i,..wfcfll.3W JM(,. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 4i G. I WEHDL1 TELLS PUNS ST Notice Who Wear Them ?! !-"' L Wi ttlltH I MERAL WEST ! Announces He Will Build Big On Lower Siuslaw ' In Near Future. ' i Portland Takes First Game New Series From Sacra mento Tuesday. of PORTLAND. Ore., Mny 3. Talk- 0 lng o( bllllmiB of foot of standing timber. P. X. Wendllng nt th 1'on- 1....1 ..!. ...,ll...ann1l.. H... fl. '""' turo. of thu lumbur lndtiHtry on tl.o Pacific coiiHt. Por tlio next fow yours nt least ho predicted n large business. Mr. Wcndllng cnlls Snn Prnnclsw) Ills homo, but hns Interests In Oregon that total millions of dollars, includ ing lnrgo holdings nt Klamath Palls and a number of toytislto locations that hnvo passed tho boom, stnge. lie said: "I nm now devoting my attention particularly to my holdings In tho STANDING OP TEAMS W. L. P.C. Onl.lnnd 22 10 .088 Vornon 17 13 .CC7 Snn. PrnnclsQO . . .15 1G .484 Sacramento . . ..14 17 .45.1 Los Angeles ...,1G 1G .500 Portland 0 18 .H33 I PORTLAND, Ore, May 8. Pon land took tlio first gamo of tho now scrips from Sacramento nt Sncrnmon I to yesterday. Tho Bcorcs yosterdny i wero: Qliifilniu .llatrlnf ,.,h.. . T hnvn lin.l tnr 1 "I VCrilOn 11. Jl. l!i. riamo tlmo 800.000.0.00 foot of stand-1 Y00"' jj x lng timber nnd havo Just closed u ! uWnnii i J - doal for 500,000,000 fcot more. In addition to this I hnvo options on 2,000,000,000 fcot tnoro and want to incrcaso my total holdings In that district to 4,000,000,000 fcot of standing tlmbor. "Tho project Is to erect n mill nt Acmo, nt tho mouth of tho Siuslaw river, that will havo n capacity of 160,000,000 fcot of sawed tlmbor an. nually. Railroad Work Progresses. "Tho Southern Pacific Is pushing tho construction of tho railroad from Eugono to Marshflold, by tho way of Acmo, nnd It will bo completed with in n couplo of yoars, which will glvo un nn output to tho Interior. Dur ing tho snmo porlod tho Improvement of tho ontrnnco to tho Siuslaw river will bo completed by tho govornmont, which will glvo nt least 20 fcot on tho bar at moan low water nnd nf ford us nil tho opportunities ncco.. Bary for shipping constwlso nnd for eign. "Thcro Is ono thing, or rather two, that will havo a very largo Influonco on tho oxpectcd prosperity In tho lumbor mnrkot, nnd thoy nro theno. First, President Taft must bo clock ed, for It will glvo confidence to tho stability of tho govornmont as lias oxlstod during his prosont torm. EUGENE RAILWAY NEWS Mora Material and Equipment for Coos liny Line. EUGENE, Ore, May 8. Tho Ouard says: Material In lnrgo Quan tities Is nrrlvlng for tho now Coos Hay lino of tho S. P. Saturday ovon Ing two cars of mil Joints nnd ono of concroto bonrds nrrlved nnd yes terday two cars of pinto tics nnd nn olhor of concroto bonrds enmo In. Tho heavy rails for tho mnlu lino nro not yot on hand but hnvo boon shipped nnd will bo horo by tho tlmo Mint tho yard nnd switch aro com pleted. Now thnt tho good wonthor scorns to hnvo boguu In earnest, tho engi neers nnd contractors any that tho work of building tho now road will progress much fnstor than ovor bo foro. Thoro wns sldotrackwl nt Kugono yestordny n lnrgo locomntlvo boar Ing tho Inscription, "Sud Pnclflco do Mexico," which, Interpreted Into tho English lungungo, moans "Southorn Pacific of Mexico." Tl'o engine whs n lnrgo coal humor nnd wnH "dead," i liolug hauled thnt wny either north or noiith, It Is not learned which. It had disappeared this morning, and It Is I not known why It was side' racked hero. Somo thought yesterday It might havo been sent to Eugono to haul tho work train which will soon bo put on tho new Coos Hay lino. At Sacramento R. Sacramento 2 Portland 4 At San Francisco R. San Francisco 2 Los Angolcs 3 II. I,. 7 1 9 1 II. B. 8 1 6 2 TO EDUCATE ALASKANS Compulsory Attendance of Children Thcro Mny Ho Required. (By Associated Press to Coos Dny Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 8. Tho Scnnto has passed tho Jones bill, providing for tho compulsory educa tion of Alaskan children. Tho bill would roqulro ovory child In Alaska between tho ages of eight and slx tcon, whether of whlto or mixed blood, to nttond ono of tho Unltod States public schools or somo othor school whoro English is taught. Ex ceptions nro mndo in tho enso of children who aro forcod to work to support tholr parents or guardians. TURKS CLAIM VJCTOHY Reiort Capture of 1000 Italians nt Island of Rhodes. (Dy Associated Proas to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, May 8. Tho govorn mont of tho Turkish Island of Rh'odos whoro tho Itnllan troops landed a fow days ago, telegraphs: "Wo havo won victory nnd hnvo enptured 1000 Italians," according to n spoclal dis patch dntod Mny 8 from Porn, Tur-koy. HOWARD'S gonulno MEXICAN TAMALE8 dollvorod nny plnco in tho city until 12 O'CLOCK ot nlgtfi. Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Phono WW. Program for W. C. T. U. Enter tainment Thursday Night Is Announced. The W. C. T. U., with Mrs. Rebecca Luso-Stump as chairman of tho ar rangements commlttco, will present a Demorcst silver modal program Thursday night at tho Mothodlst Eplsropal church. Tho contestants nro boys of tho High School. Mrs. Wm. Moc, n talented soloist, will slug for tho first tlmo In public hero Thursday evening. Mrs. Moo has n very sweet volco nnd hor nppcar nnco will bo a ronl treat to tho city's music-lovers. Tho program follows.: Scrlpturo Rending nnd Prayer. . . . President Mrs. E. E. Kolly Vocal Solo, "Because I Lovo You, Dear," Mrs. Wm. Moo Oration, "Tho Dcfonso of tho Alamo" Lcsllo Isaacson. Oration, "Court of Last Appoal" Leo Byorly. Oration, "Why I Am a Prohibition ist" Hornco Rahskopf. Vocal Solo Rov. O. LoRoy Hall Oration, "Prohibition and Liberty" Harvey Walter Oration, "Baptized In Blood Arthur Kolstad. Oration, "Patriotism" Chostor Isaacson. Vocal Solo, "JubI n Wonrln' for You" Mrs. Wllllnm Moo. (Mrs. Win. Horsfall, accompanist.) Boys' contest nt tho Royal tomor row night. Co tonight nnd hoar Miss Travollo fling "Booby," got tlio music, sfng tho chorus from tho stago and win a prlzo. Fun for ovorybody. You can talk about Clothing but iis tl that counts. When you wear Vcar Benjamin Clothes You can come pretty close to guessing why , iiiuu , uuv-ou t.iu.u iimu nny ULUUf UlOtlling-. they have gained thdir tremendous popularity You will find perfect satisfaction in Benjamin Clothes Sold at $18.00 to $40,00 Guaranteed for ono year by both the makers and ourselves tr2-i I A Q ' M, ,1lH HW-KM1ML "MONEY TALKS 1) Benjamjn Q Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, Marshfield. Bandoa Jns. C. Dahlmnnn, serving his third torm as mayor, Omaha, Nobr., again wns successful In receiving tho ovorwholmlng support of tho votors In tho primary oloctlon. Ho also successfully rid himself ot a bad cube of kldnoy troublo by tlio n'd ot Foley Kldnoy Pills, nnd writes: "I havo talton Foley Kldnoy Pills and thoy havo given mo a great doal of rollof, so I cheerfully recommend thorn." What Foley Kldnoy Pills hnvo dono for Mayor Dahlman they will do for nny othor porson bothorod with backacho, rheumatism, or nny other form ot kldnoy or bladdor troublo. Just try thorn for quick nnd pormnnont results. For salo by Red Cross Drug Co. Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors nnd Supplies. PHONE 18 l-It. 170 So. Urondwny, next door Union Mont Market. to R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance l North Front Street We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN OT-J WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT BT. Steamer Washington Will Sail from San Francisco for Coos Bay Sunday Morning, May 12th F. 8. DOW, Agent. OeewDoi EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS 'A Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. I HAILS FRON AINBWOHTH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT 0 A.iM,JUI 1st, 8th, IIUIi, lHth, 2.1r! iuid SHtli. FROM MARSHFIELD At IB SERVICE OF TUB TIDE MLAY ltli, lOtli, lflUi, 20ttf 23th udkl L. A. PARKHUllfiT, Apt?, 1'hono.MAlnWI.I tvervodv' PLAT PERM'S I P Mill New Tract In West Marshfield Is Placed On Market Strest Plans. ' PerliiimV Park Addition." In tho linmo that E. fl. IVrlmiu haa run fi'ired on tho tract In nortboant Mars field which he recently pin c! npiid from lh Southern Orotsn rnnipnny. Tho plat of tho new addi tion was fllod with tho county clork nt Coijulllo a few du ;ik' In plattluK tho trant, tho atroots worn l.iid out ncconl'ii! ' ,,,t' rn . t r of the land. Iintond of tho UBiial v As u rtHiilt hotter unultw will be seemod for the atroots In tho ad dition nnd It will also he mndo more p!i ''M when tliey are Improved. The tract U now behiK olrtil and Mr I'erhHin U nuiklnx arraimeinenu to iinde some of the principal atrtiot tliro n'i (0 ir8L. (i,s BuiHimr. 11 ! nrraiiKed to open a street i-Uhiv ft- wi(l t rough t' e tract north and FunMi whloh w! connect with Sher man nonuo, North Head, and Kl vnMi utivet In Mamlifleld. mak t' t t'iroiiKh thoroim'ifaro. With t ' eptlou, the Htiretg In the ad dl wm viii he nlty foot wldo. Tl o firut street to be xrndwl will 1 ri-i'ith torraee. whleh will run imrtliwi'storly from Hluhth street In West Mrhflcld to Tenth street nntt then Tenth will b opened northward to f'e edge or the tract. Ho nlso plans to open a street earn and west tbrouub tho center of the tract this summer. The oornor lota aio mostly BO x 100 and the Inside lots 40 x 100 feet. k 1 1 V-. s0OTlLi!5!i! somcvi:i i Bfty- -nrPaov or Ry cc0 ocUev, u - ; .0 Us ftppoiua- Uousc wW tttt 1H ", n:nw. Our prices. MfnvUouBO ektuuu0 lliuu "- , nVUCiv:o 3BS on jst. w .'' , Bcvson ot to i8ooUifi lov nv I 'cnv' - .- rr C.C. (gna v k I 'THE FRIEND OF 0003 RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLESS Sails From Cocs Bay for Portland Saturday, May 111 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT r0RlUl NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono II. C. V. McflEORGE, ijJ VAST AND CO.MMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUBMARINE DELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY Tuesday, May 7, At, 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono II. o. F. .Mc(JEOn0E,Jjt . .i.nev on 00b new ivi.fc, -Tnvmlure for .... ,, connicnsf UUMW",raV ;u,ctyhoueopor Get Busy COMH IN AM) T.tt. AND GEP AI-TER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST CO OUR PRICKS ON SHINOLES AND HOOFING PAP mii.(.I.i;s 91.no AND UP, HOOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. & RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Going CM use FumlShCTS HOWARD'S gonulno MEXICAN TA.MALES dollvorod any placo In the city until ta O'CLOCK nt night. Thoy aro READY to SERVE. Phono 838. I Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire, and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENG8TACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle OffUe Phona 101 Marshfield OUco 1'J- Varms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a ipacinw Qonoral Agent "EASTSIDF." The Electric Shoe Shop IS WTIERE THEY DUY SHOES FROSt 1 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SnOF 180 So. Broadway Marsallel4 WANTED!! CARPETS VVUOJiZ PIANOS TO OW.AHJ.- f ninUo Cleaning wr' work taken at w.nvgf GOING & nA PHONE 1W