COOS BAY REJQjCESWlTH NORTH BEND IN DRIVING THE EIRST SPIKE ZZrtaiKti In Tlio TIMES XyourKellt"i.. Ill1 . ... i.-irlUMvl . the facts about your '".W lie eyes of all "poa- (rtyiy, town. And If w'.r,..i them who oiiRht to ' !B.-.i .ell Itl "' Ml II ' 1 I Id "It II'' && att Slimes MEMUKR OP ASSOCIATED PRESS W Wf ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMM fl Will Kiti the Iiicoino from Tow ii Furnished Rooms from LnnslHicI Vol' enn really help thd family it'vpinios by rontlng a few furnished rooms - nnil, It you knew bow and when to use tlio classified columns, you may keop that little extra Income n tcany as a clocic." n n ') i mmvn 'iWiW .. . . .I.I....1 I., 1H7H xxv :i,w, MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1912 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mat! q. 266. mid oom Day Adwrtlsc-r. I! NORTH ID RAILWAY BEND FRANCHISE WORK IS BEGUN Iflion Taken On South CIIDI ,!. Al!onMnn ICaCUlu hw . by uouiium. IATELY ACCEPTED yrjWOKK lo oianitu -eimtinn Made Over Lse In Local Rail- roau oiiuctuuii. llroad.BttuntIon on Coos Day a new pnaso wns .u.."b ...., nml city council mot IlKk, formally passod tho i pacific francniBo which Li.idlv nccontcd by 0. J. ti a few mlnutos later tlio L raitway construction wna l. In Nortli iJonu. i u j k ....I iinn nmi mlln nnd r.'.i: enikn wnn mndo Ki mo wow "i"" . r' .... nnmi dnmonatra- KwtootNo'thnw.d.tho g WDllllCS unMiwiub "' Itotho scone. btrccy by which mm j Lest In tho situation was prc- r. ....i. ..Inn1 In lm fnr tlio Kf warding ngalnst posslblo B. P . .. ...I..-. .no Tim i:i ma mnor iinA-iii'o- lot the North Honrt comic I pulxr adjourned mooung. m t bad heen gonornlly undor it the mattor would not no until May 28. tho dnto of t.. .uilnif nt Min council. I, today marked tl'o oxplrn- tie tlmo limit required n .-..i .1 tl.n nnllnnnnn and irll lost no tlmo In taking Ion on It. council meeting woro Mayor isd Councllmoti Ii. F. Fnllc 1.0. Horn, Irn II. llartlo. II. and J. V. 4rubbs nnd Ro L II. neruvstiiro nnti iny ai- I n Mnlinn f! .1. Mllllfl. lint tho Southorn Pacific, kit ana a row moments niu-r ippson nan Bigneu iho uiiu- .'iiIa.1 .....Irtn., npnnntnnrrt Ukalf of tlio Southom ra- llitcly nftor ndJnurnmciu. clflclftls. Messrs, Mlllls, Mll rwt and Ilnr,uB proceeded it ana wnsiunginu -wnoru 'r Haslet nnd n crnw of tho Pacific hnd assembled rnll A number of other citizens ntWoil Thn pmtnrllninil to start tlio actual conntruc- J. O.Horn nnd John Million ! lo plnro tho first tio in I fir Vtnrlln nnil Mnvor It! second. When sufficient i paced and Mr. IInmet'8 1 cbcfil the rails In nlnrc. p?ion proeecded to drlvo fcr talks, Mnvor Simpson do vJt tho rlni; of tho lmmmor pt tpike in Nortli nondfl limine, n mnrn nlnnnnnt Isa could come from tho II pi IrM-nnl Wlfli Sllllr. IflrtEnll'n "iq Imlnir nnf n fori- J Simpson to drlvo, C "'fKca ft lnttin of orenm k"-b'f mltkw.ii'nn nnil ullnt- It 'lipT K0 rniis rlirlstPn t'oject with tho "Cronm of Itt'e tho whhtlea of tho '"4 rPln mid! fnrtnraa linfl fins luptllv u"l n crowd fi lafterabled to foo what It, bout Pint. Mneironn hnd ater rIvt t o marine nn-1 I 'ten nroc-'dPd nersonnllv ! t'W Ho fniird Mint nnmo ' llthdrawn m first onllrn ! I'lr nnd at once, ho hnd j lirenlaco. Ho wnn drlvlnir ' llh an nld nr wlinn T.. .T I fwe nloiiR with n alodgo -v urovo It Homo. 'Jm FrnnrliNp There. ;' ala hold tat tho Btnrt jmructlon In North nond "J cinches tho franchises i ivm tnem tho koy to tho t least fin fnr no Mnrlh erned. Not n Kreat deal "U DO dnnn liv nnn.1tnnatat. B6 as tho work 1b to bo " l"e Mnfrnnf n.ov.Joj Hi r" p"ks company. How- ..V . ia ,nia mornlnff is Ittd lln . 11.41- ...ii-' r. , - . a iuiiu uuildBllllK J? ' M a portion of tho por- "Jted today that tho con- nj " "TOU IUill IIUU ''US thn ImiKio fnm ,. Wm r?"sn tbo clty n lltarl. .. -""l l"e wor,t t)i. l unco' nowovor, lrn PAifi i.i., i 1 h ,PI ? of &TiY B"ch con- Wild Ont T... G' A-H. Derbyshire, ot linn.. 7 u"OllllOia tlllH K Vnr.!P0Ited at some ono iZ1 n Bnl Py I m. ni,e "0,adma8tor 1 I'S men Mnlin...j i be . i .""""utju iuiiik L' direction away from P out no ono except RAILWAY NEWS FROM EUGENE Expect Shipment of Material for Coos Bay Line Figur ing On New Work. EUGENE, Ore, May 24. Tho Gunrd Bays: W. R. Foutnlno, engi neer In clinrRO of tho Coos Day lino, Anld todny that whllo tho engineering dopnrtmont had not heard from head quartern with rcferenco to tho nurvoy of tho lino to Mnrshflold thoy hoped to within n fow days. Shipments of matorlnl for tho construction of tho Una-to tho tunnol nro arriving dully nnd rails nro expected any day. J. 11. Eddy, right of way mnn for tho S. P., arrived In tho city from Portland Inst night. Ho wntt accom panied by John I). Twohy, of Twohy Ilrott., contrnctorH. John D. Twohy, of tlm Inn of Twohy brothers was hero figuring on proBpectlvo cnutnuu In connection with Southorn Pnriilc work. L. H. WaltlB, of the Utah Construction Co., In ulHo In town. It Is reported that furthor contracts for conHtructlon on tho N'ntron oxtoiiHlon will be let, possibly for1 completion of the entire lino. No ono connected with tho inllrond, or tho contracting firms, will talk or tho mnttor, but It is known uttorneyfl woro kept busy nl moHt nil Inst night working on con tract agreements. It may bo that further contract t on tho Eugenc-Cooa Hay lino nro being prepared, but those best poMod think the present activity concerns tho Natron cxton slon. Quito likely ofllelnl nnnouncc P.onts will bo m nil In n few days HARD MIEST IN NEW JERSEY Roosevelt, Taft and La Follettc Making Urgent Appeals to Voters There Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEWAIIK. N. J., May 24. The Now Jersey primary campaign Is In full swing todny with tho thrco ro publlcnn cnndldates for tlio presiden tial nomination speaking In tho con test for the 28 dulegntos to tho Nn tlonn) convention which will bo chos on next Tuesday. Taft began his three days hard campaigning when he left Trenton this morning on a speaking scliodulo that carried him to Jorsey City. Roosevelt will quit his campalgu nt Trenton tonight. La Follctto In enmnnltrnlni- tn.lnv In northern nnd central parts of tho state, closing nt Newark nnd Patter son tonight. FOItSI NEW MACHINE 'Washington Standpatters Perfect Organization. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa Day Tlinos.) TACOMA, Wash., May 24. Tho organization of tho Constitutional Republican Club hns boon porfectod hero and In Seattlo with Charles D. Wood of Seattlo ns president. Its aim is to open hoadqunrtcrs in evory town in tho stato In ordor to "oncour ngo nnd flnnnco tho local candidates on tho legislative tickets who will run on old fashioned rcpubllcnn lines." Tho Club endorsed Orvlllo Dllllngs ns govornor. APPEAL IDE bT W tho city hnd tho right to enter nny objections 10 uio rniirunu uh.-hij-Ing tho street In ndvnnco of that tlmo nnd ns the city officials were all favorable, the company wns not tnh ing chances In doing the work. It Is expected that only nbout i block of track will bo laid Just lioy. Now, It Is stAted. slnco tho South orn Pacific hns formally nssumed possession of Us frnnrhlRo by nctiinl construction under Its forms, tin railroad company Instead of tho City of North Rend will havo to defend .... .. .--i ...i.i.i i.a fltntrnil nny imgnuon uini Him,'" - over tlio frnnrhlso. Tho conditions of tho Southern Pa clflo franchise In North nond nro that tho company h grow to commence eoiiBtructlon on this sldo of tlio bay Immediately or within (SO days from tbo effective date of the franchise, rid to hnvtv the osd cnmplMw wltn ln 18 months. Tho company further Hres to havo tho road conip e el to Eugeno and trains In actual op oratlon on or beforo July 1. J3!" T mliml Hallway Denl. It U i" .ted that tho next step In tho nogi-'atlons between the .South-Hi-n Pne'flc nnd tho Terminal Rnl' ,y)71r tho right of wavtVrouBn iirn! oiu win i-uiiiw "'."-,.,. w J. MillU nnd others InlereBte, will meet In conference there. " llevod Hint some definite "rrnnie ment will probably be wroed pon. It Is nlso expected hst while in Ssn Francisco noxt woelc, C. A. Bmiw will porfoct nrrnngemontB with Southorn Pacific relative to the loif Klng road to Drldgo nnd vlclnlt). Will Leave Soon. C. J. M41U8 nnd wife will leave on tho Nann Smith tonight or In the morning for San Francisco, where tho next development In tho local sit nation nro expected to take Place. Mrs. Mlllls. who has been jer 111, has recovered sufflclen ly so that she will ho nblo to stnnd tho trip without danger, It Is bp " Offer Under Consideration. Air. MIUIs stated this morning that then 'tad not been any now; deve op. mont In the offer of about 200 acres of land freo for terminal and snop alto In North Rend. He sal, he had tho mattor under conlleraHon. and until it was accepted or rejecieu, no did not caro to discuss It. To offer is understood to hno beeTn nmdo 'principally by Major L D. Kinney, as was printed in The Times, several days ago. One irnci of about 100 acres lies along Pony 8 oSSfnd the other lies alonBSo,,th Inlet. Tho two can bo easiij con nected ,up. SPRINGS OWN DEATH TRAP Wyoming Murderer Meets Fate with A Smile. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Times.) n , RAWLINS. Wyo.. Mar Spring, inc his own death trap. Joseph beng wm hURed today for the murder of Wi liarh lioyd ealy this morn la. a OLD FASHIONED MEXICAN Pln och" only 85 cents per pound at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday. New Jersey Executive Scores Opponents In Democratic and Republican Ranks. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) TRENTON, May 24 Govornor Wilson has (sued nu address to tho voters of Now Jorsey explaining thnt he did not tako tho stump In his own slnte bccniiBo he Is known to voters. He nttneked his opponents who hnvo organized ngnluut him and placed on the primary ticket n full set of "iinlnstructcd" delegates to tho national convention. Governor Wil son rnvlmvn his reenn! nn Dovnrnnr nnd nllogOB thut Senator Smith whom ho opposes for reelection and othors "who havo boon deprlvod of their private control" are Booking his do feat. He charges Smith with attemp ting to "reestablish his control over the democratic party and put Himself onro moro In a position to mnko tho democratic mnchlno an adjunct nnd partner of tho old ropubllrnn mn chlno in serving the spcclul Interests In Now Jorsoy. It Is n Inst dospor ato attempt of the discredited old regime to destroy nnd supplnnt tho now," ho says. INSULTS FLAG IS Angry Citizens of San Diego Quickly Resent Attack on "Old Glory." BOCQ Oqj, 0 B80JJ p0)U0OBSV Xq) (sotuii SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 24 Cnll lng'tho United Stntcs flag n "dirty rag," it Is charged, n man bolloved to bo nn Englishman was sot upon byn crowd of angry cltizonB nt noon in the honrl of tho rotnll district, wns Ulckod nnd buffeted nbout two blocks and then carried Bwlftly nut of town. Doputy Sheriff Johnson attempted to nrrost tho man to re move him from tho mob but wns un successful. No ono in tho crowd scorned to know tho mnn but nil chnrged him with bolng nn Industrial Worker of tho World. WRIGHT HETTElt TODAY PILLAGING AND DESTRUCTION M DB T HUT VNNVNANAAMMAAVNA REBELS BEATEN IN OLD MEXICO Orozco Forced to Fall Back at Rellano but Disclaims Serious Loss. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) OROZCO'S HEADQUARTERS, nt Jimlnoz, Mox., May 24 (Noon). Gonornl Orozco declared todny that tho revolutionary causo In Moxlco had not BUfforod ns n result of tho dofont at Rollano yesterday by Gen orariluortns fodoral forces. "Scar city of ammunition, tho superior nr tlllory tiro of tho fodornls nnd tho In tolerable boat mado It necessary to coaso fighting," said Orozco. "Tho robols did not dUband nor rotlro In disorder but stood tholr positions until ordorod to turn from tho bnt tlo flold." Orozco nrrlvod hero today nnd is making this town his hoadqunrtors Armed Negro Bands Raid Smaller Cities and Planta tions On Island. U. s. intervIntIon TO BE WELCOMED AGAIf) PresidcBt Gomez Claims Revolt Will Be Crushed Within Few Weeks. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cows Tlmos.) HAVANA, Mny 24. Tho Cuban government doclared today thnt It had not received nny furthor nowS from tho provlnco of Orlonto and that tho reports from other sections of tho island Indicated that complote tranquility provalldd. Tho press gen erally comments with approvnl on tno action of Washington Bonding war ships nnd marines to Guantannmn, regarding It as nn expression of n do slro on tho part of Unltod States to support tho Cuban government nnd mnlntnln tho Independence of tbo Island. (Dy Asfloclntod Press to Coos Day Times. I WASHINGTON, May 24 Tho ab rogation of tho Mora law forbidding Mm fttf-nilnlfin nt nnirpnna Infn It onco moro whllo tho vanguard of hlslpol(cnl imrty Jb clnltuoil by tho no- nrmy is ui v,orrumuB. uiww oujr jjroOB In Cuba ns n bnBlB for tholr ho will contlnuo fighting and In tho i moVoraont according to tho Stato 1)8 ond will win." .Ho denied that Guor- pnrtmonl.B mivlcos. Thoy nro nlsb Ilia warfaro will bo rostorod. SELL OLD GUM10AT Noted A tutor's Condition Is Slightly Improved. (Dy Assoclntod Pross to Coos Day Day Tlmos.) DAYTON, Ohio, Mny 2 1 Wilbur Wright, tho aviator, who has boon near death from typhoid for several days, Is much Improved todny. S LAST 6ISR0P CHOSEN TODAY; BURIED TODAY Three New Prelates Elected by Methodist Conference in Minneapolis. (Dy Associated Pross to Cooa Day Tlmos.) MINNEAPOLIS, May 21 W. P. Thlrklold of Washington. I). C wua elected tho eighth aud lust bishop on the twenty-sixth ballot this afternoon. DR. LE15TK NEW IIISIIOP Ilelrolt Divine Klecled by MethndMs at Minneapolis (Ily Associated Pre to Tho Coos nay Times.) MINNEAPOLIS. May 34 Dr. F. D Leeto of Detroit, Mich., wits oloct ed bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church on tho twenty-third ballot to day. ..... r. J Cooke, of New York, book , editor of tho church, was also olectod bishop today on tno si'n uaimi. Large Number United In Pay ing Last Tribute to Frederick VIII. (Dy Associated Prss to Cooa Day Tlmo.) ROSK1LDE, Denmark, Mny 24. The body of tho Into King Fioderlok VIII.. of Donmark, was burled this nftoruoon In Denmark's XX. nbboy nmong the tombs of 33 nrodocossors on the DnnUh throno. Two hundred thousand mournors thronged tho short routo through which tho funornl procosslon passod from tho rallrond station to tho cn thodral. It was procodod by a mili tary band nnd tho hoarse was fol Inu'ml l.v Mm Klntrs nt Dnnmnrk. Nor way, Sweden and Greeco, nil ronlo members oi mo uanian uoyui iiiiiui), with a number of foreign Prlncoa nnd special envoys on foot and Queons and Princesses in cnrrlngos. 'CONGRESSMEN T W D ARE GRAFTERS?' Serious Charge Made by Member On Floor of the House. ' . . in.i Upon tn Thn Coos tliy Aoui;iiiu - j Day Times.) WASHINGTON, May 24. Tho charge that members of tho House are guilty of potty grafting was mado on the floor today by Congressman Fitzgerald, chairman of tho annro nrlatlon Committee. The allegation precipitated a wordy war. In tho course of which. Fitzgerald himself, was accused of having submitted for w ... i-ni.. tnr mnfnrlnlH for which fhlre wi. .no provision In law. The . ,r uj h rnnnlilfiratlon of an emergency awropriatlon bill, carry inTiqiO.OOO'for expenditures of the House. TRIAL BY JURY Noted Prisoner Fails In Effort Judge Will Pass On Mental Condition. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tm.) WHITE PLAIN8, N. Y May 24 "Trial by Jury denied" was tho only memorandum fllod today by Justlco Marvin Keogh In tho caso of Harry K. Thaw who .In his recent legal ef fort to obtain freedom from tbo Mat toawan stato hospital for tho insano asked that the question of bis in sanity be passod on by Jury. Justlco Keogh will pass on tho mental con dition of tbo man who killed Stan ford "Whites SPECIAL HALE. A fine line of pictures and picture frames. They are U3c to OOc values, on sale" Saturday, only 13. cents; WoaderfBl values in all linos and nothing oyer 10c ia our Btore. PEOPLES' 5-10-lOc STORE York tow n of Dewey's Fleet. Out of Coininlnslon. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) VALLEJO, Cal., May 2 1 Tho Un ltod Stntoa gunbont "Yorktown," ono of, Dowoy's licet that captured Manlln, Is out of commlBBlon nt tho nnvv yard hero nnd todny It wns nn- nouncod thnt alio probably would bo sold to Moxlco or to ono or tlio boutu Amorlcnn ropubllcu. MANY SLAIN IN doclnrod to bo Btrlvlng for Amorlcnn Intervention nnd tho reelection of Prosldont Gomez. Tho Cuban gov ernment snld todny It cxpoctn to crush tho movement within ton days with tho two thousand troops in tbu Hold but tho negroes nro nvoldlng encountors. Tholr prlnclpnl object apparently bolng tho destruction of proporty. TOWN IS PILLAGED B ES T RIO Six Killed Today and 160 Wounded In Labor Out breaks In Hungary. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Cooa Dny Times.) RUDAPEST, Mny 24. Fioros righting broko out in tho streets or this city ngnln todny, tho strlkors and tho pollco clnshlng in sevornl places. Tho govornmont troops aided tho po llco. Tho strlkors nro Indulging In wrecking tactics nnd rofuso to obey tholr lenders' ordors to return to work. About 50,000 mon represent ing hnlf tho factory hands of tho city took part In the disturbance, attack Ing mon who woro nt work. An nmonded list of tho causaltlos of yes tnnlnv'a flL'litlnir sbow six killed nnd ICO wounded. Tho pollco havo mado upwards of 200 arrests. Todny tho strikers used tho torch on ft factory nnd bent oft tho flromon who nt tempted to subdiio tho flnmoB. Tho troops woro called nnd an oxehnngo of volleys botweon tho strlkors nnd soldlors took plnro, both sldo suf fering honvlly, Tho shooting oc curred in sovoral sections and mnny woro wounded. BEAT IS FATAL TO SIX BABES Infants Victims of Warm Weather In Pittsburg Dur ing Last 24 Hours. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) P1TTSDURG, May 2f . Tbprq havo been six doaths of Infants frqm heat amended list of tho casualties of yes terday. WASHINGTON HANKER DIES. Cuban Rebels Capturo and RmiNiich: Vlllngo. (Dy ABBoclntod Press to Tho Coon Dny Times) ' SANTIAGO, Mny 24. A bnnd of negro Insurgents nppnfontly undo tho commnnd or Gonornl Ivonot ban nttneked nnd enpturod El Cnnoy Del Sltlo, four miles from Pnlnm Sorlnno on tho Daymo branch of tho Cuban railroad. Thoy sacked tho town nnd Inflicted mnny outrages. STORKS ARE PILLAGED American Property In Cubnii YIIIiijcq Looted. (Dy Asaoclntod Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) HAVANA, Mny 24. Two ntoroi In tho vlllngo of Snn Marcos In tho vi cinity or Guiiiitnnamn, belonging tu nn American company, woro pillaged by n robol bnnd today. Tho Cubnu cruiser Culm hns nrrlvod nt Gunntiv iinmo with rolnrorcoments of Infnu try and nrtlllery nnd arms for local volunteors. Passes Away In Portland Hospital From Pneumonia. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, May 24 Harry W. Smith, a banker of Olympla, died here in tho hospital today of pneu monia following an oporaUpn, OLD FASHIONED BJEXfOAN' Pla oclio only 35 CENTS ei pound at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday, ENGLAND ON ALKRT Sends Vi'snel lb Viilw lo Protect Her Citizens. (Ily Assoclntod Pross to Tho Cooa Day Times.) HAVANA, Mny 24. Tlio DrltUU cruiser Molpouiono urrlved hero to day. Rumors nro current that too cruiser enmo to Insist on tho protec tion of Drltlsh subjects and property In Culm. PROTEST IIV ClU.VKfilJ by (VIrsIIuIh In California Aroiibcd ProiHised Ijiuv. (Dy Assoclntod Pross to Coos Buy Times.) LOS ANGELES, May 24. The Chlnoso of .Bputliqni Callfornm througlL tho Chamber of Commorco of this city havo Issued nn nppcnl to tho people of tho Pacific coas,t U dny. usklng thorn to Join lu u protest ngolnst tho Dllltnghum oxcluslon bill which hns nlrcuuly passod tlo Unltod States Sonata and Is now ponding In tho House of RoprosontntlvoB. Thn bill, It Is stated, would constitute If enacted, a monnco to tho commercial relations between this country and' tho now republic of China. AFFECTS MANY VESSELS' Steamers Owned Ily Railroads pa Atlantic Coafct, ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Rajr Tlmetf,) WASHINGTON, p. C, May 24. Supporters of tbu doreatod canal bin amendment say that as tho mattor in now loft, a number of steamship lines operating on tho coast will bp forced to either suspend or separate themselves from their railroad con nections. Among theso will be a fleet pf steamships operating be tween New York and Dostpn ant owned by the Now York. Now Haven & Hartford railway, jtoth rnllroa'l. and steamers operate between, tha samo points and under the proposed law, botn would bo subject to Rfxat ponaltjps, 't Tho bill provides for a civil and Judicial government on tho' canal zone and laid dqwn tho rules and regulations to be observod In tno o. -eratlou of the canal. l '.'I ii I ii