ff .maf r if iiumtn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 4 t Tf re- T-ryjr NO DEFINITE ACTffll TAKE (Continued from pago 1.) nnd that ho was trying to got tho ofllclals to consent to doing tho other work from this end northward but had not Bucieodoci. Couucllninn Morclinnt Raid that If this waa Impossible, thoro ought to bo Botno tlmo limit on when tho road was to bo completed lioro from Hu gono and suggested that it bo Juno, 1915. Mr. Mlllls said that ho could not promises that in tho franchise Mayor Straw wanted to know what limit Mr. Mlllls would Uko to havo put on it and tho lnttor retorted nono. Ho said It was ltnposslblo to say Just what obstacles thoy would moot In tho construction through tho now territory nnd consequently could not bo bound by nny such tltno limit. Ho Bald thoy hoped to havo tho lino dono in two years but ho was not prepared to plodgo It . Mayor Straw interrupted with tho fltatoment "I thought wo had somo prospocts of gottlng a railroad but it looks as though wo woro not very ouro of it. What's tho uso of grant ing you n frnnchlso, Mr. Mlllls, If you won't nood It for moro than throo years?" Mr. Mlllls said that thoy wanted to know that thoy would havo access to tho town when thoy did como nnd romarkod that It lookod bb though It would tako tlirco yonrs to got tho franchise Ho said It was not fair to put a fow years tlmo limit on tho construction of a road, Mayor Straw said that ho didn't boo what thoy wantod it sooner for and didn't sco what thoy would uso tho tracks for. Ho said that ho would rnthor inako tho franchise offoctlvo when thoy got horo nnd savo tho company tho Interest on tho mon ey of building tho local tracks. Mr. Mlllls ropllod that thoy could In tho inonnwhllo put on through eorvico from Myrtlo Point to North Bond but Hint If thoy wanted to mnko tho franchlso offoctlvo when tho lino got horo, that would bo nil right. Councilman Allen Bald that ho had novor built many railroads but that ho was confident that If tho Southorn 1'nclflc really wanted to como to Coos Lay thoy could build horo from Eu- gono In throo years. Finally Councilman Merchant mo vod that tho Southorn Pacific bo allowed four yonrs in which to finish tho lino horo from Eugcno. Ho and ForgUBon votod In favor of it and Alton, Savago and Copplo ngnlnst it. Finally, tho council decided on tho throo-yoar limit. Mayor Straw again declared that ho would voto any moasuro that did not contain a common user clause Councilman Copplo thought tho Broadway proporty ownors ought to bo consulted about tho requiring of a common usor clnuso for n lino thoro. Councilman Ferguson said Hint ho had Boon Gow Why nnd tho lnttor doclnrod that "Ho no caroo n dnm. Lot "om como." L. M. Noblo nald ho foil "allcu sanioo- as Cow Why." R. F. Williams said ho objected to nny moro lino on Hroadwny. Finally Mayor Straw said thnt ho wantod City Attorney Gobs to Include n common usor vlnuso In tho fran chise ngnln Friday night. Ho said ho would Insist on it and If tlio coun cil votod It down, It could bo Horateh od nut. Ho mild ho would pay far tho oxtra trouble. Councilman Furguson said ho would pay for tho paper. Finally, tho railroad mnttor was passed up until Wednesday night. Franchise In l.cnutliy. Tho council meotlni: ononod with tho rending of tho rovlsed franchise as propnrod by City Attorney Gnss. It wns longhty nnd carofully drawn, covorlng ovory phase of the ultuniiou. After tho muling of tho franchise, Mr. Mlllls arose and said that It was his understanding that tho original draft as prosontoil by him wns to hnvo boon tho basis of tho now frnn chlso and that it was to havo boon drnwn up by tho city nttornoy in that capacity and no other. Ho said that tho now franchise wns foreign to it In many roBiioits mid Included mum objoi tlomible features whlrh woro a tho location. Ho said thnt his com pany nnd tho C. A. Smith company needed to got Into tho eastern mnr kot nnd could only do bo iy having railroad facilities. Ho declared that tho San Francisco lumber mnrkot Is moroly tho dumping ground for tho lumber mills on tidownter on, tho const nnd that tho Coos liny in ills being on tn pel led to compote In this dumping ground mnrkot had been nblo to mnko vory little money. Ho said that rnllwny connections with the interior would mean tho doubling of tho puyrolla of tho present plants on tho liny. It would mean at lenst, ho said, the Installing of dry kilns, planing mills, etc. Ho roforred to tho SubIi and Door fnetory as on ly employing ton men or so now when If it had n railroad to tako Its product direct east, It would omploy Bovcnty-flvo or moro. Ho said tho water rato plus tho railroad rato practically oxcludod thorn from tho eastorn markets, not to speak of tho dilllculttcs of reloading and tho loss es Incident thorounto, Furthermore ho snld a ralroad would boost tho coal Industry by opening up tho WIN lamotto Valley to this territory, coal tliero being $ 12 a ton. Besides this, ho said tho railroad would moan tho coming of thousands of tourists horo ovory summor. Ho estimated, In comparing ,thls section with Ya qulna, that tourists would spend at least $750,000 per month for three months ovory summor horo. In con clusion ho road a tologram which ho sont horo Baying that ho was willing to dlsposo of tho Tormlnnl company with its common usor clauso to tho first railroad that would insuro out sldo connections for Coos Day. Wright Sends VJons. W. U. Douglas road a telegram from E. W. Wright in which Mr. Wright stated that ns a taxpayor ho wlshod to urgo tho council to off or ovory Inducement ponsiblo to tho first railroad. Mr. Wright rosldcs nt Portland and last summor tnndo somo hoavy invostmonts horo. Ho cited Portland and Raymond, Wash., as in stances whore lnrgo cities had boon built by only ono railroad. Ilia objoct scorning to bo to offsot tho "bottling up" theory. In concluding his mes- sago ho Bald: "Marshflold without a railroad is a good placo for monoy loadors and note shavers but not for city builders." Grimes Makes Talk. Wm, Grimes wns noxt cnllod on. As n stockholder in tho Tormlnal Company, ho snld that ho was willing thnt ovory posslblo lnducomont bo given to got a railroad for Coos Day, Ho said that ho was oven willing to glvo up tho Tormlnnl frnnchlso or turn ovor part of tho stroots on which It holds franchises to another road. Dr. McCormno followed with n brlof talk in which ho snld that It was up to tho council to grnnt n right of way through tho city to tho Southorn Pacific. Ho said thnt.nlno tonths of tho pooplo favored granting somo sort of n franchlso to tho Southorn Pacific. Ho said that ho porsonnlly would rnthor sco tho linos all on Front stroot. Ho said thnt It nppcarod ns though it would tako a littlo tlmo to thrcBh tho franchlso nut but thnt ho was confldont thnt tho pooplo would bnck up tho council In nny ronsonnblo franchlso granted tho Southorn Pnclflc. Mr. Mlllls snld thnt ho thought tho mnttor could bo Bottled all nt onco. Councilman Copplo wantod to know what City Attorney Goss had found out about tho right of tho coun cil to detormlno tho locntlon of tho Terminal Hallway's tracks on Front street. Mr. Goss snld that ho had not boon nblo to find nny lognl wny whoroby tho council could oxorclso this nuthorty ovor tho Tormlnal Hall way hut that ho hnd not completed uih investigation or tho mnttor. Mr. Mlllls again mndo boiiio rofor. onco to tho now franchise containing mnny now points nnd Mr. Goss ro tortod hotly. Ho Bnld that tho fran chlso only Included mnttor thnt hnd been suggested by tho city olllclnla or momuors or tlio council nnd ho did not wnnt it Inferred thnt thoro was anything wrong about It. Tells of Negotiations, Mayor Straw lunulrod of Mr. Mlllln why tho company objected to uslnc tho Terminal to allow tho Southorn nnd now they wanted at least a Pacific como in on Its linos nnd to chnnco to try nnd force n right of dotermlno n ronsonnblo into. Ho way on Drondwny. Ho snld that un- Bnld tho council could nlso chnugo lsss this section was changed bo as Mm frnnr.hlsn so ns to olliiiliittto tho ro ollmlnato tho nddod protection tho Tormlnnl'a tracks, Mr. Mlllls ropllod that It wns bo enuso It was foreign property nnd thoy objectod to pnylng trlbuto on ovory enr nnd ovory train thoy brought to Coos liny. Ho snld that ho had hold conferoncoa with C. A. Smith nnd J. W. Honnott nbout tho mnttor which woro futllo and ended in tueir to nc hlni thnt tin. Biirprlso to him and must be to the Southern Pacific must como In ovor city council. Ho will Hint It wnn tho Tormlnnl linos. ll uniri im im,i ono thnt was not nttrnctlvo to any mndo ndvnnees In tho mnttor In hopes railroad but was rathor ropollant. . of relieving tho council nnd city of n Ho nskod Hint It bo discussed Itout by perplexing situation and that ho had 01"- ' Unnlly been Invited to cnll off nouo. 11. I Williams asked If tho conn- tlntlons. Ho snld tlm tii SnnM.ni.., ell hnd taken into consideration that tho l A. Smith company hold n frnnrliUo for IU tramway lino for ul) foot on Hroadwny north from Curtis avenue and that If tho South ern Pacific van kIvoii tho right to lay two lines on Hroadwny bolides tho double track of tho Tormlnal It wnul 1 mnko live lines iiIouk his pro perty. I'. .1. Simpson's View, Mayor L. J, Simpson of Pnclflc wanted to como in on Its own rails In Its own way. Furthormoro ho said tho Tormlnnl Hnllway's fran chlso provldod for hourly street car servlco ovor Ita Front streot lines an I be did not wnnt to incur tho dan gor of running stonm trains on the snmo t melts with streot enrs. Col .Grimes wantod Mr. Mlllls to tell more about tho negotiations. Mr. Mlllln said thnt nftor v. s North Chandler and L. J. Simpson had ro- P - ... ... .. .... ,,.,, .., ., , 'iiiiiidii 11(114 IT Henl wns present and nskod ttt bo, turned horo ho had takon tho matter nCI'lnlttml In nitr n few wnr.lu I.. m u.lll. !.... a .1... .. permitted to say a fow words. In his addrosa, ho grew oloquont nnd 11 ei. In his annoal for n rallwnv. He dedarod that what Coos Day nee 'e I moro than anything else was n railway. Ho snld that ho hnd wait- up wmi mom and tint thov nmi Mr Grimes hnd exprossed thomselves ns porfectly willing to turn ovor thoir Intorosts In tho Tormlnnl to got a rnllwny hero. However ho snld that hold only fifty por cent of ed patiently for twolvo yonrs to got tho stock and did not hnvo a majority ono and thnt ho wna gottlng tired of control of tho directory board of tho wnltlng. Ho said thnt ho wnntod to Terminal Hallwny. Consequently ha get It In tlmo so thnt at loast his snld ho had boon compellod to turn to iiui-Mt-i! tvuiiiu iiujiiy Kunio 01 im eon-; 1110 people oflts. Ho said that Coos Hay had just two othor possibilities for dovc Jopiront. Ono wns the growth of tho O A, Smith Industries -nt tho othor tho doing of Bomothlng by tho Mounahn Woodonwnro Co. Howovor, ho doclarod that ovory tlmo ho trlod to locate a fnetory at North Bond, tho ownor would ask him what lino of rond It was on and whon told of the situation, would rcfuso to consldor Inquiry wns mndo of him rolatlvo to the common user clnuso In the Broadway linos. Ho objected to It and snld thoy could not accept It. Ho said they woro on a bnck street nnd that It waB not essential nnd thnt tho common user clauso In tho Tormlnnl franchlso took caro of the water front, ho Buppoaod. city Attornoy Goss suggested that objoctlonablo foaturo nbottt hourly stroot ear scTVIcofon Front street. Mayor Straw wanted to know of Mr. Mlllls how nbout tho common us or clauso on North Front street for tho Southern Pnclflc. 0. F. McKnlght, attorney for Mr. Mlllls, entered objection to a provis ion in tho frnnchlso providing for tho uso of tho grooved .girder rail on paved streets. Mayor Straw interrupted him with a query ns to what waa to bo dono about tho C. A. Smith company's tramway franchise on South Broad way. Mr. McKnlght replied that thoy wcro not nfrald of that franchlso bothering thorn, Intlmntlng that It was not valid. Mayor Straw angrily retorted Hint It didn't makn any difference, that tho franchlso wnn a dobt of honor which tho city owed Mr. Smith and It should bo protected. Mr. McKnlght said that ho thought tho franchise only provldod for crossing Drondwny and that It would not seriously Intorforo. How ovor, It wns found thnt tho compnny hns n franchlso for 200 foot along Broadway although thoy do not uso It. Nothing wns dono nbout It. Messrs. McKnlght and Mlllls ob jected to a provision requiring tho compnny to put In stono or concrotu bulkhoads whoro nocossary or tho proporty ownors did not walvo tho right. Tho council after somo dis cussion adhorod to It, Mr. Mlllls fin ally saying that It would bo all right and that ho was vory good naturod. Then ho explained thnt ono ronson why ho wno so enroful about tho fran chlso was that it would hnvo to go to tho directors at Now York for appro val and that ho would not bo thoro to oxplnln tho noccsslty of certain stipulations which might soom to bo an addod hardship. Mayor Straw again rolllod up dur ing tho discussion of this provision nnd inquired of Messrs. McKnlght and Mlllls whnt thoy meant by ask ing tho council to glvo nil Its rights nway. Ho said that thoy woro going to retain a fow of thorn nnd that ho didn't Intend to dolcgnto thorn to any railroad company. Tho mayor added that such demands woro In sulting. 0. F. McKnlght wnntod to know If tho mayor didn't proposo to allow n discussion of tho frnnchlso nnd grow Indignant ovor tho ninyor's romnrks. Finally thoy took up tho noxt soctloi rolatlvo to tho blocking of crossings. Tho frnnchlso provldod that no crow ing should bo blocked by trnlPB moro than flvo mlnutos at a tlmo or moro tnnn twonty minutes out of n-.y hour. Mr. Mlllls said .that with a block sys tem, tho tlmo was too short and nsk od thnt It bo niado twenty minute. Councllmnn Alton nnd others thougnt u BuoiiKi romnin nvo minutes. Tho common used clnuso again enmo up for discussion nnd Mr. Mlllls nsKou that tho common cnrrlor pro vision of his frnnchlso bo substituted. Mr. Goss Bald that It would bo Just ns woll to loavo tho wholo thing out ns tho common cnrrlor clnuso didn't monn nnythlng. Straw Threatens Veto. Horo Mayor Straw nnnouncod his first posltlvo Btnnd on tho frnnchlso although previous expressions during tho ovonlng hnd Indlcntod that It was coming. Ho doclarod thnt ho would not Blgn nny frnnchlso thnt did not hnvo a common usor clnuso In It. Ho snld Hint thoy might run It thrnncii ovor his voto but Hint ho didn't enro. "I don't enro If It monna that tho houinorn Pnclflc doesn't como horo," doclarod tho mayor. "Wo granted tho Tormlnnl Hallway n franchlso for tho-purposo of provontlng n mono poly nnd I certnlnly will not ernnt n monopoly now on ono of our prin cipal Btroots. I want to glvo tho Southern Pnclflc ovory roasonnbto consideration nnd nil that would bo accorded nny othor railroad but I eortalnly shall Insist thnt n common user clauso bo Included In thoir frnn chlso." Tho discussion of n common usor clnuso ended horo. Provision for u $10,000 gunrnnteo bond was mndo nnd nlso for a roprosontntlvo of tho compnny horo to nccopt aorvlco of notlco from tho city. S. P. Wins One Point. Then n soctlon of tho frnnchlso which required tho Southorn Pacific to protoct tho city in litigation aris ing from othor conflicts with othor franchises was read. It provldod also thnt tho Southorn Pacific iniiBt not encroach on tho Tormlnnl Railway's rights. City Attornoy Goss oxplnlnod that ono part of tiro soctlnn wmii.i nmply protect tho city nnd thnt tho othor hnd been put In ns nddod pro tection for tho Tormlnnl Rnllwny. Ho 8ald thnt romo hid suceos'.vi ihu Councllmnn Snvngo said that It wni only fair to try to protoct tho Ter minal company. TJhon a question wna brought up nbout tho right of tho council to reg ulnto tho Tormlnnl'a tracks on North Broadway. It holds tho right to lny two tracks In tho centor of tho streot, tho snmo as on Front Btrpot and If It should lay two tracks In tho confer of tho streot, thoro would not be room for tho Southern Pacific also to uso tho streot; Councllmnn Copplo said that If thoy couldn't rogulato tho location of tho Terminal's tracks on Front street ho did not see how thov cnniii nn Broadwny. And if thoy couldn't, he eortalnly did not want to try and protect the Tormlnnl to tho extent of onnbllng It to block out anyone olso. Savago said that ho would llko to soo both linos uso Front Btroet. McKnlght snld that they wnntod to but thnt they wore shut out thoro from tho Terminal, they woro tied nnd blocked out. Councilman Savago said it would bo better for tho city to buy ono of tho Terminal's Front Streot tracks nnd present It to tho Southern Pnclllc than to havo tracks on both Broad way nnd Front Btreot. Copplo said some had. tried to havo tho city own tho track In tho first place but could I not do bo. ,,.,., ; Councilman ForgUBon snld that ho was opposed to any blocking gnmo 1 and wanted to sco competition. 1 Savago said that It certainly wasn't 1 right to glvo a right to tho Terminal I Rnllwny nnd then turn mound nnd ! glvo tho aamo thing to tho Southorn Pnclflc. Copplo snld thoro ought to bo boiiio ' wav to nrovent nny blocking gnmo. Mnypr Straw Interrupted by saying thnt wns tho reason why tho common usor clnuso wns Inserted. Anywny, ho snld ho didn't soo why it was nec essary to confine tho railroads to theso two Btroots. Ho Bald thoro woro only 1200 acres In Marshflold and ho could not soo why tho littlo spot bo tweon tho hill nnd tho Bny wns so ossonttnl. Ho said It lookod ns though thoy could go clear around tho town. Councilman Allen snld that If tho stockholders of tho Terminal Railway roally had tho Intorosts of tho city nt heart, it looked as though thoy would tnovo thoir lino over n littlo bit on Front street for tho public good, Thoro wns moro or less discussion nbout it nnd Mr. McKnlght snld that nil that thoy woro asking in tho mnttor was a chnnco to fight It out with tho Tormlnnl railway. Allon wantod to know If thoy couldn't fight It out Just ns woll nbout Front street as Brondwny. Finally Councilman Copplo moved Hint tho portion pro tecting tho Tormlnnl Railway bo stricken out nnd tho motion wns car ried, all voting for It. pjimiiiCIs STETSON SHOES-STETSON IIATg ZLGC1LER BKOS.' LADIES' SHOES CLQETT - ARROW SHIRTS KEJSEft BARATHEA NECKWEAR Standard makes of the World's Best. "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, Marslifield. Bandon. - After tho Bhow try a Turkish Batb Phono 214-.T Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday Evening, May 4th F. S. DOW, Agent. OowmDod, IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE About tho fllro of your shoos, It's somo satisfaction to know that many pcoplo enn wear shoes ti slzo emallor by shaking Alton's Foot-Eonoo, tho antiseptic powdor, Into thorn. Just tho thing for Dancing Parties, Pat ent Leather Shoes, and for Breaking In Now Shoes. Whon rubbers or overshoes becomo necessary nnd your shoes pinch, Alton's Foot-Easo gives instant roller, sold ovorywhoro, 25 cts. Samplo FREE. Adress, Alton 8. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Don't ac cent nny substitute. I - Blanchard's Livery Wo hnvo Bccurod tho llvory busi ness of L. II. llolanor, nnd nro pre pared to rondor excollont sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Bny. Careful clrlvors. good rigs and everything Hint will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for a driving horso. a rlir or nnvthlnir ncednd In tho llvory line. Wo nlso do truck ing business of nil kinds. HLANGHAHD 1SHOTHEHS Phono lilH-J Livery, Feed mid Sales Servlco. 111 First nnd Alder Streets. We Have Been Successful In buying n largo stook of first class Eloctrlcnl matorlal and enn glvo our patrons a vory low price on Iioubo wiring. Got our price you enn't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance lt North Front Street EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SSMp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FHON AINSWORTH DOOIC, PORTLAND, AT 0 A. L Wit 1st, HtJi, llltli, lHUi, 2!Jnl nnd 28th. FROM MARSHFIELD AT m SERVICE OF THE TIDE ftlAY Itli, lOlli, lBlli, 20th, 23th and (Mb L. A. PARKHUI18T, Agtit, Phono SfAla 821-L I THE FRIEND OF 0008 IIAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Cocs Bay for Eureka Wednesday, May 8, at 4:30 P,M, CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT POuTUXD NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 4 1. o. F. McOnORGE, Ajt VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondb EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUBMARINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY Tuesday, May ?, At 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono II. o. F. .McGEOHOE, AtL Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Sui's Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J Get Busy AND OCT AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COME IN AXD GEI OUR PRICKS ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES 81.00 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, SI. 25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. KETAI L DEPARTMENT. Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors and Supplies. PHONE 18 l-R. 170 So. ltrondwny, next door I'll Ion Meat Market. to 'My littlo son had a vory sevore cold. I was recommended to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and hofore a small bottle was finished ho was as well as eTor." wriin. fM H. Silks. 29 Dowllng street, Sydney! Allfttrnllnn TKI ..,.. ' . tho council hold the power to force by all dealers. ' r M,e rflCaS !? write IEKLKV .1 "ihniiimV Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. Coqullla Offl.e Phone 101 MarshHeld Office U'J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Oensral Agente "EASTBIDF." WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. Don't be surprised If you havo an attack of rheumatism this spring Just rub the affected parts freoly with Chamberlain's Liniment and It will soon disappear. Sold by all dealers. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY nUY SHOES FROM 91 PER PAIR UP. , onTJ,K ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP iSOSo. Rron.lway Marflhflold A Modern Drlck Dulldlng. Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. nOTEL COOS (3. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshtleld, Oregon. WANTED!!! HARPISTS UPHOLSTEIUKO J PIANOS TO CLEAN, oy v i pinmiino nomnanr. " iiork taken nt ,TrPi' GOING & HARYE PHONK ivv You Auto Call ftj PHONE '"", gitA Stand front of WJJS wto wiy ogj u Aef " f: Phne H nesiuuui-w - Will make trips w