iuMfHH THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION. '""SHRSaHBCHJBEGDnjjjjj- A Suggestion First Addition To Marshfield 'Cake your Sunday walk out South Fifth Sired ; follow the Boulevard bordering Coal Bank Inlet and as you stroll along the sheltered way towards Eastport no tice the beautiful property that has been platted into building sites and is now be-" ing sold at low prices and on terms to suit your income. Your walk will be si pleasant one; just a few minutes from the city no hills to climb nor bridges to cross and the most attractive driveway in Marshfield. Reynolds Development Co. Coko Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0-J". Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire , and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HK.Y..Y 6KN08TAOKKN, Mgr. CoquIHo Offl.e Phona 101 ManbOeld Offlea 14-J. Cirmi Timber Coal and Platting Landa a apeclalty. General Ajjanta "EABTSIDm" mm cobs bay. mxm. VLttl. Siik I J ' 4Kk y. '( PRESENTED NX r or i..,..,,,.,.,.,..i COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. 6CALERS U&SA6CNTS. COAL COLONIZATION. MJW. F3MT flWIT. MNEML, nhmrn tstn i Omnium or nm3TRMt- COHPMillS A SPZClAlTYsu The pint has prorva thut Invastmcnie m small aero tracts near growlm cities are the moit profltabU. The 0. 11. II. B. has tuch to otfer. Cbaa. J. BruMbVn. Mnrahtlold. On. HubClothing&ShocCo. MARSHFIELD. nANDON. "HOSOM l'HIHXDS" XOTICK TO CREDITORS OV THE l'OHT OV COOS HAY Notice Is hereby given that In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lo and for the County of Coos, In the lt wherein ThomaB McOlnnls la Piaintlft and Henry Songutacken, et '. and defendants, case No. 3328, ne undersigned waa on the 2nd day "May, 1912, by order of said court, oily appointed receiver of the Port iJ T0is Uay' a ,,e fact0 corporation, - inai uy order of aald court in Mid cause, dated the 29th day of ..i l912, aU Persons having claims ton T 00'u l oi uoua ouy uio quired to fllo their verified claims Si. ',t.8a,d Port r Coos Bay within y (60) days from the 1st day of 3 1912' tll dato ot the first Kn ,Bned receiver at his office 'In B?uf 3 and 4- P1"at National Bank n .n f ' Marahfleld, Oregon. Ui , ,1. at Marshfield, Oregon, June eii 1912. R J. D. GOSS. Receiver. j : vv vuuiiL-awon oaiuruay, judd ' aaa Jan Saturday, June 29.) Hvxorsis of Tin: annual statement of tiih united STATICS IUIANC1I OF THE ROYAL INSURANCE CO., (Ltd.) In tho Kingdom of Great Britain, on the- 31at day of Docombor. 1011, mndo to the Insurance Commissioner or tlto Stnto of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Deposit cnpltnl GGO.000.00 INCOME. Promlums received during the year In cash I 7.859.281.21 Interest, dividends, and route received during tho year 847.30D.34 . Inconio from othor sources rocolvod dur- . ' - Ingthoyoar' '. . . . C1C.821.95 Total lucoino $ DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during tho year 4,088,287.95 Commissions and salaries pnld .during tho year 2.099,109.42 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during tho yoar 327,821.47 Amount of all othor oxpondlturos 2,195,879.83 9,023,501.50 Totnl expenditures ASSETS. Valuo of roal ostato ownod I 4,140,902.01 Value of stockB and bondB owned 5,221,801.25 Loans on mortgngos and collateral, etc,. 344,900.00 Cash in hanks and on hand 010,.J3.74 PromluniH In courao of collection and In transmission 13i'J",J, Intorest and ronts duo and nccruod... 84.G9.LGl Othor assota "'"H? Total assota 111,840,202.74 Total nsBota admitted In Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross clalma for lossos unpaid C91.195.9C Amount of unearned promlums on nil outstanding rlska 7,G22,onnn Duo for commission nnd brokorago. .. . "S'ooo'rr All other liabilities 582,282.55 8,711,098.07 .$ 11,840,202.74 Total liabilities i a ' ! I t t W 8,802,043 70 Total insuranco In forco Decembor 31, 1911 .r,l,40J,74J,iJi.u" .otni iiwuruiito ,, ,N, OI.KG0N pon THE YEAR. . ww.. ".---- , mn ityo mm nA i . .fOiiuo.i i "' ll!1 maybe human beings, but tho best bosom friend that a man can vol) upon on a "state" occasion U hU shirt bosom. In such a caso, Is your shirt properly ironed handsomely laundered? Everything depends upon your Laundry, whether you look all right or all wrong. Our Laundry work Is our pride, and receives the praise of all who have tried It. Per fect work, done and delivered when wanted, and at a reasonable price. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57--L A Modern Brick Building. Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day;""118 Cor. Broadway and Marnei. Marshfield. Oregon. There never waa a time when peo- CSinTcoughore SseT saesand 'voluntary test, men ?al trom persons who have been cured by It. It you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold are uu"' . A v-mo nrnualnted EMES aUuaUtler For sale by all qeaiera. m-i. -Il.n ..wU.nn ilnrlnir in VPflP. . Gross promlums received during tho year J "'""'J- Premiums returned during tho year r.4 SB447 i Da ..i.i ,inrlni tho voar uiBI'2'1 ' Losses Incurred during tho year .- . .'' Totnl amount of rlskB outstanding In Oregon Decomber 31, 1911 ,7.277,803.00 THF ROYAL INSURANCE CO., (Ltd.) B. F. BEDDALL, Gonornl Attornoy for tho United States. H. II. BURKE. Portland, Oregon, Oeneral Agent. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Resident Agents, Marshflold, Pro. Half a Loaf may bo "better than no bread" as the provorb goes, but half a loaf of our bread la only an aggravation. For It Is so light and toothsome, so "moro lsh" in flavor, that oVon a whole lpaf goes a very short way In satisfying the wants of those who try It. If you would know what porfect bread la try some of ours. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. Phone Ill-L market Ave. MarshneH Two Boon Companions are Haines' flour and good bread. If you employ the first you are always sure of tho second. They go to cether. even when accompanied by only moderate baking skill. Order Back of Halnea' flour. Phono; 199-J. Don't mix U with other flours. Give ub a chance to ahow what It can do by iweii. A. T. Haines Phono 1993 Wtrftroat, Uld. NOTED WJLT.IL SPEAKER HERE SIRS. JACKSON' Sll.ltOUCII, WHO All)l.l IX UKCALIi OF MAYOR CILL AT SEA'ITLK, WILL TOl'It COOS COl'XTV. Mra. Jackson Sllliough, ono or tho lending W. C. T. U. worVors In tho Pacific Northwest, arrived In North Bend today on a tour of Southwestern Oregon. Concerning her, Mrs. Robt. McCnnn. of North Bend, received thu following letter: "Mrs. Jackson Sllbough la ono of tho best speakers sent out by tho National W. C. T. U. She Is tho wife of n prominent Seattlo Inwyor and her closo association with her hus band hns given her a legal knowl edge of tho tcmporanco quostlon that Is not equalled by any ono of tho speakers to ho secured In Oregon. Sho was ono of n dozen persons who secured by her personal Investigation tho knowlodgo of tho conditions in Seattlo which finally resulted In tho rocnll of Mayor Gill, Tho Intcrosr. In Mrs. Sllbougu's meetings should not In any Bonso bo confined to mem bers of our organization, but ovcr ono who wants to seo tho Oregon sa loon outlawed Bhould use ovory effort to socuro hor a largo hearing. Evory person who bollovcs In tho lcgnl pro hibition of tlio traffic should not only work to socuro a hearing tot thin elo quent woman, but should attend ev ery ono of hor meetings. Wo will novor know tho power exerted by sympathizers with tho npenker In making tho address a powerful ono." Mrs. Sllbough will hold mcottngj as follows: North Bend, Sunday nftornoon nt United Brethren church. Marshfield, Sunday ovonlng nt Bap tist church. Cooston, Mondny ovonlng nt school houso. Stunner, Tucodny ovonlng. Enstsldo, Wednesday ovonlng. North Bend, Thursday evening at Eckhoff Hall. Coqulllo, Friday evening. Bandon, Sunday ovonlng. Mra. Sllbough organized tho wom en for tho election nnd- wn ono ot tho oloctlon offlcors, giving hor a apcclal Insight Into tho grcnt struggle for civic rlghtcousnoss. Wo doom tho atnto W. C. T. U. fortunnto to lmvo secured Mrs. Sllbough for a tour of tho stato at this time. Her nbllltv to rondor naslstanco In our battle agnlnst tlio saloon will dopoml on tho number of pcoplo sho may reach In hor audiences. This will nlmost wholly dopond on tho porsonal work of frlouda of our cnuso whoro she speaks. HOWARD'S gonutno MEXICAN TAMALKS dollvorcd any placo In tho city until 111 O'CLOCK at night. They aro HEADY to SERVE. Phone san. fIRST ANNUAL PICNIC Given under tho auspices of tho sons of Norway at Enogron's Grovo, Coos Rlvor, Sunday. Juno 1C. Boats will loavo Marshfield at foot of Mar ket avonuo at 8 and 10:30 and 1 p. in. vAIso Alert will loavo North Bond nt 7:30 a. m, shnrp and Allco II. will lenvo tho Nairn Smith dock nt 7:30 a. in. sharp. Bring your family and lunch linskot. If you havo no family don't forgot your best girl. Music by orchestra and dnnclug In tho nfturuoon. Also gnmoH nnd nthlotlca of nil kinds. Good prlzoB offorod. EVERYBODY WIJI COME. Committee. Poison oAr REMEDY TOCSUHOAHO NEVER rn inn PllX.CMIlBLANi. rtLOHf.BUBHS.tTC ui. ORUMitrm mc it on wiu-o.tim om nrauur ACCCPT H3 yyTITllTt. m rrrcoMj to iM6ttYMICHttaCO nitfjt. 5niHNUbtU SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RANCH BARGAIN 120 Aero fruit and dairy In culti vation Of the boat class All stock, tools and Implomenta. $2000 handles Balance easy, $12,000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. JOHNNY'S GARDEN I'm going to hnvo a gnrdon, yes; but you need not suppose That In It will bo planted a tulip or roso, For I am going to purchnso tho plant? thnt I llko best, And hero's a list ot somo of thorn- I'vo not thought up tho rest I'm very fond of oystor stow, and. oystora broiled or fried, And so I'll havo nn oyster-plant, to" keep mo well supplied. And as I Just lovo omolotB. and sometimes hens won't lny, A thrifty egg-plant I'll sot out, and pick tho egga each day. Thon I mil very fond of plo, nnd tlioy'ro kept out of reach, So I'll hnvo the largo plo-planto, np- plo and nilnco nnd peach. And I shall hnvo n rubber-plant, and when thero's rain or frost I'll Just run out nnd pick a pair for mine aro nlwaya lost. Anothor plnnt I want to buy, I'vo never seen It yet, But scorns to mo It would bo wloo somo candytuft to got. And so, you see, I'vo thought up nil tho things thnt I llko host: And, ns I said, I haven't yot decided on tho rest. YOUTHS COMPANION, "LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE AND' HOW OUR GIRLS' CLUB HELPED HER." (By Eddevn Wlieelcr of Fifth grado) Tho girls ot tho club woro having n Jolly tlmo In tho club room. Soon tho ton o'clock boll rang and they Bcaraporod homo. Tho night waa dnrk, cold nnd dreary. Tho snow was over two foot doop. Many pol icemen woro on tho corners ouUldo as woll na Instdo tho city. As four of tho girls lived outtldo tho city they startod abend ot tho rest. Thoy woro moving forward rapidly. Margot, being tho oldest oC tho four, nctod as chaporon. Sh know no fonr, for her fathor, Mr. Omlng, was ono ot tho policemen on Eighty-fifth street. Sho knew they woro nonrlng thnt ntroot for they saw tho gloam ot his lantern. As thoy approached him, ho seemed to bo loaning ovor something. Hasten ing to her father, Margot saw a mall girl lying on 11 pllo of wet hay. Sho bognn nt onco to question -her fathor about tho child. "Wo will tnko hor homo and put hor In a warm bed," ho Bald. "I found hor hero sound nsloop a few mlnutoB ago." Tho child wob rnggod and had on n pnlr of old shoos that wore too largo, also. It was black but very largo, alos. H was black but very wot and dirty. Thoy did not disturb hor sloop but took hor to their home. Tho next! morning tho child nwak onod to find horself In a strange houso. Sho was vory much frlght cnod nt first, but Mrs. Omlng being a very kind lndy comforted hor by tolling hor alio would nlwaya bo hap py In hor now hmno. for thoy meant to kcop hor. MrB. Omlng aBkot the' child hor nnmo and whoro Bho came, from . Sho said hor narao wob Annie Lcef. Hor mothor hnd died of the t fovor and hor fathor would no longer enro for hor, "I hnvo boon soiling pnpors for tho last two yoara and last night I waa asleop on a pllo of hay, whon ho found mo." Margot nntlflod tho club at once for tho work of tho glrl'B club was to boo that tho poor woro woll pro vided for. Soon tlio sum of twenty dollars waa ralBod for tho purpose of gottlng clothoH for Annlo. Annie grow to bo a strong rod-cheoked girl. Mr. nnd MrB. Omlng took pride In having Annlo n a "daughter." Mar got and Annlo spent many happy hours togothor. Somo tlmo after, Annlo Jolnod Margot In bolng one of tho mombora of tho Glrlo' Club. y. jr. boaifh $ A. II. HODOIN1 Marshfield Paint (8b Decorating Co. Bstlmatos MAR8HFIELD, Furnlnhed Phnnn M0L Orecoi BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and Grading. "Wo aro prepared to do thla work by tho day or contract and guarantee aatlsracilon. Lot us flguro with you Q. 8. FLOYD & CO. Phono 3 16-J. Marshflold, Ore The Electric Shoe Shop IS WnERK THEY ItUr SHOES FR03I 1 PER PAIR UP. THK ELKOTRIO 8II0H SIIOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfield Llbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU have ALWAYS VHED. Phono 712 Pnclflo t.lvirv A?- 'rrntitfrr Co. FHOTRE'DAME" LADY'S-APPEAL7 To ll Inowlni .qffrrfni ot rtrurattlim. whtb- -. .... L.I... .tall. lumtlaffU.. Uckcli, lln lo lie kUarj. or Dfurlft ului. U Tirllo lo ktt for homo irr.tuwut. t.alcb hn rv.Mlr rurrO ll of ''" tike fwl. It At duly lo wnl tt to ll uilfrr" yilKK. Vou euro ounlf it lo" tUouMiiiU will tMllfr no cli.nie of cllm.t tlo nKr?l try TbH ilmplc Mtoittj Unlh url icW from tb blood. Ijomo. tlir U(rrn Jolnti. pur 0 tbt W00J. uJ brlsotrn. lb 7M. I f n flutlclty nd ton to the wbolr iy.ttm. If th .bovi lntrf.U yoo. for proof odrrM Hri. M. Boornrr.. Ho It. Ntr Boi. InO. No, 60 rnr.n cutHKic, , ruy iduiKly IU biwJiUov Cork CnUr UR Mr. Ball PUytr i Do you rclu iKu lb. Cork Center Ball 1 U OKicitl Dtll o lh World Sub. hat no other tlyl ol bail cn u uu uwant MUM ud that no other tlyl ol bail tan t inWoiU3niam Ponly?' lo play with lha l.all all Ihe bif It titer I ho 3paldin( umciai national I. .... f-.V P.nt. H.IL 11.2S each. ia Ih. Official Ball ol the WoiTd SeilM and the officially adopted ball pi Ihe bit majority ol all prolcuiooal and amateur leaf uce and of the moat piomineM colj luce and achoole Ihtoughout tho United Statei. Spaldin Woild Sfriee Uaeo Call Unifoime worn by the champion. Send lot cample ol material for llaea tall Uniform., fie on requeet. Wo outfit all National and American League leame. Spalding Cataloiuo eat on requeet to any addict. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 156 Geary Street, San Frtuicl.co We Carry a Complete Line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Marsh field, Ore. I 1