.. i L .- i. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912 -EVENIWffEDITlON. , Stetson Shoes For Men ZEIQLER BROS.' SHOES For Ladies Bandon Marshfield $r a5.r- P r tsj Clothing hoe Co. Wflx Tess and Ted Children's Shoes THE FOOT FITTERS SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY "MONEY TALKS" Jt J Star Brand Shoes for All Parties Desiring Monuments Erected , Would do well to call At M . MM m HMM L . mm IS ITER REPDBT HOUSE CUTS NAMED CAPTAIN IS TAKEN UP DOWN ITEMS gs (Continued from page- 1.) gjn Reductions iff CJVJI Slindry JjSJ Is Elected Head of Marshfield Club for Season To Co- qtiillc Next Sunday. At n mooting of tlio Mnrshflold Ilnsobnll tonm Inst ovonlng, Goorgo McGutchoon wns oloctod cnptnln for tlio Honson. Mr. Mr.Cutclioon nccopt od nml In ho stating declared that ho would run tlio tonm on strictly bnso lmll "prlncjpnls. Ho Biild that this would roqulro hard ournont prnctlso by nil plnyors nml tlio lining of tlio IiohIIIoiih by tlio men who "nindo good" nnd not for othor reasons. Mnnngor Schott and tlio boya nro ontluiBlnstlo ovor tlio prospocts for tlio Honson nnd hopo to mnko It tlio boat tlint Mnrshflold hits' ovor known. Next Sunday, Mnndillold will piny Coqulllo nt Coqulllo. It Ih rognrded horo Hint Coiiulllo Btnrts off tlio soti nnn with far tlio strongoBt team In tlio longuo. A Bpoclnl train will run from horo to Coqulllo, tlio three tennis going from horo to tlio valley. Error In Kcoro Through nn orror In tabulating tlio box Hroro of Sunday's gnmoB, Mnrsh lleld was crodltod with bIx hltB when It Hhnuld only linvo hnd tlirco nnd llaiidon with ton hltB when It should only hnvo hnd four. It wnB docldud that tlio umpires nhnll bo pnld $5 por ganio for tholr BorvlcoH. Schedule for Schmiii Tlio. following Ih tlio sehodulo for tho. bnlauco of tlio Bonson: Sunday, Juno 9 Muraliflolil vb. Coqulllo nt Coqulllo. North Hond vs. Hnudon nt llandon nnd Enstsldo vb. Myrtlo Point at Myrtlo Point. Sunday, Juno Ifl llandon vs. Co qulllo nt Coqulllo, Myrtlo Point vb. Coiiulllo nt Coqulllo. North Pond vs. MnrRhllold nt Mnrshflold nnd Knstsldo yb. MarBliflold nt Mnrshflold. Sunday, Juno 211 Myrtlo Pofnt vh, Ilnndoii nt llandon, Coqulllo vb, llandon nt Itaudon. MnrBhtlold vh. North Ilond nt North Hond nnd Knst ntdo vh. North Uoud at North Ilend. Sunday. Juno HO --Coqulllo Myrtlo Point it Myrtlo Point, Han don vh. Myrtlo Point nt Myrtlo Point, North Hond vh KitHtBldo nt KnBtHldo, and .MnrBhtlold vh. Knstsldo at Kant Bldo. Sunday July 7 -Coqulllo vs. MnrHlitlold nt MnrHhllold. llnndon vb. North Hond at North Hond. Myrtlo Point vb Knstsldo nt Unstable Sunday, July 1 1 North Hond vh. Coqulllo nt Coqulllo, Mnrshflold vb. Myrtlo Point nt Myrtlo Point, nnd KnBtHldo vb. Itaudon nt llandon. Sunday, July 21 Coqulllo vh. North Hond nt North Hond, llandon vb. KnBtHldo nt KnBtsldo, Myrtlo Point vb. Mnrnhllold nt MnrHlitlold. Sunday, July 2K Mnrshflold' vs. llandon nt llandon, North Hond vb. Myrtlo J'olut nt Myrtlo Point nnd KnBtHldo vb. Coqulllo nt Coqulllo. Tlio nbovo schedule will then bo repeated ho that each team will play ton guinea on tholr own grounds nnd ton away from homo. S54 Qnorml Silo ox iasswahi. 0JtXI(ll OClie (ny nrtlelo ahyjvn In our window 10 CKXTS. PIOXKKU II UnWKK CO. HOW USD'S goniitno MEXICAN TMLI'S delivered any plate In the rltj iii-tU II! O'CLOCK nt nlghi Tln' are HEADY to SERVE. Phone IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSI TIVE About tlio b'zo of your bIiops, It's some satisfaction to know that many people can wear shoo a slzo sniallo by Hlink'ng Alton's Fool Kease, tho antiseptic powder, Into tlwm, Just the thing for Dancing Parties. Pat ent Leather Shoes, nnd fo Hrenklng In W-w lirtna Wlinn rlilitinra nr overshoes bocomo necessn y nnd your; shoes pinch, Allon's Foot-Kaso gives Instnnt relief. Sold everywhere. 25 cts. Sample FRKB. Adress. AUtu B. Olmsted. L Roy, N. Y. Don't ac cept any subatitaU. wns for both North Hond nnd Mnrsh flold nnd tho law wns n llttlo uncer tain ns to tho right of ono city to condemn or tnko ovor wntor rights of nnothor municipality. Mr. Gobs I Hnld tlint tho now public utilities law I of Orogon, which will probnbly bo , Hustnlncd nt tho November cloctlo., might provide a menus of dealing I with tho situation by appealing to ' tlo State Railroad Commission ,wrlcli hud extended powers In such mutters. However, ho snld tho nf 1 wns now nnd It might tnko houu yenrB of litigation to doflnltoly soi- tlo tho rights granted by It. Ho snld tlint he- didn't think It wlso to try 'nnd mnko laws for other pooplo by fighting out tost suits In tho court. Ho Bald tlint ho thought It might bo 'well to negotlnto with tho compnny wind by extending the frnnchlso four or five yenrs to enable- tho floating of twenty yonr bonds, tho city might got whnt It wanted. Or If tho com 1 pnny would not dent this wny, ho Biiggcstcd tlint the city mnko tho o tensions nnd thon either buy wntor from tho company or lease tlio ex tensions to It. Thus tho city might I start In on n small senlo towards municipal ownership. Ho snld tlint ho felt tlint tho pooplo horo woro op posed to tho city buying tho present wntor supply nnd It scorned tlint tho othor sources woro too oxponslvo for tho city to hnndlo Just now, Couiicllmnn Copplo suggested that tl-o danger of tho oxtonslon would 1 n In tho malting of a contract binding tho city for hydrant rontnl for a num ber of yours to como. Mr. Ooss Bnld this could ho gunrded against. Tlio present franchise has slxtoon years to run. Finally tho mnttor wuh referred to i tho committee to tnko up with tlio Wntor compnny ngaln nnd sco If a reasonable, demand could bo secured from thorn. Ab-ilMi Vvltv Fights. An ordinance abolishing prlzo fights, boxing contosts, etc., wns adopted liy unanimous vote of the Council. The ordlnnnco Is n string ent ono, providing pennltles for tho partli'lpnuts, tho promoters, tho offi cials nnd anyone advertising such bouts. It applies to nil pugilistic, contests, whether thoro Is nn ndmlt tnnco feo chnrgod or not. City At torney Goss said tlint It would not, ho holloved, npply to friendly spar ring stunts nt gymnasiums. Upon tho pnssngo of the ordlnnnco Counellmnn Allen snld Hint ho t' ought every decent man In Mnrsh lleld would npprovo of tho abolition of the contests. Mnrslml Cnrtor Bald it probably would assist In eliminat ing souio of tho undesirables. Kick About Howling Alley, Marshal Carter said tlint numerous complaints hnd been inndo about tho conduct of tho bowling nlloy on North Front street. Ho snld that Sunday night It wns kept open by tho women running In until 2 o'clock. The Council Instructed him to notify tho proprietors tlint thoy must closo tho placo earlier nnd conduct It so there would bo no further com plaints. Contract IsAunnled Hugh Mcl.aln was tlio only bidder for tho contract of putting In two blocks of wood block paving on An derson nvenuo between nrondwny nnd Third strcot. Mr. McLnln's bid; wns 35 conts por yard for excavating, i 35 conts por ynrd for ombanknionts, SO couts for concroto curbs, 70 cents for sldownlka, J 2.25 por ynrd for palng nnd 20 conts por foot for six inch drain tlio. ; Ills hid totalled up $6,010.10 while tho ongluoor's estlmnto for tho work wns JG.329.00. City Knglnoor t'ldley figured tho paving nt $2.35. per yard In his estimate nnd also es timated some othor things higher than Mr. McLaln bid. Owing to tho' drodgo fill on tho street rocontly, tho" cost will not bo qulto na much as tho estimate, tho drodgo -fill being es tlninted to bo worth $200. J Other lliislncss Hugh McLaln again demanded tho $3,000 duo him on the old Codnr street work. It la being hold up by litigation ovor too ownership of some Big Reductions irt Civil Sundry Appropriation Bill Is Proposed. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 3. Provis ion for Tuft's tariff bonrd wis eli minated whon tho sundry civil appro priation bill roportod to tho Houso today. Tho nnminl appropriation of $25,000 for tho president's traveling expenses was allowed but tho total appropriation was cut to n llttlo mora than $100,000,000 limiting heavy re ductions In provisions for tho Pana ma canal, public buildings and othor projects. CUT IX KUKiailT ItATKS lUg Reduction from Middlo West to Spokimo Proposed ST. PAUL, Juno -I Freight traf fics nro In tho hands of prlntors pro viding reduction rates on carload lots from St. Paul nnd Knstorn points to Spokane nnd Montana points which the railroad ofllclals ostlmato will effect an nnnunl roductlon of 11,000,000 In tho revenues of roads operating between St. Paul and tho Pacific coast. Tho now rates nt Spo knno nro offoctlvo Juno 15 whllo thoso In Montana tako offoct July 1. Tho now rates havo not yet boon considered by tho Intorstato Com mcrro Commission. The Pacific Monumental Works South llrondivny nnd innKp selec tion from the largo stock now tin hand. Mr. Wilson lias In his employ tlio only practical ninrblo nnd grnnlto. cutter In Coos county. And noiio. but tlio best work Is turned out. KQUIPPKI) WITH WIHKLICS3 Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TI.MK. SAILS I-'IIOX AINSWOHTII DOOIC; PORTLAND, AT t) A. M., MAY 1st, Ntli. llltli, IHth, 'JJtrd nnd '.'Hill. FROM MAUSHFII3LI) AT THIS SKRVIUK OF Till TIDK MAY Ith, Kltli, lr.tli, liOth, l!5tli nnd ildtli. L. A. PARKI1URST, Agqnt. Phono Main O'Jl-L. it i (.' strikk i.v i:(;;axi Over 110,000 Men Idle Along Hlg RIveiH. (ny Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) LONDON. Juno 3. It is ostlmntod that 1 10,000 men nro Idlo today along tho Thnmes nnd Modwny rivors. In fiomo places the strikebreakers havo' bepn roughly treated by tho striking "dockers." I 1MST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo KQUIPPKI) WITH WIRKLKUS AND SURMAIUNK IlKLL SAILS FOR. SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Thursday, Juno 6, At 1:00 P. M. INTKR-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. ' O. F. McGKORGK, Agent. of tho abutting property. Mr. Gobs roportod that tho cases would como up for trlnl nt tho term of court to bo convened Juno 17. Mr. Hunter, ownor of somo of tho proportv on Hull nvenuo, wns order ed rebated nn ovorchnngo on his ns sossiiioin. Thoro will bo n robato to nil tho property owners whon Mr. Rallies pays In tho bnlnnco of his as. Bcssmont. Hownrd Savngo wns ordorcd grant ed n rebnto on his plumbor's license not having tnkon It out until sovoral months nftor tho first of tho yoar. An ordlnanco providing for com bining tho o dices of plumbing, build ing and olcctrlcnl Inspector nnd fixing his snlnry nt $75 per month wns pnssed. A resolution wns ndoptod provid ing for the city to tnko ovor tho old count,' rond south from Flnnngan to tho lino south of tho comotery, t will bo known na Soventh street. This will enublo tho city to repair the brldgo across tho gulch noar Glon Gardens. Nothing dollnltd has been done yet about straightening out tin etrcot. Tho election of Carl Albroeht as ncrti'.lrint flro chief to till tho vacancy caused by tho retirement of Tom Lawluuno who moved to Allegany wns ratified. A lebato of $511.21 wns ordered paid to Vert Mnrshflold proporty o .vims vl-ii woro nssessod for tho sovwi'iiuo t-jfcteir recently built thore. It will amount to about $2.97 por lot. Tho usual grist of hills wns ordor cd paid r.ml the warrants woro or dered drawn for $75 for the library rnd i lf0 ."or tho monthly support of the Itui'. Till: FIMK.WI OF COOH RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKI) WITH WIRKLKSS Sails for Cocs Bay from Portland, at 6:00 P. M.t Tuesaay, June 4 CONNKCTINO WITH TDK NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STKAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. O. V. McGKORGK Agent. Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Monday, June 3 P. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEKitY BENaSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo OffUe Phone 101 Marshfield Office 14-J. Farms -- Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Qensral Agents "EASTBIDBT Have your Job printing done at The Times' offlca. Por nppotlto Is a sure sign of In, pnire.l digestion, A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TnhletB will strengthen your diges tion nnd lmprovo your appetite. Thousands havo been benefited by taking these Tablets. For sale by all dealers. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, RUT FIRST COME IN AND GET ssaiifrr Am "o s- ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. ,Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7.J We Have Been Successful in buying n lnrgo stock ot 8nt class Eloctrlcnl mntorlal idJ cu glvo our patrons a very low prlci on houso wiring. Oetourprlti you can't afford to mlti It Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FltONT BT. f BlancharcTs Livery Wo havo secured tho livery tqjS rcss of L. II. Holsnor, and te pre pnred to render oxcollent lerrlci tt tho pooplo of Coos Day. Cut'U drivers, good rlcs and eierrtuif Hint will monn saumctorr riiet tho public. Phono ui for a MM horao. n rig or anything M u tho llvory lino. Wo also to trt" Ing business of all klnda. HLANCHAIU) IlIlOTIIERS Phone 138-J Wvery, Peed nnd S!w Seryke. Ml Pint nnd AhlcrStmt Have That Roof Fixed sow See GOIlTnELL Phono 81l . .... TjnAf Sweden, Norway. Finland And any other part otEun.1 Is the tlmo to buy your " ,w AU tt. iauABB. Real Estate and Iw"Sfci C Contrnl Avonu g -a PROFESSIONALDIREC VWVVir- Dr. niiui n. uui ' z SpccltillstlnNerve"8 Disease. Office. RoonTTW Marshfield. Office Hours J Phono 144-L. DR. A. J. HKHimx -Blodem WwScW We are equipped to do work on short notice at lowest price,. f"Z Lady attendant. Coke bi J Jjf .Ua Chandler notehPhtf-" J W. IJBNNBTT, lwyer. - ... mi) Jfflee over Flanagan Bean larshfleld DR. J. T. Blccoiw'""1 Physician and BMP Marshfield. Orejoa- Jfflce: Lookhart Bullae. ,jj R. J. MONIWWLn. RealEstatcandInsurafl llKorthrrtW