IE JAN WHO IS RUNNING THE DICE GAME DOESN'T EXPECT TO LOSE MONEY BY IT rvKHTISlNa in The TIMES iZionr ltd lb. "In (tas WANT ADVERTISING in The TIMK" Will Kii tho Income from Yo: Furnished Rooiiim from Lnpuinl YOU can really holp th-d fatally revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, It you knuw bow and when to ii8o tho classified columns. you may keep that Httlo extra Income an "steady as n clock." arotroa ,ho Mket" Effectively! " . ,- fiiKia nhnut vour 11 r'Jforo Uo eyes of nil "pos- "' .. one of tliom wno uuui iu W? -,M! C11 Itl leg 11. "" " ME.MIIKH OF ASSOCIATED PRIC8S ,xxxv ijstabllslicd In 1878 hh Tim Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall Jq. 264 and Coot liny Advertiser. Bag OSEVELT WINS OHIO OVER IT Br 30,000 PLU RALITY -t iu. AO niclrinf lures 3o l'r on: Delegates io uuoiiioaiju uonvumiuii. Iht for OTHEK SIA 0FS1AICO UCLUUHIW - ilnti On Ahln tn H forces may uv, . w feontral State Convention P ll..inn lAfinO I naimuii iiiiij. ' STIIili hui'jw - -Jn u'lV NOMINATION (Or Associated Proas.) l-ieiiittnrnN. D. C. May I n.IJnl Tnft aftOf lllfl MP tour of Ohio reached L bis work preparatory to baring tomorrow xor now iyi- to campaign ior uoiunuwa iv- -wnd nt tho nrlmarlos E... .-. Tiinsilnv. Ifo has rc uv - --. --- .:. - kje It known to inonus mat. . i. -tin in tho fleht nnd bo- Ltt bo wllll havo enough dol- HtM to obtain tuo nomination ICblCSRO. I TO llliAT ROOSEVELT inv Anoclatod Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C Mny .-Although no ofllcinl np- total Is given to tho roport, u I Mri!tfntlv rumored that iff wilt mako ovorv effort now jprerent Roosovolt gottlng tho fcalsallon. mo nowa irom w k!o did not seem to porturb M In too least. ! 1IGIIT TO IIITTKIt END (DyAssoclted Press.) t WASHINGTON, May 22. Mldent Taft today arranged i txtend bis trip to Now Jor- rto bo will bo campaigning In nt itite until an hour boforo i polls open at ono o'clock Tuesday. Tuo original Wills yould finish Monday kit, Tbo oxtonBloh Is said to Klcite that ho will mako u do- reined fight on Roosovolt to i titter end. Fiiwclatod Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) M.UMBUS, May 22. Moro corn- returns from yesterday's Ohio jitntlal primary nt noon today to tbat Col. Roosovolt has won tbo 42 doloKntoa to tiro ronub- ( tutorial convention solcctod In Mtnty-ono congressional- dls- and Taft was elvon ton dls- Melegates or slightly loss than pnerot tuo total nunibor named. I the democratic tlckot. Harmon wed to havo won by a largor Mage than did Roosovolt, bolng ted lth thirty flvo district dol- U against seven for Wilson. ttough Taft secured but ton out "tHwo dologatcs, tho Taft- "eil lie it In Ohln Ih not ln. W will ho cnrrlod Into tho' republican convention Juno 3 I will select six delegates nt to the nntlonal convention. total of less than ono thous egatea to tho sttito convon 1 largo portion of whom woro med yesterday, nearly com-.) wu lauicaio Tart has nenr-. "umcieut numbor to control In 1 "em he will havo slxtoon dol- Of tho fortv-elelit from Ohio Chicago convention. iugn u probably may bo ln- y later returns, It Is ostl- ; i Jtoosovolt has a plural Pproxlmatolv 2G.ono o no.- r Taft In tho plurality con- DELIGHTED," T. ROOSEVELT Elated Over Victory In Ohio Says It Cinches the Nomi nation for Him. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) OYSTER HAY, N. Y May 22. "Tho result In Ohio has Bottled tho contest," said Col. Rosovolt today. Tho Colonol was greatly olated ovor tho reports from. Ohio. "Naturally I nm much ploasod with tho ImpulBlvo Judgment of Ohio," ho said. "Seriously I can only ropoat what I havo alroady said. I infinitely prefor tho dollborato Judgment of tho peoplo to their Ira pulso Judgomont nnd In Ohio wo got their dollborato Judgment and as I hnvo also said If I had to mako a cholco, I would chooso tho Impulsive Judgment of tho peoplo rathor than tho dollborato. Judgtnont of tho boss es." "I believe wo could win without Ohio, Our opponents ncod substan tially tho Bolld voto of Ohio In ordor to glvo them ovon n chnnco to mnko contest In tho Chicago convention. "Tho victory In Ohio moans It will bo hopeless to try to boat us In Wash ington, Indiana, Kentucky and olso whoro nor will It bo posslblo for thorn to win by seating dologntlons from the southern states which re present nothing whatovor but fraud." PRISONER SHOT AS HE REQUESTED Utah Murderer Executed as He Desired Confessed to Mur der of Boy While Robbing Home. (Dy Aaaoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Times.) SALT LAKE, May 22. Flvo riflemen concealed by a black cur tain Bent Bteol-nosod bullets Into tho heart of a blindfolded man as ho sat dorcr, was tho target. Ho had so lccto'tl tho bullots nnd tho firing squad In proforenco to tho ropo nnd gallows nftor his conviction for tho murder of Thomas Knrrlck, 14 years old, whom ho shot nnd fatally wounded in tho course of n daylight burglary. Blrmay confessed to tho crime, last night. Tho condemned, who was a Hungarian, was 24 years ntfl. tin una hllnrlfnlfln.l tnfnA tin left tho cell and did not soo tho chair In a wooden chair in tho stato prison in which ho was bound, nor tho cur iniB morning, jtuius Hirmay, a mur- tain of his cxccutlonors THIRTEEN ON DHOW JURY Trial of Noted Chicago Attor ney for Jury Bribing Opens Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Call., May 22. Tbo selection of a Jury to try Clar onco S. Darrow, tho noted Chicago nttornoy for allegod Jury bribing In tbo McNamara caso waB completed today, opening tho way for tho tak ing of ovldonco. Aftor tho accept ance of tho 12 Jurors, both sides agreed to select 13 or moro super numerary Jurors to act in event of the Illness of a regular Juror. GALLS ON TAFT TO WITHDRAW 5 VICTORY OST $300,000 P0r McKinlnv nf Tntt Campaign, Talks of unio Results. Nc!ated Press to Tho Coos 5tiivuajr flmes.) 5ffi0N- May 22-Dlrector 'I 01 the Vntt I, .. .., ,,l...l i!t i th? Pre3ldont will havo at x hundred delegates In tho 9 COnvan4t. ww . . ... iJcanHTr.".Biron8iaot mo ttlon." ino UIU0aB cn.:' aiu me uoosevelt man wncentrated their energies In irellflM "' ""'" uu" i"t relt . ro,orjea that tho Daleii I .u v oounr in ftAablv5Wf.wp.,on?: rfiS"S3-A2;g.?0-ff n Senator Dixon, Roosevelt Man ager, Wants Him to Retire From Contest. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 22. Sonntor Dixon, hoad of tho Roosovolt nntlonal headquarters, today Issued a Btatoment practically calling on President Taft to withdraw from tho presldonllal contest. "Ohio mnkos tho tenth ropnbllcnn stnto whoro tho candidates of Taft and Roosevelt wore submitted to tbo republican voters for a decision, e.'.td Dixon's statomont. "Tho ver dict hns boon unnnlmous In evcrv stnto. Taft nnd his campaign man agers hnvo fully roallzod that nn nd vorso verdict In Ohio would be tho donth knell to tho movomont to re nominate Tnft. Taft frankly so slat ed In a speech at Clovolnnd last Thursday. , , , "Tho ropnbllcnn party Is bigger ., n. n,i,iiinn nf nm' nun man. Tho ono wIbo, pntrlotlc thing to be dono by Tnft and his managers now Is to accept tho unanimous verdict of .!, rnmiiiiiMn iii'luiarv states nnd wlthdrnw from tho contest. Neither . i.i.. .,..,m.nru pnn lonuor ro nor nm niiiiiBv. - - withstand tho nntlon-wido mpvoment that cnlls Roosovolt onco again to as Biime tho leadership of ( tho ropuh 11 can party. His nomination is lnevlt. ablo at Chicago and his election cer tain In Novomuor. CHURCH JOLTS W OS ARE ELECTED Dr. Henderson of New York and Dr. Shepard of Chicago Honored by Metho'dists. (By Associated Tress to Tho Coos Bay Timos.) MINNEAPOLIS, May 22. With tho election of Dr. T. R. Hondorson of Now York and Dr. W. O. Shopard of Chicago to bo bishops of tho Meth odist Episcopal church on tho el eventh ballot last night, dologntcs to tho gonoral conference doclnrod they did not expoct tho naming of anothor of tho live remaining to bo choson for sovornl ballots. It Is said that tho Enlsconal commltteo finally docldod on Holena, Mont., Atlanta nnd Kan sas City as Episcopal rosldonccs to do established. HEAVY DAMAGE BY LIGHTNING State of Michigan Loses $600,- 000 in Fire at Flint Caused By Lightning. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) FLINT, Mich., May 22. It is esti mated that it will cost tho state closo to six hundred thousand dollars to replaco tholiulldlngs and oqulpmont of tho Michlgnn school for tho doaf In this city which was struck by llght nln nnd burned early today. All of tho 290 deaf children and tonchors and employes woro asleep In tho main building when tho tiro broke out and wcro rescued without panic or Injury. BAPTIS1S IN Si W Hints of Extravagance of Mis sionaries cause Sensation at Dcs Moines. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) DE8 MOINES, May 22 Tho au nual convention of tho Northorn Bap tist Association oponod hero today and will contlnuo sovon days. Tho quostlon "How many cents in n dol lar subscribed for foreign missions reaches tho mission Hold" to bo put to tho dologatcs Is oxpoctod to pro duco a fonsatlon. Hints of nllogod extravngnncc on tho part of foreign olllcliilH aro frooly made lliElil) y OPENS BEFORE LARGE CROWO NSVAAV S GO TO PRISON Mrs. Parkhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sentenced Today In London. NOTED SUFFRAGETTES TO GO TO ENGLISH IMtlSON (By Associated Press.) LONDON, May 22. Mrs. Em- mellno Pankhurst, tho militant suftrngotto lender and Mr. and Mrs. Pothlck Lawronco, Joint editors of "Votoo for Woraon" 4 wero nil found guilty today and oach was sentenced to nlno monthB' Imprisonment on tho 4 4 chnrgo of conspiracy Inciting to 4 malicious damngo of property. 4 (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times ) LONDON, May 22. Tho two women woro n pathetic flguro whon tho vordlct, of guilty was brought In by tho Jury. Mrs. Pankhurst trembled visibly and pleaded to bo treated as a first-class mlsdomca.n nnt. Mrs. Lawronco, raising both hands In nn nttltudo of prayer, swayed nB sho uttered, "May (lod do fond ub ns our cnimo Is Just." Tho prisoners woro nil sontoncod to con finement In tho second division, which docs not lnvolvo hard labor. MILLIS VIEWS WILSON TODAY Appointment As Presbyterian 1 Delegates Rescinded By Louisville Assembly. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Timos.) LOUISVILLE, Kjr.. May 22. MomborB of tho Presbyterian Genera Assembly in session hero today voted to rescind its action In naming See- Kdanco8ofWiison at tho Brewers' Congress last summer. ST3E THE SENIOR PIAY "A KPSP of Plymouth Town," at theMABOXIO, Saturday. May 2o. I?eserTenats', 60c Busy Corner. After thV.bow try Turkish Bath pfcoat iU-J. LARGE TRACT Takes North Bend's Offer of Terminal and Shop Ground Under Consideration.' C. J. Mlllls was In North Bond this morning In conforonco thoro with parties who had offered tho Southorn Pacific about 200 acros of land free on condition that tho tract would bo used for tho terminals and shops of tho Southern Pacific. Mr. MIIIIb on his return was dis inclined to discuss tho matter. Ho said tbat although no papors had been Blgnod up about tho mattor, ho was vory much pleased with tho pro spect. About 100 acre of tho tract llos In tho Pony Slough basin and the balance nearby. Ho said that the proporty would bo a very valua ble accession although tbo conditions attendant upon Its gift woro far--AnfiiiniF. ono bolntr that North Bond bo mado the principal terminal of tho line, Mr. Mlllls said that thoro was nothing In tho local railroad situa tion. Ho said that ho wns hoping that something would soon mater ialize In the company's efforts to ob tain a right of way through Marsh field As to what might dovolop at the council meeting tonight, he had nothing to say. No word has been recolved con cerning the awards of tho Biib-con-tracts on the balance of tho lino here from Eugene. JUST 80 YEAItS OLD, HE'S PPA OF BOUNCING TWINS NEW YORK, May zz aii re- 4 cords are believed to bo broken here by Dr. Allyn Gorton, who, 4 at the age of 8.0 years, is tho I RS i E i OOPS T SENT TO FRONT Cuba Makes Strenuous Effort to Quell Uprising of Negroes On Island. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Times.) HAVANA, May ,22 Tho govorn mont today dispatched rolnforcomont for tho twolvo hundred government troops now In tho province of Orlonto for I ho object of surrounding tho negro Insurgents. Tho nogroos undor tho command of aenornla lChtynoso nnd Ivonott aro oporntlng at El Can oy, El Cobro and San Luis In tho vic inity of Santiago. SITUATION IS SERIOUS Criminal Prosecution Growing Out of t. W. W. Trouble Begins Today. PORTER'S FtillEfclDS WEAR FLAG AS BADGlE Accused Man Denies Making Alllegcd Threats Against I. -W. W. Lawyer. (By Associated Press tn Cooa Bay Times.) SAN DIEGO, Call., May 22. With all tho superior court Jurists In Son Diego county sitting In tho enso, tho contempt hearing of J. M. Portor, th alleged "Vlgllanto" loador, wan be gun today. Tho court-room wn crowdod yhon tho action was cnllecj, many cUlxcns wearing Amorlcrrn flngs on tholr coat Inpoln an n sign of sympathy with Portor it waB said. Among tho spectators woro many f. W. W. Judgo Lowls, tho sonle Judge, wnB soloctod to prcsldo. State Sonator Loroy Wright, chtof counsol for Portor, who Is also represented by sovoral other attorneys, nil sorV lng without compensation, filed a do murror to tho affidavits of Attorney Fred II. Mooro that tho nllogod vlgl lanto loador hnd threatened him nnd Interfered with his dofonso of Ticlloal who was Implicated with tho Indu trtnl Workers' disturbances hero. Tho domurror was overruled, whorp upon Portor fllo'd an affidavit in which lio nvorrod that ho had not in tended to throaton nor intorforo wltn Moore's court work. . Portor ndmlttcd that ho had tola Mooro to "Tako a hunch from th'o demonstration nt tho hotol" tho night Dr. Benjamin Rcltman, mnnagor or Emma Goldman, was Utkon from Snj'i Dloga nnd tarred. Tortor gavo other testimony t6ndlng to Buhstnntlnto hl clnlm that ho had not Intorforod with. Mooro nnd tho caso wont ovor until tomorrow. FREGH I Conference of English Federa tion Opposes Awards by Wage Boards. ' (By Associated Press to Tho Coob Boy Times.) LONDON, May 22 Tho national conferonco of tho minors' federation railed to discuss tho operations of tho recently enacted mlulmum wngo act for minors adjourned today aftor tho adoption of a resolution which In dicates tho mon nro not nverso to anothor fight. Tho resolution rec ords tho fodorntlon's protest against awards given by district wngo boards alleging tho boards fix tho minimum wauo for minors flguro below a rea sonable living wago which tho gov ernment lod tho mon to expect. An Interview with tho government will lio souirht nftor which anothor con ference of tho foderntlon will lio caVed to deal with tho government's reply. AID RUSSIAN NAVY Over fJ.OOO Negroes Ilelicl Near Han ' tiugo uiid Aro Armed. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SANTIAGO, Cuba, May 22. Tho situation Is rapidly becoming moro H-iloi's. it Is oMlrjotod Unit over llvo thousand negWM lmo takon up arniH In tho province of Orlonto nlono. FLEE TO SANTIAGO T 0ALLED1UT Warehouse Men or Big Eastern Railways Called Out By ' President. (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Ilajr Times.) CHICAGO, ill., May 22. Freight handlora In nil parts of tho country wero notlflod toduy that u gonoral strike order had been Issued hy Presldont P. J. Flannory, of tbo In ternational Brotherhood of Ilnllway Freight HnndlorB. FALSE RUMOR CAUSES STIR I A. -v Jlhnr nf tWltlS. TAB UBU1L-B l I I said to be In perfect health and he suffer I !.a'?iH if x and a half Harr, a J founds each on arrival. Mrs. filling. He T E . " i- .nnrn.M,inr middle . pain and fl uonou vi - i - - JJiiina Commltteo Favors Big Appro priation for Purpose. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) ST. PETERSBURG, May 22. Tho Deronso Commltteo of tho Duma ad optod unanimously the government proposal to grant J251.000.000 for the naval ship building programme. U TOOTHACHE IS CHARGED AT RATJi OF 9p A jmi PORTLAND. Ore., May 22. Toothache Is charged for at tho rate of $50 a day n a damago action bolng tried In Judgo Mc- Olnn's court, F. ijecman buo od ao days aiier iu j dentist, had put in a wants Jiooo jor me 80 for gdneral danl- ' '4 RcNiilentH of Rural Districts Flocking to City for Safety. (By Associated Pres to 'Coos Bay Times.. SANTIAGO. Cuba. May 22. Many women and children In tho out lying districts, Including tho fami lies of Amorlcans employed at tho Juragua Iron mines, nro taking rei ugo In this city. ASSA ULT OX A.M ER1CAN8 Cuban Negroes Alleged to Havo Robbed Two, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANTIAGO, May 22. Floyd Schick and Joseph B. Ryan, Ameri can citizens, complained to Ross E. Holladay, tho Ainorlcan Consul at Santiago, of bolng assaulted and robbed by armed nogroos whllo on tho way to Slboney. SEE THE SENIOR PLAY "A Rose of Plymouth Town," at tho MASONIC, Saturday, May 2n. Resorved seats, COc. Busy Corner. DECLARE ADS MUST TELL ABSOLUTE TRUTH 4 By Associated Press DALLAS, Tex., May 21. The necessity of absolute truth In advertising was tho koynoto of today's discussions at tho eighth annual convention of tho Asso- plated Advortlalng Clubs of ' America. Tho demand for a high, moral ethical character in advertising Is one of the rap- v Idly developing features of the meeting. , A Many Alarmed Over Report of Finding of Dead Man in Reservoir. Llttlo Bhort of n furoro haB been caused by tho spreading of a roport that a dead man had boon found tn tho rcsorvolr of tho Coos Bay water system. Tho report which was In circulation yesterday Is absolutely without foundation but it has beun so persistently circulated that many have glvon it crodouco. Tho water company's ofllco has boon beslogod by Inquiries nbout It and It was tho most dlscussod matter uround town. Bupt. McCarty of tho water com pany said that ho vlsita tho reser voir threo timos u day ovory day and thnt nothing unusual haB boen found In tho resorvolr. Sunday, somo ptft ulckora had thrown an ompt beer bottlo Into tho rosorvolr nnd tj.o par ties fishing tho bottle out had refer red to tbo empty bottlo as a "dead soldier." This might possibly havo boon misunderstood by somo ono nnd In retelling It referred to tho omply bottlo as a "doad man.' Many patrons of tho water com pany wero so alarmed by tbo roport that they ceased using wntor from (ho hydrantB and havo boon endea voring to get water from wolw around town. HOWARD'S genutno MEXICAN TAMALH8 delivered any placo In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlghc They are READY to SERVE. Tlioao 838. Try The Times "Want Ad. II fl 1