The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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ffill I'ut Your Ileal KsUito "In
tho Market" KrrecUTeiyi
iil out tho facts nbout your
IS before bo eye of all "pos-
i1)Ie.. - nf them who ought to
iSu. ro'" Boi't
(E00B Ifou
Will Kwi tho Income from Vow
Furnished Rooms front Lapsing!
YOU can really holp tho family
revenues by renting a fow furnished
rooms and, If you know how nrt
whon to uso tho claBslfloil columns.
you may keep that Httlo extra Incomn
nR "steady as a clock."
ijstnbllshcd In J878
ns TIm Const Mull
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall
iiml Cunx tiny AthcrtNcr.
Innomn fl
No. 255
I C. A. Smith States His Po
sition Ufl lliu nuauiii
Railway bliuauun.
YILLUIVt ur rnHiMunioc
Lt Have Assurance of Com-
Bend Also.
There arc two solutions to
b, present mllwny problem.
First Let ft delegation of
MrceentAtiro !uniiiu-n jiiru
3upon Mr. MIIIIs and prevail
ion him to nnvo mi;wriuriui
Jj North Bend franchise n
anion u?r cinuso similar in
.ono In tho Morshflcld frnn-
i gond Let tlio Mnntliflolil
amdl rail tlio Aoriu iscnu
ocll Into conferenco nnd
w nnon a common user
lame thnt mny ho liiconwnit
Jin dapllcnto In the franchise
I die two cities.
i In ercnt such action In taken
tidier envj Uio Terminal
Jlitf Co. will turn tnclr
uchlso over to tho Southern
This Is tho Mib.stnnco of nn
ItthorUcd slntcmcnt tuiidc by
!r. C A. Smitli ana Arno .Me-
g to onic business men nnd
sibers of tho City Council
nt M n conference In tho
LA. Smith offices last evening.
U shore Is tho Hum nnd sub
io(Mr. C. A. Smlth'H nttltudo
lie present railway situation ns
Uoped at a ennferonco hold In
(8ce last evening. Tho stntc-
lume after a gonernl dlscusBlon
ndltlona and n dcfllro of tho
tbtrt of tho City Council to so-
it expression from Mr. Smltn
I tit Idea or tho boat method for
fcjthe present porploxlng proh
ibit Is puzzling tho City Council
kttpeoploot Mnrahflold.
f. Smith stated frankly thnt ho
nea mo irnncniso or tlio Tor-
' company as n nronosltlon to
kU la trust for tho protection of
wpie or tins community.
t harbor of Coos liny In tho
'M asset Of this community."
Mr. Smith, "nnd I rognrd ltd
'wa and dovolnnmont nR mm
t chief duties of Kb citizens.
I tte matter nf tnhlnn- nvnt tlilu
was nrst suggested to mo
If. Hereon I sntd thnt If It wna
interest or nnd ror tho
w of the people, I would nccopt
'a so on una imsls. It hna
' wa a mnttor of norsonnl ndi
W or profit with mo. nnd In
I'", llnwnvflr Mr Mni-inn l.n.,
tit tllbJect mnrn Kniiolilnnfillnn
'Wrthan I hnvo nnd hnH nlBo,
nraer toiicii with tho mnt-
m i ui lot mm tnlk to you."
ilCreOn cnnflrniml n...i .!
'I Mr. Smltll'k Hllmonl no in
?v!!!ion f tl10 Tormlnnl Co.
.i ' ,ir' Moroon contlnuod,
narrow Btrip of wntorfront
COOJ Unv la
'rt to bo lmnipored with n
tiHture frnnchlfn tn th nm.
!,'t',9 of tho North nond
''""'eld contracts, if 'Mr.
- mi;rq and III onrneat In hln
i ...I ' h. (,oea not wish to
L '' ."harbor or aecuro n hold
iiiM Xni " 8ll0,ll(1 o wlll
iVvP 1 Bamo common usor
' North nend that ho says ho
Ending of Divorce Suit of An-
thor's Wife Recalls Ro-
mantic Engagement.
(Dy Aasoclntod Press to Coos Bay
NEW YOItK, Mny llTho suit
ior uivorco uoRun licro In Novcmbor,
1910 by tho wlfo of Richard Harding
Davis, tho nuthor, has boon discon
tinued by nn order of tho supromo
court Judgo, Justlco Guy. Tho appli
cation for discontinuance was mndo
by Mrs. Dnvla. Mr. nnd Mra. Dnvln
wcro mnrriod In 1889. Whllo Mr.
Dnvls was In London nnd MIbs Co
rolla Clark wns In Chicago, ho pro
posed nnd was nccoptcd by cnblo. A
messenger boy from tho London ho
tel carried tho engngement ring four
thousand miles to MIbs Clark
Conflicting Claims of Roosevelt
and Taft Forces National
Committee to Decide Many
Contests June 6.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
mnko-up of tho Republican National
Convention bo far oh tho original sel
ection of dologatcs can determine It
will bo practically sottlod within a
week. Including eight to bo chosen
today at district coventlons in Tflinw
and Arizona, more thnn two hun
dred dologatcs nro to bo solectod In
tho eight days ending next Snturday.
About ono hundred thon romnln to
bo choBon, including -18 from Ohio
and 21 from Now Jcrsoy.
WIdoly dtvorgont claims of tho
Tnft and Roosovolt mnnngors mnko It
apparent that a determination of tho
actual control of tho convention is
impossible In ndvnnco of tho meeting
of tho republican national commlttco
Juno C. Tho commlttco will talto up
contests Involving tho scats of at
least 1C4 dologatcs and It is not un
likely thnt more contcstR will bo an
nounced by tho tlmo tho commlttoo
begins work.
Up to this morning, 78G of tho
1,078 dologatcs to Chicago hnvo bcon
choBon nccordlng to Roosovolt esti
mates whllo tho Taft forces record
twenty less. Tho difforonco nrlBCS
over Mnrylnnd whoro tho Tnft mana
gers declaro tho control of tho six
toon dclogntes will not bo clonrod un
til tho stnto convention noxt Tues
day nnd Knnsas whoro tho Rooso
volt records show fourteen hnvo bcon
chosen nnd tho Taft records show 10.
Representative McKlnlov. head of
tho Tnft cnmpalgn, claims 483 dolo
gatcs ror President Tnft and conced
ed 237 to Roosovolt.
Senator Dixon, mnnncor for Rooso
volt, clalma 310 for Roosovolt nnd
conceded 143 to Taft.
Tho Roosovolt mnnngors contond
114' dologatcs nro unlnBtructod, In
cluding 88 from Now York, and that
1C4 aro contosted.
Doth campaign commlttoos glvo La
Follotto thirty-six dologatcs and
Cummins Jen. Tho two hundrod
dolegntcs to bo soloctod tho coming
week Includo Toxns with 20, Califor
nia with 20, Minnesota with 24,
North Carolina with 23, West Vir-
gina with 10 nnd somo scattering.
F00 S
Minimum Wage Bill for Miners
Broken Down and Dire Re
sults Are Feared.
(By AsBoclntod Press to The Coos
Bay Times)
LONDON, Mny 11. Tho recently
enacted minimum wngo law for the
minors lins broken down and Grout
Hrltnln Is threatened with another
grent crisis In tho coal trndo. Tho
Indications point cither to a stam
podo In favor of repudiating tho net
or a split In tho minora' federation.
As boforo, South Wales Is tho
storm center, tho colliery Inborois
thero objecting to tho decision of
Lord Stnldwln, chairman of tho local
wnges board, which gives loss thnn
tho five shillings n day that tho men
expoctcd to obtain under tho now ncv.
At n conferenco todny nt Cnrdltr oi
tho South Wales Minors' Fodoratlon,
It wns decided not to participate fur
ther In tho work of tho district wnges
hoard until tho situation had been
reviewed. A national conferenco
has boon called to meet In London
neott weok.
Arizona Bill Prevent Them Be
ing Employed in Hazard
ous Work There.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
PH013NIX,, Ariz.. May 11. Tho
Klnnoy nntl-nltcn lnbor bill whlta
would bar ovory man who cannot
speak and rond English from cm
ploymont In mining, railroad and
othor work classed as hazardous
pnssod tho Stato 8onnto early today
by a voto or 11 to 8. It haB passed
tho first reading In tho llousa nnd
was roforrod to tho commlttco on la
bor. Should tho bill becomo a law.
It will throw 20,000 forolgnors out
or employment In Arizona.
SiX Inches Of Rain AcCOm- 1rn,m8 to11 of conditions nlmost bor-
nnnlnrl mi Ll,.niii llllnJl,l0nI1'' 0n P1niC8 Whoro hundreds Of
(mi nuu uj nuavy vyiiiu
Throws Thousands in Louis
iana Into Panic.
g- to tako In Mnrshflold. Of
V tha .i,i V onzo to snenk
I nf0 tockholUora of tho Tor-
Left .i.1 ! Hnow J vo,co t,10lr
hrL,hcn x SRy that wo n
'IBI'til.. IU6UBBS IU lUril
wicms over tn thn Rn.,ii.nrn
' they will mako tho com-
Iroi ?r.e pply t0 tl10 ent'ro
brthniW80 ln Mnrshflold
Uft,eLI',0", OHvln.
r4or,Cg?,0'Ltint there
ii'rti ... . oouinern l'n
ATT0 Ul r,Bht t0 b,1(l
fi ,1,! Mr8hfleld. Mr.
'tea this wns not trim. tt
i ia a. conferenco with Mr.
lit IfZnZi such possibility
"r saw r;iv fl,r- calvm
to ... " "neimons nna
m "ro mo people of
l Mn ... ....
Ir, Smith , ai ,n a ,Qltcr to
ciJr th askei'
.Unn renlioM i.4 i
5r he did wouio,
ff Sm.tj0tt?r ln my desk
iki.t,rancnlse was In thnf io.
S dui'mV110 Sothern Pa-
UU ?n O to and thrnntrh
w cotiiim. , -. -----o"
for h, 1,1 1 a on waving a
. building of tho road,
" no mention of condl-
nference waB .,.. .
w,thout official author-
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
NEW ORLEANS, Mny 11. Dawn
todny brought rollof nnd hopo to
thousands nnd endod a night of ox
cltomont nnd terror for thoso living
In up-stnto towns and villages bo
behlnd lovoes thnt wore considered
noun too snfo bocauso of tho torrlfflc
rainstorms thnt swept down tho Miss
issippi rlvor from tho northern por
tion of Loulslnna to tho Gulf. Tho
dolugo was nccompnnlod by hall nnd
lightning nnd a near hurrlcano thnt
dashod wator ovor tho lovoes In a
cascades from Baton Rougo south,
tearing nway tho temporary enrth
works recently constructed.
frightened pcoplo left framo build
Ings and sought safety In brick nnd
stono buildings. Many places re
ported as much as nix Inchos of rain
within four hours, flooding towns
'nnd vlllngos.
At dozens of points whoro tho lo
voes wcro thought to bo breaking,
hundreds of cltlzons worked bosldo
gnnga of convicts nil night long In
a driving rain digging mud nnd pil
ing sand bags on tho lovoes to keep
tho torrential wators In tho channol.
At Now Orleans, tho wind bnckod
up tho wator until tho wind cnrrlod
It ovdr tho lovoos In many places.
Tho city streets wore turnod Into
torrents of wator thnt illlod base
ments nnd mnnholos In tho business
section. Tho city lighting plant
went out of commission for part of
tho night, nddlng to tho discomfort
From scores of towns bolntod tclo-l nnd apprehension.
Mexican Federals Repulse
Rebels Both Armies
Suffer Hardships.
Trans-Atlantic Steamers
Vary Course to Escape
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
Tho hydrogrnphlc office has an
nounced tho changing of tho trnns
Atlnntlc steam courso 00 miles south
wnrd of tho present posltlou ns a re
sult of reports thnt many Icobergs
nro nlong tho present lanes. The
stoamshlp companlos agreed to adopt
tho now routo beginning, i.ouny.
Ity or sanction. The members of tho
Council present desired Mr. Smith's
vlows nnd n suggestion from him ns
to a solution of tho railway situation.
F. E. Allen, president of tho Council,
wns tho moving spirit In the confer
ence and acted ns spokesman.
It is probablo that an effort will
bo made to net on Mr. Smith's sug
gestions without delay.
No Other Developments.
Thoro hnvo beon few developments
In thn situation today.
C. J. Millis said that ho had noth
ing to ndd to what ho had already
Tho Terminal Railway has ordered
piling for constructing tho roadbed
on Front street and will bogln driv
ing them Mondny or Tuesday. It
will probably bo necessary to drive
piling tho entire length of Front
Btreet to get a solid foundation for
the roadbed.
Cnnlnlkt TVtlirC b ItOV. ! FUI" .
cher at Socialist Hall on Front street
Sunday, May IS at H p. in. Kvwjiiouy
Welcome. .
You'll have to nURRY or those
TRISn ICEBERG'S will be all gone
(Special to Tho Times.)
JUAREZ, Mox., Mny 11.
mlllo Vnsnuez Gomez, pro-
Isionnl president of tho Mexl-
can government, has dlsnp-
pearod. Ho slipped out of
Juarez during tho night nnd Is y
. snld to now bo en routo back
to San Antonio.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
uay Times j
EL PASO, Tex., May 11. Gonernl
Orozco's ndvnnco guard of rebols has
beon driven back toward Escnlon,
tho control base of tho Insurrectos
in northern Movico. Instead of bo
ing on tho defensive tho government
troops within tho past 24 hours
bave pushed tho attack vigorously,
forcing tho rebols northwnrd nenrly
twenty miles to Conjes, nbout two
hundred miles from Chihuahua.
Poronul the othor town occupied by
the rebel forces within n week has
beon nvacuated.
The federal forcos now number
noarly ten thousand whllo tho rebels
havo seven or eight thousand In tho
present lighting zono. Shortngo of
food and wnter and general unsani
tary conditions nre having effect on
both urmles. rover nmong uio sol
diers Is qulto prevalent.
Claim Foreigners In .Mexico Are Wc.i
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
CANANEA, Mox., May 11. Speak
ing for tho largo number of Ameri
cans still at work In Northern Mex
ico, Dr. L. D. Rlcketts, manager of
the Cananea Consolidated Copper
Co. Issued a statement today decry
ing all talk of Intervention and de
claring tho foreigners in Mexico, es
pecially the Americans, have been
treated with fairness and considera
tion. He says there has been no
Art goods and stationery.
Accuser of Jiidnn Archhnld
I Contradicts Himself
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos)
Edward B. Williams tcatiriod today
at the hearing of tho charges against
Judgo Robort Archbald and on
tnngled himself ln n mnzo of contra
dictory statements. Williams, who
was a partner with Archibald In tho
nlleged effort to procure tho Culm
hank proporty from tho Erlo rail
road, was particularly confused
about nn assignment of contract ex
ecuted Inst Soptombor with W. . .
Bolnnd, of Scranton, In which Arch-
bald was referred to as a "silent
party," first donylng thnt ho ovor
signed such a contract and thon ad
mitting ho did, but asserting that tho
copy of tho contract boforo commlt
tco was not tho ono ho signed nnd
finally ho declared ho had no good
recollection nbout It. Wllltnms was
bombarded by Questions. Ho con
tradicted hlmBOlf repeatedly.
So confusing was tho testimony
thnt Williams was finally asked If ho
thoroughly understood English. Ho
said ho thought ho did. Ho said ho
was born In Wales, 72 years ago, and
came to tho United States when 24.
Tho commlttco then submitted to htm
a scries of photographic copies of
tho papors In evldonco containing his
signature. Williams admitted tho
signatures his but declared ho could I
not romomber having signed them.
Willinms did not romomber signing
tho "Silent party" contract but ad
mitted tho signature wbb his. Wil
liams said that whon ho hod been
summoned before tho gonernl attor
ney, ho became confused and was
"like a wild man" and said many
things he had nn recollection of
Counsel for Archbald sought to es
tablish that the case of W. P. Roland,
who Mod the charges against tho
Jurist had set a trap for Archbald but
Williams said be never suspected Bo
land of setting a trap when be sug
gested that Williams go to Archbald
and get a letter of Introduction to W.
A. May of the Erie railroad. May
Milton Carlson, of Marshfield,
Secures Coveted Naval
Academy Cadetship.-
Milton O. Carlson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. August Carlson, of Bunkor Hill,
nnd n nephow of C. A. Smith, bus
paBsod tho ontrnnco examination tor
an Annapolis cndetshlp. Ho took tho
examination last month at Baloa..
Ho will graduato from tho Marsh
field High School tho last of this
month nnd It Is oxpectod thnt his ap
pointment will gain him ontrnnco to
tho United State Naval Acadomy nt
Annnpolls this fall. Congressman
Hawloy recommended him for thu
Tho cndetshlp Is n distinct honor
nnd tho securing of it by n Coos liny
uoy will bo n sourco of gratification
to Milton Carlson's jnanyjrlonds.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
LIVERPOOL. May 11. A largo
crowd nwnltod tho arrival of J. nruco
Ismay, mnunglug director of tho
Whlto Stnr lino, on board tho Adri
atic todny nnd cheered htm ns ho
wnlked down tho gangway with his
wlfo. Ismay lifted his hat In nc
knawlodgmont, but oxcuscd hlmsolf
from making any statement to tho
press, Ismny la pnlo nnd hag-gard.
Carry Off Hononsln Fourth An
nual Athletic Contest
Here Yesterday.
Many New Record Established
Meet Proves Successful
In Every Way.
Carl Larson, Guy Stutsman W
nnd Sidney Clarkoot tho Marsh-
field High School track toam
will loavo next Wodnosdny or X
Thursday for CorvnlliB to par-
4 tlclpato In tho Stnto Intcrschol- .
astlc moot which will bo hold !
thoro May 17 or 18. It In not
announced whether tho other jt
Coos County High Schools will p
.send teams thoro. jt
Mnrshflold 42 Vj
Bandon 2GU,
North Bond 2G
Coqulllo 2
Cnrl Larson, of Mnrshflold, j
won tho Individual honors of
tho meet nnd rccolvod tho gold j
modal. Ho won nluotcon points
for his team, taking throo
firsts, ono second nnd ono w
third. ' -
Tom Laird, of Bnndon, wns 3sV
second In Individual honors,
winning olxtoon points. Ho
took two firsts nnd two seconds. j
Individual Points.
Laird, nnndon 16
Clnrko, S. Mnrshflold 10JV
Larson, Mnrshflold 10
Galltor, Bandon tf
Hodson, North Bond IB
Custor, Coqulllo 1
Bowmnn, Bandon C
Stutsman, Mnrshflold 8
Kunwlton, Coqulllo 3
Dowoy, North nond 3
Hanson, North Bond Ya.
Bnrbor, North Bond B
Wollor, North Bond 1
Vnn Zllo, North Bond W
Tho relay raco counted flvo potuv
ror Mnrshflold, but no Individual
Dr. Hibben In Inaugural Ad
dress Announces Views On
Higher Education.
(By Aasoclntod Press to Coos Bay
,Uay Tlmos)
Princeton awoko today to And beauti
ful spring wonthor for tho Inaugura
tion of Dr. Hlbbon ns president. Tlio
coromony was hold on tho campus
In front of tho old north building.
President Tnft, Chief Justlco Whlto,
Associate Justlco of tho Supromo
Court of tho United States and Pres
idents of many of tho universities at
tended tho Innugural ceremonies.
"Fit a man for tho dny'n work, but
nt tho snmo tlmo equip him to meet
tho crisis and tho emorgency which
tho dny's work will Inovltably bring
forth. Ho who has laid a broad and
secure foundation will find no diffi
culty in erecting tho superstructure.
Whntovcr he builds, ho will bo nblo
to build hlmsolf Into tho work of his
hand and brain. Mako n man and
ho will find hla work." Thus did Dr.
John Grior Hibben announce his
views on higher educntlon In his In
augural address today as president.
of Prlncoton's unlvorslty. His topic
was "The essentials of liberal educa-
would dlsposo of tho Katydid Culm
dump. Williams admitted ho had
told tho attorney general that tho
Interest ho had given In the dump
to Archbald was for Archbald's Bon
and pointed to tho son, who sat
alongside hla fatbor.
a. way ot me rauruau. ouiyi ' " u wuuu
produced a letter signed by Archbald DEVELOP and PRINT your PIC
inqulrlng whether bU company1 TURKS. ItEHFELD IlltOS.
Boforo on6 of tho largest crowdd
thnt lias ovor nssomblcd to wltnesn
high school nthlotlcs on tho Bay, tho
Mnrshflold High School Truck team
yesterday afternoon cnrrlod off tho
honors In tho fourth annual Coots
county field moot. Tho weather wj.ii
almost Ideal nnd tho track wus lit
good shnpo.
Tho program was carried out In
full nnd music by tho. band prevented
the Intermissions from dragging.
There wore no hitches or nccldeotn
to mar tho nftornnon's program.
Carl Larson was easily tho star of
tho moot, his vlctorlos all doing en
marked and apparently won so easily
that ho won tho grontost approba
tion from tho crowd. Ho wus prr
sontcd tho gold modal for winning:
tho most individual points of tba
meet nt tho reception toudnred Uu
visiting students nt tho Mnrshflold
High School Inst evening.
Excellent tlmo In tho running wau
mndo. Records of (his kind nre gen
erally for cinder coursos which nm
much fnstor than tho dirt path.
Coqulllo nnd Bnndon sent larjM
dolcgatloiis, many coming In nutoti.
A special train loft hero last even
ing nt 10 o'clock with tho Coqulllo
valloy contingent. North Bond nlno
turned out well for tho ovout.
Tho success of tho meet coupled
with their victory Is winning tho
Marshflold High School faculty and
students much prnlso today. Prof.
F. L. Grannls, coach of tho .Mnrsh
flold team, had general chnrgo of tho
nicot nnd personally did much in
mnko tho moot tho succoss that it
wns. Sunt, Tlodgen, Pi of. Darker
and others, however, lout ovory a
slstnneo In their power, Asldo from
tho gonornl athletic succoss, tho meet
will prove n success financially, tho
receipts bolng more thnn sufficient
to cover nil tho expenses involved.
heveral Records llrout'ii.
Soveral Coos County records wen
broken nnd tho boys mndo tlmo In
soveral othor Instances that would do
credit to athlotes of many of tlio col
Sidney Clarke, of Mnrshflold, mano
five feet nine Inchos In tho high
Jump, breaking his formor record of
five feet three Inches.
Hodson, of North Bend, won tho-100-yard
dash ln ten and one-hair
seconds, breaking a formor record
of eloven seconds flat, mado by Gor
don Rasmusson, of Marshfield.
Larson, of Marshflold, won JJio
half milo run ln two minutes and
fourteon seconds, breaking a formor
record of two minutes and twenty
four seconds.
Hodson, of North Bend, won .tho
running broad Jump, covering twen-
(Continued on page 4,)