The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 25, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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"Karamerer Says:" la
i - n m jxjvr'i
PERSONAL notices of visitors
n tho city, or of Coos Day pcoplo
who Tlslt In othor cities, together
with notices of social affairs, nr
gladly recolTod In tho social do
partuiont. Tolophono 133. No
tlccs of club nicotines will bo pub
llahod and uecrotarlcB nro kindly
requested to furnish oamo.
Tin: good old days
Tho good old days, tho good old days,
When E-vc and Adtiiu wooed,
Kvo did not yearn for tnxlcabs
Or want expensive food;
And after they were man and wlfo
Shu did not turn hur head
And point to hoiiiu oiiu passing by
Ah oho she might hnvoVed.
Tho good old dnys, tho good old days,
Of Mother Evo'h rotuauco;
Sho never dragged poor Adam out
At night unto u dauco;
No oporns niotropolltnn
E'er' took him from his. door,
Thoro woro no highbrow stunts lllco
Good Adam's llfo to bore.
Tho good old days, tho good old days,
When Kvo nnd Adam dwelt
In pcaco; he nuvor had to wear
His trousers with a holt;
Tnoro was no woolen underwear
Or o'er a fuzzy hat,
Aifd Evo was never known to say:
"Am I as fat as that?"
fT HAS been argued by thoso who
aro opposed to tho advnncomont
of women, though porhaps thoy
da not phrnso It qulto no liberally,
that a womnn'u propor placo Is with-
lit tho walls of her homo. This has
boon tho cry for many u yoar, a
woman's activities should bo bounded
by tho four walls of hor domicile
Hut today, whora aro tho walls of
tho homo? How tar (in thoy extend?
What do thoy oncomprvs?
Many of these coiiHorvattves who
ifMy that woman should always ro
main within tho sheltering walls of
tho homo fallf to nolo that tho wnlln
of tho homo do not stand whom thoy
onco stood, says llarbara Hoyd, and
that today, a woman mny Btay within
tho nholtorlng walls of tho homo and
yot havo a far wider domain In which
ta rango, than formerly.
Formerly, nearly all tho food of
Iho family warn supplied from within
tho four wnlls of tho homo, and watt
prepared undor tho oyo of tho cnroful
homo-mlatross. Tho cows woro tho
property of tho family, thoy woro
milked by momtiors of tho family; tho
milk was carod for by tho mistress
nnd her maids, tho buttor nnd chocso of tholr own making.
Ham and bacon wero cured in tho
family muoko houso. tho barrols of
mult pork In tho collar wore of tho
family making, so was the snusuiru
nnd Hcrapplo, the Jollies and preser
ves on tho preservo-closet flholves,
tho riilnco pIoh In tho pantry, tho
.Ijroari In tho bread-box. In former
days, tho walls of tho homo enclosed
till these nctlvltles. Hut today, If
tho walls of tho homo aro to encom
pass theso things, the walls must, bo
extended to admit of woman's super
vision of factories, to glvo her a volco
In tho regulation of tho milk supply
of n city. Sho must today tako part
In municipal houso-kceplng, If sho In
to ho suio that tho milk and moat
nnd broad ami butter on tho family
tnblo aro puro and nourishing. And
Hho Ih no loss a woman because sho
does this, nor Is sho renlly going be
yond homo wnlls to do It, If homo
walls do not stand for the actual
building, but for what a homo really
moans. In this ago of expansion, the
wnlln havo moved nnd tho homo Is
bigger, that Is all.
Formerly a chlld'H educntlou was
largely n home mutter. His A H C's
woro learned at his mother's kneo.
Frequently sho Instructed him In
reading, spoiling and n llttlo arith
metic, Or If moans permitted, thoro
woh a governess In tho house. Even
when Iho children wont to school, tho
district hcIiooI was a small affair, and
tho te.iehor usually boarded around
in tho families or tho pupils. Educa
tlon was not far removed from Hie
mother's lullueiice.
Hut today, tho schools are In poli
tics, as everyone knows; at any ratu,
thoy are quite distant from our old
tlmo notion of tho wnlls of tho homo.
If tho mother wants to have a volco
in tho public educntlou of hor child
ren, sho noods to holp elect school
dlrootors, possibly bo n director hor
bolf. 80 hero again, havo the walls
of the homo moved outward and en
closed larger spaces than formerly.
In many othor ways has this ex
tension gono on. Whoever heard In
days gone by of Juvonllo courts and
public playgrounds mid such Improve
ments that aro a part of the vital
lire of today? Changing conditions
make them necessary nnd theso chan
ging conditions innlco it just as nec
essary that woman havo a part in tho
management of theso movoments, If
Hho is still to look aftor tho interests
of tho home. Tho walls of tho homo
havo simply moved to onclose larger
areas. Theso activities aro all homo
nrtivith'H, Only, wo nro commonclng
to see that tho word "homo" is do
linod in a larger sonso than It used
to be. Wo aro beginning to learn
that humanity Is one big family.
And that for the host welfare of that
family, women must holp in nil that
-concerns It.
Sonlor I'lay. ,
Dnccalaurcato Sormon
MIbs Myrtlo Cowan's picnic
Mrs, Carl W. Evcrtscu at tea
Mrs. M. C. Moloney at tea
Sisters of Dcthany with Mrs.
13. 0. Flanagan.
Mrs. E. Mlngus nt tea.
Urldgo Club with Mrs. G. W.
Norwegian Luthornn Young
I'eoplo's Society.
CommeiH'omont Exorcises
Junior Dnnquot.
v Alumni, Hnnuuet.
Mlnnlo-Wls Club with Mrs.
D. A. Jones.
Mrs. Earl Savngo at tea
Marshllold Dancing Club.
Ladles' Art Club with Mrs.
Jus. Cowan.
v criUns and societies
Tho Dnptlst Womcn'M Mission Clr
clo will moot Wednesday, Juno 5,
with Mrs. Alva Doll. Mrs. Graof will
havo charge of tho program for that
Tho Altar Guild of tho North Dcnd
Episcopal Church mot Thursday with
Mrs. Goorgo Gclsondorfor for n plons-
nnt nftornoon employed nt Qulld sow
ing. Among thoso attending woro
Mrs. C. H. Hroulllard, Mrs. C. M.
IJylor, Mrs. Fred HolllBtor, Mrs. J.
J. Currcn, Mrs. I. II. Hurtle, Miss An
na Kinney and Miss Gcrtrudo Man
dlgo. 0
Mrs. A, II. GuoniBoy was hostess
Thursday afternoon to tho Presbyter
Ian Ladles' Aid. Tho day was spent
nt sowing and refreshments wero sor
vod. I'rosont woro Mrs. Geo. Holster,
Mrs. Geo. D. Mnndlgo, Mrs. Wntters,
Mrs. J. Mendo, Mrs. C. 11. Holmes,
Mrs. Clms. Murr, Mrs. C. A. Smith,
Mrs. N. C. MacLeod, Mrs. K. Hood,
Mrs. W. II. .Simpson nnd Mrs. M.
Thompklns and Mrs. Joanna James.
The Methodist Episcopal Ladles'
Aid or North Dond mot Thursday at
tho church for a buslnoss mooting
nnd Hoclnl tlmo. I'rosont woro Mrs.
Louis Ilollslngor, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs,
Chnso, Mrs. C. A. Nollnor, Mrs. A. L
Guhsor, Mrs. Jack Nowlln, Mrs. Ed
Hopson. Mrs. S. W. Stovons, Mrs. J.
E. Stovons, Mrs. Isnacs, Mrs. A. II.
Grout, Mrs. Albort Hlsoy, Mrs. Win.
Nollson, Mrs. Hubcoclc, Mrs. II. P.
Guornon, Miss Guornon, Miss Amy
Isnacs, Mrs. Fred Glazier, Mrs. Hitch-
lo, Mrs. Harm's, Miss Loin Hltchlo,
Mrs. Taylor, Mth. E. II. Woods, Mrs.
A. Knowlton, Mrs. H. Peterson, Mrs.
Moore, Mrs. Hoy Hrnlnnrd, nnd Mrs.
Tom Juza.
Tho Social Sowing Club met
Thursday with all mombors present
but Mrs. J. C. Sw.lnford. Two guests
Mrs. Ilarnnrd and Mrs. Walter Sned
don woro compllmontod by tho host
ass, Mrs. Dnvo llcos. Tho mooting
will bo postponod ovor Docorntlon
Day but will moot In two weeks with
Mrs. Ayro.
Tho A. N. W. Club mot with Mrs.
Fannlo Hazard Thursday aftornoon.
tho principal business of tho day bo
lug a motion of adjournment for tho
summer. Tho noxt mooting will bo
with Mrs. W. F. Squlro In Soptombor.
Mrs. Chas. Dungan Invited tho club
mombors on n strawborry picnic to
her homo of South Coos Rlvor somo
time. In Juno. A committee compos
ed of Mrs. Hazard nnd Mrs. Noblo
was appointed to mnko boat nrrnngo
moots for that day. I'rosont Thurs
day wero Mrs. F. M. Frledborg, Mrs.
II. R. Hydo, Mrs. W. P, Murphy, Mrs.
J. T. McCormnc, Mrs. Mnry Mc-
Knlght. Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, Mrs,
L. M. Noblo. Mrs. Etigono O'Connoll,
Mrs. M. R. Smith, Mrs. W. F. Squlro
and Mrs. E. Mlngus. Mrs. D. C. Mc
Arthur and Mrs. Carl Evortsen wero
guests or tho day.
Tho Young People's Society or tho
Norwegian Lutheran church will
hold Its usual semi-monthly mooting
nt tho church hall Wednesday May
29 under tho direction pt Miss Horg
hlld Olson and Emil Gnbrlelson,
Tho Sunbonm Hand wns entertain
ed by Virginia F. Clarke, Saturday,
May IS. Aftor n short business
meeting, tho club went up on Daisy
Hill, whore thoy played games and
made daisy wreathes. Rerreshmonts
wero sor vod by Miss Adelaide Clarko.
Only mombors or tho club wero pre
Mrs. J. T. McCormnc was hostess
Tuesday to tho Slstors of Hethany
nt an aftornoon of sewing and social
good tlmo, At the meeting a gift of
$50 was mado by tho socloty to tho
vostry of tho Episcopal church, and
tho aftornoon closod with tho serv
ing or rofreshmonts by tho hostess,
asblsted by .Mrs. M. C. Malonoy nnd
Miss Maudo Dowron. Among thoso
prcsont woro Mrs. L. M. Noblo, Mrs.
E. G. Flanagan, Mrs. M. C. Malonoy,
Mrs. Earl Savago, Mrs. Carl E vert
son, Mrs. J. 0. Kendall, Mrs. J. W.
Dennett, Mrs. Arthur McKoown, Mrs
Fannlo Hazard, Mrs. Mary McKnlght,
social hnpponings, lntondod for
publication In tho socloty depart
ment of Tho Times, must bo sub
mitted to tho odltor not later
than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of
each. weok. (Excoptlono will bo
allowed only In caBOS where
events occur later than tho tlmo
Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, Mrs. W. D. Cur-
lis, Mrs. L. F. Donning, .Mrs. W. A.
Toyo, Mrs. P. M. Wilbur, Mrs. C. K. I
Perry, Mrs. Hurry Uradflold, Mrs. F. I
A Qfinntil Alloa Altllfiln llntl'tviM rltlil '
Miss Evelyn Flanagan. Tho society
will bo entertained next weok by
Mrs. E. G. Flanagan A cooked food
suio Is planned for a week from next
Saturday nt tho Perry-Nicholson
Tho Art Club was entertained Fri
day by Mrs. I. M. Coudron nt needle
work nnd chat. Tho annual picnic
wns sot for Sunday, Juno 2, when tho
club mombors, their husbnnds nnd
families will onjoy tho day at Char
leston Hay. Tho Alert was chartorod
for tho trip. Next Friday tho club
will moot with Mrs. Cownn ror tho
last session of tho season. Present
this weok were Mrs, Hormnn Dlutt
and Mrs. Crawford, guests, Mrs. John
Illatt, Mrs. Jas. Cowan, Mrs. Chan.
Curtis, Mrs. Wm. Schrocder, Mrs. Ivy
Condron, Mrs. F. M. Flye, Mrs. A. L.
Ilousoworth, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd,
Mrs. Wm. Hoagland, Mrs. J. G. Klu
noy, Mrs. Lydla Lang, Mrs. J. W.
Mltcholl, Mrs. E. I)'. McArthur, and
Mrs, F. L. Sumner.
Tho Cordlnllty Club mombors woro
guests Inst Sunday of Mrs. Fluolla
Tumor and Geo. Dlndlngor on n Coos
Rivor picnic, tho trip marking tho
last meeting of tho club boforo ad
journment ror tho season.
Tho "PrlHclllns" aro to moot Wed
nesday, May I!!), with Miss Gonovlovo
TellorRon, nt her homo at Eastsldo.
Tho Presbyterian Lndles' Aid holds
Its next meeting Juno 15 with Mrs.
Jas. Cox.
Tho C. W. II. M. has Its regular
meeting Tuesday, Juno 4, at tho
homo oP Mrs. D. C. McCnrty.
Tho Mlnnlo-WlB Club will meot
next Thursday with Mrs. D. A. Jones,
nnd nt this sosslon adjournment for
tho summer will bo discussed.
Mrs. Frank Frnmo was hostess to
tho North Rend Urldgo Club at hor
apartments Wodnesdny ovonlng. Tho
rooms wero nttractlvoly decorntod
with roses, wild rhododendrons and
Imported Swiss Rhododendrons.
High scores wero mado by Mrs. Tur
pen nnd L. J. Simpson. RefoshmontH
woro Horved. Among those present
wero L. J. Simpson and wlfo, It. A.
Wornli'h nnd wife, T. W. Rennlo and
wife, W. S. Turpon and wlfo, C. M.
Hyler nnd wlfo, Mrs. W. E. Rest.
Mrs. Warren Painter, Miss Joanette
Ilarrett and Georgu Goodrum. Tho
dato nnd placo of the noxt mooting
of tho club wero not announced.
Misses Then and Laura Kruno en
tertained a row friends Informally nt
Urldgo nt their homo In North Rend
Wednesday ovonlng. The prizes
woro won by Miss Holla Hroulllard
nnd John Mullen. Among tholr
guests wero Miss Dollii Hroulllard,
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Uroulllnrd, Mrs.
W. E. Rest, John Mullen and Dan
Mrs. W. II. Konnody wns hostess
Tuesday and Wednesday at two
charming Urldgo parties, entertain
ing at II vo tables each day. Pink
roses In bowls and vnsos, with n scat
tering or whlto were tho decorating
llowors. Mrs. I. S, Knufman and Mrs.
J. T, Harrtgan woro wlunors or tho
prlzos Tuesdny and Mrs. F. K. Gottlns
and Miss Edna Illinium, Wednesday.
Theso parties woro two or tho daint
iest or tho spring season, Among tho
guests present nt tho first woro Mes
dames H. Illatt, J. W. Honnott, E. S.
Rargelt, Esther n. Converse Win.
Horsfall, Jr., A. L. Ilousoworth, J.
T. Harrlgan A. T.iHalnos. F. G. Hor
ton, .E. K. Jones, I. S. Kaurmnn, F.
E. Leoro, Geo. F. Murch, C. F. Mc
Knight, E. Mlngus, W. S. Nicholson,
A. Rnlpho O'Rrlen, P. A. Sandberg,
S. C. Small, Mattlo Tozor, and R. II.
Walters. Presont at tho second or tho
two wore Moadames A. E. Adolspor
gor, Eugeno Crosthwntt, F. K. Got
tlns, J. W. Hlldenbrnnd, J. C. Ken-I
dnll. J. H. Mllner, J. T. McCormnc,!
E. D, McArthur. A. E. Nefr. C. K. Por-i
ry, Jas. Rolandson, E. E. Straw, D.
Y. Stafford, Wm. Scott, Jr., and D. C.
Vnughnn; Misses Charlotto Murch,
.Mamie Mnhonoy, Edna Hnrnum, Cora
Mno Montgomery nnd Phoobo Larson.!
built ovor correctly moulded
lasts ond thoy nro kopt on tho
lasts a month to ensure propor
shopini!. This moons that thoy
remain snnpoiy
nnd stylish until
you discard
I A sSv
Young W Njp9
Man's v-"
Stylos VS. y.
I .
The Greatest Line of Exclusive
Men's Haberdashery Ever
Stuff that is right and post-
ttvelv miamnWrl f t
I want your business and will
assure you the service to
maintain ft.
Watch the windows for the
new arrivals
Yours, anxious to Please,
The Toggery
Tho Rrldgo Club was entortalned
Wednesdny aftornoon at tho homo or
Mrs. W. S. Turpen. Mrs. Porham
nnd Mrs. Clnudo Nnsburg, who won
tlrst and second prizes respectively,
Mrs. C. M. Dylor and Mrs. T. W. Ron
nie or North Rend, and Mrs. B, M.
Rjchnrdson woro substitute guests.
Thoso INTERESTED In decorative,
ings, in oil, watorcolors, pastels and
on china, should call on MHS. J, W.
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Tho club will meet every wook hero
aftor until the end of tho season, Mrs.
a. W. Kaufman entertaining noxt
weok. Among tho rcgulnr guests
present wero Mrs. G. W. Knufmnn,
Mrs. V A. Toyo, Mrs. J. Albort
Mntson, Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. 13.
K. Jones, Mrs. L. J. SlmpBon and
Mrs. J. S. Coke.
A weok from next Wednesdny, Mrs.
C. M. Rylor will entertain tho club
at hor homo In North Ilond. Tho
club has been meeting ovory second
Wednesday but this arrangement haB
been altered for tho tlmo being.
Tho West Multifield Urldgo Club
numbering among its mouibors Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. Albort Mntson, Dr. and
Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S.
Turpen mid Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knuf
mau, wns entertained Thursday night
by Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Toyo.
Dr. nnd Mrs. I. R. Hartlo havo In
vitations out ror next Wodncsdny
evening when thoy will ontcrtaln nt
Rrldgo friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II.
Hroulllard, Miss Delia Hroulllard,
and Mrs. W. C. Ualloy who leave
North Rend noon, tho Rroulllnrds for
their old homo in Iowa, Mrs. Ilnlloy
for n few months' visit with relatives
In Portland. Among their Invited
guests nro Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ualloy.
Mr. mid Mrs. C. II. Uroulllnrd, Mr
and Mrs. L. F. FnlkoiiRtein, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Horn. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II.
Worrell, Mr. and Mrs. II. O'.Mara,
Mr. mid Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, Mr.
mid Mrs. M. G. Coleman, Mr. mid
Mrs. Claude I locket t or Empire, Miss
es Then and Laura Kruso, Miss Ger
trude Mnndlgo, Miss Delia Uroull
lnrd. Miss Edith Horn, Misses Mll
drod nnd Resslo Coko, John Olson,
Denny Hull, II. J. Coko, John Mullen,
CIiiih. Gmintlett, Dan Kinney nnd Pat
Flanagan, Mrs. Flelsmmi and Mrs.
McDonald or Snn Francisco.
A grent deal or Intorest has been
moused by the announcement that
tho Sonlor Clnss Is going to glvo an
other play. Tho class has a well
earned reputation ror dramatic tal
ent, won mid sustained In several
productions during tho different
years of their High School course
This play will surpass anything yet
shown, being n heavlor play and com
ing nt a tlmo when tho class )s at
tho holght or Its ramo. Tho enst Is
repeated with slight corrections from
yestorday's paper;
ACT I. An Early Morning In Aug
ustStolon Fruit.
ACT II. An AHornoon In Octobor.
A Mald'a Toys.
ACT III. A Night in March. The
Hotter Man.
ACT IV. Tho Noxt Aftornoon The
Red Light on tho Snow.
Miles Staiidlsh, Captain of Plymouth
Ernest Harrington.
Garrett Foster, of Woston'B Men. .
Chnuncoy Clarko.
John Margeson, a Plymouth colon
ist A. L. narkor
Philippe do la Noyo, n Plymouth col-
onlst Georgo Johnson
Miriam Chllllngsloy, Cousin to tho
Captain Mnry Price
llarbara Standlsh, Wlfo to tho Cap-
tnln May Prouss
Resolute story, Aunt to tho Cnptain
Miss Esthor Silverman.
Rose do hi Noyo Nora Tower.
Mrs. Wm. Horsfall. Jr., is In ro
celpt of a lottor and enclosed pro
grnmmo from Mr. Henrik GJordrum
of Mexico, Missouri, telling or tho
brilliant successes won by Miss Edna
I.oulso Larson who has been studying
tho piano In that city ror sovernl
months and who will be remembered
as having been a pupil or Mr. GJor
drum nt tho tlmo or his visit hero
with Dr. and Mrs. Horsral! somo time
ago. Tho letter is very flntterlng to
Miss Lnrson and highly commends
hor work. The rollowlng Is tho
press comment upon the numbers or
a recital given by Miss Larson Tues
day, May 14. at Hardin College, with
UmMUnce. or her teacher. Mr.
(Continued on pago 8.)
amp bMpplie
Teiniits Camp Stoves
Hammocks Fishiirag Tad
OXi: OXLY, 7 II. P. TWIN 1012
Indian! Motorcycle
Agents for Hurley-Davidson and Indian Motorryclf.
The Luxury of Bathing
can only bo appreciated by those
wIioho homes aro equipped with mod
ern hath fixtures. If your homo Is
not yot so supplied havo uh toll you
what It will cost to make the change.
It will not bo as much as you think
and much less than tho added enjoy
ment will bo worth to you.
Willcy & Schroeder
:tl)!t North Front Street.
1MI0XI3 77-J
r" 1 v :
ni lirnnV hv OrdfrlOI I
. . IrUIIL W
nnor you nuvu " mt "j, 1
at onco renllie the iHtWJ
Bwoatlng over a ""' :z U
..... ,... wtlltA. llfbt. tOK1
broad as ours without J
bnko It for nt borne. TrjJ-1
flnns BaV
The place for px1 f1
Pnone i"'"
Market Ave.
All Feed May Look
Alike to You
but not to your horsos. Glvo thorn
somo of ours for a change, and boo
how thoy will eat It much moro
greedily than thoy havo beon attack
ing tholr old fodder. Good feed
means good feeding nnd as a horaa
owner you know thnt means bottor
horses In ovory respoct.
A. T. Haines
Phono 100J Waterfront, Hfld.
..".!" j 111 I'll
11 heavy team harness
A express harness
H light delivery harness
N light double harness
E single harness
S light road harness
S If it's a harness
wo have It
Cor. Central Ave. nnd Water Sts
Everything for tho horse but
shoes and feed.
Don't forgot tne Turklsn Baths.
Unique PantatoS
, xrmiKItK DYWa.'-'T.-
Agent ror Edward (f
fine Tailoring--'
a a.. It wrMW
nef" .. n
gKK rvmniTT''-i.
rmnVt K'
171 -