THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912 EVENING EDITION. gatifmRi.Aa.mvfrK iridJuuusZa u jrujh i , 'rt'liii Buy on Your Own Terms 0 In buying real estate, speculate .so far as possible on some other pcrsou's money. Bu,y on the lowest cash payment and the small est monthly payments you can arrange, but all the time bear in mind the location of the property under consideration, its present ac cessibility and desirability, as all these fea tures determine its future from an invest ment standpoint. First Addition to Marsh field presents every advantage as a popular residence district. Occupying, as it does, i sheltered and Mghtly property, and lying along the prettiest driveway in the city, this addition offers the investor in lots or the home-builder the best values in Marshfield. The price of these beautiful 50-foot lots is $300 each and the terms of purchase can bo arranged to suit your convenience. Call at our off ice and let us figure with you. S WHO IK to L ND Reynolds Development Co. Coke Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0. (Continued from pago 1.) Chntullor It was ono succession of surprises and pleasant purrtngs by playful kittens ami tlio moro pro nounced M-E-O-W-S of tlio Wiso old cuts. The Initiation ceremonies wcro held In tlio Masonic lodgo rooms and wcro conducted by Snark Col. It. 11. Hosn, of Dandon, ably assisted by A. II. Potter of Portland who haB at tended nnd participated In probably more Concatenations than any other Hoo-IIoo on the Pacific coast. Last night was tlio 110th initiation in which ho had been a participant. To tho Order of Hoo-IIoo, tho Dlack Cat of America's secret socloty, Is to bo credited tho furbishing up for everyday uso of tho verb "to con catenate." When you soo a mnn with a badgo showing a llttlo black cat upon a ground of whlto enamel, ho Is n member of the Concatenated Ordor of Hoo-IIoo. Also ho is a lumber man or connected with tho lumber Industry in somo direct way, or n newspaper man. If you sco two Hoo-IIoo togothor It's a sign that tho closed season for gloom has begun. If you chnnco to encounter a hundred or moro of them In tho front rows of n thontor during ono of their National concatenations, it will bo wiso to havo n pair of car- muffs or n Maxim silencer In your pocket, for ovcry Indivldnul Hoo-IIoo will bo armed with his favorlto woap- ons of npplauso, two plno shingles of nmplo dotonntlng surfneo nnd whit tled to fit tho hands. Tho genesis of tho Concntonnted Ordor of Hoo-IIoo is duo to n conca- n't Miss the 4 Inior Class Play ARos e o' Plymouth Town' &!tX" s he "Universal" Bread Maker lng. Makes perfect bread. Mad & Son rS5S"31 SZ r y V S w PITTSBURGH PERFECT rrjacEscvs m j CN4TS The: most distinctive' and economical FENCE Look beyond the purchase Jirlce when you buy wire dicing. A fence you get at n cheap price Is bound to be n cheap fence clear through poor iiml unsatisfac tory in service, 60011 to rust, nwny, an expemlve failure. w Lv 1 irz. -TiK sag, break and fall Wire fence economy means more thau first cost price. It means n full nnd efficient service that lasts for years ; an elimination of time, energy nnd money spent in endless repairs; it means an investment that pays blc dividends by Increasing farm production through better farm equipment. OKI A rACUUM 1EANER 'Hist Sprlnc IIouscFlraiilni? V CHILD CA.V OPERATE THEM fo Dust or Dirt Satisfaction Guaranteed PCHT TO HANDLE AND "Uj LAST FOR YEARS PnicE onlyI-sio.oo A. Johnson. 01fct Purnitnro Store. oo Oooa Uy "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fences ore the most ctonomlcal you can buy because they are Uie most adaptable and adjustable to oil fencing conditions mid requirements of the farm. They arc the strongest and most durable because Open Hearth wire like old time iron wire heavily galvanized with pure zinc, is used exclusively in their manufacture, and is ELECTRICAL LY WELDED at every touching point in the fabric, produciugpractically n onoplace foneo. They are the most distinctive because of their construction, and enhance the oppcarauce and increase the actual value of a lanu by perfectly serving their particular purpose ami permu ting scientific crop rotation. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT PIONEER HARDWARE CO. .KM NORTH FRONT ST.. MAHSHI'l KLR, ORE. J Chard's f ivAnr fwe secured tho livery busi- Ito wVj '""""i "u are pre lS, excellent service to i. VJ? V008 Bay- Careful lb ? eaS.Baactory pervlce to f 1 te hone ua tor a driving Pr 11- "jiuub ueeueo, in ?J" of all kinds. -'wtARD nROTnERS . vti? ? If iw a tiUea Service. 4 tiiidAiaer Street. A GIRL LOOKS "FAIRLY IN IT" 0 TViiiBliiiitt"voT ' I J When laundry work is suggested, but experience teaches that, as a rule, homo laundry work Is not a suc cess. Tho average housowife has not tho facilities for turulnur out good laundry work, and It Is awfully hard nnd trying work when dpno well. o havo exceptional facilities for doing quick, clean nnd thorough work, we never Injure tho fabrics, and we al ways have work dono and dollvercd on time. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J. You Judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done. That Is the only true test. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Judged by this standard has n "r,.0ir' People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by all dealers MEN f'aleat XUontf, WaklWi v. v. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tlio close of business April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ?208,20LG3 Donds. warrants and securities 78,047.06 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchango 198,208. 08 Total 9301,128.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 55i2 Circulation, outstanding - JS'5?2'S Depoblts 4C7.613.22 Total $301,428.71 In addition to Capital Stock the individual liability of Stockhold ers is 1100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President. DORSEV KREITZER, Cashier. T. J. BOAIFE dti A. H. HODQINl J Marshfield Paint, (&, Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone H0L Oregon A Modorn Drick Building, Electric Light. Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfield. Oreson. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE and his follow II00-H00 proud by t is eloquence nnd delightful nftor dlnner oratory. Among thoso responding to toasts were, tho following: A. II. Potter. Leo Webster, M. C. Moloney, Peter LogBle, Honry Hug g'tiB, A. II. Powers nnd E. 1C. Jonos. Those present nt tho bnnquet woro the following: Leo Webster, Mnrsnnuio. Wm. Vnughnn, Marshfield. A. II. Daly, Marshfield. Edw. II. Fish, Marshfield. Archlo E ICruse. Prospor. Henry O. Kern, North Bond. Inch Quytiin. Marshfield. llonj. Ostllnd, Marshfield. Loyd Rosa. Ilnndon. J. H. dnrdlnor, North Bend. V. O. Ilorton, Marshfield. R. P. Kchoe, North Bond. .T. E. Trcwln. Eureka, Call. Henry HukrIiib, Mnrshflold. Dnn'l J. Kinney, North Bend. T. J. Hnrtman, North Bond. F. E. Nelson, Marshfield. A. T. Lagcrstrom, Marnhflcld. P. N. Roberg, North Bond. Ed K. Jones, Mnr&hflcld. W. J. Conrad, Marshfield. Wm. Ross Smith, Marshfield. A. II. Powers, Mnrshflold. M. C. Malonoy, Mnrshflold. R. II. Rosa, Bandon. Potor Logglo, North Bond. Oeo. Octscndorfcr, North Bend. F. W. Wood, North Bond. W. E. Crnlno, Bandon. P. II. Broulllard, North Bend. F. E. Glaslor, North Bond. Fred Holllstor, North Bond. J. A. Allen, North Bend. A. II. Potter, Portland. L. W. Holmborg, Mnrshflold. Tho Coos Bay momborahlp of tho Hoo-IIoo nt present lncludos: Mnrshflold R. K. Booth. O. A. Brown, A. II. Daly, L. W. B. Holnv berg, A. N. Lofgron, J. T. McCormao, Arno Moreen, L. A. Murphy, II. G. Noblo, B. B. OBtllnd, A. II. PowcrN M. C. Mnloney, Leo Webster, A. B. Guyton. Archlo Kruso, W. Ross Smith, A. T. Lngoratrom, Honry Hug glns, E. L. Plorco, W. J. Conrnd, B. K. Jones and F. E. Nolson. North Bond Jninon A. Allen, J. P. liilintlAH Aiinntfl T tn nnnnn t1 t th. Arkansas" Yellow Hno ' nod.,.a II. nroHlaJ. J, O, Cham- Association should Bolcct Llttlo Rock :; ni.! 1 w itni for Its annual meeting somo 20 yoaru ;'rGn t '& 1? A ' vt ago. It was further necessary th'.t 'V , ihPn m niiln t w 11 tho train bearing tho delegates' away J" Vf'S',,-, ."ff By?n "w snss sas? a-'isaa 'iISP'hSr llroJholo,0crow:rsuid0'!,;VdunSed wTe ncal.'ed on for a tosnt. Loo ut :Afiil& Wn01,,9n,00erm,.OVOrC,, H' f0,,0W'nB r,B :y.?.Ii!:l...1i"nrv...t,lr?..,LB,. r'teC'Tin nob.noo kitten alter iiiimiiiH iu uu 11 11 1 iu "i1n.11 inu n.iiiio. lVITIATIMV All hull! follow, CATS of this nggro- gntlon, go by. As tho wreck hnd interfered wlthl this municipal pnstlmo of Gurdon, ', ,., '. . ... .... . nnd as ono of tho links In tho catena D,,ru i "" '" "' w" :n" ",L",!B.r.t.!l!,r..JoJ,".?l!:. 1' To bo called fon.lnst ye. for n speech. nuvur Biooii uiuiiiiii mr n wuiiiu 1111 11.., nH ...... ... (Hh,,;,.,,,! in rnll nil' In tho town of Qiirdon, or nity other IIMl n.V ,. " . L Tli town on tho map for that mnttcr, without doing something, tho orgni. Izntlon of tho Concntonnted Order of TlnA IImh fnllnntfl.1 fnlin m 9 ilin IIWW-IIUU Itlliunuu. J IIU Illlllll-H III l'rnl,l ---l ....II. ll, .- T ..... -I ( ..rn.. ......n i.i,.. iv... p...iii. .Tlio scarcely renllzo wliero I am at, orflcera wero taken from Carroll s r, .. . , , .....1. ' "The Hunting of tho Snnrlc." Boiling Ixcopl1."I,BI' J ',' 'VIf TA'L ,nm, a Arthur .InhiiHon therofnro beenmo within your reach. And finding you menu no harm, I will perform rontrlhuto Just a in I to to give tho mooting chnrm tho First Snark of the Unlvorso. In nRinueh nH tho blnck cat, Ilka nil oili er rats, Is roputcd to havo. nlno lives, It followed In logical concatenation thnt tho ordor inimt havo nlno s. porlor officers. Thoso nro: finnrk of the Universe Senior Hoo-IIoo Junior Hoo-IIoo Bojum Scrlvenoter Jnbhorwock Custncntlan .Arconopcr Guerdon Tho latter Ih, of course, n nop of morality thrown to aurdon, Ark., tho plnro of tho order's nativity. Tho number nlno Is tho mystic numbor of tho Hoo-IIoo. Tho Initiation feo Is $9.99. Tl.o nnnunl concntonntlnn of tho entlro order tnkoH placo on tho ninth day of tho ninth mouth nt nlno minutes pnst nlno In tho morning. The only inlsuliig links In this concn lunation of nlnos nro thnt It dons not Inst nlno rtnyn nnd the drinks nro not llmltod to nlno. Tho following candidates ware In itiated Inst night: A. E. Guyton J. E. Trowln W. Warn Smith E. K. Jones A. T. Lngerstrom Geo. Gelsendorfor Harry Muggins I). J. Kinney I.00 Webster J. W. Gnrdlnor E. L, Plerco Archlo Kruso W. J. Conrnd T. J. Ilnrtinnn M. C. Malonoy V. E. Nolson Tho local offlcora In ohnrgo of tho coromnnloH Inm ovonlng woro: Vlco Cerent Snark Col. It. II. Rosa. Sonlor Hoo-IIoo A. II. Powors. Junior IIoo-Hon A. II. Potter. ' Bojum L. J. Simpson. Scrlvenoter It. P. Kohoo, Jnbhorwock F. E. Olnzler. Custncatlnn A. B. Daly. Gurdon F. W. Woods. Arcnnoper Peter Logglo, Tho Jinlor work was conforrod upon tho following: Henry Hoggins Ross Smith E. K. Jones Don Onrdlnor M. C. Mnloney W. J. Conrad Tho Junior Hoo-IIoo was assisted In tho work by: I). B. Ostllnd L. W. B. HolmborK L. J. Simpson P. N. Roborg Fred Holllstor F. E. Glazier F. W. Woods C. II. Broulllard At tho conclusion of tho cere monies tho momhors proceeded to tho Chnndlor, whoro n flno banquet had been prepared and whoro thoro was ample exemplification of tho social and trood followshln nunlltles of tho aiourr, tut irii oiiiem of Ordor of the Black Cat. Col. Rosa ; to mm. m. acted as toastmastor and did himself uau"' ""' brothor BLACK CAT. Hnvlng morged from tho "plnyful kit ton" And scanning your RITUAL I thoio find written: This Injunction to u luembor Just mndo: "Enter yo In nnd bo not nfrnld." Of you wo deslru either SONG or 8TORY, It may bo, or po chance . A recitation would tho occasion on hnnco, , And so for FKLINE meditation, I offer this for your delectation. You mny talk about your Masons, tho Odd Follows, nnd such. I) 111 nil thorn ns frnlornnl, praise thorn as much As yoi( mny, with tholr mystic rltea jnnd iioIbo But thoy nro "not In It n llttlo bit" . with tho HOO-IIOO boys. Of MnsoiiH nnd Odd Fellows you ran , obtain dogrcoH nnd pnRHwnrds .. tho mystorloK of their camps And ,by thnm bo londiMl down with symbols, ouough to cnuso you crninpe. Ilut for truo FRATERNAL Joya. Thoro 'alnt nnn of 'cm In It with tho H0-I100 boys. Voy mny talk about tholr BADGES but ho' tho ono thnt has tho ' rail Ib tho "IIOO-IIOO KITTEN" with Its hunched bark, crook'd tall . ' and tnclt caterwaul Say boys! Thoro oln't nothln' enn Btniul agin It, tho FELINE bents 'em nil. SEE THE SENIOR PLAY "A Rose of Plymouth Town," nt tho MASONIC, SiKiinhiy, Mny 25. Reserved soats, 50c. Busy Cornor. HOWARD'S gonutuo MEXICAN TAMALES dollvored any plnco In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK nt. night. Thoy aro READY to SERVE. Phono 83B. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEWABSORPTION METHOD. If you rudrr from Umllog, Itrhlnz, liilaj or rotrulliiK 1'IIik, M'ii'1 bi )'"Ur udili.-, nl I will tftt jrou bnw lo run yourx-ir at Uwoa f tti new itortl' i In-aiuirnl ami will lo krnil koine o( Hi, Iiijiib tri'mm nt Jn-e for trial, Willi r"f' ' ' f' ur own localltx If ruiwMwl limiiiiii llrf anil iK-raiannit rurc ! in "li-l IH ru If You Arc Not Using You Are Not Using the Best sZj"