SCHOOL OTEJS ists mn -7-1 'lr WWN teaWi GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Investigation Booking to dotor mlno tho ago of pupils at the tlmo of entering sovonth grndo, based upon tho pupils now In that grtulo In Marshflold schools, showed 13 years, 11 months, 11 days, as tho avorago ngo. For tho fifth grade, 11 yoars, 10 months, 14 days. Anyono Interested In securing a scalo for measuring hand writing con got tho samo by nddresslng Leonard P. Ayors, assoclato director, Russoll Sago Foundation, Now York City. Until recently no effort has been mado to grado tho hand writ ing of pupils to any uniform scalo. Evory teacher gavo a mark. Tho scalo of tho Sago foundation Is pu llshcd with tho Idea of supplying a standard for tho schools of tho coun try. Mr. Tlodgen Is making a study of ,tho Courtis Uniform Tests In Arith metic. Tho tests havo been applied In somo of tho best schoolB of tho country and aro designed to test both tho offlcloncy of tho toacbJng and of tho supervising of tho sub ject of nrlthmotlc. Recently tho testa wero mado In schools on tho Atlantic coast. Mr. Courtis Is qulto dollghtcd at tho chanco to secure statistics from tho opposite Pacific coast. Thoso Investigations will bo pub lished for tho uso of teachers throughout tho nation If permission to do so Is given. Eric Bolt writes from "Willamette 1.n Mm itnlvnrsltv linn lioon nllCCOBB- ful In enlarging Its endowment nnd anticipates ono of tuo cost years in its history next year. Ho writes that his somostcr mark In French Is 98 per cont Those who know of Eric's atrugglo with Latin will rojolco with hlra In his success in mastering tho French. Tho Marnhflold High School Lit erary Socloty will rendor tho last program for tho prosont Bchool year next Thursday ovonlng at tho high school. Tho oxocutlvo commlttco of tho society has nrrangod a program which will undoubtedly bo ono of tho "best over glvon In tho history of tho school. Tho progrnm Is arranged ns follows: Piano Solo Lucy Powere Declamation Edna Hanson Vocal Solo Florcnco Kohfeld Dobnto Resolved, That tho S. P. Railroad should bo allowed to build a brldgo across Coos Day. Alta Soulo nnd Druco Kolloy will dofond tho nfflrmatlvo whllo Chostor Isancson and Vivian Carlson "will up Tiold tho negative. Opon for discus sion. Recitation May Myren Decision of Judges. Impromptu Singing Although tho weather has bcon un favorable during tho past fow meet ings, Interest lu tho literary work Ib IncroaHod. An especially Interesting and Instructive phnso of tho work ts that of dobatlng. Tho socloty hns ondoavorod to chooso questions which would loavo room for a varloty of opinions. Tho question to bo dis cussed next Thursday evening Is es pecially Interesting to tho Coos Bny pooplo. After tho dolmtors hnvo sub mitted their nrguments to tho judges, tho quoHtlon will bo thrown opon for discussion. King of Denmark; wreck of the TI- nnlcj disarming or tno iuoros m mu Philippine Islands; cleaning up of Tniilolnnn Mm mmltlir fit tllO lilVOH- tor of tho Holsol onglno, and a di.- scrlptlon of tho engine. rrhn Minfi, nrmin Mils week handod In tliQinoa on Roman customs, based on tho layB or ancient, uumu. Sixth nnd Seventh Orntlcs. In tho Sovonth Grade, Mr. Tledgon submitted a spelling test In which Karl Snnqulst mado 08, Lawronco Horton 94, Myrtlo Nelson 92, Ray Leo 9C, Howard Kolloy 9 8, Irmond Carlson 94, Wesloy Seaman 9G. Friday afternoon was spent read ing tho last thomos tho sovonth and sixth grades will hand In this yoar. Fifth Grndo. Dr. McCormae visited tho fifth grado on Friday and Judgod tho maps of Coos County mndo by this grado to which ho offered prizes for tho" best. Dorothy Dachtol, ago 11, won tho first prho, $2; Vlolot Roborson, ago 12, tho second, ?1. and Marjorlo Drows, ago 10, tho third, BO conts. Tho maps will bo on exhibition at tho Chamber of Commorco. Tho boys and girls of tho fifth grado and their toachor, Miss Strlff lor, took their lunch and wont up to tho rcsorvolr during tho noon hour Thursday. They playod games and spont a vory plonsant hour, returning at 1:30. Kathleen Fltrgerald waa absent this week on account of HlneB8. In an arithmetic test given tho B division only thrco foil bolow 90 por cont and thcro woro four perfect papers. Vlolot Roborson was abBont two days this wcok on account of sick ness. hnnrlhv nllflrt with VlOWB Of tllO Stamp mills, and explaining tho methods of extracting gold. Mrs. Painter visit tho Primary and Sixth Grntlcs this week. Following nro tho pooms memor ized by tho Third grado pupils dur ing tho Inst school yonr: "Tho Vlllngo Blacksmith" Long follow. "Tho Children's Hour" Longfel low. "Gradatlm" J. G. Holland. "Tho Owl and the Pussy Cat" Ed ward Loar. "Tho Land of Counterpane" R. L. Stevenson. "Llttlo Whlto Lily" Georgo Mac Donald. "Tako Care" AUco Cary. "America" Samuel Francis Smith. "Suppose" Phoebo Cary. "Dutch Lullaby" Eugono Flold. "Tho Spidor and tho Fly" Mary Howltt, "Mr. Chipmunk." "A Busy Day." "A Quarrel." And sixty memory gems. Visitors in tho Third Grado this wook wore Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Jr., Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Misses Mildred nnd Bosslo Coke, Mrs. J. A. Pattl Bon, Mrs. A. B. Oldlcy and Mrs. Btan loy. . Fourth Grade. Gladys Forry, Margorlto Lecocq and Genovlovo GoBnoy havo beon ill this week. Tho superintendent tried out the A class In n Bhort geography test. Thoso making very good grados woro Clara Abol, Arthur Leo, Edith Ayro, Edith Johnson nnd Mario McLoan. Somo good paintings of tho Cali fornia poppy voro mado by Edith Ayro, Clara Abol, Esther Holm and Charlos Sneddon. Interesting nnlmal stories of tho brother rabbit typt of conversation wero developed by tho A class. Thow receiving honornblo montlon In tho class woro Lillian Seaman, Maud Wil son, Edith Ayre, Goorgo Mlnnlng nnd Edward Knox. Second nnd Third Grades. Among tho nbsont ones this wcok woro Wnyno Gosnoy, Arthur John son nnd Elvla Alrola. Mnbollo McLaughlin has ontorcd tho A division of tho second grndo. Among thoso who wroto good lnn guago stories this week woro: Whit ford Hall. Holon Lococq, Howard McLaughlin, Maxlno Jones, William Kroltzor, Lcona Hoffman, Cecil La Chnpollo and Marjory Morcy. First nnd Second Grade. LoiiIbo Chtlda hns bcon nbsont nil this wcok on nccount of Illness. Evolyn Koontz was tardy Thurs day. Friday aftornoon tho children told storlos nnd dramatized sovornl. CENTRAL SCHOOL English. Tho Juniors nro studying Stovoi. son nnd Kipling. 1 II BlIIIIIIIKlll'H una WUUIt Will HUH out tho nfflrtnnttvo on a dobnto, tho question being: Rosolvod, Tlint stu-i dont government In high school r? tionoflrlnl. They hnvo also bcon working on tho making of n book roviow. Bortlo Hnmpton of tho Fourth Grndo has returned to school nftor n short illness. Tho Primary pupils nro cutting piny houses nnd furniture Tho Froshmen this week wroto Bomo vory Intornstlng thomoH on "A Walk " Tl o dlfforont pnragrnpl.a in thco to bo based on tho follow ing: The flrxt paragraph to descrlbo tlio ""Old of tho person stnrtlng on tho wn'k; tho second to toll nhout tho so-ison; tho third of an odor: tho four' of a sound; tl'o fifth of tho cliniitf of mood caused by the wnhr. Especially good thenioa woro handed in by 'Mrnco Rnhskopf, Dorothy Hor-1 ton, ndrow Thomas and Horhorti nrat'l ,v Un rrlilny a lesson In oral comnltlon wn given, bused on current evouts. Tho following cur-, rent "Irs wore in'Wed mi Tl m. ecu floods of tho Mississippi; a Ad script M Of Mil' t 1 ll i slil" n t o n ivy: fin death of tho Eddlo Ellorbock of tho Sixth grado Is in school again. With n revlow of mining In tho Sovonth Grndo, Mrs. Rood gavo nn Interesting talk on mining in Alaska showing tho pupils specimens of gold $100 Reward, $100 Tin render ef IhU paper III bo pleated to learn lint tlieru laat lraat nnedrrall dlteat that tdeiira liai liecn able to cure In all lt Mage, and ilial UCatarrd. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure l the only ioliit euro now known to I lie meillral fraternity. Calami lieln aeon, tllliitlonal iHtraso, rcqutrri n conttltullonal IrealniKiii. Hall, Catarih cure la taken Inter, imlly, acting ill recti upon the blood and mti. coin. aurtarfnof thtl)Jtrni, thereby deatrnyinit lln foundation ol ilioill, ana k! tnic tlic tut lent treuth (n bttlMiiw up the toiutllu. lion and tmlctluK ualurn lit dolus lltuorlc. 'I he proprietor barn so much (allh In Its cur. Hthe Hieri that they r-fferOne Hundred Dol ls rk (or any rase that It fall to i-urc. fend for ll.tot tiktlouonU . K. J.cnKKKY A CO., Toledo, O Soldh; all I)rtiKKlt. TV Take llall' Family f'UU lor coiutfpatlon pv v'-ftf fy$M FLQOH E Snov Drift Flour Highest Quality mow wurr A X .," . 1NV1M J mwmw liRliP Beef of Quality Ib tho only kind kept at this raarkot. Wo plau every roast, ovory steak sold to mako frlonde for us. Bo wo sol only tho choicest and primest and nt prlcei whlc add nothing to tho "net of living by trid'ng bore. MARHI1FIHLD CASH MARKHT. FOURIER BROS. MnrshuVId Telephone- North Bend 22J.JT Two Market Ol COMPLIMENTS . FOR COOS BAY (Continued from Page 'LrLrLnn plolts Coos Bay nnd its cltlzcnB it cortalnly Is entitled to tho hoarty thanks of that country. At tho samo tlmo It Is of considerable valuo as a roforenco fllo, Indlcntlvo of tho ro sourccB of and appearance of Wost orn Oregon, at tho samo timo giving an Idea of tho size of and capltnl In vested In our largo lumber Industries. It Buroly would mako tho eyoa of. somo easterners "stick out" aftor looking over this paper. I noto it takes cognlzanco of tho fact that you havo dono something for Marshflold, but it docs not seem to mo that half enough credit baa been' glvon you for tho vnst quantity of all kinds of work for tho bottormont of that sec tion that you havo accomplished in tho 30 years you havo lived thcro. TOM NOWLIN LIKED IT Paso Roblos, Call., M12. Editor Times: I received tho railroad edition of tho Coos Bay Times nnd it Is cortaln ly n cracker-Jack. Why, tho- devil did you not send a dozon copies? I was mobbed and tho pnpor takon from mo. It was read by a numbor of our peoplo thon sent oast nnd it will bring moro thnn ono person to Mnrshtlold. Peoplo scorned astonished to think that thoro was such a grand plnco, and: I told thorn it wns not lies And on Coob Bay thoro woro no files. Just cast your hook tho trout will rlBO. Catch thorn almost any slzo. I will como hnck thero somo day- - And thoro Is whoro I nm goln.-j to stay You will bury mo on old Coos Baj Yours with thanks, TOM NOWLIN rU.19 THE CORK CENTER BAH la the Only Official Ball Do Yob Realize This I Every Profcaalonal Baae linll Flayer i)caua liii pricenUira aravaluelrtt forconipari- oabrth Mor I-u unltM ha pUytwithth Cork Center Ball XvcryProf eaalonal Ilaaa Dull Manaeer liKauta hU players aia lest vsluakla unless they plsy with the Cork Cnter Hull Every rrofra alonol Clnb Otvncr-Detauia hit patron at entitled to it Should Insist Upon The CORK CENTER BAXJi TheSpaldlngf,,;'"." Cork Center Base Ball 91.28 each Ha been adopted by lha National League For Twenty Year and h la also ilia Official Ball of tho great majority of all Professional Daso Ball League n ihi country. The American League ha also adopted a Coils Center Ball, and all World Series Came art nlajrad aiclutively with Cork Center Dalle and will t (or Tweaty Yeara more. Sand for sample of material, etc., for Date Dall Uniforms. Free. Copy of Spalding Catalogue sent Free on request to any address A. 6. Spalding & Bros. ISO Geary Street San Francisco We Carry a Complete Line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Marshfield, Ore. STADDEN All flwfa A llttfttftlliiaull r-A.r , .u0 u ft'wv'bftffAA nurnf lHinnldo rnlurgintf ajttl kodak "My little son had a very sevoro cold i was recommended to try Chamhcrlnln's Cough Remedy, and hefore h small bottle was finished he wns ns woll as over," writes Mrs. H. SItkn. 39 Dowlinic street. Bvdnev. Australian. This remedy is lor salo4 oy an aeaiori. Perham Park The Only Restricted Building District . on Coos Bay . The cntiro 80 Acres lias been platted into lots and is now on the market. Tho property lies in tho contor of Marshfield, five to ten minutes' walk from the business part of the city. Remember each lot is large enough for a first-class home. Prices From $400 to $600 On Easy Terms E. G. PERHAM Lockhart Bldg., 2nd floor, opposito Postoffico. Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors nnd Supplies. PHONE 18 Ml. 170 So. llrondwny, next door to Union Meat Market. TO AND FIIOM Sweden, Norway. Finland And any othor part ot Europe Now Is tho tlmo to buy your tlckot from AUG. FBIZEBN. Roal Eatato nnd Insurance C8 Contrnl Avonuo. Marshflold. Blanchard's Livery Wo hnvo socurod tho 1 Ivory busi ness of L. II. Holsnor, and nro pro cured to rendor excallont service to tho pooplo ot Coos liny. Caroful drivers, good rigs and ovorythlng that will moan sntisiactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horso, n rig or anything needed in tho livery lino. Wo nlso do truck ing business of all kinds. llLANCIIAIU) imOTHEHS I'ltono 1H-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service Ml First ntttl Alder Streets. The Electric Shoe Shop is wnEitE they nuv snoES FROM; $1 I'ER I'AIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP IfiO Po. nroadway Mnrshfleld R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 1 North IVotit 8tret PROFESSIONAL 01RECT0KY D It. 1UR1) It. CLARKE. Specialist In Nerve and Spinal Disease. Offlco, Room 2, Rogers House, Marshfield. Offlco Hours 2 to G. Jliotio 144-L. l-lt. A. J. HENDRY'O ' '-' Modern Dejital Parlors. We are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at the very lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo alto Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. THE EASIEST OF ALL STOVES TO MOVE IS THE GAS RANGE -the gas range Is light in weight compared to any coal stove, There are no soot filled stove pipes to tako down or put up, -you can uso the gas range up to the timo the fitter comes to disconnect it, -five minutes after the gas range reaches your new home It can be connected and is ready for service. -tho gas range will be useful for heating wat er; for making tea or coffee for preparing meals just when you need it most during the "settling" period, -all the bother arid delay of putting up the old fashioned solid fuel stoves are avoided, -our co-operative payment plan means that you obtain the style of gas range which suits you best on terms you will find easy to meet. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. )ffle over Flanagan & Bennett Dank larahOeld Oregon DR. J. T. McCORMAO, Philln .. D.. Mu-ihfluld, Oregon. )rflce: Lockhart Bulldlnr. Opposite post office. Phone 105-J CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho tloho of business April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. ,-r, At 201'" Loans and discounts JjWtl Bonds, wnrrants and securities js'oOM' U. S. bonds to securo circulation , gi'jU" Heal estate, furniture and fixtures isj'jlM! Cash and sight exchango J- Total "W11 "ABILITIES. 0MIIJ. Capital stock paid in ' , gij.O Surplus and undivided profits jsloOO" Circulation, outstanding nUti " Deposits. . . 7 JI Total P In addition to Capital Stock tho individual liability or ew ers is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TRIE AND SAVINGS DEPSITMejl W. S. CHANDLER. President. M. O. HORTON, VlwI'rW DORSET KREITZER, Cashier, k