rnmf"v I'tri'R "nT THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912--EVEMIHGEDITI0H.-' - COOS BAY TIMES it. O. MALONEY Editor and Pub. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor eas Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Marxliflcld :: n it tt Oregon ,(, IT LOOKS GOOD. V"A)L'WAY rumors ,nro giving n away to roal railway nctlci on Coos Day. The nows prlnl cd.thln ovonlng fs doflnlto, authentic nui, encouraging. Jt la a moro.jjinto ijienl pf'facj; by roal jallway bulld oraL Tbo contractors and onginoors Irfdlcato that actlvo work will noon begin and Coos Bay will bo tbo scono of nctlTB operations In tbo railway .lino. It looks good. 'CQo9 DAY COAL ron passinYJ piitva . " i ; TIIRi, Btory ot how tho passing fltoamor Opland put Into Coos Uny yesterday nnd secured coal for tho continuation of hor vow fit, In Important as showing tho 'valuo of tho resources of this, 'tlah. Coos Day la tho only harbor oca. tho Pacific coast whore coal may Iturtakon from tho mlno's mouth and loaded on n vcaboI. Coal mar bo socurod choanor on Cabs Day thnn any other port on tho Mxrast. It was fortunato for tho fltoamor Onland thnt It was near CQ68 Day when Its fuol supply bo- canto exhausted and It may bo for tnnnto for Coos Day In furthor ad vertising tho rcsourcos of this groat jKaxbor. WALT MASOlSI THE POET PHILOSOPHER LAY PREACHEH8. , Ah, my woary heart Is reaching for nopontho suro and truo, for so many men nro preaching that I don't know wiiat to dol Tired nnd stricken, I dv, tormlno somo fat novel to pcruso, and tho book turns out a sermon, and my soul contracts tho bliios. Worn by worldly strlfo nnd hounding to, tho show, I go and find' that tho actors nro expounding doc;' trlnos, that disturb my mlhd. And tho dally ir'lnls aro sc'roccnlnfc sormons on tho nation's cf Imci fitt tho magazlnos are preaching on tho evils of tho tlinos all tho 'doctors aVo discussing noaUhr'ulos till thoy bring tho tears, and the scientists" a'rp fussing, pounding texts Into our carfl. Every ono js ben on touching, teaching us with ,'volco1'' 'and tonguo; ovory ono Is bent on preaching till tho last lorio dog Is hunjr. It would mako tho world less sol- , h ,emn, mako our Jburney far moro nlco, If wo onco could road; a column thai contains no good advlco; If tho spoakor In tho forum and tho wrltor In tho prints, wou'dn't nag tho folks nnd boro 'om with a string of Helpful Hints. 0111. nts.tr "A Ay ' """""" yJUasJK'1 irt tWITH THE t i toast and tea 4t SAY GOODMORNINM (Written for Tho Times by C. J. ' Howard.) Wbon you chnnco somoono to meet Ail you hlko out on tho stroot , Say "doodmornjn'r It won't hurt you a ,norn bit Anr bogosh, you'll mako a hit; Say "Goodmornln'l " XJOd-a-mlKhty! Whnt's tho iibo ATTors Hqulrtln' Lomons' Julco I Ihtflio fnco o' mon an things , Alters takln' ugly f llngs-r-, M tho boys nt hit tho fog rjHoachod on somo uncertain bogT Say "Goodmornln'J" " Somethings you can't buy 'Ith gold; '.fiEnttnrod hopes to Binlli's aro sold; An" ouch follcr ho Is rich "'Ith n. hunch o' smiles an' Blch Mlo'sholl 'cm out, you foil or, you, Art", give 'om to tho ono to who vYou know thoy'll ho a bloHsIn' to! "You'll kick n stono plum off his feet An; pr'aps ho'll win tho second hent, As up tho hill ngaln ho climbs WJicro sunny thoughts tho brlghtor shines Say "Goodmornln'l" John Kronholm wants to know If it lady should fall In n faint, why whouldn't hor hoao flupportor? That. John, dononils on how much nntialu you can got out of nu elastic unnd. And u hor hosiery nnd ciockb on 'om tho hands might liolp. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Tho Italnbnw, Rapt. Edwards' now boat, was tried out nnd found to ho In first clnss shape. 8I10 will ho put In service soon 011 tho North Coo river run. I'UOI AND MRS. C. A. DAVIDSON, or North D0111I returned Tuesday from a bIx weeks' vacation and outing In Portland and other northern points, NEW PARK SUPERINTENDENT Qtolil. II, Chapman Succeeds Muyot' l.ogan in Aloiitiiiia. ,Uy Associated Pross to Coos Day liny Tlmtts) WAHIIINGTON, May 10 Itobort M. Chiipiunn of this city has been ap U'olntO'l actinic Buporlntondent of Glacier Nntlonnl Park, .Montana, to THuremnl tho Into Major I.ognu. ORDER mode CAUTION Coos DRIVE PILING : FOR ROADBED Tom Coke, In chnrgo of tho con struction of tho Terminal railway, hns awarded tho contract to Noblo Drothers for driving tho piling for tho roadbed along N6rth Front street. Tho work will start at once. Jt will bo of standard trostlo con struction, four-pllo bents with six teen feet ccntors bolng put In. Tho eighty-pound stool for tho Frpnt street lino Is to nrrlvo on tho next Hodondo and It Is Mr. Coko's Intention to put It In nt onco nnd put tho street back In condition for travol. Noblo'H contract only calls for put ting In tho piling for tho ono track nloug tho cast sldo of Front stroot. Mr. Coko enld that ho didn't know now whon tho other would be put in. Ho said ho was endeavoring to build tho linn with tho loast posslblo In convonlonco to travol and conse quently didn't want to tear up too HARD TRIP OF AUTOS TO BAY V. C. Gorst and family and Chas. King with Messrs. Fornlcy, Sinclair nnd Klrkruff arrived hero today nftor a rather strenuous nuto trip ifrom Mod ford. Mr. GorBt drove a Cadillac and Mr. King a 1'nckurd. Thoy camo In via Drain to Scottsburg nud thonco to Allegany from whoro thoy brought their nutos down by boat. Thoy woro threo days on tho road botweon Drain nnd Allegany, bolng tho first machines ovor It this year. In many placoB, thoy had to fill mud holes at ovor a hundred feet to tho stroto.h with brush and dirt to get tholr machines through. Thoy woro practically all their chains and most of tholr mud-hooks woro broken. Othorwlso, tholr machines wore through unscathed. It was a re markable tost for tho autos. Tho Cadillac proved the suporlor nnd was used as 11 road broakor and nlBo to pull tho Pucknrd out when tho latter got stuck. Tlio Packard carried tho 1 Fern am ark TO TH I 1 much of It at ono tunc. Ho jias laid off all of his crow with EU ,.. Mm nvrnntlnn f .. l.nlf .Iotom moil trtlllkB ttlld baggllRO, ponding tho decision of thL Ter mlnnl company as to tho plans, tho negotiations with tho Southern Pa cific having mado thorn n little un certain about tt. MARKET SLUMP HEAVY TODAY McssrH. Gorst and King havo boun oporntlng an auto lino botweon Mod ford and Jacksonville and camo hero with a vtow of operating a lino out of Coos Uay. Thoy say that many nro planning to cotno lioro from Mottford to locate. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, May IC A sonsotlon nl break In price 1 vir witnessed during tho Inst Ilftcon minutes of trading' today on tho exchange Wild helling of a Btoploss character sent the whont prlcos tumbling down ns much iih 4 !l-4 cents n bushel com pared with Inst ulgh.t' cloao. Corn lost :.' 1-2 and ork Si cents. CliAUK LHADSJX IOWA. SiM'iikcr dels 15 of 22 District Dele- gnte There. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) OUItMNGTON, la., May IC Champ Clark won fifteen nnd Wood row Wilson Boven of tho twonty-two Jown district dulogatoi to tho domo cratlc national convention In caucus es hold horo prior to tho oponlng ot tho stato convention today. Tin." convention mot nt noon. Tho dolcgatos cheorod ovory men tion of Ilryan's nnmo by Temporary Clutlrinan Hoaly, Ainoi'irnii Tiiiups liistiurted to lie Very Ciiiefiil. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Day Times) WASHINGTON. I). 0.. Mnv 10 CoinmainloiH of troops along tho hor-' afternoon nt 3 o'clock der htivu been Instructed bv tho War Department to exorcise dlllgouco to liruvout Ainorlenn troops situated dliudly adjoining tho border lino from preelpltntliiK friction with tho Mexican troops, either rebels or fed orals, This Is tho result of recent ropoita of soldiers being llred upon from (ho Mexican sldo after hoisting linta 011 guns to attract lire. NORTH DEND NEWS. Tho North Dond High School com mencement exercises will probably bo hold Decoration Day. Mm, llorhert Armstrong will ml dres a meeting of tho North Doud Mothers and Tenehers' Club at tho Central school building tomorrow Hor Biibject will bo "Parents Schools." Dotation to tho If you npprcclato GOOD SINGING hear .M1XVIN ,M O'NEIMi at tho ItOYAIi tonight. Thoy present "Tho Lady nnd tho Sport," a musical comedy eclipsing all sketches aa yet. Three good moving pictures complete tho bill, making It a very Interesting program for only 10c, Ltbby COAL. The Kind YOU hart Hi WAYS USED. PHONE 73 Paclfli Mvory ft Tranifor Co. Try Tho Times Wnnt Adn. Masonic Tonight Last, Chance To See MODE IIIDI.ICS ISSUED. Jwnt Year il.lll) 1,201 Volumes Were Distributed. (Dy Associated Pross to Th5 Coos Tim 08.) NEW YOltK, May 10. Tho Ami'. Jean lllhle Society Issued today Its JMith iiinual report and annouiiced nn Iiiciimso of I ! 4 . 4 7 i volunuw Issiu ut ove-r t o iirecedlng year. The io liuit dwells on the number of trans lations of parts of tho blblo Into Ktmiui' hnguuges throughout tin world Tho total number of vol umes ls..ued last year amounted to 3,091,201., If you hnvo nuythlng to sell, trade, or ront, or want help, try a Want Ao Don't forget PHONE 2HJ. tno Turkish Daths. h Only Restricted Building District on Coos Baly The entire 80 Acres has been platted into lots and is now, on tho market. Tho property lies in the center of Marshfield, five to ten minutes ' walk from the business part of the city. Remember each lot is large enough for a first-class home. to Prices From $400 i ' r ' i 'I ', aWTJ II1 r . ' n Easy terms $600 E. G. PERHAM Lockhart Bldg., 2nd floor, opposite Tostoffice. You can say goodbyo to constipa tion with a cloar consclonco If you ubq Chamberlain's Tablots, Many havo boon pormnnontly curod by tholr uso. Far salo by all doalors. TO AND FROM Sweden, Norway, Finland And any other part of Europe. Now Is tho tlmo to buy your tlckot from AUG. FBIZEEN. Real Estnte and Insurance C8 Control Avonuo. Marshtlold. $100 Reward, $100 Tlit rrHiUm r( tlita iipor will lo lerd to Irani Hut I here lit m li-uni nno Uremlcd iUfio that M'teitrtt l) Ihcii mIiU-lo euro In all tt tUKi'f. ii'l Hul l I'kUuiI llall't Catarrh Curt I" the inily piiklthpciire now kuoiMi to tlm nn'clUrtl fraternity. CaUtri botnv neon. Illiitloiml ilUcaap, ri'iiutri' a ronitltiitlniial iri'iiiini iihii,i aurinciirvu taken inter.: nally, actltiK illreetl) iiihiii the blool ami nni. ! rotib kiirtnee o( tlul tein, therebj ileal ro) Iiik I the foinuUlloii of Iheitl.eate, ami i:h Iiik tlio ' COIJ.l.NS MAIIIIIOTT josi:pdi.k m:(ai.s and tho biggest and best vnutlevlllo i show ever seen on Coos Day. opintA liorsi:. Bknchard Livery Wo havo scCUrou1 tlio Hvory busl i'cbs of h. II, Itolstior, nnd aro pro pared to rentier excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Carotul drivers, good rigs nnd ovorythlng that will mean satisfactory sorvlco to Mia public. Phono us for a driving horse, n rig or anything neodod In tho llvory line. Wo nlBo do truck ing business of all kinds. DliAXCIIAHD DUOTIIKHS Phone iaH-J I.lvery, Feed nud Sales Service Ml First nnd Alder Streets. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WnKDK THEY DUY SHOES FROM $1 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP ISO So. Droadway Marshfleld 10c A XV SKAT Hie lie,ir Ve'vlu & O'Neill In their harmony sonns tonight at the ltoynl. Now id ,md plcHues for 10c HwnwaaafMWMaMMna fl-. MOORE'S - POison oAK NtVCR fAILINO REMEDY 30 YEARS TnCSTUOtRO CltCS, CHILBLAINS, rCLQNS. BURNS, KTC. m vaujadli. nuu linoi au. CAUMisr havc ir on w1n.onm on mauUr tirfco is Cents. UHGlCViMICHAaiCO SANrWAHCISCO 3LO SAIVC. iTirUret. ami tl ItiK tlio r I n tt linn ami an lellK nature in ilotiig lt oV, I fUl IIUI U Jk LUIIC YYUI lily 'Iho nrnprletiir Iihv. o imiih (ultli In (n tur. I ,, .,,,.. atixuiM'wefUhttiili' '""' One UumlnM 1d. I I'.lectilcai Contractors and Supplies. any cae inai u iau to cure, fceim (or i lark for any llkt nl teatiiLiiiila b. K. J. CIIKNKY l CO , Toledo. 0 PoUl bv all PrtiKKlit", "Ac Take llallk' Funill)' I'lIU lor iinntliKtlon PHONE IS l-R. 170 So. Dronduny, next door Vnlon Meat Market. to Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at The Pacific Monumental Works South Droadway and make selec tion from the larse stock now nn hand. Mr. Wilson lias in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter lu Coos comity. And none but tho best work is turned out. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance ll North Front Street PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I- R. DIRD D. CLARKE. -' Specialist In Nerve nud Spinal Disease. THE EASIEST Of ALL STOVES TO MOVE IS THE GAS RANGE tlio gas range is light In weight compared to any coal stove, There are no soot filled stove pipes to take down or put up. you can use the gas range up to tho timo the fitter comes to disconnect It. five minutes after the gas range reaches your new home it ean be connected and is ready for service. the goa rngo will be useful for heating wat er; for making tea or coffee for preparing meals' Just when you need it most during tne "settling" period, all the bother and delay of putting up the old fashioned solid fuel stoves are avoided, our co-operative payment plan means that you obtain the style of gas range which suits you best on terms you will find easy to meet. OREGON POWER CO. Tclephouo 178 Offlco, Room 2, Rogers Honso, North Dond. Offlco Hours, 2 to C. Phono 114 1,. r It. A. J. HENDRY'S U Modern Dental Parlor. Wo are equipped to do high clan work on short notice at the very lowest prices. Examination free i Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo- lto Chandler hotel, phone H2-J. i J. W. HENNBTT, Lawyer. )ffle oyer Flanagan & Bennett Dank larihfleld Oregon T-yt. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon, fflce: Lockhart Building, Opposite post office. Phono 105-J CONDENSED STATE5UJNT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tlio close of business April IS, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts lgJlM' Donds, warrants and securities '.. jjo'ji U. S. bonds to secure circulation - -Ajj j Real estate, furniture and fixtures iqsUH' Cash and sight exchange j!L' Total , ,'438" LIABILITIES. 00 Capital stock paid In ' $1J. Surplus and undivided profits j flOO" Circulation, outstanding isi.tl Deposits , t Total " ' fW " " . stoctf10' In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability ot o. ers Is $100,000,00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSIT W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. O. HORTON, VU' DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier,