THAT THERE'S MANY A SLIP BETWEEN THE RAIL AND THE SHIP WE NOW KNOW - -; Will Put Yonr Koal Estate "In WAST ADVERTISING In Tho TIME Will Keep tho Income from Tow Furnished Rooms from Lnpsta(t YOU can really help tho family the Market" Krrccureiyi it will put the fact about your 11 w"wnro 'ho oyo of all "DOB- ajj tms Jf ID1UUUVB U IU1IUU, U 11JW LUIUU1UVU fc rooms and. It you knw how and 'r.,P hnvera" It town. And If u,.wi nf thorn who ought to when to uso tho classified column, you may keep that llttlo extra income as "steady as a clock." there u"..r" . own It. ru " B0" " 2jSAl.ift.JJ MEMBER Or ASSOCIATE!) PRESS fcasEaasaissafflKzgi&ft mm WW KstnlilliHea in ia. 10U AAA T, Mnll iTHERN PACIFIC W TERMINAL . MAY AGREE ABOUT FRONT STREET MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mall Mini Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 253 I II !!--- - OHIO 15 POLITICALSTORlCEITERCOlEZlLlSiilETHER" Lssible That Local Company I n-., Do Ahc-nrhfiH BV May uc ,,. --- -- the Railroad. tOMMON USER CLAUSE HERE AN U IMUnin dcimu Harshfield Council Posipones on 5. i'. rraiiuiii!u for a Week. r K0I-ATHNUW8 . Although thoro woro a numuor rumors afloat about tho local "illroad situation this nftor- definite foundation could bo found for any of thorn. a J. MIUIb wob very rotlcont uHald that ho had nothing foiaV beyond what ho had horo- tsfore stated. Ho Bald ho was null hopeful of matters being amicably nrrnngod at air oarly Site. Ho cxpoctB to louvo tho lnt of tho week for San Fran- cIko If Mrs. MIUIb recovorB -ulflclcntly to travel. It Is ox- pwtcd that ho will tako up tho Cooj Day franchlno mnttorB . tlth the lionu omcinis wi mu Southern Pacific thoro. Sorao North Bend men nro plinnlng to havo anothor moot- itrthero rclatlvo to tho nltun- tloa and will prolmbly ondenvor to baro C. A. Smith nddrcsa ititm nn the sltuntlon. At uneipectod chnngo of progrnmB the city council mooting last ov elii quickly omptlod tho crowded timber. Tho hill for tho ovonlng u lbs Southorn Pacific rrnnciuso tl a big crowd turned out. No soon r lad the crowd boon called to or- trudtho reading of tho now frnn i!u for the Southorn l'nclllc cnllod r tun councilman uoppio muvuu nt the mnttor bo lnld ever for a tt It wis secondod by F. 13. Al- i who TohiLtccrod tho Information nt certain t!o shipments In tho Bltu- loi would iirobubly ennbio thorn to idle It better. In n week. The action jama aa a surprlso to of tho couuciluon nnd othor ttofflclals. It nad 'ucn nrrnngod A before the Mooting. Tte announcement enmo ns a rudo xk to the crowd. "I'll soil my ktrred scat choap," declnrod Chns. uo and In nnothor Instant nn oxo- Urom tho council chnmbor bognn. t!;a few remnlnod. C F. McKnlght Bald tho poatpono ut as porfectly agreeable to tho altera l'nclllc and snld It would 'i Mm tlmo to go over tho now iwuae which City Attornoy Goss I dratted. Deal With Terminal ' It was loarnod that tho cnuso of (postponement was tho llkollhood w agreement IioIiik offectod bo- Ma the Terminal Company whoro tte latter may uso Front Btreot I possibly tako ovor tho Tormlnnl ilujr. H ij said Unit O. A. Smith lias tidrawn his objection to turning lermlnal Railway ovor to tho sthern Pacine providing thoy ngroo coinmou user clauso In tholr i through Mnrahtlold nnd North fi. The Terminal Hallway frnn- l provides tho Common Usor m ror this city. Tho Southorn ce franchlso has not boon fln- ' tranted bv thn Nnrtti Ilonil pnnn. "1 It may be possible to hnvo It wa wero. Many North Bend 'Pie have boon deslrloua of having "Omon Ubnr Rinnan lTianrtn1 In Iia "J!se thoro and somo had oven weaed to lnvoko tho referendum iranchlso It If was onnctod Mt the common usor clauso. "He the Southern Pacific would LV?et t0 lmvo t,l franchise 3t the common usor elntmo. It "Wc ted that probably thoy will ,y te,rms on tho now ngrooment. ; 'erminal company lmvo mnilo " (Onresslnna 0...1 l. i -. .i ' ine Southern Paclflc will also some. H.Si?,th la sa,d to have oxpress L'?wlf as uilllriK and anxious to ttt to ih communIty desires In u, ,7 tniu-iiiHu, au inai no Hu tho commun,ty Pr- ne aterfrnn it i i.i H. i Ho V.. V " ii is iJe. s atei1 tnat wlln o b0 r"rpteti in tho Terminal Rail- nsak n.Was not for tho Purpose (e'Mo Hn0y out of U but wns on to th .r . l lH'-i"B kav. . . e Parties Involved cared to uV Slalernent In tho matter ;;. " is understomi iimi ha vmr. It rt?,'i,U.stment of the matter la idler 6 th0 offorts of w- 8- Will !.., m If Cw; ",c Vrrow. tomoZ. .i B??' w"'-. l tforti.. " to"iana and ku .Ban Pranclsco. Mr. Chand- IHehiV0 return t0 the ny short- L'OM eXD6ftfn t .-. ' ,. iQBBii.ti. It " "! worn uu HILLS COMPETE IN ORE SOON Operate Mines On Range Near uuiutn After ' Lease Expires. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) DULUTH, Minn., May 0. Aftor tho expiration of tho United States Stcol corporation's lenses on tho Hill oro proportlcs in 1015, tho Hill in terests will flno their ores and enter tlio mnrkot as Indopondont producers according to D. M. Phllbln, mnnngor of tho Hill proportlcs. Tho new sys tem Is expected to provo moro pro fltablo to tho Hill intorcsts than tho present arrangement. NO NIJW CONTJIIACTS Engineer Hoey of Southern Pacific IlvturiiH to Hugeue. Tho Kugono Ilcglstor says: II. P. llooy, chief engineer of tho S. P. construction work in this dis trict, returned this morning from Klamnth Falls and Snn Francisco. Mr. Hooy says that no now contracts havo been let at tho Klamath end of tho cutoff but soma track work which was not finished last fall Is now being completed. Mr. Hooy has not recently visited tho work at Oak rldgo but says reports Indlcato that It Is progressing nlcoly. MANY ARRIVE ON REDONDO Steamer In From San Francis coFalse Report About Nann Smith. The Itcdondo arrived In about noon today from Snn Francloco. Sho hnd a cnpnclty pnssengor Hat nnd a big enrgo of freight, a locomotlvo for tho Smith-Powers Logging company being tho only unusual thing In tho enrgo. Cnpt. Win. Mngoo said tho report nbout tho Nann Smith striking the Capo ninnco reef wns ridiculous. Ho said ho passed tho Nnnn this morn ing n llttlo north of Capo ninnco. Tho woather wns clear and tho wind only modorntely stiff. Ho snld Cnpt. Olson reported ho hnd crossed out nbout B o'clock this morning nnd wns junkltiK about ten miles porj hour. Tho Nnnn Smith wns then nbout two miles oat boyond tho lln of nny reefo. Tho Redondo will snll from horo for Snn Francisco nt 5 o'clock Satur dny nftornoon. Among thoso arriving on her wero tho following: J ml go John S. Coko, Mrs. J. S. Colto, Miss Ellon Anderson, Mrs. Ar thur Nelson nnd child. A. Wiener, Ollvor Uind, Mrs. F. Ferguson, K Ferguson, It. Oolsondorfor, Mrs. I,. Felshmnu, Helen Folshmnn, Rllzu bet Folshmnn. Mrs. T. D. Mnepon nld, Orant Isrnol. Ponrl Israel, Elmer E. Frost. Wm. Evans, Miss Phoebo Larson. Miss Ornro Kruse, H. Rock rach. Mrs. H. Rockrnch. A. C. Shomo, C. II. Stocks, T. W. nortram. T. 8. C.amhlo. Mrs. T. S. Gamb e. A Mc Clelland, Anna Vnehero. Hllma Roth, nnrbnrn Roth. Mny Roth. h. Lnwni. E. H. Scesby, J. P. Cunlnghnr. J (J. Russoll, E. II. Simpson, nnd flo Bteornpo, fn..n.ininn will rcnulro tho drilng of nbout IIvo hundred plies. "Cinch Coiiiinoii User' Councilman Ferguson at Inst night's meoting of tho city council nsked what hnd been done nbout drawing tho "Cinch Common User ninn that City Attornoy Ooss had referred to. Mr. Goss said that ho i.-.i i. ,ninot n wonk aco Dili mai owing to other matters, it had not beon brought up. Mr. Ferguson said that since then, seemed to be somo question about the present wording of tho common ub el clause of the Terminal franchise and ns Mr. Bennett had stated tho coranany was willing tu n comw was only too willing to lmvo it made stronger, he thought the council Bhould take advantage of tho opportunity. He offered a motion that a copy of it be furnished the Ter nilnal RaUway and that they be asked to consent to Its substitution for the present common user clauso. He said he wished the records to show this. n0JJL8"!z. . nt to the Terminal Railway and It will probably come up Taft Will Return There Sunday and Will Be Followed By Roosevelt and La Follette. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) COLUMHUS, Ohio, May 9. Na tional politics simmered in this stnto today aftor tho finish of President Tnft's thrco day tour and prior to tho Invasion of tho othor candidates who nro schodulod to begin their final campaigns horo next week. Tho pres ident will roturn Sunday and will bo followed Monday by Roosovolt. LaFollotto also will mnko n tour of tho Btato beforo tho prlmnry elec tion May 21. Dryan today is finishing a throo days' invasion of tho stato In which holinB beon nttncklng tho candidncy EIGRT DIE IN STORM ON LAKE Entire Party Drowned When Small Launch Sinks at Fox Lake, III. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) FOX LAKE, III., May 9. Mra. Mabel Hanson of Chicago nnd aovon othor persons woro drownod In n Btorm that swopt Fox Lako laBt night. TJlio party startod to cross tho lako In a sixteen foot launch and tho boat wont down. Mrs. Hanson's body was rccovorod. of Gov'. Harmon. Harmon will vialt tho points whoro Urynu tnlkod and reply to Dryan's nttnckB and also will visit tho largo cities of tho otato. A report Is In circulation that Wood drow Wilson also pinna an actlvo campaign In Ohio. Potitions for Har mon nnd Wilson nro tho only onos that hnvo been circulated by tho democrats. TAFT TO NEW JERSEY' STEEL TROST CASE VICTOR Injunction to Restrain It From Destroying Records Denied by Court in New Jersey. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day, Timr.) TRENTON, May 9. Tho appoal in tho United States district court horo for an lujunctlon to restrain tho United States Steel corporation nnd a numbor of Its subsidiary concerns from destroying books and papors which might bu usod In ovldonco In n suit of tho govornmont for dissol ution of tho Htool corporation was dismissed In u per curiam opinion filed this morning by Judges Gray, Dufflngton nnd McPherson oxcept as to Hie American Steol and Wlro Co., ono of tho stool corporation's sub sidiary concerns. Tho opinion saya that no ovldonco wns offored thnt such a destruction wns threntonod nnd that whllo cor tnln papers In enso of tho Amorlcnn Stool and Wlro compnny hnd beon dostroyed aftor tho government hnd returned the papers to tho possession of tho compnny, It wns not shown thnt tho othor companies woro In any respect connected with Its acts ithd that without thlB evidence tho court cunnot giuut tho petition. PRORE IS RESUMED lliiinliig of Papers In Wlro Pool Case U Investigated. IDy Associated Frees to Coos Day Times. NEW YORK, May 9. Further tes timony regarding the burning of Im portant papers in tho so-called Jack son wire pooi cases will bo hoard to day In tho hearing In tho govern ment's dissolution suit ngalnst tho U. S. Steol corporation. Jacob Dic kinson, counsel for tho government, said today that ono of tho main pur poses of tho present Inquiry Is to de termine whether tho papers wore burned prior to Octobor 2C, Inst, tho date the government suit against tho so-f allod steol trust was filed. The Identity of tho official of the Amerienu Steel and Wlro Co. who or dered the papors destroyed, ho said, was another point upon which tho government wanted moro light. George A. Cragln, assistant gener al sales agent of tho wlro company said Fiank Daackes spoko to him about destroying certain papers on two occasions and early In November Cragln testified the papers wero do sfroyed. AMRASSADOR HAS RESIGNED Gtriuait Representative to Great Hrltaln Retires Today fBv Associated Press to Coos Day 1 ' Time.) DERLIN. May 9,Count PauI Wolff Metternlcb hasr resigned as Ger man ambassador in Great Drltaln. 1'rcslilcnt Returns from Ohio nnd Will Go Unit. (Dy Associated Proas to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, May 9. Presi dent Tnft arrived In Washington to day for a 24 hour stay. To morrow ovonlng ho will start for Princeton. N. J, TRAIN WRECK 1 242 Killed and 4706 Injured In Three MonthsNone On Coos Bay Line. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, May 9. -Two hun dred forty-two persons wore killed and 4.70G woro Injured in train nc cidonts in tho ynltod Stntos during tbo quarter thnt ondod Dec. 31, 1911, according to n bulletin of tho Inter Btato Commorco commission. A do crcano of six In tho numbor killed and 977 in tho numborod Injured Is shown In comparison with tho corre sponding quartor of 1910. FLOOD STILL DAD IN SOUTH i Mississippi Pours Increased Volume In Inundated Dis tricts of -Louisiana. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Dny Tiraos.) NEW ROADS. Ln., Mny 9. Flood wntors In an Increased volumo aro bearing dowu upon tho already over flowed area of Polnto Coupoo, St. Landry nnd sovornl othor parishes to day . Now Honda, horotoforo con sidered practically snfo from tho tor ront's flood Is rapidly bocomlng con dated. DoatB aro bolng built and skiffs nro bolng concentrated horo by tho government .In many instances tho government has confiscated boats and Is holding thorn In rondlness. Hundreds nro mnroonod along For docho, Looters In skiffs nro roportod to hnvo nindo rich harvest in tho lnun dated country. Tho size of tho families among tho refugees Is surprising. Ono robust woman had sixteen chlldrqn strum; out after her whon alio cllmbod down tho steps of a rollof trnln today. Mothers of eight, nlno nnd ton child ren nro numorous. OUTLOOK IS I1ETTER Thrco Dnys' Sunshine llrings Opti mism to NoiitlicrnerH (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Time.) NEW ORLEANS, May 9.- Follow- InK three dnys' sunshlno and tho ab sence of rain, reportB from tho flood district this afternoon woro moro op timlstlc. Tho task of providing food nnd shelter for refugooa continues hnnl. Conditions In several cities aro conbidorably improved. FLOODS IN GERMANY' Largo Cities nro Inundated by Tor- rt'iitlal ItaiiiH. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) nERLIN, May 9. Rivers ln South Germany genornlly havo over flowed following torrential rains. Largo areas aro Inundated. DENY TURKISH CLAIMS (Dy Associated Press to Tbo Coos Day Times) ROME, May 9. An official noto do- olnriui nlcn Hin Tlirklftll (HHntttcll TO- plvil from tho coventor of Rhodes to the effect that the Turkisk troops won a groat victory inero anu capiur- cd one tnousanu Italians . uu cue contrary, it ia said, tbo Turkish gov ernor of Rhodes and his secretary are prisoners and will bo sent to Italy. SOCIAL and DANCE will be given at SUMNER, SATURDAY ovenlng. Prof. Keyser will furnish the music. Sumner leaves Marshfleld at 7 and Cooston at 7:30 p. m. HE IS PRESIDENT OR PRISONER FIND LIJUPLL DEAD IN ROOM Peter Walker, Wealthy Los Angeles Contractor. Victim of Affinity. ' (Dy Associated Proas to Tho Coos Tlmos.) LOS ANOELE8, May 9.Potor Walkor, a wealthy contractor who recently completed a largo part of tho govornmont work on tho Yuma Irri gation dam, wns shot nnd killed Sun day night by Mrs. Anna Dowey of Haakon, Okla., said to bo tho daught er of a 'former congressman. Mrs. Dowoy committed sulcido. Tho trag edy occurred In tho apartments of tho woman probably last Sunday but tho bodies woro not found until yostorday whon a police investigation rovoalod tho fact that at tho tlmo of his doath Wnlkor was negotiating with his wifo for reconciliation. Tho coronor is sued certificates of doath by murder and sulcido. According to statements mado to tho pollco by Mrs. Walkor nnd J, M. JohtiBon, olllco pnrtnor of tho contractor, tho killing of Wnlkor followed a Borlcs of throats mado by Mrs. Dowoy to tako his llfo If ho loft iior. Tho woman separated from her husband six months ago. BREAKWATER N EARLY TODAY Steamer Arrives From Portland Is Now On Five Day Schedule. Iflio Droakwnter arrived In this morning from Portland. Sho hnd n largo list of passongerR, many of whom brought tholr hotiHOhoid onocts to inako their homes horo. Tho Uronkwator is now on a five day schedule nnd will anil at ono o'clock for Portland. Among thoso nrrlvlng on hor woro tho following. Mrs. R. II. Frlaur, M. Hanson, A. C. Thompson, E. H. Lovo, J. Gorstol, A. D. Donnhou, M. Mnnkowskl, F. C. Cnplcs, Mrs. E. O'Connoll, Mrs. 1). M. Rlchnrdsou, L. O. Cnrroll and wlfo, Mra. Whlstlor. W. R. Dickson, T. II. Grlndrod nnd wifo, C. Haviland, A. Jones, W. T. Hummort, D. Madonna, G. S. Gonoreau, Mrs. H. IMatt, F. J. 1 1 ay os, Mrs, Dusby, J. Farsytho, II, S. Luthor, J, Morgan, E. Epstoln, R. M. Ran, T. McKittrlck. Mrs. C. O. Hughes, 1). Hughes C. C. Hughes, F. W. Pnrls, F. Mark, P. Gontla, M. Lib by, J. I). Zloglor and wlfo, Klttio Zlogler, O. Snbro, E. L. McDougnl, Z. Hnsklnn, Klttio Nodlno, P. R, Cnmor on, Miss Dnlley, Mrs. F. ainxlor, Wm. Gnuntlot, S, E. Dnllnrd and wire, M. D. Hughes, D. Hughes, B. K. Eld rldgo, Miss L. LaTouretto, Georgo Laird, Mrs. W. E. Laird, Floronco Laird, Ruth Laird, B. Laird. O. Ro landor, M. Rothplotz, W. It. Roar Ingor, W, S. Sandor, T. McOovorn, A. R. Mormor, A. Lovnch, F. Lonk. Tho Drenkwator mado tbo run from bnr to bar In thirteen hours and fifty minutes. Cnpt. Mncgonn snys thnt tho no. flvo-dny schedulo really ought to bo cnlled tho "flying BChodulo," becnuso ho has to keop on tho go nil tho tlmo, Jolio On ltenuelt. En route north Inst trip, Capt. Mncgonn got off n good Joke on J. W. Ilonnott. Ho npprlsod J. II. Flan agan and Judgo Benson of his plan and It worked flno. Early Sunday forenoon, ho had tho wireless oper ator bring him In a fictitious mossago which read: "Southorn Pacific last night laid rails on west Bldo of Front strcot." It was slgnod Whereat. Capt. Macgcnn hnd J. W. Donnett, Judge Donson and J. II. Flanagan and othors present and hnnded It to Mr. Dennett, It caught tho lattor off guard nnd ho was groatly per turbed iind Insisted on Bonding In structions to Jmmodlntely enjoin tho 8. P, from going ahead. Not until they reached Portlnnd did thoy ex plain tho Joko to Mr, Dennett. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to extend our thanks for tho kindness and sympathies shown ua during the Illness nnd death of our son and brother, John W. Carl son. CARL J. CARLSON and family. Complications In Mexican Rev olution Expected to Be Settled Quickly. CLAIM GEN. 0R0ZC0 WILL TURN HIM DOWN Advices to United States De partment of Stato Are to . This Effect. (Dy Associated Tress to Tho Coos Tlmos.) JUAREZ, Mox May 9. EmJUo Vasquoz Gomos will probably know within nnothor twonty-four lidura whether ho Is provisional president of tho robol govornmont or a prloan or of Gcnornl Orozco. Tho special envoy from Gomel to Oro7co wns ro portod horo todny to bo roturnku; from tbo South with Orozco'a answer. No Intimation what it contains roachod hero at ono o'clock today. Gomez moves nbout frooly In Juarez nnd no .extraordinary precautions Xo guard blm woro apparont today., GOMEZ TO LOBE OUT General Oron-o Jlxpectcd to Turn Him Down Very Soon. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, May 9. Emitto Gomoz Ib hold ns a prisoner in tho cuBtoma houso In Junroz according to advlccB to tho Stato Department 'to day. A heavy guard has boon thrown around tho building. Tho depart ment Is further advlsod that Qonoral Orozco will not confirm Gomez 'an.. president LIFE TERM IS SLAYER'S LOT Murderer of Champion Ketchell Loses On Appeal Accom-, plice Is Freed Today. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Djay Tlraob.) JEFFEHSON CITY, Mo.. May 9. Waller S. Dlploy, convicted of tho murdor of Stanley Ketchell, lnldilltH wolght championship, must servo a llfo Bontonca In tho Missouri pouiten tlary according to n doclslon of tho Supremo Court todny. Goldlo Smith who Is sorvlng a llfo term ns acces sory of Dlploy, was dlschnrgod today from tho penitentiary by tho court, which rovcrsed tho Judgmont ngnlnBt her. Tho court hold thnt tbo evi dence wns not sufficient to convict her. TITANIC PR08E IS STILL ON Member of Crew Today De scribes Ismay's Conduct As Exemplary. (Dy Assoolnted Prosn to Coos Day Tlmo,; LONDON, Muy 9. Evldonco that tho doora of four watortlght bulk lionds hud beon openod nftor having boon closed from tho bridge was in troduced today nt tbo Inquiry into tho Titanic disaster. This wns dono, nccordlng to Thomas Dillon of tho en glneora' stuff, in ordor thnt the engi neer's crow might roach tho pumps in boilor room No. G, Tho men did not go Into tho boilor room of No. C bocnuso thoro waa too much water thoro. In fact wator waa Jonklng through Into boilor room No. 4. Tho conduct of J. Ilruco Ismay waa de scribed by James Johnson, steward, sb being oxomplary. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Nnnn Smith sailed this morn ing for Day Point with a big cargo of lumber. Cnpt. J. J. Roynolda la ondenvoring to mnko arrangements for tho Break wator to tow tho Mlreno, tho new gasollno schooner of the Dames Packing company, from horo to As. torla. Owing to the rough woather. Capt. Reynolds thought this would sayo time, It lias not been definite; settled yet i '.' JUDGE JOHN F. HALL is expected home tonight from the Coqullfo valley where be has been inspect ing roads for a few days. roadway and Central. The for actloa next ween.