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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912 EVEMING EDITIOM. COOS BAY TIMES TOMORROW IS Al, C. MALOXKY Kdltor anil Tub. DAX E. MALOXEY Xcws Kdltor il I1BIAL HOW TO 1'LY ON) OLORY Tho approach of Memorial Day and Fourth of July makes tho following suggestion timely: Somo of tho people wno ny v tho ting from their residences or nlnccs of business do not scorn tn know, according to an old soldier, t! c rospoct Hint is due to Old Olory. Tho rule In the army niul navy Is that tho Stars and Stripes nro never i flown nftcr sunset, nor boforo sunrise, and civilians nro sup- posed to observo this, though thoro Is no law to make- them do so. As a matter of fact, somo tings aro kept up nil night. Be Generally Observed As Holiday On Coos Bay Program Given. A SUCCESSFUL STEAMSHIP CO. THERE is ono steamship com pany owned In tills country that is a remarkably successful con corn, but that Is because Its roal busi ness Is raising bananas. Tho Unitod Fruit company of Boston has a floot of somo 50 steamers, all bought abroad becauso thoy can bo built or nt loast purchased cheaper In Rolfast and Glasgow than in Philadelphia or Nowport News. Thoy aro nomin ally ownod by a Scotch company, tho snares of which aro owned by tho Amorican company. Tho ships aro oqulppod to carry pasongors, but tliolr main yoarly cargo is $30,000, 000 bunches of bananas or about throo bananas n month for ovoryl In habitant of the United States, making u fair allowanco for wasto. Thoy mako a prollt of about 11 conts on a bunch and It can bo called nn agri cultural profit or a profit on oconn carrlago ,as ono chooses to look at It. nut It looks quite clear that whon tbey can mako 10 por cont on run ning a stonmshlp lino Americans will roadlly ongago In tho business. Fur thormoro thoy will lot pooplo carry tliolr ocoan freight for thorn whon tho business Is dono at a profit of loss than C por cont and thoy savo mon oy by doing so. Our national prldo might bo gratllled iy Having our ships In ovcry port, but wo havo a great many things to gratify our national prldo as It Is, and It Is hard ly worth whllo to ompty tho national pocket book for another ono. Wo Hhnll havo tho Panama canal to brag nbout, which Is a bigger thing than a thousand ships and will cost nbout as much and last a good doal longer. Ol.l) OLORY OX MEMORIAL DAY Of all tho many questions that aro constantly bolng nsked tho war department at Washlug- ton to answer, tho ono most fro- qiiently put boforo It Is as to tho correct position of flying Old Olory on Memorial day at army posts and stations. To thoso who havo no relation to tho military sorvlco It Is al- most tho unlvorsnl belief that tho flag should bo displayed at half staff all of May .10, but this Is not so, for paragraph 411 of tho army regulations prescribes as follows: "444. On Memorial day, May 30, at all army posts and stn- tlons tho nntlonnl flag will bo displayed at half staff from sun- rlso till midday, and immediate- ly boforo noon tho band, or field music, will play somo approprl- ato air, and tho national saluto of twontyono guns will bo fired at 12 in. at all posts and stations provided with nrtlllory. At tho conclusion of this memorial trlbuto at noon tho flag will bo hoisted to tho top of tho staff and will remain thoro until sun- sot. Whon holBted to tho top of tho staff tho flag will bo saluted " by playing ono or moro appro- prlato patriotic airs. In this way fitting testimonial of re- spect for tho horolc dead and honor to tliolr patriotic dovotton will bo appropriately rendered. TIMES CIIAXOE In d:iy of old, so I've been told, tho knight who won nuecoss wns wont to soolc week nftor week, for dnmsels In distress; ho giants faced and ogre chased and fought with sword and lanco, and folt repaid when rescued maid gava him a grateful glance. In tlioso old dnys tho woodland way with damsels crowded wore, who needed aid, and so his blade sont clouds of flying fur. Thoso dnys am gone, so help me John, and knights nro on tho blink; and lid pious maid cries out for nld mid succor, I don't think, If modern knight in nrmor bright went forth to succor dames, he'd find a squad of girls abroad a playing luwloss gamos; he'd seo it mob, with vim nthrob, of wllil-oyod Cruzy Janes, a-throwlng bricks, dead cnts and sticks through merchants' window pai.vs. Tho rattled knight In (tiro affright would rhnse himself and say "Tho rescue Hchoino Is but n as girls aro built today; I'd Hook tho lairs of grizzly boars and rusciio them, by Jlugs. ere I would wnlk around n block to help thoso Kcroochlng things!" WasiXftAvj mi fcr 0 &. AiUim WITH THE X TOAST AND TEA J (JOOI) EVEXIXO. What Is true at last will tell. - TENNYSON. THE MOTOR BOAT. 1 look my motor bnnt last fall And wrapped It up with care, Each part of It, both large and small. Wns polished up for fair. I paid an expert ulnoty bones To clean and fix tho thing, And then I said, in Joyous tones, "She'll run right off next spring." Ro wlen I got her out this year, My boat wns staunch and sounrt. Havo thnt sho leaked and wouldn't steer And alwnys ran aground; Tho cyllndor wns clogged somehow, Tho motor lay down flat. Hut sho's In perfect ordtM" now, Aside, I mean, from that. The Itattorles aren't such n much, Sho needs another scrow, Sho lias nn Inefficient clutch, The pump Is ailing, too. say tho blithe- repairing men And such like clever ducks? They say, "We'll mako her run again For Just two hundred bucks." H. 11. Preparations for tho observance of t Momorlnl Day havo boon porfoctod and It Is likely that tho exorcises will bo participated In by a larger num ber than ovor boforo. Many business houses will bo closed nil day but tho majority will closo during tho nftor- noon only to onnblo all who so dcslro to attond tho program which will bo hold In tho Masonic Opora Houso. Much preliminary work lias al ready boon dono In tho decorating of graves at tho comotory by Individ uals, lodges and others. Prcsldont P. L. Campboll of Oro- gon University who la to dollvor tho tirluclpnl address tomorrow will nr rlvo hero this evening via Myrtlo Point. Tho following Is tho olllclal pro gram and order of tho day as pro pared by Messrs. Cathcart, Wobstor, Kni'fmnn, Jones, Joohnk and Gottlns, tho Joint commlttoo of tho O. A. K. and Spanish War Votorans In chargo of tho affair: Tho following Is tho official pro gram and order of tho day as pro pared by tho committee on arrange ini.'iiU; Ordor of tho day: Marshal of tho Day A. T. Ilnlncs. Pnrndo will form on the corner of Front street and Mnrkot avonuo at 1 o'clock In the following order: Coos Day Concert Ilnnd. Oiegon Naval Mllltln. linker Post, O. A. It. Owen Sumner Camp, U. S. W. V.. Sous of Veterans, school children, general public. Lino of March: Front street to Central, Central to Second, Second to Tnbornaclo, where tho following program will ho given' MEMOIUAIi DAY PKOOHAM. Music Cons liny Concert Hand Prayer llov. II. I. Itutlcdgi (Pastor Mothodlst church.) Music Songs, . . .llallliigcr Quartol (Messrs, Ilalllugor, Ostltud, Jouoi and Richards.) Recitation Agues SunquUt Music Snugs Primary pupils Mrs. Wilbur's room Itecltatlon Harriet limine. Heading of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Chnrles Van Zllo Song My Qunrtot Address. . .President P. L, Campboll (University of Oregon.) Song, "AmorIcn".Audlouro and Hand After tho program the Hues will reform In tho sumo order Second to Hall nvouuo, Hall to cemetery, where tho G, A. It. will conclude tho sor vices. A firing squad from tho Ore gon Xavnl Mllltln will flro a saluto; Hayes Howard will blow taps. Automobiles will bo provided the membors of tho G. A. It. from the Tnbernoclo to tho comotory. XEW M. E. RITUAL (Dy A swnt In time saves ulue million, Wliqn "getting somebody's goat" take raro ho doesn't butt you. Some Coos Hay girls look upon their fathors as usoful for meal tic kets and glad rags but positively use loss when it comes to advice. I saw i follow with n hoo Hy a -Idont cut off his toe; My hart with pity hilly grew, I shHl a salty tear or two; Said ho, "Please, Mlstor. do mourn; At list I'vo cured trat gol-dlngod corn!" LEO MATSOX. not Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. May 29, Delegates to tho general conference of the Mothodlst Episcopal church to day evaded tho question of a rovlslon of tho ritual of tho church. The con ference ordered a commission to pre pare a rovlslon of the rltunl and pro sent It not Inter than tho tenth day of the 101C convention. COOS PIOXEEU DEAD Robert noattlo, a pionoor of Coos County and woll known by many of tho early residents In the county, pnssod away at Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, April 15th. Mr. noattlo was SO years old and wns a native of Scotland. Ho came to Coos County In 1SCS nnd sottlod on n ranch about 10 miles north of Hnndon where ho lived until about threo yoars ago when ho returned to Scotland whore he remained until his death. Ban don Recorder. S3 Loroy Thnckor, Watortown, S. D says: "I suffered with rheumatism for ovor eight years, and it seemed at times I would go crazy with pain. Tliroo bottles of Foley Pills cured my I rheumatism and I gladly recommend them. Sold by Red Cross Drug Co. Your Opportunity First Addition To Marshfield Miirsli field is now entering on nn era ot wonderful growth and prosperity; growth which during the next few years will rival that of Seattle, San Francisco or Portland. "Willi her growth fortunes will he made in real estate ; lots that can now be bought for little will bring thous ands and many u person will become wealthy from a few small investments made now. . - , This is your opportunity "Will you grasp it, or will you again "wait?" Buy Marsh field real estate and do it now. Let us show you our addition where wo are selling 50-foot lots for only $30') each on terms that make it possible for you to put j our monthly savings into the best property in Marshfield and partici pate financially in the great future ol this city. Call at our office for plats. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0. LOCAL OVERFLOW Enjoy Social Session. Following Its regular meeting Inst avonlng Doric Chnptor, Ordor of tho Eastern Star, had a very cnjoyablo social session. Mrs. Mary Savago wns oloctod troim tiror for tho balanco of tho yonr. Mr. Davis, matron of tho Rosoburg chap ter, was a special guest. AMONO THE SICK Miss a raro Lovolaco Is roportod qulto 111 at tho M. C. Horton homo. ALOXO THE WATERFHOXT Tho Rustler will snll tohorrow for Port Orford and Gold Reach. Tho Rustler will sail tomorrow for from Hnndon for San Francisco, Tho Gleaner with Cnpt. Cornwall arrived here this nftoruoon from Gar illnur. She leaves on tho return trip tomorrow morning. Mrs. W. It. Ilnlnos Is rapidly re cuperating from n few days' Illness. Guy Warner, who has hcon laid t.ti for a fow days Is reported to bo much better today. Tho llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. C, F. McGeorgo who has been III Is ro portod Improving. The Osprey arrived In today from Roguo rlvor. Tho damages sho sus tained thoro tho other day woro torn porarlly repaired for tho trip hero. Tho Washington sailed today for San Fraiulsco with a largo cargo of miscellaneous freight. Sho will snll from San Francisco noxt Monday with passengers and freight. H. E. Johnson, n san-ln-luw of G. W. Trlbboy, undorwont u minor oporntlon nt Mercy hospital this morning for throat trouble Miss Roxlo Hall, daughter of Jtidgo and Mrs. John F. Hall,- is roportod much Improved today. It Is expected that sho will soon bo ablo to bo up and around. NORTH REND NEWS. Walter Smith and wlfo and child, of North Donil, will lenvo tomorrow on tho nrenkwater for Portland. Miss Katie Sargent of Seattlo ar rived on tho Rreakwator for a fow weeks' stay with her mother, Mrs. Jennto M, Stowurt nt North Rend, SOME CAULIFLOWER Tho speed boat Coos Hay Is being prepared for a (rlnl spin and will be tested out for Us maximum spcod Just ub soon us W. C. Pettyjohn, A. II. Power's fust bont export, returns from his vacation trip to Snlem. The Nunu Smith Is duo In Into this ovonlng from Ray Point. It is under stood that Mr. Flsk, agent of tho Inter-Ocean Transportation company nt San Francisco Is aboard hor for a short visit on tho Ray. A head of cauliflower which Is suro somo cnullllowor, Is on exhibi tion In the window of tho Recorder The monster was grown by C. M. Spencer In Ilandon, and "Sponco" says ho Is "going to beat It somo moro" beforo ho Is through. Ran don Recordor. ' Tho Rainbow, Capt. Edwards' now boat, will bo put on tho Allogany run Saturday. Tho Alort will soon bo tnkon off for a general overhauling. Roth boats will be operated on tho run as soon as tho auto lino sorvlco Is started between Allegany and Drain. Capt. J. A. O'Kolly has placed the launch North Rend on tho Mnrshflold South Slough run, making dally round trips. On Sundays, tho North Rend will leave hero In tho morning nnd return In tho afternoon for tho nccommodutlou of picnickers desir ing to spend tho day nt Charleston or vicinity. XO LACE curtains at HAINES Just FLOUR and FEED. The June Bride Dreams Of a Well Regulated Household Her friends can help her make such a home by the gift of labor saving, pleasure making:, electric appliances. ELECTRIC WEDDING GIFTS enable her to dispatch housewifely duties quickly. Electric appliances arc practical. Different from the usual run of presents. Delight the bride with one. She'll appreciate the conveniences more ev ery day. Sec them in our display room Percolators, toast- j crs, irons and chafing dishes. Other appliances to fit any pockctbook. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 Llbby COAL. The ilnd YOU hay UAVAY8 IHKR. PHONE 73 Paclfh Livery & Transfer Co. STAT ESI EXT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tlio close of business, April 18, 1012, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $430 790 (jfi Dnnklng Houso 50,'o0o!ou Cash and Exchanges 251,981.96 Total J734.774.62 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In t 50.OOO.OO Surplus aud Undivided Profits 55 503 67 Deposits 629210!95 Total 1734,774.62 CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos M At the- closoV'of business April 18, H3 '. ,. Jg89J"- Jj0,itlB Loans nnd discounts. .'.. . .'.'. tiJll" Bonds, warrants and securities jj.dlH U. S. bonds to Becure circulation.-. 81.0IU Real estate, furniture and flxturos jj,M' Cash and sight exchange .'.','. .,..., -"-""is Total t L1A1HLITIES. i0H Capital stock paid In i .' j Surplus and undivided profits '', J ' .j Clrculntlon, outstanding ' W Deposits. . . , "glt!l Total , "'"., rwU In addition to Capital Stock tho -Individual Ha ers Is $100,000.00. epOSI! INTEREST PAID ON TIME AXD SAVINGS D .. ..ntiTnK. Vice-'" W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. u '" DORSEY KREITZER, Casaie- U C U of Mat , who hve aome Inventive ability Ml" Nploiue write UKKKLEV X Mel.tTUlK, A TURKISH BATH will do 70U GOOD. Phone S14J. WlsW1 a My.ti!tect .ZT'anXt 111 Jr"-