A CITY THAT IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CAN NEVER EXPECT TO GROW GREAT u'ANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES " .... v..- Ural Ifetnta "In Strops WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIME Will Kwp tho Incoiuo from Yo Furnished Rooms from Lnpflill YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that Uttlo extra Income as "steady as a clock." tbo Market" Effcctivclyl it will put the facU about jour .nnnrtr boforo 'Uo eyes of all "pos- S buyers" in town. And It f'Vono of thorn who ought to 'r,i? vou'll noil It! 0u - MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV tCstnlillslied In 187H MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. ns Tlu Const Mnll A Consolidation of Times. Coast .Malt nnd Com liny ilvvrtKcr. No. 252 g-R Jfi JU iifw SAN DIEGO IN Two Policemen Wounded and I W. W. Agitator Fatally Hurt In Melee. ' nicnnVER CACHE OF WEAPONS AND DYNAMITE Olfendersn!Sje Escorted prom ony au ' Not to Return. inr Associated Proas to Coos Bay ' ' Times.) SAN DIEGO, Call.,' May 8. A rc ..i nf tho campaign by tho pollco ltd citizens today agaltiBt tho I. W. ff which was brought nbout by tho ' founding ui i"" i'v."v-...- -- -V..M.- f nnn nt thn ncltatorn last Slfht, resulted In tho dlscovory of a ttihO 01 OlgUl ruiOB uuu luYui.uio, tro flasks bollovcd to bo nltto li.,un nml thn HubBoauont''arro8t Jj 50 men. Joo Mlkolnsh, tho wound- Id I. W. W. memuor, pruuuuiy win t. i ...ml. nt thn fillv fnr liniln ilrsbles was participated In by scores of special pollcomen, cltlzonB, Unltod BtatM sauora ami iiuiriuua mm . Ullercd to bo tho Intention of tho po- ll. I. tnkn nil thn tllOn BOlZOd tO tllO ejuklrts of tho town nnd aend them itrou tbo desert wuu a nnui wurn Uj never to return. FIGHT LOAN GUARANTEE fcMto Committee FiiIIh to Approve I Central America ruin. (Br Associated Prosu to Tho Coob Times.; WASHINGTON. D. C May 8. Jt Nlcarnguan nnd Ilondurnn lonn liiranieo conventions woro hiioivou todiywhcn tho Sonnto commlttoo on foreign relations by a tlo voto of bov- Itttoievcn failed to report favorably. I Tie conventions hnvo boon stubborn 1 j fought. HE WITH ' S TODAY Four Men Shot, Three Probably ratany, and Many Injured xn Pennsylvania. S(B; Asioclatod Pross to Coos Day Times.) POTTS VI LI.K. Vn Mnv In n Ihttle bctwontl Hin otntn unllon nml m trowd estimated nt two or throo lniana men at Minorsvlllo oarly ItOU&T. fnilP llimi nrn iMinivn in ttnvi . --- ...v.. ... j IUIUIIII WW ,J, PB mot nnd throo nrnlmlilv fntnllv" ponded. It Is ballnvnil thnt n rinznn iff Bore others nlso woro struck oy i-e bullets, a womnn hit by n brick p iae arm was painfully wounded! ugni occurrod In tho coptral Wt Of tOWII wlinn tlin nrmif.1 n "opted to provont Supt. Goo. W. r?""i uio l'lno Mill ConI Co. from Nltery. a iint.w ii.m. f ..n,a Rationed at Uutler arrived horo to- 6... . a "m" of twolvo mon wna pi to Minorsvlllo. I SLATED as-J. Hill Announces He Will -unm nusmeni ot me Great Northern. E; A$soclated Press to Tho Coos vPu, v"a? Times) 'ul rt.i0UK' May S Jnmoa J. . cnairmau ot tho Groat Northern nt ,V a"lved hero today and said Eid nf Tk .V. " u,a) resignou na told L.8 North Ilanl" roi'l. onhffn "t? I'resmont of tho Oreut 'U Lonl. inBar"nR tho position r,V, S1' y- would hold upon onM ..' """ 'vi"i no nimsou hmv?fthe Qreat Northern, but "Ict tn n son rGmnn on deck bers nf ,i" wo utn will uo ." inn r ,be executive commit-. !tke in , h ?ot "Y whether or fd n i v" a euuirninn or mo 111. le succeeded by Louis W. Wpcoj. CHANGE SOON v V0UK to"8ucceol firnv As ip0aTLANr!,ak Resident, FOR POSITION w York containing the state- I. W, W. IT; TS E I. W. W. Three Agitators In Jail Charged With Incendiarism In Washington. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) DELLINGIIAM, WnBh., May 8. Three I, W. V. agitators are In Jail nt Sumas today chnrgod with burning tho flftoon thousand dollar plant of tho Cllno Lumbor Co. nt tho border of town oarly today. Tho mon woro pormlttod to sleep In tho mill over night nnd at five o'clock this morning tho flro broko out. Tho mnln portion of tho plant wns destroyod. Tho agi tators nro spreading throughout tho country seeking to cauao strikes In tho logging enmps and mills. PUlUEF OF REFUGEES Marooned Inhabitants of Louis iana Flood District Being Aided. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times ) NEW ROADS, La., May S. It la bollovod by thoso In chnrgo of tho flood relief thnt practically all of tho mnrooncd Inhnbltnnts of Polnto Coupco 1'nrlsh will bo rescued boforo tho ond of this wcok. Toxns and Pacific Railway ofllctals say that their road transported seven thousand por tions from points along their lino nt tho upper part of tho Parish. Wnt ors from tho Torras crovaBso contlnuo to sprend over west Daton Rougo nnd Ibcrvillo parishes. Tho situation of tho country between tho mnln lino nnd tho Port Allou branch of tho Toxns nnd Pnclflc Is gloomy. Tho main lino of tho rond Is washed out In numerous plncos and tho in habitants or tho Interior arc cut off. Tho government Bont lloot motor bonts Into thnt territory todny. Coquille Man Wishes Seconit ' Hearing of Murder Case Immediately. V, R. Footo, charged with tho murdor'of Chns. Wilcox at Coqullla and In whoso case tho Jury disagreed at Coqulllo Inst weok, will Insist ou a rotrlnl nt an early dnto. District Attornoy Goo. M. nrown nnd Deputy Prosocuting Attornoy Llljoqvlst wanted to postpono tho second trial until September but Footo and his uttornoys hnvo not ngrood to this. C. A. Sehlbrodo, one of Footo s nttornoys, stated todny thnt thoy would try nnd got a rotrlnl Immod Intoly. Judge Coko will convene nn nd Journod term of circuit court nt Co qulllo next Monday nnd It Is pre sumed tho dnto of Foote's second trlnl will then be detonnlned. Ono ronson, It Is understood, for Insisting on tho second trlnl nt an enrly dnto Is to get whatever benefit Is to bo dorlvod from public senti ment which seems to bo greatly In Ills favor Just now. Footo Is now nt liberty under a $5.000 bon(li-)uuinnrr ment of James J. Hill thnt ho would succeed to the presidency of the Great Northern, Cnrl R. Gray, presi dent of the- North Dank road, stated he expected to leave for the east In tho near futuro to assume his now duties. Gray would not say whether Joseph R. Young, hend of tho North west Commercial Company, would succeed him as president of tho1 North Dank, but It is learned from nn un questionable authority that he will. SOCIAIi and DANCE will be given at SUMNEIt, SATURDAY evening. Prof. Keyser will furnish the music. Sumner, leaves Marshflold at 7 and Cooston nt 7:30 p. m. UPESIRABLES MILL BURNED: DM FOOTE WANTS EARLY TRIAL IST OF DELEGATES ARE TAFT IN Peculiar Situation In Republi can Primaries In Maryland Roosevelt's Leaders Feel Safe. ' (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) 11ALTI.MORE, Md., May 8. The nttltudo of tho Tnft lenders In Mnrj land townrd tho peculiar situation that might develop through tho work ings of tho now Btnto primary law was still undeclared today. While tho delegates olectod to sit In tho Btnto convention appeared on tho pri mary ballots with no designation to Indlcato their affiliations, completo unofficial returns Indlcato that leav ing tho matter of Instructions nsldo a mnjorlty of thorn nro personally friendly to Taft, Some ot tho lendors sny thoro will bo 08 such Taft dole gates to the 61 known to favor Roosovolt. -While tho Taft loaders claim they enn control tho or OF SEC. KNOX Marine Arrested for Theft of Over $2000 Worth of Her Jewels. (Dy Associated Pros, to Coob Bay Tlmos.) , I.OS ANGELES, Call., May 8 A mnrlnc aboard tho cruiser Maryland Is In custody today chnrgod with hav ing robbed Mrs. Phllandor O. Knox, wlfo ot tho Scerotnry of Stato, of diamonds valued at moro than $2000. Tho gems woro stolen from Mrs, Knox during tho tour of tho Socro tary nnd his party In Central Abior tca. Several of tho Btolon diamonds woro rccovorod In a pawnshop. Thoy will be sent to Mnro Island to bo used as ovldeuco whop tho marlno la brought to trial. Captain II. M. El liott, cruiser Maryland, declined to dlsciiGR tho nllcged robbory. VALUE NOT GREAT. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 8. -W. L. Coombs, secretary to P. C. Knox said today whon asked to con firm tho nows of tho theft of Mr. Knox's Jowols that tho valuo of tho booty had been oxnggornted. Mrs. Knox missed tho Jowols whllo U.i pnrty wns travelling from tho Cnnnl zono to Snn Joso, Guntomnln, on tho Mnrylnud. Steamer Arrives From Portlanu This Morning Sails South This Afternoon Tho Alliance nrflved In this morn ing from Portland, nf tor a fast trip down the coast, making tho run from bar to bar In 16 hours. On tho Inst trip up, sho nlso mndo n faster run thnn sho has made In Bovornl months. Tim Alllniipn hnil n tjnnil rnrcrn for Coos Day and n heavy shipment of through froignt, Among thoso arriving from Port land ou her woro tho following: A. narnoKorr, u. w. Lawrence, w. u iinsWlns v. H. Mcrtroom. C. Johnson. W. D. Garvin, nort Melvln, rcvnlv Mnlvln. Ilav Wnddlo. II. Don- nldson. J. McCarthy, Mrs. L. Stratou, Mrs. E. R. Urawioru. airs. J. it. K'llnn. Mrs. n. Whltlock. H. D. Ste orison. D. H Watson, C. II. Gilo nnd Mrs. M.Olson. M. Tracy, Mrs. Plnlstod nnd Vloin Plnlstod woro the only outgoing pns sensors on tho Alliance from horo for Eurokn, DALLAS GETS MYSTIC SHRINE Conclave of Order Will Be In Texas in 1913 New Officers Elected. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Call., May 8. Ernest A. Cutts, of Savannah, Ga., was olected Imperial outer guard by the imperial Council of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Dallas, Tex., was chosen for the 1913 conclave. William J. Cunningham, of Daltl moro. was elected lmporlal potentate, nnd William S. Drown, of Pittsburg, and Denjamln W. Rowell, of Doston, were elected imperial treasurer and Imperial recorder, respectively. ROBBED W ALLIANCE IN AND OUT TODAY Hon of the state convention and tho personnel of tho nntlonnl dolegntcs, Roosevelt lcadors assort they hnvo no fear of such n complication ns would. rou tnem oi tno iruits or mo victo ; thoy claim on tho prcforenco voto. The completo republican voto figures for tho stato glvo Roosovolt 20,124, nnd Tnft 26,000. Tho domocrntlo vote wns Clark 34,283, WIlBon 22, 436, nnd Hnrmon 7168. UNDERWOOD IN LEAD Defeats Gov. Wilson In Mississippi Primaries. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) JACKSON, Miss., May 8. Oscar Underwood defeated Gov. Wilson de cisively in tho domocrntlo presiden tial primaries In Mississippi Tuesday nccordlng to figures compiled today. Not moro than twenty-flvo por cent of tho registered voto was pollod. Sec. Knox In Address Outlines Commercial Possibilities of Waterway. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) , SAN FRANCISCO, May 8. Secre tary of Stato Knox today Inspected (ho site of tho Panamn Pnclflo Inter national Exposition, had luncheon with tho exposition ofllclnls, nnd this afternoon rovlowod flvo thous n'nd troopB- at tho Presidio. SAN FRANCISCO, May 8. Urg ing the people ot tho Pacific coast to prcpnro now for tho trndo opportuni ties In Control nnd South America which the opening of tho Panama Ca nal will bring thorn, Secretary of Stato Knox, In nn nddreBS hero at tho annual banquet of tho California Do volopmont Hoard, declared that throo duties confronted tho pooplo of the west; to strengthen their commercial standing in tho countries of tho Car- ribean through tho efforts of capablo1 ropresonintivos; to proviuo trans portation facilities for tho oxpected Increnso of trndo; nnd to hold up tho hands of tho prcsont administra tion In its efforts to dovolop tho. re sources and commerce of thoso coun tries by plnclng them financially upon tholr feet. Quoting tho aphorism thnt "thoro 1r n tldo In tho nffnlrs of mon thnt, tnken nt tho flood, leads on to foe tune." Mr. Knox warned his nudl- enco that "It will not do fqr you fnr . westerners to rolnx your proparatlvo activities and sit Idly nmtd tho splot. .dors of your great exposition, watch ing your nlort compotltorB respond ing Instantly to tho knock of oppor tunity . Your agencies 'should bo seasonably actlvo In ovoiy country whoro you hnvo n chnnco to gain n fresh commorclnl foothiK . You need tho ships to car ry your wares nnd to bring back luc rative returns." nut, whllo painting n bright plc turo of tho potential richness of tho country to bo brought by tho canal to tho doors of our Pacific ports, Sec retary Knox warned them thnt; bo long ns political disorder provalled In thoso countries, It wan not to bo expected thnt a commercial dovolop ment could Uo forced upon them. " 'Do mon gnthor grnpes of thorns, or figs of thistles?' " ho quoted. "Cnn you expoct nn Impoverished, perturbed nnd ombnrrnssed commun ity to throw open vrldo tho door of practical opportunity?" With this policy pursued whoro needed In tho countries about tho Carrlbcan and with tho addod Im petus given to trndo by tho opening of tho Pnnnmn Cnnnl, Secrotnry Knox prophesied n similar develop ment of mnrkets for tho products of tho Pnclflo const. Tho country which tho Canal will opon up to Pn clflc coast products, ho said, Includes Northern Hrazll, Colombia, Vene zuela, nrltlsh, French nnd Dutch Giilnnn, tho custom coast of Centrnl America nnd tho West Indies. Tho foreign commerce of two of these countries which by tho oponlng of the canal will become commercially tributary to tho Pacific coast ports, Colombia and Venezuola, ho placed at over J5C.000.000. Tho opening of the canal, declared Mr. Knox, will glvo our Pacific coaot an immonso. Immediate market In Centrnl nnd Northern South Amorlca for tho wheat, flour, lumber, petroleum, ma chinery and dry goods which It pro duces. "It Is, Indeed, tlmo," he said, "for the manufacturers, merchants, farm ers and exportors of tills country to consider the tremendous possibilities that tho construction of the great waterway between tho two oceans by the United States has placed within their grasp, and to consider, also, as directly affecting tholr Interests tho diplomatic and commercial, Ppiicieg WWVWV'A (Continued ob past .) PANAMA CANAL 'IS CDEAT AID FATE OF GOMEZ'S GOVERNMENT TAFT TO MARE President Arranges for Extend ed Tour of Northern Ohio ' Next Week. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WINCHESTER, Ohio, May 8. After consulting tho ropubllcnn load ers In Ohio, President Taft has dw cldod to spend ton days moro In tho stato boforo tho primaries, May 21. Ho will lonvo Washington noxt Sun day nftornoon for Marietta nnd will glvo most of his tlmo to northorn Ohio. Tho last npcoch ot his cam paign will bo mndo nt Dayton tho night of May 20. Taft left Cincin nati today on tho Inst day of his tour of southern Ohio. T Washington Judge Will Re quire All Foreigners to Honor Stars andStripes. (Dy Associated ProBS' to Tho Coos Tlmos.) nELLINGIIAM, Wash., May 8. Judgo John A. Kellogg, of tho super ior court hns placed n largo Unltod Stntes flag In his courtroom and will forco all allons applying for cltlzon Hlilp pnpors to swoar nlloglnuco to tho omblom In tho futuro. "$" MILL1S NOT GOING It wns stated this nftornoon thnt C. J. MIIIIh will not attend tho mooting ot tho council this 4 ovoulng. It Ih understood thnt 4 ho fools thnt ho hns mndo his position plain and nlso tho do- 4 4 sires of tlio company and that it 4 4 is now up to tho council to do 4 4 as thoy wish. Tho frauchlHo 4 4 which thoy grnnt will bo ro- 4 4 forred by him to tho hlghor of- 4 4 flcliilu of tho company. 4 444444444444444444 EXPECT ACTION Expect City Council to" Grant Some Kind of Franchise This Evening. , According to tnlk around town to day, It Is likely thnt tho Marshflold city council will this evening grant tho Southern Pacific Bomo kind of n frnnchlso, It wns not gonornlly oxpoctod thnt tho frnnchlso that tho council will grant will comply with tho requostB of tho Southern Puclfla through C. J. Minis. However, Mr. MUIIb Ih un derstood not to bo ompowerod to dovlnto much from tho kind of a frnnchlbo which ho first requested but will refer tho frnnchlso which tho touncll may grnnt to tho hlghor ofllclnls of tho Southern Pacltle. It Is oxpoctod thnt tho council will Insist on tho "common usor" clnuso being rotnlned in tho frnnchlso. This 1b tho princlpnl dlfforenco botweon them nnd C. J. Mlllls. Another problom thnt will probab ly como up tonight will bo whothor tho frnnchlso will bo grnntod for Front stroot or for Ilrondwny. Slnco tho discovery that tho Terminal Rnll wny'a frunchlso lenvea Drondway In practically tho snmo predicament ns Front street, Bomo of tho city olflclnls feel that as long as tho Southern Pacific will hnvo to mnko n legal fight for It probnbly thnt thoy would just aa soon take tho franchise for tho west aldo of Front stret. Al though tho Terminal is now doing ac tive construction on Front Btroot ond not on Droadway, It Is expected that thoy will get busy on North Droadwny and double the track Im mediately If the Southern Pacific Is awarded a franchlso thoro, making the situation Identical. This will probably bo put up to Mr. Mlllls this evening and whether ho takes tho Front street or the Droadway fran chise It will be for him to determine. Tho Terminal company Is proceed- MS M W L Illlli PROVISIQM A Repudiation of Would-Be Heat! of Mexican Rebels Causes Strange Mixup. STILL HOPES"' 0R0ZC0 WILL RELENT Gomez Will Be Left In Bad Pre dicament Unless Situa tion Changes. (Dy Associated Pros to Coos Dnqr Tlmoj JUAREZ, Mexico, May 8 TUfl provisional government established hero Inst Saturday by Emlllo Vafiquc Oomoz hangB In tho balance. Tub repudiation of tho civil nuthorliy which Gomoz no provisional president crcntcd to govorn tho destinies of tiro republic Is worrying hm greatly Gomez and his associates doclnro " misunderstanding hns occurred. 'A niOBBonger from Gomoz Is hurrying to Orozco to plnco boforo him cc tnln documents calculated to mnkB him understand. Should Orozco null Gomoz fnll to ngrco ovontunlly, Gom ez will probnbly find himself In nn embarrassing position. Tho Mbxtcith govornmont will arrest him on tint chnrgo of treason should ho vontuuo Into federal territory and In Juarea or tho rebel zono ho Is virtually .a, prisoner of Orozco. Gomoz today stated that ho acted In nccordanco with Orozco for monttm nnd as onrly as March 2 tho revolt tlonnry Juntn at El Paso, ho assorted, proclaimed him provisional president and BlmultnnooiiBly Invltod Orozco to Join tho revolutionary cnuno. Go moz exhibited documonts to prov0 his nBHortlons. He oXhlbltod lottorrt of Orozco accepting tho ofllco of mili tary; chief of tho revolution nnd coV rospondonco In which Orozco wel comed Gomoz as provisional prool dent. Pnscual Orozco, 8r., assented ( to Gomoz'a Btntomonta. 1M ! 11 I I I T SfflEB SOLD G. W. Shelly Trades Prosper Real Estate for J. Machado Business. O. "W. Shelly todny closed a donl whereby ho secures tho general inor cnntllo btiBlncBB of J. Mnchndo, at Myrtlo Point. Tho deal Involved nbout $18,000, In tho transaction, Mr. Mnchad" takes over Sponcor'H Addition to 1'ronpor, Including 2D0 lots. It was owned by Mr. Sholly and C. R. SpoiiD er, of Gnrdlnor. Mr. Sholly will at onco nsuunio Urn management of tho business nt Myrtlo Point. Mr. Machado estab lished the business a number of years ago and built up ono of tho host re tail concerns In tho Coquille. That Mr, Sholly will mnko n buccosh In hta now vonturo Is tho wish of tho ninny frlonds ho hns mndo throughout Coon county. Ho will mnvo his family from North Iloud to Myrtlo Point soriu. Who will Hiicceod him In this terri tory Is not announced. Officials of Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton Vic tims of Maniac. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Timet. ) SEATTLE, Wash , Mny 8.- Chns. Dltton, ngod 30, asslstunt dockmustor of tho Pugot Sounti Navy Yard at nremorton, Wnsh., wafl shot and killed, and Goorgo W, Trnhoy. m;od 40, dockmustor, was Hhot fntnlly to dny by John Hnloy, ngod 45, who luid beon declnred Insiuio by phyBlcluus, but wns permitted to go about imilei observation. Hnloy wno omployod ' tho navy yard 20 years and harbo.od a doluslon that the government owod him a largo sum of money. Hnloy to day purchusod n pistol and went to tho dockmnBtor's office and bogai firing at Trnhoy and PR ton. Ing with Its work but not us nctlvfi ly us a fow days ago, leading to some talk oS, there still being n possibility of an ngreement bolng reached bo tweon thorn nnd tho Southern Pacific. Today, teams aro hauling tho pave ment removed from Front street for tbo tracks away. It Is likely that piling will havo to bo driven along Front Btroot to get a foundation for tho roadbed, The track has beon laid on Droad way south of Mill slough and tho planking will be put back as soon aa tbo lumber can be secured, M 0 TWO SLAIN BY INSANE MEN