THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON;' TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 191! EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES VI. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub. DA K. MALONHY News Editor WHERE .MEN AUK COWARDS I T IS strnngo to sco the cownrdlco of men appltod to public qttcs tloiiH. They know n tliluir Is right nnil practical nnd coming, yet thoy halt and (iiilbblo and deny the truth. They did those things In the tin 10 when Jesus, tlio Qalllccan was crucified, and they nio doing It yet. NO CLUE IN CONCERT SPEED HIT HERE JO IN Pillaging of L. M. Noble Home Council to Keep Them Down to Program for Entertainment HELPFUL HINT I'Olt M'SINESS MEN 7f AHSHFIELD business men liavo 1V1 ouly tlieinsolvcs to blamo If thoy do not got that to which tlioy are entitled. If they got to Bether and work togothor, they can got any right thing thoy go after. IS TO IE REHIRED Meeting at Chamber of Com merce Decides to Have Work Done at Once. At a mooting of tho Maraliflold Chambor of Commorco this morning, slops wero takon for tho lmmodlato ropalr of tho bulkhoad In Front of Forndalo. Tho bulkhoad wao not as ulrongly constructed as it should liavo boon and consldorablo sand and silt was washed out undornouth it nnd Is menacing tho channel, not to naonk of tho damago to tho fill and iHfior lossos. The mattor was callod to tho at tontlon of Dr. McCormac of tho Marahflold Chamber of Commorco by Knglncer Loofo. Or. McCormac lin modlntoly took tho matter ui with John D. Gobs, rocolvor for tho Port Commission. Mr. Goss was not suro that ho had authority to go ahead with tho ropalr work and Dr. McCor ninc called a meeting of tho Chunibor of Commorco. After dlsciiHsIng tho mattor, n ro-ll'o iiiattressos. KOlutlou wns passed authorizing A. if. Powers who has boon looking af ter tho drodgo work for tho Chiynbor nC Commorco to go ahead mid liavo the bulkhoad ropalrod Immediately under tho direction of City Euglnoor (lldloy. It was also rocommondod Mint the rocolvor of tho Port Com mission pay tho cost of tho work, which will bo between $1,200 nnd $2,000, In caso Itocolver Gosh can not' pay tho oxponso, tho Chamber of Commerco will bo responsible for It Ilowover, It Is boliavod that Mr. Goss will defray it as tho oxponso will bo nioroly completing work atnrtcd by tho old Port Cominlmilon. Engineer Loofo ban received n let tor from Major Morrow stating that thoro would bo no objection to hav ing tho bills for tho work or tho Drodgo Oregon on tho project out side of tho government project being made out to Itccolvor Gobs instead of to the Climnbor of Commerce. How over, to ellmlnatu possible mlsiiudcr utaiidlug or dolayH, Major Morrow unyn it will bo best to liavo tho guar antee of tho Chamber of Commorco mid Messrs. I'owors, Uonnctt and Grime stand until the work Is completed. UKDUCTION SALE I.ndloV Tall-iM-ed SUITS and COATS. Koiu- days only lioglnnlng Wednesday. LADIES' KMromuM. i I.lbby COM,. Tho kind YOU have AIjWAVS USED. Phone T2 Pacific Livery V Transfer Co. FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC Given undor tho auspices of tho hoiih of Norway nt Knogrou's Grovo, Coos IMvor, Sunday, Juno 1G. Ilonts will leave Marshflold nt foot of Mar kot avenue at 8 and 10:30 and 1 p. m. Also Alert will loavo North Houd at 7:30 (i. in, sharp and AIlco II. will leavo tho Nana Smith dock at 7:30 u. in. sharp. Drlng your family and lunch basket. If you liavo no family don't forgot your best girl. Music by orchostra and illuming In the afternoon. Also games and athletics of all kinds, Good prison offorod. EVERYHODY WEL OOME. Committee. Still Mystery Small Amount Stolen. Tho identity of tho party or par tics who ransacked tho L. M. Noblo homo, yesterday afternoon and stolo Jowolry and other belongings to tho vnluo of about $200 Btlll romnins n mystery. Marshal Cartor is working on tho caso and has notified ofllccrs of nearby towns and hopes to bo nblo to land tho guilty parties soon. Tho discovery of part of tho miss ing articles wrapped up in n picco of cloth undor a bod in tho Noblo homo this afternoon addod to tho mystery. It is bollovcd that this Improvisod sack was thrown undor tho bod when tho miscreant hoard a liolso bolow and that ho forgot to got It again boforo gottlng away. Owing to tho nnturo of tho articles takon, Mrs. Noblo is undor tho Im pression that tho pllforors woro youths. Tlio robbery is belle vod to liavo occurod about 3:30 yostorday after noon. Mrs. Noblo loft tho houso nt 3 o'clock to attend a tea at tho homo of Mrs. Mary McKnlght. Mrs. Ar thur McKoown callod nt tho Noblo homo about 3:30. She rang tho door boll but no ono nnsworod. Sho thought sho hoard soma ono walking in tho upstairs room nnd wont around to tho back door, thinking that Mrs. Noblo did not hoar tho boll. Sho again heard somo ono walking in tho upstnlrs room but got no rcsponso to her knock. I(css than a half hour Inter, Mrs. Jus, Cowan, Jr., called at tho Noblo homo. Sho Is a rolatlvo. Sho oponod tlio door, oxpoctlng to find hor Bister, Miss Maud Noblo, thoro. Sho callod but no ono nnsworod and sho loft. When Mrs. Noblo roturncd about 5 o'clock sho found tho houso topsy turvy. Trunks had been opened nnd their contents strewn on tho floor. Itureau drawers had been ransacked and oven tho beds wero overturned, tho pllforors having Hcurchod undor Kvory room In tho houso hnd boon visited nnd nearly every plaeo boro searches of tho pill age with tho exception of Mrs. No bio's drossor. Many valuable papors had been handled but woro not tnkon. A fow papors of consldorablo valuo but which aro protected by being record ed are missing. About thrco dollars In chnngo was taken from n side board. This was all the) cash In tho houso, A gold chain was taken from Mr. Noblo's wntch but tho watch was left. Nearly all of tho silverware had been molested but llttlo If any of it was tnkon. Consldorablo Jowolry was takon, Including a Illltmoro ring ongrnvod "II. 1 8. '13", two smnll diamond rings, n largo hrarolot, two lockets, nnd chains, two lonfshapod black jot, sot In gold, brooches, n platinum locket sot with brilliants, and a numbor of othor nrticlcs. Tho articles found today In tho sack under tho bed in Miss Noblo's room Included n numbor of trlnkots Hint wero valuablo principally as keepsakes. Tholr dlscovory was ac cidental. Tho room had boon torn up by the pllforors and whllo trying to strnlghton It out, Miss Noblo and Mrs. Noblo hnd to movo tho bod. It caught on something nnd examina tion rovonlod tho Improvisod pouch underneath tho rollor. Yostorday nftornoon, Marshal Car tor took up a suspicious chnractor and sonrchod him but failed to find any evidence Ho Is now looking for another suspicious character whom ho had In Jail a fow days ngo. Ho was released and ordered out of town. IIo was soon on Front street a few hours boforo tho robbory but hns not been seen since. Ten Miles Per Hour Damage Roadways. City Attorney Goss Inst evening wns instructed by tho council to draft an ordinanco limiting tho speed of automobiles in tho city to ten miles per hour. Tho present speed limit Is twenty-four miles por hour outside of tho flro limits and eight miles por hour within tho flro limits. Tho action of tho council follow ed n lengthy discussion of tho mat tor. It was brought up by a report of City Streot Inspector Lawhorno Wednesday Evening An nounced by Director. Director Kenton of tho Coos Day Concert Dnnd this afternoon au nouncuil tho following program for tho concert which tho band will glvo at the city park nt 7:30 tomorrow ov cnlng If tho weathor Is fnvornblo and If the weather Is unfavorable, It will bo given at tho Masonic Opera House: March -"Tho Fodoral" Sousn Overture "Hungarian Comedy". . Kolor-Dola Waltz "Murmuring Winds". . .Hall' that tho speeding autos woro raising! Selection "Tho Soul Kiss". . . .Lovi havoc with tho plank strocts. Mr. Lawhorno said that tho machines woro touring up tho plank fastor than ho could splko thoni down. Last wcok, ho expended ?2G for spikes for South Broadway Not only tho damage to tho streets but tho danger of tho spcodlng ma chines was discussed. Marshal Car tor reported that ho had boon in formed that somo of tho machines had speeded upto forty-nlno inllos ppr hour Sunday. IIo said ho had ar rested eight. Whether tho Btato law or an ordi nanco should bo Invoked wna a ques tion ralsod but it was finally docldod to aniond tho present ordinanco and roduco tho speed limit to a point so that thoro will bo no question nbout nbillty to convict tho violators. 1V Llcenso Autos Hugh McLnln appeared boforo tho council last night mid Inquired if thoro was not somo way of licensing autos so that tho local machines would bo protected from outside autolsts coming In horo on coloura tions nnd participating in tho har vest. IIo said tho mattor had como up nt tho Chamber of Commorco In discussing tho Fourth of July plans, tho local autolsts having ngrcod to contribute toward' tho colobratlon providing thoy would bo assured that outnldo machines would bo kopt out. City Attorney Goss said that out sldo machines could not bo tnxod or licensed unless tho locnl ones woro. Ho suggested that tho autos for hlro bo required to pay an annual llcenso mid this would prevent outsldo ma- chines coming In horo for a day or, two. I Tho mattor will bo takon up lator. Aiitl-ltodent Ordlmuico An ordinanco providing that all buildings must bo mado rat and moiiHo proof or tho ownors of thorn would bo subject to a lino mid tho honlth olllcor would liavo authority to raze the building, was Introduced by Attorney Goss. Tho ordinance Mr. Goss said, was draftod upon ro il lies t of health olllcor Mlngus. Tho I council thought It too drastic nnd docldod to tablo It for awhllo. Albert Sollg who wns prosont said that his promises had boon frco of rats until tho city established n gar bage dump noar his placo. Now, slnco tho remains of tho gnrbago dump hnvo boon cremated, ho says tho rats aro thick around his homo. Jloro Pino Air Anothor ordinanco oinanntlng from City Health Olllcor Mlngus was also tabled by tho council. It provided that all buildings used as homes or sleeping npartmonts must hnvo GOO cubic fcot of air spaco for oach Indi vidual stooping In thoni, Tho council thought this wns too much air spaco becauso fow homos In Marshflold pro- vlilo anywhere noar this amount Novelty "Duneo of tho Nllo Maid ens" Losoy Selection from Faust Gounod March "Tho New Annapolis".... Taylor Star Spangled Dnnnor REDUCTION SAM? Ladles' Tail ored SUITS and COATS. Four days onlv beginning Wednesday. LADIES' EMPORIUM. Tcxns Tommy Dnncc at tho Royal tonight. Ahvny n good show for I Hi; faTZ MOORE'S - FOeson OAK NEVER fAIUNO REMEDY 30 YCARS THCSUNDARD riLCO, CHILBLAINS. PTLONS. OURNS, CTC AVALUKPLC nnuStMULD S4L.VI.. a oxuomsrs have i-en wiilostaim on ncQucir ACCtUT NO UBSTITllTT.S. com icnrs. HSBlEVMirHiCL5C3 SANfRAtlCISCO Lamo back Is usually causod by rhoumatlsm of tho muscles of tho back, for which you will find nothing bettor than Chiimborlaln'H Liniment. For snlo by all doalors. HubClothing&ShoCjCo. MAKSIIPIKLU. IJANDON. 0'Kelly's Auto Line Running between North Dond and Mnrshfleld as per schcdulo. ' Leave North llcnd) Leave Mnndiricld m. At tho opening of the now Mult noninh Hotel at Portland the Texas Tommy Dance- was ono of tho foa t tires on the program, tho society version being presented, Sco It to night nt tie ROYAL by COSTKLLO mid (JILI1EHT. TlMld.Bt lad Dij Bthool for OUI. IiTv chart otBLUra of Ul.Joha l)ptlit Kpltopl omuiI4M,a4.i ui xua.iiur DnatU, Willi, Art, Il.ltlli. ajBiulia. ForUloiUrMTIIK: 81STKII HUl'KRIOIt Of fir 21, St. Helen Hall An All-Wool Worsted in the New Brown Shades and Box Back Model For $18.00 DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CURED liv I rnl piitl(llon, h (ley cannnt resell ho ilWeawf lMirtloii of Hie rar. 1 1 ere l only totitMtu) imIiiiI ,t.inl llmt l hyrou illtiitfnnitl rcnitM i. PchOic , ,i . .. .. Ill Illllrtlllflll-O. llltl'lll of till) lllllcillla llllllllC in tlio Knitaelilrui Tube. Wlit-n ihl lulm l In, flu inert ynti Imvoa rumlilliiK nmnl or limr. (rcl lirarhiR. mill when It ! oiillri'ly cIhumI IX'Hfnon I. tilt) ri'illlt. nnd iinlms the Inflam innlloa ran bo Ukvii nut ami thl tube rotorrj to lt normal condition, hearing IIi bode t'ojfil (orevr inluecanea out of ten arecatited by Catarrh, uhloh l nothlni; but an InlUm med comllllou of tlivmucoiiii mrfncei'. We Mill elvv One llmulreil Pollara for any cae of ileulnewi (ciui'ivl by rntarrh) that run. not be cured by Ila.t'a Catarrh Cure. Bend K. J. CIIKSKVrA CO., Tole lo, O. Fold by PruuKlJlii.T.V Te flail' Kiitnllv Pill rninti-ailnn firr.r. a 7:40 " 8:26 " ono " 9:GC " 10:40 ll:2r " 12:10 p. m 12:G5 " 1H0 " il.QE II 3:10 " 3:55 " 4:0 " 5:25 " 0:10 " 0:55 " 7:5: " 8:G5 " 9:55 " 10:55 " 11:55 " 7:10 a. in. 7:66 " 8:40 " 9:2G " 10:10 10:66 11:40 " 12:25 p. m. 1:10 " 1:55 " 2:40 " 3:25 " 4:10 " 4:55 " 5:40 " G:25 " 7:25 " 8:25 " 9:25 " 10:25 " 11:25 " 12:26 a. m. You Auto Call Foote P1IONK M I-.T NIOIIT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NKV OAKS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Fhono 28-J Will niiiko trips to Coqiilllc. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywbero at any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 4C Night Phono 40. IfARKKH fl fiOODALE. pronrlaton. Lv. North Heml Allen's News Stand Lv. Marshflold Chandler and Blan co Hntols. Extra Good Improved nnd equipped 300-acre ranch, with 197 acres bottom; bal- nnco bench laud; has oil prospects; three-fourths of a mile wator front. Prlco $90 per acre. Terras. Llvory business paying bettor than 40 per cent on tho Investment. Prlco J3750. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman ail North Front St. Pus. Phone 29C-X: Res. Phono 166-J SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RANCH BARGAIN 120 Aero fri-it and dairy In culti vation Of the host class All stock, tools and Implements. l-uuu Handles Dalanco $12,000. easy, I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Prone St. Marshfield and North Bend Auto i AOI.ST K,.v,. ,w. "U "WO III "rll LKAVi: MAItSIIKIKLI) 7:16 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 11:46 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 1:15 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 4:15 P. M., 5:00 P. M. 6:45 P. M. 0:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 12:30 A. M. J'Bsontn 7 00 A , I:4sa!m! 9:" A.M 12:0A : 1 :30 a.m. ":1B P.; M 1:00 p. ji 1H5 P. m 2:30 P. M. 3:16 P.M. 4 : 00 P.M. M5r.M. C:30p.M JMB P.M. 7:00 P. m. 3:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 10:00 P.m. 1 1:00 p.m. 12:00 P.M. Lenvo Norlli Heml Allen's News atnnd. Invo Mnrshfleld Chnndler and Ulanco Hotels and Dm; Ccn For the Use And Enjoyment Of Every Home public utilities are for (house of the nianr not of tlio fow. in u ffas conipiuiy the mumtfaclurer,ikii. tribntor ami tho retailer arc all iu one or ganization. while tho cost of living has been Roiuguplk price of gas sovvices has licon KoiiiRdom our nm nu faotu ring plant, distributing sys tem of mains and gas appliance department aro at tlio command of every housewife. wc offer modem pas rantcs on our co-opt-atiyo payment plan which means on ttrmlt suit your convenience. gas service is economical and clean. It saves much disagreeable labor and is comfortable and convenient. telephone 178 and we will send a represen tative. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 COI)i:.Si: STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bi At tho close or business April IS, 1012. lucsoimcics. Loans nnd discounts IMUlHl Donds. warrants and securltloa """ U. S. bonds to 8curn rlrcnlntlnn IW1" Heal estate, rurnlturo and fixtures ,U1 Cash nnd sight exchango l""lP Total IM.W'J I.IAIIILITIKS. Cnnltnl uffielf nnl.t in IIM.W Surplus and undlvldod pro'llts ...!!..!! , '!!! Circulation, outstandlns . , fi Deposits 'iM1 Total VW In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability ol St'"' ors Is 1100,000.00. I.NTKIIKHT PAID ON TIME AXI) SAVI.VCS DErOSITS- ,.. . . trLA-Prtdirfl w. a. uiiANUl.KJl, Prosldont. M. C. IIOluu., DOnSEY KItBITZBR, Cashier. 8TATKSIKNT OF CONDITION OP T. J. BCAIFE A. H. HODOINS FLANAGAN & BENNEn MAItSIIFIRLl), OREGON. At tlio close of business, April 18f 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Banking House Cash aud Exchanges BANK . Total IISM'111 MB , LIABILITIES. i ,!'!! Capital Stock paid In ' l,lW aurpius aim undivided Proilts (jl.Ji"' Deposits --- Tnl.l ' FIXUP Marshfield Paint Marshfield North Bend French Realty Co. 31 512 N. Front St. (Sb Decorating Co. "' Estimates MAR8HFIELD, MILCH ?P.VThov.-mol,.vntlye.blllt7 . A TURKISH BTH WEN fte&uJjtfilli GOOD. Phone 31". li5B.HBM Furnished Phone U0L Oregm