
will lonvo tomorrow for Illllsboro,
Oro., to visit his brother.
Mr. nnd Mrs. llnrry Winkler havo
roturnod after spending tholr honey
moon traveling In California. Thoy
will bo at homo to tholr frlonds in
Edgar Swnrtz, a nopliow of Mr. an 1
Mrs. II.-S, Towor, who has boon visit
Ing at tho Towor homo for a fow
weeks, loft Thursday on tho Hodnudo
for his homo In Fresno.
Mrs, J. O. Lnngworthy nnd Miss
Eeln Lnngworthy loft Thursday for; Ultlug rolatlves and frlonds hero
Kan Francisco nnd othor cities of j and will roninlu somo time yet. Cluil
California to visit with tholr dnugh-l loft for his Hold of lnbor last Titos
tor and slstor, Mrs. Paul Poralta, be- ,ay morning. Ho is In chnrgo of tho
foro returning homo. art department of tho government
O I pxporlmontnl station at Loxlngton,
Mrs. E. C. Paddock who tins boon Ky., but oxpects to hnvo his hoad-
qulto sick tho past wook Is reported quai tors lu Wnshlngton, D. C, In a
much lmprood. Miort time. Ho is In tho dopartmont
O of natural history nnd makes tho pic-
Miss Maudo Noblo and hor guost, tines of nil newly dlscovorod Insects,
Mlsa Patsy Freor, hnvo gone to Ban- plants, otc. It ronulres a flno artist
don for n short visit with frlonds
Miss Slgnn Holmes loft yesterday
for n short visit with friends at Pros
per. 0
Mrs. W. II. Kennody will spond
Sunday at tho homo of hor parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson, on Lar
son's Inlet.
Miss Laura Kruso of North Bond
Is an ovor Sunday guest of Mrs. R.
K. Booth.
.1 V Siuoaton. general innnngor of
tho C. V. Smith Lumbor compnny,
mill tl'lfi mill ciiid 'P.ul .i.i.l Tim nHA
... nunn, tvu 411114 Ullll, IIIVi
vaiiciiuii IIUIW Ull IIIV 4MIIII1 OIllllll lO
spend ii couplo of months on tho Bny.
Ed. Carlson of Crookston, Minn.,
has boon a guotit nt tho Geo. F
Murch homo tho past wook. Ho will
lenvo tomorrow on tho llreakwator.
Monday ovonlng Mr. and Mrs. W.
F Miller entertained at dlnnor Mr.
an 1 Mrs Goo. F. Murch, Mrs. Mnttle
Tozer, Miss Chnrlotto Murch and Mr.
Hugo Qulst.
P. P. Qulst nnd wlfo, nnd Mrs. N.
O. Wolnndor, father, mothor and
Bister of Hugo Qulst, nro oxpoctod
. en tho next Breakwater to visit In
I Mnrnliflnlil for n wllllo nnd to bo PrO-
sent at tho niorrlago of Mr. Qulst
and Miss Chnrlotto Murch a week
trom next Monday.
Mrs. M. Tozer, Bister of Mrs. Geo.
p Mu'rchj wi,a xaa been vlBltlng nt
tlin Murch homo for tho past fow
weeks; left Wednesday by way of
Drain for her homo In Minneapolis.
. 0
Major and Mrs. Morton Towor nro
spending tho week-end nt tholr sum
mer homo on South Coos river.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. nargolt nnd
tholr guests, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Par
sons, loft Friday In their car for
Portland to tako In tho Itoso Carnl
vnlind tho Elks, Masons and East
ern Star conventions,
J. Albert Matson and wlfo nnd son,
Julius, spent .tho lnttcr part of tho
wook at their summer homo, Tho
Nook, on South Coos River.
W. F. Kolm nnd wlfo and baby nro
expected hero soon from Schuylor,
Nobr., to visit nt tho homo of Mrs.
Kolin's pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W.
Bornltt.' Thoy may make tholr por
mnnent homo on tho Bay.
MIbb Annlo Smith Is expected to re
turn noxt wcok from Richmond, Cal
whoro alio hns boon visiting hor cous
in, Miss Holon Wicks.
Mrs. Thomas Ilnrvoy nnd baby
who nro visiting nt tho homo of Mrs.
Ilarvoy's parents In Cranio Pass
wrlto Mr. Harvoy Hint It is vory
warm thero. Sho plans to spend
about a month thero.
Mrs. 0. C. Going and children, A.
E. Johnson nnd wlfo nnd Mrs. J. L.
ICoontz and children constituted n
picnic pnrty that spent n vory onjoy
nblo day at tho Hatchory Friday.
Tho Firomon'n Association, of
North Bond nro preparing for n big
picnic to Sumner tomorrow.
Tho graduating exorcises of tho
North Bond Eighth Grndo will bo
hold at tho school houso Wednes
day ovonlng.
MIbb Violet Hondorson nnd her un
do, Hugh Brown, aro expected to ar
rlvo horo noxt week. Miss Hondor
son has boon visiting In Oakland nnd
othor California cities for a couplo of
months. Mr. Brown will mako n
short stay horo to look aftor business
matters. During tho past wcok, Miss
Hondorson rocolvod tho end news of
tho death of hor fathor at Hot,
Springs, Ark., of heart failure
Miss Allco Curtis roturnod this
wook from n yonr's stay with rela
tives at Sonrsport, Mo., tho old homo
of hor father, W. B. Curtis.
Mrs. Ross Smith loaves tomorrow
for n visit nt tho homo of hor hus
band's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. M, C.
Smith, In Portland nnd with friends
lu Washington.
Erie Bolt is oxpectod homo from
Willamette Unlvorslty next wook.
Mrs. Earl Savago loft Thursday
for Portland to visit thoro for a fow
weoks. Sho will bo Joined Inter by
Mr. Savago.
L. T. Matthews hns rocolvod n
copy of an Aurora, Missouri, paper
containing tho following uotlco con
tornlug bis wife and son who nro
visiting thoro: "Mrs. J. II. Grlor on
tortalnod Mrs. L. T. Matthews of
Marshtloldi Ore, hor son Clint Mai
thows of Lexington, Ivy., nnd son Ros
too Mutthows and wlfo at dinner last
Moiulny. Mrs. Matthows lias neon
an I nccurnto workman. Ho receives
n largo salary and as ho Is n product
of tho Aurora schools and grnduato
of tho stnto unlvorslty of this state
wo aro proud of him. Ho Is qulto
lutorestod In tho futuro of Russoll
Grlor, "Tho Mennco" cartoonist."
Miss Agnos Cnrpontor nnd Edgar
Swartz woro guoMs of Mr. and Mrs.
II. S. Towor and Miss, Nora Towor nt
tho Bench Monday.
Mrs. W. C. Bniley loft Thursday
morning for Portland ns a guest In
tho Mandlgo which will tnko Mr.
and .Mrs. Goo. O. Mnndlgo and daugh-
tor, MIsh Gortrtuh, to tho Itoso Car-
nival. Mrs. Bntloy is planning to'
visit In Parti m I for n couplo of
Min. A. L. Butz ontortnluod Miss
Adnew Palmar at dinner Tuesday.
Miss Palmer, Miss Elmore, Clyde
PliiUnger and F. L, Grnnnis mndo
up rut) of tho parties thnt pit nicked
at tho bench Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Broulllnrd en
tortnlncd nt a dinner-party Sunday
Mrs: Ellznboth McDonald of San
Francisco, Mr. Korn of San Frnncls
co, Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs.
Claudo Hockctt of Emplro and Miss
Dolla Broulllard. ,
Friday night Mrs. A. E. IUchtor,
noo Miss Jamcslna lllbbard, was
guest of honor at n party glvon for
her by Miss Mny aiyrcn. unmes uuu
music furnished tho evening's enter
tainment and supper was sorved at n
lato hour. Among tho guests woro
Mrs. IUchtor, Misses Ruth Horton,
Mary KruBo. Myrtlo Cowan, Evolyu
Will Horton, Mnx Rolgard, Guy
Stutsman, Tom Patterson and Goorgo
This afternoon Mrs. D. C. MeCarty
is entertaining tho present olUcors of
Doric Chapter of Eastern Stnr, and
sovornl of thoso who hold offlco In
1910, tho year Mrs. McCnrty was
Worthy Matron, She Is cntertnlnlng
nbout twenty guests.
Yesterday nrioTHOon Mrs. D. C. Mc
Cnrty was hostess to n dozen or so
llttlo folks nt n strawberry plcnlo nt
hor homo In West Mnrshllold. Hor
guests spoilt a delightful day playing
on tho hillside picking wild flowers
nnd eating tho delicious borrlcs nnd
cronm that tholr hostess sorved. In
vited woro Florence Bess, Allco nnd
Helen Flanagan, Proctor Flanagan,
Francos, Edna and Blancho Mlrrn
soul, Lnvlnn nnd Dorothy Pnlntor,
Holon Colgnn, Jeanctto Upton, Arth
ur Upton, nnd Emmn, Lucllo and
Allco Douglus.
A surprise pnrty was given In
honor of Miss Lllllnn Cook Wednes
day ovonlng nt tho homo of Mrs. Jnck
Davis of Wc3t Mnrshllold. Games
nnd music woro tho principal diver
sions of tho evening. Among thoso
present woro Florence Fox, Frnnccs
Domorltt, Edith Hnwkmnn, Evn Wy
ntt, Eliza McKay, Edna Hnwkmnn,
Ethol DnvlB, Hazel Cook, Jnmos EI
lorby, Rny Domorltt, Goorgo Pratt,
John Hymor, BUI Mllncr and John
Burko. Mrs. Cook nnd Mrs. Swan
son woro nlso guests of tho pnrty.
Rofreshmonts woro served during tho
latter part of tho evening.
Miss Harriot nnd Jons Hansen
woro hosts to a number of frlonds
at a social party last night, ontor
tnlnlng at games nnd music. Miss
Bruco Kolloy gnvo sovornl piano bo
Iob In tho courso of tho pvcnlng. Tho
Iioubo was docorntod with whlto car
nations and pink cropo festoons.
Supper was sorved by Mlsa Eva Han
sen nt tho long table Among the
guests wero Misses Gortrudo Scnlfo,
Cora Dyo, Bruco Kolloy, Bosslo Flnn
ngnn, Clara Snrgonnt and Evn Han
sou; Loo Byerly, Fcstus Wnltor, Leo
La Chapollo nnd Jena Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Evertson on
tortnlnod nt brenkfast this morning
In welcome to Miss Matilda Goorgo
of Port Huron, Mich., a sister of
Mrs. Evertson, who nrrlved on tho
Brqnkwatcr nnd will visit In Mnrsh
nold for somo time Among their
guests woro Mrs. Mnry McKnlght,
Mrs. F. A. Hazard, Miss Blancho For
dlno nnd Miss Mnry Motlln,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Horbort Rogers woro
hosts to a pnrty of Mnrshllold frlonds
nt tholr beautiful Coos Rlvor homo
last Sunday In compUmont to Mrs.
Elizabeth Adams whoso birthday It
was. The Shamrock took tho party
up tho rlvor at nlno-thlrty, roturnlng
lu tho ovonlng. A sumptuous dlnnor
wns sorved lu n room decorated with
pink and whlto roses, following
Flanagan, May I'rouss, ,n8' I '": jc; Sovollty dollars was paid on
Marian Seaman, EJslo Hall and Lucy J" '" ,..,,' only IV m,mn r0
Powcrs; Messrs Ralph Kruso, Syd- Jo jojt 'oc'tL society will
noy Clnrko, Carl Larson, Wesley Soa- nnlnuw. jcxt
man, Leo Byerly, Holbort Carlisle o ' , Ml.Koown. irc8.
....... .., .
Stophon Rogers nnd tho dny wan
spent in wandering over tho grounds
nnd In exploring tho mnny protty
walks lu tho vicinity. Among tho
guests woro Mrs. Adnms, Miss Mnm-
lo Mnhonoy, MIsh Jonn Fitzgerald,
formally Friday ovenlng lu compll
nient to Miss Paulino Ilelutz nnd Mr,
Frank Shon of Portlnnd. Among
tholr guosts woro Mr. nnd Mrs. F. 1).
Cohan, Mrs. Elllo Fnrrlngor, Miss
uoneviovo aongsincKon, .miss riiuiiuo'
Ilelut., lluss Towor, John Moreen,
Tom llonnott, Preston Jouos nnd A.
K. Peck.
John Moreen was host to flvo
couplos at n bowling party at tho
Smith mill Tuesday evening, outer-
tnlnlng Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudo Nas-
burg, Miss Qonovlovo Sengstackon.'
i-u l.'flln I.',. ...-I. .,... Mloo '-....
-;" (., raira uiuw
rwimi;, .iisa riuruiicu aikuii, .mcbsth.
A, Lugorstrom, T. T. Bonnott and C.
ingorsirom. ah oyster supper end
ed tho ovonlng.
Mrs. Jns,
n number of friends at sowing and
tea yesterday aftornoon, Including
uiiiuuK nor KuesiB .-,, Jom, man,
Mrs. Hormnn Blatt, Mrs. Goorgo'
Ayro, Mrs. W. B. Curtis, Mrs. Jns.!
n if ii . .. .. ... ..
uuniiii, .nib. n, .v, Aiiuoruon ami .Mrs.
Eva Gaiumlll.
which tho party wns joined uy MVs.Mrs. J. Albert Matson nnd Mrs. Jns.
"' - " n,u ii iiiuiiiu, iiil-uiiiik III lll Wl'tllin I iililliiH iiiiiiiiiihu l .uioo iwn i "I vi" . i .. i. 1? o f r OSl 1 111 C II 1 8 Will DO
Mnlr Duno, John Kronholm nnd with Mrs. Rhodos. Prosont woro1 sen nt South Bend, Wash. Tho imp- :",i,.i1 V-inso of tho exorcises. A
Walter Butler. Mrs. Max Toppor. Mrs. E. L. Robin- tlals will tako placo lato ln tho Hum- ,.,,", ni .Vltiitlon to nttond Is ex-
O Bon, niiil Mrs. qnminlll, ns guests, mor. It Is understood. Mr. Dim-' ("rV'", ' ," n
Mr. and Mrs. Clnudo Nnsburg woro nd Mrs. Roes. Mrs, Swanson, Mrs. nilck was located at South Bond for iS2JiSliJxiU CJr?
host nnd hoslehs to n fow friends In- Rhodos nnd Mrs. Rwlnfonl. n counlo of vonrs until last fall whon ( ADDITIONAL 80CILTV 0- l-"1"
HI' l.llllinn Allium I. .Alll irilllllfl I I. ! n ...n.ill. ...n.l I.. ... ... 1... I ... I.... ntnlnrwn In Mlua lifn llnlll. I
Woinesday aftemoou Mrs. Wm.'nt Stanloy Station on Thursday ov-l
Craig entortnlnod hor neighbors and onlng. Covers woro laid for oiuht "1
fxtiillilo liiimiinllii n n.nn,.,AUl. .. I O I
friends Informally at needlework nnl
seriod lunch. Among her miosis
wore Mrs. Mnrgarot La Chapollo, Mrs
Ogreii, Mrs. Wm. Hydon, Mrs. Chas.
Ln Chapollo, Mrs. Robot tsou and Mn. '
The C W. B. M. met for its reg
ulsir ii'ontlily meeting with Mrs. 1).
C. McCnrty Tuesday. Talks and ills-,
cushion en the day's topic, "Tho Out
look ef British Columbia " formod
tho priml-'il pnrt of tho program.
Present wo-e Mrs. R A Copplo, Mrs. will bo solemnized nt tho Mnrshflol ,
W. B Cx. Mrs. C. A. Sohlbrodo. Episcopal church a week from Mon
Mrs. L. r 'endrlx. Mrs. T. Blnn.l.lnv ovonlmr u nn nvn, f ..'"..
Mis. E. L. Ilonson, Mrs. E. C. Drews,
Mrs. Edwin iiusby, Mrs. Harry Pntu
tcr, Mrs. Chns. I'owors, Airs. Sarah
Painter, Mrs. 11. Isaacs, Miss Ruth
HopBon, Mrs. Z. Howard, Mrs. Colo
man, Mrs. llaworth, and Mrs. Mc
Carty. 0
Miss Elizabeth Tollofson and Mr.
Em II Gabrlolson will entertain and
servo at tho Norwegian Lutheran
Young I'coplo's Society mooting at
tho church hall Wednesday.
Tho Blstors of Bethany mot In
business session Wednesday at tho
m . i iiniiui in inn iiiuiiuu .. .-.-
homo of Miss Mauuo uccn near iviv
cut Wo.ncsdny woro Mrs. M. C. Mn-
lonoy, Mrs. Frod BncKinan, iurs. j.
T. McCormnc, Mrs. Mary McKnlglit,
Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. Otto
Schettcr, Mrs. Enrl Downing, Mrs
J. M. Upton, Mrs. F. A. Hazard, Mrs.
J. W. Flanagan, Mrs. S. C. Small,
Mrs. H. Reed nnd Miss Mnudo Reed.
Mrs. Alva Doll was hostess Wed
nesday to tho II. W. M. C. at hor homo
In South Mnrshllold. Mrs. Graof was
leader, Mrs. J. o. swmioni, mrs. u.
A. Jones and Mrs. 0. II. Wilson gnvo
short talks on tho topic of study,
"Western Women In Eastern Lnnds,
Miss Eddova Whoolor sang, Mrs. Col
vln nnd Mrs. McCnrty gave ti vocal
duot and the program concluded
with a reading by Mrs. E. Kolly.
Present wero Mrs. C. II. WIIboii, Mrs.
J. C. Swlnford, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Graof,
Mrs. A. . Downs, Mrs. John Nnglo,
Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mrs. Colvln, Mrs.
D. 0. McCnrty, Mrs. R. P. Harring
ton, Mrs. Honry Blnck, Mrs. Holon
Bnldwln, Mrs. E. D. McArthur, Jr.,
and Miss Eddova V heeler. Tho
Boeloty will meet with Mrs. Ilnrrlng
ton tho Ant Wednesday In July.
Tho "Prlsclllns" met WodnoBdny
with Miss Genovlovo Tollofson nt hor
homo nt Enstsldo for a pleasant nf
toruoon of music nnd sowing. A
dnlnty lunch was sorved by tho host
ess, assisted by her sister Mlsa Blan
che Tollofson. Present woro Mrs.
Goorgo Rourko, Mrs. Jim Mcintosh,
Mrs. Chos. Donnlson, Mrs. Jny Mont
gomery, Miss Mnbol MnthlBon, Miss
Laura Dubny, and Misses Ellznboth
and Blnncho Tollofson,
Tho Lndlos' Aid o( tho Norwegian
Lutheran church will hold a moot
ing with Mrs. Will Nolson nt hor
homo In Bny Park Monday, whon
plans for tho nuctlon snlo of Juno
1C will bo complotod.
Tho Altar Oulld of North Bend
mot Thursdny with Mrs. I. II, Bartle
Very llttlo business wns transacted,
tho club ngrcoing to moot In two
woaks with Mrs. C. II. Broulllnrd.
Tho aftornoon wns spent In noedlo
work. Sovornl guests woro prcBont,
nmong them Mrs. Robt. Shook, Mrs.
M. G, Colcmnn, Mrs. A. II. Dorby
shlro, Mrs. II. O'Mnrn and' Mrs. R.
P. Pondorgrnss of Mnrshllold. Tho;
club momuors attending woro Mrs,
J G. Horn, Mrs.' C. II. Broulllnrd,
Mrs. J. 0. Curron nnd Mrs. I. B. Bar
tle 0
Tho Jolly Doen will ho entertain
ed Vodnosday, Juno 12, by Mrs. W.
F. Squire
A mooting of tho Womon's Auxil
iary of tho Emmanuel Episcopal
church wns hold at tho homo of Mrs.
W. A. Toyo Tuesday at which n llt
tlo business was dononnd adjourn
ment was declared until tho first
week In Octobqr. Prosont woro Mrs.
J. T. McCormnc, Mrs. Arthur Mc
Koown, Mrs. J. W. Bonnott, .Mrs.
Win. Lodwnrd, Mrs. F. E. Leofo,
Mrs. Geo. F. Murch, Mrs. M. Tozor,
' Cowan. Jr.
Tho Social Sowing Club mot with
Mrs. Geo, Ayro Thursday for nn af -
ternnnn of sowing nnd chnt. Tho
club agreed to moot horoaftor only
The Mlnnlo-Wls Social Club gront
y eiijoyod tholr mooting with Mrs
n. A. Jones Tuesday nflomoon fnr ns
B( hnol was out tho toachor mombora
woro nblo to bo prosont
A nlcasant
day -was spent nt sowing nnd lunch sorvod. Present woro Mrs. E. E.
Kolly, Mrs. F. S. Drossor, Mrs. Mnry
Thompson, Mrs. J. II. La Chapollo,
.irs, tuns. i,a rnnpollo. Mrs. Holon
Baldwin. Mrs. Win. Perkins nnd Mlsi
Uqa Baldwin. Tho club niombers
decided to continue meeting every
other week tbrouirliniif tim Bi..,r...
I , ...... . . " ..: '"'
i nilll Will IllCei J 11 11 0 '0 WItll
.Mary Thompson,
i I'ornnnu panor nrlnts tho fol.'
. lowing concerning Miss Bronto Jon-'
J nlngs, n former Coos Bay girl, whoso '
mnrrlago to Honry Crnvat will tnko
placo In Coqulllo In July:
"Comnllmeutarv to mir Timnn
: - . . . ." --..w .....iW
Jennings, n brldo-olect, Miss Ethel
Gibson nnd Forol Jackson entertain-1
Oil Willi n llllmon tinrfv nf flml !,.
Invitations woro received hero this
week for tho wedding of Miss Fmma i
Elolso Morso, daughtor of Cnpt and I
Mrs. Thomas L. Morso and Selser
Robert Pickett which will bo sol.
emnlzod at Morgnn City, Ln., Juno!
21. Miss Morso Is a rolntlvo of Mrs.
.1 T. McCormnc nnd she nnd Capt. I
Morse woro guests nt tho McCormnc
home horo a yoar or bo ago and tho
charming young womnn won mnnv1
fi lends on tho Bay.
Tho mnrrlago of Miss Charlotte
.nurcii nnu Air. Hugo Qulst which
terest on the Bay, owing to tho pop"'i
jHK tVM lilt I ""
JjiW i gi.J.n'" OsN'w !' k
I1 " v
Benjamin C'ot,lca
ularlty nnd promluonco of tho young
people Ab mnny of tho woddlng
pnrty will bo from out ol town, th
porsounol of It, cannot bo announced
until noxt wcok. Owing to tho limit
ed soatlng cnpnclty of tho church,
only rolntlvcs und Intlmnto friends of
tljo contracting pnrtlca will bo Invlt
od to tho coromonlos. Tho coromouy
will bo solomnlzcd nt 8 o'clock In tho
Tho mnrrlago of Miss Mary Han
son nnd Henry Hnrtmnn took plnco
Wodnesdny, Juno fi nt 8 o'clock In
tho morning, tho Rev. II. I. Rutlodgo
olllclatlng. Tho homo of tho brido
wns handsomoly docorntod with
whlto roses and evergreen, nnd tho
breakfast room with pink nnd whlto
swedt-pons. Tho wedding brenkfast
followed tho ceremony, with only a
few Intlmnto frlonds prosont. Tho
bride woro whlto silk and carried
whlto roses. Tho young couplo loft
on tho Broakwntor for Portland
whoro thoy will mako tholr futuro
Goorgo Jonson and. Miss Anna
Colobrook of Coqulllo woro mnrrlod
Thursday morning at tho Mnrshflold
Catholic rectory, tho Rov. Fathor
. lit l A I s f 1 liMt Atllnln
.UUIIIil wiMUiuuiih. vuu iiuuiuumw,
relatives woro In nttondnnce Mr.
Jonson rocontly returned to tho Bay
from Elmo, Wash., nnd thoy oxpoct,
to mnko tholr futuro homo In Marsh-
Tho following from n Portlnnd
paper will bo of Interest to tho mnny
friends that Robert McPhorsoiumndo
whllo visiting frlonds on tho Bay n
yoar or so ngo: "At n qunrtor ofi
eight Wednesday ovonlng, tho wod
dlng of Miss Evn Jonklns nnd Robort
U. McPhorson was solemnized In
Trinity chnpol by Dr. A. A. Morrison.
Only rolntlvcs and a few frlonds woro I R M Downrd nnd family at the
nrnonnt nt Uln UiiIlllni. llllf n Inrcr..". . t. . . ni.i n..
'v"""' ?.v " ::- " "".v."
or rocopi on ronowoci at uio Jiomo
III IIIU Ullliun IllUillui, iilin. 4. uuii-
kins, on Hoyt stroot. Tho brldo wan
gowned In bridal whlto with veil and
oinngo blossoms. Sho cnrrlod Brido
.2i0 "ft. T", t,!!:
son will spond tholr honeymoon
.. u. .,,.... , -.-,,
Moadow Lako. Thoy will occupy nn
i apartment until tpolr homo on WIN
lamotto llolghts Is complotod.
l o
Coos Bay friends of A. A. Dim
mhk hnvo boon npprlsod of bis forth-
ho returned to tnko a position ns MHU.)
sHikuii r ni MiH ''ih H K sk r HssV
Emijoy the Soinnimeir
Go fishing, hunting or rowing,
but never go without a
Films and
Correct in Qunlity.
v-.urrccc in tttyio.
Added to this our savin
to you because
"Money Talks"
Is the reason we expect to
sell you your next SUIT
Now is the time This is tlio
Hub Clothing
and Shoe Co.
Marshficld. Baiulon.
lumbor Inspector nt tho mills on tt.
lowor Coqullle lE'
Tho annual banquet of tho North
Bond High School wns hold Friday
ovonlng In Taylor's hnll. Roy. D. A.
MacLeod acted ns toastmajtor and
responses wero mudo by Marlon Rej.
nolds, Hnrold Hunt, Bupt. Itaab, Mr,
Jennings nnd Mr. Russoll. Marloa
RoynoldB gnvo tho address of .
como to tho now clasa and Harold
Hunt rospondod for '12. The baa
quot tnblo was beautifully decorated
with California popples and rosea.
Placea woro laid for tho ollonlnt:
Roy. D. A. MacLeod, Mr. C. E. Mij.
boo, Dr. nnd Mrs. I. B. Bartle, Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. S. Jonnlngs, Mill Jot
ophtno Grlllln, Mrs. Evorltt, MliiMIN
drod Rood, Mr. Marlon Rejnoldi,
Miss Faith Hunt, Miss Grace Fulton,
Mr. Louis Weir, Supt, A. 0, Raab,
MIbb Edith Raab, Miss Frances Gold
en, Mr. Harold Hunt, Mr. Ctrdt
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Horn, Miss
Goorglnna Wyatt, Dr. Winkler, Mr.
Harry Conro, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. 0.
Korn, Miss Esther Imlioff, MlsiXeala
, .i .,.. t c n.-vv.
"""":,"" """ ".'- y'"JJ
I J.1": ". r. PIW
t,Vn flMnnl , , ,. I).
umnl Association, Marlon Reynolds
wns elected president, Harry Conro
vlco-prosldent, Harold Hunt treisnr
or and Miss Mildrod Rood secretary.
Noxt Wcduefldny ovcnlnc, a el-
como reception will bo tomlcrcd the
i Marsiino id unurcn oi unrni. n.
Downr(, nn(l nn,,Iy nrrIVod here re
coutly from Nobrnska. C. A. Sehl-
brodo la arranging n short program
for tho occasion nnd It Is expected
thnt tho othor minlstors and msnr
I ''on, other congregations will unH,
'l ln mnklng tho occasion a mosl cor-
nt' V,', ",:" n
, ln n1nirinp. tiia nrriiHiau u uiuai vw-
a ininrnHni- miiRtral nrnsramme
will bo rondorod, and addresses d
wolcomo will bo mndo by Rev. II. I.
Rutlodgo of tho M. E. Church, M. C.
Horton of tho Presuytermn cnui-w,
Rov. 0. LoRoy Hnll of the Daptlit