THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOW, WEDNESDAY. MAY 8, 1912-EVENING EDITION. For Spring Wear &??? C.Wflfi T &fflmmwz3l 'Mjft. istrt.rSi UJ&J! .? SELZ ROYAL BLUE Every Pair Guaranteed $3.50 to $5.00 Woolen Mill Store Men's and Boys' Outfitters DONT BE FAT hJHvP h.M,,h ""g n belnjfMdaetd In weight m It enable U tS. ?? ,0 exp?d 7"1 Perforro belr woik naturaDy. TUe cfl jour surplus fat with ORFfilTV TDPrtTRiewT Siefth'" yur we,eht io norm- With It there Is no starvation im n ' M JS " "" "onaetlul treatment. rf.rti?,i ,TY Tmatmwit Is t.Uen right after meals as a pleasant S i. ,nft'r You iardljr know vou'rc taking a medicine at all and 4inrim '?' " ,Ktioa comPe,s I,rP assimilation of all food and iinu .in.. i ,?. " ""longs. i ww convert your tooa into muscie, CwipVto trutoent i?,0e ndenexgy. Instead of Into umUm surplus fat 7 32S2i JV' B Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE . MAIN 298 US lA ANT ADS, j lng npartraont Hi. !!.. .... Mtu ri . "M ov HAULING rMDoano. Phouo 331-R. lhem:TCll,?0P Three lots on la il'eet' J1'000 down, balance N. Ore "onnle, North 1 s.LijZrrr rr- rM2k.0, M no,1,8t0-. Break- REXtLo... ' Wire 7io o "" wililifd cottage PllfSoutli Fourth street. Bacchi Bldg. En quire Nasburg Grocery. PARTNER WANTED. Hither mulo or femalo of middle age for a Tur key ranch by single man of mld dlo age who thoroughly under stands turkey raising. Prefer one who likes, and can caro for, the baby chicks. Address II. W. It., Times ofllce. FOIt SALE flood team f, 7 and 8, harness and wagon, cheap If taken at once. J. K. Fitzgerald, Phone 31 1C. COOS I1AY TIDES, pel w Is given th tlma and holght of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides are placod In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first line and holghts on the iec ond line of each day; a comparison of conaeoutivo heights will indicate WhCthor it Is hlh nr lnr !. Vi high water on bar, aubtract 2 houri 34 minutes. Date. the Golden housos and tholr romovul will Improvo the nppoaranco of that section of town. It Is expected that the ZImnier ostato will erect a now building on tho corner soon. Mr. Kimball, husband of tho formor Mrs. Zlmmer, Is expected horo soon from Portland with his family to mako their homo on tho Day. Kpworth League Social An Ep worth League party is to bo given this evening nt ttio Mothodlst parson ngo where Rev. and Mrs. Itutlodgo will bo host and hostess. 8 15 Hrs. .0.35 Feet .4.0 Hrs. .1.49 Feet .3.9 Hrs. .3.04 Feet .3.6 Hrs. .3.53 Feet .2.9 Hrs. .4.61 Foot .2.3 Hrs. .5.41 Foot .2.3 Hrs. .0.21 Feet .C.l Hrs. .0.58 Mny. 6.39 1.13 8.29 4.7 0.7 4.2 7.43 2.03 7.22 4.3 1.0 4.5 8.58 2.57 10.11 4.0 1.3 4.9 10.11 3.51 10.63 4.0 1.5 5.2 11.18 4.40 11.38 4.3 1.7 5.7 12.15 6.38 0.0 4.7 1.9 0.0 6.25 1.39 0.24 0.4 4.9 2.1 7.10 1.59 7.06 THE WEATHER, (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Thursday; westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPICRATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. m May 8, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo toorologlcal obserror: Maximum 59 Minimum 47 At 4:43 a. m 50 Precipitation nono Wind northwest; clear. benrch for Hody. Coronor Wilson has roturnod from n trip to tho hills near Coos River whore ho and a party went to try and locate tho corpso re cently discovered tuoro by R. E. Pino- gor. Hon smith, SI Noah and Frank Smith accompanied him. Thoy woro uniiblo to find any traco of tho skolo ton which Mr. Plnogor roportod and Mr. Wilson now thinks that Plnogor was Just Joking. Ho said that thoy searched carefully tho country whoro Mr. Plnogor was. Mr. Plnogor was not familiar with tho country and was not posltlvo that ho could find his way back to tho scono but tho others in tho party woro very fam iliar witu it. SICK AND INJURED 44, Aloe Hall who has boon laid up for a few weeks with rheumatism and grlppo resumed command of tho ferry Transit today. Wins Honors. In tho annual drill contests of tho Oregon Agricultural Collego cadets. Fred McCormnc, of Marshflold, won second place In tho pnvato-s individual drill. Tho con tests woro hold last wcok. Tho two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Pottlt of North Marshflold foil from a chair this morning and broko his forearm. Tho llttlo daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Thrush of Enstsldo sUBtatnod a brokon leg a fow days ago. Sho was playing around tho horses and ona of thorn stoppod on hor. Tho fracture 1b a bad ono. Don Bhort who has been III at tho IIIIHs Short homo at Ton Milo was ablo to bo In town today. Hero for Fight. Frank Street, of Chohnlls, WaBh., has nrrlvod horo for his match with Jess Day. Tho fight will probably bo a 20-round go. Street Is accompanied by Q. C. Kit terman, of Tacoma. Ih Promoted. E. P. Shirley, form erly In chnrgo of tho Marshflold United Wlrolc-s Station, has been promoted to manager of tho United WlrelesH Stntlon nt Central Point, near Med ford, which Is tho most powerful Btatlon on tho const, It Is Raid. Meeting Postponed. Owing to tho amnll attendance tho mcotlng ofttho .Mhrminold improvomont club cnllod for last ovenlng wns postponed. Tho committees nro at work forwarding tho various lawn and gnrdcnlng contests. Miss Adams, tho city librarian, was Bllghtly Injurod by a fall last ovenlng on tho sldowalk nlong Mar- Kot nvonuo. Tho walk had Just bocn laid nnd tho planking had not boon spiked down. Sho stoppod on tho loose end of ono of tho planks. ALONG TUB WATERFRONT Tho Tramp arrived In today from Port Orford. Tho Nnnu Smith nrrlvod in today from Day Point. Tho Rodondo is duo In tomorrow from San Francisco, ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pura Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes Ute food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar PERSONAL NOTES FRED KRUSE of Catching Inlet la a Marshflold business visitor today. MR8. O. C. BRIDGES of Coos Rlvor la a Marshflold shopper today. MRS. DEN McMULLEN of Myrtlo Point Is a Marshflold visitor. MRS. S. A. YOAKUM of 8outh Coos Rlvor Is a Marshflold shopper to- day. North Bend News Mr. nnd Mrs. Garflold Simpson and llttlo daughtor, Audroy, will leavo about tho mlddlo or tho month for Portlnnd, thoro to visit friends and relatives. MR8. T. M. DIMMICK of Coqulllq Is visiting friends and relatives in Mnrahflold. Mrs. R. L. Cavanaugh, who hh boon quite HI nt hor homo at Eaat Bldo, Is now slowly Improving. Tho Mothodlst Episcopal Ladles' Aid will moot Thursday afternoon at tho church on Virginia and Moada avenues. DR. AND MR8. IRA D. 1JARTLE. of North Bond, woro Marshflold vlsl tors last ovonlng. TJio Droakwator Is duo in oarly to morrow from Portland. A. R. McDONALD returned to his homo nt Dlnck Creek, Ton Mile, toaay utter a Btiort stay In town. DAVE DUNCH enmo down from tho Smlth-Powora camp on Coon Rlvor touny on business. Ih nt ICugenc. Mother M. Agnes, who has supervision of Morcy hos pltal at North Dcnd nnd who Is woll known on tho Ray whoro sho hni spent consldorablo time, Is now nt l Eugono, whoro sho has chnrgo of tho 'Kugono General hospital, which tho l Sisters of Morcy havo acquired, I Will Hold Services It Is nnnoun- ced that tho Rov. J. T. M. Knox will Church next Frldny ovonlng nt 8 o'clock. It Is oxpoctod that, tho now mlnlstor of tho church will roach horo from Nebraska within a fow weoks. Tho RiiBtlor sailed today with a cargo of hay for Dandon. Tho Wllholmlnn snllod yesterday for Floronco with a cargo of gouora! merchandise. Tho Graco Dollar which was hung up on tho mud noar Emplro for nwhllo sailed today for San Francisco with a cargo of lumbor from tho C. A. Smith mill. Kreet Flagpole. C. W. Evortson has purchased a 44-foot flag-polo and Saturday will erect It at his homo In Wost Mnrshflold and will havo tho Stars and Strlpos floating abovo his placo all tho tlmo. Ho Is beautify ing his placo considerably nnd will probably bo ono of tho principal prlzo winners In tho contost launched by tho Marshflold Improvomont club for beautifying tho town. Tho Mlreno which snllod yostorday for tho Columbia Rlvor roturnod to Coos Day to nwalt bottor woathor. When they ronchod n point opposlto tho mouth of tho Sluslaw, thoy en countered a torlfllo gnlo which mado It Impractical to continue tho voyngo. JUDGE COKE and wlfo nro oxpectod homo tomorrow on tho Rcdondo from tholr trip to Klamath Falls nnd San Frnnclsco. MRS. M. PLAI8TED nnd dnuchtor. Vloln, pnssod through horo todny on rnuto from Coqulllo to Eureka, whoro thoy will visit frlonds. MISS DESS1E COKE, a dnughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Coko, complet ed hor school work for tho yonr nt Jioriioioy yostorday and Is ox poctod homo tho last of tho wook, Tho sixth sllvor modal contest to ho givon by tho North Dond W. a "i U., Dr. D. I). Clarko, superintendent, was hold last night at tho schooi houso at Emplro. Tho pupils had docoratod tho building with rhodo dendrons, huckloborry and Ivy, nnd wolcomod tho contontanta heartily. Twonty-flvo attended from North Dond. Olon Grout was tho fortunate winner or tno modal. . .CATCHING 1NLKT ITEMS J. W. Donobrnko and son, Rojb, loft Hlllsboro today for Marshflold. Thoy aro travollng overland nnd nro coming to mnko their homo with his Hon G. A. Donobrnko. . .iMIIton Epporson nnd Guy Roes woro tho guests of Vorl Donobrnko Sunday. Ilov. J. E. Connor will hold an.. vlcea onco nioro nt Ros'b Bchoolhlousa May 19 at 2 o'clock boforo going to tho conforonco. MRS. ARTHUR NELSON and llttlo daughtor Dornlco will nrrlvo horo on tho Rodondo tomorrow to visit p( tho homo of hor brother, Fred Weaver. It Is announced that tho Stonmor Homer has been chartered for four months' sorvlco In tho AlnBkn trado and will mako hor noxt trip thoro from San Francisco. Tho Washing ton will hnndlo tho business to and from Coos Hay hlthorto handled by tho Homer. Moves HoiikCN. Henry Hnvorkamp has bought tho threo old residences at the cornor of Marhot and North Second streets, nnd Is moving thorn on his proporty nt Forndalo, near tho Lapp property. They were known as Tho Steamor Washington nrrlvod In today from San Francisco Capt. Wlnklo reports that he encoun tered tho sovorost storm bo has known In years along tho coast. On tho Inst trip down tho coast, ho en countered southwesterly winds and coming back a strong northwest wind provalled. Tho Washington will sail from horoSunday morning. Call at the Royal and got particu lars for tho boys' contest tomorrow night. Lots of fun. stu- .. . eatle anrt ir,Jer-v m,lk C0WB! P3Xs. g00d milkers. Phone fc.!!JUW - Furnished rihop " at Leader 4KWTniMr sale. LLeader Barber shop. FSSHFr'10'' Address B. '. b l.llinn lilmil.n ft. -v"l tamyjic, ui, i Ine sunny Uouse-keep- WANTKD Hoyo under 11 to nlug tomorrow night at the Royal. Call at theatro for particulars. WANTED Experienced girl for gon ernl housework. Call at 135 North Second. IIARflAIN SALE; 40 horsepower auto for J600; first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost new S3000: will sen ior j"""' terms. John L. Koontz wacniuo shop, North Front sireoi. ru.. 180-J. . FOR SALE One new 20-foot gaso line launch. see wax i'm. nian, 862 North Front stret. Next Friday we are going to make a new piece of candy. Its a good one one of our best. It is called 1915 WAFFLES JAS. O'HARA, who wns "rolled" a row days ago for $77, loft this morning for Curry county. It wnB reported nround town thnt O'Hara'B money had boon roturnod to him, but O'Hnra donlod this. MRS. RICHARD NOBLE nnd son. Clnronco, of this city, returned, homo yostorday from Myrtlo Point I nftor sovornl days' visit with hor father. J. C. Hnyncs, nnd alstor, Mrs. J. M. Armlgton, of that en, ., MIsb Solata Howo will teach a t monthn' torm of school In tho Ross district, commencing In July. Mr. nnd Mrs, Gcorgo Balnea and children, of Mnrshflold, visited Mr. nnd Mrs. a. A. Donobrnko Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. D, A. Hodson spent Sunday ovonlng at tho homo of V. W. Hlgglneon. Mrs. C. W. Crnwford, who has boon vUltlng hor Bister, of Rosa In let, will leavo Tuosday for Mnrahflold Mrs Nowlaud has boon aufforlng with rhoumntlsm but la nblo to bo around again MRS. WM. J. MURPHY expects to leavo Friday for Mlnnonpolls, If you can sing and happon to bo a boy undor 14 you mny win a prlzo whoro sho will spond tho Bummer nt t lloynl tomorrow night. Par wlth rolntlves. Sho will also mako tlculars at tho theatro anyjlmo. briefs visits In Portland nnd So- Lbt,y COAL. The !nd YOU hare nttlo on hor wny oast to hor old, .,,.,, ,.tl nnnu., M .. l,oln0i ALWAYS IHED. PnONB 73 Paclflo " Livery ft Transfer Co. MRS. R. K. nOOTII Is oxpectcd homo on tho aoxt Nnnn Smith from San Francisco, whoro sho hna boon visiting relatives. Miss May Hot. nett, l-er slater, will probably re turn with Mrs. a. A. Dennett lator for a month's stay on tho Bay. MRS. C. J. MAHONEY arrived horo today from tho Couqlllo whoro sho has boon visiting relatives. Sho will visit horo with Miss Mamlo Mahoney and Mrs, Ellznboth Ad ams until Frldny whou sho will leave for her homo at Floronco, The stores will have it on sale Saturday. If you knew what we know about it's crispness, it's freshness, it's goodness, you would, every one of you, take some home to the kids Sat urday night. They'll like it and you'll like it. Made Friday sold Saturday eaten Sun day. That means you'll want some more Monday sure. Good Candy Trv Tho Times Want Ada. Lcroy Thackor, Watortown, S. D., .Bays: "I suffered with rhoumatism for ovor olght years, and It corned nt times I would go crazy with pain. Throe bottles of Foloy Pills cured my rhoumatism and I glndly recommend tl em. Sold bv Red CroBs Drug Co. Dayton Bicyelcs Marshfield Cyclery IUOYOLES FOR RENT KW Always li If You Arc Not Using You Are Not Using the Best FLOOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality