Y COMPLEMENTS FOR COOS BAY Coko Bldg. rSEAIlCHOFA GOOD LiAVNimXt caw WHERB rcAtr a wop JMHHff Ton will travol far nnil .vl not id out to equnl ours ror nigh class irk, punctuality, caro, noatnons and oaomj. Wo mnko a specialty of uti' Shirts, (or drcos woar, giving Qn permanent gloss to bosoms and trt. All our patrons sponk In tho taut mannor or tho unirorm ox l!sce ot our work, and a Blnglo M u all that Is noccssary to con- M rou. dos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN'otlce Is hereby given that Jano prjin is boon duly appointed ns plulttratrlx of tho ostato or David Iwti, decoascd. l)y virtue of an Fr oi tlio County Judgo of tuo ootr Court of tho County of Coob, e of Oregon, letters testamentary , fe duly issued on tho first day of T. 1912. to tho undorslirnod: ww tnoreroro, All porsons hav 5 claims ngalnst said ostato nro rbr notified to presont tho samo i m amy verified as by law ro- "N it tno orflco of Jamos T. Hall, 0D 11. Rl Dorado Block. Marsh- fi, Coos County, Oregon. JANE MORGAN, Executrix of tho last will nnd lUment of David Roborts, do- ued. 0ed this 4th day of May, 1912. 'i puuucation, May 4; last pub Ml(". Juno 1. f 11 i iti ii ;'rJ T i I I., coos pay, mscm. '.safe mWwdr avuHKZjz Mv -. VLHLmtl il Mi y. N r TIME TO BUY The old adage "ho who hesitates is lost" is as true today as ever and applies most forcibly to Marshfield real estate. How ninny times have you regretted the timo (not so long ago) when you should have invested the few dollars in the lot that is now selling for a thousand dollars. The opportunity is as good today as then Will you grasp it or will you again stand back and in the near future reap another harvest of boundless regrets while your neighbor reaps the profits. First Addition to Marshfield See our property; wo can show you the choicest 50 x 120 foot lots in the city. Wo '11 mako tho conditions of purchase so favorable you won't miss tho money while tho price of tho property is so low that the investment cannot bo otherwise than absolute ly safe. Call at our offico for plats. Reynolds Development Co. Owners kifY rw rlTHLViT'J 7 $lMt& fc What? Sporting Nifty Neckwear Shirts, Mens Haberdashery Packard Shoes From Yours Anxious to Please The Toggery ' '' ''' COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS J& AGENTS COAL COLONIZATION. MLW. Imiiv rtinrr mnxdji. . I nun i nuii, ihi-' aW TIMBER. IMDS. QrSAKIZIHC 0F INDV5TRW COtlPAMES A SPECIALTY sz Pt ha, proven that lnTostmenw In small acre tracts near "u u re the most profltabN. The O. B. R. S. has such to offer, cms. . e. Marshflald, Ore. Wties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway and ninKe selec tion from the large stock now .on hand. Mr. Wilson has In his employ ho only practical marble nd srwlta cutter in Coos county. And none but tho best work Is turned out. THE a8Ht3-0 -i m i i Mi - u 9U2ivr SHOE roa.MEfi "Whorovor ihoy are "worn PACKARD SHOES set off their fine etylo and excellonce of worlcmansliip and materials. They are always drossy and aha poly and there is the very last cent's worth of value in every pair Kammerer Says: "Everybody's Doin' 9 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Telephone 160-J yiZ r-T . ( .JSsSr It YOU'LL PAY YOUR RESPECTS to our break by ordoring regularly aftor you hnvo onco trlod it. You'll nt onco realize tho absurdity ot sweating over a hot flro when you can got such whlto, light, toothsome broad as ours without nny trouble and at less cxponso than you could bako It for at homo. Try Just ono loaf. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. Phone 111-L Market Avo. Marsh fluid An Important Lesson Is that of hay and feed. Wo nro car rying a big lot of tho vory best hay, corn, oats, bran, middlings, and It Is kopt free from dirt and must, and is nutritious and enjoyablo to your ani mals. Our prices aro as low as tho lowest. A. T. Haines Phoue 100 J WaUtfiOBt, Uid. THE special rlh.ny edition of tho Coos Bay Times continues ltu mission of advertising Coos Dny and continues receiving complt monts for tho resources of this section. Among tho many rccolvod In tho last fow wooks ara tho following: CHEAT ADVERTISEMENT FOH COOS HAY (From Dallas, Oro., Obsorvcr.) Tho "Special Hallway Edition" of tho COOS HAY TIMES is by far tho most protcntlous ot any special edi tion Issued by any nowspapor outsldo tho City ot Portland. It consists of GO pages ot tho regular sizod nows papor and Is filled with somo ot tho best half-tono cuts over produced. Scenes depleting MARSHFIELD and othor of tho prosperous communities ndjncont, nro Bhown, and tho wondor ful resources of tho groat COOS HAY country aro faithfully portrayed in picturo and story. Typographically tho Ibbuo Is a work ot art. Tho cuts aro printed in tho best stylo of tho art and tho text bIiowb tho touch of a mnstcr hand. As nn advortlsomont for COOS HAY nnd an attraction for now comers, this great edition can not fall to accomplish Its object. WELL PRODUCED AS A METRO POLITAN PAPER Tho American Lumberman, of Chicago, whoso courtesy added much to tho attractiveness ot tho special edition of tho Coos Day Times, gtvos a most complimentary nnd gonorous notlco ot Tho Tlmoa nnd Coos Hay in a recent lssuo of that oxcollcnt nnd widely circulated' Journal. Tho Lumberman notlco oc cupies nearly halt a pago nnd hru liberal quotations nnd Is n groat ad vertisement for Coos Day. Tho Lumberman says: "A realistic picturo ot tho woalth nnd opportunities of Coos Dny nnd Coos County nnd that part of south west Oregon directly tributary to tho latter Is contained in a recent special "prosperity edition" of tho Coos Dny Times, of Marshfield, Oro. Whllo tho special edition covors practically ovory Industry in that territory, a largo section of It Is given to tho commercial Importance of tho C. A. Smith Lumber & Manufacturing Co., nnd credit for tho odltorinl mattor used in this connection is given to tho American Lumberman. Possibilities Almost Unlimited. "In tolling tho story of tho com mercial growth ot this favored sec tion of tho northwest no Blnglo In dustry of Mnrshflold, North Bond and surrounding territory Is loft un touched. It deals with an array ot statistics and facts about that section of Oregon which Is a truo portrnyat of a section of tho country which Is not only rich In manufactured nnd natural resources but has industrial possibilities almost unlimited. "M. C. Mnloncy, editor nnd pub lisher of tho Times, may well bo proud of this special edition of his pnpor, ns It Is as exhaustively nnd well produced as special editions ot largo metropolitan nowspnpors." SENATOR BOURNE LIKES PIC TURES United States Sonnto, Washington, D. C, Mr. M. C. Mnlonoy, Coos Dny Times, Donr Mr. Malonoy: I nm in rocolpt of tho spoclnl edi tion of your papor. I havo exam ined tho snmo with plonsuro and par ticularly npprcclato tho wondorfully good pictures, which appeal strong ly to enstornors who nro unfamiliar with tho magnltudo of Oregon's ro- sources. I havo on tho walls of my offico hero sovoral largo ploturos of somo of tho scones portrayed in your pa per nnd they oxclto tho ndmlration or all who boo them. Visitors at my offico havo tho plonsuro of noolng Uiobo pictures through tho courtesy of tho C. A. Smith Lumbor Company. Neither figures nor descriptions can do Justlco to tho wonderful nat ural resources ot Oregon, without tho nld of pictures. Yours vory truly, JONATHAN DOURNB. COOS HAY CROWING FAST (From Placorvlllo, Call., Republican) "An humblo homo on Coos Bay Is hotter than a castlo In Spnln," ronas u hoadllno of a spoclal odition of tho Coos Bay Times, Mnrshflold, Oregon. Vlowing somo of tho excellent photo graphs of tho buy and ocoan In that vicinity tho render of tho papor Is Inclined to ngrco with part of that sontonco. A humblo homo on Coob Bny cortalnly would bo tempting hut nover having hnd n castlo In Spuln that part Is out of tho Question. A number of pages nro dovotcd to tho 0. A. Smith lumbor operations. Tho Tlmos Is woll printed nnd Is profuse ly Illustrated. All In all It Is a crodltablo showing for that hustling community. PLACED IT IN COLLEGE LIBRARY Editor Coos nay Times, Marshfield, Oro. President Kerr has had much pleasure in perusing tho special rail way odition of tho Coos Bay Times, and desires to most heartily congrat ulato you upon this splendid publi cation. Tho copy Is today holng ro forrcd to our collogo library, whoro It will ho nvnlluhlo to all studon.j and faculty. Vory reBpoctfully, W. A. HENSEN, Secretary to tho President. MADE THIS MAN DESIRE TO LO. CATE HERE. Ashland, Oro, Tho Coos Bay Times. I have been rending a copy of your papor sotting forth tho bonutlcs and advantages of Coos Bay, Marshflold, and the surrounding country, and I havo becomo quite Interested and havo concluded to visit that coun ty of which you speak so highly, with a view of locating, Yours truly, T. T. ROQERS. COMMENDS THE EDITOR (From San Francisco Chronicle.) Tho Coos Day Times, a papor i- Buod nt Marshfield, Ore., has recent ly printed a special edition dealing with tho progress of that section. Tho odition Is woll prepared througb out, ovory Horn being Interesting unO Instructive Tho illustrations are particularly apt for an lssuo desiring to show tho advantnges of tho court, try to prospective colonists. Tho odl tor is to bo much commondod for hie effort in trying to draw now sottlom to tho Coos Day roglon, LOS ANOELES TRIBUTE (From Los Angolcs Tribune.) From Marshfield, Ore., comes TR special edition of tho Coos Day Times. It 1b dignified by cnlondorocl paper, with bountiful illustration, nnd rich in tabulated tacts. Tho edi tion is an interesting showing ot tra oxtromoly Interesting roglon whom thoro nro vast resources and T Journnl competent to mako thorn known. COOS HAY EXPLOITED (From Tho Dally Astorlnn.) Tho exchange desk of this office wns graced yesterday with tho fra special odition of Tho Coos Day Times, Just Issuod from that prcsn. It Is a fine- examplo of tho best wnv to ndvortlso a town nnd county which has as much to ndvortlso ns Coon has, and If thoro is anything or any body In that section that Is not cloy orly dealt with in typo and cut In this "special" It will tako nn expert, with n grouch ngalnst tho territory thoro to nnmo It. It Is a crodlt to tho city, county, state, nnd tho men who dovlscd and sponsored tho work. IT WAS A DANDY (From Salom Journnl.) Tho Coos Day Times got out a firm 50-pago edition, printed on booJt paper. It was a boost for Coos Day. nnd n credit to Tho Tlmos forco, fos; it was n dandy. SURPRISED AT QUALITY OK WORK Coos Day Times. Copy of your spoclal edition at hand nnd wrltor 1b very much ou prised, not only at tho oxtont, but moro particularly at tho quality audi tono of tho work. You nro certainly to bo congratu lated In undertaking such n task. An edition of this kind should bo n rrroafc aourco of advertising for your see tlou. Yours truly, DLAKB, MoFALL CO., Por F, C. WasBormnn, Socrotary. ORECON DEVEIiOPMENT LEAdlM Commorclnl Club Building, Portlnnd, Oro., 1912. Coos Bny Times: I was not proparod for tho sploii dtd showing you havo mndo, and moat hcnrtlly cnngrntulnto you an this achlovomont. It will provo ft valuablo ploco ot advertising for Coon County, nnd also bo nn indication that although far from trnnsportrv tion by rail, you aro up to dato lit methods and achlovemontB. Whllo I wns looking through ttm pnpor Mr. Chapman camo Into tho of fico nnd commontod on this splondlil work ot publicity. Ho said b' thought ho had wrltton you n letter ot congratulation, but If not, ho wished to Join with mo In thin lottor. JAMES J. 8AYUR, Flold Socrotary, Oregon Development League. WILL DO CHEAT GOOD Editor Coos Bay Tlmos, Mnrshflold, Oregon. This lu to acknowlcdgo receipt 61 tho copy of tho special edition ol Tho Times, which you so kindly sent us. It Is hardly necessary far mo tn say tlint this edition Is tho best ad vertising stunt that I havo over known to bo pulled off In tho Coon Bny country, nnd It cortalnly ought to do Coos County u material amount of good. Tho copy placed on tho rending; tnblo was looked ovor carefully bjr many of our club mombors, all ot whom commented most favorably upon It. Vory respectfully, 0. P. 8CHLOSSBH, HoHobc-g Commorclnl Club. Publicity Manager. GOOD AS SAN FRANCISCO WORIC San Francisco. Coos nay Times. uantlemon: wo nro just in ra' Icelnt of your special edition of tho I Coos Bay Times, nnd will hnvo tn tako our hats orr to you. wiiuoui throwing any unnecessary hot air, o think tho work Is vory commondnblo, nnd Is on a par with, th work dono right hero in our own city. I havo shown this shcot to sovoral of our printers who cnlled hero, and ono of thorn stated that ho hardly thought you did tho work yourBolvos, that it was sent some place olso. Wo trust that tho spoclal edition will bo tan I means ot calling rnoro attoution to i your growing country. Vory truly yours, E. J. 8HATTUOK COMPANY. DESERVES THANKS OF COUNTY W. a. McPherson, bond of tho W, 0. McPherson Co., boating and venti lating engineers of Portlnnd, writes as follows to Dr. J. T. McCormnc, president of tho Chamber of Com merce ; "Tho Illustrated lssuo of the. CotM Dav Times Is at hand and It Is A "corker." Tho Illustrations nurt typographical work would bo credft ablo to a magazine, to say nothing: of a .newspaper. and jhq woy it oy (Continued on page 0.)