The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 28, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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PS l'ut Vour ItcAl BsUto "In
Will Keep the Income from Yo:
Furnished Rooms from Lnpslagl
YOU can really help tbd family
lovcnuca by renting a fow furnlshsd
rooms anil, It you know how r.nd
when to uso tlio classified columns,
you may keep that Uttlo extra Income
as "steady as a clock."
the Market" Eficcuvciyi
... ..... iho fact about your
I ? !L??:
Hie buroj-B wh0 ought tQ
rf 0ur.0u it!
kn '""
i uVyU 'tstniinsiicu '" xot
i. AAA , Tho ConstMiill
A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull rj. 269.
mill Cimw Hny Adwrtlsor.
iian Wilbur -"
Responoinu w uu"0
ISHONUhtu di ociuHit.
Icers of lll-Fatcd Ship Criti.-
icised for imoi nuuumy
!. .T. .. ir'iumV
i ..... Ao.nrlntivl PrCS3.)
iTho sonnie punouu ji" -solution
extending tho t wnkB
r-i. .. nnii niinranrlatlnK
flDOl) lor a modal for Captain
tthur H. KOSirun in mo --
ill. Thoy nlHo gavo n vote
tbanks to mo carimmui
fjUioclatod Press to Coos Day
i Times.)
IaSHINOTON, May 28. Just
h delivering ins spcccn uii uiu
tt th Titanic Senator Smith,
rata of tlio suli-coininiiico wiuon
itlnteil tho wreck, submitted;
i commlttco'8 report and Its
Itsloni. Tho report In lnrgoly
litk of tho ovldenco and conininB
uaendatlons Tor iogisinti,oii.
fittlcular person Is namod nil bo-
rtipontlule tnougu nuuiuion is
i..i,A tnrt tlinl thn ilnv nf tho
it ihrco distinct warnings of
Lm lvAn.
rnmM limnv. mnnnclnir director
( White Star Lino, was not held
kmilble for tho snip's nigii speou.
let ho Is barely inemionou in mo
tl On tho tvliolo, tho report is
itilr nml Rnnntnr Smith In il
Efc cnt morn fullv Into a dls-
03 ot tho cntisoH of tho disaster
idoet tho commlttco. Tho com-
weed upon thoso principal
fitt supposedly wator-tlglit com-
BU or Titanic woro not water
I W.ins nf n nnn-wntor tlcllt
Btlon declared to bo whoro trnn-
bulkheads ended.
It Callfornlnii, controlled by tho
Mni0m nu Mm 'Pltimln. lViiK
r tte Titanic than tho ulnetcon
i reported by hor captain and
iSferi nml rrnu nmv thn illHtroKH
ill ot tho Titanic mid failed to
t:i In accordnnco with tho die
I ot humanity and Intoriintlonnl
ind requirements ot law.
A fnmniltlftA nnnnllltlna tllnt tlin
lornlan might havo suvod all tho
ipMsengcrs u ml crow of tho ship
eai uown.
tltbt thins, nil onulnnod with
!, wcro In tho vicinity of tho
i!c. the Olympic being tho furth
er. 512 miles, Tho mysterious
i ot an unknown nhlp hcoii by
titer nt ,lin 'I'itnliln Mtwlnnlilrwl .
;-W"- w. IIV tM... UIIIIUI.MIWM-
'ere thoho of tho California!! loan
icme'ccn miles away.
Michigan Senator In Speech
Gives Details of Titanic
(Dy Associated Pros to Coos Day
Ultimo for tho Titanic disaster Is
chnrgcablo directly to tho falluro of
tho dead Captain Smith to heed rp
lientcd wnmlnirn nf lrnlinri?a nlinnrl.
, . u ........,
,but responsibility for unnecessary
ii'Bn ui mo inuHi oo Biiitrixi oy uapi.
through his disregard of distress Bie
nnis, mm i inu iiutiiiiK oi mo oeil
ato comtnltteo which Invcstlgntcd tho
a 111 lltiiv tT t)in rritntil( nu iirnnnrA.I
In a cotnprohonslvo opcech dollvcrol
uy William Allien Hiiutn, or .Michi
gan, chalrmnti of tho committee.
Senator Smith declared that re
sponsibility nlHo reutH upon tho llrlt
IbIi llonrd of Trade, "to whoso laxity
of regulation, and hnnty Inspection,
tho world is largely Indebted for the
awful fatality." In denouncing Cap
tain Lord, of tho California!!, tho
Sonator said (ho Tltanlo's dlstre3
slgnalH woro plainly neon from tho
deck of his vessel a short dlstnnco
America will leave to Englnnd tho
chastisement ot thoso guilty, assort
ed mo scnaior, aim no quoicu urn
ish law to show thnt Captain Lord
might bo prosecuted for a mimic
mcanor. Other conclusions presented, in
brief, wcro as follows:
lloforo tho Titanic departed on hor
maiden voyago there woro no suffi
cient tcsto of boilers, bulkheads,
equipment or signal devices.
Officers and crow wcro strangers
to ench other and not familiar with
the Hhlp's Implements or tools, mid
no drill or station practice- took placo
and no helpful dlsclpllno provnlled.
Tho speed of tho Titanic was 24 Vj
miles nn hour nt tlmo of tho nccl
dont, nlthoiiKh officers of tho Titanic
hnd boon advised of tho presonco
Icebergs by tlio steamships Ilaltlc,
Amorlkn and Callforiilan.
PnunxiiLMirx wont not advised ot
danger, although President Jsmay of
President Taft Continued Cam
paign Until Polls Opened
This Morning Roosevelt
Goes Home.
(lly Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Pay Times)
NEWARK. N. J., May 2S. Moro
than half n million voters In Now
Jersey arc registering their votes for
proforenco in tho presidential nomin
ations at tho Chicago and Daltlmoro
conventions today. Roosevelt went
homo to Oyster Hay last night and
will stny thero until after tho repub
lican convention except for a trip to
Gettysburg. Pa., Thursday for a
Momorlal Day address. Taft, how
cvor, romalned over to nddrcss tho
voters nt Atlanta City, concluding
his speech Just boforo tho polls op
ened. Ho mado his last appeal to
tho votors at GInssboro at noon. Flno
weather prevailed. All candidates
aro "confident."
New Jersey Man Has lllg: Lead In
Ik'iiKirnitlr Prlmai-lei.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooj
Day Times.)
ST. PAl'L, Minn.. May 28. Re
turns today bIiow that Woodrow Wil
son was endorsed at tho democratic
en nouses held yesterday in n majority
of the counties In Minnesota. On tho
fact of tho returns Wilson lias GC2
Instructed delegates, Clark 193 and
Bryan 37 and GO aro unlnstructert.
Central States' Delegates to Unite to
. Forward his Candidacy...
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
CHICAGO, May 28 Illinois dol
cgatcs Instructed for Colonol Roose
velt wero invited today to visit Oys
ter liny Saturday. Tho object of the
meeting of tho Roosovclt lenders Is
declared to bo to discuss plans for
concerted nction by tho central Btates
dnlocatna In nilvnnntnir thn rnnilldniA
Decide On Three Days' Cele
bration of Fourth of July
In Marshfield.
At a meeting ot tho Chamber of
Commorco last evening, preliminary
plans for a threo days' colobratlon ol
til, i Kfllirlll nf .llllv worn mmln Thn
colobratlon will open Tuesday, July
2, and continue until Thursday night,
July -I. General plans for features
of the colobratlon woro dlrcusacd but
most of the attractions woro loft to
n general commlttco to arrango for.,
In ordor to insuro Iho success of
tho colobratlon, It was docldod that
at least $1,500 would bo required.
A. J. Mendel and George Rotnor wero
nppolntod a comrnltteo to solicit sub
scriptions from local buslnoss to do
fray this expense. Thoy will begin
tho cnnvnss at onco and hopo to havo
tho entlro amount subscribed by next
Thursday oveiilng whon another gen
eral mcotlnr? will bo cnltcd to dis
cuss tho celebration.
It wns decided to havo racing as
attractions for tho first two days of
tho eelobratlons, July 2 nnd3. F. P
Norton stated that Myrtlo Point was
nrrnnHnir for rnrna .llllv 4 nnd G nml
that it would bo itlmcult to get horses
for two rnco moots in tno county at
tho Wilt Star Line, wiio was ,.- However. It was tho
lug tho vessels iiialdei ongo, as . . . . ., b
Informed. No general alarm was
given nor nu.v organized system or
safety undertaken.
Of tho 1321 passengers and S09
members of tho crow on board, ther
was mom In lifeboats for only 117 J
Min'itiniu nml linrmiFn nf hll'k Of Or-
'dorly discipline tho bonis took off
ueiiiK ri'iui-w
.in vuiHaiiKH oi mo limine o 'only 71H poisons, i-
' ere not utilized beeauso from tlio water.
f.JOO passeiirfirs woro snved thoi of fleers of tho Whlto
i boats rllllil lifiva nnrrliul 11711 I ..i... it I...1 ...HI. .1m niHl" n
Star Lino
flftr recoil'-
"- --" v...... " . IJllltlVII HUH V.- """'" .
W nam Inl.. ... . .1 1 .. . m 11. .I lmiiiiinl
- 5ii iii.ii ui was summon, nu lug lurnriiiation iroa muir muuui
was blown, no Byntomotlo I ffii.0 Monday morning following the
'-B ds tlvtu to tho ondaiigorod ncelilont.
"ors mill I. wna flflonti m Iwnil. c. .,.. c.iltli KnnflnmilOll "nlltl-
I'es after the collision beforo I nna'ed slilpplux laws and overripe
a omiin ordered the wlroloss iidminUtrntlvo hoards" nnii iww
'tori to send out distress mes-(iint all nations net togother In ship-
i. Thn Tli'iiii..v -..-.,.. ....,. n.,i.. ' .,.. f....,o "Voiv Inws." he said.
eJ- acquainted with Its posl-t"wlll best tostlfy our affection for
'M (links In raso of accident, ' tl o dead." . .
"S hid mill- nun .Will Lnfnm Mr. nn.l llncll-nll. nf till! rOSCUO SHIP
'maiden trip, Many of tho1 Cnrpathln, was praised by Sonator
"'v uiu h'np oniy n low nours Hmltn nun no ihk i" .
rccngnlzo his vnior.
Sonator Smith rovlewod tho tostl
niony of Capt. Lord, showing that tlu
California camo within four mllos of
the doomed vossol and that ho wont
to his room to llo down while slgunl
roqkets woro being flreU.
;n was traveling. No ills- "Falluro of Capt. i.oru w .
'uk pmco among tho ofneors, tho wlreloss operator uu -"
Mwnfercnpo was called to con-1 who easily could have as cor tnlnod
Vh ? Y.arn,n8' nn(l no hci1 tl10 nn,n0 of th? "J v.rV loL
lven to f em. Tho sneod of tho . nnd reoched hor in tlmo to aiert oss
,as not relnxed and tho look- of llfo," said Senator famitn, "
r wn mo s'np only n Tow hours
ire the sailed and woro In Ignor
icf t'.elr liosltlnna until tlin fnl
PS Friday.
- v iiu.iiiiuiia woro uoiiiiiiuij
!r'd to tho Tltnulc," snyB tho ro
' Just pr codlngvtho nccldont.
ofsed tho leo on both sides of
Former Portland Minister Says
Narrow-Mlndedness Is
Worst Drawback.
(Dy Associated Prosa to Coos Day
DES MOINES, In., May 27 That
tho churches of today aro hindered
by llttlo, narrow-minded ChrlHtlans
moro than by opon wlckodnosH was
tlio declaration or uov. ur. james
Whltcomb Ilroughor of Ixib AngoloB,
fnrmnrlv nt Pnrtlnnil. Orncnn. bofora
tho Northorn Daptlst convention to
Harry Dond, of Drattloboro, Vt.,
wns choson president of tho Northern
Daptlst convention here. IIo Is dir
ector of tho largest radiator company
In America.
Town of Skiatook Destroyed by
storm tany louay par
ticulars Lacking.
(Dy Associated Pross to Coos Duy
TULSA, Ok., May 28 Tolcphono
advices received hero from a point
near Skiatook, flftoon miles north,
Bay that town was practically wlpod
out by a storm early today. Threo
nro known to havo boon killed and
many aro reporlod injured. All tho
wires aro down and details aro not
olitnlnnliln until nnu'n In received
from a rollof party which has gono
to t no rcscti o.
Many Others Injured in Disas
ter In Moving Picture
Show In Spain.
(Dy Associated Prosa to Tho Coos
Day Times.)
May 28 An explosion of a moving
plcturo machlno last night caused tho
doath of eighty persons and many
others In a tlicatro fir which fol
lowed. Mony of tho injured will die.
COt Inrroicn.i
1. "",1'-.
tl yy mention ot J. nruce Is-
'-": m a rcvlow of tho nics
1 . ..!.. .Iul "
.Contrast. If. you will, tho ""
m a rcvlow of tho nics-; duct of tho captain oi "" "' '":,"";
-"in Whlto Star ounces Iniln this emergency ami "'!," f tint
rkmr?Portlng tho disaster, must havo bo tho consola Hon o timt
w official Information, tho com-1 thoughtful and sj-mpatho c marl
iiwi .w" a messngo from ! nor, who roscued U',,',,''";1,, ,,ig
W Haddock of tho Olympic ro-lnnd left the people o tho
te, Whlto Star lino at debtor as his ship sailed for distant
i ii . "ii ,',un. APri l&. Atton-,seas n iew u) b -' ,..,-.
J callea ,o th0 fnct Umt thl3 Bolf-effacement and h lPn,
Sute &! mo-aBo reporting encp to per 1 b W- PmPt essrjnd
lnr-""K lOWBa MUHIirW IWB "'H". "':"' 1, ,mtV. HO
nonoral oiilnlon that thuro would bo
Biilllelent other attractions for tho
Fourth of July to provide amuse
ments for tho crowd and conse
quently that races on tho first two
would bo ample. Purses amounting
to about ?S0O will bo offored for tho
two days' racing but of this amount
only about $300 will havo to bo
raised, tho balonro coming from gate
rocolptB and entry money.
in gonerol, It was decided that last
year's colobratlon. which proved such
a big Buccoss. will bo duplicated as
noarly as possible.
a 11 T'nwoin wns snlocted to tako
ehnrgo of tho log rolling and tiic of j
war which proved sucn nig leaturos
.1 viwir ncn.
A now feature will ho a drill and
May-polo dnnco by several hundrol
Marshfield children. Prof. Hoggs has
OKrcoa to drill tho children for this
A water parado, bont races and an
rtiito parado woro other features sug
gested. Howovor, thoso will bo de
termined by the gonoral comrnltteo
appointed to tako chargo of It.
Tho gonoral commlttco named last
ovonlng Is composed of D C. Green,
F. E. Hague E. K. Jones, Warner Og
ren. Hugh McLaln. A. II. Powers. Dr.
j T. McCormac. Jay D. Tower, F. P.
Norton and F. E. Wilson.
i n Mnlnnov wn seloi
elior'go'of tho advertising of tho celo
Tho gonoral comrnltteo will meet
Wednesday evening ot 8 o'clock at
tho Chamber of Commerco to discuss
attractions for tho colobrntlon and on
Thursday night, a gonorol meeting
will he held to discuss tho mntter.
t. ti.o mil n inn nf thoso present
11 nun imv i .
last evening that fire-works should be
dlsponsed with. Tho matter of secur
ing a flying machlno may bo taken up
by tho committee
Large Number of Transport
Men Respond to Appeal for
Sympathetic Strike.
(Dy Assoclatod Pross to Tho Coos
Day Tlmos.)
LONDON, May 28 Everything Is
qulot In connection with tho Btrlko of
dockmon. "Poaceful plckotlng", al
lowod by law, Is procoodlng. Largo
numbers of men employed in trana
port wcrk nro responding to appeals
of their striking comrades to Join
Government Ready to Dispatch
Blue Jackets and Marines
to Interior.
Action Will Be Taken if Neces
sary Despite President
Gomez's Objections.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
WABMIVriTflV Mnv "9 Tlin Tin.
Ited States Is prepared to send mar
ines and bluo Jackets to tho Interior
of Cuba for protection of American
nml fnrnlpn Intornntn whnrn nrrnRHfirv
and where no Cuban forces nro avalf-
nolo tor mat purpose oven utotigii
President Gomez should object to
such course. It Is emphatically held
nt tho Stato Dopartmont that Amor-
lean marines nnu navy omcors aro
expected to tako aucli monsurcs u-i
becomo necessary to protoct Amer
ican and foreign plantations. N;o
foreign government yot lins commun-
Ixntml u.'tli tlin llnltn.1 Htlllna tin thn
subject of protection of Its lntorosts
and H is unucrsioou inai mis govern
mont alms to mako Btich nn action
Tnumport Pmlrio Rrarhes IhLuitl
ii ii ijnrgi) t'urcu.
(Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day
nAlMPMtlll Hnlin Mnv 9R.
Tho transport Prulrlo arrived hero
early today, bringing 77C man of tho
uniteu HintCB marine corps.
Cuban Rebels Dofttroy Iirgo Amoant
of Property.
(Dy Associated Pross to Uio Coos Uxr
SANTIAGO. May 28 A body ot
Insurgents today burned eight thous
and tons of sugar enno and many enrn
and other proporty on tho plantation
of Marcos Sanchez In tho vicinity ol
Guantunamo and belonging to tho
American Fidelity company.
h n. UC1"K iowea 10 iiama
Lfa. .? IlProsentatlvo J. A.
r. c? St IlUntlnutnn V Vn nt
V ttat ,i,,. m,.r ""' " ' ' .
Ired t .i " mesBage was u -F&esam
We8torn Unlon olllco
ii "U'lUllljj itH CIIO VYIUIQ
rnnLTH' "Whoever Bent
I tho .7 "'a c" report, un
it repncjr"imstancea was guilty of
II reprehensible conduct
p committee does not believe tho
I di.iu i . ' ou c" uarpainiii
S' y'sllant in handling tho
d th.. !ur the accident and de-
.---.v.o vo oou intir Hiur-
rekK rv co to lu.nian.ty. Ho
should bo mado to realize the debt
of gratitude this Nation owes to .him
while tho book of good deeds. whlc.
l--n-,been am arimiobs
unattecieu . -""" finstron to
carry tho name of Capt. Ros tron
thT n Vor cent of'ihe men be-
7000 or eninia - -- . th .
ships, now carries over 70. 00 J th.
MacArthur, Perks Co. Have Not
Made Awarusierminai
1 Conference.
No nows has yot been rccolvod con-
!., ilia nwnril nf BUb-COntrOCtS
iDiiiHii "'-.,." n..T..,.
irton ana r. w. iiuh. on tho uaianco oi mo vuua uj--
M C Malonev was selected to take gone jin0 oy the MncArthur. I'orks
'-... ..'i....ilalnif nf thn poln. i i ,1,n r.....multlnn In thnt tllO
iu. miu iii".. --
bids wero probably higher than woro
expected and that tho MacArthur,
Perks Co. is now uguruiK "" &
f..o bulk of It themselves.
Tho construction In North Dond
which tho Southern Pacific startod
tho other day has boon discontinued,
merely two blocks of track being laid
.. .i. .....nnan nt inUliii' nnasesalon
mi- inu ui uau u .... ra . : "
of the franchise Tho construction
of tho lines within Norm nonu is in
cluded In tho gonoral contract which
tho MacArthur, Porks Co. holds.
L. J. Simpson loft Sunday on tho
A. M. Simpson for San Francisco and
It is understood that tho object ol t-ir, wna tn nttend a conference
of C. A. Smith, W. 3. Chandlor and
Southern Pacific officials rolatlvo to
Portland Man Formally Elected
President ot Great iMortn
ern Today.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
ST. PAUL, Minn., Mny 28 Direc
tors of tho Groat Northorn yostorday
nppolntod Carl S. Gray, until recently
hood of tho Spokano, Portland and
Hoattlo Railway ana tno inu iiiich in
Oregon, president of tho Gront North
ern and retired L. W. IIUI from that
position. Grny's duties will bogln at
PORTLAND, Oro., May 28 Jos
eph II. Young, recently npolntod to
succeed Cnrl R. Gray as prcBldont of
tho Spokano, Portland nnd Soattlo
and Hill linos In Oregon actively as
Binned his duties last week.
(Dy AssoclatcMl Press.)
. iiAvrnv Ohio. Mav 28.
Wilbur Wright Is slowly sink-
lug and physicians sny ho can- r
not llvo longer than a fow
hours. Ills family has aban-
donod all hopo.
Texans Seeking to Avenge As
sault On White Woman
Fail In Effort.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
WASCO, Tex., May 28 Telophono
imuuinirnH frnm Axtoll. toll llllloB east
of Wasco, Bay mombora of the Tylor
party wno ion ror ivasco aaiuruay
night to find George Drlco, n nogro
Impllcntod In tho attack on Miss Car
rlo Johnson, nro walking homo iib tho
St. Louis Southern olllclals refuued
to lot them rldo free. Dy tho tlmo
tho mob had arrlvod at Wasco, Drlco
had been takon to Rusk penitentiary.
Dan Davis, a nogro who confessed to
tho attack on Miss Johnson, was
burned nt tho stake by a mob at Ty
ler Saturday night. Axtoll Is 108
mllos from Tylor.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
WASHINGTON, May 28 Nono of
tho untl-trust or Intorstato commerco
casos of noto woro decided Monday
by tho United States Biinronie court.
soldiers of tho sea. and, whether In
tho lookout, on tho deck or at tho
wheel, whether able or common sea
men they should bo hotter paid for
K labor and moro highly Hon-
ored In their calling; u.o.r " ."Z: totwi tto Bouth-
mlniils. Mr. MUlls has tho offer oi
Major Klnnoy nnd others under con-
.. . .!.. .....1 ..rnlinlilv will tnkO It
Hllll'l UHU1I ,.. . .....- .....
up with Messrs. cjamn mm oi"
at San Francisco this week. Rumors
that havo been started about a loca
tion for theso have been current but
it Is Btated on rollablo authority that
no decision has been reached about
theso locations.
Ono of tho largest warehouses
which tho Southern Pacific will build
on tho Day will bo located near tho
iirnnnnt rallroaU UUCKB. uuw..
n .t bo respected, and their work tho .egoj t at.ons fc pas 'for this have already been
carefully performed; harsh and bo- era Pacific "d the Termlnal uw ra Macgenn of tho Drcak-
MMnKtotomrri ZSto&Sfi water having been consulted about It
pealed, and u now dlgnltj given tins c see yescor , fobrenco w,u bo Bomo time ago.
Important field of labor
PROF. HAVMONI) Is supplying
orchehtra music In addition to the
regular bill at the Royal tonight.
A Good Place to Trado Is Haines.
Riimed that the conference wilt bo
held today or tomorrow.
Until something definite has boon
done relative to right of way through
Marshfield, It is understood that no
definite action will bo taken relative
to the location of the shops and ter-
Steamer Sails for Eureka With
Many Will Return
Here Friday.
Tho Alliance unllod this morning
for Euroku. Sho had quite a list of
through passengers from Portland
and a big cargo of through frolght.
Qi.n iu voimiinlod to return hero
early Friday morning and will sail
tho samo day for Portland.
Among tiioso Bailing on ui
Eureka from horo woro tho follow-
A. 8yrlnga, Wm. Laurln. E. Hoskl,
Alox Saarl, Fred Jarvls, Matt Galau,
P. J, Varnoy, Mrs. P. J. Varnoy, Mrs.
Jullu McCoy and A. C Potcrsou.
i!i)f;i'GTON and take out
that OLD LINE POLIOV you havo
been Intending to tako out for so
many years. Got tho Do-R-now habit.
Others nro taking thorn each day.
Romember Edglugton with I. .0.
Kaufman & Co., 177 Trent Btrtct
91.115 gets a good sack of flour at
.....,, mniini iillT I . ....flllnyl want rntlBOS unhaPPl-
Saturday nlgllt, June 1. Ion't miss It. ness Times Want Ads bring results.
1 becomo tho j