TL 1 1 ."I'ffn "g'p'y1" joaaBSxmss WITH TOAST AND TEA First Addition To Marshfield Do you realize tbat SO per cent of the Marsh field property that is cliaii'giiig hands is being purchased by outside parties ; people who aro keenly alive to the situation and1 foresee the wonderful future of this city and while you are "waiting" they arc placing themselves in a position to take from you some of the profits that you can reserve for yourself by invest-ingnow? Think it over You have a few dollars to in vest Put it in Marshfield real estate ; it's all good. Let us hand you a plat of our proper tics and tell you about these 50 foot lots that we are selling on terms that will suit YOU and at such low prices that your own good judg ment will show you that a lot in "First Addi tion" is the best investment in Marshfield. Reynolds Development Co. Owners Coke Bldg. Opposite tho Chandler. I IVBR JOHNSON BIOYOLES at Pioneer Ilardware Go. ichard's Livery, i tiro secured tho llvory bust le! L II. Holsnor, and aro pro-, I to render oxcollont sorvlco to rle of Coos liny. Carotul tood rigs and ovorythlng UI mean sausinctory sorvlco to liM!c, mono us (or a driving i rig or anything nooded tu Prr line. Wo also do truck- ptntis of all kinds. UUXCIIAHI) BROTHERS l'liono VM-3 ftt. Teed and Rnlcs Service. ll Vint ami Alder Streets. Auto Call Foote 010X12 II 1-J NIGHT AND DAY m iront or Lloyd Hotel. TWO Ni:V OAKS . ""! 11 P. M. Phono C-J Hetldeneo Fhonn 2S..T i Fill nuke trljw to Coqulllc. ' . . .it-1 nntac j's uoms !LJ- "t tilUV? nmnC xiw HouseS ggltfgtlfcf AuftW0 Auto Service' Cars. Caroful Drlvors and . "i Marges. Our motto: I So anrwliom ni n.,.. !. ' '-Blanco Hntol and Blanco . More. Day Phones 78 and 46 ' Bune ie. , ft flOOHALK. m,,rln. ' luc Pantatorium. fNnVKItS. OLKANKna. f. ." IIAT RENOVATORS I ., ui uiuRo your i faunrrclM. pi,OB1 Kr.x. i N That Roof Fixedi qsteZiM mtn.r vnV .-. tWtaB "W" "' ..! And we - " Coos Bay. sscr or any i" A. " for lUc oubo dcftning. ry nC;TsS USov a this season of the 11 :m,hOUSCUCOV'- yftT- - - 4Vt7 CIO. vow See COIiTIIELL Phone 81SU dftpn n-i. . uCK uulldlng. Electric ... " """ rrim nut and f!ni(i w nOTKi, OOOB 50. 1LlIN PrP- or h,Za a uay nnd Upwards. --, UIDUUUi lH (M. I II ""B rk A. H. wnnnrwia Afield Paint, 'ecorating Co. 4 MARSHFIELD. m keep y ri. suit: Hang on' Ullr.g ou. Io matter what thoy say, Push onl Sing onl Things will como your way. Sitting down and whining novor help a bit; Best way to got there la by keeping up your grit. Don't glvo up hoping when tho ship goes down; Grab n spar or something Just ro- fuso to drown. Don't think you'ro dying Just bo- cauBo you'ro hit; Smllo In fact of ilnngor and hang on to your grit. Folks die too easy thoy sort of fado nwayj Mako a llttlo error, and glvo up in dismay; Kind of man that's heeded Is tho man of ready wit To laugh at pain and troublo and keop up his grit. I precious llttlo Willie; wo blamo hha lit tho cat hns fits, or If the cow goes Billy. We roost him from his crown jto feet, tl.o custom Is contnglous; and still tho copper walks his beat, cal.v, patient and courageous. Ho guards I tho traffic, In great stylo, from MocW ados and congestions, and answers, with a kindly smile, flvo million silly I questions. When thoso who roast him daunted stand, In times ot strife 'and riot, ho takes his llfo and club la hand, nnd scraps for poaco and quiet Ho huntB the bad man and tho yogi, ho walks all night with daugors, nntl gots a bullet In tho log pursuing deadly strangers; ho scoks In dnrJC t and noisome lairs tho burglar who oschows him. And In our coay rock lngchalrs wo sit up and abiiBo him. WALT MA80N. Tho only way to got ahead In this world Is to bo born with ono. Now Books: "Tho tedltor's Purse Wo havo seen It; Micro Ib nothing in It. Aftor tho rain tho soft broozo blows And makes a pathway for tho roso. Many n man makes hay In tho country whllo tho sou shlnett In tho city. A(ter tho rain, tho nnglo worm Begins in Joy to wlgglo nnd squirm. At this tlmo of year thoro Ib poetry In everything ovon our waste-basket. Aftor tho rain tho youugstor goes And squashes mud up through his toes. If your bank cannot stand a-lono you should unlto with anotner uoioro tho Fall. Aftor tho rain an old rain chock Gots ub Into tho game, by hcckl PRIZE RIDDLE TODAY "If tho clock refused to work, would It bo striking for a short- or working day?" Aftor tho rain, tho sun pocks out And puts tho shadows all to rout. Clothes that aro too largo causo you to havo loose habits If you wear thorn. THE SECRET OF FAILURE IN SEVEN WORDS KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK No prlzo Is over awarded to Um last person In a neighborhood Jto cloan up tho back yard. What is your opinion ot a spifiw that porslsts In loafing on tho m till patlonco coasos to bo a vlrtuo? " THE QUIET OBSERVER BAYS: . " Aftor nil, a man's attltudo all through llfo Is ono ot humanity. In tho morning you find him down on, his knees hunting for his collar but ton; In tho aftornoon ho'a on bin knees Unkorlng with his nutomoblro, nnd at night ho la likely to bo on Jita . knees crawling up stairs. You cannot tan a dog's hldo In his bnrk; nor can you mnko a novel or his tall. Our Idea of a manly man Is ono who Is not nshnmod to ncknowlcdftx his faults. THE BACHELOR tttltlj SAYS Husbnnda aro Ilka cantaloupes, nowadays, you havo to try two or threo of them, hoforo you succood In gottlng n roally satisfactory ono. How restful It must bo for n suit of clothes to hang on n good round fat man. In tho sontonco "Tho editor has $5.23" why Is tho dcclmnl usodT To mako senso. A silver tnnguu and a chook of brass Is a combination that frequent ly mnkos "tin." Doesn't It sound sort of funny to hear that a consignment of llmburger cheeso hns spoiled? Tho troublo with most solt-mndo men Is that In tho making thoro was a Bcrow loft loose. TWO BORES: Tho man who brags about having lots of religion and tho, man who brags about having nono. Ho touched hor hnnd; ho drow hor noar: Ho faintly whlsporod In hor oar: "Love mo door." And sho roplled: "I can't say no to ono so well suppllod with dough." THE POLICEMAN (Dedicated to Jack Carter.) No bard embalms tho cop In song, fow people praise or tonst him; whnto'or ho does Is always wrong, so wo unlto to roast him. Ho is tno butt of honry Jests can't namo tho tlmo ho wasn't? Wo damn him If ho makes nrrosts, and dnmn him It ho doesn't. Wo cuss him dally for his tins, with criticisms haunt him; for every poolor should bo twins ho'a never whore wo wnnt him. Wo blamo him If soino schoolboy hits our ADVERTISE 0 merchant, In thlno hour ot c o Q, It oi this paper you should o e c, Tnko my advlco and now got y y y, Go straight ahead and advert i 1 You'll find tho stunt tho best Jto u u u, And ono noglcct cannot ox-q q q. A sllont business soon do-k k k. Don't stick with those old-fnuhloncJ. J J J. What a mlxod'iip old world U)t would bo If inoro than one-half of tho political predictions woro to cotac. truol " A MassacluiHOttB mon 40 yoars old broko his log tho othor day whOa skipping tho ropo. Whnt'n your Idja of tho propor oxorclso for a porson of that ago? Elbort Hubbard's frankly express od opinion thnt "ovorybody cam wrlto poetry" Is going to cinch hts popularity with tho editors of tho country. Intonslvo farming mny bo all right, but when It is applied to tho cultv vatlon of ono Idea tho harvest often Ib Intolerance. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY BUV 'SHOES FROM $1 i''" i" -- THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfield Lame back is usually caueu u, rheumatism of tho muM of be back, for which you will And nothing w,Hr ihnn Chamberlain's Liniment. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKKN, Mgr. CoquIlU Ofll. Phont 11 Marihfiald 001 oa 14-J. Trm Tirabar Coal am Platting Laada a eaclalty. OaaaraJ Agaota "EAflTBIDir POison OAK rKo. REMEDY ggjg& Plica. CHILBLAINS. rCLONS, BURNS, ETC. all ORUMim Hwuro wiaoimwoMiiwuur rrco. tjiHnirYMicHtLsco Aftor nil wo don't honr tho real estate men making much fuss about tho dlscovory of tho South pom. PEOPLE WHO USE ONE PET WOn Thoro aro pooplo who uso ono na' word for ovorythlng thoy llko nnd another for whntovor meotH Wiorri disapproval, so all that thoy talk about Is either "splondld" or "hor rid." Try to gain Information from any ono who Is n slnvo to this vlco of conversation and nualyzo tho result: "Whnt sort of man Is tho now min ister?" "Splendid." "Did you havo nit onjoynblo tin. at tho party?" "Splondld." "How did you llko tho band con cert?" "Splondld." This In enso of approval; but If tho minister fnllB to oxhlblt oli quonco, or tho party proves dull, or the music nt tho concert was not to tholr liking, tho anBWorn may all consist of auothor unedlfylng mono- syllablo, "Horrid" unless tho Bpoafc er Is habituated to slang nnd classi fies ovorythlng In tho unlvorso iui dor tho hendlngB of "scrumptious" and "bum." ACCEPT HO UJTITUTC. y 'eo m c onrj. SANrRANCISCO A woman Booking dlvorco In a Cal ifornia town testified that sho had been twlco married, first to a man namod Chanco, tho socond time to a man named Ouoss, nnd tho lnqul Itlvo Inwyor drew out tho fact that sho had two chlluron y unnnco ana threo by Guoeb. One of tho saddost things wo over hoard of. was tho caao of a girl who was Just about to bo klssod by htr lover when a firefly lit on hor nose nnd lit up tho scono. . b nooBvaisco. Kaall jnnt;.jji (FLOUB Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality ft!,k4' Phone HOL Oregon For sale by all dealers.