The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 22, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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style in men's clothes this season
particularly good in the way they
bring out and help
the good lines of the
figure The shape
of the lapels, the
drape of the coat,
the cut of the vest
and trousers, all
combine to produce
a good figure.
Hart Scliaffner & Marx
make them right,
price them right,
Big values at $20 and $25
Hoi w Is given th- tlmo and
holght of high and low watar at
Th tldos nro placod In tho ordor
of occurronco, with tholr tlmoi on
tho first lino and heights on tho sec
ond lino of each day; a comparison
of consccutWo heights will Indicate
whotlior It la high or low wator. For
nigh water on bar, subtract 2 hours
34 nilnutcB.
Hrs. .0.22
feet .3.5
Mrs. .1.37
Foot .3.2
Hrs. .2.54
Feet .2.7
Hrs". .3. G9
Foot .1.9
Hrs. .G.ll
Feot .1.2
1.00 7.70
0.1 G.l
2.03 0.13
0.1 S.3
3.01 9.05
0.7 5.0
3.G9 10.G4
1.2 5.9
4.59 11.3.1
l.G 0.2
Social Sowing club with Mrs.
D. A. Roes.
A. N. W. Club with Mrs. F. A.
Hazard. 4
Ladles' Art Club with Mrs.
Ivy Condron.
CofjrlfM Hart Scb.Cnef It Mn
Woolen Mill Store
This storo la tho Coos Day homo of
Hart Schnffner & Mark Clothes.
(Dr Associated Press.
OREGON Showors tonight
or Thursday; westerly winds.
local TiairnnATUiiE re-
For twenty-four hours ondinir
"'.I;'3 m.. May 22, by DonJ.
Ostllnd, special govornmont mo-
teorologlcal obBorvor:
Maximum 58
Minimum 35
At 4:43 n. m 38
Precipitation 04
Wind southwest; cloudy.
Always 'The Busy Corner"-
L Make Your Bath J
a Pleasure
I and ct the full health-glv- 1
I Ing benefits from it by using I
I the best bathing helps. I
I When you take a bath you I
LbLv 1 lLsLsLsfl
FOR 8ALH llurlmnlc seed potutoos,
valley raised and gimrantocd rlpo.
Call 170 So. Uroadway or phono
FOR RKN'D Modern I room furn
ished Hut. R. F. Williams.
FOR HKNT CottMiio In Kiuitsldo.
Ono block from ferry bridge Can
nt Myor's store.
FOR HUNT Newly furnished Hat
Furniture for salo. Phono 1G-R
open all the pores of the
sun and to you should bo
tztremely careful that every
thing that touches your body
then Is pure and clean.
We sell hygienic bath
goods of all kinds clean,
oft and durable sponges;
firm, wcU-made body
brushes; pure and whole
some bath soaps, etc.
After your bath, If you are
bible to stiff muscles and
Joints, use REX ALL RUB
D1NQOIL. This is a softening- and
soothing liniment which im
parts a warm, healthful glow
to the skin by increasing the
circulation. Sold with tho
Kexsll guarantee.
Drug Company
'The Busy Corner"
Phone M11I11 208 Us
WILL TIlADi: for a milk cow n No.
1 brood sow weighing 200 lbi.
with 0 flno plga 0 weeks old. lu
ll ill ro Tlmos office
FOR SALE A No. 1 milk cow, 5
years old. Inqulro nt Times of
flco. WANTED Molmtr, wool and ens
earn burk. Apply to Henry Song
stackon, at office of Title Qunr
nntou & Abstract Co.
FOR RENT Flno sunny house-keeping
apartment. Sacchl Hide. En
qulro Nasburg Grocery.
Clifford Donne. Phone 331-R.
FOR SALE 80-ncro ranch on river;
crops In; $1200 cash handles It.
Seo owner, C. M. Doutt, Allognny.
. .Tendier Here Supt. Raab and a
number of North Bond toachora aro
today visiting tho Mnrshllold Hchools.
Mjriit nt llimdon Jos Day and
Jack Dunrto nro scheduled for a bout
nt Hnndon Saturday night. Billy
Wilson and Kid Holbrook who fought
noro onco nro expected to go on In
tho preliminary.
N111110 Officers. Warner V. 0ron
hns boon olected trensuror and Geo.
Johnson secretary of tho Marshflold
bnsebnll team for tho coming BcnHon.
Tho boys expoct their now uniforms
Enjoy Korlnl Mascot Lodgo, Do
greo of Honor, last ovonlng onjoyod
n Hoclnl session following tho regular
uuhihvbh mooting, uniy momuors
woro present. Tho rofroshmonts
wore Borvod by Mm. Nnglo who will
lonvo noon for California.
.Masonic Meeting. Arauo Chanter.
R. A. M last ovonlnir conforred tho
Royal Arch dogrco nt a Inrgely at
tended meotlng. Tho candidates
woro Dr. Uartlo, C. M. Dylor and M.
B. Evorltt of North Demi. Following
tho degroo work, n banquot was on
joyod. Fine Orchard. A. E. Seumnn lil
sotting out 000 red Cravonstoln np
plo trees on his Coos River ranch.
Ho Ir planting SO trees to tho ncro
nml soon will hnvo nn 01 chard of 20
ncres. Besides developing his fruit
Industry, ho now has 150 swarms of
bees on tho ranch, (
To Buoy Tho Llght-
Iiouho tonder Mnnznnlta Is in tho Day
greatly roduco tho danger from Port
Orford roof to vessels caught In tho
storms and fogs which aro so fro
quont along that stretch of tho const.
No Deal Mudc It was reported
horo again today that Messrs. Simp
son nnd Dylor had disposed of their
Inrgo holdings nt Lakeside. C. M.
Dylor stated that no deal had boon
closed for tho proporty although ho
admitted that parties woro negotiat
ing for It.
Will Wed Again Mrs. Longstaff
has Just recelvod word that Mrs.
Clara Nonh, a formor Coos Day res
ident, will wod about Juno 1 at San
Dlogo, Call. Mr. and Mrs. Nonh woro
dlvorcod soon aftor thoy loft Coos
Day. Tho nnmo of Mrs. Noah's finnco
nae not uoon received horo.
Council Tonight. Tho Marshflold
city council will meot this ovonlng.
Dcsldcs tho Southorn Pacific fran
chise matter, a number of strcot Im
provement projects will probably
como up. A potltlon from proporty
owners In tho Mnrkot nvcnuo district
naklng for bltullthlc pnvlng la to bo
prosontod by Messrs. Albrocht and
Snndborg, It la undorstood.
Got Into Warehouse Monday
night, somo unknown prowler broko
Into tho Dreakwntor warohouso but
so far as can bo dotormlncd did not
stonl anything. Ho gainod access by
pushing a small boat undornoath tho
wharf at low tldo and then forcing
ms way up through a Ioobo plank In
tho floor or tho building. Ho loft tho
boat tied near whoro ho had gainod
Is Honored Mrs. Kato Lando wna
cloctod Warden of tho Robokah As
sembly, I. O. O. F., of tho Stnto of
Oregon nt tho annual session which
Is bolng hold in Pendloton, accord
ing to a tologram received by Mr.
Lando todny. Mrs. Lando la, a dolo-
gnto from Marshllold nnd her muny
friends will bo grntldod to loam of
tho honor conferred upon hor. Fol
lowing tho Roboknh mooting, iho
will visit rolntlvcs In Hint soctlon for
n month or so.
Brings Buck Bride. Alfred Od
nmn, lovormnn on tho U. S. dredgo
Oregon, who returned Sundny on tltn
Ilroakwntcr from a two weeks' vncu
Hon at his old oil mo In Wisconsin. Ho
was accompanied on his return by
his brldo, formerly Miss Mlnnlo
Lundborg, to whom ho was married
at Popln, Wis., during his nbsonco.
Tho young couplo will mako tholr
homo In North Uond for tho pres
ents Mr. and Mrs. Odninn woro giv
en n cordial wolcomo by tho mom
bors of tho Oregon nnd many frlonds
will wish thorn n long nnd happy
married llfo.
Buck From Meet Carl Larson,
Sldnoy Clnrko and Guy Stutsman
hnvo roturnod from Corvnllls whoro
thoy roprcsontod tho Mnrshllold High
school In tho stnto field meot. Nono
of thorn woro In vory good condition
aftor tho hnrd stago trip out. Tho
woathor wna vory hot, nnd thb nth
lotlo flold vory poor. Stutamnn did
not qualify In nny of tho events. Lar
son ran In tho 220 yard dash but
Clarko was un-
with tho now light nnd whistling tailed to got a placo.
buoy which will bo established nt nblo to do his best in tho high Jump
Fox Rock to mark Port Orford rcof, owing to bad grounds for tho straight
Tho now buoy will bo established Just run. Clarko roturnod on tho Drain
ns soon as tho woathor will pormlt. ntngo whllo Lnrson and Stutsman
It Is oxpoctod that tho now buoy wlllwalkod In, coming vln Allegany.
JOHN D. GOSS wont to Coqullle this
morning to attend court.
JOHN COLLVER, of Catching Inlet,
wns In Mnrshllold today.
to visit frlonds In Coquilo.
CHAS. SIESTREM camo In todny
from Ten Mllo on business.
ORVILLE DODGE, of Myrtlo Point,
is In Mnrshftcld on business.
A. E. GUYTON left todny for Dan
don on business nnd plonsuro.
JOHN LATTIN, of South Inlot, Ib n
Marshflold business visitor tnilnv.
C. M. DYLER of North Bond wna a
Jlnrshflold buslncsa visitor yestor-
lonvo Boon to visit rolntlvcs In
JAY MONTGOMERY expects to lenvo
on tho next Rodondo to visit roln
tlvcs In California.
MISS KARDELL nnd Mr. Knrdoll
woro down from Cnmp 2 todny on
business nnd plonsuro.
W. F. HARMON nnd II. L. Colomnn
left this nftornoon on u buslnoss
trip to tho Coqulllo Valloy.
FRANK BINGHAM of tho South In
let excolBlor mill wns In Mnrsh
llold on business yestordny.
DEN McMULLEN nnd wlfo nnd son
nro hero from Myrtlo Point for a
fow dnys' visit with friends.
ED. DOYERSMITH of tho Hub Cloth
ing nnd Shoo Storo hna returned
from n business trip to Dnndon.
RALPH DEAN nnd Arthur Donnlson,
of Grants Pass, aro In tho city
guosts nt tho Tom Hnrvoy homo.
W. C. ROSE of Coqulllo, pnssod
through horo todny on routo to
Ton mllo, whoro ho will onjoy n
fow dnva' flshlnc.
E. P. SCHOW of Portlnnd who is woll
known to mnny frlonds on Coos
Bny Is horo on a buslnoss ,nnd
plonsuro vi'ilt.
ns tho Portlnnd Shoo King, nr-
rived on tho Bay yestordny for n
row unys' Btny.
REV. Z. O. DOWARD, tho now min
ister of tho Chrlstlnn church, hna
moved Into tho Mnglnnla houso nt
tlio corner of Pino nnd Highland.
MRS. GILNETT nnd Mrs. L. Andor
son nnd child, of North Bond, will
lenvo tho last of tho wcok for
Portland to visit for a fow weeks.
T. C. WHITSEL who hna boon spond-
ing n fow months on tho Dny with
col. Grlmca nnd othor frlonds will
lonvo tho last of tho week for Los
HENRY PLOEGER of Myrtlo Point
cnino ovor Inst ovcnlng to visit
frlondB nnd nttond tho Mnsonlo
mooting. Ho reports ovorythlng
lino In tho valloy.
MRS. J. T. HARRIDAN and Mm. A.
T. Hnlncfl loft todny for Coos Rtvor
whoro thoy will spond a fow Unys
. W. L.
Onkland 2S 18
Vernon 27 18
Los Angeles ... .23 22
San Francisco . .21 24
Sacramento 19 25
Portlnnd 14 2t
PORTLAND, Mny 22 Portland
wnB shut out In tho first gamo of tho
now sorles nt Snn Frnnclsco yoBtor
dny. Tho Const Longuo gamos ro
Bultod as follows:
At Snn Frnnclsco: R,
Snn Frnnclsco 2
Portland 0
At Lob Angolos: R
Los Angles 1
Vernon 5
At Sncramonto: R,
Sacramonto 2
Oakland 1
MrB. W. T. Morchnnt has boon
qulto ill of ptoraalno nolsonlnk.
A. E. Guyton hna JuBt recovered
from a rnthor sovoro attack of pto
mnlno poisoning.
August Fnrloy, who undorwont an
oporatlon nt Morcy hospital a fow
days ago, Is gottlng along nlcoly.
Aloo Wilson who sustained a stroke
or pnralysts a fow wooks ngo is re
ported doing nicoly nt Morcy Hospl
tnl. Eugono Robinson wns ablo to bo at
his olllco today nftor bolng conOuod
to hla homo a fow dnys by an attack
of ptomnino polBonlng.
Foy Cox enmo dovn from Allognny
todny to socuro modlcnl troatmont for
n sovoro nttnek of ptomnino poisoning
which ho sufforod n fow days ago.
Mrs. Porry Dodson of South Marsh
flold wna tnkon to Morcy hospltnl this
morning and will probably undorgo
nn oporntton for nppondlcltls tomorrow.
M,lsa Gortrudo Mtllor, formerly
stenographer In John D. Gobs' offlco,
will undorgo an oporntlon nt Morcy
Hospital today. Sho has boon ill
for tho last fow wooks.
D. M. Charleston, Inspector on tho
dredgo Oregon, wns tnkon ill last
wcok nnd wont to Dnndon, whoro
Mrs. Chnrloston Is staying nt nrosont.
Whllo not sorlously Blck, ho has bcon
unnblo to return to duty bocnuso of
nt tho "Crow'B Nost" ns guosts of "Is Indisposition.
Mrs. w. E. Dungnn.
todny for a fow dnys' recreation
visit nt Ton Mllo lnko. Dr. nnd
Mrs. Toya expect to Join thorn
Intor In tho wcok.
0. 11. MARSH loft today for Gardlnor
whoro ho will spond n fow dnys
on Southorn Pnclllc right-of-way
matters. Miss Unin Marsh nccom
panlod htm nnd will visit friends
nt Gnrdlnor.
H. J. ISAACS, or North Bond, who
wna In Marshflold on business yes
tordny, snld It wna roportod thoro
Hint n rnllrond survey In now bo
lng mado down tho coast to Dnn
don. Howovor, ho wns unnblo to
socuro nny confirmation of tho ro-port.
A. O. Rogors, Jr., of Coos Rivor
wnH n Marshflold buslnoss visitor) to
day. Grout nnd Perkins hnvo taken tho
contract which L. J. Simpson hold for
building tho road down tho coast to
Shorn Acros. It Is oxpoctod that the
now highway will bo completod In a
month or bo.
That plato-glnss on Front stroot now
nnd bo protoctod from loss. E, 9.
Gonr & Co., room 23, First National
l OR SALE Ono now 20-foot gnso
llno launch. Seo Max Tlmmer
man, 862 North Front stret.
BARGAIN SALE; 40 horsepower
nuto ror SG00; flrst-clnss condi
tion; fully equipped: cost now
$3000; will soil for J000 on eni.
terms. John L. Koontz Mnchlne
shop, North Front street. Phono
Dayton Bicyelcs
Marshfield Cyclery
Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay
At tho close of business April 18. 1012.
Loans and discounts 'I'll
Bonds, warrants and securities IJooo 00
U S. bonds to appiirn MriMilntlnn 0,uuv.u
Real estate, furniture and fixtures ,!1'!! 5J
Cah and sight exchange 198'26M8
Total $501,428.? 1
Capita, stock paid in "TsVAl
Surplus and undivided profits, r. t 25000 00
ftffr: ..u::t.a.n.d.,?f: : :::::: : : : : : : : : : : ' : : ' ' : ' ; "'"3"
Total $501,428.71
Iu addition to Capital Stock the individual liability of Btockbold
trs 1100,000.00.
S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President.
A lot you cannot get to is actually worth little, no matter how close-in it appeaw
on the map or "as a bird flies." A man, unlike a bird, must travel over beaten high
ways. When you make your selection, get a lot that has a good approach ; is on a good
street. If it is also close to a navigable water-course, all iho bettor.
"Ono of the finest building altos In Now York City hna boon vacant
f 1 0111 tho days of tho aboriginal Inhabitants," Bays tho Outlook. "Mrs. O.
II, P. Dolmont hns now acqulrod this proporty and will erect a flno man
sion on It. Until recently this section of Manhattan Island hns boon
DIFFICULT OF ACCF.SS, which fact doubtless nccounta for Its unim
proved condition."
On the other hand see how quickly districts build up which can be reached by good
streets or which are close to street car lines. It is tho old element of transportation.
First Addition to Marshfield
Is arrived at over a splendid, level boulevard, a continuation of tho hard-paved portion
of Fifth strcpt. It is bordered by the dcop water of Coal Bank Inlot. Furthermore,
the 50-foot lots we aro now rolling for $300 each front oi GO-foot streets that aro be
ing opened and graded at ou expense. Ilero is accessibility for you. A number ot
our 'buyers have already built and are living on their lots.
The railroad news of tno past few days has turned attention toward this most
available Marshfield Addition and tho best lots aro going fast. Bettor look them
over now. Call at our office and inspect plat.
Reynolds Development Co.
Coke Bldg.
Tolophono 160-J
nves Want Ads Bring Results