The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 18, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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t - !- rt TVft
and Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll aro now . tendered a rarowo i rocw """""
tho Maze getting things In read.-' Uiirtes McNny and Mr .Loo graven
noss to spend the summer thoro and who left for Ada to try jmCBl
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nasburg leave life and also Mr. Do o. Artls wno
.-... . ...,.! r,..., .lnvo nn RnltMl ' InnVPS for ArlZOIia Oil U10 110X1 JIO
luuuy iu o... "" "-" " - v- ,", itroatltiir iminos wore'
played until a lato hour when ro-
freshnients woro sorvuu. au "
Coos Hlvor.
bors then wished tho boys woll In
tliolr lonely baeholorhood, hoping I
(Continuod fiom pago 2.)
Mrs. Patterson, Mr. Dlndlngor and
William Sleep.
Tho Mlnnlo-Wls Club will bold
nlcnlo noxt sunuay
occasion being their sixth wedding
nnlvnranrv. Tlln llvlnil rOOIll WaS
.. ...111. Illnnr. mma ntlil limit niitmn.1
?.??or?0" "" '"".T,..,".. mw, : : ' nniod by the families of
color schomo of pink and lavender. I tho momoborfl they will spond tho , poctod' )loro' from Portland soon to
laud to go to Montevideo and plans
to spend a couplo of years In South
Amorcla. Mrs. Richardson ntul
children will spend tho time In
Mrs. Wm. Ford and baby aro ox
coior W1111.UU u. '"""" ;".";.; ' v ;; Rlvor Mrs. La Chap
SZU&urSanoffoVndHn. D. A. Jones are the
guests woro Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Rub-' committee on arrange monts and Mrs.
soil. Mrs. O'Drlon. Mlstt O'Brien. Mr. Drossor and Mrs. Baldwin tho com-
nnd Mrs. A. R. O'Drlon, Mr. and Mrs. mltteo ror mo luncueuu.
F. K. Gettlns, and Mrs. soMurcuo.
Last Tuesday ovonlng, tho Loyal
Ordor of Mooso gavo a bauquot and
Boclal at tho Odd Follows hall for
mombors and tholr friends. Thoro
was a largo attendanco and a Jolly
evening was spont with music. A
program of toasts was onjoyed. I. S.
Smith presiding as toastmastor.
Among those who rosponded woro
Dr. Winkler, D. D. Dawson of Mod
ford, Mrs. Fluolla Tumor, Mrs. Ray
mond, C. I. Rolgard nnd Chas. Cour
tor. Among those present wero:
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I. Rolgnrd, 0. H.
Waltor, Wm. Sullivan, O. S. Torrey,
O. E. Powors, It. 13. Plncgor, D. F.
Wyatt, F. O. Horton, Chas. Hoffman,
B. C. Drows, T. J. Scalfo, J. W.
Mitchell, W. J. Cosmoy, O. O. Lund,
A. D. Cambpoll, E. D. DuBby, G. W.
Trlbboy, C. II. Curtis, 0. T. Colo
man, D. D. Dawson, V. O. Prntt, C.
A. Loo, .J. Pitman, nnd 0. R. Wood
ward! MIbsobs Maybollo Farloy, Noll
io Trlbboy, Dolla Pratt, Anna Rood,
Ruth Dungan, Tholma Dodgo, Helen
Sullivan, Julia Olson, Ella McLaurln,
Gortrudo Scalfo, and Dcslroo Wyatt;
Mnailamos Fluolla Turnor. C. W.
Montgomery, O. J. Lomanskl, Laura
Hnmnhrov. Goorstlna Topo, Thomas
Goodalo, II. It. Hydo, Robt. L. Simp
son, and F. C. Ello'rbcck; McBsra.
Alox Peterson. Joo Dodgo, II. O. Mill
er, Wm. Sloop, Edward ThomnB, 0.
"W. Dungan, F. 0. Oreon, M. 8. CroB
sen, Guy Lattin, J. Swanton, Noblo
Pitman, E. Ellorbock, Ray Olllvant,
Bort Trlbboy, Harvey Walter, 0. L.
Dlndlngor, M. A. Sweotmnn, C. Ray
mond, I. S. Smith, Goo. E. Cook, W.
II. Dlndlngor, ChaB. Courtor, E. F.
Winkler and J. W. Hunt.
Mrs. E. W. Kam merer will go to
California about Juno 1G for a fow
weeks' visit nnd will probably bo ac
companlod homo by her cousin, Miss
Ramona Radcllffo who won bo many
frlonds during hor visit hero In 1909.
Tho Cordlnllty Club will bo enter
tained Sunday with a picnic up Coos
Rlvor glvon by Mrs. Fluolla Turnor
and Mr. Goo. Dlndlngor. Thono in
cluded In tho Hat nro Mr. and Mra. J.
W. Hlldonbrnnd, Mr. nnd Mm. H.
Drndflold, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Camp
boll, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Savago, Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. G. ICInnoy, Mr. nnd Mrs.
O. S. Hoffman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort
Fonton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Porry Dodson,
Tho mombor of Doric Chapter,
Eastern Star, onjoyed a social and
Informal ovonlng at which refresh
ments woro sorvod on Tuesday last
at tho lodgo rooms.
TI)' follor that rotlrcs with
monoy Ib soon spotted. Nothln'
ages a editor llko accidentally
lcavln' somo woman's namo out
o' th list o thoso present.
Auo siariin.
Sunday, May 12, being tho rortloth
nnnivcrsary of tho marrlago of Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Plnkorton, of North
Inlet, a goodly numbor of frlonua
nnd relatives gathered at tholr homo
to honor tho occasion. Among thoso
present woro: Mr. itny it. rinKcr
ton, Mr. P. II. Plnkorton, Mr. Irving
Plnkorton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Hamilton. Mrs. W. O. Hamilton, Mr.
Jnmcs DlnBh, Mr. and Mrs. Frnncls
McGregor, Rev. G. Lo Roy Hall, Mr.
and MrB. Roubon Lyon, Master Ruby.
MIhbob Norma and Luclllo Lyon, nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Sponcor small.
A bountiful ropnBt was sorved
,aftor which an Intorostlng aorvlce
who hold nn the BIlQCtOUB DOrchCB Btir-
roundlng tho rnnch-houBo, lod by tho
Rov. Mr. Hull, and augmented by tho
arrival of many neighbors.
Rov. Hall addressed tho gathering
In his usual direct and Imprcssivo
mannor which carried conviction to
hla hearers. Ho mado rcforonco to
its being Mothers' Day and Gavo tho
mothors credit for tho salvation of
mnnv nn orrlnir ono. Ho alBO roaa
n conrrrntulatory communication
from their aon, Mr. Lyman Plnkor
ton, who Is at present In Ohio. At
tho closo of tho sorvlco tho guests
dispersed with hearty good wlshoa,
hoping to Join In colobratlng tho
goldon wedding of this worthy
J. II. Mllijor and wlfo will loavo in
n fow wooks for California and othor
southern points to spend sovornl
wooks. Mrs. Mllnor's slstor who is
tholr guost will probably accompany
thorn on tbo trip.
Mrs. Arthur McICoown nnd child
ren, Joey nnd Graclo, and Mrs. Otto
Schottor, nnd son, Frederick, loft
last ovonlng for tho Mnzo whoro they
will onjoy n fow days' outing. Mr.
Mrs. Uoyd M. Richardson Is plan-
..!.. .. ..nn..mtv limit fritMimt linilin
uiiiK i " "" " ".r-... ;:r,M.nir immiv
on 'no street, now occupieu vy mu " ,-.,- .. ,, i nn(i roturn i
M. 0. Horton family. Dr. Richard- they would soon tiro of It ana return ,
.. ... t t Hnnd Iinv.
anil la trlvlnir 1111 M1B IimOllCO 111 I'Un- " ww.. "
The Altar Guild of tho North Ilond
Episcopal church will meet noxt
Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. Gcorgo
A very pleasant tlmo was onjoyed
by tho members of tho M. E. Aid
Society of North Bend, Wednesday
nftornoon, tho occasion bolng n ro
coptlon given In honor of tho now
members who camo In during tho
contest which cloned last Thursday.
Tho Wcsloyan Dlblo Class room wbb
transformed into a beautiful bowor.
tho color schotno bolng groon and
pink. Aftor a social hour, a short
program, consisting of a vocal solo
by llttlo Dornico Glnzlor and address
es of wolcomo by Mrs. Hisoy, Mrs.
F. W. Stovons and Mrs William Noll
son, was rondorod. Tho party thon
adjourned to tho dining room whoro
a throo courso Uulfoll Luncheon was
Borved. Thoso prcsont woro MIbb
Ella Gurnon, and Mesdamos L. Dal
slger, Mary Chappollo, M. E. Evoritt,
J. nmtit. A. L. Gubsor, A. S. Hisoy,
A. Isaacs, E. McDanlols, W. Noll-
son, J. S. Nowklrk, J. is. moveus,
V. W. Stevens. C. J. Van Zllo, G. A.
Wilson, Elmer Wood, C. A. Nollnor,
spend tho greater portion of tho sum-
mor with hor parents, ir. ana mm.
Eugono O'Connoll. Mr. Ford will
como down later In tho summer to
spond his vacation hore.
Mrs. L. A. Whorcat last Tuesday
aftornoon was hostess at ono of tho
Inst of a Bcrlca of toaB which havo
boon given by tho ladlos of tho local
Presbyterian church. Among her
guests woro Mrs. F. A. Tlodgon, Mrs.
A. L. Darker, Mrs. J. H. Cox, Mrs.
F. M. Flyo, Mrs. McCulloch and
Mrs. D. C. McCarty.
Mrs. W. F. Miller who had planned
to visit relatives In tho mlddlo wost
UiIb summor has indefinitely post
poned hor trip.
C. J. MIIHb and wlfo who havo
boon guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F,
1 (SH
1 v i,'w.(
1 I t. 'ff
Miller whllo Mr. Mlllls has been at- V. fBVSS A Wodhull II M
tending to matters on tho Day will Ella J. Covoy J A Woodhull. IL M.
leave ahortly for San Francisco. Mra. Barnes, Fred Glazier. Jack Nowlln,
Mlllls who has boon in ill-hoalth Is I odon. Cora D.nitchcy, Herbert
much Improved.
This evening, tho Mnrshflold baso
ball team will glvo nnothor bonoflt
dnnco at tho Eagles' Hall. Thoro
promises to bo nn unusually largo
Moure, S. Q. Gumon, Tom Juzn, Roy
O. Dralnard, II. O. Fry, C. F. Chaso,
S. Rogstad, E. R. McLcod, L. W.
Topo, Androw Holto, II. Potorson, I.
Freeland, llabcock, Chas. II. Marshall.
You owe your body a
double duly; to kgep it
licalthful ami I)ropcrly
garbed. Outdoor rccre.
ntion will d0 onove
will do the other.
$1 8.00 TO
"Money Talks"
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
1 H..
BcJniln QoUe
Tho tlanco glvon by tho Woodmen
at tho Finnish Hall last Saturday ov
onlng was largely attondod nnd
proved most enjoyable. It Is expoct
od that tho Woodmen will glvo nn
othor Borlcs of dnnccs In tho near
futuro, tho first ono having proved
hucIi a decided success.
Harry Conro wna awardod tho bII
vor modal In tho Domorost Contest
which was conducted in Cooston
Thursday ovonlng undor tho direc
tion of Dr. Clarko of North Bond.
About thirty North Bond pooplo woro
In attendanco and thoro was a largo
turnout of Cooston pooplo who had
decorated tho hall prettily for tho
occasion. Tho Judges woro Ben Ty-.
ror. W. L. Potter nnd Mr. Arnat.
Ilosldes tho speaking, tho North Bond
High School mnlo quartotto rondor-
cd a numbor of selections nnu ur.
Clark mado a pleasing address.
Thoso participating in tho contest
woro John Hnnson, Joo Barbor, Har
old Hunt, Harry Conro, Fromont
Hodson nnd Clarenco Kibbler.
Mra. Paul Schlllorstrom of North
Bond loft today for Floronco whoro
alio will spond a, fow wcoks and will
tnko In tho noted Rhododendron Fes
tival thoro.
The Whole WorM
Kodak means photography with tho bother left out
Lot us show you how .simple It s to nmUo plctujt's ith tho
Kodak all by dajllnht way.
Films, Develoiters ami Papers Developing and Printing Promptly
1MIOXK 122-J
Prof. Davidson of North nond nnd
his brido arrived on tho Day this
wcok from Portland whoro thoy woro
recently marrlod. Thoy will mako
tholr future homo hero and will bo
welcomed by tho mnny frlonds that
Mr. Dnvldson has mado during his
residence hero.
Dr. Bird B. Clark will cntortaln tho
members of tho North Bond High
Tho Altar Guild of tho Episcopal
Church will glvo a sorlos of toas sim
ilar to thoso tho Prcsbytorlnn ladlcB
havo Just complotod: tho procoods to
bo applied upon tho church dobt.
Mrs. J. W. Bonnott will glvo tho first
tea Monday afternoon.
Mrs. F. M. Frlodborg ontortnlnod
tho A. N. W. Club nt hor homo In
West M.i Mhllold on Thursday of this
wool:. Mrs. Hazard will cntortaln
tho ciub w.xt wook. Thoso prcsont
Tin.rsdtiy wero Mrs. J. T. McCormnc,
Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. S. Lando,
Mrs. E. Mlugus, Mrs. ChaB. Kaiser,
Mrs. F. . Hazard, Mrs. Mary Mc
Knlght, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, Mrs.
L. M. Noblo, Mrs. F. E. Allen, Mrs.
J. T. Hall and Mrs. M. R. Smith.
Tho Progress Club mot Monday
with tho retiring president, Mrs. J.
M. Upton for tho nnnual business
mooting nnd election of ofllcors.
Plans wero mado and n commlttoo
composed of Mrs. W. S. Nicholson,
Mrs. W. F. McEldownoy nnd Mrs. A.
L. Barker was appointed to nrrango
for tho annual club party which will
bo hold on tho ovonlng of Mny 1M at
tho homo of Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. The
wcok with Miss Gcnovlovo Tollofson.
Thoso presont woro MrH. Goorgo
Rourko. Mrs. Frost, Mrs. W. Nolson,
Mrs. J. Mcintosh, Mrs. Somnoson,
Miss Pearl Cox and Miss Mabol Mnth
iBon. -O
Tho LadloH Aid of tho Presbyter
ian church met Wodnesdny with Mra.
Hydo for a business session. Tho
noxt mooting will bo hold Wednes
day, Juno ft, with Mrs. Jus, Cox.
Thoso presont Wednesday wero Mra.
Waltor, Mrs. Scalfo, Mra. Harpor,
Mrs. Dliuent, Mrs. A. L. Buttz, Mrs.
Flyo and Mrs. Hydo.
Mrs. Willis Konnody has Isnuod in
vitations for two Brldgo toas for
noxt Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Gonovlovo Tollofson Is ex
pected back next wcok from n pIoas
uro trip to Los Angolcs.
Tho 1). Y. P. U. of tho Mnrshflold
Baptist Church last ovonlng enjoyed
n moonlight picnic at Jordan's Covo.
A big bon flro was tho contor of tho
evening h diversions and a bountiful
luncheon was onjoyed. Among thoso
making tho trip woro Mr. nnd Mra.
Claudo StutBtnan, Mr. nnd Mrs, Ar
thur Rohflold, Mr. and Mrs. Alvn Doll,
luiBbands of tho club momborR will I. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Wilson, Mra. E.
bo tho guests for tho ovonlng. Tho
fallowing olllcers woro olectod for tho
coming year:
President Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy.
Vico-Prosldont Mrs. F. G. Hor
ton. Sccrotary Mrs. A. L. Barkor.
Treasuror Mrs. W. F. McEldown
oy. Mrs. W. S. Nicholson was olectod
chairman of tho oxocutlvo commlttoo
to succeed Mrs. Maloney who resign
ed to tnko tho president's chair.
School track team at a banquet at hor Mrs. m. u uorion was elected a
homo noxt Tuesday evening. mombor of this commlttoo also. Af-
q tor tho buslnosH sosslon .Mrs. Upton,
Miss Amy Reynolds, a popular "" '', Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Co
North Bond young woman, loft this ""'' Borot' rofroshmonts.
week for Oregon City whoro hor 'Hio club .mombors prcsont woro
folks now rosldo nnd whoro alio will -Mr8' h ,M n,.,riT M,r8, ,A K A,,0,H"
mako hor futuro homo. . l',0 J,Ir8, A '; liam' 'V.- w-
I F. McEldownoy. Mrs. F. G. Horton.
Chas. II. Murr and wlfo of North
Bend nro planning to leavo shortly
for Arizona whero thoy will mnko
tholr futuro homo.
Tho North Bond Concort band will
glvo a ball at Eckhoff hall this ovon
lng. o
Mrs. Andorson ontortnlnod on
Thursday afternoon nt hor homo In
Bunker Hill, Mrs. Llzzlo Bontz, Mrs.
Rao Chapln, Mrs. Fred Grlnold, Mrs.
Turnor McNabb, Mrs. C. W. Gardnor,
Mrs. K. E. Kolly, Mrs. H. Rlchnrdson,
Mrs. Ellon Cnrlson and Allco Rich
ardson. Tho aftornoon wns ploas-
nutly spont In social conversation
Mrs. C. W. Tower, Mrs. M. C. Mit-
lonoy, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. W
E. Nicholson, Mrs. F. E. Lcofo, Mrs.
A. L. Buttz and Mrs. J. M. Upton.
Tho Slaters of Bothany mot last
Wednosday with Mrs. McLcod on
Kolly, Mrs. Shadbumo, Mrs. Spnonor,
Misses Frances Frauso, Alpha Mail-
zoy, Holen McLaughlin, Clara Roll
field, Floronco Rohflold, Hattlo Reti
noid, Ituth Walrnlli, Tholmn Wilson,
Messrs. Geo. W. Leslie, Qeo. Doll,
Chas. Rchllold, CIiiih. Fcnslor, Cliff
ord Doauo, Ernest Harrington, Wal
ter Rohflold, Lwrunro Horton, Rnlph
Drossor, S. C. Shorlll, Frank Smith,
Eugene Kolly, Howard Kelly nnd Ed
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Broulllard of
North Bond ontorlalncil at tliolr homo
ut throo tables of Brldgo last ovon
lng. High scores wero mado by Mrs.
W. E. Host, and Denny Hull and tho
consolation prizes wont to Miss Gor
trudo Maudigo and John Olson. Tho
decorations wero very protty, cut
flowers nnd roses bolng used In pro
fusion. Miss Broulllard, a slstor of
Mr. Broulllard. who has boon visit
Ing on tho Bay for somo tlmo, wna
tno complimented guest. Among
thoso present woro Mrs. W. E. Bost,
Mrs. v. H. Mroulllnrd. Mra. I. B. Bur
tlo, Miss Laura Kruso, Miss Then
North Broadway and Bpont tho nf-l Kruso, Miss Gortrudo Mandlgo nnd
.U...UU,. ... nunniK. ! i iiiiKuuiuiiiH .miss Dolla Uroulllanl and Mossrs.
were mado to hold a cooked food! John Mullen, Donny Hull. Dr. I. B.
snlo on Saturday, May 18, at Porry &
jsieiioison s store. Tho noxt moot
ing will bo hold on Wednosday, May
22, with Mrs. J. T. McCormac, and
all ladlos of tho church nro roquostoil
to bo present, tho hostosa nssistod
by Mrs. W. P. Murphy sorved dolic
lous refreshments to tho following
Bartlo, Chas. Giiuntlott. R. J. Coko.
John Olson nnd C. II. Broulllard.
Tho North Bond Thimble Club mot
Friday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs.
Henry O'Mnra. Noodlo Work and
convorsntlon mado tho aftornoon pass
quickly. Delicious refreshments
eon was sorved by the hostoss undor McCormac. J. Kendall, F. A. Hazard,
ft largo maplo troo on tho lawn. Mnry McKnlght, J. L. Forry, Lloyd
n jncous, w. . uurtls. Frnnk Denn Inc.
Tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club will , S. Lando, Wm. Roher, W. P. Murphy,
hold Its last social next Monday oven
Ing whon prizes for tho season will
bo awardod. Tho commlttoo In chargo
of It consists of Miss Laura Kruso,
Mrs. M. G. Coleman, Mrs, Noll Banks,
Mrs. Honry O'Marn and Mrs. Bartlo.
It has beon decided to havo tho first
cruise of tho summor May 2C whon
tho trip will bo mado to Plpor's Grove
where n picnic will bo hold.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Geo, D. Mandlgo of
North Bond will loavo about Juno 1
via Allegany In their nuto for a
month's visit with rolntlvos In Port
hui'l. Most of tho tlmo will bo spont
at tho F. A Krlbs homo. Mrs. Krlbs
nnd Mrs, MnnUgo bolng sisters. Mrs.
C. II. Broulllnr'l and Miss Dolla
Broulllard will accompany them.
R. J. Cok f Verth Bond who re
cently snl-l M residence In North
Bond hns MpkospI of his household
on'octs to d't Shook of tho Drodgo
Oregon. V- Ciko will leave shortly
for Los Ansoles t" Join Mrs. Coke
and tholr s-n Rnlph. Cnpt. aud Mrs.
Shook will occupy the Coko residence.
Last Monlay night, mombors of
tho North Bend Wesloyan Blblo Class
F. A. Sacchl and Joo McKeown. Jack
Kondall, Loulso Malonoy nnd Francis
Mrs. Harry Bradflold and Mra.
Robort Fonton nro planning to leavo
soon for a two months' visit at north
ern points: In Portland, and on Pu
got Sound. Mr. Bradflqld nnd Mr.
Fonton will Join thorn In July for tho
roturn trip.
Mrs. Lloyd Jacobs and small son
who havo beon visiting in Marshflold
plan to roturn to their homo in Port
land for tho Roso Carnival. Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Forroy, hor parents, will
accompany hor north for a short
stay in tho Rose City.
Mrs. Horbort Loekhart and llttlo
daughter and Mrs. Emma Nasburg
are now In San Frnnclsco whore thoy
will remain for n month before re
turning to the Bay for tho summer.
O -
The Prlscllla Club met with Mrs,
Donnlson of Bay City on Wedonsday
last. The aftornoon was spent In
sowing and at tho conclusion tho
hostess sorved delicious refresh
ments. Tho club will moot next
nnd tho company wns favored during' B'losts: Mosdnmos Robort Fonton, ! were sorved. It was decided to hold
tho aftornoon by vocal solos and a -an iu orison, Harry Uradllold, Ar- a picnic Juno 19 nt Mlrno Covo on
recltntlon by Mrs. E. E. Kelly. Luncii- uuir .w'uoown, i;ari savago. ,J T. South Coos Rlvor ami tlm lnnm-iim.
Walhalla. Dolphin, Plkor and Mlrao
II wore soloctod to carry tho picnick
ers. It was decided to adjourn until
tho first Friday In Soptombor. Thoso
prosont Friday woro Mrs. J. G. Horn,
Mrs. M. E. Evoritt. Mrs. C. II. Broull
lard, Mrs. J. A. Allon, Mrs. I. B. Bar
tlo, Mrs. J. C. Wallaco, Mrs. A. II.
Derbyshire. Mis. J. H. Grovos, Mrs.
S. S. Jonnlngs and Mrs. II. O'Marn.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winkler, who
nro spending their honoynioon In Cal
ifornia, wrlto frlonds horo thnt thoy
havo boon having a most dollghtful
tlmo In Oakland. Borkoloy nnd San
Francisco. Thoy will return in a fow
weoks to mako tholr homo In Marsh
flold. O
Mrs. W. F. Squire who has been
spending tho past month with rela
tives and frlonds in California. will
roturn tomorrow via Portland.
George F. Murch returned this I
week from San Francisco nrid Los
Angeles. At tho latter place, ho at
tended tho National Conclave of tbo
Miss Josephine Eddy, who has
been teaching school at El Centre,
Calif., is expoctod here about Juno
10 to spend the summer with hor
slater, Mrs. P. N. Flagg and other
relatives on the Day. H tax
Prof. Algor, will arrlvo here h5
and tholr marriage will be ioIjm
lzod in Marshllolil onrt u .. !
Thoy will mako their hom it n
wouuu wnuro Mr. Aigor Is pr sd'il
of tho High School. S '"
Mrs. A. E. Adclsporgcr lid tlfi
and children aro planning toijol
part of tho summor camping oat a
tho mountains beyond Mntl Poltt
MJbb Daisy Dean Ruh, who lore
orly taught school In tbo MtnUa
schools, Is expected hero early li
Juno from Indiana to spend tb nn
mor with hor Bister, Mrs. A. E. Hi
Bporgor und with Mm CUrlom
MrB. M. C. Horton and dutltir,
Miss Lucy, nro expected boot (na
California about Juno 1. Tbt;Uti
boon In Los Angolos the put ltd.
Mlsa Horton Is rapidly recaptnfef
from tho injuries tho lusUlsedbu.
accident thoro rorrntly.
Goorgo Murch nnd Fred MeCcrar
who nro attondlng Oregon Aplnltv
al collogo at Corvnllli are tiepecM.
homo about Juno 10 to iptoi ti
summor vacation on tho Bay.
At tho Diocesan Convention cl lit
Episcopal church In Portland lii
wcok, Mrs. J. W. Dennett of MinV
field wns olectod corresponding
rotary of tho Women's Auxiliary.
Anotlior of a series of dtnctitlta
by tho Marshflold Dancing dob iu
onlovod at tho Knulcs' Hilllutn-
onlng. Noarly nil of the meni
woro prcsont nnd tho dance mini
moro dollgtfully Informal Ibusm!.
Tho noxt of tho sorles will be !'
two wooks from Inst evening. Tow
throo dances moro will beflrciV
tho club.
This nftornoon nt Ibe Ckrfidu
church, tho Coos Hay ChrUtlaa Wea
on's Board of Missions It bolttji
reception In honor of Mrs. Ilnateror
Portland who Is devoting b
. . m ( I.a irA.V V.I
gios 10 lorwariuns "v, r
tiunior win silvan iuiuu.,v-- -,
church. Tho noxt regular mU'
tho organization will tebeldttw
Tucsdny in Juno wiin .m -,-
Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Wonfil j
Williams, Gcorgo Coodrun.
Floronco Alkon, Mrs. W.T.MertW
nnd Marian Horsfnll composMif
iy who oiijoyt'ii " "' " .
". . .... -i. lost RiindlV.
nio ai mo uuiitii '
Tho Marshfleld BPM; j
Juniors are planning to now1-"
unnuiil picnic about Ju"..'r
datonnd Place will be detelW
torminoii nt u mi-cuub 'v -
Miss Allco Tlckell Is expecledg
this evening from Coqu Uletog
.... ... ... .i... i.nmn nr iter '
aunuay in mu " -
Mra. G. LoRoy Hall.
Miss Ruth Ilongland to gg
ing a number of hor youw m
nt a tea at tho homo o h ergj
Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
South Broadway n" "-
Tho MIzpah BlWe Cjftl
business meotliiB ni i" ' ', :
church parlors Friday eunle(
tho buslnoss nieotlag, in?'
of tho ovonlng was spew ,
chat, games na XTto"T
mado candy was Berv-Imloei, Hi
sent woro Misses Bessie IfflW -
red Rood, wiar " "" ijice "
Balno. Frances Golden, au
tors. Grace Wil Hams and
waltor jhcu... -- -Q rti s
Claudo Stutsman. Carl
n a uToT.nmi. Oscar ar,,.,:
PrUand Marian iWW-
Dorsey Kreltzer 'J1 fr
number of friends on i ft
morrow In honor of r. W
W. Kepler ana u"u,-;irei be
Dayton, Ohio, "ffwi
week to visit at the KK j
Mrs. Kepler Is a sister ol