BOOSTER IS A FrTTKTISlNa In Tiio TIMES Will lilt Vour Ileal Estate "In ,lio Market" Kflecuvoijri ... .i, inria 11 limit vnur 11 w. before iio oyos of nil "pob- 'SfSyei" to twn' Aud ,f il"6. .. nf thorn who ought to tte? :". .oil It! 00 ' '""" JU MAN WHO BOOSTS ALL HE CAN AS LONG AS HE CAN 493 mm MEMI1EK OF ASSOCIATED 1MUCSS h WANT ADVERTISING In Tho Tli Will Keep the Income from Yo. I'tirnisliLtl Rooms from Lni(Nj YOU cnn .really help tbd faintly lovonuoa by renting a low furnlshud rooms nnd, If you know how and whon to uso tlio classified columns, you mny keep that llttlo extra incomn ns "stonily ns n clock." bu xxxv iCstabllslied In 187H ns Tlio Const Mnll KggaoaaatojiaiagarorauvaBJiigcsa MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, MAY 27, 1912EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Tillies, Coast Miiltrja 268. nml Cooh liny Advertiser. DSEVELT ID TAFT WILL FIGHT 10 FINISH II JERSEY AKING THINGS GO IthMakfng Strenuous Cam- bign lor voius m nmioij "Tncre ioimuhuw. ft WILL SPEAK UIMULrui-uo urcu L Candidates May Also yiake uampaign m ouum uaKoia. L lyodatcd Press to tho Coos Dny Tlmon.) hWARK, N. J., Mny 27 This Is tier day f Imrd rlul"B nnu Uns for Taft nnd Roobovok. iu- ' off w Jorsoy win instruct nor legates 10 iu ''" v..... , mil tho lost full dny or mo pii- .u wns utilized by both ftditei to Its Inst hour. It wns Id today tlmt Itoosovolt mny vIbR F n.M. ir Tnft snonkfl there. hit president's lntontlonfl nro un- jta. Taft win continue- ui cum- i In Now jorsoy unui wio in .( Inn o'clock tomorrow. rnor Wilson will mnko IiIb Inst Lv tnnfrM in Mm nOrcll of hlB la the city of Prlncoton. Itooso .in .i.n wimi lin his Now Jorsoy pilrn In Princeton, Bpcnklng on bilcony of rnncoion inn. mu rtlon of tins rosirum, u wan mini, due to rcfusnl of President Mb r Prinrfiton to lot nny of tho tnltr buildings bo UBod for n Hal meeting unices noming itcry wn wild "bout President I, who was tho inBiiiuiioirs guosi fall; at Dr. Ribbon's Innilgurn- HOWIE GO IS DRAW k Twenty Rounds at Ban- isaturday Wight other Bouts Planned. in Day nnd Jack Duarto fought tandi to n draw nt Ilnndon Snt- fr night. Tho fight Ib doclnrod lire been ono of tho best bouts MAYOR VETOES SEATTLE BILL WE HEAR every onco In nwhlic thnt any public entorprlso or move ment thnt merits support will set It. In the long run nnd In general that Is true. Sometimes In perlfie Instances nothing could bo more untrue. Things succeed or fall in this world largely ns communities take loni; or short views of their own Interests. Things succeed In fnrslghtcd com munities which fail in short-sighted communities. TAFT SATS it UNITED STATES L NOT INTERVENE NOW "Anti-Red Flag Ordinance" 'Gets the Ax Because It Was Too Farreaching. (Dy AsEoclatcd Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) SEATTIiK, Wnsh., Mny 27. Mayor ClcorRo P. Cottcrlll today votoed tho council bill known nB tho "anti-red fin ir nrillnniipn." nml mlilM, nmi pnBscd been uso. of tho "rod flng" dom onstrntlon on Mny dny. Tlio Mnyor votood tho ordinnnco hecnuso Its pro- vimuiiB iiiuuiuib mo uso oi onnnors ordlnnrlly used by frntornnl ordors nnrl lintnlion It wnttl.t II.a pnrndinR In our atrcctB of milltnry nnd naval forces or visiting uniform ed organizations from neighboring or friendly foreign countries unless thoy would enrry nt tho bend of their pro cessions tho American flag." Tho Mnyor submits tho drnft of nn unob jectionable bill which would still for bid tlio "rod flng." celebration was a grnnd nnd glorious success nnd business mon generally think thnt It can bo duplicated thlsyonr. And it cnn. Rut it will tnko plnnnlng nml n deflnlto purpose Last year's committees, particularly tho flnanco committee, did Tro jan Borvlco and thoy will undoubtedly bo selected again this evening at tho maBB mooting to bo held nt tho Chamber of Commorco. This Is a mooting that every citizen nnd especially every business man should nt tend. This is n celebration thnt is In tho line of city boosting. It is money in the till to linvo Mnrshtlcld known ns tho plnco to go for what Is good nnd tho plnco that nlwnys mnkes Its promises good, too. Hero Is nn opportunity to tnko long views for tho futuro nnd to mnko things succeed becnuso they nro entitled to succeed. Succcbb must be planned for by n community ns much ns by nn individual. A ncgll- bi'iii. nnu iiiuiiiuiuiu jiuuuy in nn mini iij uno ns lu mu uiuur. Ijlllllll Hill IIHllKIll UlKl IIOIII UIWHI. NOTED PILOTAGE CASE IS DECIDED United States Supreme Court Sustains Right of States to Impose Charges on Vessels. (Dy Associated Proas to Tho Coos Times.) WASHINGTON'. D. C. Mny 27.- Stnto pilots won a victory over tho Btenmshlp companies todny when tho United Stntcs supremo court decided int constwiBo Ben-golnit stenm von- sols under register nnd with n fodoi nl pilot nbonrd still woro subject to liability for a Into pllotngo fees upon entering or lonvlng ports. Tho point nroso spoclflcnlly ns to whether stcnmBhlps sailing undor register on voyages between Snn Francisco nnd United Stntcs ports on Pugot Sound nnd stopping en routo nt Victoria, D. C, woro llnblo upon lonvlng or enter ing Snn Francisco to pllotngo foes cd by California statutes thnt constwiBo Ben-golnR stenm von- levied by California stntutos. SMITH LOSES IBELSLACK PLAN TO DUST LUMBER CASE mmm GENERALWQQDS Title to About $250,000 Worth of Land In Linn and Lane Counties Cancelled. PORTLAND, Oro., Mny 27. Tho Journal Bays: Word wns received from Snn Fran cisco thnt JudRo Gilbert of tho United StntoB court of nppenla linn confirmed tlo opinion or Judgo Ilonn of tho United Stntos district court of this district cancelling tltlo to 37 quar ter sections of tlmbor Innd In Linn nnd Lnno counties held by tho Linn & Lnno Timber company. This com- nnnv wns orcnnliod by C. A. Smith mvu uiiu ui vuu iiwdu uuum pnny wns orgnnuuu oy u. . om'i il olf In tho county In n ln,J,nnd momhers of his fnmlly In 1900, i C. A. Howard, ot Mnrshfloi ., Whon ho beenmo nlnrmod by tho gov- FifAVAA n .1 I.Ih .lAfllnlnil 9 n ' . . II..I1.. I HHAilAAIlMIIIV nvnv nun inn uramuu ih .. orniUCIU B nCllVliy 111 uiu8iiunb net with tho General nnnrovnl : inmi fmmi rnsos. to hold tho Innd crowd. 1 which hnd'beon Bocured through n' inng Scarcity of Powder and Bullets Said to Be Responsible for 1 Federal Gains. Amendments to Army Appro priation Bill Would Affect Chief of staff. TOHKKOX IS OAPTUIUJI) (Dy Associated Press.) (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day 4.1 Tlmos.) WASMIN'OTON. II. C Mnv 27 III)' AKBUGIUIUU 1IV""I ' " ' TllAlinz Mnv.. Mnv 27. Mos- Tlu nrmv nnnronrlntton bill wns ro- fngos rccolved todny from tho ported bnck to tho Bennto nnd Houso rebel hondqunrters nt Chlhun- !, , con(crooa tody wlth u.nd hun nnnouncod tho enpturo 01 . ' Torrcon by tho robols undor 'ministration nmondmonts which General Argumodo. Dotnlls nro would loglBlato Major General Wood invini out of offlco ns chlof of stnff nnd would lenvo tho locntlou of military (Dy AssoclntoiTPreBS to Coos Day posts to n commission of retired nrmy ' Times ) 1 "'fleers nnd two mombors onch of CHIHUAHUA, Mex., Mny ST. 'jjo Sor .at 0 nnd House commltteos on IIMiun'ltkS an? l'" '"feelK- T K"! n'dmont which would re SSlni tW-lt'SlWK fo p St". ' vo Genem, Wo0(, also woi.ld pre Ig importntlons of nrm. Into Mexico I0",,Sfin "''"p nttnlffi o inuu ui -;"- v" : :" : ..v. v. ;i. Cllioi oi num. i-mii uiutui not apont ton yonrs In tho tlio troops uororo uoconung 1 1 m . u. inn i-aiiai iiiii j - m . 1 ' ' " . . . mi.. .. ia ' riinn 1111111 in xs ivwvi mmivi wns ire nrsi iwoivo rnuniiH.i ogeil fraudulent oniry. iuo hub :"',,,, 1 .iveii ns ono of tho orco 01 m I decidedly tho best of It. In: valued nt 'approximately J250.000 , "''"' lor '80 "Uw"yRM,0 "nsurro ho hns 1 nth. tenth, ninvontii nml iwnlftli ' . .1 .nn...Pi.. ,.nriv fiono iipros. principal reasons ") J1"11' "' ,.,, ...i,.,. . u V.,M11,,1 ,ve, ,,,...,...... ........ . ,.,,. rotif nn.,i i.Pinru inu uuvnuu- - " i. uuarlo nppenrod dnzod nun 1 T10 rmims woro first mod on in! "I V.iornlB To date tho robols hnvo " brigndlor wll uo oiirioio. .-nniiy 87 mo. ivo crown wns iookiihj, moo by mon nnd women wniw ;v '"-": y-, nonriv sq milos of torr - army oinconi ci arKu umi w.o ..h. v BfT to land n knockout nt nny ,hWPB were paid by S. A. D. Puif".' "no8 ,,etwl llno nni1 Bt"ff wn,fhf rec0.,Jt' but Day failed to put tho liny- ,ml nrnCe McKlnloy. Tho patents ; too nlon ho Mex in w n , tll0 rotlromont from tho l -were Issued AuguBt 12, 1002, for tho f " 'f,""" g ?c", "l", , in nn of- army of Mn or Gonornl Alnsworth, 18 jhlrtcenth. Duarto bognn to , 3- olnl, KlBht other PtonU woro JJn U muitcrtn mw responslhlo for the PropoBltlon. 1 bk and In tho fourtoonth lMe(i j v 0. 1902, nnd those claims tort "? ,0 l 'f. . . fortined plnco Tho report wns not nctod on n either -U stiff Jolt to tho clfln tlmt 'ouU.Wod by tho statute of llml-jlT of OUB0 ,ndajr. A Bhnrp conflict over D.-.V tnrntvl n M.n flnnr 11 .-i. - Willi PIOUIJ Ul ""'"' .,,.,',, .. thr. ninonilincnta is OXHCCtCd. uhiAii mniia iiiii 1 1 ic 11 1 in in. uiiiibuiv w i fore Kellano. , IGIRL INJURED .11 - 1. . ..- ... .1 MIUVMB. . .. i y invo nnn i'o nrat iimu i When tho pnionis were msueu i v D.'y hag ben squn'oly knocked dnds wero turned over to Fred A In his limits In this uootlon. Kr'ln m ,.!li.r m?it of Smith to br - - uii, Kiiiuit.' nun iiiinaiuijr " , p(l )n rilll. Olllllll '" "" " ' P OiA liA. nf I. ... I...1. fttilallnl ... . .1.... An..flla ltnfrlA vui.i ui iiniiii uuiii iiiimiiui timuormnn in ;iihiii'""d v....- rtfrnnt In n. (.....1111. , . . n ...i I., mlillllnii fl "te was badly benton up, ono tno inn,i involvod In tho suit, ho held wng closed early In tho bout. 50,000 ncres In I.lnn. I-a'1 "'; eri were in mourning nt tlu nouelns counties. When 1 e received ; id Day's right oyo wns nlso , intimation of nn Investigation, tno llrlhnrlc.l I. . .. ..,.,0.... nnnllnllxPll Rt ..;.".". ...... T,,....'n"'K ll""'"."'-, .,'" oi 1. ... ' "viuumi uoui .DOiweon ijih.i i $100,000 was orgainzu". o""" - c( Marshflphl, nnd Kid Hoi-1 sCrVod nil but two shnrcs In tho com- of Ilandon, tcrmlnntcd in tho ' .., por tho stock In tho company fcana wncn Holbrook quit, j10 turnod ovor nil of his iimuer uoiu- UNITED STATES Negotiations With Colombia Relative to Dependence of Panama Is Denied. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Dny Times) WASHINGTON. D. C. Mny 27. So fnr ns tho Slnto Department 1b nwnro, no nrrnngomoniB hnvo boon reached between Amorlcnn Minister Dubois nnd the Colombian govern ment looking to recognition by tho latter ot tho dopondonco ot Pnnnmn In roturn torn $30,000,000 tndomulty as wns reported from Cartngonn. Thoro hnvo been no negotiations be tween tho two countries regarding Pnnnmn for nenrly n yenr, unless tho lotter of Scnor Oflplnn, which led to his rotlromont ns minister to tho United BtatcB, may bo Bo regarded. TO 1IAOUK TKIIIUNATj Colombia to Submit I'liuiinm Mutter to Intrnmtlonnl Court. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WARtllNnTnN. Mnv 27 Gnnnrnl Pedro Dol Osplnn, formerly minister from Columbia to tho United States who aroused bo much comment by his declaration thnt Secrotnry's Knox's visit to Colombia would bo Inoppor tune, oxprcsseu mo opinion lomiy thnt tho "controversy botwoon Col ombln nnd tho United Stntcs In con nection with tho secession ot Pnnnmn would bo sottlcd by Its submission to the Hnuo tribunal." MOORS HARD LOSE IN BATTLE French Troops Repulse 10,000 Natives with Heavy loss On Algerian Frontier. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) paiiir. Mnv i!7 A ronort Is null- llBhed horo thnt 10,000 Moors mnilo nn nttnek on n Kronen enmp ni .mo rndn, nenr tho Algorlnn frontior, that tho French troops lost 150 killed nnd 380 woundod nnd thnt thft Moora woro ropulsod, lonvlnR 1000 dond nnd 3000 wounded on tho Hold. Tho minister of wnr hns not rccolved con firmation of tho report. ATTACK OX VKA. President Officially Announces Head of Cuban Govern ment of Decision. ISLAND PRESIDENT WAS AROUSED OVER IT Pillaging By Rebels Continues More U. S. Marines May Be Landed. . NO INTKHVKNTION NOW Dy Assoclntod Press. JEHS13Y CITY, N. J., Mny 27 President Tnft sont a mossngo to President Gomez of Cubn to- dny snylng ho would not intor- 6 vnnn In Pnlin. uy Jiaouciuicu rrcss to ino uoos Tlmc8.) WASHINGTON, Mny 27. Fooling nssurcd thnt President Gomez has misunderstood tho purpose of tho American government in dispatching tho Inrgo naval forco now on Kb way to Key West, tho State Dcpartmont, after having Instructed Amorlcnn Minister Donupro at Hnvana to mako plnln to tho Cuban government tho purposo of tho movement, hns now loft to tho discretion of Colonol ICnr- tnnnv. ftnnimntitllnfr 41in ninitnn fnrrAn on tho crulsor Prnlrlo duo nt Gunntiv- nnmo tomorrow tno extent to wnicii tho mnrlncs sliall bo employed. Tt la lintlnvnrl flint nn flilnn nH Trnn Idont Gomoz Is nwnro thnt no sinister purposo Is behind tho Amorlcnn no tion, ho will no longer object It In Ihnrniif1i1v nnnrvlntnil linrn thnL tho Cuban president must nssumo a rnthor resentful nttltudo townrd what migia nppcnr nn invasion or tno lalnnd lest thn nntrlotlstn of tlio Culi- nus bo stirred to roslstnnco. Should no persist m his objection, nowuvor, tho Amorlcnn nnvnl commniidorB will not remain Indlfforont to tho demands of Amorlcnna for protection whore it Is clonr tho Cuban government cannot glvo It. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) HAVANA, Mny 27 President Oo mez recolvcd tho messngo from ProB- lilnnt Tn ft illoolnlniliiir nnv Intiiiitlnn of tho United Stntes to Intorvono. Ho Immediately summoned n mooting or tho riibluot tn which Iio communlca- (nil thn lint nf llin mosxni'n. oxtiruss- Ing tho hlRhost appreciation of Tnft'H uuiiuiio. uomoz is propnring n ropiy. KTitiKi: ih i;.ni:i) MEET TONIGHT " ""Ml UUIUIUUH 1(1111) I Q I' ''V Day nnd his tnnnner. fllftn-'i t to Coqulllo to try and closo Tho oxlstence of this eompany. which wns organized in .ninu-u. wn kept n icrot and the dMdo , to this land wore evor racon od un three months niter in. .. .-"0'V Smith had boon MW:. s- nnd thostntute or inuiwuuiiB " nm.' l -V ' 1. . tim comnany out. UJiuil Ihv 'v """"..- , . -"i iu i ociniiio to iry nna cioso t with Kid Fnlrnll of Montana. t"wea I'liinnim for uis uoui Day. forn ?2B0 sldebot. ri, 's also trying to got nn 6 wini unv. BT FALL TOOAY ABORT FOURTH Mis Rnxie Hall Thrown From Business Men to Determine M Bicycle While Coasting Whether Celebration Shall Down Steel Hill. J ' Be Held Here. i .i.,.hiir of . Tho mcot nir to bo hold nt mo MM iioxio ... --: WM Mnrshfleld Chnmbor of Commerce judse nnd Mrs. John F. nail, was (hJg ovon,nR to dlBClI83 pinnB for tho .i.. InliifAl IlV llQlll? il . ..t.. .AlAltnHnn hflrn nrn. . , . i n nt nna linn run i miita envt thiv iiijmsv j h-niirin ni jiiiv luiuuiuuuii . 'OTOIUIOAT MRN WAltNKll SSf. Upon ho fact thnt tho company hrown from bicycle while coa.tln.i mBes to be largely attendod. Dusl- had not boon mado a pnny " ; , tho commercial nvonuo nm n iiusb 'u".i?"""'";;ir 'lmeIJm.v..L.i.i?..f i i "-"r.Voi ,,if nn.l was tho ownor o 'lovMi ino csted ,n th raattor. lVIola.o,svr ,;,.. won I r, ', ,i al V tho defense basea West jinn. .... u -, . -- , Tno question or wnotner or n0.. ?&:atv& ,t,, s rSra.aSSSgs l" fo collectors thnt wll.i hold thnt inoiign " " " '""' ""; , tho motorbont season legal title to the am, It ha g i.. I .'." ll,ilsi mere win uo n'gnnizeu uj o... - . . fln the administration of tho lently holding tho land " ht w "lme laws. amih ownod tho comp.nny tho coi i- :re'fe violators of those lawojpnny wns In reality Smith ana um bn fined by collectors nnd tho company. In the deeli Ion upli m ppeai to the department nt'ing Judge Dean's comiiu".. ""-': Nton have had tho fines olthoi prosecuting Smith tho go vnmont W or remitted. TinHnr the, now ' w nlso nrosecutlng the company. ?.? Pol'octor w.,1 1 judge GUbert quotes 'ttl-rr: ps. " Ue " ai'IU-a, om Ions orSnn.zedto commit or per Sonth, ,aw NotorboatB. vheth- ounto n fraud must bo treated a Wpped to carry passengers orinn nssoclatlon of mon rather than ai lllzht f - a commnR a corporaio w( i.iii. ",u nuu a wime iik'- l'"i-tiii'li Troojw Hcpuihe Moors by UhO of Artillery. (Dy Assoclntod Pross to Coos Bay Tlmoa.) paiiir. Mnv 27 Wirolosa ronorta rccolved by tho Ministry of War from ... .1.... .1... ,nl. nn llinlnllv run uiiy inn mu uituuiv uu m.- kw wns sllonced by French nrttllory. A forco of llvo hundred additional French troops will bo rushed for ward to protect tho routo botwoon Habat and Fez. Tho Mlnlstor of War declares the reports of tho attack at Moranda U untrue. MANY ARRIVE ii.i .. ,ira ana wnue iign'. 7!.' 0T. ,lf0 wv'nB devices nnd 'Of extinguishing gasollno fires. ChtSterflolrl lr.c.lnn.1 Tnmna S 1K-Iw.l' I .....' a Bll I, U ,,a WHIKIQB IWU ha y , ,n one thousand con- 1 1. . uut lost twonty-one 1 U Welch! rinrlr.,. ttia nr&lll .. . t-. rr.,vl.i. Hotel Clinn- dW or at Depot for Information re girding Cilou Hates Ka-st. Irv ing May 30. LlbbyCOAIi. The Wd 1TOU hat. iLWAYS UHED. PHONE 78 P.el Urery Tranifer Co. afternoon s did, has been considerable talk In favo eas er and It is noi"-" V. . .Mi,.nHnn win rnnu re much nShoBSB plSng on top the steep' work' and a considerable expenditure Sno was P,a"' ",', friends. iio mako It a success. Tho flags, 5",1, .StorTSd her Wcycle thoro IbunUngnnd other decoration, which Zolla Swlnford b. '?'""'' .".,,,, ,.,, nmhnK for last year's cole- SSo SSSd'S o8,K ?h stroot" out bratlon can be used again and thus So Ef skidded ahd she was effect nconsde . i- nnv n?. J. in, ouuuuwui s;3;w.o;.J.Kr nml rusliea to nr " "u ; "unconscious. She was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs J T. , Har rienn whore sue IB uuiuh - " rigan "".. .,,. thi nfternoon thSVejUnongrlyvl ?h?EkfUrars an examination Sowed, no bone, were broken but ch was vomiting considerably, indl; Sflng tbatrasho may have sustained internal Injuries. ON ALLIANCE HAND IlANCM Saturday ovenlng JUNE 1, at Eagles' la)l. i i olnlirtlnn fnr lu'n nr tlirPO days, the committee to bandlo It will probably bo nameu. 4 NOIITII IIK.MI iswm Georgo Locko arrived hero this Mrs. Jennlo Stewart who has quite a duck ranch at Dangor has a duck egg that Is a record breaker for size. It measures nlno Inches by seven and a half Inches and weighs Just one-fourth pound. Steamer In This Afternoon From Portland Sails for Eureka Tomorrow. Tho Alllanco arrived In this after noon from Portland and will sail he 9 o'clock In the morning ior curoKn. Sho had n lurgo list of through pas- Bongors and fair list ior uoos nay. Among thoBo arriving on her woro tho following: ir I rcirUnr. !"!. NfllHon. J. D. Drooke, D. L. Kosoufeld, A. M. Was soles. Mrs. C. D. Lamphor. J. h. Wl -son, L. J. Philips, J. F. Hall. C. Ad ama, C. h. Drown, J. Dell, I. Lang, Mrs. II. Ilesan II. Itesan, Mrs. h. Q. Spauldlng, Mrs. Dryant. An unfilled want causes unhappl noss Times Want Ads bring results. Labor Troublo In Hnvaim Iliirbor In Terminated by Gome. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) HAVANA. May 27 Tho strlko of lightermen nnd other lnborers in thn Port of Havana hns tormluntod nnd todny nil oIiibsob nt workors In tho harbor nro at work. Tho sottloinent of the strlko wns duo ontltoly to Pres ident Gomez who Informed tho strik ers that thoy must censo tho uglta tlou pending tho crisis through which tho country is pnssliig. CONFER AllOUT LAW, . Clonr LeKlhlatlon (o Puriult IlltrvtH m I Ion J n Culm. (Dy Assoclntod Pross to Tho Cooa Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 27 Tl.o Bsnnto coinmlttoo on Cuban n- lniinnu tmlnv illrocteil Senator Pago. of Vermont, chairman, to confer with Prosldont. Taft on necewnrv rocom mondntlons for legislation to cloar t!io provision of tho inw govornlng whon nnd how tho Unltod Btntos may Intorvono In Cubn undor tho so-called Piatt nmondmont. LOOT GEItMAN PLANTATION (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) SANTIAGO. Mny 27. Tho coffw plnntntlon of n Gormnn subject, near Kl Cobro, ton mlloa west of this city, woro destroyed todny by n rebol bnnd. Tho buildings woro burned nnd tho horses nnd cattle drlvon off. A protoBt was lodgod with tho Gor man Consul. I-'HUIT KXPKItTS COMING r.nii Tnannftnr Unii.l.owla informs tho Entorprlso that It la oxpocted tbiit Commlsslonor or iiorticuuuro a, ii. Corson nnd tho gontlomon from tho stnto oxporlmont station nt Corva'lls and Medford will bo tho guosts of tho Myrtlo Point Horticultural Society on Juno 10 nnd 17. Ho suggests that tho orchnrdlsts mnko plans for a pls nlc on ono of theso days. Doslde tho commissioner. Prof. Itelmor or U o Modford experiment station, Prof. a.. ,!,!.. n nvnfrt nf tllO CorvnllH experiment station, and Prof. Wilson, nsslstnnt entomologist of tho Oregon Agricultural College, win bo in wo party. Myrtlo Point Entorprlso. IIOWAIlD'fl genutno' 5IE-XICAN TASIALES delivered any place In tie city until 13 O'CLOCK at nlgb. They aro HEADY to SERVE. Phone 838. 1 I fi i I U