THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION, l iiimi m WILL START DEFER ACTION JESS DAY IS ! COAST LEAGUE WORK SOON ON FRANCHISE EINEDJODAY (Continued from Pg ! (Continued from page 1.) to anyone who mndo nny public an nouncement ot It. Mr. Hitchcock said tnnt no ox- tlio city had tnkon stops to forco hot ter water service and notlco hntt been served on the company and that pectcd to return hero shortly nnd . tu0 mttcr in,i r0pllcfl thnt Mr. Nolnn ho will probably mnko frequent v's-wo,ll(1 ,,robnbly hnvo to attend to It. Its while tho construction Is under Now tlmt tl)0 jjolnn ,ionl has been way tho next two or three years. No Coast Lino Now. When asked about tho prospects for a lino on down tho coast be yond Coos Day, Mr. Hitchcock said thoro was. nothing doing In it, now at least bo far as his people nro con- nrnn.t Tin unlit flint fill tirolOCt looked' nood for tho future. Nor Is ! thoro anything doing on an cast and west lino from horo now, as far as ho knows. Ho said that tho Eugcno routo was tho logical way to build to Coos Bay, anyway. MncArthur Rrothcrs company Is ono of tho lorgost contracting firms In tho United States and havo head quarters In Now York City. They rather mako a specialty of railroad work but handlo nhnost anything In tho construction lino. Other Won't Talk. Tho others of tho party did not want to discuss rallrond matters nt all, each of them roforlng tho nown papor men to Mr. Hitchcock as tho spokesman of tho pnrty. Although nil of them wcro moro or loss tired by tho hard trip, all woro good naturcd and elated over tho flno Bpoll of weather they had bad for tho trip. Only Ono Line. Mr. Weir, tho locating engineer of tho Southern Pacific, laughed whon askod about tho possibility of tho now lino being used Jointly by tho Hill or other systems with tho South ern Pacific. "You know that ono road Is all that Coos Hay Is going to got Just now bocauso thoro Isn't business or tonnngo horo for moro than ono," ho finally replied. Mr. Weir has been In horo a num bor of times and has many friends horo. Porter'a Flint Trip. Dosplto all tho rumors that hnvo boon started from tlmo to time- for tho last three or four yoars about somoono ot tho Porter Drotbors hir ing on Coos Hay Incognito for tho Hill Interests, R. 1). Porter stated laBt night that positively this was tho first trip ot hlmsolf or nny ot his brothers to tho bay. Ho said Mr. Hitchcock was tho man to talk about tho railroad. Ho said ho waB along with a vlow to securing part of tho work for his firm If thoy could mnko so nut money out of It. Mr. Porter spent a Inrgo nhnro of tho evening visiting with A. h. Powora of tho Smlth-Powora Log ging compnny. Tho two nro old time friends, hnvlng boon boyhood acquaintances In Minnesota thirty odd yoars ago. Mr. Portor Is Just n month oldor than Mr. Powom nnd la of n similar wiry build. Thoy two oporntcd in tho saino torrltory near Duluth for n tlmo, logging off Inrgo amis sldo by sldo. Later tho Portor Hrothors began specializing in rallrond construction nnd it has boon quite nwhllo since It. I)., or "Dick" ns Mr. Powors calls him, hnd a visit together. R. U. Porter looks called off, It was tindorstood that tho city would go ahead and forco better nnd moro adequato water ser vice. Revives Paving Contest. Cnrl Albrccht last evening reviv ed tho contest as to tho kind of pn Ing to bo put In here. Ho appeared boforo tho council and nsked that bids on bltullthlc ns well as bitumin ous bo asked for tho Market avenuo district. Ho said that ho was cir culating a potltlon among tho prop erty owners nnd nearly nil tho res ident property owners woro signing It. Ho nsked that tho council dofor tho nctlon for a week In tho matter so that ho could present tho petitions. Ho claimed that under tho prcsont specifications, tho oltumlnous peo plo havo n monopoly and claimed that It might bo posslblo by getting somo competition to got bettor bids thnn ?2.2' per yard. Ho aBkcd that tcntntlvo bids on bltullthlc Is woll as bituminous bo called for. 13. P. Morrlssoy r tho Coos Dny Paving nnd Construction company denied thnt thoy hnd a monopoly of tho bituminous paving, saying that nnyono could lay It. IIo said that tho Wnrron Construction compnny with their bltullthlc hnd tho monop oly, hnvlng patents on tho material as woll aa tho machinery for laying It nnd charging a bounty on It. Ho claimed that tho courts had held tho bltullthlc a monopoly. 0. F. McKnlght said thnt tho con tracts which the Warren company en tered Into woro qucstlonnblo nnd nsked that tho city attornoy bo In structed to look Into them boforo nnythlng was dono about It. R. A. Copplo said thnt ho would like to sco competition for tho work nnd nlso sco tho dlfforont kinds or pnvlng tested out. Tho mnttor wns not slntod to como up for final nctlon Inst ovcnlng and It will probably bo brought, up for further discussion next mooting. P. A. Sandborg Is representing tho War ren Brothers on tho Bay nnd In re ply to Mr. McKnlght's nttnek on their form of contract snld tho company had ono on fllo with tho city offi cials. Improve Wntcr Front. Eugene O'Connoll urged tho coui. cll to tnko futthor stops looking to tho Improvomont of tho waterfront. Ho said that slnco Front street was bolng convortcd Into railroad right of wny, It would bo cssontlal to af ford n Btrcot for teams and tho poo plo to travol. Ho snld tho govern ment hnd onco offorod to oxtond tho harbor lines twenty foot further and suggested thnt tho council tnko stops to hnvo this dono nnd then opon n Btrcot forty foot or so wldo nlong tho wntor front. Ho said tho build ings could tlion bo mndo to fnco thnt wny and grontly Improvo tho nppen.. nnco of tho city from tho wntor front. C. F. McKnlght Bald that tho gov ernment onglnoorH hnd onco stated Jess Day, tho prizefighter who wan arrested on tho chnrgo of nssault nnd battery, this morning through his nttorney, R. O. Graves, entered a plen of guilty whon the cnBo was called by City Recorder Butlor. His flno wns fixed at $20 which was paid. Whether this will end tho fracas Is not known. Tho offenso of Dny In chewing Dick Noble's flngor, nt tho tlmo tho latter had him down In tho billiard parlors tho other day, has been reported to Deputy Prose cuting Attorney LUJeqvlBt, Whether Mr. Liljeqvlst will prosecuto him on tho moro serious chnrgo of mayhom Is not known. Mr. Noblo Is not dls posed to proBccuto tho enso further now. TURNS FRANCHISE DOWN aftor tho offlco end ot tho Portor Jlint t,10; would rccommond thnt tho lliotherH business. Tim Portor Brothers nsldo from bo lng InteroKtod In tho rallrond from tho possibility of getting n contract for tl o construction of a part of It, havo great timber holdings nlong tho Sluslnw which tho lino will tnp. Ow ing to tliono big tlmbor holdings, It wns presumed thnt thov had much to do with getting n rnllrond start oil down tho Sluslnw to mako tho tlmbor available Start Out Early. It was about 0 o'clock whon tho pnrty got In last ovonlng nnd nil woio pretty wonry from tho strenu ous trip but thoy remained up until about 1 1 o'clock talking with frletui nnd now acquaintances. They woro up nt ti o'clock thU morning nnd started n little after 7 oV'nck In u launch for North slough tn Inspect tho bnlanco of the routo. Tliev will take dluuor nt Lakeside and It will probably bo Into today be fore they return. Part of the routo nlong tho lake will require some big cuta mid fills nnd nil woro nux lou to vlow It closely. A, II, Stutamau took tho party out fr 'a lure In a launch. ICvtm Mr. Wolr, who Is accustomed to the dtp uiunin tin in plug over tho hllU and harbor lino bo sot out twenty feet If tho proporty ownors would glvo n similar strip, tho wrolo to be ust" for a waterfront streot. Tho mnttor Is now bolng lookod up by the city nttorney nnd city en gineer. New Alarm .System. Mayor Strnw roportod that tho Coos Day Homo Tolophono compnny nnd the Oregon Power compnny had offorod to opornto n now flro nnd burglar nlnrm system hero If tno city would simply pay tho cost of infringing tho wires In putting It In. . Tho now system consists of n num l her of brilliant colorod electric flush iikiuh. tho limns win iio opornt ed by the Contrnl girl nt nlcht aim will Insuro prompt responses by tho pntroimon who might othorwlso be difficult to locnto. Tho council vot ed to accept tho offer nnd Instructed the fire nnd wntor committee to tnko the mnttor up nt onco with tho com panion. Mayor Straw reported that ho had decided tn appoint Dnrsoy Kroltzer. W. l. Douglas and Fred Nolson as members of a commute to Investi gate tho matter of purchasing n com bined fire engine and nuto truck for the flro department. lie snld that auetits of tho manufacturers of this bring Southern Pacific Rejects Ono Long .Sought nt Tillamook. TILLAMOOK, Ore., May 14.--Membors of the city council nro In clined to bo wroth nt tho nctlon of tho Southern Pnclflc railroad In de clining to uccopt the frnncblBo grnnt ed nt Its request. For somo time, pressure was brought to bear on tho council to grnnt tho railroad tho privilege of laying threo trncks on Front street. Thoro wns much oppo sition to tho plan, nB It wns claimed that thlB would glvo tho railroad tho street. Tho council finally passed tho tranchlso practically ns request ed, and forwarded it to tho rnllrond for acccptanco. Sovcrnl days ago it was returned with n stntomont that tho railroad does not want It. An explanation Is given that nftcr deliberation tho rnllrond company de cided to build tho freight nnd pns songcr stnttons of tho road on the terminal grounds east of town In stead of at Front street nnd Stlllwoll avenue. Tho property on Front streot Is snld to bo too low, tho trnck on that streot being vory llttlo abovo high wator lino. FOLLOW tho RANI) to HANRON, SUNDAY, MAY 10. YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE. Pain along tho bnck, dizziness, head acho nnd gonoral languor. Oct a packago of Mothor Gray's AROMATIC-LEAF, tho plensnnt root nnd horo euro for all Kidney, Bladder nnd Ur Inny troubles. When you fcol nil run down, tired, wenk and without onorgy uso this romnrkablo combln atlou of nature's horbs nnd roots. As a regulator It has no cqunl. Mo. thcr Gray's AROMATIC-LKAF Is sold by D.ugglsts or sent by mall for 50 cts. Samplo sent FREE. Address, Tho Mother Orny Co.. Lo Roy. N. Y. FOR SALU RY HubClothing&ShoeCo. marshfield. IIANDO.V. BALL SCORES STANDING OF TEAMS I W. L. P.C. Oakland 20 14 .050 Vernon 22 10 .579 ZloTaVics ....21 19 .525 San Francisco ...,7 22 .430 Sacramento 10 23 .410 Portland 13 2 L .383 , PORTLAND, May 10. -Portland defented Vernon 14 to 1 yestorday. Tho Coast lcaguo results follow: At San Francisco U J. o Snn Francisco 1 Jj - Oakland 3 At Los Angeles R H b Vernon 7 Portland " 2 At Sacramento Sacramento n JJ J Los Angolcs x I1UY your TICKKTH nt tho llUflY CORNER for tho Dandon EXCUR SION ON SUNDAY. Round trip ?1.50 A TURKISH RATH wtll do you GOOD. Phono 214J. Why Ho Wns Lute. "What mado you so Into?" "I mot Smlthson." "Woll, that la no roason why you should bo nn hour Into getting homo to suppor." "I know, but I nskod him how ho wns fooling, nnd ho Insisted on toll ing mo about his stomach trouble" "Did you toll him to tako Gham borlnln'a Tnblota?" "Suro, thnt Is what ho noods." Sold by nil dealers. New $50 Kitchen Range For Only $35 Wo want you to boo tho Now OPAL RANGE, ono of tho latOBt nnd host products of tho stovo manufacturers. A four-holo Rnngo for $35.00 that would cost $45.00 or $50.00. A slx holo rnligo for $40.00. Seo theso be fore buying. W. K. WISEMAN tl North Front St. Bus. Phono 290-X; Res. Phono lflC-J We Havo Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Eloctrlcnl material and can give our patrons a vory low prlco on houso wiring. Got our prlco you can't afford to miss It, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J mmm The Sign of Good Candy Always '"fan Sf viu v rT r VV WE handle the standard mak,, ot the World's Best U bndeavor to give you the best of everything for the moncv vou spend. Therefore, in selling you Our line nf STETSON hats we sell 0I you the best hats made. The fttpfanil QLAAR "Stetson" sets the styles for ln 011065 men's hats, which means, of is as Complete asotif course, that in selecting a i , r n "Stetson" hat now you are snOWing ot btetSOD getting thelatest Spring style, Hats, "Wear a Benjamin" "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, Alnrshfiold. Bandon KQUIPPED WITH WIRBLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. 8AH.S FKOX AIN8WORTH DOCK, PORTIiANI), AT 0 A. M,Wl 1st, 8th, Hull, 18th, 2.'JnI and aHth. FROM MARSHFIELD AITal SERVICE OF THE TIDE MAY 1th, 10th, lQth, 20th, Mlh udtt&l h. A. PARKIIURST, A(l Phone Miln Kill Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Friday, May 17th V. S. DOW, Agent. OctuDoct tliroiiKh the liriiBli In iiiRkln tho eniilnmant woro wllllni? to t Biirvoy. for tho Ho. mini lttI th. ,mB ot ,hon, horo t0 ,f0 t08f0(li nuitiiliiK thnt lu whh "a little tlff." Stioot Scttlos. 1U In of Hti athletic hullil nml tho n h went IhrniiKh tin' hrimh minliiK down wmi rhe luliulrHtlon of R. n. Porter who deoliir(l ho wn n womli'r. llowevor, they all hud to t:ilc ff tht'lr hnlu to V. C. llltoh coK ho. duBpltP liU 250 uvolrdii iol . did not I uk mid whose jovlnl. KOinl iintme kept tl em In tho heat of Kpl's all the tlmo. Advnmv Tlmo On It. R. McPouald of Black CrmU, Mayor Strnw roportod thnt tho nav. Inn on North Front Btrcot. north from the city hall, hnd sottled two or three Inchos nnd wns now ho low xrde. Thin wan dlscovorod hv thtt euKlneor of tho Tormlnnl rail way. It wa.8 decided to hnvo tho Htreot hroiiKht back to grado so that tho railway traoka can he lnld on tho tfsfabllu'ictl grade. Other Matters Up. Pounellman FerKiison ronortod who a In Munih rield today, atat- that he wn not nwnro that ho nnd cl that lo had Just received notlco I hla ei'inmlttoo woro to look up tho i'h Soiithein Pacific to romovo ' mat r of a new electrical Inspector tin' lniUdlniftt from the rii?ht of wny and eniifwquently 1-e wna not roady acr"sK hl property by June in. report on It. or'tMnal contract speelflid thnt t'io i There wae qulto a crowd present Iml'd n should be removed by July , but when It was announced that no WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERI-NO AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneti. matlc Clcnnlni; Company. Oriltia for work taken at COINO HARVEY PHONE Jl)(l Unique Pantatorium THE .MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS. PRESSERS mid HAT RENO'ATOR8 Agont for Edward E. Strauss & Co fine Tailoring Lot ua mako youi next Suit, 2.1.1 Coniiuerclnl. Plvouo 2rtO-X You Auto Call Footc PHONE 1II.J NHJUT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotol. TWO NEW OARS Aftor 11 P. M. Phono G-J Resldont'o Phono 2S-J Will mako trips to Coiiullle. SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RANCH BARGAIN 120 Aero fruit nnd dnlry In culti vation Of tho best class All stock, tools and Iniplomonts. $2000 hnndlos IJalanco easy, $12,000. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. 'THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Cocs Bay for Eureka Saturday, May II At 12 o'clock CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORlUw NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono II. O. F. Mi-aEOnCRJP A Modorn Drlck Building, Electric LlKht, Steam Heat. Elogantly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Wator. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLI.W Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards, Cor. Hrondway and Mnrkot. Mnrshflold. Orocon. A. H. HODOINii 15 hut they havo advanced the data n mom'', Indlcntlntc their Intention to 'uiHtcn the work. The end of the big tunnel Is on the McDonald property, the tunnel being about 1,200 foot long. Tlio lino hap caused Mr. McDonald to rnzo lib barn but ho la oracling a nowor and hottor ono. HOWARD'S genuTno MEXHMN TAMALES dollvorod nny placo In tUe city until 12 O'CLOCK nt nlghi. Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Phono 833. noMon would bo taken on tho rnllwny irnnciiiao matter, most or tiiein left. T o only "C" streot contract was part'v rUnrod up by ono claim for about $200 being paid out of tho general fund. Contractor Morrlssoy wns ordorett paid $!)S2 on his Hnll avenuo con tract. This afternoon Dan Keating an nounced that ho had aelectcd A. II. Stutsmnn, Will Chapmnn and J. I. Koontr ns n committee to dotermlno which was tho best auto driven apparatus. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and -eason.ibto c1 nrges. Our motto: 'Will go nnywhero nt any tlmo." S'anda Hlunco Hotel and Dlnuco ClKnr Store. Day Phonos 78 and 40 Night Phono -t ti UHMtm V OOODALE. iircinrleton, T. J. SCAIFE yi Marshfield Paints (8h Decorating Co. VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUHMAIUNK BEIX SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Wednesday, May 15, At, 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY- Phono 41. O.I'.McGE0WS6iPl Estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phone 140L Oregoi Have That Roof Fixed vow Soo rORTUELL Mi one KIWI WM. S. TURPEN Architect. 171 FIldNT ST. We Clean and Press Ladies' andfant's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J Lynn Lambeth Fred .Nemle Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night Service Careful driving assured. uianco Pool Room. 23l.n M. After 11 P. M. nhone Get Busy - AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF7 HUT FIRST COME IX Ol'It PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPLK- Mlll.MiM.b AND UP. unnii'ivri mni'n rvr? w.v. Si "SAND Ul'- C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. fo RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Fhone until 11 P, 5-J, Palace Restaurant, IHCH ! writ OKKELEV 1 mJimtIH? Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY BENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coaullln Offl;. Plinn. 101 IfaratiflaM OfflM 1"J- Farma Timber Coal tad Plattin Land. 'I141 ' a.a.ral AaeaU "BASTfllDK