THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1912 EVENIMG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES WALT MASON THE POET PHILOSOPHER M. C. MALONEY Editor and Pub. DAN E. BIALONKY News Editor t. t . BCOfETHINO TO THINK ABOUT FROM now until Novombor tho poopto of Oregon, will hnvo aotnothing to think about, with 2T bills up for the. Novembor oloc tl6n, but this Is four less than, two yearn ngo. . Of those six wore referred by tho Inst loelslnturc, nnd four of tho laws unSBOd hnvo been roferondumed, In cluding the University of, Orogon bill. Tho six measures roforrctl to tho people by the legislature Include nn mnendment to Section 8 or Artlclj o of the Constitution, creating tho ot flcp ,of LIcutonapt Governor; nn ntnondmont to Section 1 of Artlclo ?, providing fci uniform rules of taxa tion; nn amendment to Section 32 of A'rtlclo 1, providing that no tax shall bo Imposed without tho consent of Iba poqplq or thplr representatives Id .(ho legislative assonibly; an ntnehdmont to Soctlon 1 or Artlclo 0. abolishing poll tux; an amendment ta Section 1 or Artlclo 17, providing manner of nmondlng Constitution: nn nmendmont to Seqtlon 3 of Artlclo II, fixing liabilities ot stockholder of, corporations. Two referendum petitions hnvo been tiled against tho npproprintlons f6r tho University of Oregon, which nggrogato $831,517,84, nnd a rofcr ondum vote will bo taken on tho ap propriation of 150,000 for tho Mon mouth normnl dormitory. Besides tnea,p three, a roforendum potltlon has boon filed against Sonnto bill No. 72 which, provides for putting regu lation of nil public scrvlco corpora tions, fn hands ot tho Stato Railroad Commission. Among tho moasurcs for which pc ttttonB- nro now being circulated, or will bo circulated shortly, nro four Uuc monsurcs bolng prepared by thu Bfato Tax Commission; four high way bills; one to nbollsh capital pun ishment: ono to fix railroad freight classifications nnd rates; ono for tho repeal of tho county's right to estnb llsli lU own tax system; ono to sub wtltuto a filing feo for tho potltlons of candidates In primary election ;ouo 4& prevent congestion of nominees of tone party In cities: ono to mako Lln ' coin's birthday a logal holiday; ono , to nlake tho flat salary amendment npply to tho stato printer Immo- rilatoly Instead of at tho close of tho InciitnhcUt'd term. 111 I. U. ,.tTlT lV Tho fountain pen is useful to all our human tribes; It's bettor than tho goosoful quill used by ancient Bcrlbcs. It's bought by Christmas shoppor to glvo to Undo Heck, so lie can pusu a ) stopper down In a bottlo's nock. I'vo bought about a dozon at Jlrapson's nqtlon storo, nnd undo, nunt and, ' cqusln gnVo mo as" many moro; and It I do not loso thorn, thoy aro a boon, you'd think; but whon I want . to use thorn they're olwayB out of Ink. And if somo Ink still lingers Insldo tho blamed maohlno, it gots upon my fingers nnd stains mo. rddor grcoh. If am In a hurry, It rends my bosom then; thoro's noth ing else can worry man like a fountain pen! I twist It nnd I shako It, and turn tho thing around, and thon got mad nnd break it nnd stamp It In tho ground. ' A fountain pen would pleaso mo nnd fill mo with do-1 llirht: of trouble It would enso mo If It would only1, write. Tho fountnln pon Is handy for pushing corks, I think: It surolv Is n dandy nt splashing you with Ink. It has a dozon fcaturos commending It to men, but no wqll-bnlancod crea tures would uso It as a pon I ftT.rTijkt.i3i2.fcf a. Ay fj9VWJ mvM mmnnmw w nn n i t i - jap captain AHAflO AND VICINITY . J.. W. Mendows Is aulto 111 again. Miss Oraco Millor spent Sunday with her slstor. Mrs.' Marlon Clinton iMIut Morlo Rndnbuugli, who is tonrhlng at Fat Elk, Bpont Sunday at hor'liomo on Flsutrap. J.' O. Find, who Is teaching tho Iln'nor Flshtrap school, spent Satur day and Sunday' at His home in Co qtllllo. Tho road supervisor, Marion Clin td'u, is doing consldorablo work on thti road along the grndo bolow EIbIi trup' landing. Lowls PInkorton returned homo from 8,n Francisco a fow days ago. Mrl ' PInkorton brought COO little "WCiiUo Leghorn ghlekous homo with liljw. MIrii Myrtle Hodgo has been en gaged to tench tho fall ami winter torm ot school nt Flshtrap. Miss Hodgo Is now touching school In natulan. . . . Tho Farmers' Union had tfiolr Ire cream social at tho Flshtrap school house Saturday afternoon. It was lnrgoly attended nud everyone enjoy ed thomsolvca liumonsely. Tho tiuartorly meotlug will bo hold uUtho Methodist church Sunday, May 19. Tho members nnd friends nro to bring their dlnnera nnd pnrtuko of a basket dinner at tho church house on that day. Ono very unique article sold at tho bazaar Saturday ovonlng was n lovely cako niudo by Mm. Krnntz, It was u rroatn cako decorated with encoanut nnd raisins. It wits puruhased by Kotwt ftllllor for his birthday cako, ns lio was 20 years old on tho day fol lowing the. bazaar. Hurrah for Arago and Flshtrap! Thoy'ro still on tho earth's surface, nud n: tho roads aro much Improved tho buggies nro thoro also and splnn lug around In this vicinity quite live ly now. All tho,,youug men are tun ing their best girls for a Jolly ride or olso tho other fellow's .bust girl. The Ladles' Aid hold their bazaar nt the I'lnkerlou homo ou Flshtrap Saturday ovonlng, May 11. Thore wero about 15Q pooplo presont. Tho crowd was served with n dollclous Ohlckeu IMu suppor. Ice Creim and cakoi weitf also nerved. Tlu Indira have been working for this bazaar fnr'ovur n year as thoy begun a name quilt for It' n year ago last March. Tho quilt had about .260 or 270 mimes on It, all worked with fast rod thiead on white cloth. They also had a number of other quilts, sofa pil lows, dollies, aprons nnd other woar lug: npparel. The arttoles wero sold at miction, Joan llauiptou bolng tho ablo auctioneer. Miss Morlo Hoda tmugh bid on tho name quill and was the lucky nnd proud winner. Tho proceeds taken In nt the- bazaar wore ?10:i 4G The Ladles' Aid fool woll repaid for tholr oarnost work In ar ranging and planning for this bazaar. Master of Big Tramp Steamer Passenger On Vessel Here Today. Tho Alllnnco arrived in this morning from Euroka nftor a good trip up tho coast. Capt. Lofstod re ports that ho crossed out from Eur okn at noon ydstorday and struck good wcathor along tho coast. Capt M. Imahashl of tho Jnpancso trnmpi stonmor, Shlnlsumnru, wns n paBSongor on tho Alllnnco, trnvollng In tho Cnptaln'flcnbln. Whllo his vos sol was loading n part of a cargo of Rodwood at Eurkoa rocontly, ho was strlckon with nppondlcltls nnd had to undergo an oporatlon. This wns only ton dnys ago and ho Is just re cupcrntlng. Ho hns boon making American ports for a numbor of yonrs and hns n fairly good command of English. Howovor, tho oporatlon nnd romovnl of his appendix Is some thing that ho does not fully under stand. Iio had a number of photo graphs ot his appendix taken nnd tills morning exhibited them to call ers at Capt. Lofsted's cabin. His vessel, the Shlntsumaru, Is now com pleting her cargo at Pugot Sound for Molbourno nnd ho Is hastening thore to Join hor. Sho hns boon waiting sovornl days for him. Sho carries about 3,500,000 foot of lumbor nnd is manned ontlroly by a .Tapancso crow, about 100 men bolng hor comple ment. Tho Alllnnco sailed this attornoon for Portland nnd will sail from thoro for Coos Uay next Saturday ovonlng. Among thoso arriving on the Alll nnco today woro: C. Vt Llnborgor, O. Hnrnoy, A. Dawson, M. J. Ilornhlll, 8. Horoa, R. Campbell, E. C. Cortolyou, II. A. Ilontoll, Goo. Looko, J. W. Tracy, M. Ooln, M, Andorson, D. Roynolds, F. Mnttson, I. Adnms, M. L. Joboll nnd wlfo, J. A. Hughes. Among thoso sailing on tho Alli ance woro tho following: John Mlchnols, W. D. Dillon. Wnl ter Fulchor, n. Fordlnand, E. Mat thows, J. Pnpas. Mrs. D. M. Kcsslor. R. II. Cartld, J. V. Hodson, nnd E. R. Hodson. WILL OBSERVE BOIL DAY President Campbell, of Oregon University, likely to De- 1 liver Address. At n meotlng of tho committees of tho Spanish War Voterans nnd a. A. II. last ovonlng, preliminary plans for tho obBorvnnco of Momorlnl Day woro completed nnd It Is expected to have tho ontlro program urrangod by tho last of tho Week. President P. L. Cnmpboll, of tho Oregon Stato Uni versity, who Is expected to bo on tho Uay noxt wook to dollvor sovornl high school commencement address es In this county, will probably bo tho orator of tho day. It Is also proposed to have tho Mnrshfleld school chlldron pnrtlcl pato In tho exercises. Owing to the larger seating capacity, It Is posslblo that tho exercises may bo hold In tho Tnbcrnnclo building InBtcnd of tli Masonic Oporn House. Tho committee In chnrgo of tho nr rnngomonts consists of S. B. Cath cart, I. S. Kaufman nnd Leo Webster, of llnkor Post, O. A. It., and D."A. Jones, E. II. Joohnk nnd F. K. Oot tlns, of tho Spanish War Veterans. Mayor Straw will llkoly Issuo n proclamntlon urging a general ob sorvanco of tho day and tho Smith mtll will probnbly closo down for all or part of tho day. 8KB THE SENIOR PLAY "A Homo of Plymouth Town," nt tho MASONIC, Saturday, Mny 23. Rcsorvcd scats, 50c. ,Uusy Cornor. flood Country Shorlw at HAINES'. SEED OATS of nit kinds nt Haines Thoro novor was a tlmo whon poo plo approclatod tho roal morlts of Chamborlaln's Cough Romody moro than now. This Is. shown by tho In oronso In salM and voluntary tosti monlnls from porsons who havo boon curod by It. If you or your chlldron aro troubled with a cough or cold glvo It a trial and bocomo acquainted with Its good qualities. For Balo by nil doalors. PASSIM) GOOD EXAM. KuHtNlrio Pupils (S"t Good Amdes In Recent Stato Examination. Mrs. Thomas, tonchor of tho East side schools, has Just recolvod tho grades of tho pupils thoro who took tho recont stnto examination for pu pils completing olghth grndo work. Tho grades woro as follows: Perham Park ' ' : The Only Restricted Building District on Coos Bay The eutiro 80 Acres lias been plaited into lots nud is now on the market. Tho property lies in tho center of Marshfield, five to ten minutes' walk from the business part of the city. Remember each lot is large enough for a first-class home. Prices From $400 to $600 On Easy Terms E. G. PERHAM Lockhart Bldg., 2nd floor, opposite Postoffice. w The Sign of Good Candy Always r u - EJX Xfmi WWWml You Auto Call Poote PHONE 11 1-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotol. TWO NEW OARS Aftor 11 P. M. Phono C-J Rosldonco Phono 28-J Will niulto trips to Coqullle. gv City tAuto Service p XT (9 1 (5 O a IS M (9 . 5 o a IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES nt Pioneer Jlardwnro Co. Big Danceat Sumner Saturday May 25 Arithmetic S3 82 CO Writing 90 90 70 Itcndlnir 92 94 94 physiology ioo 93 ioo Billy Kcyser's four-Piece Orchestra History 100 91 100' Geography 92 87 92 Grammnr 91 83 73 Civil Government .. . 8S 85 71. iti:ai:itvi:i) skats for senior PLAY on 8ALK nt tho UUSY Corner. will furnish music. Stonmor Wnh-tn Wasa leaves North llend nt 7 and Marshfield at 7:30 and Mllllcoma leaves Marshfield at 7. EVERYBODY COMIV-FINK TIME. $100 Reward, $100 Tlie reailf n el IliU paper (llle pleated to learn tliat tlicre l a leat one i)readel dltie that K'lriice haa been abltttoeuro In all It tMReit. ant) Dial l Catarnl. Halt's Catarrh Curo I the only poalme cure now known to tliu imMloat (raternlly. ralarrn belnu aeon, tttutlonal dlneaie. reiu(ri' a ronttltutlonM trratiiipnt. Hall, ("atari h r ure In taken Inter, nally, actliiR dlnvtl) upon tho blood mid run. cuih mirlaerii ol llid xyiU'in, theieby detrolng tho foundation of the ilUeans and gh lug the pa lent trength fn hulldinx up the eoiutltu. Itou and auMelliig nature In doing It uork, llio proprietor havnio much faith In ft cur. alive power that they offer Due Hundred Dol lar for any cate that It fall to rure. Bend for Hit of te9ttn.nnla . K. J.l'nKNKY A CO., Toledo, O SoM by all I)rugKltt.7.V, Tako Hall1 Family Till tor ronttfpatlon New $50 Kitchen Range For Only $35 Wo want you to boo the Now OPAL RANGE, ono ot tho latest and host products ot tho stovo manufacturers. A four-holo Rango for $35.00 that j would cost $45.00 or $50.00. A six- iiuiu nuiKV tor f-tu.uu. oeo iiieau uu foro huylng. "A Rose o' Plymouth Town" BY THE SENIOR CLASS Of Mnrshtlold High School, at MASONIC OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY EVENING MAY 25TH Reserved seats 50c. Now on salo at "Busy Corner." W. K. WISEMAN 311 North Front St. litis. Phone 29G-X: Res. Phono 1GG-J Unique Pantatorium TnE MODERN DYERS. CIiEANER8. I PRESSER8 nnd nAT RENOVATORS Agont for Edward K. Strauss & Oo. fine Tailoring Let us malts your next Suit. 2.1.1 romnicrclnl. Phonn 2S0-X Good Cars, Carotul Drivers and roasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go auywhero nt any tlmo." Stands Hla.nco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and '40, Night Phono 4C. ItARKHR & GOODALE, proprietors. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night Scrvlco Careful driving assured. Phono Blanco Pool Room, 231-R until 11 P. M. After 11 P. M. phono C-J. Palace Restaurant. - WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tlie Pncu. matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for wotk tuKen nt GOINO & 1LVRVEY PHONE IOO Have That Roof Fixed wow Sec GORTEELL Plioito 811 Gas Water Heaters Take Up Little Room j , K But Fill All the Need of the Household, -gas water heat' em are ready every hour of thu 24 to provide quickly piping hot water ov: wash basins lath shaving washing. dishes washing clothes scrubbing floors cleaning -gas water hcaltrt consume little gas. -Solve the diffi culty of getting hot water for other purposes while preparing a meal. -Do away with the labor of heating water in small quantities ou the range. -Telephone 178 foi details of our gas water heater proposition. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 ,:.. t A Modern Brick Building, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL O O O S O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfield, Oregon. NOTICE OK SALE OP REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho undersigned administrator of the eu tato of John Makl, deceasod, will re colvo sealed bids for the sale of tho following described property, to-wlt: Doglnnlug 15 chains south of tho cor. of Sees. 14, 13, 22 nnd 23, Twp. 24 St., of R. 13 . of tho Will. Men. In Coos County, Oregon, run thence S. ; 2.50 Chs.; thence W. 20 Chs.j thoncol N. 2.50 Chs.; thonce E. 200 Chs. to the place of beginning, containing 5 i acres, more or less. Said bids to bo presented at the office of James T. Hall, Marshfield, Oregon, on or be foro 30 days from tho date of this notice, to-wlt. June 18, 1912. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon, this 18th day of May. 1912. ALEX JOHNSON, Administrator of tho estate ot Johu Mukl, deceased. J 1SSNSS -i1J rss tr vs tv . Beef of QuA . . . ...... i.,! till!!? Is tho oniy Binu - . Wo plan every roai. 5,, sold to mane i""" ; "j f soil-only the chot Jg, liie cum ui ... - - MARSHFIELD CABW FOURIER B1V MrSliflcld-Teleih"f-X?jJS .,. r Mart iJX-J ..-- Parties Desiring Monuments Erecte Would do well to call At Tim Pnrifin Monumental W SoutJi Uroadwsj "Jg'Jrt .... the luge 'Tvurti &: Mr. Vfi-jffiTSf the only pw. --,f F cutter in Coo. w"? i...f .. best work u - ,