The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    ffllkWtQLmamwwaj dismantled ship and a derelict
rZZifiixa In Tho TIMES
f . .. . nhnul TOIir
KS' ill town. And if
boro" h0 ou ht t0
K' "-.iT Mil It!
iii, ju-" ,
Say Qftmra
Will Keep tho Income from Yow
Furnished Rooms from IiRpslxgt
YOU can really holp thd family
revonues by renting a fow furnished
rooma and, It you know how and
whon to ubo tho clnsBlflod columna,
you may keep that little extra Income
na "steady as a clock."
tfVYt TjstflbllBliwl in i?
, AAA m Th Const Mnll
Other Fatally Hurt and
alf Dozen Others In
jured loaay.
BLAMuU run uiohoiuh
ked Cigarette While Tamp
I Charge was mown
to Pieces.
laoclatod Proas to Tho Coda
Day Times.)
IDFORD, Ore, Juno 0. A pro
L explosion In Jacksonville
today resulted In tho donth of
men anu mu "" "'
(rnd minor Injuries to hnlf a
ct the explosion wna tho Caro
ls 0l H. UOBuuui liunuui mui-
ttawas pounding in tho chargo
... i. It ! cnl.l Vin
teei oar " """' ""
. flearotto. Ho was Utor-
. . IssllMnHMlllA M .1
fi.1.1 ..... mIma 1lltwt m,
UTOTIlCIl, wi'iu uidu nmuu wm-
tfi Itter, of Med ford, was tor-
Trust Investigation Will bo
nf Klinrt Duration
lAuoclated Pross to Coos Day
1 YOniC. Juno G Docauao It
k the power to obtain tho noc-
7 data In tuo so-cnlioa inonoy
, the Investigation In Its main
i lll not bo taken un until
Thli nnnouncomont was mado
kilrman l'ulo of tho InvostlKn-
kommlttco at tho opening of tho
l:i hero today.
lks on booster work
llMOclatod Prcsa to Coos Bay
ATTLE, Wash.. Juno C With
ittlons nrcBont from tho prlncl-
ltl(s of tho Northwest ntntca
kted In tho movomont, tho work
he Northwostorn Dovolopmcnt
rest was begun In ournoat today.
A Consolidation of Timed, Coast Mall Iq. 277.
mill Com Hny Advertiser.
Interstate Commerce Commis
sion Withholds Increase
in Baggage Charges.
(By Associated ProBS to tho Cooa Bay
WASHINGTON, Juno C Now reg
ulations for tho transportation of
bnggago pronosod by nonrlv nvnrv
Vallroad in tho United States which
In onoct. would ndvanco tho ratca on
"excess" woro suspondod today by tho
Intorstato Commorco Commission.
Tho BiieponBlon Is oftoctlvo July 1
nnd continues ono hundred twenty
days, ponding an Investigation.
Arthur Peart Succeeds Geo. L.
Peoples as Manager of
' Baxter.
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILLE, Ore, Juno C Tho
Baxter hotel' changod managomont
yestordny. Arthur Peart succeeding
Goo. E. Peoplos as managor. Mr.
I'ourt was formerly engaged In tho
coal business, having oporated tho
I'ourt mines for n tlmo. It la not
announced what Mr. Pooples' plans
United States Has About 1500
Marines Available for Ser
vice on Island on Short
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
with four American battleships
fitenmlng toward Guantanamo, tho
force of marines Immediately nvnll-
ablO for thn tirntnpHnn nf fni-nlnn
JJpnndpronortv In Cuba la Increased
to moro thnn 1500. Altogether tho
battleships Minnesota, Missouri, Mis
sissippi nnd Ohio, tho fourth division
Atlantic fleot, which put out from
Key West Into yestordav hnvn on
board nearly 800 marines. Thcso
ships will arrive at Guantanamo h.-
morrow. Tho crulsor Prnlrlo, which
already has landed 450 men, 1ms
about 350 moro on board. Four ba -tlcshlpa
of tho third division with
1000 mon nboard aro still at Koy
West with nearly 1000 marinca
wnjcti could bo moved to Cuba on
snort notice
Newspapers Cannot be Pro
hibited from Printing
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos.)
RICHMOND, Va., Juno G Con
temporaneous reports of testimony
taken In open court liowovor ob
Joctlonablo to somo roadcrs nro loglt
lmnto nnd may bo circulated In tho
malls, according to n docislon of
Fed oral Judgo Waddlll In tho enso
of tho Unltod States against tho Jour
nal Company lioro. Whllo specifical
ly upholding tho freedom of tho
press, tho court suggoatod that ropu
tablo newspapers would bo governed
by common decency In acting under
that confirmed right. Tho indict
ment was quashed. Tho caso grow
out of tho publication of testimony in
the murdor trial of Honry C. Seattle,
associated Prcsa to tho Coos Bay
pf YORK, Juno C Tho catnto
. Carollno W. Astor. widow of
a Astor, and long a social
' in icw York City, nmountod
i't moro than n humlrod tboiiH-
Mlsrs, according to flnnl nc-
Pr filed todny. Colonol John
Aitor, a Titanic victim, was
( the executors.
Tax CommKsInn fVminlelot,
four outers IMiinned.
t-M, Oro., Juno 4. Aftor
M months in preparing thorn.
pie iax commission, working In
Wtlon with a comhiltteo np
''" by tho last session of tho
stare, Is sending out inltlntlvo
ps lor rnur tnx moasuroB that
submitted to tho noonlo at tho
peneral election.
pe proposed mpnsnr.-w nrn n
I'otlonal nmondment nuthorlz-
e taxation of incomofl; a law to
p 'rom taxation housohold fur-
fearing apparol and similar
OdUCtlve nnmnnnlHv. a Inn. in
Imortgago noteo nnd other
' irora taxation, thereby abol-
dOUblo taxation nf thn nnru
F'r value: a revision of tho in-
luce tax law, following tho mod-
.vvomrnenclea by tlio National
I'lnlaHni. .
r, v,""u, wiucn proposou ia--
1 IBCreaSa thll olntn rnvnnna
podlrect sourcos,
i " "an 32 moasuros aro now
i to be submitted to the. voters
Wn on tho Novomlmp linllot.
F OUtlOnlr la mtt,l fn M. n.!ll
I' several moro initiative bills.
Stars 8BO tlA nnnnln vnlml n.i
lendments or bills, and this rec-
r iy io no boaton this year.
W to the number of bills and
Unce nf im iinii..
ucaiiy, tho most lmnortant
int win bo tho "now const..
I'jfMy. the moat important will
' 7.U,J,U iax and minimum -wage
'uers or groat Importnnco
"J wod road bills.
1 list IPotoln .... I.- II II..
l'e for not less than ton nieas-
-- may bo credited with oth-
! "lei Of tll tart flint inln nn.
fcn'P.a!?1ed t0 Proparo hills for
r "i mo inauranco laws and
r Biem have mado no defl
Wort. t i i..., it.. i.
ii. , " iiiuuuuiu mill, ma
Km frnmel by theso commls
Itili v roserved for tho next
EtI ., l !t u yt possible tho
-- "in ue used
--i me grange organixer,
' l0 EO in Pnno Pfnl,. In f
P. where ho will Institute a
ro irom that section
ll unrainer, ana win
K a"?nW for organization In
Brings Many Passengers Here
From Portland Sails
Early Tomorrow. '
Tho Alllanco nrrlvod In early today
from Portland aftor a good trip
down tho coaat. Sho hnd a largo
passenger list nnd a big cargo of mis
cellaneous freight.
Among thoso arriving on tho Al
llnnco woro tho following:
Mrs. Qunrtomasa, Mrs. M. G. Dalln,
K. W. Holston and wife, A. Jensen,
C. Johnson, T O. Calhoun, It. L.
Whonton, Geo. Tilling, Jas. Freeman,
Mrs. Frcemnn, Uny Freeman, Ethol
Freomnn, P. Carter, Fred Schultz,
Mrs. Smith. Otto Kutzor, Mrs. Kut
zor, liny Itltzonthal, J. B. Brooks,
Mrs. M. A. Williamson, H. S. Stam
ott, Otto Tenia, Mrs. Zoml, A. Samoa
and M. Mast. x n , , .
Tho Alllanco will sail at Z o'clock
tomorrow morning for Eureka. Tho
passengers will go aboard tonight.
Holds Up Stage Until Its Curiosity Is
. ..t Tv r,n Tnn ft. WhllQ
liljAUllliEl I. Ul'l um.. -
driving nround Capo Janney, near
Trlnnglo Lake, recently, the Junction
City nnd Mapleton stage met a lare
bear In. tho .road, nnd had to wait
nearly nvo iniiiums ui
beast completed hta examination of
no trovoicra u . ...--- - -
urusn. iiicio " " v. 1,1,.
crowd, and the bear had It n . I his
own way. w. wbi ,"' " ;, ;
o the stage, says that It the first
timo ho ever had to wait while n
IS took lis time in clearing the way
for tho U. H. man.
Foreign Governments Send Experts
(By Associated Press to the Coos Bay
glnebrlns work of tho United States
reclamation service in tho arid land
uislrSof the west Is rece v ng closo
attention of numer?ut?J" gSraB 0
ornments. Representatives of Prance
and Germany are now on route to the
west to study the work of ho re
clamation service. Jnha,Unerary
will occupy several months .
... .,r Tjpr,m"S
If you got tno ui" 'nivri &
GOAT bring the gpa to GOING A
Defense in Darrow Case Spring
Surprise Co-operation
1 In Prosecution.
(By Associated Prosa to Cooa Bay
LOS ANGELES, Call., Juno 0.
Chief Counsel Rogors of tho defonso
In tho trial of Clnronco S. Darrow
caused a sonsatlon todny by placing
Assistant District Attornoy W. .1.
Ford on tho stand and subjecting him
to a rapld-flro oxamlnntion. Tho
sudden movo of tho dofonso was ap
parently Inspired by n doslro to show
co-onerntlon between tho fedoral and
state governments In tho Darrow
Noted Citizenship Proceedings
at Seattle to be Reopened
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay
SEATTLE, Wash., Juno G Act
ing United Stntos Attornoy McLnron
today conforred with nttornoys rep
resenting Leonard Olsson, of Tnconia,
a longshoreman, whoso citizenship
pnpers woro recently cancelled by
Unltod Stntcs Judgo Hanford on tho
grounds that ho was "Not attached
to tho principles of tho constitution."
Following tho conforonco, Oloson'tf
nttornoys Immediately began prepar
ing papers applying to Hanford for a
rehearing of tho case. Tho petition
probably will bo presented tomorrow
nnd until It Is ruled on, no foroenst
can be mado ns to tho outcome.
Governor West Asked to Secure Tide
land In Portland.
Tho Portland Journal says:
"Bo it resolved, That It Is tho
senso of this mooting thnt tho govor
nor of tho stato bo urged to take nec
essary stops In the way of suits to
quiet tho title of tho Stato of Ore
gon to the BUbmorged lands of tho
Wlllnmotto rlvor at Portland In nil
those cases where n cloud haa bo5n
cast upon the state's titlo thereto by
the conveynncea of upland ownors.
"And be It further resolved, That
tho stato bo urged to convoy tho tltlo
of tho submorged Innds of tho Wil
lamette river at Portland, owned by
It, between tho harbor lino and tho
lino of tho ordinary high water
mark, to tho City of Portland In per
petual trust, for all tho pebplo niiu
for the purpose of constructing there
on municipal owned and opornted
water termlnnls. .,.,.
"And bo It furthor resolved, That
the stato bo urged to repeal Soctlons
5201 and 5202 of Lord's Oregon
Laws." , w , ,
Foregoing nro resolutions embody
i..., MiMimmnnilnilnna of a special
committee appointed by Governor
West to suggest propor legislative
and Judicial action looking toward
tho settlement of tho controversy as
.- ...i .v,. t- nnt rim mnrr ownn mo
lands' abutting on tho harbor front of I
.. . i UtA tstn ttfiirnr fimi
rortianu neiwi-uu i iu . -,
tho high water meander llno3. The
nggrognte value or hub mini uw "'" i
conservatively esiinimuu i tr
nnn .1 o nctimntn holnc based ou
prices per front foot paid In recent
years for river iru.b. ..
ured that mo averKo ". . w-
. . . .n nn l.nlh BlrtPH Of tllO'
river lying between the aforesaid
meander lines is iuo ieei. .
rr.v. .nnlal committee consists Oil
I 11(1 !.,..... .--""",-... ,,
Mayor Rusnugni, r. w. w;
Dan Kellaher. of thdock commis
sion: Drake C. O'Reilly, of the Port
of Portland commission, and J. .
The Jolly Boys of Bunker Hill will
Elve a social dance at Finnish nail
5 .." .. t.. Rvervone invited
Baniruaj, ""--:"-.- A
and strangers especially tiut.. .
assured a Jouy timp. ? i
Says Outlook Is Good But Will
Not Talk Much Ter-
minal Deal.
L. J. Simpson roturned Inst ovon
ing on tho A. M. Simpson from San
Francisco whoro ho haa been spend
ing a couplo of weeks on business,
Ho wna very rotlcont about tho rail
road situation but doclnrod that ev
erything was looking good. Whon
questioned about It, all ho had to say
was, "I havo nothing to glvo out
Whon, naked about tho conforonco
between representatives of tho Ter
minal Railway company nnd tho
Southern Pacific Mr. Simpson was
also rotlcont. Whon nskod If any
deal had boon mado, ho said ho had
nothing to say. Then ho added that
it looked as though thoy would got
together. '
Mr. Simpson Bald that thoro woro a
number of things in prospect for Coos
Bay that would moan big things for
this soctlon when thoy materialized.
Howover, ho did not fool that ho
could glvo out any Information con
corning thorn todny.
Mr. Simpson was accompanied
homo by bis brothor, Dr. Harry Simp
son, who hns boon spondlng sovornl
months In Utah for tho bonoflt of his
Mr. Simpson also brought up two
50-horsepowor chalnlcss drlvo 7-pas-scnger
Steam autos. Ho expects to
keep one of tho machines for his own
uso on his Mnrshflold-North Bond
auto lino. Mr. Simpson brought a
chauffour up with him.
Nevada Man Succumbs After Long
Illness In Washington
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Boy
funernl services for tho lato Senator
Georgo S. Nixon of Nevada who died
here last night will bo held hero this
afternoon. President Taft will pro
bably attend. Tho body will bo sent
West tonight.
Hou:o Passes Dili Extending Federal
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
In hopo of curtailing tho heavy loas
of life In tho mining Industry tho
House passed today a bill extending
tho authority of tho fedoral buroau
of mines to tho mining of slate,
granite and similar products.
Oregon Chief Executive Reported to
be Ailing at Salem
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
SALEM, Ore., June 6 Gov. West
la reported quite 111 here today. The
nature of his illness Is not stated.
Big Chicago Building Specially
Arranged to Accommodate
Republican Hosts.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
CHICAGO, III., Juno G. For tho
third tlmo slnco its erection, 13 yoars
ago, tho doors of tho Collsoum will
bo thrown opon Juno 18 for tho no
commodatlon of a Republican Na
tional convention. In 1004 tho Ro
publlcnnB nominated Col. Thcodoro
RoobovoU for Prosldont In tho build
ing nnd In 1908 under tho samo roof,
Willlnm II. Tnft was chosen na tho
party's standard bonror.
Tho Collsoum Is on Wabash avc
nuo, botwoon Fifteenth nnd Six
teenth strcots, less thnn a mllo from
tho center of Chicago's retail shop
ping nnd hotel district nnd Is nccos
slblo from all parts of tho city by
olevatcd roads and surfneo linen.
Tho Collsoum la 30G foot long, 170
foot wldo nnd 70 feet In holght, built
of stono, brick, stool nnd concroto
and Is fireproof.
It stnndB on tho slta of tho old
Ltbby prison, which was brought tn
Chicago from Richmond, Vn., In boc
tlons and rebuilt tho yenr of tho
world's fair by Charles F. Gunthor
nnd used to oxhlblt a valunblo col
lection of Civil War rollcs. It is of
modern Romnnosquo, comblnod with
tho English Costollatod typo of arch
itecture and cost 1800,000. It has
oeon tho sceno of many notnblo as
somblagos. It hns olovon largo ex
its and can bo emptied in Nvo
minutes In an omorgoncy.
Tho mib-commlttoo on nrrnngo
montB of tho Republican National
rommtttco under tho direction of Col.
Harry S. Now haa oxpondod $40,000
preparing tho building for this yoar'g
National convention nf tho Republi
can party. Tho building hns 11,188
seats of which 7088 aro on tho main
floor and 3200 In tho balcony.
Tho speakers' platform Is built
ngnlnst tho south wall nf tho struc
ture and oxtonds across tho ontlro
width of tho building. It Is 75 feet
deop nnd contains 1032 sentB, which
will bo occupied by tho chairman, of
ficers of tho convention, members nf
tho National commlttco nnd dis
tinguished guests.
Tho seats back of tho chairman's
table will bo slightly olovated. Direct
ly beneath tho chairman's tnbln Is n
spaco for four nolsoloss tologrnph In
struments nnd their oporntors, by
which nows of tho convention's pro
ceedings will bo flashed to tho worlu.
On both sides nnd cxtondlng In n halt
clrclo around tho front of tho pint
form aro seats and tnblos for 400
working nowspnpor mon and corre
spondents from nil parts of tho coun
try. Directly in front of thoso aro tho
seats for tho 1078 dologntcs ar
ranged by states. This spaco will be
enclosed by a railing and cloaoly
gunrded by a largo forco of sorgeants
nt arms. Back of this aro tho seats
for tho 1078 oltornntes onclosed by
railing. On both sides nnd In tho
roar of tho spaco occupied by tho del
ogatcs nnd alternates aro 3500 olo
vated sents for visitors. At tho
north end of tho building a special
bandstand will bo erected. In tho
balcony, which oxtonds around tho
four walla of tho building, there win
bo 3200 soatB for visitors
To avoid confusion In seating tho
crowd each ontranco will bo placard
ed, showing tho sections for whloh It
will bo used nnd each ticket will boar
tho lottor of tho ontrnnre for which
It Is intended. By this plan dolo-
gates and visitors will ontor tho door
noarost the sents assigned thorn.
Tho Platform, aisles and all onon
spaces will bo covored with matting
to insuro tho maximum or quiot
whllo tho convention is In session.
Five hundred nubile lolophones and
n largo number of tologrnph Instru
ments nro bolng Installed In vnrloua
parts of tho building for tho accont
modntlon of dologntcs and tho pub
lie. Architect Arthur G. Brown ha
arranged tho uonts In such a mannor
that tho chnlrman's platform may bo
seen from every section of tho lnrgo
hall. Sergeant at Arms William F
Stono will be assisted by a forco of
800 doputy Borgennta nt arms, door
koopers, ushors and nttendaiiB. A
special telephone- system Is bolng In
stalled which will onable Sergeant nt
Arms Stono, from his desk on the
platform, Immediately to communl
cato with his assistants In any part
of the hall.
In the two-story annex, adjoining
tho main building on tho south, nro
the offices of the Republican Na
tional committee, private rooms for
tho uso of the chairman, secretaries
and serceant at arms, quarters for
Skirmish Between Taft and
Roosevelt Forces Opens
In Earnest Today.
Decide to Admit Newspaper
men to Hearings South
erners for Taft.
(By Associated Pross.)
CHICAGO, III., Juno 0. Tho
Republican Natlonnl commlttco
this nfternoon voted to ndmlt
two representatives of each
pross association to tho hearing
of tho contests. 4
(Continued on pace .)
(By AsBoclatod Prosa to The Coos
Bay Times.)
CHICAGO, III., Juno G. Although
tho representation Is not comploto, ji
majority of tho mombora of tho Re
publican Natlonnl commlttoo assem
bled today to ontor a 10-day series
of mootlngs which will dotormloo
what men shall fill tho 254 souts thnt
nro contcBtod. This mooting Is ox
poctod to dovolop n skirmish bo
twoon tho Taft and Roosovolt force
which may bocomo highly Important
In foreshadowing tho lino of fight
that will bo wagod In tho convention.
On tho quostlon of opon or closed
sosslons, tho mombors of tho commlt
tco provisionally had agrcod to admit
two roproaontattves of each pross as
sociation rccognlzod on tho floor or
Congress. Aftor a oonforouco of tm
mombors of tho National commlttao
from tho southorn stntos this morn
ing, Senator Sanders, of Tennessee,
stated tho southorn dologntoa haa
agrcod to stand togothor solidly for
Victor Rosowator was olecto.l
chairman of tho Republican National
commlttoo today to sorvo through
tho convention. Tho Boating of Q,
D. Howell, oloclod National commit
teeman from Nobrnska at n recent
primary, was not taken up.
Tnko up Conte'" Frontly.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coo
Bay Tlmos.)
CHICAGO, III,, Juno G. In an ef
fort to oxpodlto decisions lit tho canes
of contested dologntos to the Repub
lican National convention, mombon)
of tho National commlttoo deter
mined to urgo thnt tho contests bo
tnkoit up Immcdlutoly nftor tho pre
liminaries of tho organization nro
disposed of todny. This chnngo from
tho original plnn which limited to
day's opening session to mattors of
organization was tho result of In
formal conferences nt which It bo
enmo nppnront that tho work of or
gnnlzntlnn would tako but an hour
or two.
Tho mass of contest casos con
fronting thu commlttoo, Involving tho
rights of moro thnn 230 dologntos to
Boats has convinced tho mombern
thnt unusual tnonsuros will bo nocos
sary to dlsposo of thorn nil boforo
tho National convention moots, Juno
Alabama, California and Arkansas
casos will ba ready for submission
soon. Tho question of whothor tho
mootlngs of tho commlttoo should ba
opened to nowspnpor mon wua still
undecided today,
A provisional plan tn admit a Ilrn
itod numbor of nowspnpormon re
ceived opposition from both th
Roosovolt and Taft sources on tho
ground thnt It did not provldo for
sufficient publicity to tho contost nr
gumont. Unearth Big Log.- Workmon ex
cavating on Front street, near Mar
kot, for tho Tormnlal Railway this
attornoou unoarthod n largo log, U
formerly served as a landing nnd wun
coverod up whon the strcot wn
filled. It la n monster, bolng at lont
eight feet In dlomotor, Ron Smith
stated today that ho remombored t'J
log being thoro over 40 years ago,
but whon workmon cut Into It with
an nx thoy found It to bo just an
solid us If It hnd Just boon cut down.
Coos County has 23,810 acres of
land subject to homostead outry.
With tho passngo of tlo three-year
homostead bill, which now apponrs
to bo 'ortaln, activity In securing
government lnnds Is looked for lu
tho near future. Thoro nro 2,000
claims of 1G0 acres each avallabl.i
for entry In Western Oregon, nnd
14,900,000 acres of vnrant lands lu
Enstern Oregon lying In wait for 60,
000 entrymon who may thoro tako
320-acro homesteads. Under tho
now law a claimant may bo absent
from his land five months out oT
each year. This now Inw will bo or
much boneflt to the poor man and
should servo to populato Oregon very
rapidly. Coquillo Herald.
Tho most donsoly populated nf all
tho countries of the world la Bel
glum, with 63 G inhabitants to tho
square mile,
-oeourg rewB.
nAKViSir ana iru --