The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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For Ladies
MlOt ftMOfV
r ii
nt i
i AT
VlW til
Shoe Co.
Tess and Ted
Children's Shoes
Stetson Shoes
For Alcn
t cS'' aX.
Star Brand
Shoes for AH
-- - - .M I l f1 W ' " I 1
MMuaaiHMMBi ' ,.. I .1
:- 1
10 GEI L
Oregon Educator Declares
Women Wreck Home Happi
ness by Futile Efforts.
COUVALMS, Oro., Juno 7. "1
not our profession of homo-mulclng
ns liupnrtnnt ns that of tlio lawyers?
Why should wo not havo equally
good preparation?" naked I'rof. A. H.
Mlliun, of the homo economic uopan-
Appearance of Party of Survey
ors Revives Rumors of
Roatl to Coos Bay.
nimx. nro.. Jimn 7. A party of
rnllroail surveyors ihihwjiI through
hero UiIb week. From tlio nest in
formation obtainable tlicy wcro Ore
gon Klcctrlc men. Tlioy looked over
South Drain carefully. vldcntly
IIJUKI IK Mir ii J"'" .""-'. I :;.V. .!. w., A.,rlni,H..rnI C.n
in mil. They linvo a man noro nori ". ui ...u ........ " - -
contracting ftir n lot of miupllcs for logo, In u recent oxtcnBlon locturo at
.rty and ovldcntly they expect Pendleton. S las Mllnm 1st hormiBh
to bo around hero tlmo. ly In earnest In hor cf for b to sec im
A well-known local capltallHt has .n more thorough and widespread pic
been talking electric rullrond from pnratlon of the ulrls of Oregon for
Drain to MnrRhlleld. Ho claims to tholr future duties as ihoadi of Jiouso.
linvo sold Boino Btoclc and ncgQtlatod holds or teachers or the .future wives
for Bomo right of way with fnrmerM nnd niothors. Sho mndo a aeries of
along bo proposed route. Ho says talka at various Eastern Oregon cities
HioroB a man ready to tako tho mat- with th s In vlow. Including Dnkor,
tor up when tho proper tlmo comes Hood Rtvor, nnd 1hu Dalles,
and furnish all tho money nocesBary . "I think ono reason wo linvo .,
to comploto tho project. Whothor .row homos nowndays Is that society,
;.,"'"".. .Iii win. n.nBiir 'whlcli nrotccto Its monitors nnd
voy party romaliiB to bo proven, but niakus It posBlblo for us to dwell to
it tho BMiornl Impression liero, get, or in unity, , ho oppressor a
that t linH. nrnin mny yoi no mo ,""" " "
first point to have railroad conno.-i "It exacts of ovory man and woman
n.... win. nnn nnv. whothor tho ' tho porformnnco of certain. social
dutlQH, wiucu, laxcn in mo inrgor
tlon with Coos Hay.
Southern Pacific builds or not.
If ciiiN Oregon University lliiselinll
Team fur Next Year.
Tho Kugniio Roglstor says:
"Hon Chandler won tho baseball
captaincy of tho Orognn VorHlty tent..
for next year In an olortlon yostor-
day Chnndler wns running against
Any ono familiar with school law, And aga'.i In paragraph -1224!
In various states who becomes nowly "The Uxt-uooks that may bo
acquainted with school law In Orogon adopted under tho provisions of this
ennnot but bo Impressed with tho net, and no others nlinll bo used If
mixed points of superiority and In-1 tho public schools of this Htato hen'
forlorlty which that legal loro con- after, and It shall, bo tho duty a
tains. The good features of Oregon school of floors and tenchors to coir
schpol law arc too numerous to men-'ply with tho provisions concornlni
tlon hero and tho bad fouturoa aro , tho same. If nny tcachor shall will
so palpably bad that wo bollovo that fully violate any of tho said pro
It would bo only necessary to point visions, ho shall bo deemed to havo
thou, out to law makers In order to , violated tho terms of his contract
havo then, corrected. with tho district."
For Instnnco tho groat leeway per- That tho toxt-books of tho Btato
mlttod by tho Btato to tho county and , Bhouhl bo uniform !b an assertion
to tl,o school district In nearly ovory- j open to grnvo discussion. It Is true
thing, all except In tho matter of that parents mny movo from ono dls-tcxt-bookB,
Is Bo apparent that tlio.trlct to another; oven from ono sec
rnminr nf tho nchool law has his In- tlon of tho Btato to nnothor: thnt Is,
torost nroiiBCd at onco to tho point some parents may do so, do, and will
of questioning how this discrepancy continuo to no so, uiu are wo to linvo
works out. If tho county nnd tho our schools run under tho presump
dlfltrlct are sufficiently nblo to run tlon that wo as n wholo nro a nomad
school nffalrs In all other matters, "lc people?
why aro thoy not equally ablo to Tho stato text-book commission,
bnvo something to sny at least as to has been n hindrance to education In
what text-books shall bo used by Coos county, nnd In nil probability
tholr children? 'Coos county Is not tho only county In
Next year wo will sco Installed .tho Btato so affected. If tho stato
In our Bchools a now roglmo ot toxt- cannot holp local education through
books without liny question ns to Its laws, can It not nt least not bin
whothor wo ns parents, ns tenchors, ( dor the- work of our schools by crowd
ns siiporlntondontB, or nB other school i Ing upon thorn toxt-books thnt they
offlcors,.wnnt this chnngo or not. We do not want, and cannot ubo?
havo no cholco in tho mnttor, but! Tho present text-book commission
must comply with tho law. lis, I understand, mndo up of flvo bus-
Knino text-liooKs Doing discarded uicbb mon, ono oi wuom ir itobkumii
Tho Wllhelmlnii arrived In hoio to
day from Dilution.
The Kllzaboth uiiil Ilanilon sailed
yesterday from Iliuulon for San Finn-cIbco.
Tho llrenkwnter Is duo In enrly to
morrow from Portland nnd will Ball
from here again Hunilny nt 1 o'eloek.
Sho had a rather rough trip tho Inst
tlmo, heavy noun and bond .winds do
laying her coiiBldornbly.
Tho tug Daring from Snn Francis
co Hailed from hero yestorday for
Orays Harbor after having taken on
fuel here. Sho encountered rough
woathor coming up tho const which
reduced her fuel supply.
According to nuwspapor roports,
Supt. llolger. or San Knmcluco, has
Issued nn order prohibiting vcsboIh
carrying deck loads from carrying
pnBHongerB. Tills order If rigidly on
forced will seriously affect stonniers
plying between Coos County ports
and Sim I'lnnclHco. All of tho Dnn
dou Hteami.'rs will bo hit by It mid no
will bo the Itedondo, according to tho
understanding here. Tho dotnlls of
tho order havo not been received.
mm- In tlirv natlmntlnn nf m'urv f1 ll. f!n 111 llliol 1 nf tlin Htnlo Illllvorsll V.
..iii.V", .....v .. ... - w . , . ,! IITIM. nil vno..,.n ... 1,.,I,1.,I I
soiiBO, means ovorytnmg which nns cuiur m -uua i-uuiiij oiuwu ... ...... ......... v,.., ... . v,i
for Its exprosscd lntoutlon tho good tho text-book on tho snmo subject Campbell's ability as mi educator,
of others but which has for Us ul- which Is to bo used henceforth for a which Is beyond quostlon, ovory ono
terlor object only tho liidlvldunl'n term of four years, but wo must nc- acquainted with tho running of tho
pleasure- and profit. How fow homos cont tho now book, buy It. and put It affairs of a groat unlvorslty rccog-
aro furnished for tho slmplo pleasure Into tho hands of our children and nlzes that ltB.proaldont must bo (Irst
or tho owner How much more ofu.i ask no qnqstlons. n business man nnd second nn educn-
aro thoy arrangod ror errcct bo that Our stnto law, paragraph 4211, lor. It Is lnipoBalblo for any person,
thoHo with whom wo mlnglo snclnlly roads: .no mat er what his ability, placed In
may bo Influoncod to crltlclzo favo.. "Tho Oovornor shall appoint (ov- tho position of Mr. Campbell, to por-
..i.iT. ory four yenrs) from dlfforont sec- form his duty to tho unlvorslty In
i1'1-' ".. .... .... . .... i . 11... ..I.... ....... .. -.
"FOW WOlllOn rCallKO tho tyranny ll(,IIM ol LU" suuu, u ruin; uuiiiu in win tunu muiuiur .hi. viiui)iiuii iur
Jlonnt OroEon's vrnter
Chnndlor hns playe.l a good gniiio in v" '.''"'" 0'gcV vor toxl-hook commissioners, who shnll forms his duty nnd lenvo him tlmo
ho oiitneld for Orogon ror tho past! at so-cnlled .J' nt"i ,l0hl tholr offices until tholr succoa- and opportunity to acquaint hlniBolf
uroo years imii wnmiy iram '",: ,.,'.; ;a f; ,... iw sors bo elected nnd qunllflml." in detail with tho needs of our prl-
Tho adoption wo Intrust with tho education or our
all children that no Hiiporlntendont, no
such a
II .. . .ll It nun.n.l .. A I.. 1 it ..1 it
i.ivf.'iii m "n.... -......-... " ... pinflion niwl Hiolr Hnolnl iiroq. "" "', nun no utnvm. iirvL'tuiuiii. in iiijumicu ill eiiiicnuoiiai
inomhor of IhBlKinnNMi rrntornty. ,0r ' This paragraph loaves no room Inw? Is any ono so ahort-slghted as
nnd is rogiBiorm in mo vuru) ,---- "- whntovor for th
from Mnrsl Held."
iionor uini iiiiH ih-imi iiuih.ih m- - --,--;.",. : , j ,,,-;, . n f(;P uoclotv: And again In paragraph 1211, wo mary and olomontnry schools.
1.1m. no hi nlo a mombor or tho, tholr j'''' ' P 8cj ' read: I Is It not nn Indignity to tho
viumty rooinnii loam, no voiornn n """ ",", ;" ," '" V "ni iv cjn. "Tho stato board or text-took com- Ing proresalon or tho Btato, nn o
innumorniiio gridiron Birugg o. ua IV,?.,. ,'""' "",,.: ...njVr, " ,in,fta mlssloners shall adopt text-books ror rngo to tho moral and
IB n liroilior in Hit iiiiuihih tuiui - ... ::'.:.: :....: ... usn In Mm HrlinnlH nf lliln Rlnln for worth of tlio men mill wnnion w
T. F. llrown, who has been qulto
til nt 1 Is home In North Doud, 1h re
ported Improving.
Chandler or Orogon football fnmo.
"Next year Chandler will havo n
....... tlwitti ..ililnli ,li... .n. nl II. n nv.
IIM.I ..'III 11..IUI. Ilir; J "V ."U v- . .
,.ni,vn ttf linmn ....l.nllinnlf n.til nifln al Jillni
I.M.O.I I,, . .,..., .W,..J..,WU, w ,.,, ......., 1 t !... ll ..1.11.1 nn ,1... I... .
...... ...... -.. .......... - -- . . ...... ,.i fnr u-lint? Tlini Minlr "' ihkiihiu iu.t-uuui.n iui un viiiiuiuu uiui. uu niiiui iiiiuiui
largo iiumbor or tho old mon again' '?'.?' nfrlon a mnv e mMl.o Klnmour branchos or study spcciried In tho teacher, hns a plaro on tho c
on tho squad and tho outlook nt fXVJn?r Btnl PO,irao of 8t,11' for Bcllo18 ot bIoi,? Doc8 n' ono kow nt
itrosPlil IS oriKlK. i.nniiiiiur m u .- : v. ....-,... -.-...,
MIhh Itoxlo Hall, dmightor or Judgo
and Mrs. .lohn F. Hull who wiib re
cently Injured In a blcyclo ncctdeut,
contlniii'H to Improve and Is now nblo
to sit up part of tho tlmo. It Is ox
ported that nlio will bo ablo to bo up
mid iii-ouml Sunday.
Mih. F. ll. Ilaguo has been qul(o
sick the past week. During hor Hi
iiohh hIio nnd Mr. Ilngiio havo been
stopping at The Ciiiuuier.
Mrs. .1. V. Mltcholl, who hns beoa
qulto Hick nt Uolr homo on Commer
cial avenue. Is reported Improving.
.loo Noble ciiiiio In from Ton Mllo
yoBtorilny to sucuro Hiirgjcal aid for
nu Injury to IiIh arm sustalnod whllo
handling n frnctloiis horso about n
mouth ago.
PM'MMKK IS l)KMi:.Ti:i)
What tlmo and what
.... ...... ..... ... .1.I..I. I..L .1.. .. ...
nlonsfl t this ronHtnnt ilress iinriilif """i""' "" l"1' uiiimu in uuuita iu iimm mm uiu niiiiiiiuu pciiuiiih
1 vi,S !,7 ' " .lliat might bo adaptable to certain or Oregon are represented on tho
Qnpii.iv iu nn rrimiiiiv in tim ,i. ' locnlltlcs. Oregon Is n stato as dl- commission whllo tho president or
voin. i.pnV f 1 iLta..n vorBO In Its cdiicntlonnl needs as It tho Stato Unlvorslty Ih put on tho
....i Inn. ....nn whirl. ..r h.nnlnn.. Brent " P088 WlltlCB. Cm, nny COmnilBBIOIIT
jniveiiug .nun iioiii i inw nnj- iivin ns individuals depends.
Prciilliir In lloseliiii-K. I loimliiKR and asplrntlons
Tho Ihriphiirg Hovlow says: ronform to outside conditions
"Doluiled with the Won mat ho is ns strlvo for greater Blmpllclty
wanioti ny niiinoriuus ior a rum ur Homos. Tho sliupliricntlon
li.r.t,l.i..... n.lliltt I v Pllll.....nH .1 ., ...A ....!.. 1 .. .
llll.IK.ll.lli; ' " " ' Milt HUH IIIO IIKIilUIIIIlK ll uiir Kmva ..I,.., .,
ill'linililKK fnr n I'lll'l lllllil rnffpn llOIIIIO. ..,..!.. ..I..,. ...r.n.n. I..u..n . 1... ...- I BLIIU1II 111..
' " .... ....Hill HI." KI.7...W. iwiBinu .' .in. 'i.
.. ..iiin..n .. i... oi..,. rr'u . . ... . .. . . ...
nnn l.n an )n(.flni In liiflffnnnl no In Inlnrnal lina Air llntnnlu.11 l.n
In trying' to t,,lnk n lot of tcxt-books sultnblo to should ncqiialnt hlmsolf with tho
t nt uiu ii.uun ui ciiiiuiuii ii.iiik iii nn i- iii'vua ui iriuiurj nun uiuiiiuiunry en-
In Olll "v.h.i u v,,mi,j nui.ifti.iu ... .nu iivi. ....... uu.L-m;-.i.u iiur cuill, ui
ll . ur,non.1fl nt plill.lrnn llvlntr In Cnn pnim. nnr pl.llrlrnn nnvnr nnna l.nvnn.1 11, n
... -. ' " ty? And yet this Is Just whnt tho olomentnry Rrades. What ronreien-
The penny swallowed by a South
ern man tlfly years ngo has causod
IiIh ilonth. II'h not wIbo to hang on
to your money too long.
Los Angeles, Oakland and Ver-I
non victors in Yester
day's Games.
w. l. p.a
Onklnud .17 23 ,617 1
Vernon 3S 24 ,S9)
J..0B Angoles ....33 28 .5(1
Siicrnmonto . ...24 33 ,m
Sun FrnnclBco ..24 35 .107
Portland 21 32 .39S 4
POltTI.AND. Ore.. Juno ".-Port-
land wns defeated again yesterday ItI
i.os Aiigoies ny a scoro o 13 to 5.
Tho Conot Loaguo games wcro u (ol-
At Portland-- It. H. B.I
Portland 5 It t
I.ns AnirolPR IS H il
At I.os Angoles It. II. E.I
Vornnn . . S 10 ll
Snn FrnnclBco ..7 9 11
At Onkland n. II. R.I
Oakland 13 IS i
Sacramento 7 11 31
High School Debaters Who Ik-fcattO
Noi-tli llciid Win Chiiiiiiloiiliin.
ALnANY. Oro.. Juno 7. Ilr a on-
nnlniotiB decision of tho lud(M,l
Charles P. Ohllng and Irvine Acbe-1
son, tho sllvor-toiigucil oraton ni
Albnnv liluli Bchoo . won tlio inw.-'
scholastic championship of Oregon,
when thoy dorcatcd mo " a
Tim DnllPB IiIlMi kcIioo! In Eugene.
Tho local toam hnd tho negatlw
Hldo of tho niieatlon. "IlesoKea, TBJi
tho System of Oovornmcnt In Omsoi
Would Do Unproved uy we auv
linn nf iim Nntlonnl Cabinet Plan, AH
lowing tho Oovornor ami Merabinl
of tho Cabinet to Introiluco nnd De-I
bato MoaBiires In tho Legislature, i
.ni.n ..i,..,.,... ni ViiL.pnn clres Al'
.hit utility .... ....n"---- ,,..
bany tho beautiful silver cup o Mr
by tho regonts of the University ot
Oregon. .,.
Tho Dalles debaters were lIow
McDonald and Miss Krma iienncn.
Trv Thn Times Want Ads.
Ib under Biirvolllnnco of tho Sheriffs Jnyniont of tho duties or nnturo, tho
orrico in KOHoiniiK. (mowing iiih nr-,Hky. tho trees nnd tho Dowers, nnd
rival hero from Coos Hay last Mon-1 would nlso IncrenBO tho beauty or tho
day inquiry developed that ho has , U0(Iy simplification of dress' "803or J"1 n'c.a' S'1 B0f
n llt.lo .lniiKhtor reading with her ,,,, furniture would glvo greater op- Xo to boIm? nny othor look
grandmother In Ashland nnd thn portunlty for tho beautifying of ?j "Vi'i., ,inwn i hv the Vnvt i.nnk ,
Plummor'8 wife loft there several what remained." j , "ftiX , ti o Btnto school law m
ivorkt nun mm thnt hornrosoiit nlsRion. Uio stnto school law m
weelc ago nnd that hor present
whereabouts nro unknown. Further
Investigation Into tho case Is bolng
m-Mlo. Pliiniinor Is bolloved to havo
oxporloiicod domestic trouble
ninv havo unbalanced his mind. Ho
will bo given n modlcal ovniiiluntloi,
this nfternoon."
It criminal for superintendent, or
teacher or board, to replace nny text-
lirvnlr cnlnntnd In Virk Anmniloalnn tin
llciicoti III Sumo INwItlon It AVns mn.,n. ,,. Brn- .,.. nnin ....
liic.'d Neni-Vov Uock. , honk may bo.
alio Pov land '.ologrnin says: , A ,mrt of 8Ntlon 422, roaiis.
ltobert Warrack. superintendent of ..No shall bo adopted ns
tllO llghtllOUBO district, received a Imrnln nrnvl.ln.l Mini al.nll !. ,,.,!
viit vr itiMifitiMir- ' f,u,K'-"" f,;,,)' the keeper of tho Capo , ,,(r0etly or directly as a substitute
m?w vlTinorili laneo sta Ion this inonilng. stating for nny text-book adopted by the
n nro Ziu!l here wi thnt ' b,,K.,l?, 'T1 ii'o llnf '"? Blll,n ,,onrtl of txt-book commission
D' ml Oio.. is uniting neie witn recently established off Orford Hoof. Pv."
i Hi-Mil nun niii-iuiniK ..iipui.-i j,Pal. c0 KocK. Had not gono ndriit
nriMers. Sho Is probably tho omy ng WBII reported In a wireless me-
Fiirv vihk woiiiHii wiio was a oniirmr gam. from tho tank stenmor W. F.
provides for us! Nny tatfon havo theso children on tho :
more tho Inw even makes It a mis- presont text-book commission? i
domennor for nny superintendent or It wo nro to havo a text-book com-'
teacher, no matter what his good mission, nnd tho Inw says wo must)
senso or pedagogical training tolls hnvo such a commission, let us havo
his on It men and women who know tho
than common schools, men nnd woinon
com-, who dovoto tholr tlmo nnd tholr abil
ity and n,nk their Ideals In and or
tho common schools.
Cannot wo this rail send someone
to tho Btnto legislature who will havo
In mind tho needs or tho Coos county
schools, soino ono who will call tho
attention or tho legislators to tho
grnvo Injustlco dono our tenchors and
our superintendents by forcing upon
then, toxt-books selected by n board
of commissioners on which they hnvo
no ropresontntlon?
Mits. HF.RnrcrtT Armstrong.
ItAlSK DIG TRICKS lis on n moist flnt not fnr from N.
iirnptii!it vndu City, and Is about 2700 feot
llMMiiher of Roseburg ltohaknh lodtfo llori-ln vpstar.lnv. Tho knunnr nf the (.'iivi'iiiliii'iit Plans to
who still holds hor memborshlp naWn station declares that It U In, i.'mwili of Giant Sequoias. abovo sea level. Tho first seedli.i;
tbuln She visited tho IoiIko Tuos- precisely t!o same position ns It was' WASHINGTON. D. C. June 7- - was dono In tho fall of 1010. with
(It evening, as did also Mrs. M. O plnood hv the tondor Manzanltn ton Tin. Forest Service Is raising sevo-al vory Biiccossful results, and last rail
Thompson, of SoottBburg. Rosoburg aay pn. u rt inferred that the acres of H mree seedlings on the Ta- nn addltlonnl area was soodod.
News. captain of the Horrln fancied thnt It hoe Notional Forest Ij, California, nt Tho method usod In planting t''o
, .,,, ,.,,, . , T. , ,, 'win iidrlft from tho fact that hto a more northorly point than any soed was that known to forostors ns
'l'i IMK-W.SO w 11 leavo the buoy was not ostab'lshed nt tl'o exact ' "atuivl H'stree grove. Whllo tho , "tho seod spot method." Spots abou
Commercial street DOCK at 7:t." ,,nt h had been advertised. Orlg-, Riant sequoias are round In tho ror-1 six foot apart each way wore pro-
PVri'VlfW VIGHT for the DIG jnaHv It had been the Intention to.wts of the Sierras at various points! pared by pulverizing tho earth with
liWVH at KMPIItK, .ll'NK H. Don'. Hiu-hor the buoy to the west or Orford ' throughout a total rango of som- gardon hoe. Seeds were th"-,
for' t t' e date. Roef, but the- moormg grounds thoro!2S0 iiilles, In tho northern two-thirds , dropped on these spots nnd llgM
not neing inviting it was uecuieii at ot ins range more is practically no , pressed in tho soil with tho foot. Th-1
novT t'oitfii-rr tho dig dvnck m ia. .,.,. i u tui
In FMPIRF SATDRDW. .IUNR S. to the southward.
Music by KKYZRlfS Ore' estra. . . . j
It's a PICNIC to get n PI WO on
A TiritKIHII IJAT1I will do yoi.ltllp rx8Y TicoiS that GOING
GOOD. Phone 21 4J i HAltVKV mnko.
TPXAS TOMMY boiiKht bis Piano' 'v,n' rnrtet
tTin Turkish naths
natural reproduction. It hns conso
qufutl. bcfu a question whethor tho
species wot Id not practically dlsa,.
pear from this region wlion tho pros
pnt v "ire trees die.
T " northern existing grow
of n cr (s on tho Tahoe- Forest,
but "b"t 'I mllos southeast of tho
site fpVMo' for planting. This site
flourishing condition of tie youin
seedlings gives good reason to ex
pect a future growth of Dlgtree3 a
this point. With protection or for
osts rron, riro thoro seoms to bo no
reason why tho Rlgtrees should dis
appear, oven though scientists re
gard them as survivals rrom a past
ago, Doianicnuy sneauintr.
V j J I
V frtifWfl
' ll
HE4. w
Storting Snflweir
'CMt Glass
Hand Paiimtodl
1847 Rogers'
Qoadrople Plae
Brass Goods
Red Cross Jewe