THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAnSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912,-EVENlNG EDITION. Low Prices on Beds and Beddin ji. tetsci f&s-rj : ; W OTagSC fiSIW I $& in" ---15 1 Our Bed Line contains an assortment of nattem shown in no other line. They are fresh, new, perfect finished beauties Beds you will be proud to own Beds that will cost you but little to ownFor our one price to all is the lowest price that Beds can be sold for. Take a look at our Beds for from Examine our superior Beds for from zzrirz $9.00 to $15.00 COOS HY TIRES. Hoi w Is given th-s tlmo nnd eight of lilgli nnd low water nt Marshflold Tli titles are plnccd In tho order "f occurrence, with tholr times on die first line nnd heights on the bcc "iid lino of each dnyj n comparison f consecutlvo holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bnr, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. $3.00 to $5.00 $6.00 to $8.00 Mattresses and Pillows We pride ourselves on this line Everything we sell is new, fresh and clean Good inside the Tick We have inexpensive mattresses Some as low as $3.75 They are new and contain no shoddy- Let us show you our Special Roll Edge Matresses at Elastic Felt Matresses Fine ticking $6.75 $10.00 Floss and Felt Matresses M c AA from $12.00 to $ID.UU Special Matresses &a( f( All Grades from $20.00 to.w.UU Pillows From 75 Cents to $3.50 Each PERRY NICHOLSON Always "The Busy Corner"---The Rexall Store Hair rashes AVo carry ihc largest lino of medium nnd high grade Hair Brushes on Coos Bay. Wo carry a compete stock of the famous Adams Hair Brushes $1.00 to .$5.0 The Ideal ITair Brushes $1.00 to $2.00 Other irair Brushes and upwards. Also a complelo lino 35 Certs of Clothes Brushes 50c to $3.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. KrkWm The Sign of Good Candy Always Barnard & Langworthy lCliTlrlcnl Conductors and Supplies. IMIONIv 18 Lit. 170 So. Broadway, next door to Union Mint Market. WANT ADS. PUnwc 7 gWlx& Star MAIN 298 US LOST Near Ocean dock; small coin mirso. rnntnlnlnir nmnll rim nun nnd heirloom ring with cameo sot. Ho ward for return of ring to Tlmo office. I'OU RENT 5-room houso. 080 13th st. South. 'LOST Pair gold rlmmod spectacles. icowaru lor roturn to Timos omco. 'or.NI Pair gold bowed oyo-glnss-oil, near Hod Cross Drug Storo, Monday nfternoon. Owner can hnvo snmo by IdontlfyliiK proporty and paying tor this at Tho Tlmo office. Date. I lira. .4.33 IFoot .li.G C lira. .fi.21 IFoot .5.2 C Ilrs. .0.09 Feet .3.7 Mrs. .1.00 Feot .3.4 lira. .1.59 Feet .3.0 Tides for June. 11.13 0.2 11. IS 0.1 0.09 4.7 7.0G 4.3 8.11 4.0 0.17 4.0 G.GG 4.7 12.24 0.G LOG 0.9 1.G1 1.4 11.17 3.9 0.0 0.0 7.3C 4.9 8.21 G.3 9.05 3.3 4 TUB WEATHER (Dy Associated Press.) OREOON Fair nnd wnrmor tonight nnd Wcdncsdny; north- orly winds. LOCAIj temperature re- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending tit 4:43 n. m.. Juno 4. by BonJ. Ostllnd, spoclal government mo- toorologtcal oboorver: Maximum CG Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. in 41 Precipitation nono Wind northwest: clear. LOST Largo black silk inufller on Ilroadway. Finder roturn to Tho Times ofllco and rocolvo roward. HOL'KE TO RENT Closo In; good order; modorn conveniences. 1G4-J. The Fragrance of the Roast) as It comes steaming hot from thoi kltchon Is only a forotasto of tho big ger enjoymout of tasting It. That Is If It has come from this market. For our meats aro tho choicest and' . it n lu lmil A tnRtn of them I lUllUUIUBt .w uk ....... -- - - means u doslro for more, especially as our prices are as low as any. MARBHFIELD OAfln MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Marshfleld Telephones North Bend 221-J Two Markets fll WANTED ! ! ! CAIUexS UPHOLSTimiVfl AND tHAXos TO CLEAN, bv the Pneu. w!LC.C,,Cu",nB Company. Orders tot GOI.VG & HARVEY PHONE 100 Unique Pantatorium PnPBuS.1?1111 dykes. CXEANKna. AB. . ,tS and "AT RENOVATOnH till JJ Edward K. Btraun & Co. next H,f. ,orlnS--Let us rook 233 Commercial. your Phoae 250-X The Electric Shoe Shop pH?.nK TnBY BUY SHOES HIOM t per PAIR UP. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night Service Careful driving assured. Phone Illani'o Pool Room. 231-R unti" 11 P.M. After 11 P. M. phone fi.J. Palace Restaurant. A Modern Brick Building. Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfleld. Oregon. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and OnMne. We ore prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. 8. FLOYD & CO. Phone 316-J. Marshfleld, Ore FOR BALE Flvo year old pretty brown goldtng, weight 1,050 lbs. Ilroko to rldo or drlvo singlo or doublo. PrlcoflGQ. A. A. Nlcols, Empire. 1'OR BALIi 80-acro ranch on river: crops in; $1200 cash handles It. Address ownor, C. W. Doutt, Alle gany, Ore. FOR RENT Glen Gordons largo hoilioiiu'i cioi ready to market; good proposition to right part'es. Geo A. Ualnos, 18G Broadway So M)ST Bar brooch with flour do los of pearls In contor; Saturday night. Roward for roturn to Times. FOR RENT Modern G room fur nished flat; hot and cold wntor. Inquire John Ellerby, 358 North Third st. WANTED Mohair, wool and cas cara bark. Apply to Henry Seng stacken. at office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. FOR ALL KINDS OF HAVLING Clifford Doane. Phone 331-R. HAROAIN SALE; 40 horsepower auto for $500; first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost new 13000; will sell for $500 on easy terms. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front street. Phone tn..T. Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery niCVCLEB FOR RENT HORN. ADAMSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Nols P Adnmson, at their homo lu Fern dale, Monday, Juno 3, a Ron. Mr. Adnmson wns for many years koop or of tho Flvo Finger and Eldrod Rock lighthouses on the Alnskn Const, and en mo to Coos liny a lit tlo over a year ngo. Mother nnd child nro doing nicely. Two More Elncd Two moro nuto speeders hnvo boon llnod by City Ro cordor Butlor, making olght ponnl Izod for speeding Sundny. Tho Inst two llnod woro Bill Erlckson nnd An dy Erlckson. Plans to Itulld. Goo. Winchester Ir rocolvlng bids on tho now resi dence which ho Is planning to build near his homo In West Mnrshllold. Tho rcsldeuco will cost about $2G00. S. C. Small has already leased tho now building. Meet Friday Prof. Hoggs an nounces that tho noxt rohonrnal for tho Human Rosobud parado In tho July Fourth celebration will bo hold noxt Frldny afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Ho Is desirous of having its mnny touchors nnd children as possible prosont Friday. Saloon Changes Tho Marshflold city council Inst evening ordorod tho llconso of tho Browory Saloon on North Front strcot street transferred from Androw Hokkla to tho Coos Hay Liquor compnny. Tho nctlon was takon on application of Albort Soollg who stated that tho liquor compnny hnd purchnRod Hokkla's Intorostn In tho plnco. Will Move E. E. Hnndol hns lonsed tlu room In tho Gow Why building on Hrondwny, across from Tho Times offlco. nnd will movo his blcyclo and ropalr business thoro from North Front strcot soon. Tiio now quarters will bo mora convenient to his pntrons nnd nnythlng thnt will do this Is what Mr. Bandol Is nftor all tho tlmo. Ho will movo In a few days. Rev. OImiii Officiated. Her. J. Hlchurd Olson, formerly of Marsh fleld, now of Portland, officiated at tho frst momorlnl exorcises conduct ed by tho Oregon Naval Mllltla nt Portland last Thursday. A fcaturo of tho oxorclses was tho casting of of rosos on tho Wlllamotto river In honor of tho lost sailors. Rev. Olson Is chaplain of tho Oregon Naval Mi litia. Takes Horse SoiiHi F. P. Norton will leave on tho Hodondo with his pneor Mnrln which will bo entorod In tho annual raco meet of tho San Francisco Butchers' Association which opons Juno 12, Somo good, prizes are offored. Mr. Norton says Marin will roprosent tho Coos Bay butchors and ho expects to .got In-f sldo tho money. Ho has had somo J good offers for Mnrln, SOCIAL CALENDAR TODAY C. W. II. M. with Mrs. D. C. McCnrty. Oratorical Echo evening nt North Bond. Wedding: Miss Mary llnnsen and Henry llnrtinan. Women's Auxiliary with Mrs. W A Toyo. WEDNESDAY B. W. M. C. with Mrs. Alva Doll. HrldKo ilub with Mrs. C. M. Byler at North Bond. 'TilBclllns" with Miss Gono- vlovo Tcllofson. Slstors of Bethany with Miss Maude Reed. 44 LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER t Hearing Postponed Tho hearing of Frank Terry of Daniels Crook, charged by Geo. W. Bealo with hav ing mndo threats ngalnst tho lnttor's life, luiH'bccn set for tomorrow after noon by Justice Ponnoek. Prosecut ing Attorney Llljoqvlst will bo horo for tho hearing. Terry Is u brotbor of Mrs. Benlo. Hallway Rumors Many rallrond rumors woro nflont horo today but thoro was no verification of nny of thorn. Ono wns that tho Southon!1 Pnclllc had taken ovor tho Tormlnnl compnny but no ono In authority horo had boon npprlsod of any sucli movo and Supt. Mlllor hnd not boon inform ed of It. Anothor report was that tho Southorn Pacific hnd bought tho Snali nnd Door factory In North Bond as a depot bIIo but this could not bo ronurmod. Tho, compnny is negotia ting with tho Simpson pooplo for n dopot slto nnd it is posslblo thnt tho Sash and Door fnctory may bo takon over as part of It, Wed Today. Honry Hartmnn, chlot cook on tho Steamer Breakwat er, and Miss Mary Hansen, woro mnr rled today at tho homo of tho brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Androw llnn sen In South Mnrshllold, tho Rov. 11. I. Rutlodgo ofllclntlng. Only mombors of tho family, Mrs. Potor Scott, Sr Mrs. Edgar Mauzoy, Miss Bullnrds of Bnndon nnd Mrs. 11. I, Rutlodgo witnessed tho coromnny. A woddlng breakfast was served fol lowing which tho young couplo loft on tho Breakwater for Portland nnd other northorn polntB whoro they will spond tholr honeymoon. They vlll mnko tholr homo In Portland. A host of friends will unite, In wishing thorn all tho JoyB thnt tlmo can bring. Steamship Sails This After noon for Portland With Large List, The Breakwater sailed this after noon for Portland. Sho hnd a largo list of lmssongcrs nnd n fair cargo of miscellaneous freight. A largo number of friends of Hen ry Hartmnn, tho chief cook on tho Breakwater, and Miss Mnry Hanson, who woro married horo today, gath ered at the dock and showorod tho nowly-wods with rice, etc., mnklns tho depnrttiro of tho vessol an un usunl sight. Among tliosa sailing on tho Brcnk water woro tho follownlg: Mrs, G. Johnson, F. Grnnnts, H. A. Jugorsty, W. F. Smith, Miss M. Gulovsou, Miss Gu'iovson, Mr. Chnntler, Mrs. Chnntlor, Mr. Stod dard, Mrs. Stoddard, Mr. Green, Mrs. Green, Peter Benson, Hnrry Rico, Leo Matson, John Brooks, I. Won dell, MIbb Rlchorson, Mrs. Tozcr, Miss Pearl Rlggs, F. Lohors, Two Glng. Mrs. M. Wcdollo. Mr. Hollls tor, E. II. Joohnk, Mrs. E. H. Joohnk, R. J. Vnndonburg, Mr. J. Quick, Miss G. Ritchie, Miss M. Rltchlo, Mica Cooper, Mrs. Myers, L. Myers, Miss Simpson, Mr. A. Mnrsh, Mrs. A. Marsh, Miss M. Marsh, F, Mann, W. D. Gnrmnn, M. Eddy, Miss Howe, Mrs, Mnlloney, Mr. Lontharmnn, J. E. Canon, Cnrrlo Rao, C. B, Poyton, Mrs. C. B. Poyton, Miss Ruth Ton mnn, Alec Hoaglnnd, Stovo Klston, S. M. Crouso. B. Grubort, Mr. Reyn olds. Mrs. Reynolds, Mr.' Phillips, Mr. Hnrtman, Mrs. Hartman, MIbs N. Bonhnm, Ooo. King, Allco Dulco, II. M. McCormlck, E. Boldno, Jno. Smith, Why Knnoko, A. Armstrong, Stcvo Klsstor, J. E. Strong, Mrs. Strong, Miss Strong, Mrs. E. M. Gnl llor, R. Chillier, Mrs. B. Talsom, Miss Hopkins, Miss Bucklnghnm, II. wpisn. a. 81'lre. PERSONAL NOTES iiKiurrrriov kale Lodloh Tull- oreil HUITB nnd COATS. lVtur days ' only beginning Wednesduy. LADIES' EMPORIUM. MRS, T. J. MACOENN of Emplro was a Marshflold visitor today. REN SMITH of Coos Rlvor Is In Marshflold on business. M. C. HORTON Is expected homo to morrow from hlu oxtoudod eastern trip. HARRY WINKLER and brldo ro turned todny from n month's hon eymoon trip to California points. ALEX JOHNSON and W. It. Edg Ington loft today for North Inlet whoro they will spond a fow days on business nnd ploasuro. L. K. BALL1NGEH, or Engineer Loofo's offlco, wont to Coqullie yesterday to Inspect tho rock wm c I which tho govornmont bont Is u lug In tho chnnnol uonr Bnndon. 8. ROG8TAD, proprietor of tho Hp tol Oregon, North Bend, wns n business visitor In Mnrshllold to dny. Ho says prospects aro good for tho now hntol In North Bend. 1 MISS PEARL RIGGS Is leaving soon for Portland whoro sho will study under Mndamo Schnolbol who has Just recently roturnod from Paris. Miss Rlggs will bo gono about two months, returning In July. CAPT. J. J. REYNOLDS, of tho IlarnoB Packing Compnny, who opornted tho former Sengstncko.i cannery In Mnrshllold Inst yoar, ar rival horo yostordoy from Port land (o look nftor business Intei ests. P, P. QIMST and wlfo nnd daughter. Mrs. N. O. Wolandor, nro exported hero lu n fow dnys to visit Hugo Quint. They aro making a tour of tho const and will romnln on tho Bay until nftor tho marriage, of Mr. ' Quint and Miss Chnrlotto Murch tho mlddlo of this month. ARCHIE PHILLIPS of North Bond! wns In Marshflojd yesterday on buslnoss nnd nlonsuro. Ho ropnrts Mi tho enmp at Tarheel Point has boon closed down for awhllo ow ing to tho Simpson Lumber com pany having moro logs on hand than thoy need for tho tlmo being. EDGAR McDANIEL of North Bond camo down last evening to nttend tho recoptlon tondorod by Myrtle Lodge, Knights of Pythias, to the visiting Grand lodge olllcors, Mossrs. Stlnson nnd Wrlghtman. Poseidon I.odgo of North Bond will tondor a roceptlon to tho visitors Thursday evening. MHS. JOHN TELLEFSON nnd Miss Gonovlovo Tollofson of Eastsldo woro Marshflold visitors today. A. A. NICOLS of Emplro wan a Marshflold business visitor yester day. AUOUST BERING arrived hdro today from San Francisco to visit rela tives horo. TOM HARVEY loft today with Mrs. Ilarvoy and tho baby for Grants Pass whoro tho lattor will visit for n month or bo, MRS. N. J. CORNWALL nnd daugh ter and son, Noll, passod through hero today en routo from Borkoley, Call., to spond tho summer with Cnpt. Cornwall. J. L. BURNS and family, of Coos Rlvor woro Mnrshllold visitors to dny. Mrs. Burns' son who hns boon qulto 111 of pnoumonla Is re ported Improving. MAYOR O. E. JORDAN of Eastsldo was a Mars)itlold business visitor todny. Tlio excavating for tho now school building hns boon complotod and tho now masonry work will start soon. MHS. THOMAS HARVEY nnd baby left today for Grants Pass, whoro thoy will visit at relatives .of Mrs. Ilarvoy for n month or so,. Mrs. Harvey's mother will roturn to tho Bny with hor for n short ntay. A. II. Donnlson and wlfo, of Grants Porb who havo boon guests nt tho Ilarvoy homo, roturnod with hor. MAJOR L. D. KINNEY wan a Marsh flold visitor today. Ho statoit that tho ropnrt that a Ions Htrotch of tho southorn Orogon const hail novor been survoyod Is orronoous. Ho snys tho survoy of this portion of tho coast was made In 1895 nud ho has tho maps of It; MEET TOMORROW.; Tho Womon's Auxiliary .of tho ProRbytorlan church will hold n meet ing Wednesday afternoon, Juno K, with Mis. Jas. Cox, lu South Mnrshllold. Try Tho Tlmos Want Ads. TRUSSES Insist on getting the Tnu'form TriiHS for general comfort. Al uiiyn fitted by expert nnd guar anteed to retain rupture, BOLE AGENTS. BROWN DRUG CO. TEXAS TOMMY DANCE In addition to the usual musical program at I TiTe Royal TONIGHT Presented by COSTELLO and GILBERT Fancy Dancing Artists. THREE NEW PHOTO PLAYS "New Year's Gift" "Honor of the TiIIkj" "Our Poor Relations" If You Arc Not Using You Are Not Using the Best Now Is tho tlmo to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do It by apply ing Chamberlain's Liniment and mas saging the parts freely at each appli cation. For salo by all dealers. mr FLOuri Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Il!oTn1EJlJLEOTnrO SROR SnOP I So. Broadway Marshfl Marshfleld