THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1912- EVENING EDITION. HERB For the Bowels .Cur for Chronic Constipation, Torpid Llvr and Irregular Bowel Movements. Constipation la tho most common disorder of tho bowels it a constipated person is an easy victim when exposed to mv various disease Pneumonia, Typhoid Fever, Malaria. ItnoumativSf Email rox. Yellow Fever and Bright',, Disease i&uur their nornm harvest of death smong thoso who aro lmbltually consUpated Even though they cscapo thoso diseases, such persons nro always iillnff moro or lens, Thoy havo headaches, bad digestion diu S'e'JrvlrtlBO b Ind BURg-ors), sallow compioxlon. natulcnco. loss Sf rcngthi and no ehortry at nil. Horblno has a mont admlrablo ?ff Mt In the bowels; It U cooling-. purifying and regulating. It puts a prompt chock on biliousness, wind In tho bowSls. nervous nets, heartburn, bad breath, low spirits, drowsiness In tho day. titso ond nervous wakefulness at night. "" oay Price 50c per Bottle. JAKES r. BALLARD rnorniETon T. LOUIS,, M0j Tor Weak Slftht or Soro EfWi uo Slrphtna Eye Solve. It cure. loai-Q""" mcoHMtHBicI Ttfklort.rnrsonB Drug Co. "Tho Busy Corner" Tho Bcvnll store. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At Uio closo of business, April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1432,702.00 Banking Houso 50,000.00 Cain and Exchanges 251,981.00 Total 734,774.02 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In...... t go.000.00 Surplus and Undivldod Profits 55.503.G7 Deposits 029,210.95 ,al J734.774.C2 $teamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Friday, May 17th F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. THE FRIEND OF COOB BAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WLRELE88 Sallsfrora Coos Bay for Portland Tuesday, May 21 At. 2 P. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC BTEAMSniP COMPANY. Phono it. O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. 'AST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AM) SUBMARINE BELL SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Sunday, May 19, At. 1:30 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44. C. F. McGEOROE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. MILS FRON AINSWORTII DOOK, PORTLAND. AT O A. SI.. MAY H 8th, lath, I8U1, 23rd nnd 28th. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SKUVICE OF THE TIDE MAY 4th, 10th, lflth, COth, 23tli and UOth. L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Phone Main 821-L. Get Busy ANT) GCT AFTER THAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COME IN AND GET ?KBI0B8 SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SINGLES $1.00 AND UP. ROOFINO PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HErfHY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullla Offlc Phone 11 Marsbfleid Offlsa H-J. anns Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gaawal Aetata "KASTSIDir At the Churches (Ministers nnd others nro roquest d to hnnd tho Sunday church no tlcos not lator than Friday evening to Send For "Bus Seed Annual-Free L21y)Mwdi an ttfted for purity and Bernuiutioa. NneMlt.f..lMl byuiurilrulhnetwoqiitliilttiW the very hiirieAAaiKlud. Out lull .quipped Ubotttory under lh untOicn el idesbA and eiprt (m? ,cf """.I tuetj work, when buTiniLilTeirr1,you buy Incietied crop. Send fat catalog. Tha On. H. Lilly Co., Sit) JttiWU2 SJMlll iiIiBii liTTiti wmmw The Sign of Good Candy Always You Auto Call Foote PHONE 14J.J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotol. TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J RcBldonco Phono 28-J WJH mnko trliis to Coqullio. City Auto Servic Insure Insertion Saturday.) H METHODIST EPISCOPAL M X Uev. II. I. Rutlodgo, Pnator. X Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco nt 11 n. m. Epworth Leaguo nt 7 p. in. Evening service nt 8 p. m. l'rnyormcetlng on Thursday ovon- Ing nt 8 o'clock. Strangers wolcomo. . EPISCOPAL Emmanuel Church Uev. Robt. E, Drowning, Rector 9; 30 A. M. Sunday school. FOR SALE BY HubClothing&ShoeCo. MARSHFIELD. BANDON. Good Cars, Caroful Drivers an roaBonnblo chargos. Our motto: "Will go nnywhero at any time" Stands Ulunco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store Day Phonos 73 and 40 Night Phono 40. BARKER & GOODALE, proprietors. ' h, h Yi M ill )rnimm J ,1 1 wiiiujuiiniiujituiwtiiiruHm Lynn Lambeth Frod Nomlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Rcnflonnhlo Rntes All Night 8crvico Caroful driving assured. Phono Blanco Pool Room, 231-R until 11 P. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phono 5-J. Pnlnco Restaurant. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pncu nintlo cleaning Company. Orders for uork taken nt GOINO A HARVEY PHONE 100 Audxatic ind nluUtiafcaulioa fbout UMdim, h.uhiit. rtUiaf, ItLoi tod houiln, poultry If tonUlatd la ho ItltA cdtian U 1-illf I'oultfr Book-jo prinud. 3nd lor copy. In. TUaM.H.LniyCa..S..Ml. You will look a good whllo boforo jou (Ind n hotter mcdlclno for coughs nnd colds than Chumhcrlnln's Cough Ilomedy. 'It not only glvos rollof It cures. Try it when you havo a cough or cold, and you nro certain to bo pleased with tho prompt euro which it will offoct. For salo by all dcnlors. We Have Been Successful in buying a largo stock of first class Eloctrlcal matorlal and can glvo our patrons a vory low prico on houso wiring. Got our pries you can't afford to miss it. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J Have Tbat Roof Fixed vow See GORTUELL Phono JUKI New $50 Kitchen Range For Only $35 Wo want you to boo tho Now OPAL RANGE, ono of tho latest nnd host products of tho stovo manufacturers. A four-holo Rango for $35.00 that would cost $45.00 or $50.00. A slx holo rango for $40.00. Sco theso bo foro buying. W. K. WISEMAN Rll North Front St. Bus. Phono 290-X: IIor. Phono 1RR.J OKI A WM. S. TURPEN Architect. 171 FRONT BT. T. JT. BCAIFK $ A. II. HODQHit Marshfield Paint (8b Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward is. atrauss a vjo. fine Tailoring Let us maV yout next Suit. 2.1R Commercial. l'Hni vno-x. A Modern Brick Building, Kiecinc Light, Steam neat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. nOTEL OOOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents n Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway nnd Market. Marshfield. Orecon NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. vsiirni: la Impitu trlvnn (lint tho rsuiiviv io ui""j " : undorslgned administrator of the es tate of John Mnkl, deceased, will re ceive sealed bids for the salo of tho i.n..l l.iafllinrl npnnortv. tnwlt! IIIIIUHIIIi, MUO-.."v;' ,..-,.-..,.-- Beginning 15 chains south of tho cor. of Sees. 14, id, n anu so. ii, " S., of It. 13 W.. of the Will Men, in Coos County, Oregon, run thenco S. 2.50 Chs.; thence W. 20 Cha.: thonce N 2.50 Chs,; thence E. 200 Chs. to tho place of beginning, containing 5 acres, more or less. Said bids to bo presented at the oinco oi james i. Hall, Marshfield, Oregon, on or be fore 30 days from the date of this notice, to-wit, June 18, 1912. Dated at Marsnnoia. un-guii, mm 18th day of May, 1912. r ALEX JOHNSON, Administrator of tho estate of John Makl, deceased. VACUUM CLEANER For Thnt Spring Houscclennlng ANY CHILD CAN OPERATE THEM No Dust or Dirt Satisfaction Guaranteed LIGHT TO HANDLE AND WILL LAST FOR YEARS TRY ONE PRICE ONLY 810.00 C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furniture fltoco on Coos Day MEN of Id ei,vho havo noma Inventlv. ability pWa writs UKKKM'.Y A M.I.NTIItK, I'Mval All...irf u. V.Mi.cli II. V OF ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE SALE. In tho Matter of tho Estnto of John Hllbakn. Deceased. vnTinu la Imrnliv ulven thnt In pursuanco of nn order of tho County Court of tno Htnto oi urogon, hi mm for the County of Coos, In probate Bitting on tho 13th duy of May, 1912, In tho matter of thev estnto of John Iillhnkn, ileceaBed, tho undoislgned administrator will sell nt private salo nt tho offlco of James T. Hall at Marshfield, Oregon, to tho highest .,,! I. nut l.ld.lor for rnah nt tho tllllO of salo, on or aftor Saturday, the. 22nd day of Juno. 1U12, tno louowing uc scrlbed real proporty belonging to snld estnto. to-wit: tho woi nan nnu SBV4 of NE'4 of Sec. 24. Twp. 20 8., R. 13 W.. of .Mill, .Mor uoos uuuiiiy, Oregon. AIbo Lot 2 In Block 25 In h tnvn nt Xln rflh f Inlll . na DOT l)lat of n portion of said town prepnrod by E. B. Cloment, on file and of rec ord In the offlco of tho County Clerk of said Coos County, Oregon. Or bo much thereof as mny h? necessary to pay tho expenses of ad ministration, expense oi inia biuk ness, funeral expenses and any other claims against said estate. Twenty-five per cent of tho amount hid to accompany bid to ni- ply on purchaso prlco In case bid Is accepted otherwise to bo returned to bidder. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon, this 18th day of May, 1912. FRED HOLM, Administrator of tho estato of I John Hllbaka, deceased, i First publication, May 18; last publication Juno 15, 1912. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Sunday school nt 10:00 o'clock. Blblo"rcndlng at 10:45 a. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST8 t C. J. Colo, pastor. Soventh Day Adventlst Borvtccs are conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school nt 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlcos at 3 p. m. Como and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. O CHURCH OF CHRIST Regular sorvlcos c-itry Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. 8. 0. E.G:30 o'clock P. M. Prayer mooting Thursday evening each wook 8 o'clock. MARSHFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH X Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. Christian Endoavor at 8:30 F. L 44 SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Third nnd Commerce. Sunday school in English ovory Sunday at 9:45 a. m. A wook from next Sunday will bo Pentecost Sunday nnd Rov. Bongt Bon will deliver Pentecostal sormon at 1 1 o'clock. Two wcoks from next Sunday, con firmation Borvlccs will bo hold nt 10 o'clock for n class of rtftoon. Gonoral communion sorvlco vll bo hold nt 8 P. M. of tho en in o day. FIRST BA1TI8T CHURCH. 10 A. M. Sunday BohooL Clauda Btutaman, suporlntandsnt. 3 P. M. Boys and girls' mooting Mrs. Q. L. Hall in chargo. Young Pcoplo's meeting nt 0:30. iose$w)$oo9ooovjo H CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, X Christian Sclonco hall, 327 Third trcot, North. Sorvlco Sundny at 11 n. m. Subject, "Mortals and Immortals." Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday 1 p. m. 0 MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC 0 CHURCH. Ror. A. R. Munro. MnsB will bo solomnizod nt 7 nnd 10 o'clock Sundny morning, tho Rov. Fathor Munro, colebranU NORTH BEND PRESBYTERIAN Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor Sunday school at 10. Christian Endoavor nt 7 p. m. Preaching morning and ovonlng. NORTH BEND METHODIST CHURCH. Tho services Bunday wilt be aa fol lows: Sunday school. 10 A. M. Preaching services, 11 A. M. Junior Leaguo, 3:30 P. M. Evening sorvlco at 7:30 P. M. NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. Father Springer, Rector. Mobs will bo eolcbrated by th Rov. Father Springer at 8 o'olook. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Prenchlng service nt 11 A. M. and o'clock. ChrlBtlan Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. WORK NEAR VALE. BETTER THAN SPANKING Bptnklnc dM pot tar children of td wtltloc. Titer It a roottllattoail ctM for tblt troublt. Urt. U. Summrr,, Iloi W, Notr Dtmt, Ind., will nn& frr to any mother hrr ucf"ful horn ttlront, with fall inttructlooi. Snid no innnrr, bat writ, htr tixlij l( your children trouble you In tbli wiy. Don't blim the child, th cbiorf. tr It rtn't help It. Tbl trratavat bu turr adult aud ac4 40lt troubled wltk urla difficultly by day or nltbt. 11 hoavy team hnruoBa A oxpress harness It light dollvory hnrnoss N light doublo hnrncss E singlo harness S light road harness S It it's a harness wo havo It IIOPSON Cor. Control Avo. and Wntor Sts., Marnhflold. Everything for tho horso but shoes and feod. Don't bo surprised If you havo an nttnnlc nt rlinnmntlsm this snrlllg. Just rub tho affected ports freoly !th Chamborlatn's Liniment and It will soon d sapnoar. ooia vy an dealers. IVepnrntloim Under Wny for Receive injr Tics nnd Steel for Oregon Enstern. VALE, Ore., Mny 15. Tho En terprise haB tho following railroad nows: Although tho deal hns not boon closed, It Is learned thnt tho rnll road company Is seeking to olthor lcnso or purchaso some 20 ncrcs or land ndjolnlng tho city limits on tho east nnd nlong tho railroad tract. Tho trnct of land Is to bo mod for tho building of n numbor of wnrohotiBCB, loylng n numbor of rail road t!dings In ordor to mnko room for tho thousands of tons of rail road construction matorlal, including tics, stool rails, brldgo matorlal. ota, that Is to bo shipped to this city soon for tho construction work of tho Oregon Eastorn railroad now bo Ing built wost of this city through tho Malheur canyon. It Is also possible thnt tho heaa quarters of tho Utah Construction company, now bolng maintained north of tho Interior Wnrohouso & Grnln company wnrohouscs, will also bo moved ndjolnlng tho now railroad construction yards, ns tho prosont hondouartors aro already crowded. Anothor Incontlvo for tho moving of tho Utah Construction company headquarters Is tho fact that tho new grounds nro most con von Ion tly near tho rlvor, whoro tho horses could eas ily bo watorod. Some tlnio ngo it wns reported that tho rnllrond hcadquortors might L moved two miles to tho southwest of this city on a section of land ownod by tho Oregon & Wostorn Colonltn tlon compnny, but tho ohnngo has not boor mndo, as a roasonnblo loaso could nut bo secured. Tho now tract of land which la now sought Is owu ed by Frank Potorlo, nnd lies on both sides of tho rnllrond track, making It most convonlont for tho uso of rnl. rond operations. During tho past wook construction work at tho various camps In tho Mainour canyon has ocon progression rapidly, especially nt tho big tunnol nt inllo post, 39. Tho number of frolghtlng outfits which havo boon hnullng supplies from UiIb city Into tho canyon during tho past fow days, Indlcntos that preparations nro bolng mndo to push all construction woric as fast as posstblo. On Thursday 2 a six and elght-horno freighting outfits heavily loadod with tunnol timber loft Vnlo for tho ennyon. Tho long string of freight wagons not only re vealed to mnny rosldonts tho actual activity already on tho building of tho Orogon Eastorn railroad, but also showed that railroad work was to bo rushod In earnest "this summon linWAIllVH pnnutnn MltXinAV TAMALES dollvorod nny In tho city until 1U O'CLOCK 'at night Thoy uro READY to SERVE. Phono una. A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phona 314 J. OAK rTTTfiOTKFS LfUiSON rKo. REMEDY ffiiHSSf. riUa, CHILBLAINS. rCLOHS. BURNS, ITC. VALUABLE HOUSIHOLO SALVC. AU CuOiir xvt ito wiiLOtrnMCM Al&Utar ACCCt NO awajWUTM. . rrtrona lenrjr. ntANCJaiCD. smrtro UNCttYtHICMAtUtO CVifir. 3ANI SEE WHAT EASY TERMS HANCH BARGAIN 120 Aero fruit nnd dairy in culti vation Of tho boBt class All stock, toolB nnd Implomonts. $2000 hnndlos Balanco easy, $12,000. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front BU If You Are Not Using You Arc Not Using the Best STATIONERY TUBS cuuso moro trouble than all tho oth er plumbing combined. Tho slightest dofect In them means bothor, an noyance and loss. Wo can mako your tubs trouble proof. Mako thorn at tractive as well as uaoful too. And If you will ask us you'll find tho cost of making thorn so Is not nearly so great aB you probably expect. Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street. PHONE 77-J