""iincLu, uncuura, om We Sell a Good Suit of Clothes for $8.50 ($ In fact we advertise it as the best $8.50 suit in world. IJ We have better suits at $10, $12.50 $15.00 and $18.00 but whatever the price, it is the best suit for the money Sold on Coos Bay. J We can prove it if you will give us a a chance. J Come in and see. COOS BAY TIDES. Hoi w Is given tho time and neigni or high and low water at Marshnold. Th tides are placed In tho order Of Occurrence. With thnlr tlmon on tho first lino and hoights on tho oc- ona nno 01 each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indlc&U whether It Is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 tnlnutos. uato. Mny. 7 o'clock In tho morn-1 o'clock at night. Tho mlnutos from 7 Inn until 12 n fare Will bff twontv-fivn entita Thov I formerly operated an nuto lino bo-1 tween Medford and Jacksonville.' TSioy will mnlntnln hoadqunrtora In each city and will dovoto their en tire time to tho auto lino and will not cngngo In any other kind of ser vice. I Hrs. Feet Hrs. Foot .2.59 .7.2 .3.43 .1.1 9.29 0.9 10.18 1.1 3.40 C.2 G.23 5.1 8.31 2.9 10.11 3.4 THE WEATHER (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Sunday, except showers tonight In oxtreino northeast and cooler In enstj northerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. m.. Mnv 18. hv Tlnni. Ostllnd, spoclal government mo- teorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum CC Minimum 42 At 4:43 a. m 42 Precipitation nono Wind northwest; clear. Coming to liny Bon Selling, tho republican candldato for United I States Senator, and Dr. Harry Lano, I his democratic opponent, will both! visit Coos County boofro tho Novem ber election, according to ndvlBcsl received horo. Dr. Lano resided on tho Day In early days. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made fromRoyalCrapeCreamofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE Wllscy Coming II, C. Dlors has been advised that W. J. Wllsoy, who Is closely Identified with tho Sumnor railway projects nnd who Is said to .i..,u uuujjiiL iiuinii 9 iu,uuu worm oi'mtoq tv innmi t-i.....i , property in North Bond from tho!MIS8 ",.?IA2'.??1 Ea,,ro' ls a Simpson Lumber company, will soon PERSONAL NOTES visit tho Day. Dies in Xortli Bend. D. F. Adams, n pionoor resident of Tomploton nnd tho Ten Mllo country, died at his homo In North Dond today after a long Illness. Ho was about 70 years old nnd suffered from a complication of Ills Incident to his advanced years. I Marshfield FIXUP North Bend 4A noiur. DICKFOItD To Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Blckford, at tholr homo on South Hroadwny, Tuesday, May 14, a daughtor. Mothor and child aro gottlng along nicely. DUNHAM To tho wlfo of Hnrvo Dunham, May 12, a boy. Coqulllo Horald. Masons Plim. Arago Chapter, It. A. M will hold spoclal initiatory work noxt Tuesday when Most Ex cellent and Royal Arch degrees will bo conferred on threo candidates from North Bend. Following tho do greo work, a socinl time, will boon-Joyod. Marshfleld visitor today. MHS. S. A. YOAKAM, of Coos River, was a Marshfiold visitor today. MltS. WILL EICKWORTH and Mrs. Wlrth of Mllllcoma woro Marsh fiold visitors today. MRS. I'AUL SCHULTPELZ and son of Ton Mllo enmo In today to loavo tomorrow for California points. Wnnts Militia Out Cnpt. Mac genn sent n wireless messago hero today stating that Llout. Dlumborg of tho Oregon Naval Militia was abroad tho Breakwater and wns com ing to Inspoct tho local division. Ho further requested thnt all tho mora bors bo out in uniform' when tho Breakwater nrrlves to welcomo tho superior officer. Tho Breakwater will bo In about C o'clock in tho morning. CIIAS. LEDWAItD who has visiting relatives horo will tomorrow for San Francisco. boon loavo GEORGE SNYDER is down from Dnnlols Creek for a fow days' visit at tho homo of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Snydor. GEORGE ROSS wns down from his Cntchlng Inlet ranch today. Ills mothor, Mrs. II. F. Ross, ls now mnklng her homo with hlni. Always "The Busy Corner "-The Rexall Store 14TH SATURDAY SALE Ste F8S TALCUM REGULAR 25c For Saturday Only ! 5c the Can NUF SAID Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. The ffivxaJUL Star PHONE -MAIN 298 US WANT ADS. JIOOI-inq Metal boating, root Painting. All work guaranteed. J. L. lll'ici:. Phono 89-J. F0'' SALE Choice rosos and lilacs. Phono 174-X. . ' Brown leghorn eggs for sotting; 75c por flftoon for balance of season. Mr. Chas. Murr. Poone ICC. North Bend. NA.Ti: Molmlr, Wool and cas wra bark. Apply to Henry Song acken, nt office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. ," KI2XT Fine sunny house-keep-'ng apartmont. Sacchl Bldg. En quire Nasburg Grocery. FOwi.AIJ' KINWS OF HAULING .jwirford Doano. Phone 331-R. AMI.1) a competent girl for general housework; good wages. PPlJ-Apt. 5, O'Connell bldg. ril S,ALE Cottage on Eastsldo. "ne block from Ferry bridge Call at Myers' sin fnJ?i'Ia'r-F,oat liouso, 12x14 ft., urnlshed, for ?30. John Glock porter, enquire at ship yard. Ai!lTJ!:n G'rt ot under twenty, 'r notel work, chambormald nnd waitress, 2C9L. ' SALE As other Interests de- mnnd my attention, I will sell my restaurant and bakery for $170.00, excellent trado. Address Box 333, North Bond, Oregon. FOR KENT Two nice clenu rooms. 131 Park ave.; upstairs. FOR SALE 80-ucro ranch on river; craps in; $1200 cash handles It. Sco owner, C. M. Doutt, Blanco Hotel. FOR SALE Olio new 2(l-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlmroer man, 8C2 North Front strot. BARGAIN SALE? 40 horsepower auto for $C00; first-class condi tion; fully equipped; cost new $3000; will sell for $C00 on ens terms. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front street. Phone 180-J. For Immediate Sale I will sacrifice my flno modern homo only threo blocks from Post office In North Bend and 77 Aero ranch on Coos River for $5000 cash. Call or phono C. 51. DOUTT, ownor, Hotel Blanco, Mnrshfleld. Oregon. Father Dend B. F. Castool, who formorly resided In Forndale, has written friends horo that his fathor died recontly In San Diego whoro tho family has boon residing for a fow years. Doath followed nn Ulnoss of threo months of a complication of Ills Incident to his ndvancod years. Meet in North Bend Noxt Tuos day overling at tho North Bond Com mercial Club rooms, tho North Bond School Hyglono Socloty will hold a parent mooting nnd all patrons of tho school aro lnvltod to nttond. Tho subjoct for discussion nt tho mooting will bo "Tho Fathor and tho School." Child In Dond. Mrs. P. N. Flngg has Just received word of tho death of tho young child of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hcndorson nt tholr homo In Potorboro, Ontario, Canada. This was their only child. Mrs. Hondor son will ho romomborod horo as Miss Ella Mathlcson. She was omployed In J. W. Benuott'a office Hor many frtonds horo will unlto In oxtonding tholr sympathy. Hnscbnll Plans Tho Marshfiold basoball team has rnlsod qulto n sum through siibscrlptlns frein local business firms and today forwarded tholr $100 doposlt to President Bnx tor of the Coos county loaguo. Thoy nro practicing and oxpect to hnvo a good team for tho first gamo two wooks from tomorrow. Thoy will practlco again tomorrow. Thoy will sldo team will piny Sumner nt Sum nor tomorrow nnd n team from tho Smlth-Powors Camp No, 7 will also play Sumner. MILO PIERSON who has boon resid ing in Marshnold tho pnst fow months has moved bnck to homo at Lnkostd,o for tho summer. OTTO SOHETTER nnd Arthur Mc Koown loft Inst ovonlng for Laird's and vicinity whoro thoy will en joy u fow dnys' outing and fishing. REV. O. 55. DOWARD nnd family will nrrlvo horo tomorrow on tho Breakwater. Rov. Zownrd ls tho now pastor of tho Marshfiold Christian church, NORTH BEND NEWS. Mrs. Morse, of Empire, has boon tho guest of North Bend friends for several days this wcok. Mrs. Aloxandor, of North Bond, Is now mnklng hor homo with Mrs. Ar not nt Cooston. CATCHING INLET NEWS Carl Hnldermnn nnd Eddlo Ellor bock, of Mnrshflold, visited at H. S. Boncbrnko'H homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Donno nnd family and Mrs. oreggs nnd son, Robort, woro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rledo Sunday. C. W. Crawford arrived from Allc gnney Snturday and Is visiting Mrs. Crawford and tho Htgglnson family. Ferdinand Hnnson wns also a guest to dinner tho snmo day. Clarence Wallaco, who Is In the omploy of J. C. Donno, mado his par ents a short visit Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Bonobrako Is suffering with Inflamed eyes. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Nnmo Candidates. A. J. Stophan, secretary of tho Marshfiold Socialists' local, this morning rocolvod n told gram from John Haydon, of Marsh fiold, ono of tho Oregon delogatos to tho nntlonal Socialist convention at Indianapolis. It stated that Eugene V. Dobs had beon nominated for president, and Mnyor Soldol, of Mil waukee, had been nomlnntod for vlcn prosldont. New Auto Lino Messrs. Gorst nnd King who arrived horo this wook from Modford nnnouncod todny that noxt Monday thoy will establish an nuto sorvlco botweon North Bond nnd Marshtlold. Throo Cadillacs and ono Packard touring enr will bo put In tho service and cars will loavo each end of tho lino ovory thirty AT TEe Royal TONIGHT MELVIN nnd O'Neill Prosonting tholr now fnrco comedy sketch. "THE TROUBLES OF A SCHOOL MISTRESS." A roar of laughter all tho way through. "PICTURESQUE COLORADO" Is ono of tho three good pictures. An especially good program FOR 10c. Tho Bronkwator Is duo In early tomorrow morning from Portlnnd. Tho Rodondo will anil at 1:30 Sun day for San Francisco. Tho Nann Smith in duo In todny nnd will sail Sunday for Bny Point. Tho Osprey sallod today for Roguo River. Tho, Brooklyn sallod from Bnndon for San Francisco todny. Tho Alllnnco sallod today noon for Eureka, Sho hnd only a fow pas sengers out from hero but had a numbor bound through from Port land. Among thoso snlllng from horo woro J. II. Slmond and Wm. Nyo. Sho will roturn horo noxt TueBdny and will sail at 2 o'clock tho Btimo day for Portland. J. R. PAGE, a llnotypo operator, loft todny via Myrtlo Point nnd Brldgo for Albnny where ho will visit at tho homo of his brother who Is tho proprlotor of tho Albany Herald, JOHN F. HALL, O. M. Eborhart nnd A. J. Davis woro among tho out going pnssongom on tho Rosoburg stngo last ovonlng. Judgo Hall goos to Pondloton to nttond tho Grand Lodgo mooting of tho Ore gon Odd Follows. CLARENCE HARRIS who has boon omployed on tho Larson drodgo on Coos Rlvor was In town yostordny nnd roportB tho drodgo will bo movod to Isthmus Inlet soon to do somo work for tho Smlth-Pow-ors compnny. Pictures and framing. STUDIO. WALKER NORTH INLET NEWS Southern Pnclflo Englncor Wlor nnd four contractors passed ovof the nurvoy from Saundors Lako to tho Inlet. Mr. Wlor snys that thoro will bo things doing soon. County Surveyor Gould nnd crew nro nbout dono with tho survoy for tno now rond via. Saunders Lako. This will mnko a much bettor road than tho present ono, though It will bo about hnlf n mllo longor. Sco SARTER'H for CANDY. John Munson Is running tho scow Furtho for Nod Galloway, HOT IN COQUILLK Tho "oldest Inhabitant" novor' ru colvcd such n warming by moans of toinpernturo In this section as on Sunday last. Thermometers Indicat ed 00 degrees in tho shndo In Co qulllo, nnd Judgo Hnll Informs us thnt n thormomotor In tho shndo at his Marshfiold resldonco roglBtored 89 degrees. Coqulllo Horald. Spoclal salo of TAFKIE8 .and PEANUT BRITTLE, 20 CENTS IJICIl POUND at STAFFORD'S Saturday and 8unday. BUY your TICKETS nt tho niisr CORNER for tho Bandon KXCUR HION ON SUNDAY. Round trip- $1.60 STARTS ON LONG JOURNEY Robert Mar Ml on, 8r., Leaves Tomor row for Ills Boyhood Homo Robort Marsdcn, Sr., loavos to morrow on tho Redondo which will bo tho start on a well earnod vaca tion and recreation trip to Europe Tho objoctlvo point of his Itinerary Is his old boyhood homo In Wlgan, England. Ho goes from horo to San Francis co whoro ho will spend a couple of weeks and then to Los Angolos nnd Ornngo Calif., whoro ho will visit his son, Sain, for a short tlmo. From thoro ho will go to Brooklyn, N. Y whore ho.wlll visit E. C. Phllby and about July 1 oxopects to sail for Liv erpool nnd thonco to the homo of his boyhood at Wlgan whoro ho will mako nn extoudod stay with relatives and frlonds. Many frlonds will wish Mr. Mn ra don n ploasant Journoy homeward and a snfo return to Coos Bny. STAFFORD'S Flno Taffy and PEANUT BRITTLE, 20c por pound, Saturday nnd Sunday. J. Leo Brown, Ph. Q. R. W. Swanton, Ph. O. FREE Poisoim Oak Remedy Wo will give you absolutely froo ono ftOc bottlo of Drrmol If It fidls to euro. DERMOL Swanton'H famous poInoii oak remedy: Oil In every 100 onset cured by this pliNumnt, cooling, refreshing, untlheptlu ereain. hhould hnvo n lottlo of Dcrmol whllo in (he woods Loggers, Camp crx, HiinterH und Plctuturo Seekers. Indies, ono application re lieve sunburn, besides being the bent preventive for l'olsou Oak. Solo Agents and Manufacturers. BROWN DRUG CO. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. pUtshurxJkct Dayton Bicyelcs Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT BASEBALL DANCE Eagles' Hall SATURDAY NIGHT MAY 1H GOOD MUSIO GOOD TIME GOOD CAUSE BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving nnd Grading. We are prepared to do this work by tho day or contrnct and guaranteo satisfaction. Lot us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO. The Quality RSS8SZFENCE Stretch "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fence 'round your poultry yard, and note how much better it looks than the old fence it re placesthe air of distinction it gives to the whole premises. uoserve uow it actually keeps in tlie smallest chicks, and keeps out all vtlld and domestic animals. As years roll on, you see no tpreaa muvs, no rubieu, uroiceu ami loose wires, no sag ging between posta ; lust ad, tlu fence remains erect, even and firm because it is essentially a icrvico icucc ot hlghett quality, cott no woro than an inferior fence. Mm All"Pitt1bur(hP.rf.ct" Iron, durable like old Mm sine by eur cicluiire pr ELEC cl"-e i' U made from Open Hearlh wire, tougb. ire, and perfectly galvanlicd with pure encry point ol contact tlie wlru are ALLY WELDED This feature la found only In "J'ltUbursh Perfect" I'euce, and doubles it atrcuielb, duraliility ami appearance over all other fences. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT Pioimeeir Hardware Co 330 Front St. Marshfield, Ore. LVvXFt iWUfflsj'U v. deki K i (MliilrJJ ' " JlilrTisI PiXiMrKHJIlM Sfilll'lisS vuu wlitiWrtTW II 'uTlV VfiWHllNriUlr v R 'MjM WHUiiiff' v tS Yet It Xjv !l n Afll WML "gjWg Phone 31C-J. Marshfiold, Ore.