r , , , , ; '-"" " " " - IflAT YOU GET FORJjQTHING IS GENERALLY WORTH JUST WHAT IT COSTS rvKUTlSiNO in The TIMES nJffl Pt Voor Real KsUto "In ' . .c..b..t Effectively! WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMt" Will Keep tlio Income from Y. Furnished Rooms from Ijapinxl YOU enn rcnlly help tbd family lovcnues by renting n few furnished rooms nnd, If you knuw how rnrt when to uso tho clnasMod columui you may keep that Uttlo extra inoomn tm?0 Jm out the fact about your 11 1 below Ue eyes ot all "poa- 'rtror?' lt town. And if Jt,1,1 T of thorn who ought to ire ... n hi Tan, jo" """ as "steady as a clocK. MEMRKH OP ASSOCIATE) PRESS uUVW lislnDlISIieu in mm MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1912 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. A CoiiHolldntlou of Time, Coast .Muli NO. 260 mill Coo Hny Advertiser. ,aAA n, Tho Coast Mall PROSPECTS OF EARLY WORK (tan aw ifliSI SENATORSlliER FRAUD CHARGES REVIVED iviutu run in mmm ice Adopts Bristow Measure v Seleotlon of Them by the ircopie. .mRP REFERRED Estate legislature - Tlinnn Venue rje I WO 01 IIIICB.ibcuo Before Final Expression I ic Spr.urnd. Liwclatcd Pros to Coos Bay I Tlmnfl.. LsiIlNOTON. May 17. Tho L( Of 'P'CSC"1 ' -MU.- r -- i.j.v rwlnntnil flin TlrlR. limtDdmont to tho fodornl conBtl- oi for direct. oiuuu "'"" I Senators, U will pruunuiy tip In tho Sonato early noxt ., . n ml .. n.t t f 4 lift ft prOpOBOU IIUIUIIU . " ttltallon providing .or me oiroci L r United States SonatorB faint to tho. govornora of tho L w Rorrntnrv Knox today. Tho lotion wilt bo sont through tho htlth a Icttor nddrosscu to oncn Inor certifying that tho rcaolu- Ihubeon only adoptod by n two- fci roto In each branch or uon- i At least two or throo yonra i .limn hdforo tho amendment It tfttsA tinon bv a sufllciont br of nasomblloa to Indlcnto liter It can command tho noccH- Itnree-fourthn voto to 'put It Into htlon. cirrum: more turks Win Victory On Islnnd of Auodatcd 1'roBH to 'Coos Bay Ttmos.) hut! v 17 Premier Glolottl listed today that aonerul Amog Ll lurrcnllcrod and dufoatod tho luk garrison on tho Island of f which siirrondorod today nnd accorded military nonorn. IFF SILLS lie Committee Alters House Free Sugar Measure by Party Vote. Auoclitod Procs to Coot Bay Tlmoo.) lASillN'OTOW Mur 17 Tlir nn. ilunro Corumltteo nuthorlzod r favorable .report on tho ; MitatUuto for tho' Houso ctrco ' out and an unfnvornblo re on the so-called Houso ExcIbo ce tax bill which proposed a ftax Iscomea In excess of $5,000 n The Lodco tticrnr 111 1 1 wnnld lt tlo differential nnd Dutcli Mm mm tho tariff nnd loavo pjtltl (Ahorwlso ornn'Jrallv ns it 1st (CltOr 9imillnn nffftrofl na n aui. P for the augur hill s. ugar hllJ fN Y iw) ueinocrntlo inomuors Committed II nniiminil n rn. In the existing duties by 1 1-3, but it was voted down trict nartr vnin nt iv n .-) 'or Smoot ulio hud n bill of his 'meu the right to present it 3"iaie. Al b a would ro- 1 tag tWPtllv linn nnn lijinlint fcba. ' ' ' ""v """ F conunitteo postponed ita voto eool tariff rovlslon bill until INDICT ARMOUR EOR OFFENSES Big Packing Company Accused of Violation of Meat In spection Laws. (By Associatod Proas to Tho Oooa Tlrnec.) CHICAGO, May 17. Armour & Co. -woro indicted by tho fodornl grand Jury today 'charged with n criminal violation of tho moat in spection Inws in tho nlloged Irilor Btato Bhlpmcnt of 'ineaU without in BpccUon by govcrnTncnt agcnU. i RfD ALLEN GUILTY One of Virginia Courthouse f Murderers Convicted Sentence Postponed. (By Associated Prasa to Coos Bay Timwi.) YTHEVIIiim. Vn., May 17-, Floyd Allen won found guilty ot mur der in tho first dogrco for his con jiocffon with tkn donth of Proatcutor WllUnm M. roster nt IIHlrdlle last March, Sontonco will not ho pronounced now an Allen nury bo colled tortcstlfy in other ca8. FINES 1DGE FDR CONTEMPT BE TODAY ON HEDOHDQ Chicago Jurist Found Guilty of Contempt In Injuc tion Case. ' (By iusoclatcd Press to Coos 'Bay Tlmo.) CITICAGO. May 17. Counly JiiIIbo JohnTJ. Owens was fined S5W totlny by Suprrior Court .Judge M. P. Mo Klnloy for contempt of court In vio lating tho superior court Injunction rostra nlag tho county Judgo from in torforluc with tho Oook county doin ocrntli' uonvontlon April 15. Chief of Police McSneeny, Assist ant Chlot Schouttlor, Sheriff Mlchnoi Zlmroor nnd Eloction CommlSBionor Cznrncih -wero each lined n similar nmount. Several duys before tho democratic convention, jwhb v dlrectod thnt Comtnlsslonor Ctnr neckl, a republican member of tlio election commission, organized tho convention nnd cnlled tho roll rtf delegntoa. Suporlor Judgo McMnley, on petition of County Chniimnn Mc Glllen, issued an injunction restrain ing tho Interference by county Judge or hla aides, but Owons Ignored tho injunction nnd at hla orders tho doors of tho armory ,wore,.pa1t,ru down nnd those dologates allied with the Hpnret-unrriMn mcimiii".. ner Brinns Rnnts fnr nro- pn Naval Militia Many rassengers. ' ! nedondo arrlvil In Ihk mnrn. (fo San Francisco with a largo j.i. oviB uuu a goou curiiu ltt freight wore two boatB for inn. dlvislonB of tho Oregon ."iiitla, one a whaloboat and T "cutter. Both wero fur- "1 the II. H Mn,ra onH on.n- L "'Prnent waa alao Bent. ItM. .j uu u,u "ol "ring any fc Vf?.n for tl Terminal Rall- -' "ii next trip. " Redondo will sail at 1:30 wfih10! arrlvlnB n her t0 ...... f, IT nivvnr. J. W. SSteV ons, Mrs. M. 13. Stevens, Oreille All son Mzzlo Allison. Mrs. M. Madden, Mngglo Allison, Rdlth Allison. T. nrndley, N. Jncobwlch. Edgar BwarS C. R. Giles. A. Goldsm th ,, A. II. Plynn, A. Znhoa, J. Leavlto .Mrs. n. W. llulllngton, O. W. Kej er. Mrs. G. W. Koplor, Thelmn Kepler, D. O. Becker, G. W. Benle. AV. A. Culbertson. Mrs. Lance lot, Mrs. J. H. Eckhoff. Carroll Eclthoff, Elsie Eck S CarryaEckhoff. P. D. Wll.o. L. L. Brown, L. Parker, J. Appleton, u. Appleton. SATUHDAV SPECIAL Large, Deep Salad Bowl, dainty floral pattorn, He. .... Largo Size Turquoise (white en ome?odnslde) Wash Basin, Saturday PrLargo',,SzVdC Cako Plates, beautiful "PEOPLES' 8.10.18c STOHE STAFFOItn'S Fine Taffy and PIJANUT BBITTLE, 20c per pound, Saturday and Sunday. ASK YOUIt NEIGHBOIl about HAINES' FIX)UR. FOLTX)Wthe BAND to BANDON, SUNDAY. MAY 10. Senators Crawford and Cham berlain Attack Exchange of Lands by Government 1o Railroads. By Aasoclatod Press to 3ooa 'Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 17 Tho charge that Ethan Allou Hitch cock, while Hecrotnry of tho .Interior, had permitted tho Santa To railroad to exchango usoloss Jm-a 'beds for valiinblo Jtlmhor Innda of tho public NEW PLAN iFOR ITER FRONT domain vns mado In tlio Sonato to- dny hy Senator Crawford nnd Sena tor Chamberlain, of Oregon, In a Bpcoch calling on tho dopnrtmont of JubQco to bring proceedings to enncol tho selections of timber lands by tho railroads nnd lumber companies In llcm of their holdings In tho forest reserves. In Arltona and other states, ho charged tlint tho railroads bud denuded their lands of timber and Induced tho Interior department to tako tho cut-over landB Into for- Kjst reserves, so thoy could tako up other lands covered by valuable timber. REV. HH130N TO BE EXCUTED ENTRDSES PEOPLE ON HAL 0 0 'WNNV-.VWN PLAN TO CALL CapL Adam Donaldson Wants City to Purchase Sev eral Blocks. Caipt. Adam Donnldson, a. "well known mariner who "formerly wns master of vesoola plying out of horo nnd who Is now in comman'd of tho Tahoo plying out of Pugot .Bound, has a new plan forhnndltnn tho railroad situation In TJarshtlelil. Cant. Donaldson owns tho proporty At .tho northouat cornor of Control and Brondway -and considerable oth er property hero. In a letter to 'tho Chamber of Commerce, ho 'outlines hls'tUans an follows: "Slnco reading n fow of tho Into Coos Bay papers in regard to right of way for a railroad through tho two main stroota tit Marthflold, pcr haiis n suggestion from ono who hnff the good wishes ffor Coos Bay at heart, alao a rroporty owner, would not be amiss. My Idea for (ho good of all, would bo '.for tho city of Marahflcld, with tho proporty own ers on Brondway, nntl tho ownora of property on tho woat Bldo of Plrat ntm In Imv lhn enst BWomf Tront Btrwt, for about four or fivo Vlocka, I mm V. rt. orailll a nniuuuuau uui w j which would glvo ninplo room for. two or moro niiirontiB lonavo meir own tracks. No railroad will want to contrlbuto to n bolt rnllrond, that oxik'iibo tho manufacturers will linvo to imy In tho long run. Othor rail roads and plncou hnvo no Btrlnjja on them. Coos Bny niuat-compoto nvlth otlur sea port". Onco tho onst sldo of Front street la clenrod off, tho city t)f MarahflelJ would own a -valuable strip of orator front. As a property owner, I nm willing to stand my sharo oT tlo tax to this end. I venllzo thla is rather n big ru,,. rcrUuii, but wlron wo think mid know what enn bo dono with Coos Bay, now is thp tlmo to brondon ont. The duy will come, nnd wot so fnr distant elthor, whim tho st-ato of Ida ho will look to Cooa Bay lor nn out lot, the snmo na Arizona looks to San Pedro. Gontlomon, (look Into what has been dono to Improvo the harbor of San Pedro in the last ten yeara, It Is n siiutess. Cooa Bay can and will bo mado a good har- i... m llnn fnr HiiccrnHttiiir that tho'property ownora fn tho woat sldo of Pront fitrect nnn xironoway con tr'buto, with tho city, to tho buy ing of tho oaat Bldo of Front strcot Is, thnt, should n stoani road Kot n m..nlilsn ami llcl nilV llinCIlltlhlO Of huslness.'lt would ruin olthor btroet. It has dono so whorover It una run on nn improved strcot. But, with a .i,i, fiinrniuriifnrn. nn Kront street would bo, after tho oast sldo of It n Monro,! nff. it won a improvo ,i... -.a, oi,in nHhnntrli one or moro .ll,.n.la i-iin nn If. Tllft ntirtll Onit l .lilt wis ..... . -- of Pront strcot la not nt present Im proved, if wo want n city ai jmreii field wo all will havo to tjivo up BometUins. Slayer fof Avis Linnell Fails .to Secure Commutation of Sentence. OJy Aasoclntod Press.) BOSTON, May 17. Bov. Itlchceon whon told that Qovor- nor .Foss haa declined to lntor- fern, expressed disappointment butiBhowcd.no signs of Acltn-' Uon. (By Associatod Prons to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Mny 17. Bov. fcUchcsotw ttlaycr of Avis 'Llnnoll, slept Qulotly In the cell at itho death houso of Chnrlocton stato prison UKt night, Ignorant that Govornor Pons liad ro- iIUBCd tlo commuto his Bcntenco. Tho otnnouncoment of tho decision ot allonlatii that ho was sano nnd that tlio ,overnor would not urge clom- icncy will bo raudo to tho prisoner itoduy. Tho oxccutlon will probnbly lako placo early noxt week, possibly nn Monday morning. KING'S BODY IIOM1D JCciiimJm of JmIo ltulcr Itcarii Oopen- Iiukcu Today. . , (By Associated Proas to tho Coos Bay Times.) COP.ENHAGEN. Mny 17 Tlio ro- yul ynulit Dnnnclorg arrived horo nt noon with tho body of the late king, Krcderlck VIII. Klnit ClirlH Uon X of Dcnmnrk, King Haakon of Norway nnd many othor royal por Hccingos followod tho hoarso on foot to tho Chapol of Chriatlanborg Castlo wlioro the collln wasilacod in u c&ta- ffti). Kentucky Begins Prosecution of International Harvester Company. ' (By Associatod Prass to Coos Bay Times.) CYNTHIA, Ky., May 17. State's Attornoy DIodmnn filed Biilts today ngnlnut tho International Harvostor company for four counties compris ing tho olghtccnth Judicial district, alleging that tho company operates I in those counties In violation of tho Kentucky nntl-trust Inw. Fivo thousand dollars and coats nro naked in each caso. nines not so bad Sittuitioii In Westorn Wellington Iiiiv-htH Holler 'Today. (By ABBociatod PreBS to Coos Buy Times.) BBATTII. WuBh., May 17. Chief PIro Warden J. 1. Bridge, of tho Washington Forest iFIro ABaocla tlon, reports no firo in wostoru Washington of any cousequonco. Bridge says tho printed rumor that tho I. W. W. lighted Borno of tho for est fires with wlckod purposes la not truo so far na ho knows. NEW TKU8T PHOHIS Init-hliatlon of Cliargos AKalnst Ixtither Jleu Ordered. WASHINGTON, D. 0.. May 17 Tho department of Justlco probably will begin an investigation to deter mine whothcr there is a loathor trust. Several complaints havo boen received by tho government and if tho inquiry Indicates thoro Is n basU to it, an extenslvo Investigation will be undertnkon. Tho inquiry will de cldo whether thoro nro unduo rela tions between the packing nnd leath er interests. FIND MISSING MANY ARRIVE B0YS TODAY 0NJL1CE Cincinnati Lads Fell Into Feed Box and Smothered to Death. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CINCINNATI, Maq 17 Tho coun trywide search for Robert and Ur ban Nicholls, brothers, aged respect ively aix and four years, who mys teriously disappeared April 20, camo to an end when their bodies wero found in a stablo near their homo here today. The bodies were found in a feed box in tho stables of which their father is in charge. It is believed tho boys wore playing in tho stable and fell into tho feed box head first and smothered to death. Tho bod ies were found by the father. Steamer Arrives In This Morn ing From Portland Sails Tomorrow. The Alllanco arrived Jn today from Portland after a good trip dowp tho coast. Tho Alliance will sail at 12 o'clock tomorrow for Eureka. Among thoso arriving on her today wero the following: L. M. Kosslor, Henry Blocb A. P. Nowraan, O. Lame, A. Syrlng, Miss G. Johannesen, L. Nowyard, J. Who brey, J. Hayes, E. O. Johnson, R. II. Carlock. Rev. R. 8. Young, Mrs. R. S. Young. L. P. Wood. Ira II. Wood, C. WhetBtone, P. Whetstone, J. McCoveyJ James McDowoll, Mrs. R. Blocb, B. Bunch, W. Brown, R. G. Ray, M. Klese and S. Shore. General Walkout of Railroad Freight Handlers Expected to Occur Tomorrow. '(By ABsoclatod Proas to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, May 17. A grtioTal Rtrlko ot tho railroad freight hand lers throughout tho country will Itf declared tomorrow following a con- fcronco ot tho International officials according to a statement by Prosl dont P. J. Flannory ot tho local union todny. STATE STARTS TRUST LOCAL PUPILS W Iwcnty-six of Twenty-eight Pupils Pass Eighth Grade Examination. Tiwonty-slx of tho twonty-olght Eighth grndo pupils of tho Marshflold schooln who took tho Stato ExnmlniH Hon hut wook for promotion to High School passod, according to word ro lvcd today from tho oxamluorB, Mrs. A. N. Gould nnd Mrs. Mlnnlo Hermann of Coqutllo. Tho two who failed to nasa failed In ono study only nnd will bo nllowod to tako another examination In thin aubjoct In Juno so thnt it la llkoly that tho ontlro class will pass. Tho results of thb oxaminntlon nro oxtrnordlnnry. Wlillo tho roaults In tho examination in tho othor schools nro not known, tho oxnmlnors an nounced thnt only n Uttlo moro than half of tho North Bond BtudontB who took tho examination passod. Only a Uttlo moro than hnlt of tho Myrtlo Point pupils who took tho examina tion passed. Tho announcement of tho result caiiBod much elation among tho pu pils todny and also on tho part of the teacher, Miss Maloney, Supt. Tledgon and mombora of tho Marsh Hold School board. PHIZES ARE AWARDED Dr. McCormao of tho Marshflold Bchool board today awarded tho priz es in tho contest In tho Fifth grado for tho host roller maps of tho Coos Day district. Thoro woro nlnotcon contestants and sonio excellent work was dono. Tho maps of tho prizo wlnnors will bo placed on exhibit at tho Marshilold Chamber of Com merce Dorothy Bnchtol won tho flrat prizo of $2, Vlolot Roboraon tho second prizo of $1 and Mnjorlo Drews re ceived tho third prizo. PLAY BY SENIORS. The Seniors nm hnvlnir ono or two rehearsals of the nlav overv day now, and tho practice la beginning to show re8ulta. Nora Tower and niinunrnv fllarkn In tho loadlnir nnrta aro doing especially fino work. Tho play UBOir, "A Jioso o- I'lymouwi Town" la far ahead of tho typo usually presented by high schools, nnd Mr Ttnrknr. whn has had charco of tho rehearsal, prodlcta n groat success. Pull Puritan costumes havo been ordered from San Francisco, and the colonial atmosphere will bo complete. Iiartieil fianagan is aoseni irom Bchool on account of Illness. It will probably not do serious enougn to interfero with his graduating. Vice-President Hitchcock anrj Contractors Leave Coos Bay Today. S. P. ENGINEERS WILL LEAVE EARLY TOMORROW No Particular Developments Since Yesterday Will Rush Work. ' Thoro was Uttlo now In tho rnll rond Bituatlon today aBldo from tho genornl good fcollng thnt is in evi dence about tho city as a result ot tho proapoct of tho early beginning ot construction on this end of tho lino. Engtnccr Hooy, Assistant Englncor Fontaine nnd Contractor Jas. Twonv. of Twohy Brothers, arrived horo laso ovcnlng nnd nro today taking in thn town nnd familiarizing thomsclvom with tho topography ot this end oT. tho rond. Engineer Wolr romnlncd; ovor with them nnd tho four wilt leavo in tho morning via. Gardiner nnd Drain. Messrs. Hitchcock, Porter, Dixon, nnd Tinkler loft at 3 o'clock th!fi morning via. Gardiner and Drain. MoBt of thorn go direct to 8an Fran cisco whom tho sub-contractB for thB lino will bo awarded sonio tlmo noxt. weok. Mr. Hitchcock oxpocts to got thoro Saturday ovcnlng and cays nu tlmo will bo lost In gottlng tho woric under way. Will Return Soon. Mr. Tlnklor, superintendent ot UlOi MncArthur, Porks & Co., Ltd., statodj last ovcnlng thnt ho expected to be back on tho Bny within two weckCi and would spond moat ot hla tlmo In this vicinity from now on ouporvlo Ing tho work. Ho Bald thnt coiiBtrun tlon would bo underway on tho vari ous parts of tho 95 miles of road, whioh tholr contract covors bofonv Juno IC. .Ho said that a special effort would ho mado to got tho work In such condition thia BUinmor thnt. construction could bo prosecuted dur ing tho rainy soaBon. Ho said thnt , ho believed thnt much work could tm dono on tho tunnoln during tho wot wonthor nnd wns inclined to think: thnt much of the Htonmahpvol work nlong tho sandy nnd gravel utrotchca could bo dono to hotter ndvnntngo during rainy weather than during dry weather. No Moro News Now. "Thoro Is nothing now In tho bKii ntlon," remnrkod Mr. Hitchcock last evening. "Todoy wo liiBpectod tho bnlanco of tho linn nnd lonvo In tho morning for Son Frnnclflco. "Thcco Is nothing to tho roport that a dock will bo put In at Sand Point ns ii bnso of receiving nuppllca, nt an,y rato bo far as wo nro concoruod B don't know what tho Southern Pa cific Intends to do about It. You know tho lino runs up nlong tho went sldo of North Slough only u flhort dlstanco nnd thou crosses over to tlo oast sldo and later crosbf.i back to tho woat or north Bldo. Wfl will have to tnko our construction equipment up North Slough nnd then haul It hy team to whoro wo noed it. "Tho construction of tho OB mllnn for which wo hnvo tho contract Jit nnturally divldod Into throo zones hy tho rivers or harbors and wo will uso all throo of them, Coos Bay, too Umpqun and thu Slualnw In bringing in equipment nnd mnterlal. I can't say as to whothcr It will bo let In thrco or moro contracts. Soma of It wo will build ourselves. "Tlio work botweon Coos Bny nnd tho Umpqun will bo probably thn flrat started, becauso It is tho moat difficult and will roqulro tho long est tlmo to complete. Howovcr thorn la n lot of heavy construction along: tho lino." Supt. Tlnklor stated that tho Man Arthur, Porks Co. had tnkon tho gen oral contract for u lump sum nnd woro not building tho rond on thu commission basis, tho manner In which most of tho Southern Pnr'flo construction has boon dono in recent years. Ho Bald thnt thoro was too small a profit In tho commission con tracts. Ho said that it wns likely that tho pnrt that tho MacArthur, Porka Co. would build would prob ably bo tho worst stretch of tho lino. Enjoyed Lnt of Trip. "I had moro fun todny than I havo had In years." romarked R. B. Porter at Tho Chanjlor last ovonlng. "J laughed moro than I 1 avo lu many n day. Tho weather wna flno and tho atmosphoro down thla way Booms to bo permeated with mcrrlmont. I am aorry I can't spond moro tlmo in her and boo Al Powers' camps and lod ging roads. I'll como back, though." Yesterday aftornoon Mr. Powors mot tho party up North Inlet with his speed boat and brought thorn down tho Bay nt a merry clip. In tho afternoon, tho party visited tho Smith mill and all of thorn wfir unanimous in doclaring tho plant nt tlo short of marvelous. "It's tho greatest plant H ever saw," remarked R. B. Porter. "It a wondor." Messrs. Hitchcock and party wero (Continued oa pg 6.) I ' I. Plnger, Mrs. P. Plnger, Mlaa