THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. ' COOS BAY TIMES ' THE POET PHILOSOPHER WALT MASON M. C. MALONKY Editor nil Pub. DAV K. MALONEY Nrw Editor THE BENEFIT OF WORK THE cries ngnlnst tho tonslty o( modern Hfo nro many. Pcoplo aro continually deploring tho fnto Hint keeps thorn laboring when tfiero aro so many plonsant thing1? tlioy would prefor to do. nut tho rewards and solncos of labor aro manifold. A wrltor In Harpor-s Weekly observes that It Is tho obll gntlon to work that In adult yonrs HpeodB tho time and Bonds tho years nailing behind us. And It Is truo that tho tragedy of many a Hfo be gun at tho moment when work uo- oamo an Impossibility. Moro than this, work Is a moans of exnrosBlon. Wo toll our plans to our frlonds. Wo talk sympathetic ally of boilers and standards, nut wo mo not really convincing cither to oar frlonds or others until wo liavo our Ideas by somo form oflcffort and attainment. It In work Mint makes us nkln, after all. Wo rjollovo In a man who does things. Ho gains fnlth In himself by tho ro BtiltB of his effort and koops Bnuo fttrd offlclont by continued applica tion. It Is tho concrotonoss of work that HtcndloB tho mind and the consclonco. TJio moro net of labor tends to sys t&natlzo thought and Bharpon con viction. Psychologists toll us much oC tho corelntlon of physical ana mental processes, nnd whethor one works with hands or brain, IiIb por Rcmnllty becomes molded and BOrongthonod by tho responsibility nnd exactions of li!s task. To bo most satisfactory In Its ef fects work should bo nolf-dlrectod, not tho moro drudgory of tho Blavo tuough tills lattor has Its "wholo wnnoly rcdcomlng possibilities. But tho task that originates In tho mind of tho worker, Ib a pnrt of his faltii and hnpo nnd devotion, is a means far tho expression of human person ftllty In terms of llfo. Tho work that Is thus original and tlio ronult of spontaneous effort Is KCduom dull or dondoulng In Its of facts. It represents something po cullarly Individual nnd gives mcnn Ins ns well ns stability to existence nOO-HOO CONCATENATION fllnsH of Kittens to bo InltlnUHl Here Frldny Evening. Col. It. H. HoHti, vlco Oortnn Shark of tho Hoo-IIoo for Southorn Oregon, Ih oxpeeted hero today from Ilnmlon (a nrrnngo for a big concatenation Krtdny evening when n largo class of kittons will bo Inltlatod. Prollmln- nry arrangements for It linvo boon 'lutrfoctod by A. II. Pottor of Portland who hnn boon on tho liny for tho InHt fow dnys. Tho moinbors of tho order and tho candidates will nfisom lilo nt Tlio Chandlor at 7:30 Friday uvonlng. Tho Hoo-IIoo In purely n uncial organization nnd only lumbor- nion, nowspnpormen and frolght trnf lie managers aro ollglblo to membership. Pour roars ago a big concatenation wan bold on Coos Day, a number of prpmlnont monibonn of tho order bo- tag lioro from Portland for tho OYont , ALONG THK WATERFRONT Tin Tramp Balled today for Port Orford. The Oriproy Is In today from tlio Rogue rlvor. Tho nronkwator will Ball tomorrow from Portland for Coos Hay. Tho Advanco mid Kllznboth nailed ycatordny from Hnndon for San Krnnclsco, Eleven steam nil burning stonmora nro now being freed for the trade of tllltt C.OHHt. The Excelsior Bnllod yoatonlny with a cargo of lumber from tho Smith mill for San Francisco. The Bclionnor Omogn Ib on route hnro from San Francisco nnd the Ad vent Is also duo from San Podro soon. Goorgo Forty linn chartered (loorgo Wllson'n launch, tho Wnndoror, for his annual ncnllon hunt near Port Or font Admiral Uriel Sohreo, U. S. N ro Ured. Is vlHltlug In San Francisco. Ho wan the first lighthouse InHpector for this district, Tho world's largest drydock has boon complotod at Helfast, Irelnnd. It Ik 88(3 foot long nnd 100 feet wide. All told It wns eight years In build ing. Tho A. M. Simpson, the now Htoam sirhnouor ofv tho SliupRon Lumber company, roturned last night from her first trip to San Pedro. Sho had u good trli up tho coast and will load for Snu Francisco. No pnssengors enmo up on lior. A majority of tho big ocean golug vessels now biitlillng In Europe, es pecially thnso being constructed in Hwcilen nnd Norway nro to bo of the Internal combustion typo. Looks like ttu coal nnd oil burners must go with tho sailing ships. After July 1, each passenger vessel coming under the Unttod States wire- HhH xttlp act will bo rompelled to car ry an auxiliary wireless sot not de pendent upon the vessel's dynamos, engines or storago battery plants of any kind. Tho auxiliary battory nuiBt ho loeutod In the wireless room of tho vessel on tho upper deck. The Oaproy, which arrived In from Rogue Klvor today, wns found to have sprung a leak and will be taken to the North Bond shipyards for re- paira Sho will tako out n big eargo of brick, cement and other building material for tho Mnclcay estate of Portland, tho new owners of tho Hunio properties on Roguo Rlvor. Henry Fonts, Hodar. Neb.. Is tho father of ton children and for the past 20 years has used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with tho best of result. Ho tolls us: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is tho best cough medicine In tho world for liavo used it for the past 20 warn and can recommend It to any one needing a couch medicine." CFor sale by Red Cross Drug Co. MOKE SUNSHINE Old Dlldad Is a cheerful Jay; ho goes around tho city nnd scatters BuiiBhlno on his way, nnd sings a choor-up ditty. Ho has a holpful word for all, and wo should nil bo Joyous when wo hnvo heard his caterwnul and yot his splols annoy us. For Drs. Tllldad does tho chores around tholr humblo cottage; sho builds tho fires nnd scrubs th floors nnd stews the ontmenl pottngo. A woman's In nn ovll pasB who has a husband burly, and yot must plant tho gardon snss and hoo It Into nnd early. Poor Mrs. Dlland, worn nnd grny, llko ono bay hors Is tolling; Bho's hustling round by night nnd day to keop tho pot a-bolllng. Sho works tho churn with flngora soro, tho morning milk she's skimming, whllo Dlldad sits In Dcoswnck's storo nnd does his sunny Jlmmlng. And so wo don't admlro him much, this sunny, helpful nolghbor, that optimism noedB n crutch which Isn't backed by lnbor. Tho sorohend who supplies Ills wlfo nnd kids with tempting dlnnor P?-3. "i lar , f does moro to glorify this Hfo thnnflfty lnzy grlnncrs, ftvtmlifcL Owrc JUt&Uw 'OdmJn arf7H vffjrrr- - SCENIC ROUTE 10 COOS BAY Engineer Hoey Enthuses Over Country Along Line From Eugene Here. Tho Eugono Guard Bays: "Tho opening of tho now railroad from Eugono to Marshflold will glvo nccoso to a country of ouormouo wealth nnd unsurpassed bonuty," said II. P. Hooy, chlof construction onglnoor ot tho Southorn Pnclllc company's linos of Wostorn Orogon ami Northorn California, who with W. It. Fontalno, onglnoor in chnrgo, has Just roturnod from a trip ovor tlio route of tho road from Eugono to Marshllold. Mr. Hooy says that tho timber resources of tho country aro vast ,and tho agricultural possibil ities splendid. Tho harbor nt Mnrah lleld is mugnlllcent nnd that city sur prised him by ltu slzo nnd ontorprlso. "I hnvo novor travolod through u moro beautiful piece of country In my work of traversing right-of-way." buUI Mr. Hooy. "Tho road ruus along the edge ot a chain of lakos nestling ut tho foot of tho coast rango, and it will bo truly u sconlc routo. Two of those lakes nro each ten inlloa long, and ono la llvo miles long,, and there aro a numbor of Btuallor onos. Tho banks aro hoavlly timbered nnd tho vlow from tho road will bo do llghtful. Tlieso hikes and tho sur rounding country will constitute a torrltory thnt will bo a paradlao for tho hunter nnd llsherman, nnd tho lakes will certainly bo utlllzod as Hummer rosorts whon tho road Is fln- Idwd." Heavy Construction. "Tho work from nn onglnoorlng point of vlow will bo hoavy nnd interesting. Sovornl largo bridges nnd n numbor of smnllor onos will hnvo to bo built, ns tho truck will cross tho Sluslaw, tho Umpqun, nn arm of Coos Boy and many minor streams. I mado tho trip In ordor to got a gonoral outllno of tho country bo that I could procood nt onco whon I should recolvo tho word to begin. I have not poraonnlly rccoived word from tho bond olllco yot. I hnvo Boon McArthur Perks & Co., who hnvo also bcon ovor tho routo rocont- Loroy Thnckor, Wntortown, S. D., .Bays: "I autfored with rhoumntlsm for ovor olght years, and It soomed nt tlnios I would go crnzy with pain. Throo bottles of Foloy Pills cured my ihuunintlBin nnd I gladly recommend thorn. Sold by Rod Cross Drug Co. McCOKMIOIC nml DULCE Aro pleasing the nudlenccs nt Ihe Royal A good Rubo Act TONIGHT Nlco dancing nnd good singing. THREE NEW PICTURES "A Kuiichuinit'rt Mother-ln-Luw" "Revenue Officer' Last Case" M)ivH"nito Desmond Almost Suc ceeds." The best show on tho ConBt for 10c. ly, but hnvo received no ordors. I doomed it best to go out nnd got a vlow of things so that I would bo ready to procood when information would nrlvo. I hopo thnt wo enn annn trot linnv nn T would llko to hnVO tho wholo lino laid out as noon as. poslblo." Work In Progress. Mr. tfnov nnlil thnt work nbovo i Oakrldgo is progressing rapidly, tho report of last wook showing nn nv orngo of 629 men por dny nt work. Track work on tho Klamath ond of tho cut-off Is also progressing, though no now contracts hnvo bcon lot thoro. Work between Eugono nnd tho tunnol on tho Coos Dny lino Is going nlong Tory nlcoly. 0'Kelly's Auto Line Running botweon North Dond nnd MnrBhnold ns por schodulo. Lcnvo North Hend Lcnvo Mnndiflcld G:G5 n. m. 7:40 " 8:25 " 9:10 " 9:5G " 10:40 " 11:25 " 12:10 p. m. 12:55 " 1:40 " 2:25 " 3:10 " 3:55 " 4:40 " 5:25 " 0:10 " C:GG " 7:5G " 8:55 " 9:55 " 10:55 " 11:55 " 10 a. in. 55 " 7 7 8:40 " 9:25 " 10:10 " 10:G5 " 11:40 " 12:25 p. in. 1:10 " 1:55 " 2:40 " 3:25 " 4:10 " 4:55 " 5:40 " 0:25 " 7:25 " 8:25 " 8:25 " 10:25 " 11:25 " 12:25 n. m. Lv. North Dond Allon'a Nowb Stnnrl Lv. Mnrshflold Chnndler nnd Dlnn co Hotols. Big Dance at Sumner Saturday May 25 Billy Keyser's Four-Piece Orchestra will furnish music. Stonmor Wnh-ta Wnsa lonvcs North Dond nt 7 nnd Mnrshflold nt 7:30 and Mllllcomn leaves Marshflold at 7. EVKKYIIODY COME FINE TIME. A Modorn Ilrlck DuildTng7Elsctrlc Light, Steam Hoat. Elogantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. HOT Eli COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day nnd Upwards. Cor. Droadway nnd Market. Marshfleld. Orogon. Perham Park The Only Restricted Building District on Coos Bay Tho entire 80 Acres has been platted into lots aud is now on the market. Tho property lies in the center of Marshficld, fivo to ten minutes ' walk from the business part of tho city. Remember each lot is large enough for a first-class homo. Prices From $400 to $600 On Easy Terms E. G. PERHAM Lockhart Bldg., 2nd floor, opposite Postoffice. fewV The Sign of Good Candy Always You Auto Call Foote PHONE 11 1-J NIGHT AND DAY Stnnd front of Lloyd Hotol. TWO NEW OARS Aftor 11 P. M. Phone B-J Roeldonco Phono 28-J Will mnho trips to Coqullle. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MAKSHFIETJ). ORE. City Auto Service I Good Cars, Cnroful Drlvors nnd 'ronsonablo chnrgos. Our motto: "Will go nnywhero nt nny time." Stands Dlauco Hntol and Dlanco .Clgnr Storo. Dny Phonos 78 nnd 40. Night Phono 4G. ItARKIvR & aOODATiE, proprietors. Gas Water Heaters Take Up Little Room But Fill All the Need of the Household, Unique Pantatorium TIIR MODERN DYKRS. CLKANKR0, PRKSSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Aftent for Edward El. Strauss & Co. fine Tailoring Lot ui make your next Suit. CHB Commrrclnl. Phnao SAO-X. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. pLOOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality "A Rose o' Plymouth Town" DY THE SENIOR CLASS Of Mnrshfleld High School, at MASONIC OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY EVENING MAY 25TH Rosorved seats 50c. Now on snlo nt "Busy Cornor." Lynn Lamboth Fred Nomlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All NlKht Scrvlco Careful driving assured. rhono Dlanco Pool Room, 231-R until 11 P. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phono 5-J. Palace Rostaurnnt. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pnen inntlc Cleaning Company. Orders for uork taken at GOINO & HARVEY PHONE 100 Have That Roof Fixed KOW See GORTHELL Phono m NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE Is horehy given thnt tho undersigned administrator of tho eu tato of John Makl, deceased, will re colvo soaled bids for tho sale of tho following described property, to-wlt: Beginning 15 chains south of the cor. of Sees. 14. 13, 22 and 23, Twp. 24 S.. of R. 13 W.. of tho Will. Mer., In Coos County, Oregon, run thence S. 2.60 Chs.; thenco W. 20 Chs.; thence N, 2.50 Chs.; thence E. 200 Chs. to tho place of beginning, contnlnlng 6 ncres. more or less. Said bids to bo i presonted nt the office of James T. nan, .Marsnneid, Oregon, on or be fore 30 days from the date of this notlco, to-wlt. June 18, 1912. Dated at Marshfleld, Oregon, this 18th day of May, 1912. ALEX JOHNSON, Administrator of the estate of John Makl, deceased. -gas water heat ers are ready every hour of tho 21 to provide quickly piping hot water for: wash basins hath shaving washing dishes washing clothes scrubbing floors cleaning -gas water heatcn consume little gas. -Solve the diffi culty of getting hot water for other purposes while preparing a meal. -Do away with the labor of heating water in small quantities on the range. -Telephonol78foi details of our gas water heater proposition. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT MARSHTIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Danktng House Cash and Exchanges Total LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In ',, Surplus and Undivided Profits Doposlta , Total Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors and Supplies. PHONE 184-R. 170 So. Broadway, next door to Union Meat Market. i!.SV . Sweden-iwrau. uej.f,..-- v-a 68 Central "--