18J9J2-vENfrlG EDITION. TTOftEGM, SATURDAY, MAY NEW TEACHERS- COAYlf BAIL an RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS BAY (Contlauod from page 1.) COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD PUPILS MADE ftl. C. MALONEV Kditor and Pub. DAV K. MALONE1T News Editor FINE SHOWING IN E. AddreBs all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrnhllold :: :t :t n Oregon (AM NATION IN NORTH HtlV Entered at tbo poatofllco at Marah B3td, Oregon, for transmission Cfirough tbo malls as second class mail matter. A DUEL OF MILLIONS IT 19 reported that tho Harrlmau system is to add a stretch of railroad from Lobanon to Fostor, Fostor is n point on tho South ' S&Utlara, 2C miles oast of Lebanon. Tliore Is also assuranco of renewed ncUvlty on tho Eugono & Coos Day Ucanch. Though little noticed by tho pub lic, tlioro Is n railroad duel on In western Oregon botweon tho Hill and Qnrriman lines. Tho stako Is tho ) Catuc of tho groat Wlllamotto vnlloy ttnd each system is making strategic ' moves for strengthening Its position. ' What this traulc is to bo Is un Aorntood by shrowd railroad men. It ' fy partly cornprohondod by old-tlmora xvjin haro watchod tho Increase In Clio number of trains during tho rjast 2G yoars. Tho old mlzod train, which car ried both freight and passongors, has disappeared. Tho Blnglo through . Rnnsongor train, over tho oast bUIo lino, to California, which was sup . nJomontod years ago by tho Albany local, is muuipiiou into trains ovory "" Efiw hours, and all aro crowded. Kong freight trains aro mot on many Raiding, Instead of tho slnglo train ' vrilu. occasional extras In tho grain ' moving soason, which was tho on- deal, order. Tho Oregon Electric Is added and 'many trains speed ovor it oach way corry day, and nil aro crowded. Tho tines nro as much multiplied as aro die, trains, and all nro busy with a constantly growing trafllc. Tho rail rand dividends of other years aro nnnltlpllod and multiplying. All this transformation In two or 'fchrco decades Is to bo followod by ,Vmllnr changes In tho future. It Is ' itfllo growth of a kingdom. It Is tho cmiiing of an emplro. Nobody seos (t no clearly as do tho ablo men who control the destinies of tho railroads. 'Tho present nnd tho coming great er trafllc Ih a rich prlzo for railroad rnnU to contend for. Title to It Is dfanUtud lr two rival systems, nnd ttCo Blrugglo Is mighty. U Is a duol of "Ulllons, nnd It Is being silently tttuftht with consummato skill and KfPelUgonco. It moans moro linos, more branch on" nnd moro extensions. It moans HuAlwr tracks, moro trains, hotter nc 4ZunuunaatlonB, bettor flchedulcs, Krunter facilities for shipper nnd traveler, nnd a tremendous futuro wconluatlon of wostorn Oregon. JPurtlnnil Journal. tWITH THE t $" toastandtea: " -: '.MODEST AMANDA. ha modeut. Is Amanda Loo That uho strolls out o' nights, tAm at tho butoher'H nho inlght sea VCXa winiagoa la tights. W. N. Ekblad. :Su unodost Is Amanda Loo In day of blooming youth', :8hM liluah If In Jior presence ono Huouia ion mo naKou irum. Goo. Ooodruin. fcaniudoit Is, 'Amanda Leo That alio ptllls down the blind, Or fcooB Into another room, Thnt uho muy chnugo her mind. J. Albert Matuun. 8? modwt Is Amanda Leo flho dwells In grief and pain JJntll the nmlo, unblushing tree (join nmuolhlng on ngaln. F. Powers. fa iumIuiU Is Amanda Iwi fihw'd blush Uko 11 rod roso. Should any young man chanco to sco llor ulfty garden hose. E. C. Paddock. "So modest U Amnnda Leo It drives hor In n trnnro, AA make her blush bo painfully To hvr hor lap dog's pantH. V. E. Ilaguo. Bo modest Is Amanda Lee "1'would glvo hor hoart a tug. fX lu her parlor sho should see A naughty bear Bklnrug. BELLS VINE 11AXCII VnWier of J. M. Upton, of .Multifield, IHspOMW f l'-lHTty. The Port Orferd Tribune snya: Hun. .1. 11 Upton has sold his titnutlful farm and moved Into Lang- jnis- it far moro iuirium huiuu iw Che aged couple, where facilities of vA lclnd are right at hnnd. SOCIALISTS CONVENTION Tho Socialists of Coos County will lurid their convention In this city on Wroudny. Juno 3. at which tlmo candi date will ho nominated for nil the county offices. Chalrmnn J. II jraj?t has caused notices to be sent liu'fho eight locals of tho county ap prising thi'i" of ' moating. Co ijulllo ller.tld. Iloturns from tho Eighth Grado stato examinations hold on Thurs day and Friday of last weok woro rocclvcd on Friday. Of tho twonty olght Marshflold pupils who took tho examination, twenty-six passod. Tho two who do not rocolvo diplomas on this examination failed in only ono subject oach nnd thoy will bo allowed to tnko tho examinations in thoso studios Juno 0 and 7, making It practically certain that thoy wjll also pass. Thoso taking tho examination and their grades follow: NAMES o a 3 B S p 1 s 3 w a 2. 5" Nolllo Wnrwlck a 90 Erlck Storgard 80 8G Alfred Jutstrom 82 75 Jons, Hanson 02 82 Floronco Powors 83 87 Lornn Cooley 78 88 Carl Back 81 87 Dolla Oldland 84 SI Adolaldo Clarko 71 00 Roxlo Hall 87' 81 Hutli Dungan 80 7G Mnrlo Vnsoji 73 SO Qraco Williams 8-1 79 Eva Hansen . .'. 00 95 Mnrlan Seaman 75 84 Esther Asnlund 01 00 Sarah Escott 72 83 Emma Hagqulst . 80 70 Eddlo Dolt 71 84 Mario Whcolor 83 87 Ethol Josophson 70 82 Qunhlll Lund 84 02 Leo La Chnpollo 83 S3 Dngmar Fllcsburg 74 82 Ralph Dresser 07 S2 Isabollo Forguson 83 95 William Horsfall 70 82 fcr 5" . o a 9 B a o 2 TO a 83 08 SG 05 75 80 83 00 77 94 85 100 84 100 70 85 42 8? 8G 04 70 80 83 05 73 0G 84 8G 83 08 84 03 71 97 72 87 34 04 33 80 73 80 70 7G SS 94 89 95 9G 100 SI 9G 70 94 04 0G 85 S8 05 SO 8G 03 7G 04 05 73 SG 100 82 02 90 72 SS 98 72' 00 88 83 04 S2 05 08 0G 78 02 92 82 SS 02 05 88 87 80 80 0G 83 100 89 SO 0G OS 85 82 100 80 100 87 8G 84 100 73 9G 100 83 82 94 80 88 93 S3 82 84 73 8G 88 80 7G 98 78 9G OS 85 04 91 70 80 70 .00 .87 OO iDk 04 .83 04 95 .88 .83 80 .87 93 .85 91 ... 71 .87 90 .85 5G ... 77 .83 9G .89 77 .80 73 .89 88 .82 83 .83 88 .85 08 .00 72 75 85 82 7G .81 .83 .84 .S. .88 97 .01 94 .83 ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS SOCIAL UALENDAIt TONIGHT UnHcball dance at Eagles' Hall. North Iloml Dam! dance nt 4 Eckhoff Hall. SUNDAY Coos Day Dntid excursion to Dnndon. Cordiality Club picnic on Coos HIver. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsoy Krcltz- or, outing party. Mlnno Wis Club picnic-. MONDAY C. I. E. Club with Hcssfo Flye. North Dond Motor- Club & 4 social. TUESDAY Mrs. W. II. Kennedy at 4 bridge. 4 WEDNESDAY Mrs. W. II. Konnedy nfeanls. Ilrldgo Club with Mrs:. TV. S. Turpen. THURSDAY Social Sowing Club with Mra. D. A. Uees. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. F. A. Hazard. FRIDAY Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Ivy Cnndron. 4 Progross Club's annual: party. IIAXUON TIIIU1-' OAUflHT. Don't overlook SAltTKKS for a irioasant drink at tho finest sanitary fountain on Coos Hay. Clood for I'm Pcoplo Is HALVES' VLOUIt. LEWIS' Pure lie ritKAM ndi.s tho finishing touch to a good Sunday KilNNEK. Ordor by phone No J54C-J. CHOICE LOTS. Bonu fine choice lots close In from $100 to JG00. E. S. Oen-r & Co. Uoom 22 First National Hank. Llbby COAL. The Rtnd I'OU have 1IAYAVS LSKD. PHONE U Pacific TAybtj & Transfer Co. "After the show try a Turkish Bath lYhoro 3 14 -J. Tho North Dond Mothers' and Teachers' Club hold Its annual moot ing nt tho Central School1 In North Uond yosterdny afternoon. Mrs. Hor bort Armstrong guvo an ablo address on "Tho Rolntlon of the School nnd tho Homo" nnd Marlon Reynolds, an alumnus of tho North Heud High school gnvo a short add reus on per sonal oxporloucos as to M'hnt tho plans udvocntod by Mrs. Armstrong might hnvo accomplished In the schools when ho was n pupil. Fol lowing tho program, tho annual elec tion was hold nnd tho old oil) corn were reelected for tho ensuing year. They nro President Mrs. George Hiv.or. Vice-president Mrn. Ira 11. Ilar tlo, Secrotary Miss DohsIo Immol, Librarian Miss Penrl Heath, Treasurer Mlsa draco Williams. O Thursdny afternoon Mnybollo Mc Lnughlln entertained sonio of her little friends at her homo on Seventh and Ingorsoll, the occasion bolng her eigittn birthday. Tho llttlo folks passed a happy hour blowing sonp bubbles, and diverse othor games. After partaking of n lunch, they de parted for tholr homes, tired but happy. Thoso present wero Thelma lletherlugtou, Vlolot Rohorson, Mab el Snoddon, Penrl Lapp, Adrlana Gnrdlnor, Tholma lllnck and Lois lllack, Juno McLaughlin, Erma Hod son, Elizabeth Jones, Evolyn Kuntz, Lorna Wilson, Ruth McLaughlin, Louise Connor, Myrtlo Conklln, Nlva LalUli, Maybello McLaughlin. Elwln Johnson, Eugono Kelly, Harold John son, Frederick Hoagland, Therald Connor, Hownrd MeLnughllll nnd Helton Kammerer, O Mrs. II. French nrrlvod hero this weok from Los Angeles, Cnllf., to nmlto an cxtemlod visit nt the homo of hor daughter, Mrs. Louis Gorr. O Tho North Dond Chnptor of tho Eastern Star hold a social ses sion following tho regulnr lodgo work Thursday evening. Mrs. A. W. Myers and Mrs, E. L. Robinson of Mnrshllold woro among tho visitors present. O M.VltlllAOE LICENSES The following marrlago Hconsos woro Issued by County Clork Watson during tho past weok: Frank E. Fredonbury nnd Ethel May Ogden both of Myrtlo Point. Cnqullle Sentinel. Frank HobliiHon Cniiglif WT1II0 KoIk bint; Hnloom. Tho Dandon Recordor saya: "Frank Robinson. wolT known lu Dnndon, having worked nt locnl tail or Bhops for notno tlmo, was taken Into custody this morning- by Night Pntrolmnn Cessna, ns tho former wns leaving tho Club Snloon which ho hnd ontorcd through tho Dnck door, 1 having broken out n patio- of glass I and Unbolted tho door nnd ontcrwl, I but wnB Been In tho act by a young lady who won sleeping up-stalrB ovor tho Vlonnn enfo; tho lntter runhwl down Btnlrh nnd Informed Cossnn, who was lu tho restaurant nt tho tlmo. Cossnn hurried to tho Club Snloon nnd tatught Robinson jnst ns he wns coming out of tho pfneo. Tho latter was taken to tho city Jail and will bo tnken to Coqulllo Inter whero ho will be lodged in Jail' to wnit trlnl. "Thoro have boon n number of nt- tempted burglaries recently, nnd j Robinson hns boon Busnectett al though thoro wns not sufficient cvl- 1 donee to arrest him until Inst night. I Headers of tho Rocordbr'wltt remon- 1 hor that tho Club saloon- wbb broken Into about n month ago- and JIG In silver takon. An attempt wns mado to break Into tho Dnndbir Ilnr about a week ugo, and'nt thnt tlrno Roblnsou wnB scon In- the vicinity of thnt sa loon. Marsftnl Holmnrr thinks thoy hnve tho man who htw bern doing tho work nnd others worn to bo of the snmo opinion." ItOII COQUILLErt.TLOON Till In ThpiK-r M Diutcr'H Place TUpiMtl fir tftllT.tttf. The Coipilllo Sontmol Ktys: Tho Ed;odnlo saloon was burglar ized last Sunday night nnd $G2.G0 tnkon fronr tho caslli reghtor. As tu. who tho uurglar wad has not yet beem ascertnlnvd' and no arrests hnvo beinu made. Ti e Uurglars entered through the window on tho wst stdo of tho build ing hy lirenking. tho Rlass In tho m per sash and thon turning tho win dow latch. In order to roach tho latch It was necesnnry to bring a beer keg into requisition nnd the-proprietors of the ptace believe thiit nt least two persons woro envnlved In tho burglary. An electric IIkJU wub burning lu the bar-room mid tho rob ber must have done his work hur riedly as the ntckela nnd dimes In tho cash register woro not taken. About $00 in gold wnB In n drnwer of tho back bar to tho right of tho cash register but this drawer was undis turbed. This goes to show thnt tho robber wns not vory familiar with itho plnco. I Messrs, Tupper nnd llnxtor, the proprietors, say thoy feol reasonnhly satisfied ns to tho Identity of at least ono of the guilty parties and thnt nn arrest may be made at any tlmo. Cl'RRY COUNTY NEWS Events There As Recorded by the (old ISeacli Globe. Tho drowning of U. M. Parker and son In tho Illinois river last weok was so careloss that It bordors close ly to aulcldo. Tho raft, as wo have been Informed, conslstod of ono small log howed flnt on top nnd bottom with a fow threo foot shnkes nailed In tho center along on tho log. Up to tho tlmo of going to press, tho bodies hnvo not been recovorea. Ono thousand Angora goats nro expected hero in a fow days for tho Wedderburn Trading Co. There will he 40 head of registered nannies, 10 head of registered billies and tho rest of tho flock aro to bo from throo fourths to soven-olghths pure bred. The W. T. Co. hnvo available rango for thousands of head of goats which they propose to utilize, and they are starting out lu the right channel hv starting with a good grade headed by registered stock. STAFFORD'S Fine Taffy and PEANUT liltlTTLK. 20c per pound, Saturday and Sunday. REMEMBER tho QUATKRMA8S 8"UDIO for FIXE PHOTOS. School Board Selects Instruc tors for Ensuing Year Raise Salaries. At a meeting of tho North Bend school board this weok, most of tho teachers were elected for tho oiuulnt; yenr. Supt. Raab somo tlmo ago was re-elected head of tho schools Tot a term of two years. At tho last wet lug, J. F. Grubhs was re-olected principal for tho ensuing year ttnd his salary was Increased from $1080 to $1200 per annum. It wns decided that school should open for tho ensuing year September 10. Tho commencement oxorclsca will ho held tho InBt of Mny and tho first of Juno. A couple of vacancies woro loit in the corps of teachers, no seventh grade tenchor being chosen. For tho Eighth grade, tho board expressed n desire to retain Mrs. Woodbury, hut alio haa not determined whether she will uccept. Tho teachers elected nnd the Bnlarles fixed arc ns follows: First Grado D, S. Dornlco Hlckej-, $02.50; First Grado A, Matilda K. Sleep, $G7,50: Second Grado, Pearl E. Heath, '$G7.50; Third Grado, Bes sie G. Immol, $G0.00; Fourth Grade, Earl A. Drown, $G7".50; Fifth Grade, J. Derdlnah Hlckey, $G0: Sixth Grado, Graco Williams, $G7.G0. In tho high Bchool, Miss II. Jos phlno Griffin wns re-elected teacher In lniigungo nnd Htornturc nt n sal ary of $70. nnd Mrs. Edith A. Irish was elected Instructor fn history, scloncvj- nnd rhotorlc; at t0. Puns E.MimlliatloiiN. Of tllo twonty-throo pupllu In tho North Uond schools tnklns the ex aminations ,tho following pnssed: . Mnrgnret StnmbuoR-, Shfrlcy Pet erson, Mnrjorlo Swenrlngen, Jessie King, Matilda Grove; Anna Truman, Rcglnnld Nollncr, Herman Mcndc, Stanton' Stovens, Mury Lcvnr, Ivnn Pullon, Glenn Hnrr. The others failed Ih ono nnd two subjects nnd will tnXo thorn ovor on Juno 0 nnd 7. Till wnB tho last meeting or tho yenr. llcforo ndjounilngv Mrs. Hn zer, wHo wns ro-olocted president, announced tho following- standing committees for tho onsulhg year: Committer on school Inspection. Mrs. Imhoff, Prof. Grubbs, Mrs. It. Mooroj social committee Mrs. Rood, Mrs., Sholler. Mrs. Noltsont pin: ground committee Mrs. Florence- Chapman, Mrs. IWgnr McDanlol. Mra- New kirk: program commltreo, Trof. Rnab, MrH. Armstrong, Mrs. Ditrtlo; library commlttee. Miss. flVmth. MIsb Grlllhn Prof. Grubbs, Mrs. Bfivlloy nnd Mts. AruiBtrottg. KAWrSIDH SCHOOLS' CLOWR tho Coqulllo vnlloy nnd unless tho compnny comos to souro nrrangamont soon with tho' Southora Paclfte, tho lino will bo built entirely from Mnrshfleld, pructlcully parnlFtllng the Southorn Pacific's lino. If tt Is built from here focal parties say that It will menu nt nrrangnmont will soon bo made by the Smith companies whereby It will bo' pushed through 10 Ho8churg. Mr. Smith wns Hot nt hi 11 ollico this nftornoon nnd tould notr bo con sulted rolntlve to the report'. If plans to lenvo tomorrow on t.lu Nana Smith for Snn Francisco but probal- ly will roturn to tho Hny before lie lenvea on 1Mb proponed JSUTopoau trip, Xo- Action Oif Ilrlilgliig. Mr. MIHIs Btntod todky thnt lro'had not been; ripprisod of th'o War De partment taking any notion on tho compnny'if nppllcatlon for bridging the Day. Ho expects It will bo grant ed soon . Ho has forwarded tho potl tlmis, signed by over 1400, favoring the annllcatlon for bridging tho Ray or rather leaving It entirely In tho hnnds of the War Department. Mr. Mlllls-stated today that ho wan dubious nbont tho report that nctunl construction would bo Btnrtcd'on thio end' of the rond within two weoks. Ho Bnld It would to BtnrtoJ'wlthlu cv fow wookB, hut believed tlmt tho re port that It -would bogln within two wcoks wna erroneous. I Mr. Mllllfl' confirmed tllo report thnt ho hnd' nureci! that tho Southern1 Pacific flhoulll' pay n portion of the1 oxpenso of building tho bulkhead be tween' the Stave mill nnd tliv Kinney dock'. An unflllcil' wnnl cnuaes unhnppl ncss TlmeB Want Ads brine rcaulta. Hnvo your calling cards printed' nt Tho TlmeB' efflc. Try ThJTTlmcfl AVantAds. Vemorp Defeats PortrandAo J San1 Frnnnlcnn . ., !1 namento Tied. . J STAND-NO OP Kfi Oakland' 2",' ? P, vurnon . j, :i -MM Los Amciiliitt I. ?' .Sill San Francisco . is '"M Sncramento ....i8 ," !! Portland ... 3 V8 PORTLAND) Ore., Manl!M land lost nclt, ,.' "" by a scoroc ' r10 "-"-u 10 on? i scorcfl woro wfollora: " At Sacramento !Tiifrntnntitn II. R I Lob Angeles'.' .'" ! I HI 1 .0 r ... Vernon , l wina ,.,.,.::::!,,T At San Francfsco r . San FranclRcn "rl n..t,r.....i Dll I 1 i , HURT XE.HI coquiLur Frank Cook, who n ISf ,. JohnBon'B mill. w,,. 1.."?? " Ute njck auarry; ne ITS bittrgh'B dnlry lirat Frldr. gottlng out rock- for the cnshJS florno of tho roek which laffi broken looso by a blast fell mZ cutttnir his hpmr .ni ..V1? crushing his chest He MtiS f usely and hnd to bo carried bu homo. John Carl and Frank XtC of Norwny also were Injured tlN and Carl wns hurt In the kceQ iuiu. vuiiiinu acaunei. An unfilled want mim o.j I ness Times Wnnt Adi brloim-Jil Trr Tho Times Want Ada, Th Eastslde schools closed a' vory successful yonr IrHdny. No formal exorcised worn-hold. Mrs. 1 Thomas and Miss Francos- Franuo wort tho teachers. In tho Stato Eighth Grado cjmmlnnUbns, two of tho trvo Enstfililo pupllu woo took It nimni-d Thno Dansitiif vee Olca Schutter nnd CLHm Steakol. 3IYRTLK 1WINT POLNTTTRS ICwnti In Upo-r CtMifillliv Vttllcy As 1 Told lijn lire KuierprihC. Whllo nt Portland recently, W. O. Cooper Invested tu a pro bred ntK'or which nrrlvodt on th Hrenk wuter two wi.-oks ag(i Thi anlmnl Is a- four-yeur-old, Hal G. by nnmo, dfrud hy Hal II., whoi has a record or 2:03 1-4 nnd nmoug- whoso off springs nro alx horres who hnve mndn better thnit 2:10. Tho dam of Hal; G. la Lady Ilolinoibr, n nure of muchi nolo.. Ha G. Is n llgrtl bay, woili built and ns pretty as a- picture ami though yt lintritlned' t tho making of a goo tii travelc; ANNOUNCEMENT The success we have made in Men's Tailoring and tho many calls we have had for Ladies' Tailor-Made garments compelled ws to add Ladies' Tailoring to our line, We will therefore endeavor to give ths ladies the same we nave the men The best in Tailoring. ' , Harmon. Tailoring Co. Look for sign on Broadlway. I). Ilftrtlett, of Catching Creole' section, Informs the Kntorprfso that ' tho school bonrd In District No. 13. hnvo decided to build a now school-1 house to replace- tho one thnt bivrnod , to til ground about six wcokn ugo. School wna la session nt tho time of 1 tho fire, which started in the title, nnd wns no doubt caused by i defect In tho flue. Tho school children nnd ' teacher nsslstod by Mr. Smith who! Itvtfs nenrby, saved all tho books, desks and othor furniture. The now building which Is to bo completed bo-1 fore tho fall term Is to bo :0 x 40. I .las. McCaslln. of tho North Fork, suffered n second strokn of paralysis Inst Saturday, nnd hns since ben vory low nnd not expected to recover. Mrs. Hesslot, who underwent nn operation at Whlto Cross hospital ro-1 cenuy, is doing vory nicely nt this writing. Art goods nnd stntlonory. WALK Ml STl'DIO. HAND EXCURSION trnln to RAX DON leaves 7:!IO A. M. next Sunday. "PICTURK8QUK COLORADO" la one of tho attractions nt tho ROYAL TONIGHT. Rollable photo supplies. AVALK Kit STUDIO. HKMKMHKR the QUATKRMASS STUDIO for rixi: PHOTOS. Reliable Photo Supplies. WALK Kit STUDIO. I MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOrUinIUllforVVfrUhnr, ( onatlpatlou, .llendarkr. Hluuuh Trouble. Teclblu Plaordera, ud 'Dnirtf Don't accPt Hunpl. mUd FKlUcTTudrSjir .nyiutxtitut. A. 8. OLMSTED. L Roy. K.Y. Columbia Ranges THK LATKST IN ItAxVllCS WILL HK KOU.MI O.VOUKFMWl ZKNITII SKWIXCJ M.UIIIXK Agents for IIjuley-Duvldson nnd Indian Motorcyc ,i