-V-V"-Tff COOSBAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON,, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Hi ' L The TgtSr ) Hippo L" J ffj'iwil roomy Sft-Hiiiiiiiry fjf red comfort. bh Mni-slillcld, Oregon. jway, "The Busy Corner"1 FOR SORE MUSCLES WD STIFF JOINTS. Sorimii and itlffncM of muiclcs and Jouvti, elc and lame backs, gout, rUumatltm, iclatica, and neuralgia; ignins, itralni, urulies, swellings and IlnJiranutlon can all Lo cured or pill relieved by RUBBING OIL Thi rimiilcablo curlne nualltles of till softenlne and healiiiR liniment Uti mido It a favorite anions ttlilitii and others to cure, strengthen uiprtrent week, stiff and sore mus du. Stimulates and cures by Increas iBfclrnlatlon at the locality applied. wo ma oouiei, a jc anu joe. lockhart-Parsons Drug Company 'The Busy Corner" I'lione Mnlu at)H U IV ADDITION THE ENTIRE CHANGE OF DILI AT (he Royal TONIGHT fllE TEXAS TOMSIY" will bo re peated by COSTELLO uiul GILBERT lir rcauest. flUKK ROLLS OF NEW PICTURES trso ropoaters.) "IV)Uute nf tlm Hills" Plre Daughters of Sirs. Dui'iind" ra MnKIng In Nuremberg" nnd Oussy's Coiitri-iitiilntloiis. lThe Houso of Roflned VaudovlUo. 10 CKNTS. The Sign of &m Good Candy Always IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES Pioneer TTnrdware Go. TlTTLrM. (ml you What's the Difference Ik what you pay? You get more real shoe value, dollar for dollar, in the Florsheim Shoe than in other makes you could buy for less. Consider the SHOE added stvle. com. A Complete Showingat $5.00 fort and service. Woolen Mill Store FROM THIS FACTORY TO YOUR FEET. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho OHiirnv wnlloil imlnv tr n,.i.i iiuuuu unu rorr, urroru. 'I ho groat port of Hamburg has ranged along Its wondorful docks 031 cranes for tho handling of enrgoos Tho Mnrcnronl wireless now pro pose to establish stations near Now i ork nnd London so that direct com iniiiiltatlon mny bo made. Tho world renowned Lloyds will probably establish nn nlllcn In Now York with tho same oujerta and moth- oils mi in thulr great Loudon olllco Tho Nairn Smith which hns boon on dry-dock at San Francisco will sail from (hero this evening for Coos Hay. Tho Rodondo will go on dry-dock nt Snu Francisco this week for a slight overhauling which will pro bably leiiulro two days. Hereafter loggers going nboard Sound steauiors will bo required to put woodoti boots over their corkod boots or Htny ashore, Tho 1'ugot Sound Navigation Co. havo had n Miousnnd pair made for tills purpose. Wntor will not put out a gasollno lire, but sand will. It Is a safo inonsuro to curry n small sack of Riiml In the bout and In ensa of lire. iiso tho sand. You will bo astonish ed nt how easily It will extinguish the llro. A Ynnkco clinched his argument with nn 'Englishman as to tho rein tlvo slzo of tlm Thames and Missis sippi by snylng, "Why, look hore, mlstor, thoro ain't enough wator In tho wholo Thames to mnko a garglo for tho mouth or tho Mississippi." Captain II. Daldnorf of tho Stand ard Oil Company's ship Hosporus, has rounded Capo Horn 3Q0 times, a wondorful and unboaton record. In honor thorcor ho was presented with n gold wntcli by tho company recont- , by. Tho rommereltil Industrial Inter ests of tho west const of South Amor Icn nro exporting Brent things fol lowing tho completion of tho Panama innnl and aro actively getting ready for the ovont. Coos Hay should nqt overlook making similar prepara tion . WANT ADS. T WANTED Four millwrights at $3. GO per day; one stationary en gineer, $100 per month; ono ma chinist, $100 por month; ono ma chlnlst, 40c per hour. Phono 2C9-L. LOST Tan crcpe-de-clilno scurf with fringe nnd Initial. Please return to Times olllco. LOST Decoration Day, Rebecca pin, D. of H., stnr-shapod. Re ward for roturn to Time3 office. FOR HALE Ono good heavy work- ....... n t linnvv hnr. ing toam, a nuv ( - ness and wagon. Adress Box 598, Marshfleld, Ore. A'AN'TED Girl ut Stnffoi-ds. l'OIl SAIil-J Orpington setting and laying hens; cneap. street North. FOUND Pair ' g"1'1 ou"twl Ilos0 glasses. Owner may havo same by calling at Times ofllco and pay ing for this notice WANTKD Competent girl for gen oral housework. Mrs. U.S. Tow er. Phono 252-J, FOK SALIJVivo year old 1 pretty brown gelding, weight 1,050 lbs. Broko to rldo or drive slnglo or double. Price 160. A. A. Nlcols. Empire. VOll 8AI,K-80.ncre ranch on , river: rrnns In: I13UU cuou w""""" - Address owner. C. W. Doutt, Alle gany, Ore. roil nENT Modern 5 room fu- M coos iivy tides. Bol w Is given th tlrao and Height of hlch nnd low wntnr of Marsliflold. Th tides aro placed In tho order of occurronco, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For high wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours 31 minutes. Date. Tides for .lime. CHrs. .0.09 C.09 12.21 7.3C I'"eet .3.7 4.7 0.5 4.9 7 Urn. .1.00 7.05 1.05 8.21 Feet .3.1 4.3 0.9 C.3 S Hrs. .1.59 8.11 1.51 9.03 Feet .3.0 4.0 1.4 3.3 TIM AVnATIIKU (Dy Asaoclntod Press.) OltKaONFnlr tonight nnd Friday. Continued warm In east principally and cooler In Interior nnd west Frldny. EaBt- t oily winds. LOCAL- TEMPr-TtATUHK E- 9 POItT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. m., Juno C, by DonJ. 4 Ostllnd, special govornmont mo- toorologlcal observer: Maximum 70 Minimum 42 At 4:43 a. m 47 Precipitation nono wind northwest; clear. Case Saturday Juatico Pennock hns set tho caso of Robert Marsdon, Jr., vs. M. A. Swcotman and J. E. Cooloy, Involving tho pnymont of rent, for hearing Saturday. Many nt Concert Tho concert given by tho Coos Day Uand nt tho city pnrk last ovonlng drow out a Inrgu nnd npproclntlvo nudlouco. Tho wonther was most nusplclous. Tliu excellent program brought much op plnuso from tho crowd. MoMiiltoes llollicr It Is said that mosquitoes nro moro numerous horo this sonson than In many years. Thoy wero especially notlcoablo last even ing around tho city pnrk whoro tho crowd had gathered for tho band con cort. Runaway Today A horso belong ing to a llsh and crab vendor) unmed Rltz Htnrtcd to run nwny on Commer cial strcot this aftornoon. Tho ani mal was caught boforo ho had gono far but not boforo bo had damnged tho rig considerably. (JetH Oood Contract Mrs. 13. O. Perhnm today recolvod a telegram from Mr. Perhnm stating that ho had been awarded tho contract for build I ni: tho S40.000 concrete brldgo ncross Ilonr crcok at Modford. Ho will rumaln there nnd start tho work at once. Tho brldgo will bo built In town, on tho principal streot con necting up tho two sections of Mod- ford. Child Injured Llttlo Rosomnry Richardson, dnughtor of Mrs. Doyd M. Richardson who Is visiting her pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugono O'Con noll, was qulto badly Injured yester day. Whllo playing around tho O'Connoll summer homo nt tho Mazo sho slipped and fell, cutting a bnd gash In hor fnco which may lenvo n bad scar. Sho woa brought to town this morning. T.. r?inilll It wns ronortcd horo today that P. M. Hall-Lowls would soon resign as Coos county fruit In spector to tnko tho position of city nm.liinnr n f!nnllll1n. Coouillo hOB consldornblo Btreot work under way nnw nnil n Inriro amount IS DrOJOClCU. Mr. Lowls was formerly city engineer nt iinmi iiivnr nmi tins oxnorienco to- gothor with his ability In this line will mnko him a vaiuauio man ior Coqulllo. Who will succood him na fruit Inspector Is not known. n..... n.w.l1..it1iiiHfn C T. Poll. .,,. ir imlnv linmlnil ilnwn a doclslon In tho caso of Frank Torry of Dan- il.. rirnnlr ti-lirw ivna Irlml linfnro 111 III yestorday on tho charge of making throats against, ueo. v, numu, ua brother-in-law. Ho decided that Tor ry BIIOUIU UO piBCOU uuuur ." .." l i boon )a nanrn hilt Hint tffn uuima iu ncv. v..w j.vv. . sentonco should bo suspended during the goou oeuavior oi ion. " that Terry and Bonlo had a wranglo ovor tho division of tho proceeds of a pleco of property at Ten Mllo In hlch Terry cinimea no uuu uu imoi- cst. nlshod flat; hot and cold wator. Inquire John Ellorby, 358 North Third Bt. FOR RENT 5-roora house. 080 12th st. Soutn. WANTED Mohair, wool and ras- cara bark. Apply to Henry aoug stackon. at offlco of Tltlo Guar antee & Abstract Co. FOR ALL KINDS OF HAULING Clifford Doane. i'lione oai-u. ninniiv cu.r- in lmrsenower onn fnr 500: flrst-clasa condi tion; fully equipped: cost new tnnnn. ...Ill noil fnr tfiOO on OaSV terms.' John L. Koontz Machine shop, North Front street. Phono 80-J. - Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT SOCIAIj CALENDAR TODAY 4 Social Sowing Club with Mrs. $ Coo. Ayro. 4 Mlnnle-WIs Soclnl Club with Mrs. D. A. Jones. FRIDAY Class Play and Alumni Ban- quct, North nend. PERSONAL NOTES E. L. ROBINSON has gono to Gardi ner on business. 11 .1. MONTGOMERY hns rotumed from a trip to Ton Mllo. A. DUNHAM and wlfo of Dnndon aro spending n fow days In Marshllold. TOM NICOLS returned today from a business trip to Cotiulllo volley points. M. F. MOItltlSSEY returned today noon from n business trip to Co uulllo. C. A. SEHLDItEDE roturnod today noon from a business trip to Co- (lUlllc. WM. QAItrtETT was down from tho Smith-Powers camp on Coos Klvor yesterday. MRS. E. J. MORSE and Mrs. Haydon of Emplro wero visitors in tho city this afternoon. J. V. BENNETT will loavo shortly for Portland nnd Snlom on busi ness nnd pleasure JOHN D. QOSS will loavo soon for Salom to nttoud a sosslon of ho Oregon Supromo court. MRS. CLAUDE HOOKETT of Emplro left today for California whoro sho will visit a fow wooks. C. II. MARSH Is at Ton Mllo on mat tors connected, with tho right of way for tho Southorn Pacific. J. W. OARD1NER of North nend was in Marshllold today on business. Ho has been 111 for sovoral days. MRS. EARL SAVAGE loft this morn ing via tho Rosoburg stago for n month's stny with relatives In Port land. C. L. LYON nnd wlfo of North Dond pnsBod through horo today on route homo from n short stny In Coqulllo, E. W. RALSTRON returned today with his wlfo and family from Portland. Thoy will mnko their homo in Mnrshllold. JUnCJE JOHN F. HALL roturnod today noon from Coqulllo whoro ho has boon holding a special term of county court. HERBERT ARMSTRONG, local man ager of tho Monasha Woodonwnro company, was a Marshllold busi ness visitor yestordny. MISS WINNIE DOYLE of Weddor burn Is spending a fow weoks on tho Day as a guost of hor brother, Jay Doylo, and other frlonds. MRS. E. T. WALKER loft today for San Francisco whoro sho oxpocts to mnko hor futuro homo. Sho re cently dlsposod of most of hor proporty on tho Day. MRS. J. O. LANGWORTHY and dnughtor, Miss Evolyn, loft today for California whoro thoy will visit Mrs. Paul Poraltu and othor rela tives and frlonds. ' j MRS. E. 11. LEWIS nnd throo chlld ron aro expocted horo shortly from Frosno, Calif., to spend tho sum mor with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard. MRS. W. A. MAGEE nnd llttlo son loft today on tho Rodondo with Cnpt. Mageo to spend a fow days with him In San Francisco whllo tho vessel Is on dry dock this year. MRS. McDONALD and Mrs. Flelsh nor nnd Misses Helen and Eliza beth Flolshnor who havo beon guosts nt the C. G. Hockett homo in Emplro loft today for tholr homes In California. MISS EDITH PRESTON, vho has beon visiting hor undo. F. P. Nor ton, loft today with Mr. Norton for 8nn Francisco whoro aho will visit whllo Mr. Norton is attending tho race meet. ARNO MEREEN Is expected horo Saturday on tho Nann Smith from a fow wooks' stay In California. Whethor Miss Dunning nnd tho Misses Doris and Edith Moreen will como with him Is not certain. S. C. SHKRRILL will loavo oarly noxt week for Portland nnd Wlll nmetto valley points where ho will make an oxtoudud stay. Ho will occupy tho pulpit at tho Marshfleld Baptist church next Sunday morn ing. i W. J. CONRAD roturnod today from a business trip to, Coqulllo. Ho says that everything la In readiness thero for starting the paving of four blocks of tho principal street which will greatly Improve tho ap pearance of tho town, E. S. BARGELT nnd wlfo nnd Mrs. F. M. Parsons expect to leave tomor row In tho Bargolt auto for Port land. Mrs. Parsons will visit friends thero nnd Mr. and Mrs Bargolt will attend tho Eastern Star and Masonic meetings. C. O. PUTNAM. Wayne L. Wood, J, E. Shannon, A. MatthewB, Hulda Matthews and Herbert Armstrong LEAVE TODAY ON REDONDO Steamer Will Go on Dry-Dock at San Francisco This Trip for Repairs. I ho Rodondo snllcd this afternoon for San Francisco with a largo cargo ui iroigiu in nuuiuon 10 mo mg snip- 10 uiscuss plans for tho b!s colobra mont of lumber from tho Smith mill, tlon which Is to bo hold horo July 2, Tho Rodondo nfter discharging her 3, and i. It Is expected that tho out cargo at San Francisco will go on lino of tho gcnornl program will be dry-dock. Cnpt. Mageo statod this complotod tonight, morning Hint he did not expect that Today, tho Mnsonlc Opora House tho overhauling would roqitlro moro wns ongngod for tho formal Fourth than n couplo of dnys. of July program. Dr. McCormno who Among thoso sailing on tho Ro- Is in chnrgo of this program docldod dondo were tho following: ! that It would bo better to havo the Miss Agnes Cnrpontcr, Miss Adnco ' norvlco In tho Opora House because Pnlmer, Mrs. J. .0 Lnngworthy, Mies' of tho uncertainties of tho wonther, Evolyn Lnngworthy, Mrs. Helon Tho program will bo Bhort, Including llaldwln, Miss lnoz Unldwln, Miss n fow selections by tho band, tho ad Ruth Strlfflor, MrB. E. T. Wnlkor, O , dress by Dr. Harry Lano, tho rcclt W. Putney, F. P. Norton, C. W. . Ing of tho Declaration of Indopond Sonk, Edgar Swnrtz, J. Smith, It. onco nnd n song or two. Today, Dr. Nolson, Peter RodolBky, W. Sovlns-j McCormno rocolvod n lottor from Dr ky, Chns. Johnson, Otto Snmek. John Lnno stating that ho would bo glad' Mnttson, Holon and Elizabeth Flclsh-1 to como back horo. It fins boon about man, Mrs. L. D. McDonnld, Akv, Englund, Henry Dny, J. Qucgnon, MrB. C. Q. Hockett, Mrs. A. II. Fleishman. Ellon Anderson. Edith R. Preston, Mrs. Roth, Miss Roth, L. Lnrson, II. E. Roynolds, A. Blair, A. Erlcson, A. Peterson, Qoo. Young, W. Abnlson nnd two Chlneso. Tho Rodondo's pnssonger capacity waB tnxod to tho limit, that Is first class, nnd sho had accomodations for only two or thrco moro socond class passongerR than loft on hor. Tho Rodondo Is sohodulod to sail from San Francisco for Coos Dny Thursdny, Juno 13. woro outgoing passungors on this morning's stago for Rosoburg via tho old Cooa Bay Wagon road. WILL HUTCHESON hns rcslgnod his position In tho local branch of tho Standard Oil company nnd will lonvo In tho morning for Eureka! whoro ho will tnko n position In tho clothing storo of his undo, Jns. Hutchison, R. STINSON nnd F. T. Wrlghtmnn Grand Lodgo olllcoru of tho Orogon Knights of Pythlns, roturnod to day from visits to tho K. P. lodgos In tho Coqulllo vnlloy. Tonight thoy will visit tho North Bond K. P. Lodgo which will tondor n big reception In their honor. MR. AND MRS. J. LEE BROWN loavo tomorrow morning for PorJltodny wnB prosontlri'g ndvancb copies land nnd Sonttlo on their summor, l0 j,Ib frlonds. It Is clovorly gotten vncatlon. Mr. Brown will nttond tho rogulnr mooting of tho Stnto Board of Pharmacy of which ho is a mombor. Thoy will also tako In tho Itoso Carnival and lator con tinue tholr trip to Sonttlo whoro thoy will visit relatives. TEXAS TOMSIY bought his Piano at GOINO .V HAUVKY'H. Tho WAILTIMVASO will leave tho Commercial stroot DOCK nt 7J-I5 rUTUIIDAV NIGHT for tho HIO DANCE at KMl'IItE, JUNE H. Don't forget tho dnto. DON'T FORGET tho BIG DANCE In EMPIRE SATURDAY, JUNE 8. Music by KEYZER'S Orchestra. . . . Try Tho Times Want Ads ,7. Leo Brown, Ph. G. TIi Happy Family i Sunset Irf-mon, Sunset Vnnllln and Sunset Baking Powder, nro threo esseutlulH needed to produce pudding, iastrlc, cukw, c. that will pleiwo epicurean jmlnh. What avails good cooking nud expen. wive Ingredient If your flavoring Ih not dependable? Every nicrn her of-llio Happy Family Is par excellence, guaranteed under, llio food mid drug net and by uh. . i . The Best Grocers handle and recommend them, although they cost tho rcfnllcr moro than tho cheaper giado extracts put out by flavoring liouscj, ( ,, Ladies Itememlier you get mom for ymir money, tho best of quality and dejieiKlahlo products, when you IiihIMh on getting any member of.Jho Happy Family. THE STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS. y r "' ' i? TJXD&& l-zttctifc 't?ir '"?'! J4K PROGRAM OR J0L1 FOORIR Meeting Tonight to Complete General Draft of it En gage Opera House. Tho Fourth of July Commlttoo will ' havo another meeting this ovonlng thirty years slnc'o ho'vlsl'tod horo. His father formerly comranndod' the old Mossongor. Dr. Lnno was formerly mayor of Portland nnd'lB riow demo cratic cnndldato for Unlto'd Stated sonntor. ' ' H. O. Graves Is roundlngMup the program of flold nports. Ho oxpocts to havo Chaiincoy Clnrko nnd1 Arthur Blanchard ns Judge's, A. H. Powers' as tlmor and O. W. Brigga'as tarter to assist him in putllifg 'off these ovonts. COOS COUNTY WOMAN. 18 1)0 YIJAR8 OLD Mrs. Mnrlon Wndo, bf Lairds, Coos County, Tuosdny colo- brnted hor 99th birthday,' not- withstanding that sho Is In III health. Mrs. Wado Is n natlvo of California and Is snld to bo tho oldest resident or Coon County. At pTcsont ho Is liv ing nt tho homo of her grand- son, Wnltor Laird, nt Lairds. Another Rrnndsnn. Jnmos Laird oporatcs tho stago station nt Lnlrds. MAJOR KINNEY'S VIEWS Ikhucn Novel Advertising Folder for Coos liny Mnlnr T. I) Klnnnv linn rnmnllod & ,. fntdnp mlvnrtliilnir Cooa nnv and un nnd tho text of lb Is as follows: "Proparo for tho rioxt gront city on tho Pacific Coast. Ho? wings are just now spreading whllq "'her' name will fly over tho c'lvilliod world. Her foundation Is bolng built for a roost wondorful dovolopmoht. ' "As n gront city vlto, none can compare ",It Is tho' Inst soaport of 'groat magnltudo uudovolopod In tho United States today. ' ' "Wo rofor to tho great, undevelop ed soaport and harbor of Coos Bay, Orogon." ' " DliATCIIFOHD'fl CALF MEAL at HAINES" Have your Job printing done at Th Tlm' office. R. W. Swnnton, Ph. 0. Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality 4 " Phona 214J. A