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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOM, WEDMESDAY, MAY 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION. WmBmammmmmtomm Yi & fywirmtee) 1 QU arc -ntitlcd in buying Hart Scliaffncr fc Marx clothes, to a most positive assurance of your satisfaction. Hvcry dealer in our clothe is authorized to say this to you : Every garment made by, and bearing die label of Hart Scliaffncr 8c Marx, is guaranteed to be of all wool or wool-and-silk fabrics, with no "mercerized" or other cotton added; thoroughly shrunk before cutting; seams sewed with pure silk thread ; tailored in clean, sanitaiy shops; and free from every defect of material or N.oiKmanship. More than that: The dealer is authorized to say that if the clothes are not right, or not satisfactory, your money will be refunded. Hart Scliaffncr & Marx Woolen Mill Store Thti itore It tho Coos Day bom ef II art Schaffnar & Marx clothe! W. & A & M It SlStU flfKIFV XjQ&XZmP tfl my w 1 $&f COOS It VY TIDES. I ! ,1. !... -... fcin 1III1U II11U Hoi w Is Riven '"eight of high and low water at Mnrahflctd. Th tides nro placed In tho order "f occurronco, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho sec ond Hue of each dny; n comparison of consecutive heights will indicate whpthcr It la high or low water. For high water on bnr, subtrnct 2 hours 34 mlnutoB. ' SUCIAIj CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Mrs. E. MingiiB at tea. Urldgo Club with Mrs. G. W. Knufmnn. Dr. and Mrs. llnrtlo nt Ilrldgo N'orwoglnn Lutheran Young 1'eoplo's Society. Commencement Exorcises Junior Unnnuot. THUHSDAY Alumni, unnnuot. Date. Hrs. .1.03 Feet .J5.7 Hrs. .1.39 Feet .0.8 Hrs. .2.2G Foot .C.7 Mny. 7.31 0.7 7.73 1.0 8.53 1.1 2.15 1.8 3.01 4.7 1.43 4.0 7.1D 2.S 7.59 3.2 8.30 3.5 vclopmunt of tho livestock Industry In the Coqulllo valley. Close Half Dny Tho Marahflold barber shops will closo nt noon to morrow nnd ronmlti closed tho bal ance )f tho dny. fca THE WEATHER (Dy Assoclatod Press.) OREGON aoncrnlly fair to night and Thursday; northwest erly winds. TKMI-KRATUItE HE- TOUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. m., Mny 29, by IlonJ. LOCAL Ostilnd, special government mo- 4 toorological obsorvor: Maximum 59 Minimum 49 Ati:43n.m GO Precipitation 83 Wind southwest: rainy. Slnto Lecturer Coming. Mrs. Jackson Stlboo, stato lecturer of tho W. C. T. U.. will dollvor a lecturo at tho llnptlst Church Sunday evening nt 8 o'clock. Damage Onnlcii Constnblo W. D. Cox Is todny looking for tho ownors of two or threo dogs thnt got Into his garden oarly this morning and tramp led down many of his choicest plants. Ho says tho animals did considerable damngo and ho throatons vongoanco on tho next cnnluo thnt ho ilnds in that vicinity. Jways 'The Busy Corner"- ffiSS Tboio Sharp Penetrating Pains la l!ie unall of t'.io back a turo h!iu!:on of diiordercd kidney. These sufferings arc olten bome uii!ence and tho endurance of iho wfaer ti oft taxed t j tho utmost. KIDNEY PILLS I we remedy for Cicta excrucutinn Ijaai, and relief is sure, quick and "-mi. We tell these under a rruarantee lb benefit ot refund your money. ou pm, w ft fleat iox p,jcc ens. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" I'lione -Maiu "OH famaJUL sav Indian Songs and Dance Is tho Vaudovlllo Foaturo at The Royal TONIGHT Presonted by McCOHMlt'K and RULCE. THREE FEATURE PHOTO.I'LAY.S No repeaters. 'Tho Last .Votch Added (it tho Old Sheriffs Ounstock,, 'Hrother Rob's Hnby," comedy. "Her Olio Days Dream," dniinntlc. PltOF. RAYMOND SUPPLIES EX TKA MUSIC. ALWAYS 10c. Iwa ivrr a nc I wrviN I jTUO. FOR RENT-Sovon room furnished house; close In. Call at Times offices HOOFLNC Metal Hooting, .Roof painting. All work guarantee!!. .1. L. HHICE. Phono 89-J. amm I'lmi'i mm ism The Sign of Good Candy Always Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors and Supplies. WANTED Hoard and room, prlvnto family, business man: permanent If pleased. Address XIT Times office FOR RENT J-room houso on Cth t. near Elrod: good location. Geo. A Haines, 180 Ilrondwny South. WANTED Llghthousckccplng rpoms by two lady teachers, or would take charge of homo whoro parties nro leaving for suiumor vacation. Phono 105-11. Sloven Offliv. A. S. Hnmmoud Is todny moving his law and abstract offices from Marshfleld to North Dcnd whoro ho will occupy offices with Fred Holllstcr. Auditor hero Two traveling aud itors of tho Southern Pacific nrrlvod on tho Hronkwator today to check up tho locnl cashlors of tho company. They went to Uenvor Hill first. Moot Xoxt Week. Tho noxt meet ing or tho Mlunlo-WIn Club. will bo hold n wook from tomorrow with Mrs. D. A. Jones, It was erroneously announced thnt tho club would moot tomorrow with Mrs. Jones. Oppose Single Tax. Dr. E, Mlngus Is circulating potltions lioro opposing tho single tax moastiro which It is proposod to submit to tho voters of Oregon nt tho coming election. The petitions nro being gonornusly signed. New .Saloon. Jns. McCutcheon was in from Hunker Hill yestordny completing arrangements to opon tho second saloon In tho Southern Pa cific mining town. C. A. McAdnms runs tho 0110 now being oporntcd tliero. Extend Line. Tho Coos Hay Homo Telephone- Co. Is making nn olght-lluo cxtonslon from Hunker Hill to tho Shinglohnuso Slough soctlo.i and Is also arranging to string a now sixty-lino cable between Mnrshflold nnd Hunker Hill. No Hallway News. There wore no new developments In tho railroad sit uation hero todny. No word has yot been received relntivo to tho nwnrd of sub-contrncts by tho MacArthur, Porks Co. Ward M. Ulnko, of tho Inter-Ocean Transportation Co., which operates tho Nann Smith nnd Hcdondo for tho C. A. Smith Co., when asked about tho roport that ar rangements had boon mndo to ship n largo amouiit ot construction ma terial on tlioso vessels, said that no such arrangomonts had been made. Cardinal Wolsey nt Orphcum Tho "Houso of Photoplay" again doinon strntos that they aro securing tho best thnt tho world affords in motion plcturo whon Cardlnnl Wolsoy Is an nounced for tomorrow night (Thurs day). This historical, full reel, drnm ntlu rolonso is tho month's biggest fenturo being so mngntllcontly nctod, costumed, sot nnd plcturod that It leaves a dcop Impression. This ex traordinary foaturo promlBos n bnn nor night for tho Orphoum Thursday and there nro other good things on tho bill with It . son who Is an artist and cartoonist now living nt Lexington, Kentucky. MISS EVELYN LANQWORTHY pinns to lenvo next wook for Calif ornia whoro sho will spond most of tho summer vacation at tho homo of her sister, Mte. Paul, Por-altn. J. E. SCHILLING of Onrdlnor return ed Monday from n business trip to Portland. Ho went nt onco to Smith lllver whoro Mrs. Schilling nnd tho children nro enjoying an outing. PERSONAL NOTES MItS. II. E. HESSEY, ot Coos It Ivor, is In Mnrshuold today. . W. OUPTIL nnd wlfo, of Coos Ulv cr, nro Marshfleld visitors today. I), F. Wllloy expects to lonvo tomor row for Portlnnd on business nnd pleasure. MItS. C. S. CAPPS Is spending tho day us tho guest of Mrs, Knrl I Initios nt EastBldo. MISS ELLEN ANDEHSON will loavo tho last of tho wook for a visit at California points. MISS VIVIAN ANNIN of Myrtlo Point Is spending tho wook as tho guest of Miss Zolla Swlnfonl. D. J. CONLOOUE of Handon Is ox poctod lioro today on routo to As toria apd Portland on bustnosH, EDOAR SWAUT who Is a guest nt tho homo of IiIh uncle, II, S. Towor, will lonvo on tho noxt Ilodondn for his homo nt Fresno, California. PHONE 18I-K. 170 So. Hroiidwiy, next door rnfiui Meat .Market. to You Auto Call Foote PHONE HW NIGHT AND DAY ' -Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OAKS After 11 P. M. Phono 6-J Residence Phono 28-J . . Will make trlns to Coqiiille. lve That Roof Fixed vow See CORTEELL I'boiw sin 1v .. l?u,j nnu OM PWeden. Nnmav CinlonrI il anv mi, . "UH,,U he tlma V . or EurPe Now - uujr jr0ur uckoi irom AUG. FRIZEEflT A'iiBAtt0 and Insu-ance. "rai Avenun n.hi Marshfleld E2uet thB Turklsh DathB- City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. our mono. "Will go anywhere at any time. Stands Blanco uoiei aim "" Cigar Store, pay Phones 78 and 46 Night Phono 46. HAKKKK & OQODALE. proprietors. FOIt KENT Nlco largo room over Rust Real Estate- ofllco, suitable for bed-room or light housekeep ing. Will rout furnished or un furnished. Sco J, C. Doauo. WANTED Waitress at Java Coffw Houso. No Sunday work. l)lt SALE Ono box ladles' rubbers, 0110 sack dried chlttum bark, ut tho Hreakwntor office l'OK KENT Furnished, moderately improved flat. No children desir ed. No. C48 Elovonth St. off Flana gan avenuo. Daughter- Is Horn. Gow Why and ,,,,, ,.,,,,. JT7T, . 1 wlfo aro rejoicing over tho birth of ' WM. LAUKIN loft yostorduy for Eu- n daughter. They hnvo throo sons nnd although boy bullion nro suppost,! to bo tho ones most highly desired by tho Chlneso, Gow Is much olnlcd over tho arrival of a daughter In his houso-hold. rokn from whoro ho will go to Klnmath Falls to take a position with ono of tho sulmon canneries. l'OK SALE. Furniture for An rooms, all now, cheap. Call at room 214, Coko building, or tele phono 2 6 6-J. FOR SALE Vermont Gold Coiu seed potatoes. O. N. Wilson, Sumner. Phone 3106. FOR ALL KINDS OF HAVLLVG Clifford Doano. Phono 331-R. WANTED Clean cotton rags at Tho Times office. WANTED Mohair, wool and cas cara bark. Apply to Henry Song- stacken, at offlco of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 1MD North Front Street, MARSHFIELD. uhk. I1ARGALV SALE; 40 horsepower auto for $500; first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost new 13000; will sell for $500 on easy torms. John L. Koontz Machine shop, North Front street. Phono 180-.!. A GOOD HUY. ! A modern bungalow: has five rooms nnd Is fitted with all modern 'conveniences; close In; price only WANTED ! ! ! .m.mrcTPmvn A YD $2800, with good terms. CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND of R g QBAU & co PIANOS TO CLEAN, oy me rucu- ( FJr8t Nattona nal,k nmiulng matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for sirlr inft nt GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 Dayton Bicyelcs mutinii'ii tramline 3IEXICAN." 5tVwSS d1e"voyKp,aar 3ibua Marshfield Cyclery They aro READY to SKHvr.. ru. , BICVCLES Fon RBST Coniiuciu'iinieiit Tonight Tho reg ulor commencement exorcises of tho Marshfleld High School will bo hold nt tho high school building this even ing. President P. L. Cnmpboll, of Orogon University, will deliver tho principal address. Ua will arrive this afternoon via. Myrtlo Point and Cc qullle. Tho diplomas will ho present ed tho class tonight. , Confer Willi CnmplM'll. Tho cone mltteo on school laws of tho North Rend Mpthors nnd Tenchers Club hnvo requested n conference with President Cnmpboll, of tho Oregon University, during his stay nnd ho has replied favorably. An effort will bo mndo to Innugurato a movement for tho betterment of somo of tho state school laws. Sell AeivHgo. L. Amadou, form erly a real estate man of Mnrshflold, but now located In Portlnnd, Is in tho clly visiting frlendB for a for days. Today ho completed negotia tions for the sale ot n five-acre tract ho owns on tho west edge of Ilangor to Henry Kern nnd E. M. Schrlver of North Rend. Tho nrlce paid Is understood to be $3200. If railway activity begins hero Mr. Amadon ox-1 pects to return to Coos Day witn nu family. Mother Inipi-ocd. M. A. Sweot man received n lottor from Mr Sweetman, who Is In Eastern Kansas, stating her mother's condition Is much Improved. Mrs. Sweetman says the weather Is very hot and all the cover required for tho beds at night Is a sheot to slcop under, nnd sho profers cooler weather, Indicating that tho Coos Hay weather suits her best, and as soon as her mothor's health will permit sho will return to tho Ray. Rig Sheep Drive, Altus Kingston, general manager of tho Gamble Mar kets, last week rad one of tho biggest livestock drives ever made to Coo Ray. It consisted of 320 head of sheen which were driven from Myrtlo Point to Mnrshflold by O, F. Garrett, who represents the company In that section. It required a day and n half tq make tho trip. Tho slzo of the drive indicates tho Increasing de- DR. TATOM, formerly locntod nt Co qiiille nnd Handon but now n resi dent of Floronco, passed through I ore yestordny en routo to Curry county. MH8. FRANK II. ARNOTT nnd llttlo daughter arrived herd todny from Aberdeen, Wash., to look nftor matters In connection with tho J 11. Aruott cstato. F. I,. GREENOUGH passed through hero today en routo homo to Han don from n trip to Astoria, Mrs. Greenniigh romalnlug thero for n short visit with relatives. CAPT. CORNWALL, of tho Qlonnor, who nrrlvod thla nftornoon from Unrdiner wes ovorjoyod with tho eloctlon roturna from Now Jorsy. Ho Is nn enthusiastic followor of Roosovolt. MRS. AUGUST CARLSON and chlld ron of South Fifth strcut will loavo tomorrow for Portland to Join Mr. Carlson who has token a position with ono of tho Columbia Rlvor Lumbor companies. MR. AND MltsT CRAWFORD who have bcon guests nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mltcholl havo tnken apartments In tho Saccht building, Mr. Crawford having ta kon a position nt Tho Flxup. JOHN O'CONNOR, who hns been con nected with tho Sau Francisco Ex aminer's offlco forco for a numbor of yenrs, arrived hero this week for a Bhort visit. Ills mother, Mrs. Andrew O'Connor, will probably come to tho Hay soon for u shbrt stny. SUPT. FRANK SMITH, of tho local fish hntchorlcs, plans to mnko n trip to Ton Mllo to toko caro ot many young sulmon thnt nrb re ported to bo stranded In tho smnll stronms nnd ponds In that vicinity which will dry up during tho sum mer months. DAN CONLOOUE, ot Lampa, passod through lioro today en routo to Portlnnd, whoro ho was called by a telegram announcing thnt his father had boon quite sovoroly In jured in an accldont thoro, a enr having struck n vohtclo In which ho wnB riding. HENRY DAY, stownrd nt Tho Chan dler hotol, lms reslgnod to accopt n position an manner of a largo hotol nt Carlton, Calif. Ho will lonvo for thoro In n fow dnya and thnt ho will moot with success Is tho wish of tho ninny frlonds ho has mndo bore. MR8. It. M. BARTER and sons, Lnw renco nnd Lowls Horton, lonvo to day for Klnmnth Falls, whoro thoy will attend tho big festival. From tliero Mrs. Barter will go to Portlnnd to nttond tho graduation of her sisters as nurses In tho train ing department of St. Vincent's Hospltnl, MAYOIt STRAW will loavo tomor row for Klnmnth Falls whoro ho will attond tho nnnunl festival nnd visit his mother nnd othor rela tives for two or throo wooIsb. llo will also stop nt Portland nnd Sa lem and will probably visit Gov. West and urge thnt tho Orogon Navnl Mll!tlabo iiinlntalnod. CAPT. JOS. KNOWLAND, prosldont of tho Onrdlnor Mill Co., arrived from Onrdlnor this nftcruo'on nftor n fow days' visit In thnt soctlon on business. Tho Glonnor mndo a spoclal trip to bring Copt. Know land, who Is on his way to his homo In Alnmoda, Cnllfornln. Capt. Knowland In fnthor of Congress man J. K, Knowlaud. , J. E. TREWIN of Eurokn n commer cial agont of tho Southorn Pnclllc, lonvos In tho morning for Gnrdlnor nnd Drain nftor n fow days spent on business on Coos Rny. During his stay ho niiido many frlonds nnd rarrlos away ploasant rocolloctlona of tho Concntcnntod Order of Hoo Hoo which ho Joined whllo horn. WARREN REED nnd Mr. Smiley came down from Gnrdlnor today on busluoss. Mr. Rood says thoro has not been any particular devel opment In tho railroad situation thoro. Mrs. Reod who hns boon spondlng several weeks in Marsh Hold to secure medical troatmont will roturn with him this nftornoon. MISS RUTH 8TRIFFLER, a toachor in tho Marshfleld schools, expects to leave on tho noxt Redondo for California where hIio will spend most of hor summer vacation. REV. It. II. DOLLARHIDE, pnstor of tho Fioe Methodist Church In West Rosoburg for several yoars past, has beon transferred to Marshfleld. Rosoburg Rovlew, T. MATTHEWS has received n lottor from Mrs. Matthews an nouncing her snfo arrival at tho old homo In Aurora, Missouri, whoro sho was met by tholr oldost Honry Ferris, Hadar, Neb., is the father of ton children and for the past 20 years has used Foley's Honoj and Tar Compound with tho best of lesults- Ho tells us; "I think Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound Is the best cough medicine In tho world for I hnvo used It for the past 20 vears and can recommend It to any one needing a cough medicine." For sale by Rod Cross Drug Co. We Have 20 Sacks Willamette Valley Burbank Seed Potatoes Which we arc offering whifo they last for only $1.75 Per 100 Pounds Phone your order. The Bazar Phone 32. The House of Quality, Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality 335.