K faiili itfMf SS.YV 15 1 'WJM'' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912 WEEKLY EDITION. ' rmftiKF wwjwwwsre " " irvs-W p'v,f COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor una I'ub. DAN E. SI A IONE V News Editor Entered at tho poBtofflco at Marsh fFald, Orogon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TI3IBB. Alaxshflcld !! it it tt Orcgom BAN FllANGISCO MOIIALS. TO I GOOD ROAD CAMPAIGN P ANY thoro aro who havo boon I Inclined to doubt tho roporta of moral reform worlcod out In San Eranclsco they will And In recent news from tho Ooldon Gate that their fcara havo boon groundless and tholr doubt bounded on tho sand. For, at a rocont mooting of tho San Francisco library board, a gift of $750,000 from Androw Carnoglo lias boon rojoctod because It was do darod by somo of tho trustoos to bo tain tod money. This, tho cap shoaf of tho uplift, according to somo, was not achlovod without travail for ovon In roju vonatod San Francisco thoro aro tlioso whoso material sense has not boon quickened to tho point of re jecting bad monoy whon' a chanco to do good with It Is presented. As a result of tho dlvorgcnco of vqv, a difforenco which has boon tho inccntlvo to endless dobato In almost ovory community In tho land, for olovcn yoars San Francisco has Uoon toying with tho temptation to nccopt this throo-qunrtors of a mil lion which would plant a library on almost ovory block, constant founts of Inspiration to good citizenship. Formor Mayor Edward Iloboson Taylor, Thomas E. Haydon, Androw Gallaghor and othors of tho library tmstoos woro rosponslblo for tho autconio. Carnoglo's half billion fortune bolongs to tho pooplo from wJiom It was wronfully oxtractod through laws granting privileges, uald thoy,, nnd whon confronted with tho suggestion that If it bolongs to tho pooplo, tho pooplo should reac qulro It in tho form of llbrarlos, islnco that Is tho oaslost way, thoy ro epondod that If Carnoglo would ad mit ho was restoring conscience' monoy nnd not making a gift, thoy would talco it: othorwlso novor. Of courso Carnoglo probably will not know ho snvod this particular $750,000 so, and tho chief lutorost i In tho scorn of 'Frisco for tho canny .Scot llos In Its nssuranro to any .who may havo hesitated about at tending tho Panama Exposition on . account of tho Harbary coast and icthor attractions of llko terror, that , visitors horaftor will bo in tho hooping of kocn moral sonso, and oinbracod by an atmosphere of per fect roctltudo. I WITH THE J X toastandtea: Marshfield Chamber of Com merce Will Assist In Move ment for Better Roads. Saturday will bo Qocd Roads Day In Orogon and Coos Day will parti cipate In tho campaign to bo inaugur ated thon to socuro bottor highways. Petitions urging opoclal legislation to hasten tho building of bottor roads will bo circulated and tho mattor will bo mado a spoclnl ordor of business at a mooting of tho Marshflold Chani bor of Commorco Saturdny aftornoon at 4 o'clock, Soc. C. C. Chapman of tho Orogon Dovolopmont Longuo has sent a num bor of potttlons hero to bo circulated and has followed up tho carllor cor rospondonco with tolcgrams urging vigorous action. V. S. Dobblo of tho Portlnnd Chnmbor of Commorco is also aiding In tho campaign. In a tolcgram rocolvcd today, ho asks if tho road from Itosoburg to Coos Day Is now sultablo for travol by auto mobilos. Gov. West's Proclamation. Good roads aro cssontlal to tho growth and prosperity of our stnto. Dad roads will rotard our advancing by kooplng without our bordors a class of citizens who would othor wlso como to Join with us In tho do volopmont of our rural districts. Good roads question is fairly bo foro tho pooplo, nnd it is Important that tho numorous bills which aro to bo prosontod to thorn at tho noxt oloctlon bo again brought to tholr nttontlon, that thoy may bo glvon further study and consideration In ordor that a fatso start in road con struction may bo avoldod. Thoroforo by vlrtuo of authority in mo vostod, I, Oswald West, Governor, do horoby sot npart and proclaim Sat urday, May 11, 1912, to bo Oood Roads Day. And I urgo upon tho ponplo that thoy do, upon that day, pause In tholr omploymont to glvo caroful thought to tho question of good road construction. And I earn estly rocommond that tho voters of tho stato, on thnt dnto, study and discuss tho different road hills which aro now boforo thorn for action. In testimony whoreof, I havo here unto sot my hand and caused tho groat Hoal of tho Stato of Orogon to bo horounto llxed at tho capltol, this fourth day of May, 1912. OSWALD WEST, Govomor. QUAKES IN MEXICO IMPROVING ON NATURE Porhaps you've novor Htoppod to think how handy it would bo 1C ovory woman had three arniH, In stead of two, for then, you sco, Bho wouldn't havo to miss a stroke of work, bocauso tho maiden fair Would havo a nooded oxtra hand to poko nway at her back hair. Two-hoadod politicians would at ban quets make u llfo-slzod hit 'Twould solve a knotty problem and thoro's not tho slightest doubt of it. Tho time at banquots Is so short it's hard to make tho Job complete, Hut thon ono bond rould inako tho spoochos whllo tho other ono could oat. 'If folks who walk rould Just havo wings 'twould miiko this life worth while, Thoy wouldn't havo In cross tho street In norvous, shaky, halting stylo. They'd havo to dodgo about no moro nnd thoy could thank their lucky stars That thoy had found a way nt lust to fool the scorching touring car. Moro Thnn n Dozen Tremblers Ter rorize tho Inhabitant. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) GUADALAJARA, Mox., May 8 (do- layou in trnnslt.) Moro thnn a doz en onrthqunkes woro folt hero last night nnd today. No injury to per sons Is reported. Thousands pnssod tho night out of doors. Thoro nro unconfirmed rumors of fntalltlos at Teplc. S BALL SCORES Portland Shut Out By Sacra mento Yesterday 'Frisco Loses Again. STANDI NO OF TEAMS W. L. P.O. Oakland 23 10 .697 Vornon 18 13 .681 Los Angolcs ....17 16 .515 San Francisco ..15 17 .469 Sacramonto ....15 17 .469 Portlnnd 9 19 .321 PORTLAND, May 9. Portland was shut out at Sacramonto yostor day and San Francisco suffered a llko fato at tho hands of Los Angolos. Tho games yostorday resulted as follows: At Los Angeles R Oakland 6 Vornon 4 At Sacramento R Sacramonto 1 Portland 0 At Snn Francisco R San Francisco 0 Los Angolcs 1 U E 13 1 0 2' II E 4 II 7 ll II E 2 1 6 1 DIG DEAL AT KOSEUURG. ROSEDURG, Oro., May 9. Rum ors in 'circulation in Rosoburg for sovornl days past are that Al Wolch Is negotiating for tho purchaso of tho Rosoburg wntor and light systom from Kondall brothers, who bought tho proporty a fow yoars ago. Tho local odlccs of Kondall brothers havo not boon advlsod of tho consumatlon of any deal, if ono has boon mndo, but It Is not donlod that negotiations may bo In progress. Wolch Is prom Inont in tho northwest ns a promoter of municipal power plants nnd elec tric railways. SOUTHERNERS OPPOSE 1 YOUNG IS COMMANDER Ken- Confederate Veterans Honor turkluu nt Reunion. (Dy Associated H-oes to Tho Coos na Tlmos) MAmM rill kfnn O rinnn.nl II.,., . .. i. ' ' vtuiiuiui nun- Himiu portion oi nott II. "Voung of Loulsvlllo, Ky pnny of promoto IMCIKE RIDDLE TKDAV: If Coos liny was llrst settled in 18T.1 when did tho Rattle Itock Mas sacre? comiuundor of tho Army of tho Ton- nesseo, was elected commnndor-In chief of tho United Confodorato Vet erans toiTay. Confederate Veterans Not to Aid Gettysburg Sfinl-Ccntonnlal. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) MACON, Go., May 8. Tho con. mlttco on rosolutlons of tho Unltoa Confodorato Veterans' reunion hero today advised tho organization to de cllno tho Invitation of tho Grand Army of tho Ropubllc for tho votcr nnB of tho south to participate In the seml-centonnlnl of tho Dnttlo of Get tysburg noxt year. THE RAILROAD SITUATION Tho Rosoburg Nows soys: From tho correspondonco thnt wo published In roforonco to tho railroad from horo to Coos Day It would ap pear that tho promoters thomsolvos havo no backing. Railroads aro somotlmos built this way, but thoy al ways cost tho community about two or thrco times what thoy aro roallyl worth. Thoro is no doubt that a railroad from Rosoburg to tho coast would bo bonoflrlnl to this city and tho country which It would travorso. Wo fool satisfied that a road will bo built within tho noxt two or throo years. Certainly ono will bo built nnd In oporntlon beforo tho opening of tho Panama Exposition. Hut It cannot bo built on bonus monoy. Ilonus monoy represents but n small portion of tho cost.. No com- rs can build success- That Mew Sunt I Here for Yom Waitm Aro you thinking of value in Cloth stylo 1 or of Why not havo both? You can get both Here. ' Because we deal in Clothes that are tho be made in America. You cannot buy Clothes 1 better style. You cannot get better quality, AU wool, fast colors and each garment thoroi'mW hand-tailored. gni? Wo have them in a complete range of models and patterns from ultra conceits for tho youn? fellows to the conservative cuts and fabric ef. feels for men of quiet mien. Whether you want to pay $12.50 or $-10.00 for a Suit and all the prices b tween we can please you and give lasting satisfaction. M ini s P1L IE" 1L For All Occasions RUSH NEW LINE. Southern Pacltlc to Get Husy In Mnl hour County. Thnt botweon 200 nnd 300 mon will bo put on tho construction work of tho Orogon Eastern railroad in tho Mnlhour canyon' west of this city, within tho noxt month Is tho rollnbln information We have an immense stock for you to select from. No more authoritative or comprehensive display than we show of Into Styles and colorings could be desired. We have just received a complete line of the new high Military Collar in Men's Negligee Shirts, embracing the very newest and best prod ucts of the best makers in America. We've everything that's good in Summer Shirts. All new patterns and many of them ex clusive with us. The man we outfit will wear furnishings that are right and different. HANDSOME NEGLIGEE SHIRTS EXCLUSIVE NECKWEAR NEW IDEAS IN HOSIERY THE BEST UNDERWEAR magne; MATSON fully a road on a small porccntago or tho pledged bonuses put up by tho communities through which tho road will run. Tho estimated cost of tho road from Rosoburg to tho const Is. somothlng ovor $2,000,000.00. At tho very outsldo not moro than 25 per cent of. this amount will bo plod-1 god In advanco as a bonus. Ton per cent or this In cash amounts to $2., 000.00. This would start a survey and porhaps do n llttlo actual con struction work. Tho original promo tors would then havo to oltlior rnlso rnmlnf in Mm l,..ni mnrfl mnnnv Hirmiorh ttin ontn nt O . I'HlWf " ...w..,, ....w.n.. ... M...W W prlso Just ns this Issue wont to press stock or lssuo bonds. In caso stock today says tho Valo Entorprlso. woro sold locally or otherwise tho Thoro is every reason to bollovo probabilities aro that tho original that tho directors of tho Harrlmnn stockholders would loso all thoy put system will not ovon wait until July, In It. Tho history of ronds built on Don't (Ight windmills. It's no use. Straining your voice will not muku It clearer. Goodness and stupidity are often synonymous. , The aee-slde Is everything to a man blind In one eye. The world does not owe ou a liv ing it was hero first (.' E. Nicholson says: "Hutter Is for consumption, hut It will nut euro a cough " Fi.ink Sacchl, who Is something of a milk man. ttia: "It sours the milk of huiuanklndnjHsto nurso wrath." . Ql IISTION FOR THE D.W: How did thoso tiles got Into the house' M iv fems to be the opea season for all kinds of foolish remarks on the railway situation. IT POl NCVER IAILIN0 MOORf-S SON OAK REMEDY rHcmNDJuts Plica, CHILBLAINS. rtLONS, BURNS, CTC. A VALUABLE HOUlCHbLO SALVC. au. OAuoaisr havcit-om wiu.oitin ONurautir ACCtPTNOUTmiTCt. rnco jf j i vnrj. t:o lAKGICVtMIOUCLS CO SAM FRANCISCO U2 1st when tho general buduot Is to bn given out. but thnt rush orders will bo given out sooner for this section for tho completion of tho new trans Oregon lino In tlmo for tho 1915 San Francisco oxposltlon. MRS. H. RLATT arrived hero today from Load. S. D.. to visit nt tho homo of hor fnthor-ln-lnw, J, A. Rlatt. in South Mnrshtleld. I1E.VT REDUCTION PLAN Assay KIVoHn to Abolish Mints nnd Olllces Defeated. (ny Assoclntod Press to Coos Da Times ) WASHINGTON. May 9 The at tempt of abolish tho mints at San Frnnclslco, Now Orleans Carson and tho essay olllcos at Dolso, Dondwood, Hokum, Seattlo and Salt I.nko was de feated In tho Houso todny by a vote of 02 to Gl. AIIOLISII COMMERCE COURT House Votes to do Away With Uody by Vote of ISO to t JO (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Mny 9 Tho House by n vote of 120 to 149 votod to abolish tho United Stntes Court of Commorco, mnny republicans voting with the domocrnts. Tho cases now ponding boforo tho court under tho abolition provision connected with tho legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill will bo transferred to tho various fedoral district courts having compotont Jurisdiction. Tho boys will sing 'ltooby" from tho stage tonight at tho Royal. It's a funny ono. this plan has been that the roads go Into tho hnnds of n rocolver olthor boforo tho road Is complotod or shortly nftor. Unless thoso porsons, who bought It purchasod It puroly through tholr public spirit thoy would not reallzo on tholr Invest ment. In tho caso or a bond lssuo It Is lmprobnblo that any capitalists would accept or purchaso sufficient bonds to build tho ontlro road. This would not ho good business. With tho rapid development or the country between horo and tho const tho day of a railroad Is moro certain. Tho road Is needod now. Hut In matters of this kind whero it takes lnrgo sums or monoy to han dle them, capital moves slowly. Tho necessity ror tho road must not only bo great, but the returns on tho cap ital Invested must be certain. This condition may be said to be horo. Tho Investment would pay. Hut capital has not either been satis Hod or it or othor propositions nro more attractive at this tlmo. There Are None Belter ThereAreNoneCheaper Men'sSuits From $8.50 To $25.00 and every garment guaranteed FIXUP Marshfield North Bend, "I my will not let my. wife or mother risk their lives cooking with a gasoline stove." This was the declaration of a fine appearing young man in our office a few days ago. He had called to inquire about our limited free gas range offer. He wanted to sec the stove. TTo wns nmnzed toM that we not only give Hi range awny, but runt tho nines, connects etc., free. Within HO seconds bisn nature went on an m ment to tnke nnduset-l range. Have your Job The Times' office. printing done at $100 Reward, $100 Tlicr'silrriel IhUimper wfll be nlraoed to If am that there W nt lea.t one dreailV'l riUra.o that nclence liaa been able to cure in all lu stKi',Hii(l hat U Calami Hall' Catarrh Cure U the only o.tle cure now known to the medical fraternity. Calami belnt a. eon. tltutlonal ilUeae, relii(re eonntltiitloiul treatment. 1U1I, Catarrh cure la taken inter nally, acting ilirvrtly upon the blood ami mil. couk iiulace ot thd ktem, thereby ileMroyiiiK tho foundation of the dlmae, and KhlniMlie la lent utivnctli fn butldliu up the lonatltn. Hon and nieletli'K uaturo in doing it work. The proprietors have o much falih. In fn cur. athe poueri that thev i ffer One Hundred iv1. Jam for any cae that it falli to cure. Send for Hat of tetla.pnlai. o ... .. K- J.OriKNKYACO., Toledo, O Sold bv all I)rimgliti.7.V Take Hallt' Family I'llls lor conittpation You Auto Call foote MIOXK MI-J NIGHT AND DAY btanu rront or Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OAKS Aer 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Phono 28-J Will ninke trips to Conullle. City Auto Service Good Cars, Carorul Drivers and reasonable barges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands -Blanco Hotel and Dlanco ClBnr Store. Day Phoues 78 and 46 Night Phono 46. KAUKEK & OOODALE. iironrletnr. For rheumatism you will rind nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Try It and see how quick ly it gives roller. For sale by all dealers. A TURKISH BATH GOOD. Pho 1141. will do you "Will you let tho women of your' household run tho danger of gasoline this summer? OREGON POWER COMPANY PHONE 178. BlancharcTs Livery We have secured tho Hvory busi ness or L. II. Helsnor, nnd are pre pared to rondor excollent service to tho people or Coos Day. Carorul drivers good rigs and everything that will mean satlsrnctory service to the public. Phono us ror a driving horse, a rig or nnythlng needed In the livery line. Wo also do truck ing business or all kinds. nLAxciiAiti) imoTHEns Phono 138-J Livery, pt.ed and Sides Service. Ml First nml Alder Streets. We Have Been Success . .......... lr it cf .. inripnl mate"1.. -"--- ..!. I give our yuu - .,5,1 on house wirw. - nfford to JW you tuu - Coos Bay Wiring Phone 237-J GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES 'Of