The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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LI Bill I
-o nY wincir ooos
,tid Prt to CoM B3r
Lhowk. a a. f;-
ta td "t P-iy ..IM
& in the faco ot repeat-
LJi have Drouut wvi ,w
co.7. i-..i id told hv
"orIa. i- cionn Amnrlcnn
HnrC JTBUKIb b(ii
. to DonraarKi
nun euK" """,;.'.,
iW FT,' - rfrS!
money lor niw ""I
u, President Taft hopes to
H Into tbo unueu buiujbt iui
flnf his rccont locturotour
tiesouin. vi "5" " .
lent by tno uupuru"".
MMclally Interested in dalry
w:.jVi.., urhinh thn Danes
meiwHJB u .
com' tno i"d- i"""!'""""
y most prosporous, I mean
. i tnVlnit Infri rnn.
Mlton, niiu whims . - -
.L. .t.lnA ilM tllAV llfll.l
IM WU-w -w -
meet hu u? wiww rw
ptrw w ." ." .-a-"
ilr next 10 lum ui o''
t no very rich peoplo thbro.
im It fairly well off, but tho
it is mo more tuiumii uit
li. ....nui-x.ui Xtntnplnl
j Is as common In Donnmrk
tlmo Illiteracy in tho coun-
.... hm.I mI.II. I
itrj man, wuumu, uuu tiu
.... A T vfiApa iinlnaa hrt tin
, an read and write Tho
br which thoy have- nchloved
..... j.n.i....U.. thn,.
KUV JI4UDJIUIIV ., muw ...I ..i.. Iftn ft
a yratuuui uuuvut.w... - .
.1 . ... MMA... .1 .... M.t
4;nem Ul tu-uyuiuuuii. uu
iJljcat asslstanco of govern-
liutsnco, tbo only mcand of
fhlch tbo Daueshavo is ngri
Donmark. llko Julius
Ifliul nf nnclont davs: is dl
Ito tbrco parts butter, ba-
nti- Now, tno govoru-
Jer dononuont unon tno
itoet everything in its powt,
Lh Ihn number of small
ui this It has dono by mnk-
k; it cheap as possibio iror
ctrs. It controls n groat
! hioki. mannirod somowliat
i mtnnor of tho Credit Fon
Tfn1hipftl Intinrai In rinn.
)bi.workod on a fnrmlfor
i.vhb Is noor. nnd who htiu
iter to good that two roput-
BDtrs or bts communo win
S It. rriAv ntitnln from onn of
kks t loan of about 11682
oner. Ho obtains this solo--!
Chirac tor nnri nntlltr ni.l
IDT ISAtfirlAl Hnriirllv hn run
fith this money ho may Mur
ium oiirom ay, to la acres.
i meant mo and doad Btock
I5d and thn nnrominrir Im.
iJor the- working of It. Thw
uinta uy tno bank covers
Qtme-ienins of tho vnluo of
-not of tho land, bocauso
nmark Is novor sold moro-
1 The farm In Itn-linvl hr
of Its production for, let us
teven years In hard
a repretents its ability t
ury catuo and hogs. Thin
QdIb of thn wnv In whloVt
f) Kovernmont encourages
fcucaUon of small farms.
i to tbo quostlon of educa-
I COtDDlllsOrv. It hnu honn
r for manv vm nmi tm-
UI UHnmnrlr 1f hA aava.
l its natural resourcos is
P vningsino Danish aon8fl
KUcal value of practical ed-
pa a series of dlBastore.
fimsaster occurred In Jhe
i When thn flliUnvnrv will
tie Danes had so Impovor
'Mil by tho continuous
)f Kraln that bankruptcy
t GTfin thrt trrafit Ininlnmn.
a danger. Then camo the
"fiusn ports to Danish
I the growth of America
. wmen killed off what
ta of profit the Danes
ae rrom their Impor-
Udmlrabl Lutheran bUh-
C'lg. Saw thnt thn n,nai
m at home, but that they
rrwcatea as to make
''" for tnem to live in.
U Datr ot Am n n m...
d not work, and Jio be-
- mo mgn schools, or
1 tre snmn liiin in r
Which fnalnJ -.! -J.
idea n( rr..r. maua
, the year In which,
te constitution, it was
,..i ,l'uor ane to own
iiimpiethe constitutibn
t ,k,ns "P of tl10 fou -
Pp.. r . 'uo, DUUIUBWIB-
., uioidh circum-
1 men. tlnrl.. U. . .
uri.,::.rMiB. rap?lu"
r Mn '" ro-operate. In
A niT
to rortlf il.i . .
&m?0ni doea not
bf .. .ana naD,t orm
bw J05" ,nBredlentB that
y' "m us user. On
timr 'vov uoaung ana
and irritations
s ehest and lungs. Tho
Rai w Package. Ask
m?d ?" Compound
- mn. i(n1 cross
tho high schools, wlch nro open only
to mon over tho ngo of 20 years, the
panlsh farmors learned to trust ono
another; thoy also learned that with
impoverished land and no capital
they could not compete thoro with
tho great landowners who were be
ginning to sell great quantities of
butter and hogs to England and Ger
many. "Tho tendency in Donmark wiui
nnd is to tho constant Increase of
tho omnll farmers, but tho small
farmer was practically nothing as an
individual. To control tho Drltlsh
market for froah butter nnd tho co
loninl market for canned butter It
was ncceBBary that thoy havo capital,
it "was necessary thnt their product bo
the samo In quantity nil tho year niu
(always tho samo In quality. To
stnndardlzo any product one must
havo an enormous quantity of that
product and tho power of controlling
Ita quality. The Danish farmers, In
ordor to do this, began to form co
opcrativo soclotlcs.
"This movement, fostered, as 1
snld, by Bishop Grundtwlg's high
schools, began by tho organization of
small soclotlcs of farmers of vnrlotts
districts. In these each man was al
lowed ono voto, but ho guaranteed
that ho would supply to tho co-opor-atlvo
creamery jUBt bo many pounds
of butter fnt buttor fat boing tho
commodity In which ho dealt and
mako hlmsolf llablo Independently,
plus tho unlimited liability of tho co
operative socloty to tho government
bank for tho amount of tho capital
borrowed. Tho province of tho bank
In this transaction Is not the main
thing to bo considered. Tho bank
must mako a fair profit, but tho
bnnk really exists for the bcnoflt of
tho farmors through tho co-opcratlv:
soclotlcs, which thoy thomselvcs
formed and which thoy themselves
"Today the Danish fnrmor buys
nothing Individually. Ho uses no
seeds till thoy havo bcon tested by
thb exports furnished by tho co-opor-atlvo
society. Ho buys his fertilizers,
soyn beans from Manchuria, cotton
and meal from tho Unltod States,
through tho co-oporatlvo Bccloty. Ho
novor kills his own hous, though
thtro nro COO hogs to ovcry 1000 por
tons In Donmark, but Bonds them to
tho co-operative bacon factories,
which wore founded some tlmo in the
80'b whon Germany refused tho Dan
ish hog .because of an outbreak: of
swlno fo'vor. Tho Dunes Instantly
founded, with the assistance of the
fcovernmont. largo co-oncratlvo bacon
factories. In ordor to mako dairying
posslblo the Danes had to regenerate
tho land exhausted by tho lack of
scientific treatment.
"Denmark Is not a good grazing
country. Tho cllraato for grazing
purposes is probably tho worst in tno
world. Thoro"nrobnljri4 wcoks In
tho yenr whon cattlo can grnzo In tho
open. In tho CO's and 70's tho Dane
Intoly in possession of his land
found that ho must root or dlo, or
become an oxllo, as tho Irish wcro,
for tho lack of asslstanco from an In
telligent government. Ho rooted.
Thnt Is, ho saw tho roots tho tur
nip, tho carrot, abovo nil, tho groat
sugar-beet root could be used not
alono for feeding his dairy cattlo, but
could be made most useful In restor
ing his oxhnustod soil; but ho did
nothing at haphazard.
"Ilelng an educated man ,ho was
an open-minded man nnd he lnducol
his government to furnish scientific
exports who could finally answer any
question ho might ask. As an ox
implo, let us tako tho small farmer
.vlth threo cowb, throo hogs, four
head of small cattlo, and a horso or
two. Ho farms norhnps 12 acres.
Now, It is a question with him as to
tho rotutlon or nis crops; n o
question as to tho amount of buttor
fat that cow should produce Jt
has, through tho co-operativo so
ciety, tho use of a scientific export,
who visits his farm ovory 18 daya
and answers all theso questions an-
i-i .nnnnltntlnrl with him. FUftllOr
more, ho keeps a duplicate set of
books for tho farmer, bo that the
farmer knows exactly tho amount oi
buttor fat each cow yleldo every
week, when the cows are expected to
calvo, tho value of tho service t
every bull In use, and tho exact posl
tlbn of tho farmer economically and
agriculturally. For this service the
farmer pays the expert 30 conts yeai
ly per cow, the government paying
tho rest of the expert'B salarytha
expert being attached to the Royal
Danish Co-operative Society.
"Donmark is a country which com
prises 15,000 squaro miles, which is
f mmnn.. nhnilt fOlir tlmC8 tbO Slid
of Delaware It supports at least S,-
P00.000 persons In very gooa uum.i
tion, and sonds out of the country
each year, at a conservative estimate,
trn nftn nnft worth of butter, ba-
6on, and' eggs. At least 190.000
worth of this export goes to Eng
land; but tho Drltlsh market is re
talned not alono by the invariable
quantity sent out, summer and win
ter, but by tho invariable Quality,
panlsh butter being the highest
priced butter in tho Drltlsh market.
.-. - -. rnvnfiAN
TAMAT.ES deHvered any Place in the
dtv until in J wv
TheV a?"nBADy to SERVE. Phone
.. . . - m.. i.i4 vmi TiAve
Llbby ooajj. iu "" y- -7.,-AIAVAYS
TJSED. Phone 73 Pacific
IjlTery & Transicr w
vsuiio uux up TUiJ 24?
New theories of fatltuo ilwoii
chiefly upon the Idea of sleep con-,
cenirauon nn evolutionary tenden
cy to Bleep less nnd the t,osa!htlit nf
Individual recovery In less tlmo than
itr """""' spent in beu. Dr. Frod
W. Eastman, a student of medicine,
Who for thn lnnt novum! vnnn i.
been assisting Dn Frederick S. Loo
iu ins experimental Investigation of
fatlgUC. ImS timvixl thn thnnn. nf
sleep concentration to his own satis
faction. Slnco last Novombor ho haB
seldom slept more than nvo houra
a night nnd many tlmeB not more
than throe. During this porlod ho
has gained flvo pounds. The pro
cedure was not Injurious, ho Bays.
It is tho mora rnmnrltntitn na ctrooo
of work has mado this necessary
iuuiuiub y io o, men nitor ulnnor
four hours for Investigation nnd a
fOW hours Of Htllllv Un inlrna v.rv
llttlo exorcise nnd eats four times a
uay. ho does not smoka or uso any
stimulant not oven coffee.
If coll restoration during sleep Is a
task so relatively small, ho writes In
tho Atlantic Monthly, tho question
nrlses whether, In ordor to comploto
this restoration, It Is nocossary for
ub io spenu so mucu timo in sleep as
wo do. Porhaps, on account ofj pop
ular opinion and personal habit, wo
wasto much tlmo In thla Jelly-fish
condition thnt could bo mora profit
ably spent In active pursuit of our
ambitions. Thn nnmvnr. of rnnmn.
depends upon tho naturo of our oc
cupations, ir more uo much muscu
lar effort Involved, with n corre
spondingly largo amount of wasto in
tho cells and blood, eight hours or
more nro probably necessary. But
If our work Is of a sndnntnrv nnturn
and mainly of tho brain, there Is nat
urally a smaller quantity or accum
ulated waste, and less time is re
quired for removal. Many are tho
Instances of great men, past and
present, who havo lived hoathily and
worked unceasingly and strenuously
on only four or live hours of sleep,
or hnlf tho laborer's portion. Sure
ly wo aro not to suppose thnt theso
men nro physically different from
othors, but rather that by Inclina
tion or necessity they havo develop
ed a habit of sleeping Intensely for
a short porlod, Instead of lightly for
a long porlod, with resulting gnln
of tlmo nnd oulcloncy. Current Llt-orature.
Mrs. Lela Love, wife of Wiley
Love, a farmer living near Lovena,
v.'.." .!.-, Thuv cave me al-
i'.irru.fhnnmv kidneys
3 'sluggish 7" -inactive I can
Red Cross Drug Store.
Coon County 1 1 as Only Coal MIum
In tho State.
A bulletin Issued by tho Orogon
Burcnu of Mines on tho economic
geological resources of tho state gives
tho following Bummary:
Tho totnl vnluo of various kinds or
stono produced in Oregon in 1910
wns $1,108,478, ngalnnt a total In
1909 of $288,940, an lncronso of 283
per cent In 1909 Oregon was 37th
In tho lst of states and roso In 1910
to tho 20th nnd produced ono-sovon-tloth
of tho total amount and in 1909
she produced one-two hundred nnd
fiftieth. " " " "
In 1910 Orogon produced 0743
tons of llmo worth SCC.039. Tho
avorago prlco was I9.C5 por ton. Tho
preceding year 3200 tonB wcro pro
duced on nn avorago prlco of $9.14
per ton or a totnl of $29,305 in value.
This shows an lncreaso of more thaa
100 per cent In tbo quantity of llmo
produced In 1910 ns compared with
1909 and tho domnnd was such as to
lncreaso tho prlco even with this
greater production.
Tho output of mineral water in
Orniron In 1910 wns 88.970 Rations.
valued at $22,989. ThlB compnrod
with 41,000 gallons with a vaiuo ot
io (.) in mon. Thin elves n train
nt 117 por cont in tho quantity of
mineral wntors sold In tho Btuto over
that In 1909.
The nggregato vaiuo or the mino
production of gold, silver nnd coppor
In Oregon In tho calendar year 1910
was Z70U.U7B, as comparuu Wlm
$827,001 In 1909, a decrense of
$12C,32C. ,
Tho total production of coal In Ot
gon in 1910 was 67.553 short tons
having a value of $325,229. Tho
coal mining industry of Oregon la
suffering from tho great IncroaBe in
the production ot potroloum in Cali
fornia nnd Its uso for domestic fuel
ns woll as on railroads and for man
ufacturing. Although tho production
of coal In Oregon docreased from 87,
27C short tons In 1909 to 67,553
tons In 1910, a loss of 19,743 or
22.62 por cent, tho total value of tho
production Increased .06 per cont or
r,.n ok ORK In 190Q to $235,229
In 1910, the average value for 1909
being $2.09, whiio in im h was
$3.48 per ton.
Thero were only two mines, tlie
Newport and tho Beaver Hill, both ln
Coos County, that shipped coal In any
...ontitv th nhlnmenta bolntr made
almost entirety by sea to San Fran-
More than 1,500,000 barrels of
Dnwim .nmnnt hnvlntr a value Of
over $3,000,000 were used In the
Portland territory In 1911 and not a
single barrel wns manufactured in
the state.
Doing what! , .
Real Estate
OTmv .oiT ivnu
i'llir. innnwinvu
Several good bargains In Farms and
na rAntwi Avp.
Marshfleld. Oregon.
E. C. Barker
Watchmaker and Jeweler
160 North Front Street,
Marshfieltl and North Bend Auto Line
GOHST KING. ProDrletor.
TffrfJf I,
7:16 A.M. 7:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M. 7:45 A.M.
3:45 A. M. 8:30 A. M.
9:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M.
10:15 A.M. 10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M.
11:45 A.M. ll;3flA. M.
12:30 P.M. 12:15 P.M.
1:15 P. M. 1:00 P.M.
2:00 P. M. ' 1:45 P. M.
2:45 P.M. 2:30 P.M.
3:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M.
4:15 P. M.j 4:00 P.M.
6:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M.
5:45 P.M. ' 6:30 P.M.
6:30 P. M. 6:16 P. M.
7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M.
8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M.
9:30 P. M. . 9:00 P. M.
10:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M.
11:30 P.M. ll:00P.M.
12:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M.
Leave North Bend Allen's News stand.
Leave Mnrsltilcld Chandler nnd Blnnco Hotels and Busy Corner.
For the Use
And Enjoyment
Of Every Home
-public utilities arc for the use of the ninny
not of the few.
-inva gas company the manufacturer, the (lis-
tributor and tho retailer are all in one or
ganization. -while the cost of living has been going up tho
price of gas services has been going down.
-our manufacturing plant, distributing sys
tem of mains, and gas appliance department
arc'at the 'Command of 6very housewife.
-wd offer modem yftis'rangcs on ourco-opcr- '
ative paym'fiil plan 'which means'on j;crmsttfyM
suit your convenience. t
-gas s6rvic,o js economical and clean. It saves
much disagreeable 'labor and is comfort ablo
and convenient.
-telephone 178 and we will send a represen
Telophono 178
We Clean and Press
Ladies' and Gent's Suils
Goods Called for
and Delivered
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
We Have Been Successful
In buying a largo Btock of Hrst
class Electrical malorlnl nnd cnu
glvo our patrons n vory low prlco
on hoUBo wiring. Got our prlco
you can't afford to miss It
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
Phono 237-J
171 FRONT 8T.
BlancharcTs Livery
Wo hnvo secured tho livery busi
ness of L. II. Ilolsnor, nnd nro pre
pared to rondor excellent Borvlco to
tho peoplo of Coos Uny. Careful
drlvors, good rigs and ovorythlng
thnt will moan satistnctory sorvlco to
the public. Phono us for n driving
horso. n rig or anything needed In
tho livery lino. Wo also do truck
ing btislucsn of nil kinds.
Phone i:iH-.I
Livery, Feetl nnd Hnle Service.
141 Plrat nnd Alder Street.
Have That Roof Fixed
VUonr Hlttf
WANTED ! ! !
PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pncu
inntlc Cleaning Company. Oi tiers for
unrk taken at
IMIONi: 10(1
-' Specialist In None ami Spinal
Office Boom 2, Rogers Houso,
Mnralifk'lil. Offlco Hours 2 to. 6.
Phono 144-L. '
J Modem Dental Parlor.
We aro oqutppod to do high clan
work on short notlco at tho very
lowosi prlcos. ExamlnaUoh free.
Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo
site Chnndler hotel, phone 112-J.
)me oror Flanagan ft Bennott Bank
larshfleld Orogon
Physician and Surgeon
Marshfleld, Orogon.
Jfflce: Lockhart Building,
Opposite unnt ndlrn Phono 106-J
Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay
At the closo of business April 1H, 1012.
Loans and discounts $208,201.63
Bonds, warrants aad Bocurltlea 78,947.00
U. S. bonds to securd circulation 25,000.00
Real estate, furniture and fixtures 81,011.34
Cash and sight exchange 198,208.68
Total 8.101,128.71
Capital stock paid in $100,000.00
SurplUB and undivided profits 8,816.49
Circulation, outstanding JS'292'22
Deposits ",013.22
Total $501,128.71
In addition to Capital Stock tho individual liability of Stockhold
ers is $100,000.00.
W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vico-Presldont.
Real Estate and Insurance
in North I'Vont Street
Barnard & Langworthy
Electrical Contractor! nnd Supplies.
PHONi: 181-R.
170 So. llromltwiy, next door to
I'liltm Meat Market.
You Auto Call Foote
Stand front of Lloyd Hotel.
Aftor 11 P. M. Phone 5-J
Residence Phono 28-J
Will innko trl)H Io Coqullle.
At the close of business, April 18, 1012.
Loans and Discounts 4i!H:!H6
Banking House 5?x2?'2
Cash and Exchanges 251,981.90
Total ' $734,774.62
Capital Stock paid In 522H222
Surplus and Undivided Profits 65,603.67
Deposits 629,210.95
Total $734,774.02
Lynn Lnmboth Fred Nemlo
Cadillac Auto Service
Good Curti RciiHonnhlo Rates
All Night Service
Careful driving assured.
Phone Blnnco Pool Room, 231-R
until IIP. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phone
5-J. Pnlnee RoBtnurnnt
A Modern Brick Building, Electric
Light, Steam Hoat. Elogautly
Furnished Rooms with Hot
and Cold Wator.
C. A. METLIN, Prop.
Rates: 50 conts a Day nnd Upwards.
Cor. Broadway nnd Market.
Marshfleld. Oregon.
House Molng nnd Grading,
Wo aro prepared to do this work
by tho day or contract and guaranteo
satisfaction. Lot us figure with you.
G. 8. FLOYD & CO.
Phono 316-J. Marshfleld, Ore.
of Idea I. who havo noma luventtf o ability
iileiuewriUiUIIKlXt'.Y X M.INTIKK,
1'uutil Aliontej.. WuMumoa. II. C,