v THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. 4 COOS BAY TIMES M. U. MALONKY Kdltor and Pub. PAX K. MALONKY News Kdltor Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good causo shall lock n champion, and that evil shall not thrlTo unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. Ono yoar $6.10 Pr month SO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advance tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times la $6.00 per year or $2.60 for six months. An Independent Republican nows papor published overy ovenlng ezcopt Bundny, and Wookly by Tin Coon liny Times Publishing O". WALT MASON THEPOET PHILOSOPHER MKMORIATj DAY "Thoro Is no death; tho stnrs bo down To Hbo upon somo fairer Bhoro, And bright In heaven's Jowolcd chown Thoy shine forever inoro. Thoro Is no death; tho dust wo trend Shall chnngo beneath tho Hummer showers To golden grain or mellow fruit, Or rnlnbow-tintcd flowors." TIMK. after all, Is tho Oront Com moner. It assuages grief, It re moves bitterness and acrimony; smooths tho hard spots and elimi nates controversy. It tempers sorrow to a condition of sympathy wherein ono hns a thing In common with all othors. A half century has como nnd go no slnco tho Civil War; nearly that pan of years slnco tho groat roll call at tho closo of strife between North and South. Then, ncuto suffering and bitterness now, a united nation. Then, a South devnstntod by tho rav ages of cruel war, nnd a Nortn weighted equally with losses of Ufa nnd treasure now, n solidarity of purpose following a magnificent rec ord of national nchlovoment 'which lias permanently placed tho Unltod Htntos in the front ranks of tho na tions of tho enrth. Thus our country hns successfully passed through vari ous epochs of Its history, beginning with Its colonial days of Jamestown nnd Plymouth Ilock. Tho sturdy pioneers had their placo in making tlfat fiber which ovontually put to rout the forces of Georgo III. result ing In the federation of tho 13 orl.t Inal states and the constitution. Then came the decades of occupying tho land, of development, of further pio neering, pushing out lutfv our Qoldon West. Tho differences of tho 'GOs nnd early '00s came ln swift succes sion, (o ho followed, by tho porlod or reconstruction nnd national dovolop mont. This In a thousand ways has brought us to a time where a happily uultod country hns taken Its placo In poacoful, commercial conquest tho world around, In succoring tho op pressed at our doors, in standing shoulder to shoulder with other lend ing nations, Insisting on wholesome and helpful arbitration of difference, advocating world pcaco, International comity, and all really worth-whllo ef fort looking toward tho human weal. How fitting, therefore-, that once a year, in tho season of waving grain fields nnd blossoming flower, wo mo mentarily pnuso for grntoful tribute ta those bravo men who served to koop thU country unltod In n compact whole; and equally to recognize tho ltonoHt hearts and silicon purposes of those other brave mon who lived and died for their ideals. Tho lino of demarcation 'twlxt llluo nnd Gray Is each yoar less dis tinct; vetorans of Petersburg now fratornlzo with veterans of Massa chusetts, north nnd south tndiilgo In common camp-fire remlnlsconce. Tho nrinles or 'fll-'GR nro decreasing In numbers ench yoar. Their frlouih, with sympathetic Interest, recngnizo tho enlarging numbers of thoso who imvn gone before. The observance should ho groathr thiH year thnn over boforo. Tho no tion of tho United Societies, includ ing the Spanish War Voterans, prom ises this felicitous outcome on Coos Hay. Tho Times suggests Hint some of tho. automobile ownors proffer tho use of helr ears (o tho old veterans whose marching days nro ovor and whoso feeblo steps mako participa tion in tho parade almost Impossible. COOSTAXJtOLL Assessor Tabulating County Assess. incuts for Tills Your. Assessor Thrift on Tuesday last began writing up the tnx rolls for tho ye.ir and hns for his assistants MIhh el. Thrift and Archie. Collier. 'Ion volumes of 260 pages each will ho required for tho tax rolls and It will talco about two months to com ploto the work. Thoro ure approxi mately GO, 000 town lots to bo re corded, ninny of which nro subdi vided from four to eight times and no less than 100,000 descriptions for lots nlorif will bo required. In l'.Ul thoro were 804,813 acres of land subject to taxation in Coos county Since tho 1011 roll was completed, 38 final proofs have boon mailo before the land office nt Hose burg and by those transactions Undo Ram lus relinquished 12,500 acres of land by patent and thus swellod the taxable area that amount. The land taken by settlers wns chosen largely In the north end of tho county - Coqullle Hcrnld. NOTICE TO O. A. R. AND SPANISH WAR VIJTKHANK All members nro roquosted to meet nt O'Kelly's boat landing nt 10 o'clock Sunday morning to attend moinorl U services nt North Hend Mnthodlit church. Uy order of COMMITTER. (Mil) lWSIHONED MEXICAN Pin oclie only Sirs cents por pound nt KTAITOHD'S Saturday nnd Sunday. THE HELPFUL PACKAGE ml.- .. ...1.-. l.n H 1...H.11. ilMrl. 1.n I . 1.1. n nl. i If n 1 fl VLt I Oil f?rt of his fund'Il preccdo him overywhoro, and ovory blooming maiden will m f i a l.lu. , 11.- ..-. ...lit. mitlilnM. Inrlnn always ironi nun nice, uio inuii nnu b"uu ......, tho man who has tho price. And moralists may thunder about our liiBt for gold, nnd say It Is a blun der the rich man to uphold; our slavish ndorntlon of gold nnd sllvor yen is threatening tho nntlon, demora lizing men. Though he's nbused In sonnets and cussed from polo to polo, wo always doff our bonnets to him who hns the roll. I rath'ir llko tho klckor whu often deftly Bwcnrs nt sinful get-rlch-qulckcr and multimillionaire:!; for wealth, that Is a blessing whon modornto it secoms becomes n thing distressing whon carried to extremes. Oh, wo nro surely wiser whon wo our lids uplift, not to the sordid miser, but to tho mnn of thrift; nnd llko a silly fnrco'Il scorn ugly things wo sny of him who hns n parcel of boodlo put away. awUM. no. fcr fl . WVi Whs " y RETUHNS FROM WRECK Supplies nnd Valuables oil At'iiicrlii Aro Recovered. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bny Times.) CORDOVA, Alnskn, May 26 Tho rovonuo cuttor Manning nrrlvod horo from the wreck of tho Armerln, tho light houso tender, near Capo Hlnch Inbrook yesterday. Sho rccovoid all tho ship's provisions and much of tho supplies Intended for tho light houses along tho southwestern const aud othor valunbles from tho wreck. TITANIC AT FULL SPEED Important Evidence in Great Disaster Investigation Given (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay TImoB.) NEW YOllIC, May 25 Now ovl donco purporting to show tho Titanic wns running at full spcod with all hut flvo of hor twonty-four boilers lighted tho night sho mot hor fnto was given todny aboard tho Whlto Star Liner Olympic by Fred Barrott, former chief llroman of tho Titanic, but now of tho Olympic, to Sonntor William Aldon Smith, chulrmnn of tho investigating committee HEV. EVLANI) ELECTED Chosen Missionary Ills Imp of South eastern Asia. (By Associated Projs to Tho Coot Times.) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 2G.--W. P. Evland, president of tho church somlnnry nt Wllllnmsport, Pa., on tho third ballot todny was choson missionary bishop of tho Methodist Eplscopnl church for Southeastern Asia. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS GEHMANS STILL SOKE Will Not Give Funds to Entertain English Physicians. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) BERLIN, May 26. Tho depths of the persistency of tho anti-English fcollug In Gormnny resulting from the pnst summor's crisis In tho Anglo Germnn rotations, woro demonstrated today by tho rofusnl of tho Potsdam Bonrd of Aldormnn to voto funds for tho entortnlnmont. of British physi cians who will nttond n convention hero In July. IMG I1ALOON RUINED iy (eiiiiaii Dei'lglhle Destroyed Squall Today. LEIPSIG, Gormnny, May 25. Tho nirlglhlo hnloon Pnrsovnl V was de stroyed todny by being torn from Its anchor by a squall. It lind nrrlvod today aud wns nnchnrod In an opon flold. FltlCSH STRAWBERRIES nt our Fountain; also STRAWBERRY DAINTIES to tlcklo your Sunday pal nto LEWIS'. Artists' inatorials Wnlkor Studio. FACTORY sliipinont of GLASS VASES .U'ST received nt tho COOS HAY CASH STORE. 1-'ihhiIi STRAWBERRY Ico CREAM, FIRST of tho SEASON, at LEWIS'. LADIES' Summer UNDERWEAR, CHEAPEST on Coos Bny nt COOS BAY CASH STORK. Photo llnlshlng Wnlkor Studio. Ladles SAVE MONEY on SUM MER UNDERWEAR at COOS HAY CASH STORE. PICNIC OUTING . Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Keplor and daughter, Tholmn, of Dayton, Ohio, woro guests of honor nt nn afternoon plcnlo nt tho Bench Wednesday. The trip wns mndo by nuto. and a line picnic dlnnor was enjoyed. Thoso In tho party woro Mr. and Mrs. Kepler nnd daughter, Tholmn, Win,- Grimes nnd wlfo, Dorsey Kroltzor nnd wlfo and son, William, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bnrgolt, and Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hou8oworth. Tho Wcsleynn Blblo Class of the North Bond Methodist church Is planning to picnic nt Charleston Bay Decoration Day. O Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Bargolt, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Albort Mntson and son, Julius, nnd Miss Grnco Kruso enjoyed nn auto trip to Brldgo Inst Sunday. O Miss Myrtlo Cowan will bo hostess tomorrow, If tho wonthor pormlU, to n picnic launch-party up Coos Riv er, entortnlnlng Mrs. II. McLnln, Mrs. E. G. Flanagan, Mrs. J. E. Cowan, Mrs. Jns. Cowan, Misses Lucy Pow ers, Hnzol Powers, Ruth Horton, Ev elyn Flnnngnn, Mnry Kruso, Ornco Willlnms, Elslo Hall, Bcsslo Douglas, Allco McLnln, Mny Myron, Evelyn Lnngworthy, Ruth Cownn nnd Flor onco Powers; Messrs. Albort Powers, Edgar Cason, John Ferguson, Max Rolgard, Leo Byorly, Will Horton, Nohlo Pitman, Ralph Kruso, Allan Nichols, J. Robert, Sydnoy Cinrko, Tom Patterson and Ed Smith. It tho wonthor is had, tho trip will bo postponed. O Captain Frank Smith of tho launch Allco II. was host to tho High School crowd on nn ovonlng plcnlo to Jor dnn's Covo nnd tho Sandhills Friday ovenlng. Tho trip wns fnr from moonlight, although ovoryono had a Jolly tlmo with bonfires on tho bonch and "oats" In n big ompty barn when It rained. A lnrgo crowd from tho High School wont along and sovornl of tho grado teachers. O Miss Graco Kruso Is planning to ontortnln a number of frlonds ut a weok-ond houso party at "Tho Nook", tho J. Albort Mntson summer home on South Coos Rlvor. O Tho Junior Society of tho Marsh Held Bnptlst church will hold their minim! outing mid picnic nt Eastslde Saturday, Juno 1. They plan to lenvo on the OHIO ferry nnd undor tho guldanco of their tonchor, Mrs. G. LoRoy Hall, will spond tho day In. picnic frolics and festivities. There aro nbout forty members now. Tho picnic Is the fruit of n membership contest botweon tho two teams Into which tho society was divided, tho Blues bolng captained by Hlrschol Clnusen nnd tho Whites by Whltford Hall, tho Blues winning. The Whites will, as a result, havo all tho "NECTAR OF THE GODS T: ! That popular fairy talo'Clndcrclla in photo play nt tho ROYAL tonight, .MrCormlck and Dulco present a new bill. FOB THE BEST TO BE REMEMBER tho QUATERMASS HTUIHO for FINE PHOTOS. Special Candy Snlo nt Stafford's SatunUy and Sunday. Old fashioned Mexican PJnoclic iJJV Cents per pound. COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD, HUT TAKE YOUR INSUR ANCE WITH KDGINGTON, IN THE GIANT OF THE PACIFIC, Tho Pa cific Mutual Life Ins. Co. It's the oldest nnd largest. Its rates do not vary; it has legal reserves to pro tect its policies. No Incroased as sessments when you got old; no change of.plan. Mako n small doposit each year with this STRONG Old Lino Company and you will snvo your monoy, which will bo returned to you nt the end of your contract period. You will earn DIVIDENDS ON this money nnd it the snme tlmo you will have Insur ance against permanent total disa bility and death. KDGINGTON Is tho man Tho Pa cific Mutual is tho company And now is tho tlmo. 177 Front streot, Mnrshfleld. Oregon. REMEMBER the QUATERMASS STUDIO for FINE PHOTOS. ' llfel 1 Doesn't compare with our SODA WATER Come in and try it ALL FLAVORS AT SARTERS' OPPOSITE BLANCO HOTEL plnnnlng and work of tho picnic to do. Tomorrow will mnrk tho last regular meeting ofl tho Junior Socie ty, adjournment bolng tnkon until September. O Mrs. F. K. Gonitis wnf hostess to a numbor of frlenda Thursday after noon, Mny 23, at a picnic party In tho woods nonr tho High School in colo brutlon of her blrthdny. Hammocks woro slung under tho trees and tho dozen guests spoilt n morry nftor noon nt 'cards In tho opon. A de licious picnic lunch wns sorved nt noon nbout tho round tnblo. Tho woods mnko nn ldcnl picnic Bpot for wnlklng parties nnd simple outings. Among Mrs. Gcttlns' guests woro Mrs. C. A. Sohlbrcdo, Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. Kepler, MIbs Thol mn Koplor, Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzer, Mrs. A. R. O'Brien, Miss O'Brien, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. T. C. Russoll of Beaver Hill, Mrs. J. C. Sullivan of Uandon and Mrs. W. A. Bold. O Tho faculty nnd pupils of the North Bend High School nro to bo guests Katurdny of tho Junior class nt n picnic to Chnrleston Bny. o DANCES ! i Tho I. O. U. Club of North Bond Is plnnnlng to give another dniiclng party In tho near future, tho oxnet . dale Inning not yet been determined O I Tho Coos Bny Concert Band Is planning to give another dnnce Sat-, unlay night, Juno 1. nt tho Eagles' Hall, at which tho usual lnrgo atten-J dunce Is anticipated. Tho Mnrshflold dnnelng club given Its fourth dnnco Friday Juno 7 nt tho Knglos Hull. Tho member-j ship list Is swelled by tho addition of Bovoral now names. Tho patronesses nro Mrs. J. W. Bennett, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. J. Tl. Flnnngnn, Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. J. Albert Mntson, Mrs. W. T. Alorchant, Mrs. E. G. Porham, Mrs. W. A. Toye, Mrs. 11. S. Towor nnd Mrs. W. S. Turpcn. O Tim hminflt ilnnpii clven Mnv 28 bv tho Basoball Club wns very success- mi nnu onjoynuio nnu notteu n goou sum for tho treasury. Tho managers aro vory well satisfied with tho out come of their second venture o TRACK TEAM BANQUET Tho boyH of tho North Bend track ten were guests of honor nt n ban quet given Tuesdny ovonlng by Dr. Bird B. Clnrk nt her homo in North Bend. Besldos tho members of tho team nbout twenty other guests woro present. Dr. Clark's homo wns bonu t (fully decorated with pink roses nnd rhododendron, tho dining room bolng particularly lovely with masses of croam roses nnd lilies. Miss Esther Imhoff nnd Miss Bosslo Bnin woro re ceiving hostesses. Following tho eight o'clock sumptuous banquet. gnmes and muslo woro onjoyod to a lato nour. Among tno guostu woro Professor Grttbbs nnd wlfo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. D. Mnndlgo, Profossor Hon ska, Mr. and Mrs. M, 13. Evorltt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Golsondorfor, Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Rov. T. S. iBrown, Dr. BurmcBtor, Mrs. A. II. Imhoff, Miss Wnttors, Mlssos Mlldrod Rood, Es thor Imhoff, Bosslo Bain, Ruby Wat kins, Lola Rltchlo, Ada Hunt, Anna Truman, Edith Horn, Gortru'do Now klrk, Josophlno Imhoff, Clnrn Wnt tora, Fny Hunt, nnd Lillian McCann; Messrs. Joo Wlnsor, Chns. Vnn Zllo, Goo. Dowoy, Joo Bnrbor, Fremont Hodson, Hnrry Conro, Glon Grout, John Ilnnson, Rohort Clnrk, Chns. WnttorB, Lylo Chnpollo, Frod Rey nolds and Captain Georgo Smith. O JUNIOR BANQUET Tho Junior Clnsa of tho Mnrshflold High School aro making big prepara tions for n banquet to bo given tho Seniors and faculty In honor of tho graduating class. Tho banquet la to bo hold nt tho High School building Commencement evening, Mny 29, un der tho management of tho Junior committco, Misses Ruth Horton, Ruth Allon and Frances Wllllnius. BALL a OLD FASHIONED MEXICAN Pin orlio only :J5 CENTS por pound at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday. 'CINDERELLA" nt tho. Royal to-night. Sa" Francisco Defeat i Heads l nJ. - -maue, i4A' Si) Vernon Oakland'.': "" r Snn Francisco . Sacramento ,, ' .1: I'oitlaml . ' '"? I , ''outlanVoV ! and wmi ,infi.". '.aMUi : ......"- "-"iut'a at r,. . lnnd lost ami VerniS, I1 b putting Vernon a ll porcei.tncn r i." .lll to U I'Onguo rcauiiu v,i1j. " ( lows: -'"wuJtir(l At Rilprn.tiAHi- Sarrauif'iii,, " R.P Oakland . ..' ' II! l I Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONH 73 Pacific Livery & Trnnsfor Co. At San FrancU San Francisco ... Portlnnd "" At I.e., Angeles Los Angeles .... Vernon ..II J 111 I A .Hi ......... - - 1!'HI ''imuBiinnuegatv.iv.tf Better Clothes For Less Ask to See Our $12 and $15 Specials Marshficld FIXUP North I Bridging the Bay P- Is not of any greater Import an'ce to the average citizen ol thjs city than Bridging the Expenses every month. The Big Store helps when it comes to carry ing you across the channel of current expenses by providing everything in wearables for the whole family at the least pos sible price. MEN'S SUITS MEN'S HATS MEN'S FURNISHINGS may be obtained here at money-saving prices. Our clothing comes from ttj best makes in the country and carries a strong guarantee. Come to the Big Store and Let Us Save Money for You Merchant Son