J& THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 13, 19;12 EVENING EDITION. A7V . iftLL SCORES L,m,,wyoiU.Wn "",l,"0f't.V5toWj. HOT WEATHER FOR MY OUT FRANCHISE TO BETTER ROADS BE TAKES OP FAVORED HERE ! ; i : ,i Government T h e r m o m eter Registered 75 Sunday Heat Intense. It wasn't ho hot yesterday nftor nil. The government thormometor only registered 75 ns tho ninximuin torn pernturo diirlng tho dny and thnt wna about 5 o'clock Inst ovenlng. Up to Into In tho afternoon 73 was tho warmest registered. Thorc wero moro complaints about tho heat yesterday than have been heard In n long time, even during last summer. This was probably duo to tho fact thnt thcro was ltttlo wind In ovidonco yesterday, the northwest wind which generally brings com plalnt, bolng almost a minus quantity. Some claimed that tho thermom eters registered nbovo SO In tho Bun along aljout. mld-dny. Many launcu and auto parties wcro organized 10 find rcllof from (ho heat. Last year, 70 was tho maximum registered during tho summer and many claim that It did not seem nny warmer than yesterday. Saturday tho warmest shown by th& government thcrmomotor wnB C.J. Portland Takes Sunday's Game From Sacramento By Score of 9 to 4. PORTLAND, Ore., May 13. Port land took yesterday's gnmo nt Sac ramento by a ficore of nine to four, Sunday's games In tho Coast Lcngtto resulting ns follows: At Oakland It. II. 13. Los Angolcs 8 12 I San Francisco i C 1 i Second Runic. At Oakland San Francisco 1 Los Angeles G It. II. 8 10 SOME OUTING TAnWES ' II. S. Tower and wlfo, Miss "Norn Tower, Miss Agnes Carpenter and Miss Sllvorman enjoyed an auto trip to tho Ponch Sunday. Mrs. Christine- Kruso chnporonod a picnic party up Coos River yostor dny aftornoon. Among thoso In tho party woro Misses Ruth and Dor othy Horton, Oraco Wllllnms, nnd Mary Kruso nnd Ralph KriiBo and Will Horton. At Los Angolcs-r- R. II. Oakland 3 8 Vernon 7 10 v ( Second flame. At Los Angeles R. II. Oakland 3 Vernon G At Sacramonto R. Sacramento . 4 Portland , 9 North Bend Citizens May Ask Coos Bay Co-operates In Council to Insert "Com- I MovementLocal Proj mon User" Clause. ects Taken Up. Tho North Bond city counoll will At a mooting at tho Mnrshhold mcol tomorrow night nnd according Chamber of Commorco Saturday nfl to rumors nllont today,-tho session ornoon. It was decided to co-opornto may provo a lively one. In tho movement with tho other coin- It Is too soon for tho council to morclnl bodies of tho slnto tnko final nctlon on tho Southern to necmo good roads Icg Paclflo franchise, a month not hnv- Islatlon. Thcro nro six different In Ing elapsed bIiico It wna first road, , Itlatlvo measures ponding and It wns but It Is claimed that some North , decided to hnvo John Motloy, acting Tton,i nn-tio,. .iii .. .i ..' secretary, circulate thorn hero and tho Insertion of a "Common User"! St Coob Pay's quota of tho aignn II. B. 7 4 17 1 EASTSIDK 19 WINNER C. V. McOoorgo nnd family, B. W. Kammoror and family nnd Henry iiuggius composou a party 'that on Joyod a launch trip nnd picnic on South Cooa RIvor Sundny. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Scott apont Sunday on South Cooa Rlvor. lfonry Korn nnd family, of "North Bond, Bpont tho day at Sunset Day. L. I?, Falkonstoln nnd family, of North Bend, spent tho day nt tho uoncn. Dcfcnta Sumner nt Sumner 10 to 10 Sunday. Enstsido defqatod Sumner at Sum nor yostorday by a ocoro of 1G to 10. Jack Wnllnco of North Bend wnB urn- lilro. Saturday- night, tho Sumnor team gave a benefit dnnco and nottod thorn about $37. Yesterday's gamo with tho excep tion of tho first and ninth InnlngB, was good. Eastsldo ran In six runs nnd In tho sovonth scored flvo moro. During tho gamo Sumnor got 13 hits and Eastaldo 1G. Tho 11 nouns woro as follows: Sumnor. Position. Enstsldo. Clydo Barkor. . .CF Ohlman II. Mooro C Dean Moslor 3B L, Sallng Solandor 211 O'Donnoll Stock SS McDonnld J. Mooro ID T. Sallng i.owis KK. . .a. Touofson L Masters LF.,. Jensen P. Craig V.... Vlnoynrd, Robinson nnd McDonald clauso lu 1'. Tho boot hern Pnclflo has boon op posed to n "Common Usor" clauso thoro and nro especially opposed to tho suggestion that tho "common us er" regulation npply to nil of their right of wny In North Bond. It Is claimed that about two-thirds of tho right of way of tho Southern Pacific In North Bond Is ncross prlvato pro"- perty wnlclr the company has bought Cities Work ToROtlicr. " Councllmnn V. E. Allen of Marsh- flold 'wna In North Bond Saturday and conforred with a numbor of pcoplo thoro. Ho said that ho found many thoro who favored tho Idoa of 0. A. Smith4 that t,ho snmo kind of n frnnchlHo should bo granted tho Southern Pacific in Mnrshflold and North Bond. It la llkoly that tho North Bend nnd Mnrahllold city councils will hold n conferonco about tho matter very soon. Meet "Wednesday Night, Tho Mnrshflold city council moots WodrioBdny night to tnko up tho Southorn Pacific franrhlsd. Thor has been Ilttlo or no chango in uio situntlon sinco Saturday. It Is uridorstood thnt another con feronco' will bo hold with C. J. Mlllls to bco If tho mnttor cannot bo ad justed botwoon tho Southern Pacific nnd Tormlnnl Rallwny bo that final nctlon can bo takon on It Wednes day night. turcs necessary to sccuro tnoir bud mission to tho votorB. Judgo Coke, chnlrman of tho Good Roads commlttoo of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco, talked on lo cal highway projects. It was de cided that tho organization should do all It can to forward tho projoct for n water-level road from Eastsldo to Sumner. It waB stated that peti tions for this highway, which will be constructed nlong the bank of Catching Inlet by drcdglngs from tho channel will bo presented to tho county court this fall. Tho project of securing a highway rrom Mnrshflold to tho lighthouse, that can Jo travorsod by nutoB at any season of tho year was also taken up nnd something doflnlto will bo done nlong this lino soon.. Harry Noblo nnd fnmlly and Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Powora wont to 'Sun sot Bay. Judgo nnd Mra. Colco and fnmlly wont to the bench to pond tho dny ycBlordny. J, V. Clary nnd wlfo and Mr. and Mrs. ChnB. Hunter spent tho dny up Cooa Rlvor. Dr. nnd Mrs. McCormnn nnil Mr. and Mrs. p. M. Wilbur Bpont tho dny ui ouuro Acres. NEWS OP ALLEOANY 4 Miss Mllllo Gould wont to Mnrsh flold Thursday. Mrs. E. L. PJorco wob In our midst Wodneaday and Thursday. ''Mrs. Hanson has movod to Allo gnny from tho uppor Wcat Fork. BAND EXCURSION trnln to BAN- DON loaves 7:H0 A. L next Siindn,. HOWARD'S gonuino MEXICAN TAMALKS dollverod any placo In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK nt nlghu Thoy nro READY'tb' SERVE. Phone n:w. Follow tho BAND to BANDON. II. SO , Oep. Stelmormnn, who has been Quito HI for tho last two weeks, is convalescing. SPALDING Mnjor nnd Mra. Towor returned to Emplro yesterday nftor spending tho weolc nt Dromo Lodgo, South Coos Rlvor. Dr. nnd Mra. Kousoworth, Mr. nnd MrB. Dorsoy Kroltzor nnd Wllllnm Kroltzor spont Sundny nt llnaton- uuri s uoncu. Mrs. Novla Landrlth nnd two children, of Coqulllo, camo to vlalt hor brothor. W. A. Gnco. for n few days. Mrs. C. D. Plpor has rocolvod word that hcr'mothor. Mrs. Thurmnn, who hnB boon very 111 In Oklahoma, lu recovering. Mr. nnd MrB. M. W. Roberts moved to Mnrshflold Thursday to on gngo In tho grocory buslnosa on Front streot. Cork Center SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RANCH BARGAIN 120 Aero fruit and tlnlry In culti vation Of tho best class All stock, tools and Implements. $2000 handles Bnlnnco easy, $12,000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Froat St. WM. S. TURPEN Architect XU FRONT; 8T. Lynn Lamboth Fred Nemlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night Scrvlco Caroful driving assured. Phono Blanco Pool Room, 231-R until 11 P. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phono B-J. Pnlnce Rontnnrnnt ,ll;l)U do onHre win do the other. "WEAR A BENJAMIN $1 8.0,0 JO MO.0Q, '"'--- imp ijwBi.i.(KN"yfc Mm T ii H Bn)-m)n"ci.thc, , ",u,,ey W Hub Clothing and Shoe 4 MAHSHFIELD. jSfi m 3 3 THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY' r 9 - . ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELE8S SnilefriF rnrc R.iv frnm PnKlin xrJ m if . j .. . . w. MW1 v T UU4 rjuy w 6 j CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT rORrUB NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COSiPANT. "' O. V. McOEOIWE, If Phono 41. CORK Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Mntson, Miss oraco KniKo nnd MIbs Frmicoa Wil liams npoiit yoHtorday nt tho Mntson cottngo on Cooa Rlvor. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. s. Burgolt nmt Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Mntson, Frank nnd Leo Mntson, wont to the llghthuuso In tho Bnrgult auto yostnrdny. C. A. Johnson nnd family, J. C. Merchant and wlfo nnd Mlua Laura Dlmmlck woro iiiombora of n picnic party drlvliiK to Batendorf'a boacli yestordny. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Prlco and G. A. Gould woro In Mnrshflold Thurs day to completo tho transfer of n pleco of land from J. H. Prlco to G. A. Gould. Goo Gondrum, Dr. and Mrs. Win, Ilorafall. Gcorgo. William nnd Marl nn Ilorafall compound n parly driv ing to tho llithtl.nugo In Mr. Good rum's car. The Allegany Lltornry Socloty gnvo nn ontertnlnmont Frldny aftornoon nt tho Bchool house. It wna nppro cla'od by tho patrons who woro nblo to bo present. Tho school paper was OHpoclally good. Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. F. Murcli. Mrs. Mnttlo Toslor. MIS Chnrlotfo Murch nnd Hiijto Qulst composed uu outlnK pnrtv to Gus Brown'H summer camp on Coon Rlvor. Mrs. Mllnor, .Allsa Bnrnum, Bill. Joe, .Tnv Mllnr. Mrs. W. K. Diiiikaii. Mrs olllo Owen and Al Owon went to Crow's V , South Coos River, yesterday to spoiul the day. ' FOLLOW tho HAND to lUXDO.Y, DV, MAY ll. Mrs. Richmond, of Coqulllo, who visited n fow days nt tho homo or hor paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. Gould, nt Allegany, returned to Mnrshflold. preparatory to going to Coqullli Thursday. Sho wna accom panied by Dr. Richmond's pnrontB. .Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, of Michigan, and Miss Richmond. ALONO THE WATERFRONT Tho Rodondo will sail from San Francisco Wednesday aftornoon for Cooa liny. "(Hilda National League "Base Ball 91.2B each The Offlcl.l Ball of the World Seriat MAYERS! MANACERSt OWNERS! For your own Inl.te.t. Iml.i upon lh I CORK CENTER BAjLI, JHI STA.N0RD BAU , TIIK ONLY OiTlCML BAU CVl11 Cf,n,fr, "? l " b11 uUMuea by In ollicul pUylnc rule.. Crk Ccrjttr BilU h.o bn luipptcd by ooth of iha nnjorle.iun and b ; lh great majonly of Ui pro. leitlonal loiuc. In lhl country, dark CcnKr Hilli mu.i ba ud In all World Scriea t linn (or Uia n.it Twenty Years. Cau You Afford to Day with Anything &ut a Cork Center Uallt :nd for aamplta of mattrial. etc.. for Data Ball ndorma. Free. Copy of Spaldms CiUlome aeat rrca on rcque.l lo any addreie. A. G. SPAJLDEVG & BROS. ISO Caanr Street Kaa Friwclsce We Carry a Complete Line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Marshfield, Ore. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHKRK THKV BUY SHOES FROM n WAX FAIR UP. TIIK ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfield 'AST AND COMMODIOUS I Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLESS AND SUUMAIUNB BELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Wednesday, May 15, At, 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono li. We Have Been Successful In huylnr; n lnrno stock of first class Eloctrlcal matorlal and can glvo our patrons a vory low prlco on houso wiring. Got our prlco you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J O. F. McGE0Mr,AjHt I Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Sunday Morning, May 12th We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Colled for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J V. S. DOW, Agent. OcwDocL SI IIOWXRD'S genuine MEXICAV T.MI,KS de'lvared any place In tho rlfv until II OTLOPIC nt nlglCi. iiwy nro uii.WY to SI5RVIC. Plmno Tho Wilholmlnn will ro on dry dock at tjio North Bond shlpynrds this wook for genornl ovorhnullng. i no lirooklyn nnd Flflold sailed yesterday from Bandon for San Francisco, All .Jntfs of photograph worn, hrumldn cnlnrgliiK mid kodak finishing. "v Kxrrnsiox nam to ban. DON loives7:HO A. M. noxt Suuilny. A Tl'ltKISII IIATII fiOOD Phono 21 -t J will do you nrX-V" "'"SIOX train to BA. DON leaves 7:.'J( A. M. next Sunday. After tiie show try it Turkish Hat. Phnu -i 1. 1 The Breakwntor Is duo In early to morrow from Portland nnd will Hall at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Tho Nairn Smith arrived In this morning from liny Point nnd will sail A Modern Brick Building. Electric Light. Steam Host. Elegantly iMiriilshod Rooms with Hot and Cold Wntor. II O T EI, COOS C. A. MCTUN. Prop. Rntos: 50 cents a Day and Upwards Tor. Broadway and Market. Mnrshflold. Oregon. Vols Auto Call Foote PHONE 111. J NlfiHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS Aftor 11 P. m. Phono 5-J Roslaence Phono 28..T Will iiiuko trips to Cnqullle. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS TltON AINSWORTH DOOIC, PORTLAND, AT 0 A. M Jj-jJ Iht, 8II1, jsith, lHth, arl nnd SHtli. FROM MAHSIIF1EU)ATI SERVICE OF THE TIDE MAY ltli, JOfh, lBth, ttOth, 23th dJ L. A. IMKKHUIIST, H Phone Mta &l for thoro tomorrow with cargo from tho Smith mill. nnothor Henry Ferris. Hndnr, Neb.. Is the father of ten children and for tho past 20 years has used Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr Compound with tl o best of rosultfl. H9 jells us: "I think P oloy s Hqnoy. ami (fah Compound la the best cough modlcluo In tho world for I have usod It for tho past 20 Years and cau recommend It to nny ono needing a cough medicine." For sale by Red Cross Drug Co. T' o Washington sailed vostordev for San FrnnclFco with passongers an-1 fielght. On hor next trip hero frnni sn Franclfco sho will hnvo a cargo of about 950 tons of freight, hrtnglnu cement and bitumen for tho Coos Bay Paving & Construction company for Its work In Coqulllo nnd Marshfield. Ltt City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers nnd reasonablo charges. Our motto? mil go anywhere at any time" Sands-Blanco Hotel and Blanco v R w Sre' my Phonos 78 and 40 tt-v i tiikiiL i-iiiinn an V. J.BOAIFE A H.HODQIW,HIKKni OOODALR, iiletnr. Marshfield Paint, Get 'Busy AND OET AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST CO.MI3 IX V OUR PRICES ON SHINOLES AND ROOFING PAPKII. SIIINOLES ?t..-JO AND VP. HOOFINO PAPER, ONE PLY, 81.23 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. & RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Decorating Co. If KUn.i MARSHFIELD "ff kLH Pbonn H0L OrRoi. Unique Pantatorium I RI.SSURS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Arnn f YH.. j ". '"""O .i m ., UWttra Htrauss & Co ?.et boring-Let u tnaka you, FOLLOW tho BAND to BANDON, SUNDAY, MAY 11. ( 'TIOWABD'S genuine MEXICAN TAMALKS dollvorod any placo In the city until 12 O'CLOCK at night They are READY to SEItVH. Phimw MS. IIKM!li.,M,-,:.,'0fi,v,"om,nTen,abiiit 235 Ooininerclal. Phoo 2S0.X PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY FN 11. A. J. HENDRY'S "" Modern Dental Parlor.. Wo are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at the vorj lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phono 112-J. Leroy Thnckor, Watbrtown, s. D., says: "I suffered with rhoumatlsm for over eight years, and It seemed at tlmea I would go crazy with pain. Three bottles of Foley Pills cured my rhoumatlsm and I gladly recommend them. Sold by Red Croae Drug Co. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTHELL siu J J. W. BENNMTT, lawyer. )fflae over Flanagan & Bennett Bans .rar,hflttld Oregot, JR. J. T. MeCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Building, Opposite post office. Phono 105 J Riar..fiaivTs Live MjrXAA "" .. . n Wo hnvo secured the lit p pcss of L. II. Holsner. wj J,r ,.o.i ron.iflr excellent w' tho people of Cou'am drivers, good rl "d that will mean sacisiactory the public, rhone us fof horse, n rig or BJ,";r" do up- the livery line, j.o ,v lug business of all K,":lfla BLANCHARD I'KTIlD Phone 138-3 Sen' Livery. Feed and SjW. ill ""'" "" R. J. MONTGOMERY RealEstateandlnsur il Kocth