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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1912 EVENING EDITION. HIGH SCHOOL U ElSIS COMMENCEMENT i OF lMKN! i i I OHuiS LARGE 51 y h ID (Continued from pago 1.) Supt. 'J'lodgon that u hondaomo plc turo would bo presented to tlio High School by tlio graduating rlnss, con tinuing tlio custom stnrtod tt few years ngo. Tlio plctttro has boon or ilorcd but lina not yot arrived. Presldont P. L. Campbell or Orogon More Than Million Dollars Will Bo Expended to Renomi nate Roosevelt. lndlsponmib o to recover tho said sum. As rownrd I give up to you tlio third part, viz ? 100,000.00. f intitinf 1'iinnlrn vrttii IIIIMU'AI' til Mm Yoik World has tho following from !liriBon i)llt you lnBt soli cablegram Its Washington correspondent: Mom t0 n poison In my confidence who NEW YORK, Mny 30. Tlio Now CoiHiiucil trom page 1.1 I On Last Tw Steamers--1 tli an $1,000,000 has beon expended University devoted his address lnrgo- n t,e campaign to proem o the pnsi- ly 10 ciiucniionni worK in urogon. no Bpoko approvingly of tho dovelopmont .1. r.t. ..i i . i-ii.. .. in LV'VTf.0" ." ZVT u"i ih as the time for tl.on.iou. jiu,uii mi. iiiu iiiiiif. . ... ...(... School n foun Intlon for lilgner ouuca donttnl nomination for Tlicodot Uoosevelt. nnu tho tin!! expense arc tlon. IIo also commendod tho Intro duction of practical Industrial branches In high school courses and accompanying practical laboratory work. Touching on higher education In Oregon, President Campbell express- btlng of tho Chicago convention ap proaches. Tho headquarters In Washington Is costing about ?ri000 n day. There remain less thru. Ill days boforo tho convention will moot. Each Roosevelt delegate has coif about $3000. If tho Colonel should oblnlu 5-10, the number to nomlnnto od regrot at tho Inadequacy of tho nm, ril0 Ry0raK0 C()St slmtilcl romolt. Normal School systom In this stato )(llp tho trj, , . ,, l)(J ?iC20i. IIo said that nt present, tho Orogon 000, Normnl schools aro turning out onlyi special Trains and Oilier Unix. fifty or sixty tcachors each year Tho Items of oxponso Include from when tho stato really requires n postnRO stamp to a spcclnl train. about two hundred. Ho said that nml from nn oftco uoy to a BC11rnI this waB ono of tho crying needs of manager. Orogon for further advancement In It cost $78,000 for stamps to dls- Its cducntlonal systom anil urged thnt, tribute circulars In eight states. utato appropriations bo mndo for tho Tho tolegrnph tolls havo been bills nuoquato oxtonsion oi mo training -is much schools for toachors IIo paid high trlbuto to tho work bolng dono by tho Oregon Agricul tural college IIo said that tho In stitution was not only fltUng tho youngor generation for tho bottor cultivation of tho soil and making tho most of tho natural resources of tho stato but was also oxtondlng tho bonoflts of Its rononrchcB to tho oldor agriculturists of today. This, ho Bald, wna bolng accomplished by Bending Its exports out nmong tho farmors and ranchers and by prac tical demonstrations of tho modern nnd bottor tnothods. Mr. Campbell also spoko on tho corrospondonco courses offerod by the Stato Institutions. IIo said that Ore gon In' .this way was taking advan tage 'df what had boon dono by tho University of Wisconsin. IIo said that tho Mndlsoii Institution had so dovoloped Its corrospondonco school work thnt It was extending to prac tically ovory young porion In tho stato ovon though they woro financial ly unnblo to nvnll thoinsolvcs of a collogo course, tho ndvantagea lilghor education through practical corrospondonco Instruction. Ho said that much was bolng dono In Orogon In n Ilka manner, and that It would bo furthor oxtonded. Mr. Canipboll said that ho had boon trying for two or throo yours to visit Coos county but each soason soma- thing had Interfered. This year when Roosevelt sponkors hnvo cost an nverngo of $100 a speech. Tho weekly "pinto" servlco j newspapers runs up nn exponso ac count of $75,000 or $100,000 for tho campaign. Printing nnd lithographing will cost $200,000 boforo tho Inst dele gate Is elected. It In estimated thnt nbout 1200 workors were In tho flold In tho in -nols, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, Nebraska and Missouri campaigns. At St. Josoph, Mo., workers woro pnld $2T a day. For several days 1200 Roosevelt mon woro nt work In two of tho Mnrylnnd districts. Thcro woro 147 In tho seventeenth wnrd of Ilnltlmoro. Tho Maryland men, It Is estimated, woro paid nt least $5 each day. NEW PENSION' IjAW Now Legislation Wilt Benefit Lnigo Number. Thousands of Civil Wnr Veterans 0f In Oregon and tho northwest will bo ' entitled to pension or to increase or present pension by tho terms of tho now Borvlco pension net. which was slgnod by Presldont Taft Mny 11. It Is estlmntod that tho now legislation will ndd $25,000,000 or $30,000,000 to tho pension pny roll. Undor tho tonus of this net It Is not nocossnry for tho veterans to ho roachod Rosoburg, ho rocelvetl a Irovo n"y Brt of disability. Tho telegram urging him to return horn, pension Is bnsod on tho two tosts of on Important buslnoss but ho said ho poBltlvoly declined to glvo up tho trip. Tho trip In ovor the atngo road wna not nearly nn bud as It had been pluttirod nnd ho said thnt ho was enjoying his stny horo very much. Ho delivered tho commoucoment ad dress nt Ilnndou Tuesday ovonlng nnd tonight will speak at North Iiond. IIo will nlBo deliver tho commencement, lnya, $ address nt Coqulllo mid this afternoon $13.fi0: n Is delivering tho Moinorlnl Dny nil dross In Mnrnhflold. Dr. McCormnc of tho Mnrshftold school board prosontod tho dlplouuiH to tho olnBS nnd provlous to tho pro Bontntlon mndo n short talk on "Pchool Loyalty nnd Loynlty to Ono's Idoals." Ho snld that Frank Wlclc mnn. now ono of tho leading musi cians of llorkeloy, Calif., nnd who Is perfecting his musical oducatlon by n flvo years' rourso In Europo, was nn excellent oxnmplo of how loynlty ngo nnd service All honorably dis charged soldlors nnd Bailors who sor ved 90 dnya or longor como within tho net, tho bonoflt Incronslng with length of sorvico nnd ngo, beginning ni i-j yonra. Amount of Pensions. In enso such porson has ronchod the ngo of G2 yonrs nnd served 00 $13 per mpnth; nix months, ono year, $14 por month; ono nnd ono yonr yonrs, $14,50'; two nnd ono hnlf yonrs. $15 n month; throo years or ovor, $1G per nmnth. In enso such person has reached tho ngo of CO yonrs nnd sorvod 90 days, $15 por month; six months, $1.1.50 por month; ono yonr, $10 per month; ono nnd a -half yonrs, iu.uu por month; two years, $17 por month; two and n half yonrs, $18 per month; throo yonrs or ovor, $19 por month. In enso such norson hns readmit to nn Ideal, spurred nn by ambition.' nip ago of 70 yonra and sorvod 90 brought success. Mr .Wlcknion waa days, $18 per month; six months, ronrou in i.uipiro nun ins niivance-' ?,' per mnutli: will dollver It to me. . Awaiting your cnblo to Instruct you In all my secret, I am, sir, Yours truly, IVANOVITf'll. First of nil answer by cnblo not by lettor ns follows: Leon Campos, Peso, Vullndnlld, Spain Tho clipping referred to In tho lottor follows: Soma months ngo, ns our renders wny remember, wo referred In these columns to tho gient scandal caused, in St. Petersburg, nnd in Russia gen erally, by n noted bnnkor who ab sconded, leaving n dollclt of over flvo millions of rubles. Tho Russian Pollco sought for him foj a long time In vain for It sepms ho hnd not left tho least traco of his (light and tho continued search ovor Europo nnd America proved unavail ing. Yesterday, howovor, a Spanish In spector accompanied by two officers from Scotland Yard and nctlng un dor Instructions of tho Spanish Am bassador, who had previously Intor vlowod tho Homo Sccrotary nrrostod him on his way from tho hotel whoro ho wns Btnylng, to tho stonmshlp ofMco. It scorns that It wns his evi dent Intention to tnko pnssago to Now York. From Information r colvcd by tho Ambassador, ho hnd been In hiding In Spain, whero ho lived with a woman and with his dnughtor. A fow days boforo nrrlv ing In London ho had quarreled with another Russian, who wns mortally wounded by n rovolvcr shot during I tho sciilllo nnd who Ilvod only long enough to denounco his nssnllnnt. In nn Intorvlow with tho Russlnn Ambassador, It scorns thnt tho nntno ho hnd been using In Spain, nnd" which ho gnvo on bolng nrrostod wns not his ronl nntno, Mnnnssolnn bolng simply nn alibi, but nftor comparing tho prlsonor with photographs In his possession, tho Russian Ambassador rccognlrod him nn Alexis Ivnnovltch, tho criminal bnnkor who olopod with 5 million rubles; ho Is n nntlvo of St. Potorsburg, n wldowor 48 yonre old, with an only dnughtor thnt ho loft In Spnln on escaping from thnt country. On being nrrostod two of Munnsscl nn's or Alexis Ivnnovltch's portmni, tonus woro seized but although strict ly sonrchod nothing- but porsonnl ef fects woro found In thorn, In splto of which, tho Russian Ambassador doclares that tho prisoner ought to hnvo Hovornl million rubles. Tho Russlnn and Spanish Ambas sadors conferred yesterday ovonlng ns to whether tho prlsonor should bo convoyed to Spnln or to Russln, nnd after nn Intorvlow with tho Homo Socrotnry, nnd In nccordnnco with tho oxtrndltlon treaty of England, Russia nnd Spnln, It wns ngrocd that tho prlsonor should bo convoyed to Spnln, to stand trlnl for manslaughter, nnd thnt only nftor his trlnl can tho Rus slnn Government nsk Spain, through diplomatic channels, for his extradition. ew SJiceicsoBn sjimoes ew sjtcetsoo jniaics ew Ckjettit Slhmirtbs ew Keiseir Ties BEST OF ALL ew Beojainmin Cloikhes MONEY TALKS" HUE CLOTHING & SHOE CO. MARSHFIELD tS3ESSSS wftpt wan KvuiJiLmmvKJHaitsBiEsaxaEX. WXDOjf, Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES 51.R0 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $l.2B AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. 0'Kelly's Auto lb Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire . and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIENitY 8KNGSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offlco Phornt 191 UaribHcId Offlce 14-J. Farms Timber Coal aad Platting Lands a specialty. General AgonU "EABT8IDBT Leave Noitli ij0n IaTe)larI,ntli 7:10.b. 7:E5 8M0 " 9:25 " I0;io 10:55 " 11:40 12:25 p.m. 1:10 1:55 " 2:40 " 3:25 " 4:10 " 4:55 " 6M0 " 6:25 " 7:25 8:25 " 9:15 - 10:25 " 11:25 " l2:25iLa Lv. Mnrshfleld-ChaDdltr :i V J IIUIUID (5:55 n. m. 7:40 " 8:25 " 9:10 " 9:55. ' 10:40 " 11:25 " 12:10 p. m. 12:55 " 1:40 " 2:25 " 3:10 " 3:55 " 4:40 " 5:25 " C:io " C:55 " 7:65 " 8:55 " 9:55 " 10:55 " 11:55 " THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Cocs Bay for Portland, at 1 1:00 A. M., Friday, May 3 1 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. O. F. McGEOItaE, Agent. Unique PantatoriuJ THE MODERN DYERS, dilYBI, j tiu.ociwwj ana HAT RE.V0VATOBI Agont for Edward E. Strtntj aCi fine Tnllorine Ut ui mih jw UUAl OUU. Vftti OomniMxIftl. PhoMiWI FAST AND COMMODIOUS ment wns duo largely to his own ef forts. Dr. McCormnc nlso expressed gratification ovor tho entry of Mil ton Carlson, ono of this year's grad uates, Into tho United States Naval Academy nt Annapolis. , Tho Invocation was delivered by Row R. E. Drowning of tho Marsh- ono yonr. ; 20 nor iiionwi; ono nnu n nnir yonrs, $21.50 per month; two yonrs. $23 por month nnd two und n hnlf yonrs, $24 por month; three yonra nnd ovor, $25 per monui. Minimum Rate. In caso such norson hns ronebnd tho ago of 75 yoars and sorvod 90 WORLD-WIDE llOVCOTT Union Plans to Pliuc Hun 011 ICngllsli Shipping. (Dy Assoclatod Proas to Tho Coos liny Times.) BERLIN, Cormany, May 30 Tho general council of tho International Transportation Workers' Federation whoso headiiunrtors nro In Rorlln Is preparing to net on tlio nppoal of tho British Dock Workors to proclaim a world-wldo boycott of Hrltlsh ship ping. Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUBMARINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Saturday, June I, At 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. A Modorn Brick Bulldlnr, Eltctti wgnt, stenm Heat. ElegaatI Furnished Hoomi with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTIIL OO0S C. A. MKTLIN, Trop. Rntos: 60 conts a Day and Cpt iri Cor. Brondway and Market Mnrshdcld, Orejon. r. j. toxin A. H. HODODI Marshfield Pain) (8b Decoratings Co, Qitlmatea liiUmMJi, Furnlibed Phon 1L 6n Held Episcopal church. Mrs. A. B. i dnys, $21 per month; six months, (lldloy snng two solos nnd rosnondol to an oncoro with "Tlio Rosary." Selections woro nlso rendered by tho High School (iiinrtetto consisting of OlnuiKoy Clarko. Lesllo Isaacson, wosioy Hoaninn nnd Sldnoy Clarko. $22.50 por month: ono year. $24 imp month, ono nnd ono half yenrs, $27 por month: two yonr8 and ovor $30 por month. Ono InJurod In sorvico In lino of uuiy nnu now unfit for manual labor YOU CAW CURE THAT BACKACHE. Pain along tho back, dizziness, hend ocho nnd genornl languor. Got n packngo of Mothor Grny'a AROMAT. IC-LEAF, the nlenaant root nnd hero euro ror nil Kidney. Bladder nnd U. Inny troubles. When you feol all run down, tl ed, wenk nnd without energy uso this romarknblo combln ntloa of nnturo's ho lis nnd roots. as n regulator It has no cnunl. Mo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TI.ME. SAILS FRON AINSWORTH HOOK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., MAY 1st, 8th, liltli, lHth, airtl nnd 'JHtli. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE MAY 4tli, 10th, lath, SOtli, U3th nnd 80th. L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Phono Main J121-L. BUILDINO AND REP.UIf WOK llmiPiA Mnvlnp and Gndlsl. Wo nro propared to do UU fl I by tho dny or contract and rwityl sntlsfnctlon. Lot us ligure win I O. 8. FLOYD y8 CO. Phono 31C-J. MftuMMto " Mllttfc W illititUill ItlUlir I !..- n .. at-km.. ...... . UoHldes tho monibors of tho class or Incapacitated for labor by dlsoaso . V. '. . u "'V1,V ' sold those on tho stage woro Presldont resulting froni dlsnb 11 P L Campbell, Supt. F A. Tledgen. lino of duty Is entitle I to " nnxl It M .i!!frrl"VRf 'n A'l?r??8' Principal A. L. Barker. Dr. J. T. Mc mum rate, of $30 por ninnth 11 Itlim.t ' Mnthor r"y Cl' LoHN- Y Cormac, and Judgo John F. Hall. regard to ago or loncth of sorvi.-n I: - T7 Tlio members of tlio graduiitliiK (I'bs are Misses Nora Towor. Mnv Preiiss nnd Mary Pilco; Mesirs. Mll' trn CTrlson. Chauncey Clarko. Bart Jolt rinnngan mid Kmost Hnrrlngton, president. Tho htugo nnd high school woro prettily decoratod with groons nnd flowers A bountiful bowl of calla- otorans of tho Mexican war who son od CO days, or longor nro nlso entitled to $30 nor month. Tho ponslons provided for nro toll tnko effect from tho dnto nppllcn-' tlons nro (Hod provldod thnt thosoi now on tho pension rolls, or with applications ponding undor tho oxiat-i lug law, may by application rocelvo' Illlci benutlllod the platform. Arthur tho bonoflts of tho act under roguln KolaPid.Miix Relgnrd. Nohlo Pitman, tlon. provided by tho commissioner :" """". ihiui iimioii nun oi pensions, unnk In tho servlco Is HiirpI Powers acted ns ushors. to bo cousidorod nnd no nttornoy or .. Tl'''' naiHiiiot. aucnt Hluill recolvo compousntlon In r -Having tho loiiiuieiuoniont ox- proseiitlng a claim except In behalf orcl ,m, tho Junior Binquet was ton- of those not now on tho pouslon rolls deu' nt the High School, plates bo- ' r "s Jiir In.i ror about thlrty-llvo. Los- fiOOIlltOVDwnitir Ho Haacson was toastmnstor and tho " ' "". toinwing toasts woro respondod to: II. A. fltErnnlnivia Af TAfinn.i n.MH 'Tlio nigh School ns a Business w ;"i .."" '"' 'i! ;.U4i"""' "ua Proposition" ...Dr. J. T. McCormnc w ,","' VoiiOPu ilT U r . 'SZnecUoVof'tho inst" B .' rcm lnxUvr CmM Valv ' uoioiioi lions or tlio i nst . . amJ ,ll0 ,.,.. jjn, whl , . '..,.. V'HIU I IfV UIUTKO mil IV II lln ,lnli.IJ.n It. mi . "Vlslmi nf M. .'"'". .'." ."''" lu" w,t ' tH" "" "" ! view in tlio heliof that Steams Washington Will Sail Prom San Trancisco for Coos Bay Monday, June 3 F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. The Electric Sfe Sty IS WHERE THEY HirrH0B from gi I'Eit mm rp, tniiu mrwnin onflE SHOP ISO Sn. Broadway VmVl R. J. MONTGOiW Real Estateand Insurawel I'M North Front 8tr PROFESSIONAL OIRECTORT DR. BIRD B. CLAnKE. Sneclallst la Nerve and BP" Disease. We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Suits Kit-r'.'othing&ShoeCo. ELD. HANDON. 'Tho So'nlor' Study Mary Price RoomHopos" Ralph Kruso. "Alms of n Collogo Education".. Prosldont Campbell, "Tho Relation of nn Instructor to His Class Members'. , , .A L. .Darker An unfilled want causes unhappl neti Times Want Ada bring results ffoii !(.' : nor oi state convict- sVonld h m J to work on tb's -plow of ror.d in!' kept stoiillly n It unl'! It Is d "' good modern thoroughfare tbRt 4ii ' bo travoled at nil Pe.isons of the yr An unfillod wsn' c- usei unhapi ucse Times Want Ads bring reul ' Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RAWCH BARGAIN 120 Aero fruit nnd dnlry In culti vation Of tho best clnsa All stock, tools nnd Implements. ..iv" nannies Balance $12,000. easy, I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. W Ht rHi-n Houri ' w I 3, Try Tho Times Want Ada. l!'V5 ink n good whllo before Her medlclno for coughs n Chamberlain's Cough uot only gives rollef 1 -y It when you havo n M, and you are certain with tho prompt cure effect. For aalo by all Blanchard's Livery ,.u uu Bci-urtm mo nvery busi ness of L. II. Helsner. ami r. ,. pared to render excollent servlco to tho poonle of Cooh nv n...,..i rltirrvfl ... 1 . "' I ... KUJU r,K8 ana everything that will moan Batisractory service to the public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed in tho livery line. Wo lso do truck ing business of all kinds. I1LANCHARD BROTHERS Phone 138-J I'lIt9iJ,cod and 8,ue9 Service. lWFlfst aad Alder Street. Office, Room Mnrshfleld Phono 1-H-L. D Tt. a. j. HBsronrfl ..... ni Pitlort- f .- nnnlnned to do nia it" vv'rr v id work on short notice at l ' inwfiHt nrlcea. Examifv. Lndy attendant, Coke bulW Site -n,llPr nomi. H"""L- J. W. HENNEXl'i Lawyer. )01ee over larshfleld Flanagan B..tR,A We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of flrat class Electrical material and can give our patrona a very low price on house wiring; Get our prico you can't afford to mlsa It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phona'2U7J T-vI .1 T. MCLUIW""! U Physician and 8arH Marahfleld. Or! Office: Lockhart waViMtil Opposite post offlcfl' - -gjg Lynn Lambeth pAi Cadillac Auto AT a'!irtSS. . wwfssrj rhone Blanco 13MIP' until 11 P. M. AK Ml 6-JL Palace Kesuu.