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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION. MmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmwKmmmMmKmMmHmmmmmmmmn'm'm'mtmmmmmm ' COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Rain Prevents Portland GamelQ. W. Dungan and A. Larson at Sacramento uaK- NEW MG1DIIT Hit iHHGt On LillJ I'imU DAY U M U UVI IN I uii uuuu uni iuii muuuiiii a k J N land Wins. PORTLAND, Ore, Mny 29. Tho Portliuid-Sncriiniento gnmo at Sacra nicnto yesterday was called off on ac count of rain. Tho other games In the Const League resulted ns follows- At Los Angeles It. H. E. Los Angolas 10 10 1 San Francisco 0 C 3 At Sun Francisco II. Vernon 0 Oakland 3 II. :t C 13. WHITI2 SLAVK cash C. M. Units Tried In Portland Again Tills Week. PORTLAND. Ore.. Mny 20. C. M Dutts, charged with transporting Nel- Establish Enterprise Undertaking Business Will Continue. The Woven Wire Mattress &' Red ding Co. Is the name of a now Mnrsh lleld manufacturing enterprise that lias commenced operations at C-IR South llroadway In u nuiinlng recent ly erected for It. Tho new concern, which Is composed of G. W. Dungan and A. Larson nro Installing a com plete lino of tho most modern machin ery for tho manufacture of high grade woven wlro matrcssos and till kinds of bedding supplies such ns silk floss, felt, rovcrslhlo cotton top and box mnttressos, couches, cots, etc. The company does an oxcluslvo wholesale business In theso Hues but nil kind 3 lie' Sai,, 'Eureka; 3 unircoos "SSnSaiS' .,m.I lmo (I, to nnlf linfnri, United 1 O insilllllHJIl 01 UI1B now uiiiui- Sic1 ".ludgf RS?toUn"U A .jrlBo ,nd Mr Dungan'. i .nlerost In u JXttbSUo.n,,CbSr Xn'Ts ' ffi - " SeinX SrK r' LV..-V"n-n,i-SISSih-? i. i !.?.: HiB business. When asked concern- II nil IJUlulUi I IIUI & ll.. .1,1a Mm,n until l I llf IIIIO .ll. JVUllf.lll o.. dloton. CARGO OWXP.HS MUST PAY Supremo Cinirt Ujiholds "(Jcnenil Av erage liiiiv." WASHINGTON, Mny 29 Tho Su premo Court has uphold that a "gen eral nvorago ngrcomont" to cnnblo n shin owner to collect from cargo ownors a pro rata sharo of dnmnRos "oii-cquippcu nn i caused In avoiding wreck, Is valid wll0f !f c""0'" and cnforcenblo. ? ' lrt of tho v Tho decision was In tho cnBO of the Norwegian Htcmnslilp Jiimiii, bound from Clonfuogos, Cuba, to Now York, with n general cargo. Tho vessel stranded off tho Cuban const, and was relieved by tho sacrifice of 2000 bags of sugar, of n consignment to Arbucklo llrothors, Now York, and tho "oxtraordlnary expenditures by tho ship owners." Tho storv Is absolutely untrue. I have- nn export and experienced nsso cloto, Mr. A. Larson, who will lmvo chargo of tho mattress ond upholslor Inir fnctory. I will continue solo owner of tho undortnklng business nt filfi South nrondway whoro I havo a neat chapol for funeral partlc nt homo or am prepared by having a woll-cqulppcd nnd modern morgue and snip Domes orld. I will con tinue to clvo my norsonnl nttontlon nnd direction to this part of tho business." ORF.GOX'S NKW LINKS. Hut few years will pnss boforo tho const counties of Oregon will bo as well supplied ns tho Wlllnmotto val ley. With Hill lines to Astoria nnd Tillamook nnd irrlmnn lines to tho snnio points nnd to Ynqulna and Coos liny, this onco noglectcd region will hnvo n fnlr Bhnro of trnnsportntlon Portland Oregonlnn. SUITS IIAVK FAILF.R. Tim Pnrtlntut Tnlpirrnm mwr "Two milts woro stnrtod ngnlnst tho last fnclHtlos, two captains or tho Nnvnl Mllltln, by I .TT7.... A A - A A llin firm piiiiIiiIii. (liriri S. Rhnnhnrd. ! but both of these havo apparently HF.N LAYS DOURLU YOLKS Huiiucr Who On mm lleiiiiirknblo Fowl Gets Unexpected Interest. DAVIS. Call.. May 29. John II. Krldor has a lien that has fnlliwl Iipoiiiirii tlinrn In nn rnntnlni now. Itoynolds resigned while tho nult ngnlnst him was ponding, andl Simpson lost his rank nt tho tltno of 1 lift nvn tillfint Inn nti.1 twill, linlrtu milvlV tho position of Commander. As tho llrt 12 double-yolk eggs In 15 Bults woro stnrtcd ngnlnst tho enp- ln,q- J," fnct- Hl ?' nothing tains, they must fall when thero Is' clso. T he 1 hen Is n Ruff Orplng no cnptaln ngnliiBt whom to press . ton, and Krldor says she- Is tho thorn, nnd theso lognl contests woro "8t romnricnuio non no nns Uio Inn! nvnrl nvlilnnrn nf navnl Ml.l OVOr known. Krlllcr Ifl a bnilk- lltla trouble" ARVKHTISKR LKTTKR LIST List of unclnlmod lottorB remain ing In tho MnrHhllold postolllco for wcok ending Mny 28, 1912. Persons cnlllng for snmo will plcnso say nd vortlsod and pay ono cent for onch lottor called for: Anderson, Charles, Pox 218; Clay, Alton; Clonta MlzSong; Cosby, Mich ael; CnrstoiiHon, P.; Kmllrott, Palm er; Gnrrott, C11I 3; Hawkins, Claud lo: Ilnll, John W.; Hnrdgrovo, II. C; Hondrlcks, F.; Illng. W. C; LowIb, Mrs. Jn lues R.; Prouty, Georgo; Pot It, Kvorott; Robortson, Henry; Qulgg W. J.; Snnro, Mnnnsso; Smith, Mns tor Kugono C; Wobbor, W. A. W. II. CURTIS, P. M. or. MANY PUPILS FAIL 8TATI SCHOOL FUND Gins TIIK "LOST" DEPOSITS Marlon County Kvuinlnntlonn Blioiv Only Til Pnss Out of ISI.'J. SALKM, Oro., Mny 29. A trlfld moro than 25 per cent failed In tho eighth grado examinations hold Inst week In Marlon county, according to figure rocolved by County School Suporlntondont Walter M. Smith. Theso oxntnlnntlnns nro final for nil illusion to tho high schools of tho county, oxcept for thoso who wero conditioned. Tho latter will bo giv en another examination Juno C nnd 7 to' work off tholr conditions. Out of n totnl of 223 applicants hut 7C will bo nwnrded diplomas. Fltty hIx failed and 91 wero conditioned. WILL OUST JUDY. SALKM, Oro.. Mny 29-Complylngl Sheriff Georgo Qulno will lonvo for with tho recent decision of tho su-t 0 ''T 'm ?J?lVliTy i'"."0?' Any promo court, tho First National Hank wr "?twl " oet C?r J,ul" fr,om n of Portlnnd linfl nnld nvnr in tin aintn eor,,,n trnct of land In nccordanco 2hoo?f,m?thn !nanSrs,.,n1i,,::.,,,1.a,18.0 t,,, "T ' toltontllXXti 1 ,, ?vlu.i 1 . T' '" t,,n ,,1"!lk''J"'- Ib said to bo n dangerous chnr lmt no Involve 1 In tho nise, making ni.u.r ,, tho offlcor w, R0 t() tho n total of I71.ISI.B7. This monoy 1 8(.ont) ,,romred to nccoinpllsh his mis. Is paid to ho Htulo under tho lnw,H0ll without fear of assault. Rose which provldos that bank deposits i)UrK xowb which hnvo not boen ndded to or tn-' ' ken from In soven yonrn, nnd whoro tho nddross of tho owner Is not known, must bo tiirno-1 over to tin common school fund. 4A 4- 4 ItUP.LL HACK 1IOMK Southern Pnclllo Agent Tells of Trip In CN1011 Hay. Tho Kugono Guard snys: "J L. Iluoll, right-of-way agent for tho Southern Pnclllo Rallrnail DKICR CAN DO AS TIIKY I'LICASK NOW SALKM, Oro., Mny 29. Oro- gon's dcor may eat and destroy till tho npplos they wish, nnd tho enraged frultgrowor can do no moro than shoo them nwny. In response- to numerous roquests for permission to kill tho offend- lug nnlmnls, tho Stnto FI3I1 nnd Game Commission has decided not contain tho right to urant imy pormiiiBlou lo kill n deer for this or other Intrusion. Tho law of nolf-dcfense- Is not count- enunced by the Commission. company, returned yostordny from that tho law was rigid, and did nn 111110 uip tn .Mnrsiuiold. Ho was nccompanleil by his wire. Mr. Iluoll went by way of Drain nnd roturned iiIpiik tho routo which will bo fol lowed by tho Southern Paolflc ns far ns Maploton, whoro ho took tho Lnko creek road, to mold tho houvy truf fle ovor tho routo from tho tunnel. Mr. Iluoll suld that ho took the trip becauno of tho nnnouncod In- iciuion or tno sou hem Pnc 1 c tn A COlUtKCTIOV. Marahfleld. Mny 2S, 1912 Kdltor Coos Hay Times: Mv ntiPiitlnn hiiB betn chIIimI cNten I from tho tunnel to Murslinold vo,u "0, '" lw",e of Ma' 23 '" w,,'(,, p1al08' V' ,nvest"UM1t of 199,000 pro mil le wanted to fiinilHarlo him. ,,p" ,irini "'" """ " "eruim inai '" i 1111 uneo years ?2S3, tu'lf vlih tho hiy of tho land. Ho has 701""" dust Is a sure remedy for """ Desuics rno orlglunl stock of CO, uii- i-111-nui 111 iiri. ru'i ut nil- " s'iii- n iiiiuci, POSSiniLITIKS OF GOAT ItAISING IN TIIK UNITKD STATUS. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 2;. Five hundred million gont skins havo been Imported Into tho United States during tho last decade, and tho money sent out of tho country In payment therefor nmounts to $250, 000,000. Tho figures of tho Bureau of Statistics, Department of Com merco nnd Lnbor, show that tho goat skins Imported Into tho United Stntes havo ranged In vnluo from $20,000,000 to $30,000,000 per an num during tho last deendo, making a total for the period In question' of slightly moro thnu $250,000,000 Tho number of goals whoso skins arc represented by this $250,000,000 Is approximately 500.000,000, slnco tho nvorago value of tno goat skins now being Imported Is, according to tlm figures of tho Uuicau of Statistics, about 50c each, tho valuation bclni; thoso in tho country from which ex ported to tho United Stntes. Thla statement of tho largo valuo' ($250,000,000) of goat skins Im ported during tho last decade to gether with that Indicating that tho numbor of gonts which this $250, 000,000 represents is npproxlmntoly 500,000,000, 1b extremely suggestive In conjunction with n statement re cently supplied to tho Iiiircnit of Mauufnctiires, Dopnrtmunt of Com morco nnd Lnbor, by tho United Stntes Consul at Vera Cruz, Moxlco, from which country largo numbors of theso skins nro Imported, in which ho says that tho nient of tho goat, which Ib used ob food and found very simi lar to that of tho sheep, Is of ovo'i grcator valuo thnn that of Uo hides, and thnt tho goats are thrown in largo numbors upon lauds nut avail nblo for agricultural purposo. "Tho dry plains of Nuovo Loon," ho nddir, "with Bcnnt growth of brush, nro ntlo to support largo flocks of goats, though theso samo plains wilt not produce corn, enno, or gniBs, unless water is supplied for irrigation. Mountain lands nnd rough, brokou sections of foothill lands may bo bo cured for nbout $1 per ucro, and onch aero will, in tho moist regions, sup port 5 or C goats. . . . Tho Btcop mountain sides, tho deep gorges, tho nnrrow vnlloys covered ovorywhoro with exubornnt vcgotatlon nfford con gonlnl feeding grounds for gonts. Tho mntlor of fresh moat in tho farming districts of the hot coun try Is greatly simplified by tho breed ing of gonts, nnd tho flesh nlono would mnko it n profitable Industry." Tho nbovo Btatomont Indicating that largo additions to tho ment sup ply of tho United States may bo grown upon lands not nvallablo for gonornl agricultural purposes, to gether with tho Btatomont of tho Hu ron u of Statistics that tho skins of 500,000,000 gonts nro Imported nnnu laly Into tho United Stntes, coupled with tho further well-known fact that tho meat of gonts Is now bolnjj sold for food In tho mnrkots of ninny cities of tho United Stntes, offers nn Interesting suggestion ns to the pos sibilities of largo additions to tho mont supply of tho United Stntes nnd tho rotontlon nt homo of tho $25, 000,000 por nunum now being sont out of tho country for tho purchnsir of gont skins. Ilrltlsh India supplies nbout otu third tho ontlro ImportntloiiB of gont sklnB Into tho United States, that country hnvlng been credited with 15,000.000 skins out of n totnl im portation of -13,000,000 in tho fiscal yenr 1911. Tho next lnrgest Impor tation of thnt year woro G.CCG.CCC from Chlnn, 3,000,000 from Mexico ?.750.000 from Aden, Arabia. 2,25o, 000 from Knglnnd, 1,500,000 from Ilrltlsh Knst Africa, 2,000,000 from Ilrnzll. 1,333.333 from Argontlnn, 1, 000,000 from Venezuela, nbout 1, 000.000 each from Franco nmt Tins. Blu. and CGO.CCfl from Turkoy ,n Asia. Considerable amounts nro nlso Imported from Turkey, Austrla-Hui.. gary, Germn iy. Italy. Peru, tho Dutch Knst Indies, nnd Fronch Af rica. Tho following Btntoment, furnished by tho Amerlcnn Consul quoted nbovo nnd printed In tho Dally Consular and Trado Report by tho niironu of Manufacturers of tho Department of Commorco nnd Lnbor, will servo ns nn Illustration of how tho buslneej of gont raising Is conducted In Mox lco. (Tho monoy values nro nssunied to ropresont Mexican peons, ono of which equals 49.8 cents In Amorlcan currency). In 1901 tho manager of tho farm received GC.000 gonts. Including largo nnd Btunll, nt n vnluntlon of i.ou encn, equnl to $99,000. From tho produco of theso ho sold, during nine months of 1901 nnd tho years 1905 nnd 19M. 50.000 head nt $5 onch, equal to $250,000. and hnd, a' tho close of 1900. SS.000 liend on t'o uiriii, uoing 22.000 moro thnn ho started with. Tho rosult wns. count ing tho value of tho 22.000 IncrouBi to t. $150 onch with tho foregoing Last Tw Steamers I fw Stettsoo Shoes lew Stettsoim Hats few CMeitib SMhIs lew Kenser TJes BEST OF ALL lew Beojainniiini Cloitlhies "MONEY TALKS" HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO, MAItSHFIKLD. "AXDOI, . . Get Busy IN AND GUT AND OCT AFTKIt THAT KOOI- HUT FIRST COMU nm PHICHS ON SHINOIiKS AND ROOFING PAPKR. SIIINGLKS $l.r0 AND UP. ROOFING PAPKR, ONK PLY, 91.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTAIL DEPARTMENT. O'Kdly'sAutoS: Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIUKitY BENG8TACKKN, Mrt. Coqutllo Offli.o Phono 101 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Landu a apocialty. Qanoral Agent "EABTBIDET 'TIIK FRIUNI) OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Portland, at 11:00 A. M.t Friday, May 3 1 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44, C. F. McG GORGE, Agent. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUHMARINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Saturday, June 1 , At 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McGEOHQE, Agent. Lenvo North Rend 0:55 n. m. 7:40 " 8:25 " 9:10 " 9:55 " 10:10 " 11:25 ." 12:10 p.m. 12:55 " 1:40 " 2:25 " 3:10 " 3:55 " 4:40 ' 5:25 " G:io 0:55 " 7:55 " S:55 ' 9:55 " 10:55 " 11:55 " 'fnroJIariK 7:10a.m. 7:65 8:40 9:25 " 10:10 " 10:55 " 11:40 12:25p.a 1:10 - 1:55 2:40 " 3:25 " 4:10 ' 4:55 " 6M0 6:25 " 7:25 S:25 " t!25 " 10:25 " 11:15 " 12:15a.m. .v. North llcnd-Allon'iKetiStm !v. MnrHhfleld Chnndlff mi v.. co Hotels. Chandler aod Ka Unique Pantatorii THE MODERN IHTOW, CUUiTili, i-iii.Siiiiia nna HAT rtENOTAWH Agent for Edward E. Strict t Ct flno Tnllorlnc Lot ui mill rw noxt Suit. gflft OoinniMTlnl. PhanBM EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. RAILS FRON A1N8WORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., MAY 1st, Hill, lKtli, lHtli, l!:inl and SHtli. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE LVY 4th, 10th, 15tll, iiOtli, t.StIi and 80th. L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. , Phono Mnln 021-L. I Steamer Washington Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Wednesday, May 29, at Service of Tide F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. A Modorn I) rick Dulldlnr, Eltctt Light, Steam Heat. Eltiutl; Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Rntos: 50 conts a Day and Ufa Cor. Rrondwny and Hirktt. Mnrshflold, Oretoo. T. J. ICAIFIS A. II. HOOQSf " Marshfield Paint UK? JLSGlVII aUUK W Estimates MAR8HM1A Furnished ThoDt HOL Ortjal HUILDING AND REPAIR WOK House Moving and Gndlif, Wo nrn nren&red to do tk!l H by tho day or contract and pirn satisfaction. Lot us nsure w j. G. 8. FIX)VD CO. Phono 31C-J. Msnbll!t0 The Electric Shoe Shfl is where TnmrmnrsHOBi FROM 31 PER T.UR IT. THBi:LECTRIOBIIOK8H0f IBrt On TlrnnHwBV 111011 JOMtKY not) Iik new on tho suhjeit. iuhuiii lim Hi', us tho roiul ha announeel It Intontlon of IiiiIIiIIuk, It will mako Its pinna known In tho nonr fu turo." C Ml up -I. I-'. Tivwln, Hotel Chun illcr, or t Depot for liifoiiiiiitlou re KariUm,' I'm-iii-Ioii Rates East. Lvnv Iiik Vnv 30. Son EDGINGTON nnd talto out that Ol D LINK POLICY you havo boon IntendiiiR to tnko out for so many yoara. Got tho Do-R-noiv luilili. Others nro taking thorn each day. Romembor EdKliiRtoii with I. 8. Kniifuinn & Co., 177 Front street Murshflold. vlwl that tohneco dust la considered hy this boivIco ns wortl less In com liattlnic tho cut-worm, nnd Its nppll ontlon, unless In eniuh'nntlon with some arsenical poison is a simple waste of Hmo rs f" aa tho rut-worm Ih roneonied. I did csy In print un ler date of February 22 last, that ' 'i'Iihcoo dust hp!)'!"'' freoly tli "red WW6 fratl'i ' 1 tur'nl plan. 'nns. has boon fo""l vrv offeMve tn ""mnntt'ng tlu rv maggot, nnd pinred nhoiit your p-hiiaigo nrd ctuII- iiu(r luants olne io tho stalk, las' -roron, Uv( r"'!ve." Klndlv i rort this anl otii -c i Vnu'" hi1v. P M HUr.-LEWLS We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered HAND DANCK Saturday evening fu.-r; i, at uigies- nun. neue Frultlnspefrr Poos County. - .lae. r Duhlmnnii, serving his third ifiui us mayor, Omnha, Nebr., Kiln win iMcressful In receiving tho overwoVi nn support of tho votors In ... 'i-innry election. Ho also ,'" m. rid himself of n bad cab , or . ii:if -roublo by tho aid of I o'i v ;..iiiv Pills, and wrltos; "I Ji-'M' !.'kon Foley Kidnoy Pills nnd ttiifv h. .. r'ven mo n grent deal of II-.,,-. . cnceriuiiy recommona thorn - W ' nt Foloy Kidnoy Pills i.. ''! or Mnyor Dahlman they m ; , ,, Pny 0ther person bothered i t - vi-ho, rheumatism, or any Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 87-J rr of kldnev or hlnrMni- S III . M. A .. - . " . , " I ' ' ,B' iry mem ror quick An unfilled wnn onuses unhappl-' ,i ' ;"ent reaults. For sale br limes want .ds bring reaulta led rr0Pi, Drug Co. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. Helsner. and are pro pared to. ronder excellent BerviPA n tho people of Coos Bay. Caroful drivers, good rigs nnd everything that will moan satisiactory service to tho. public. Phone us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed in the livery line. Wo also do truck ing business of all kinds. HEANCIIARD BROTHERS Phone 138-J Livery, Peed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Street. SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RANCH BARGAIN . 9 120 Aero fruit nnd dnlry In culti vation Of tho best clnss All stock, tools nnd Implements. $2000 hnndlos Dalanco easy, ?12,000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. R. J. MONK Real Estate and Insur JM North Front 8tnt PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR DR. RIRD II. CLARKE. Specialist in Nerve waSP"" Dlscflse, Office. Room 2, nojeri K . . . . ..!-. llAtlM I O 'I Mnrshfloiu. uinc Phono 111-L. D R. A. J. HKNDKVS i.l Psriort- we are equipped to do k"4 work on short notice it Lady attendant, ur::. V. IIK.NAWt I IawyeTi . We Have Been Successful In buying n largo stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low price on houso wiring. Get our price you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J 4 BenM" m OKI" Jfflse over Flanagan larshfleld .. .nllXtAD. d"- jp,r, . Marshfield, Qte jfflce: Lockhart Boll Dnnnslln nost offlce. --S ft Lynn Lambetn - farfillac Auto. f Careful drlvlnf gj dlj until li r. ::. irftBt 6-J. Palace ReiUurwn-