THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912 EVENING EDITION. I V At FROM GERMANY to ' COOS BAY "Wo have just received from the factory over 200 Hand Pairated Vases In various colors and shapes, ranging in nrico from 25c to $2.50. b l SEE OUR WINDOW. Norton & Hansen Opposite Chandler Hotel. 13 I 1--- 1C COOS RAY TIDES. Bel w Is given ths time and height of high and low water at Marihfleld. Th tides are placod In the ordor of eccurrenco, with tholr tlmi on the first line and heights on the sec- ona una ot each day; a comparlaon of consecutive heights will Indicate whother It la high or low water. For hlch wator on bar, aubtract 2 hours 34 minutes. SOCIAL CALENDAR TIIUnSDAY A. N. W. with Mrs. E. Q. i-Innogan. Dnto. Always "The Busy Corner"--Tlie Rexall Store Keep Your on This Space TOMORROW NIGHT AVe will publish something interesting about our MONEY SAVING SATURDAY SALES Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho clono of business April 18, 1012. HESOUHCE8. Loam and discounts 1208,201.03 Bonds, warranto and securities 78,947.00 U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation 25,000.00 Real estate, furnlturo and fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight oxchango 108,208.08 Total $001,128.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 1100,000.00 Surplus and undlvldod profits 8,815.49 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.00 Deposits 467,013.22 Total 9301,128.71 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability ot Stockhold ers Is 1100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, Presldont. M. C. NORTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. STATEMENT OK CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK 4MARSIIF1ELD, OREGON. At the closo of business, April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1432,792.00 Banking House 60.000.0u Cash and Exchanges 251,981.90 Total J734.774.02 o ... LIABILITIES. . Capital Stock paid In 60,000.00 Surplus and Undlvldod Profits 65'S?2'SJ Deposit 029,210.95 1734,774.02 j Total WANT ADS, I ' SALE Ono fresh young milch . ,Also calf. Cow part Jor . Address O. A. Cordell, Coos ""' wegon, uarap 7. can HvAXTKI)iim. i i ...i. 1 vnlii. -. tiu iiiu w "is. wages $36.00. Apply E. Ph-offSU Soutn Co8 Klver. stands turkoy raising. Prefer one who likes, and can care for, tho baby chicks. Address H. W. R., Times ofllco. Tne "''urHlfclicd hoiihekeep- m,C " ut uaD aiTBt at., near ""ch. Phone 239-J. S'oLKGootl tewn of horses, 7 ;' we,6ht 1,400; harness and aBon cheap if taken at once. J. J'tzgerald. Phono 3110. I " SAI,IvPfl,, Infm mill, ,o. J03X5 and gd mUk6r8 phono r'SSl WANTED.Either m'aie v. -" uimaio age ror a Tur- dle .?nchJ,3r B,nSlo man of mid- 16 ee who thoroughly under- FOR SALE Cheap. Three lots on Sherman Ave, near Ball Park, 90 x 130 feet, $1,000 down, balance on time. T. W. Rennlo, North Bend, Ore. FOR ALL KINDS OF HAULING Clifford Doane. Phono 331-R. HOTEL FOR REST Furnished; $250 required. Call at Leader Barber shop RESTAURANT FOR nKXT Of sale, completely furnished. Call 160 Front St.; Leader Barber shop. FOR RENT Fine sunny house-keeping apartment. Sacchl Bldg. Lu quire Nasburg Grocory. VAOTKI Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Coll at 135 North Second. FOR SALE One new 20-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlmmer man, 802 North Front stret. Hrs. .1.49 Feet .3.9 Hrs. .3.04 Foot .3.0 Hrs. .3.53 Feet .2.9 lira. .4.51 Feot .2.3 Hrs. .5.41 Feot .2.3 Hrs. .0.21 Feet .0.1 Hrs. .0.68 May. 7.43 4.3 8.58 4.0 10.11 4.0 11.18 4.3 12.15 4.7 0.25 0.4 7.10 2.03 1.0 2.57 1.3 3.51 1.5 4.40 1.7 6.38 1.9 1.39 4.9 1.59 r 7.22 4.5 10.11 4.9 10.53 C.2 11.33 5.7 0.0 0.0 G.24 2.1 7.00 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and ! cooior in onBt. L e it frost to- Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Rhodes. North Bend Prosbytorlan La- dies' Aid with Mrs. A. W. Myors. Cordlollty Club with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campboll. Ladles of St. Monica's bazaar FRIDAY Ladloa' Art Club with Mrs. W. B Curtis. Catholic Ladles Fair. Mrs. F. E. Cohan, Brldgo luncheon. Demorest Contest at Baptist church. PERSONAL NOTES W. E. HOMME, of EnsUldo, was n Mnrshtleld business visitor today. DR ,F. O. HAYES rotumod today from a business trip to Portland. W. J. CONRAD expects to leavo to morrow for Portland and Sal o in on business. T. S. GAMBLE and wlfo rotumod to day from a honeymoon trip to Cal lfornla points. pornry assistance. Ho did not writo many details of tho disaster. KILL BEAR NEAR IJANDON night excopt noar coast. Friday. fair. Westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 n. m May 9, by BonJ. Precipitation nono Wind: northwest; partly cloudy Ostllnd, apodal government mo- toorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 52 Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. in 40 G. M. Doyle and L. W. Pearo woro out at tho hoad of Twomllo last wook on a boar hunt, with tholr dogs, nnd the dogs treod n largo boar In tho den under tho roots of a fallen troo. Tho entrance to tho don was so small tho men thought It was probably a wild cat don but upon Investigation they found It to bo a real bruin. Tho mon usod polos nnd poked tho bear out of tho holo with tho dogs clinging to It, after which thoy got two shots Into her nnd brouirht hnr down. Aftor this thoy wont into tho don nnd found two llttlo whlmporlng cuos, wnicii thoy took to Doylo's whoro thoy nro growing "fat nnd sassy" on cow's milk. llandou Ro-cordor. W. T. HUMMERT, of Portlnnd, ar rived hero today for a short stay In this soctlon. MR8. K. ERICKSON will leavo to morrow for Portland and other northorn points. MRS. E. D. BUSBY arrived homo to day from a short visit with rela tives In Idaho. ROBERT ROOKE nnd Miss Florcnco Rooko, of Coos Rlvor, wero Mursh flold visitors today. GEORGE GOULD was down from his ranch nhovo Allegany today on business nnd pleasure. MISS PHOEBE LARSON returned today from an oxtonded visit with relatives In California. HORSE TRAVELS FAR Service Sunday. Rov. J. T, M. Knox will proach nt tho Christian church noxt Sunday ovoulng Instead of Friday evening. Buys Store I. S. Smith who pur chased tho stock of tho Anona CaBh Grocery tho other day has disposod of it to Capt. W. C. Harris of Sum nor who will closo out tho business. At Baptist Church Tho Domorost Medal Contest will bo hold nt tho Mnrshftold Baptist church this ov onlng Instend of at tho Methodist church as was announced previously. Autos For Mull Route Charles Barnard, ownor of tho Rosoburg Mnrshflold stago lino on Saturday ro colvod two largo auto trucks direct ly from tho Portlnnd ngonclos. Tho trucks will bo used on tho Mnrshllold lino during tho HUinmor months. Rosoburg News. OREGON CITY, May 0. "Buck", tho old "buckskin" horso of J. L. Wnldron, which won second prlzo In tho horso parade Booster Day Is twolvo yearB old, and has travolod moro than 60,000 mllos. Tho horso has been driven on tho Molnlla stage routo for tho past eight yoare. It has never missed n day In making tho trips, and has boon In only one run-nway. CHANGE IN POSTMASTERS Francis S. Brownu 1ms boon ap pointed postmnstor at Camas Valloy, succeeding Jay C. Fry, who has moved nwny. Rosoburg Review. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING. A meeting of tho Mnrshilold Cham bor of Commorco will bo hold Satur day afternoon nt 4 o'clock to tako up tuo mutter of forwarding tho Good Roads Movement. All mombors nro requested to bo present. J. T. McCORMAC, Pros MISS GRACE KRUSH rotumod to day from a fow months' visit wlln frlonds In Snn Francisco. NEW PASTOR TO ETO i Rev. J. E. Ostlind, of Spokane Accepts Call From Swedish Lutheran Churches. Rov. E. J. Ostllnd of Spokane hu accepted tho call of tho Swodlsh Lutheran churches of MarahOoldiand North Bond to tho Coos Bay charge and will arrlvo horo somo time In August to assumo his now duties. Word has Just boon rocolrod Xrom him by tho commlttoo of tho two churches. Rov. Ostllnd Is In tho prlmo of life and is consldorod ono of the host pnstors of tho Swodlsh Lutheran, de nomination in tho northwest. For tho past Ave yonra ho has hud charge of tho lnrgost Swodlsh Luthoran con grcgatlon In Spokane. Tho local pastorato has boon va cant sinco tho resignation ot Ror. J. Richard Olson to accopt a call from Portland, tho Rov. B. F. Bongtson filling tho pulpit temporarily. SUNDAY PEARLY LUND arrived homo today rrom Ban Francisco whoro ho has boon attending business colloge. ALEX MATTSON nnd wlfo of Catch Ing Inlot aro In tho city today making final preparations for tholr trip to Finland. JUDGE AND MRS. J. 8. COKE ar rived homo today on tho Rodondo from Klnmath Falls nnd n visit at California points. MRS. HERBERT ROGERS, of Coos Rlvor, Is oxpoctod hero tomorrow for a short visit with Mrs. Ellza- both Adams nnd othor frlonds. SHERIFF GAGE was horo from Co qulllo today. Ho reports that thoro havo not bocn any now crim inal cases Blnco court udjournco. Stray RulletH Parties out In tho vicinity of tho Gun Club grounds Sunday morning report that al though tho trap Is not toward tho road many scattering shot roach tho road and might injuro porsons pass I lng by. It Is suggested that tho trap bo turnod further onst to nvold tho I possibility of such an nccldont. I Futhcr Well Fred Bund of Bun I kor Hill has Just rocolvod word from his fnthor, John Sundmnn, who was I a pnssongor on tho 111-fntod Tltnnlc. , Mr. Sundmnn Is now nt Salt Lake City where ho expects to remain. Ho statod that ho lost ovorythlng ho had In tho stonmshlp wrock nnd ask ed his son to furnish him somo tern- Thoro nevor was a tlmo when poo plo appreciated tho real morits of Chamborlaln's Cough Romody moro than now. This Is shown by the In creaso In sales and voluntary testi monials from porsons who have been cured by It. If you or your chlldron aro troublod with a cough or cold give It a trial and become acquainted with Its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. WE HAVE n bargain in RANCH PROPERTY, well located nnd on vory EASY TERMS. Can bo dlvldod Into SMALL TRACTS at n PROFIT. I. 8. KAUFMAN CO. Tho entertainment tonight at tho Royal Is (-specially good, Tho Dal tons In tholr doublo bill of tholr host nets. Tholr last npponranco. Don't let thorn got away without soolng tho hluh el mm team. BARGAIN SALE; 40 horsepower auto for $C0d; first-class condi tion; fully equipped; cost now $3000; will sell for $000 on eat, terms. John L. Koontz Machlno shop, North Front street. Phono 180-J. TiTe Royal Tonight RALTON mid TRAVELLE Will prosout u DOUBLE RILL of tholr vory boat vnudovlllo which la cnpablo of entortalnlng tho most bo voro critic. DON'T MISS IT. This Is tholr closing porformnnco. As an "extra" somo boys will sing "Booby" from on a bnrrel, dispensing Joy to overyhody. it GOOD PICTURES Tho Olympic Four tomorrow night. 10c. Andrew McClelland, of Puobio, Colo., arrlvod horo todny to visit his naphows, Goorgo Doll and Alva Doll, and to look nfter Intorosts on tho Bay. J. B. ZIEGLER and wlfo and daught er, Klttlo, arrived horo today from Portland to mnko tholr homo horo. Mrs. W. F. Harmon Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zlcglor. R. GEISENDORFER, who has boon attending Bchool In California, ar rived horo today to spend his vaca tion with Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Golsendorfer at North Bend. ARCHDEACON HORSFAT.L and wlfo are oxpoctod horo today from Dandon en routo to Portland whoro Mr. Horsfnll will uttond a mooting of tho Episcopal clorgy. MRS. EUGENE O'CONNELL and Mrs. Boyd M. Rlcharsonaud chlld ron arrived horo from Portlnnd todny, Mrs. Richardson will spond most of tho summor horo. CLARENCE COLLVER passod through horo today on routo from Catching Inlot to Loon Lnko whoro ho will tako chargo of a choose factory which tho dairymen there nro putting In. Dayton Blcyelcs Marshfield Cyclery I1ICYCLES FOR RENT Next Friday we are going to make a new piece of candy. Its a good one one of our best. It is called 1915 WAFFLES The stores will have it on sale Saturday. If you knew what we know about it's crispness, it's freshness, it's goodness, you would, every one of you, take some home to the kids Sat urday night. They'll like it and you'll like it Made Friday sold Saturday eaten Sun day. That means you'll want some more Monday sure. Good Candy PETE PETERSON, tho well known plonoor of May, oxpocts to loavo on tho noxt Rodondo for an ex tended visit In Europo, Ho Is tnklng tho trip partly for ploasuro and partly in tho hope of bonoflt tlng his health which has not been as good as usual the past winter. M. nnd MRS. RICHMOND or Pigeon, Mich., parents of Dr. Richmond of Coqulllo, and granddaughter and Mrs. Richmond of Coqulllo arrlvod In Marshllold todny from Allegany whero thoy have boon visiting at tho Gould homo. Thoy will spend a fow days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barkor boforo returning to Co qulllo nnd Mrs. Richmond oxpocts to spond tho summor In this section. A. E. JEPP, who formorly trnvoled through this section for Dunham, Carrlgnn & Hnydon, roturned here todny for the first tlmo In many mouths. Ho hns taken W. A. Kin- MOTHERS' DAY May 12 Is Date Set Aside fop General Tribute to Her, Or Her Memory. ' Mothor's day conceived In 1908 will bo obsorvod May 12. Tho originator of tho plan wnn Miss Anna Jarvls, 2031 North Twelfth Stroot, Phlladolphla, who commomoratod tho nnnlvorsarjr of hor mother's doath by woarlng whlto flower. Sho wroto a Jotter de scribing hor Idea to a Phlladolphla papor nnd It was tho beginning ot "Mothor'o Day." ' Miss Jarvls suggostod tho w,hlte carnation for mothors who nro doad, and tho bright flower for thono who aro allvo. Tho attributes of tho car nation, standing for purity, bonuty, nnu iovo, nppoaiod to hor. qho says: "A small bouquot of iloworn placed noar mother's plcturo would many times during tho day bring to mind tho acts of lovo do faithfully perform ed, tho comforting word in (bo tlmo of troublo togethor with a helping hand oxtondod to all who might come hor way. Lot tho memory of your mother llvo In your honrt ono day of tho year nt least, nnd lift you from tho potty trials of llfo an sho willing ly would do If sho woro horo with you, nnd If mother still blossos your homo wonr a bright flowor suggestive of hor llfo of actlvo lovo." Tho following was written by aa Invalid mothor, Mrs. Norn Armstrong, ot Portland, which mny nppoal to many othor mothors: I saw a crown descending, For somo saint or holy ono, I thought; for tho Jowols In that crown Shono brighter than tho sun. And I nskod tho Angels bearing It Who was so holy and good Ah to win such n crown Ah thoy brought down. And thoy nnswored, ""II: Mothor- hood." As they mookly bowed boforo mo, And laid It at my feot, And said In ncconts soft and low Llku sllvor bolls ho uwoot, That all through countless agos Tlio Angola had workod on this, To make. It shine ns brightly Ah tho lovo In a mothor's kiss; And now thoy nro loath to bring It, Fooling thoy needed moro tlmo To havo It rofloct tho glory of Mothor- j'?"" ."jvJP?- noy's plnco for M. Seller In this torrltory. MRS. LLOYD W. JACOBS and llttlo son, Jamos Lloyd, arrived yester day for a fow wooks visit at tho homo ot hor paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Forroy. Grandpa Forroy saya thoro Isn't a blggor or hotter ono yoar old on the Pacific coast than his young grandoon . Mr. Jacobs will Join his wlfo here later to accompany her on hor return to take In tho Roso Carnival and the Elks' Convention Jn Portland. If you havo anything to sell, trade." or rent, or want help, try n Want Ad. RHSpjM Always If You Are Not Using You Are Not Using the Best nwravnisca JFiOOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality 4 1