TH&CDOSIAYvTIMESrMABSHFlELPOHEtOH, THURSDAY','. JUHB'6j1812gVENINBEDITIlMI. ' . '. , " ' ' '-' ' mmmmm U,v n Marshfield and North fiend Auto Line um and y todies' and fcnft 9 NEWS FROM MEAREY TOWNS GORST & KING. Proorietorfl. Gd Called f and Delivered . SL?! 1 I t II I. MYRTLB POINT POINTER as News 'of Upir Coqulllo Valley Told by the Enterprise. A tramp -who cnlled at the Chna. Hurd, homo on Catching Creek ono day Inst weok, seeing that Mr. Hurd, who Buffered a paralytic stroke re cently, was afflicted, told him that ho knew a romody that would fix him out nil right. All ho said ho re quired was an Ingrodlent which would cost nbout $G at the drug storo. The strangera lino of talk was very convincing and Mr. Hurdgavo him tho "V." After ho had gouo, how ever. Hurd bocamo bubdIcIoub and calllntr tho drug storo found that Bnmo .strnngor had paid 30 conts for drugs there, and when his would-bo "bonefnetor" returned and proceeded to mnko hlmBcIf moro friendly, he In vited him to make himself scarce. CULLINGS OF COQUILLE Mrs. George Griffin died nt her homo on Ash street, on Wednesday of last wook, after nn Ulnoss covering a period of nbout a year and a half, bolug GG years G mouths and 16 day of ago at tho tlmo of her death. Mrs. M. E. Mavlty. who has boon making hor homo at Bandon for tho past few years, suffered a stroko of nponlexy on Tuesday of last wcok and on Saturday, May 2G, 1912, died at her homo In that city, sno was uoni nonr Knoxvllle. Tcnn., January 23, 1833, and was 70 years 4 months una 2 days old at tho tlmo or her demise. DIES IN CALIFORNIA Hr. S. A. HmltH, Well Known Oc- qtilllo Valley Womnn, Expire. The Coqulllo Sentinel says: J. H. Smith, of Coqulllo, received n tsloirram from Ventura, Call., last Monday ovonlnir convoybir tho sad intelligence, of tho death of his inothn orr Mrs. Mary E. Smith, at that place Mar 2G. At tho tlmo of nor death Mrs. Smith was visiting hor flstor Mrs, M. tA. Cecil, In Ventura, who is well known In tho vicinity of Con qutllo.1 Tho deceased was born in Iowa and crossed the nlalns to tho west when but two years of age. At tho tlmo of, hor death oho was over 67 yoara od ago. For over 3G years sho lias r nldod In Coos County, most of that tlmo on n ranch a few miles above town. Slio was the wlfo of S. A. Smith a well known and rcspoctod citizen, who died nbout seven years ago. For tho lant two years tho do coasod roildcd In Dandon with hor daughter, Mrs. Ada McCulloy, who was with hor at tho tlmo of her death, Surviving her nro throo sons and two daughters: I). F. Smith, residing nt llancroft: Harvoy Smith of Coqulllo, who was in Vontura at the tlmo of his mothers death; Alfred Smith, who lives nt Dnncroft; Mrs. Mnblo Humphrey, of Honryvillo, and Mrs. Ada McCulloy, of Dandon. MORGAN IS PROMOTED Coqulllo Game Warden Given Charge of District. F. M. Morgan, division doputy ganio warden for tho southern district of Oregon, was In Coqulllo Monday and Tuonday of this week. Mr. Mor gan and family have horetoforo re sided in Dandon and his district has comprised Coos and Curry countloa. His territory has recently boen en larged by tho addition of Douglas county to his district and early ) Juno ho and his family will move to Roseburg and take up their residence thoro. This district Is ono of the most important in tho stato becaube of tho largo number of door within its boundaries. As division chlof, Mr. Morgan will havo 13 deputies un der his direction, Coqulllo Sontlnel, ANVIL HAS RLAZK Coos County Sent Nows'as Told by The Sentinel. Mrs. II. C. Wilcox, of McKlnloy, has been qulto HI for the past two weeks with pnoumonla. Her son, Grant, has also been seriously ill with tho satno complaint. Doth are report ed to bo recovering. Doth tho local mills arc now run ning with full crowB nnd sawing to capacity uihd both crodmorles nre turning out capacity churnlngs every day of tho weok. This spoakB well for Coquillo's prosperity. A small blaro broke out In tho re.,. Idcnco of P. E. Drauo Wednesday morning. Tho flro was extinguished beforo much damago was done and boforo it becamo necessary to call out tho fire department Clnudc Moon Is prepnrlng to opon a sporting goods storo In tho Loneve building exactly opposite tho Daxtor hotel. Tho Interior of tho storo Is now being fitted up nnd Claudo ex pects to bo roady to open for buslnes. nbout Juno 10. Dora May 27, 1912, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Collvcr, of this city, a son. Dorn To Mr. nnd Mrs. Vorn Gar outto, Crano's camp, Wednesday, May 29, 1912, a BOH; Married At tho residence of Fred Dcllonl In this city Frldny, May 31, 1912, Henry A, Doyot, of Dnndon, nnd Laura E. Drown, of Lnnglols, Rev. Frank II. Adnmn officiating. CULLING8 OF COQU1LLE Coo County Beat News As Told by Tho Hernia. A Socialist convention will bo hold In this city Monday noxt, Juno 3, to nominate n full ticket for county and stnlo officers. Many friends of Miss Grotchon Shorwood, daughter of Attornoy A. J Sherwood, of this city, will bo pleased to learn that tho young lady has been assigned an Important part In tho commencement exercises of tho UiiIj vorslty of Oregon nt Eugene Miss Sherwood Ib a membor of Prof. Red dle's class In Shnkespcaku which will present "As You Llko It." SCENIC ROAD TO COOS RAY Tho proposition of building a Bccnld road along tho. bluff and by tho Loach from tho Coqulllo river to Coos )'ny has boon suggosted by leading eltlionu' pf Coos County and tho samo may bo ptiHhod through to completion In tho very near future E. E. Onkos, of this city, was over to Marshfleld tho first of tho week" and met Judgo Coko, who taenia to1 bo ono of tho main boosters for tho road. Tho Judgo Is all enthusiasm over tho proposition nnd snyn fcc will do all In hU power to put H through. This would cortnlnly bo v. groit ad dition to tho beauties of Coos Coun ty, and is something that i.liouM bo taken up at onco. Lot' all no: lrv and boost for tho scenic road. Dan don Recorder. WEST HAS NEW PLAN Cooftt Schooner Damaged Slightly off Yaqulnn Head NEWPORT, Oro., Juno G Tho gas schooner Anvil touched here on her rogular trip down the const, nnd re ported an exciting exporlonco off Ya qulnn Heads, four miles north of the bay. Flro brnko out in tho deckload, which consisted mainly of fruit. Whllo the hoso wns being placed and tho pumps sot to work tho cook put It out with a hand pump, but not be foro considerable damago had been done to a consignment of bananas packed In straw, as well ns to the boxed fruit, most of which was con signed to Nowport. BIX HURT IN RIOT Clash Rotween Strikers nnd Pollcv At Newark, N. J. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Ttmw.) NEWARK, N. J.. Juno G. At least six porsons were shot and many oth ers wounded by missiles in a street battle hero todav between 160 strik ing laborors nnd the police. Flvo strikers nnd a pollcomnn are In a hos pital. moBt of them suffering from gunshot wounds. Llbby COAL, The kind YOU have ALWAYB USED. Phone 73 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. REDUCTION BALE Ladles' Tall ored HUIT8 and COATS. Four days only beginning Wednesday, LADIES' EMFORIUM. POISON OAK utvra nfiir-nvs 30 YEARS fAIUNO. KkPlLUT THCSTINOMIO rikCB, CHILBLAINS. FCLONS. BURNS, tTC. AVAIUABLC HOUSEHOLD IAIVC. u enuaait re Hivt it on wiu.oitim oh scauur ACCEPT NO Jrfco HHG1CV I MICHAELS CO I 1UISTITUT TO. FRANCISCO. UHMMIHM Governor Would Make Saloons Fay lvIKnses or Indigents SALEM. Ore.. Juno 6. Following -nit tho theory embodied In tho com- Itoiiuatlon net which is now being drafted by a commission nnd which Ib to the effect that every Industry should be made llnblo to and provide rnr taking caro of Its maimed and wouudod. Governor West announced that he believed a law should bo on acted providing that tho liquor inter ests should be mndo to provldo for those wrecked by It, and declared that ho would labor for tho passage of such a law and ask the next Legis lature to pass It. Tho Governor takes the position that the liquor buslnoss Is respon sible for a large per cont of tho In- snno now confined in the asylum. They nro maintained and treated thero at the expenso of tho state. Some of them are discharged cured, but It Is only a matter of tlmo until the greater portion of them And their way back Into the Institution fur caro and treatment. Tho state must bear tho expenso of it, and he be lieved that It Is not fair that those who havo contributed In no way to wards tholr condition should be taxed to caro for thorn, hut that tho busi ness of which thoy are victims should bear the burden. Included in tho measures would also bo morphine fiends and those ad dicted to other drugs, but just whether he would make the liquor Interests or those more directly re sponsible for tholr condition llnblo for their support docs not yet soem Clear. This nhnso of tho situation will be worked out Inter, whon he gots down to the details of the mens ure, he having but considered It so far In a general way. PORT ORFORD NEWS Curry County Events As Told by Tho Tribune. Tho Rustler loft hero Friday morn ing for Coos. Mr. Maurice, tho agato collector, went up on her; and with his light two-whooled cart will make his way up to tho agato b6ftchcs north of tho Sluslaw, whoro ho hopes to locate. Jdhu Jensen, who hnB boon for mnn In tho Elk River sawmill, loft for Portland last weok to visit his oldest daughtor who resides thoro. Tho mil) is temporarily shut down, and it is reported that it will change owners soon, having been bargained to pooplo who doslro to go Into tho lumbor business on tho coast and be ready for the coming railroad. F. C. Caplcs, a mining man from Columbia City, hns been visiting tho blncksnnd benches below hero, was in Port Orford Wednesday night on his return homo. Ho took a lot of samplcB back with him for careful testing and may como back soon. Ho Is n practical placer miner nnd wo bollovo that ho will make a suc cess If ho starts work in Curry coun ty. Our now school building is now nbout completed. NEW RUOY ftLYIUCS REEF Mnnninlln Places Danger Signal Off Curry County. Tho Port Orford Trlbuno says: Tho llghthouso tender Mnnzanlta lny In our hnrbor at Port Orford last Tuesday and Wednesday nights, hav ing placed tho big whistling buoy In position nenr Fox Rock, near tho Port Orford reef. Tho now buoy is a combination flaBh-llght and whistling offect nnd In nn alternating affair. Tho buoy weighs 11 tons nnd It roqulros tho finest wonthor for placing It. This buoy flashes for flvo seconds nnd then remains dead for that tlmo, whllo tho whistling Ib kept up con stantly. Tho light Is supplied by .t now gns nrrangomont nnd Is so nr ranged that It loses llttlo of Its pow or In tho dny tlmo, as tho light Is subdued during tho hours of light. Tho Manznfmn hns aboard Llght houso Inspector Henry L. Deck, nnd ho Inspected tho Arngo lighthouse on Saturday, finding Keopor W. S. run ning's business and conditions In ox collont shapo. Tho now stylo buoy Is supplied with ncotylono gns for lighting nnd tho chnrgo consists of 4000 pounds of carbide. Tho machinery of tho buoy must ho vory exact, since tho chnrgo is plannod to light tho buoy for a period of ono yenr without re plenishing. J. A. SMITH NAMED AGAIN GOOSERERRIES for canning DO CENTS per GALLON nt STAUFF'S GROCERY. HOWARD'S genutne MEXICAN TAMALES delivered any place in the city until 12 O'CLOCK at night. Thoy are READY to SERVE. Phone 33rt. MbteuBm OOPAIJI fRmit ul ZHt School for GliU MltUKluliU w4 SlMtwUrr !rtauU, Mult, AH, SImiUm. aruwltM. I T tfUtet 4toM THE SI8TEM SfjrCRIOH I UIIK44V, (I. UNUI 1UU Coos County Flro Warden Reappoint ed Efficient Work Planned. J. A. Smith, of Marshflold,. Oregon, has boen reappointed by tho Stato Forester sb Supervising Warden for Coos County. Ho will havo chargo of all Stato, County and privnta patrol work in this County, nnd co-oporato with Forest Supervisors of the Na tional Forests to tho greatest posslblo oxtont. It Is hoped that residents of tho County will give him tholr hearty support and consult him in rogard to burning pormlts, etc., of a local nature. Ho will bo in touch with till locnl wardens nnd will gladly rofor requests for Information to tho war don nearest you for any Information or assistance ho may bo nblo to gtv.o A list of local wardons, with their addressee and telephono numbers, will bo published In tho local papors, when such appointments aro made. It will be Impossible for tho Stnm Forester to personally Inspect all tho work dono by tho numorous Supervis ing Wardens in his employ, and their success will dopond very largely upon tho support thoy recelvo from tho peoplo whom tho Forestry Law Is in tended to old and protect. There Is also a local forost fire as sociation In Coos County, The Sec rotary, A. E. Adolsperger, will be glad to recelvo applications for member ship nnd explain tho advantnge to bo dorlved from joining tho association. OAMPIJELL AT ROSEnURO President P. L. Campbell, of tho University of Oregon, was hero thla momjng en routo homo from Coos county, whoro ho delivered addresses to flvo of the leading high schools, ns well as a Memorial Day address. He reports the Coos County towns prosperous, with paving work bolng done In sovoral of them this year. The road Ib atlll very rough but will probably bo opon for automobile trnvel In about a week. Mrs. Camp bell came here from Eugene to moot her husband. -Roseburg Rovlew. Dig DANCE nt EAD?IRE, SATUR DAY, JUNE 8. Music by KEYZER'S orchestra. You aro invited. NOTICE NAVAL MTLITIA All who aro going on tho cruise on the U, S. S. Maryland from June 16th to Juno 26th will kindly report In person or telephone to John W. Mot ley at once. T. J. MACGENN, Commanding Officer. Many sufferers from rheumatism havo been surprised and delighted with tho prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Not ono case of rheumatism In ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by all dealers. LEAVE MARSIIFIELD 7! 15 A. M." 8:00 8;4G 9:30 io:ls 11:00' ii:4G 12:30 1:16 2:00 2:45 3:30 4:lG G:00 G:4G 0:30 7:80 8:30 9:30 10:30 ii:30 12:30 A.M. A. M. A. M. A.M. A. M. A.M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M... P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P.M. A. M. LEAVE NORTH REND. 7:00 A. M. 7:4G 8:30 9:16 10:00 10:45 ll:3ti 12:1G 1:00 l:4G 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 G:30 G:l5 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A. M. A. M. A. M. A."M.' A. M; A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave North Rend Allen's News Btand. Leave Marshfleld Chandlor and Dlanco Hotols and Dusy Corn or. For the Use And Enjoyment Of Every Home , -public utilities nro for the use of tho many not of tho few. -in a gas company tho manufacturer, the dis tributor and the retailer are all in one or ganization. -while tho cost of living has been going up tho price of gas sorvices has been going down. -our manufacturing plant, distributing sys tem of mains and gas appliance department aro at the command of every housewife. -we offer modem gas ranges on our co-operative payment? plan which means on terms to suit your convenience. -gas service is economical and clean. It saves much disagreeable labor and is comfortablo and convenient. -telephone 178 and we will send a represen tative. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 . CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tbo clow of business April 18, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts J208,20l7o3 Dondi, warramts aid seourltlos 78,947.06 U. S. bonds to Meuro circulation 26,000.00 Real estate, furniture and'flxturoa 81,011.34 Cash and sight exohango 198,268.08 To,al 9301,428.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in J100.000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 8,816.49 Circulation, outstanding " 26 000.00 DePalt8 467,613.22 Total $801,428.71 era Is'llOO (SmVc? CVlt&l St0Ck the ,ndlv,dua "ability of Stockhold- INTBRE8T PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. O. HORTON, Vice-President. DORSET KREITZER, Cashier. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, 'April 18, 1812. RESOURCB8. tl, and D1"unt $432,792.66 Banking House ko nnnn.i cash and Exchange i"; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; agS:SS:SS TotBl $734,774.62 Capita, Stock paid' ,n .8. . . . B0 000 00 DerppositVnd VnAMm ProfUB '...":::::: : : SS:SSS:S? UOP08U8 629,210.96 To'al $734,774.62 "O.VR MAN. l7.j Wo Hm Bc $ in class give on buylrn? , - -o mrir ,t..i . 'JS2-.-5:: ru.lUUI 0 ... , - llOURft ,!.!. '"' Wj w il IMP' . -m ou can't afford to i? Coos Bay Wiring Co. 'nono 237.J wSTsTtuII ucniiectj BIancharJT3 Wo m . 4H Iif!R nt 1. tr .... U,,7W Pared to rondoVTSj?'! t" People of W.'W drivers, Kood tin ,7' that win t..- "?..." Wns tho n .1 I. w"SLHWfltt lnr htisln. ;.. if,110 trtl maxciiARD iinoW T1 I'honel.1im jijifi?a Have That Roof Pi xow Sec Gonwm Phom" lit TO A Nil l-imu Sweden, Norway. Fmla And any othor part olEwoji : is mo umo to oujryourtlaith aug. mam Roal Estate and Iounw uk central Avmiis Vd D R. HIHI) 11. CLAIIKE. Specialist in .Vcrre ladSfUl Dlwaic. J Office, Itoom 2. Rortri Mnrshflold. Offlco llonn I tl PhmiA 14 4.T. 'I Pi R. A. J. 1IK.VDRT8 - HI Ajl.M. lljHt,.l D.atdM i - ,nw Wo are equipped toioW work on abort node it & lowest prices. Eiimlittla Lady attendant, Cokt baUdlzf. ) ilto Chandler notel. sboti lWj J W. UENNKCT, Lawyer, Jfflee oior Flanajan t Bwti) Iarshfleld rn. J. t. .mccoiumd. IS Phvticlin md BirnN ' Marabfleld, Ortpi 3fflce: Iockh&rt Dm!li:L nnnnalln nn't offlCO. fm R. J. MONTi RealCstateandlR jot North FroatSeW, Barnard & Ungw Electrical Contractor! al I i.irrvr1Rl'R. 170 So. IlroadWf. Jj M rn1"" " - V-wiAiifoCallfi' . ial PHO.VE m-J '""iil' Residence WL Will inaketrlpJtol ..h 1T' Lynn wiuuw CaAUfor AlitO . . n..uM&It Careful drlTlf-r- rhone-Dlanco rwfrtf until 11 P.M. A r fi-j. i'nin, "" - A Vn.lArTirTclTD1 Licht. Steam 'e4l,w,tiftl IIOTEbO , C. A. MS'artllf Varrt!i!22- TCnEPAIB', House Moving ?aduoljlij . Weareprepared uy me ut; --, , jure ' satisfaction. LetuSl Q. B. FWiVfrM . (?! - i pnono ai--- Mffliissa