THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION. i i " s The Range Tiie Monarch Malleable Why, not. get. it now and save the cruel hardships of trying to make the cheap, innefficient onei bake. Ve invite yQU jtp,call and inspect the Monarch from top to bottom and inside and out. GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers jilYaysj"The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store eep Your fi TOMORROW NIGHT We Will Publish Something 10NEY SAVING SATURDAY SALE Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. HONE- STATKMHNT OF OP UNAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAItSIIFIKLU, At tho close of business, Ul and ni. Ming House ana Exchanges Total niT k-,lm . umu L : 7' """ I"a m Rlus and Undivided Profits Total , $734,774.63 j 'ANT ADS. IKtlr. Ittfn rown leghorn eggs for "'8; 75c per fifteen for balance B.-' "" sir. Chaa. Murr. rl5. North Bend. Lr;P XIan wants to buy some Kahoter1,k cows- can at ii... I,,,.. At once, woman ror hntst Coos Caf0' 15 You Will Ultimately Buy 1 Built Like a Locomotive i : - 1 O'OIO on This Space Interesting About Our -MAIN 298 US CONDITION' OREGON. April 1H, 1012. i'1At''i. 25l!o8l!96 $734,774.02 irpTTQ - - . 50.oqo.OU 65.663.6' 629 210.96 some good, clean, easy mon., -at once. You can i ...- - 22, First Nniionui " KOH SAIiie-Bartnnk seed potn toes. Phono 195 or write C. II. Dungan, Marshflold, Ore WANTED-Moh Jlr J," - Solrkat ofl of Title Guar nnteo & Abstract Co. FOH RENT Fine ""nny uotu,se"kCnr ing apartment. Sacchl Bldg. En quire Nasburg Grocery. FOH ALL KINDS OVJlXVLlW Clifford Doane Phone 3jw: WANTED A competent girl fr Steel Rang e genoral housework; good wages. Apply Apt. 5,, O'Connoll bldg. I-'Olt ItKNT Cottngo on Eiwthldc. Ono block from Forry bridge. Call nt Myors' Btoro. FOR SALE Float house, 12x11 ft., furnished, for $30. John Gloclc I Portor, onqulro at ship yard. FOR SAM-; As oilier interest do- iiinnd my attention, I will soil my roHtaurnnt and bokory for $175.00, ' oxcollont trade Address Dox 333, 1 Xoith Bend, Oregon. WANTED CJIrl not under twenty, for hotel work, chnmbormald and wnltross, 269L. I-'Olt SALE Oho new Ud-foot gnso llno launch. Soo Max Tlmmer man, 862 North Front strot. BARGAIN SALE; 40 horsopowor auto for $G00; first-class condi tion; fully equipped: cost now $3000; will sell for $C00 on out. terras. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front stroot. Phono 180-J. For Immediate Sale I will socrlflco my flno modern homo only threo blocks from Post office In North Bond and 77 Aero ranch on Coos Rlvor for $5000 cash. Call or phono C. M. DOUTT, owner, Hotel Hlanco. Mnrsniieia. Oregon. Dayton Bicyelcs, Marshfield Cyclery I BICYCLES FOIt ItKNT If You Are You Are Not OOTBlflUCO- FLOUH COOS BAY TIDES. Hel w Is given th time and height of high and low waUr at Marshflold.- Th tides are placed in the order of occurrence with their' timet on tho first lino and heights on' the see bnd linn of each day; a comparison Of consecutive heights' will Indicate whether it1 is high or low wuterl Tot high water' on bar, subtract 1 hoars si minutes. Date. Mny. 7'. 56 0.5 8.41 0.9 9.29 0.9 10.18 1.1 16 i 17 Hrs. Feet .1.38 .6.9 .2.28 .7.1 .2.59 .7.3 .3.43 .1.1 1.51 5.2 3.40 5.2 3.40 5.2 5,23 5.1 7.49 2.7 8.31 2.9 8.31 2.9 10.11 3.4 Hrs. Foot 18 19 Hrs. Feet Hrs. Feet L ' THE WEATHER (By Associated Press.) v OREGON Gonorally fair tonight and Friday; southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. m., May 16, by DonJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government mo- toorologlcnl obBorvor: Mnxlmum 03 Minimum 35 At 4:43 a. m 39 Wind northwest; cloar. Precipitation nono Picnic Sunday Tho Eastsldo Ath letic club is arranging for a picnic oxcurslon to Sumnor noxt Sunday. Hulld Itcalucnco Tom Lawhorno returned to his ranch nbovo Allo gany today after completing nr rangomonts for material to build n now rcsldonco on tho ranch. Will Picnic Tho 11. Y. P. U. bus nrrangod for a moonlight plcnlo at Jordan's covo tomorrow night. It In expected that about fifty of tho younger mombcrs of tho cdngrcga tlon of tho DaptlBt church will par ticipate Tho girls nro to tnkq ba ket dlnnors for tho crowd. Tho Allco K will leave nt 7:15 from tho Market arcnuo wharf. Dies In Hiilcm Word hnB been ro colvod lioro of tho doath nt Salom, Orogon, of Ed Lamport, n brother of Harry Lamport, a woll known Coos Day loggor. No particulars havo boon recolvod. Mr. Lamport was In tho harness business nt Salem for n numbor of yoars and visited bis brothor and F. P. Norton In Marsh fluid n numbor of times. Did Not Thrcnteii Mr. and Mrs. John Horman of nunkor Hill, dorty Mint, Mra llnrinnii llirnntnnnd nnv of tliochnrlvnrl' party with n tth. Thoy 4 i 11.1 il... B.n at.f lilM !AttJf Tinlt. BW0 llllll II1W lmw w M"n- tordus and did much hctual 'dnmigo and tho Bald that tho pollco would bp cnllod but no flrOnr'ms woro dis played or throatbned to bo used al though tho provocation was vory groat. vii.lirnt Kvoiit Tho colohrntton of tho anniversary of tho freedom of Norway will no noia ai mo iinnimj t.nll Ininnrrmv nffM Mnv 17. TIlO nrrnngomontfl hnvo' been porfectod by a committeo or mo norwoKiun T.iillianin nliiirnli. Thorn will 1)0 a short program rind rofroshmonts will bo Korveii. apociai uonia win uo run from North Ilond to nccommodnto visitors from thoro. Ilulld New Hani A. Tt. McDon niii wim wan lii from Tenmllo to at tend IiIb daughtor'B woddlng, roports that ho Is having a inrgo, now uam built on his rnnch. Tho survoy of tho Bouthorn Pacific goes directly through tho old barn and ns tho railway oxpects to tako possosBlon of tho right of way Juno IB, Mr. Mc nnnnM In canmollod to hasten com pletion of tho now building. . .In Arrewteii Jiarsnni unrier miiuy arrcstod A. Erlrkson, a chnuffour of I). L. Footo. on tho chnrgo of run ning his machine on tho street with tho mufflor off. This Is in viola tion of a city ordinance Mnrabal Cartor says n numbor of nutolsts horo will bo nrrostod unless thoy Children aro much moro llkoiy to contact tho contagious dlsoases whon thoy havo colds. Whooping cough, dlpthorla, scarlot fovor nnd con sumption nro diBoasos that nro often contracted when tho child bus a cold. That Is why all modlcnl au thorities Bay bownro of colds. For tho quick euro of colda you will find nothing bettor than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always bo do pendod upon and Is pleasant and sufo to tako. Kor saio uy nil imaiprw Not Using Using the. Best Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality coaso speeding up nnd making so much nolso with their machines. Erlckson will havo n hearing soon boforo Recorder Uutler. Coming Here Capt. Edgar Simp- sou today recclvod a tolcgram from G. J. lllomborg, senior ofllcor of tho Oregon Nnvnl Militia, stating thnt ho would bo horo on tho noxt Dronk wator to rovlow tho local divisions and gut thom rondy for tho annual cruise. Ho will nlBO visit tho Dandon division. Hack from Trip A. Frnnk, head of a largo loathor houso In San Fran cisco, and L. Qrccnbauxn, nn engineer from San Francisco, arrived horo yesterday froni Qordlnor whoro thoy Havo been guosts of Warren Reed on a Ashing trip. Thoy wcro olatod bvor that sdctloh' and' tho flno tlmo that Mr! Rood-showed thom. ,' 'tt. V.Titkn licre J. L. Duoll, who btd cha'rgo of 'securing tho right of way for tho Southern Pacific from Eugene to tho Unipqun, arrived horo today ffom Gardiner whero ho has bcon enjoying n sbort outing. Ho is nccompnhlod by Mrs. Duel). His vtist horo Is said to bo on purely por Bona! mattors.. Give Up ltnndJ At tho regular mooting of tho ElkB' lodgo last oven Ing, nftor hearing roporta of com mittees, is' wart decided that tho ox ponso of taking tho band,' about $1, 000, would bo too gr'cat for tho lodgo to assume It was hoped to facolvo Bomo nsslstanco from tho Chambor of Commorco and tho biis- lnoss mon but railway mnttors havo boon engrossing bo much nttontlon that It wob lmpoBBlblo to got any doflnlto action nnd with much rcgrot tho projoct was abandoned. Flno Concert Thoro was n good turnout Inst ovonlng to onjoy tho first opon nlr concort of tho soason by tho Coob Day Concort Dand at tho MarBhflold city park. Tho program' wna oncof unusual cxcollonco nnd Its rendition undor tho direction of Dir ector Fcnton won much npplaUBo from tho crowd, At tho conclusion of tho program, J. W. Uonnott mado n llttlo talk In which ho laudod tho bnnd and urged that thd city park bo improved, a bettor band stand erect ed and tho pla'co boauttllod. Married This Morning Noptuno Young and MIbs Mnry Mcuonnld, two woll known young pooplo 6f Ten mllo, wbro mnrrlod by Fatbor Mun ro, of St. Monlcn'B church nt 10:00 o'clock .this1 morning. Tho brtdo In thb oldest daughter of ono of A. R MoDonald, ono of tho woll known ploneorfl of that noctlon, nnd la n young lady of many cstlmablo qunl Itlon. Tho groom is superintendent of Mr. McDonald's creamery and dur Ing his stay thoro boa mado many frlonds. Tho' happy rouplo will mako their homo on tho McDonald placo'and n host of frlonda will wish thoni n long, happy and prosperous mnrrlod life PERSONAL NOTES ' MRS. FJUNIC aUILLIAMS, of Dan tols crook, 1b a Marshflold visitor today. C. F. McCULLOM and wlfo, of North Bond woro Marshflold visitors last ovonlng. L. J. SIMPSON Is horo from North Ilond today looking nftor buslnoss Intort'Bta. A. R. McDONALD, or Black Creole, Tenmllo, Is n Marshflold buslnoHS visitor todny. JUDGE HALL will loavo tomorrow via Rosoburg for Salem nnd Port laud on business. DR. McCORMAC loft this morning for North Slough, whoro ho will visit tho schools In thnt soctlon. LUKE FAIHKS.who Is travollng ror n Portland real ostnto firm, Is ox poctod horo on tho Broakwator tor n short visit with rolatlvos. EUGENE O'CONNELL nnd wtfo loft today for tho Mnxo, tholr summer homo on Smith Coos rlvor. to gat BASEBALL DANCE Eagles' Hall HATl'ltllAY NIGHT .MAY 18 GOOD Ml'HIO GOOD TIME GOOD CACHE Figure This MuvmHmHEimWniTB i w&ftftiWj nf(f I EiEh things In readiness for their Bum mer outing. MRS. A. D. DALY, who hns boon In Arizona for tho bonoflt of hor health, writes Mr. Daly thnt alio la considerably Improved and will probably return to tho Bay soon. N. MOON returned today via Drain irom Gold Hill, Oregon, whoro ho hns spent a month or so. Ho gays tho crop prospects nro good but that otherwise It Is rathor quite , In that section. WARREN IlEED camo In this morn ing from Gardiner. Ho roports things aro booming thoro as a re sult of the renewed activity of the railroads and tho prospects (Tor early construction. BLUFORD DAVIS 16ft today for Co- , ffulllb. Ho expects' that his eh It ' against J.'W. Riissoll Will come up tot trial this afternoon. Tho caU Involves n claim for damages to tho Davis ranch whllo Mr. Rus sell was a tenant on tho Coos rlv of property. BEN McMULLEN, of Myrtlo Point, is In Marshflold on buslnosa nnd ploasure Ho roports that good progress Is being made on the fairgrounds nnd raco track thoro and that a good raco- moot will bo ' hold thero July 4 and 6. CARL ALBRECHT has returned from South Inlet, whoro ho Is ar- ' ranging to resumo work on tho now highway to L. J. Simpson's summer homo at Shora Acres. It will rcqutro a couplo of months work pt n crow or n dozon mon or so to comploto tho highway. GEORGE ROTNOR, manager of' the Woolon Mills Btoro, nrrlvod homo this morning via tho old Coos Bay Wagon road from a business trip to Portland. Ho says thnt the road is still rathor rough but con Bldcrablo Improvements nro being mado on the Coos county end of it. Thoy loft Rosoburg- nt 5:00 o'clock yostorday morning and l roachod horo nt 2 o'clock this morning. J. L. Bowman Is now In Now York. Business Is rathor quiet nt Portland but tho prospects for tho season aro good. ' AMONG TIIE SICK August Farloy will enter Morey hospital tomorrow nnd will undorgo an oporntlon Saturday. Mrs. Carl Eganoff, who undorwont nn oporatlon nt Morcy hospital yea t,orday, Is reported gottlng along nlcoly. Harold Martin, who has boon suf f6rlng from frequent nttocka of ap pendicitis, was takon to Morcy hos pital yoBtorday to undergo an opera tion for tho rompvnl of his appon dlr. Mrs. Warren Rood of Gardiner whb' hau boon spudding tho last few wookn hqro for mod leal treatment la Improving rapidly. Mr. Rood came down today to visit hor. Miss Olllo Richards of Sumner yostorday undorwont nn oporatlon at Morcy hospital for tho amputation of n too which was Injured some time ago, Sho was nblo to roturn to hor homo toduy. Just a Little Better For a Little. Less Men's Suits $8.50 to $25 Nothing Better For Less on Earth The Fixup Mnrslificll--Nortli Bond. Out Yourself Ever" WeCan Save Moimey for Youi orji Things in ii l "emaa Who wnna mV