The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 23, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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, Z Your Real EsUto "In
Will Keep tho Income from Yow
KtirntMicd Rooms from Lnptdatct
YOU enn really holp thd fsmtly
lovenucs by renting a fow turnlshsd
rooms and, If you know how and
when to ubo tho classified cotumni,
you may keep that Uttlo extra lnronw
" d Market" Effectively
.n nut the fact about your
"!Wore Ue eye. of all "pos-
we"' or. in town. auu ii
Wm.e! f thorn who ought to
31ATED PRIttis
as "steady as a clock."
HsJnlillslicd In 1878
M Tlio Coast Mali
A CoiiNollilntton of Times, Coast .Mailer), 265.
and Coo liny Adtertlser.
-- Wwwww i mwmi i i i ii ill i i ii mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i n 1 1 1 m p 11.1 n in n
foiled Offid Campaign
SEVtHAL IMurxo luoni
l Address at Jersey City
Taft Opens ai uamuun
This bvenmg.
AModated rrojs to Tho Coos
L..-.1- v T. Mnv 23. Tait
Reve'lt 'today moved on to
jww ... nnrt nfntfl IMim-
jeriey ion --- M,(,Mi
TbJn for tho 28
Sm which Now Joraoy will send
" -.1 Mnirnntlnn nnonod
7.Ii. mnrnlmr for n sorloa of
kit that will closo tonight at
tr City. Taft Will como mio mu
jimdea tonight.
,Vo( Make Personal Appeal In
! ' tow Jersey.
fAuoclatod Press to Coos Day
rw vonK. May 23. Governor
i, innnitneM Bovornl days ngo
i would mako no public apponl
irimary votes in nis own Bimo.
nor Wilson's organization una
ober of speakers addressing tho
Returns From Primaries
Pail to Alter First Reports
of Situation.
Associated ProflB to Coos Bay
DLUMDUS, Ohio, Mny 23. Scnt-
l returns from most of tuo ais-
districts within tho Inst fow
Indicate that RoobovoU's dolo-
acquired. In Tuesday's primary
lot drop below tho 32 hitherto
ltd to him.
WDor Wilson, of Now Jorsoy.
nr, has mndo nllgtit gnlna nnd
UouiDio tliut Ilarmou'H dologiitcs
hot total moro thnn 37. On tho
:t basis of tho tabulation of tho
gates to tho republican Rtnto con
pon, Roosovolt nppnrontly hna
mt of-tho 7C 1, wlillo only 378
IttMiary to control.
laatj convcntlonB to which tho
itts wcro elected Tuosdny nnd
fhlch all hut 23 counties will
the itato doleRateH linvo not
(tut It Is estimated tlmt onch will
Roosevelt nn advantngo, Tnft
P'ters do not admit thin, how-
.lan intimate tho president will
Itaough strcnitth In tho stnto
PCtlon In JlllUt In iflvn him thu
psates at largo.
Noted Aviator Probably Fatally
III of Typhoid Fever at
Dayton, Ohio.
(By Associated Press to Coos Day
DAYTON, Ohio, Mny 23. With
Mb tompornturo hovering nbout tho
104 degree mark, Wilbur Wright to.
day scorned to linvo but a dcBpcrnto
chanco In his bnttlo against death
from typhoid fever. Dr. B. D. Conk
ling, tho aviator's physician, ro
malnod In almost constant attend
nnco at bin bcdsldo last night nnd today.
Senate Committee Will Arraign i 'I draw.n, r Sonator Smlth ,wh,h
., , .,, u along with other meaaurcB nlroady
OfflCCrS Of -Fated Shil) frntned In tho Sonato and Houso will
and Recommend New Legis
lation. '
(By ABBodnted Prcfls to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
nto Commltteo on Commorco conald-
crcd today tho roport on tho Tltnnlc
disaster which tho commltteo will
submit to tho Sonato noxt Tuosdny.
It will bo a swooping nrrnlgnmont, It
Is understood, of tho conduct of tho
officers, especially of Capt. Smith, un
der whom tho groat vcbsoI swept
nlong through tho Icoborg aron to hor
doom with nn Immonso loss of life.
Tbo roport was framed largoly by
Senator W. A. Smith of Michigan,
chairman of tho BUb-commlttco on
tho Investigation of tbo matter. Tho
roport, It Is aald, will aovoroly crit
icise Captain Smith as mainly respon
sible for tho disaster becauso of fall
u ro to hood tho warnings of other
vcb8c1b, tho British Board of Trndo
for lax Inspection, J. Druco Iomny
who was n pnssongor, and will point
to lnck of dlsclpllno at tho tlmo of
danger. Capt. Lord of tho Cnliforn
lan will figure In tho responsibility
becauso of tho falluro to tako nccca
sary stops whon near tho Tltnnlc
whoso rockets of distress woro seen
from aboard tho Gallfornlan. Con
gress will bo asked to roward Capt.
Bostron of tho rcscuo ship Cnrpnthln.
Legislation will bo prossed na a re
sult of the conclusions announced In
the report. Tho goncral bill la bo-
Ready for New .Ten.oy Pilmnry
I Campaign,
I Associated Press to Coos Bay
.dt Taft left Washington today
""aeipnia to addroaa tho Ii.
monal Navigation Congress nt
Wing session. TonlRht ho goes
J6rS0V In nnnn Ilia nnmnnlpn
"mm Into tho twolvo dlstrlcta
c aie wMfh will not end until
veforo tl10 I)oUa Ion for
WMIcan prlniarloa Tuesday.
Ntan In U. S. Consular
Fee In Germany Fatal-
y injured ioday.
Associated Press to Tho Cooa
Bay Times.)
'4.NKF0RT.QM.MATM normnnv
bv,T,U?!te(1 atea Consul Gen-
1 toda il f M,nno80ta wns
qi - 'iiub ovor ug run
' Stair CaSO In n l,nf1 hara
W snT06"1 t0 DaV0 boen acci"
ae .v,uuou oy an attacK or
cw- He sustained a fractured
n SALE at the BUSY Corner.
Council Decides Not to Change
From Bituminous to Bithu-
lithic On Market Ave.
After nn hour or bo's discussion of
tho relative merits of bituminous
paving nnd blthullthlc paving, tho
Mnrshflold city council Inst o veiling
decided to rotnln tho bituminous; pav
ing for tho Mnrkct nvonuo district
unless n majority of tho property
ownoro of tho district fllo a romon
Btrnnco. During tho discussion thcro
woro n fow exchanges of perBonnll
tlos nnd for n tlmo It looked ns
though thcro would bo n rogulnr old
fashioned paving contract acrnp.
Tho matter waa brought up by tho
prosentntlon of thrco potltlonB of
property owners In thnt city district
asking for blthullthlc pnvlng instead
of bituminous. Tho petitions wcro
prosonted by Carl Albrecht. Tlio
Third atrcot property ownors signing
for it wero It. II. Olson, L. H. Ilel.
nor, Jena Tellefson, John Kllerby and
Henry 8ongtnckon. Fourth Btreet
property ownors signing woro II. .T.
Mlball nnd Carl Albrecht, and Market
nvonuo proporty owners signing were
Henry Scngstneken, L. II. Holsner, R
II. Olson, D. J. Hoes nnd II. J. Kim
bnll. , .,
C. V. McKnlght, attorney for thu
Coos Bny Paving company, objected
to tho potltlon, Baying that boiuo of
tho slgnors hnd signed tho original
petition for bituminous paving. Ho
said that to grnnt tho potltlon would
bo doing o without any good ronso,
nnd that f o offect of It would bo to
simply delay tho Improvement which
wns very essential now. Furtlio
mnrn lio n'liii Hint to nut In a differ
ent kind of pnvlng thcro would look
bad. - . ,
p. A. Sandborg. who Is represent
ing tho Wnrron Construction com
pany which puts in tho blthullthlc
paving. Bald that n majority of th
proporty owners on Markot nvonur
had signed the potltlon for blthullth
lc, also on Third street, but on
Fourth street whoro tho Episcopal
nnd Presbyterian rhurchoa own a
largo portion of tho frontago, there
was not n majority. Ho said that It
would bo necessary to hnvo meetings
of tho church boards boforo they
could sign the potltlonB.
Mr. McCormao said thnt so far nu
tho Bchool property was concerned,
ho was confident that tho board waa
in favor of going ahoad with the
bituminous paving. Ho said that it.
II. OlBon. of Empire, whoso nnmo np
peared on tho list as signed by an-L.i.-.
i..i niri htm over tho teie-
IllllUr, H" '"""" i , u nl.
phono thnt ho am noi ih "'";
tlon nnd would not sign It until he
had a chanco to talk It over and Bee
which was tho best paving. Ho saw
that In view of this ho was confident
1 at Mr. Albrecht. who had sinod
for Mr. OlBon, had misunderstood the
,atFrs. Dow Bald that to his knowl.
edge they had boon trying for thir
ipn voars to get Market avenue
deSnV.nran Ferguson said that J,
did not think there was a majority
of the property signed up for the
blthullthlc. P. A. Sandberg said that
922 feet of the frontago was a gned
up for blthullthlc out of tho total
1900 feet of paving. Ho said that
Mrs. Lund, who was not '" v" i
ous paving If either of them had to
(Continued on PS )
bo considered by tho Commorco Com
mlttce nnd reduced to concreto legis
lation to moot tho lessons drawn
from tbo Titanic disaster. Tho ro
port will crltlclzo tho lack of drills
and tests aboard tho Tltantc.
Tho roport also criticizes tho 24
1-2 knot speed at tho tlmo of tho nc
cldont, tho falluro of tho steamship
company to provide tho Titanic with
glasses for tho lookouts nnd with
search lights, tho falluro to glvo n
goncral warning to tho passengers
after tho vcssol struck tho Icoborg
with an Impact oBtlmntcd equal to
the combined forco of a broadsldo
of n scoro of largest guns usod In tho
navy, nnd tho Whlto Star lino com
pany for Its course a ato giving out
information on Monday of tho dis
aster. With some modification, in
vlow of tho excltomont, it will crlt
lclzo tho Indlfforonco of aonio of thoso
nbonrd tho llfo boats townrd thoso
struggling in tho wator, in vlow of
tho fact that evldonco showed tho llfo
boats which could havo taken caro
of 1170 pcoplo only carried 700. Tho
report will advocato moro lifo boats,
moro cxtcnslvo wiroloss apparatus
nnd other cqulpmont. Tho .commlt
teo will urgo a doflnlto Intornatlonnl
understanding looking to grontor
Bnfoty at sea. Two sot speeches on
tbo dlBastor will follow tho presenta
tion of tho roport noxt Tuosdny.
Scnntor Smith will mako a spooch on
tho subject nnd Sonntor Rnynor of
Maryland will discuss "Tho Lessons
Taught Congress and tho Pcoplo by
tho Titanic Dlsastor."
Rebels Claim to Have Slight
Advantage Over Federals
In Engagement.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
RELLANO, Mox., Mny 23. After
thrco hours or moro of fighting to
day botween tho Moxlcan fodornls
nnd tho robel armies, roporta from
Council Will Try and Get Com
pany to Improve Service
Straw Urges it.
Tho MnrsMlold city council last
overling Instructed tho flro nnd water
commltteo to tako up tho question of
securing moro efficient wntor sorvlco
with tlio ownors of tho Coos Bny
Water company. Tho comralttoo is
to report nt tho noxt mooting of tho tho robel front soomod to hid lento n
council, which will bo hold tho flr-t Bllght ndvnntago ovor tho nrniy of
.Monany in jiiiiu. Mndoro. Tlio lnsurrectos noiti nrm
Tho matter was brought up by tho th0jr positions nnd enpturod sovcral
rendlntr of n letter from Mayor fninrni mms nmi runulscd tho fodoral
Straw to tho council In which ho attempt nt flanking. Tho fighting of
naKCU inni Biops oo uxnva 10 nucuru yesterday is declared to havo resuuoa
an enrly voto on tho municipal owl- jn tho loss of 1G0 or moro govorn
crshlp question. Ho rocitcd thnt con- ,nont troops. It la clnlmod thnt
sldernblo money had boon oxponded Orozco drovo off tho federal cnvnlry
to sccuro data on tho wntor question chnrgo with n great loss to nasnll
during tho past year and that he nnt8.
urged tho council to hco tnat tnoro(
was no further delay In tho mnttci.
Councilman Allen wild that ho
thought that n committoo of tho
council should go to tlio wntor com
pany nnd tnlk tho mnttor ovor In n,
frlondly way nnd seo if somothlng
could not bo nmlcnbly arranged. If
uot, ho snld ho thought tlio city,
should bo working on some other
nlnn. I
Councllmnn Savnico snld thnt h
"fLrr'alnstcS Reaffirms Decision for
many residents woro now without
wntor sorvlco or fire protection
United States Plans to Protect
Lives and Property of Citi
zens On Island.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
An, a result of reports of danger to
American lives nnd property In Cuba,
tho Navy Dopnrtmcnt nt tho request
of tho Stnto Dopnrtmont hns ordorcd
tho transport Pralrlo to embark 500
marines nt Philadelphia nnd proceed
immediately to tho United Statos
nnvnl station at Guantlano to Join
tho gunbonts Paducah nnd Nnsh-vlllo.
1 Advices From Island Very Pe
simistic Todav Revolt
Is Spreading.
Uprising Possibly Started to
Secure Intervention By
United States.
SANTIAGO, Mny 23. Tho f
first fight between tho rogulnr
troops nnd tho negro insurgents P
occurred nt La uuunnn touny
whon n dotnehment of regulars
attneked a bnnd of robola
whom thoy killed ono nnd took
ono prlsonor. Ono Boldlor was fr
woundod. Tho InsurgontB dls-
porsod, abandoning tbolr arms. J
Pniincllmnn Connlo said that U
was only a weok or bo slnco tho
sale of tho property hnd terminated
and until then, thore was nothing tho
Mtv rnuld do about tho matter. Ho
Free Use of Canal for
Coastwise Trade.
(By ABsoclatod ProB8 to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
voto of 147 to 120, tho Houso rouf
(By Associated Press.)
body of 700 nogrooB undor Qon-
crnl Estonoz BOt flro today to f
cano floldB on tho Espornnzn,
ftnntn Rosa nnd CorvautcB plan
tations owned by Spaniards. 9
paid that ho thought It would bo n d , u Uoctalon that no toll
good thug for a commlttro ( to tako American vobboIb
It up at onco with tho watoi com- onKngei, , coastwlso trado for pas-
UllrlnMnlnn Merchant Bald he rd of Louisiana sought unBUCcesa-
Cltv Attorney Gosa said thnt ho , to bo mndo for such n prohibition to
hapreWoS told tho council thnt apply specifically to traino through
about tho only thing they could do tho Caual.
would bo to declare tho franchise
forfeltod. This would moan that tho) .o ACTION ON FRANCHISE
company would not nae to. mi. .. Contrary t0 Oxpoctntlous, tho
se the streets for Its Ins, but ho , clty counc did not tako
aald it would leave t o cl Iconi ulth- southern Pacific's application
out nny source of 'ippl. Ho Bad i francnlso laBt ovonlng. It waa
he fiousht the lest wn w"",',th' ' not 0ven brought up for dlscusaion.
Marshfield Council Orders
Pugilistic and Sparring
Matches Prohibited.
Tlio Marahfleld City Council by n
unnnlmous voto laat ovonlng In
structed tho city nttornoy to draft
an ordlnnnco prohibiting prlzo fights,
spnrrlng and pugilistic exhibitions
In tlio city of Mnrshflold. Tho nctlon
was tnkon In compllnnco with a num
ber of potltlonB which woro signed
by Bovornl hundred proporty ownors
and citizens of Mnrshflold.
Tho matter was called up by J, M.
Upton who doclnrod that tho oo
callod Bparrlng exhibitions woro "dls
roputnblo nnd domornllzlng." Ho
snld thnt tho only oxcuso given for
thorn was that they would afford on
tortalumcnt for tlio logger or lumbor
Jack nnd bring him to Mnrshflold so
that ho would apond his monoy hero.
Ho 'snld thnt tho aamo oxcuso had
boen mndo to provont tho elimination
of tho saloon nnd tho rcaortu. Ho
enld that tlio oxciibo wns vory fllniBy
mid lll-foundod nnd that tho loggor
wua bolng usod na a bluffer. Ho said
thnt If thoso things rolled sololy on
tho loggor for support, thoy would
not Inat vory long. Ho doclnrod that
tho participants in tho pugilistic en
counters woro tho products of tho an
loons nnd resorta nnd woro undoslr
nble. Ho said that tho potltloiiH ask
ing tho city council to cxorclso tholr
authority nnd put nn ond to this do
mornllzlng influonco woro signed by
pnronts who wlahod n bettor Influonco
horo for tholr chlldron to grow up In.
Ho snld nn Indication of what linppon
oil ovory tlmo tho restrictions nlong
this lino woro lot' up was given n fow
dnys ngo when u moving plcturo show
put on a film showing n demoralizing
nrlRnii PHcnna ulcturo. Ho snid that
certainly tho council ought to boar victim of boiuo unscrupulous poraon.
this In mind nnd now put n atop toSomo womnn called up Tlio 'limes
tho miirlllatlc mnttoru w h ch ho and gavo an nom roncurmiiB in.
termed a "brutalizing, ucoundrolly
Tho rural guards aro Inncllvo
ns thoy aro unnblo to control
tho altunuon.
(By Asfloclatcd Pross to Coon Bay
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 23.--Tho
Stnto Department advices todnjr
from Cuba woro vory poBBlmlstlo nnil
apparently tho government la unnblo
to cstlmato tho strongth or purpotU
tho Cuban mllltlany authorities it
of tho revolutionary movomont. Ttm
cuban military authorities admit iob
situation Is serious, but think thiy
can control it. Tho govornmont Is
said to bo receiving offers of sorvlco
from vnrlous orgnnltntlons nnd In
dividuals. A party of Congressmen'
loft Hnvnna Inat night for tholr re
spective districts In tlio dlfforont
roglons to mako nn effort to conci
llnto tho negroes.
It Is rollnbly reported to tho Stnto
Department that many pooplo con
sider tho movement doslgnod to pro
voke Intorvontion, but no oxplnnn
tlon was volunteered nt tho depart
ment regarding this roport. It ion
been a mnttor of discussion for sorao
tlmo nmong tho diplomatic corpti horu
that tho Cubnn govornmont Itself,
might bo tomptod to oncourngo tho
rebellious movomont In liopo of socuif
Ing a contlnuanco In powor by Amor
Icnn bncklng. It has boon Btntod that
President Oomoz hns lost control of
hla own llbornl party through his re
fusal to displace tho Spanish olomont
nmong tho officeholders In fnvor of
tho HO-cnllel "Votorans," u largo pr
pnrtlon of whom nro nogroes who
participated In tho wnr of InilopomV
(By Aasoclntod ProBa to Cooa ilay
LOS ANGELES, May 23. Up ta
tho noon ndjournmont, tho thirteenth
Juror to sit In tho Dnrrow trial had
not bco'n choson.
RciMirt In Denied. It Booms that
riio Times yohtorday wns muda tho
Carl Albrecht ualil
that ho
Clara Noah'u dlvorco und cnmlni:
marrlngo. Tho pnrty furnishing
had! tho Information aald hor nnmo was
algnod tho petition asking tho council, Mra.LongBtnff.Thoro u no Mr
dum on the public utilities law falls
to nullify It. the city might have tbo
right under this statute to force the
company to give oouir n t
Finally It was decided that the flro
and wator committee should tako the
matter up with tho Cooa Day Water
company and sea what could bo dono
about remedying the situation.
New York Senator to Open Republi
can National Convention
CHICAGO, May 23 Colonel Hen
ry S. New has announced that United
States Senator Ellhu Root will be
temporary chairman of the Chicago
republican -national convention.
hpfiii some developments In tho no
gotlatlons between tho Terminal Rail
way and tho Houtnern racuio inni
have brought them closor together
nnd brightened tho prospects for an
adjustment of t,he matter.
In North Bond, tho principal topic
of convocation in connection with
tho railway la tho terminal and shop
ground propoeltlon. It Is understood
that tho tract la along Pony Slough
Just south of tbo Kinney mill.
It was stated' In North Bend today
that the report that D. Madonna had
been given the contract to establish
camps for tho construction crows had
been started as a Josh and somebody
took It seriously,
to stop tlio prlzo-flglita. Howovor, ho
aald that ho thought tho sheriff and
district nttornoy should hundlo tho
mnttor but If tho council could do
anything, ho thought thoy should net.
Finally tho motion Instructing tho
city nttornoy to draft tho ordlnnnco
to stop nil boxing, sparring nnd pugil
istic exhibitions In tho city of Mnrsh
flold wus unanimously ndopted. Mr.
Gosa Joalilngly remarked that ho
would Insert a provision In It bo thnt
tho ordinance would exempt mombors
of tho council and other city ofllclals
from its provisions,
Other ItiibliieKfi.
Councilman Forguson reported
thnt after an Investigation, a special
committoo of tho council had decided
to placo tho building, oloctrlcnl and
plumbing Inapoctor on a flat salary.
Ho nuld that $75 por month was con
sidered tho nropor pay at this tlmo
and that It had also beon decided that
tho Inspector should have an ofllco
in tho city hall and havo regular
ofllco hours during which ho should
romaln at tho ofllco. Part of each day
is to bo allowed to him to mako In
spections, Tho city attorney waa In
structed to draft tho ordinance necoa
aary fon carrying out tho recommen
dations of tho commltteo.
Col. R. II. Rosa of Bandon wns pro
sent as a visitor last evening nnd was
called on for a few romarks by Mayor
Straw. Mr. Robs said that ho had
first located In Marshfield about for
ty years ago, taking a position as a
planer in a mill here. He said that
(Continued on past I.)
Lnnustaff in Mnrshflold. Mrs. Noivh
baa beon In California for aomo tlmo,
but Mr. Nonli Is In Mnrahflold and ho
hna not boon apprised of nny audi no
tion on hor part and la nnturiily
wrought up ovor It.
TO cIlTg
Over 150,000 Dock Employes
In England Will Walk Out
Trouble May Spread.
(By Associated Proas to Tho Coos
Bay TlmeB.)'
LONDON, May 23 -Tlio National
Executive Commltteo of tho Trans
port Workers' Fodoratlon hns decid
ed on a genoral strike commencing
tonight In support of tlio Thames
Lighter men their dlaputo with tho
employers and nlao to onablo tho
fodoratlon to adjust l(a own griev
ances. Fully 1B0.006 won, dockors,
carmen, lightermen, laborers ftnd oth
ers will bo Immediately Involvod and
the entire transport work of the Part
of London will bo brought to a stand
still. Any attempt to divert tho tra
ffic to other ports of tho United King
dom will bo a signal for a spread of
the disaffection. .