THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION i ' --- I"" .."Jvl.lV fJ'' I -' Vf MIXVIX3. . Thtn pourtnbotlino "& woo n wh SnrfVUl not Ix injured. WII1CII aro you anxious about when -youi flmell food burning Jlosa -of the food or loss of tho utenBilT Food may bo burned in !'Wear4ver" Aluminum Utensils If (oo much heat is applied; tint tho burning linn no effect whatever upon thorn. Less fuel jj-nccdctl when cooking in "Wear-Ever" utensils, becauso they beat quiokcr and retain heat longer than othor cooking utensils; and food cooked in them is less liablo to scorch. Ereiy' " Wcar-Evcr" utonsil in Bide without joints, scams or solder from thick, hard, sheet iloalnum, 00 per WEAR-EVER taL pure. Can not form poison caioompoundB vita acid fruits or loch, cannot chip er scsle. practical r Indestructible. TRADEMARK i ' ... i Replace utensila that wear out fnthuteatUs that "Wear.Ever" Pioneer Hardlware "Co. ' U20 FRONT STREET ' 'MA113I1FIELD, OREGON. aT&num There Are None Better TliereAreNoneCheaper Mcn'sSuits from $8.50 To $25.00 IPCM MINE ! tow S- ..b&WsbmIEw Wl5 and every garment guaranteed FIXUP rarshfield North Bend. y COOS .BAY TIDES. I)ol w is given th-j tlmo and Height of high and low water at MarahHold. Th tldos nro felnced In the order of occurrence, wHk tin... i.r. I the first line and heights on the oc- wuu mud ui- ecn oay; a comparison of consecutive holghU will Indicate Whether It Is high or low watdr. Fdr high water on bar, eubtract 2 noun 34 minutes. Date. Mny. 7 Hrs. .'6.48 12:25 7.35 0.0 Feet .5'.2 0.3 4.1 'O.O 8 Hr's. .0.35 0.39 1.13 8.29 Foot .4.0 4.7 0.7 4.2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444 i i W. K. Wiseman TIIK OLD RELIABLE ,1 Has Moved From South llrondwny to 341 North Front Street Complete Stock of House Fur nishings. BUSINESS PHONE 200-X KESIDENCE phone 10C.T THE WRATIHET- (Br Associated Press.) On.EaON-.Fnlr tonight and Wednesday; northorly winds. IUS LOCAL TEMPErtATUKE TORT. For twenty-four houra ending at 4 43 n. m., May 7, by DonJ. OstUnd, special gorornmont mo toorologlcal obsorvor: Mnxltnunt DC Minimum 42 At 4:43 n. m 47 Precipitation nono Wind northwest: clour. 444444440444444V NORTH 1DDAY 444444444 4 4444 4 HORN. 4 MOORE To Mr. nnd Mrs. Mooro nt tnoir homo on Broadway, Mondny, Mny C, n daughter. Mr. Mooro Is cook on tho dredge Oregon. TO AND FROM Sweden, Norway, Finland And any othor part of Europe. Now lis tho tlmo to buy your ticket from AUG. FRIZEEN". T7nnl T7r-i. .! lnmiMni ''G8 Contrnl ATonuo. Marshflold. . JltiyK HcMtmirnnt Tho O. K. Res- tnurant has boon sold to Portland parties who nro romodolllng and en larging tho pnco. Will Move Tho Daltlmoro Dairy Lunch will moV6 from Its present quarters on llroadway Into tho cor ner room of tho Gow Whv Dulldlnc iformorly occupied by tho Boston Store. Tho now quarters will bo nicety nttod up. Now Vestry At u mooting of tho congregation of tho Mnrahflold Eipls copal church Inst qvonlng. following vestry bonrd was oloctcd for tho en suing yonr: L. K. Bnllluger, J. W4. Dennett. Dr. Horsfall, Malr Dnno, Dr. McCormac, Harry Nasburg, Bon nctt Swanton, Wm. Lodwnrd and Ji M. Upton. Meet Tonight Tho Mnrahflold Im- tw 66ftrVJ, ruisaN SaK Htvr.R nrurnu 30 years rAiuNO. nL.nL.ui tkcstindmo rilXB, CHUBLAINB. rCLONS, BURNS, ETC. A VALUABLE HOU1CHOLO IALVC. ALL OKUMIir KAVC IT OH WIU.Or.TAI, OH RtWUf aCcc-'t NojiuBjriTurcs. rrojj idifj. tmetfViMirxttuco SANrHANCISCO iJ !U r,,ieJth advantage In btlng reduced in weight as It ensblss the Mrt and Jungs to eipand and porform their work naturally. Toko off jour surplus fat with OBESITY TREATMENT waqslcHy reduce your weight -to normal. With It thero is no starvation flff it you may eat all you w .nt of what you want and you'll feel WteMhe first day you take this wonderful treatment. KIXALL OnEfliTV Tsriu.u . i. . nu .ri..M..l...nntiiiint I M.,rT;en,1beTeraK Yu hardly know you're taking a medlclno at all and .o.uieiy sate, its action compels p-oper assimilation of all Jooas ana aos nutriment wnero It belongi. It w !l convert your food Into muscles, sirtes sinews, brain tlssoes and energy. Instead of Into uieless surplus fat. tomploto treaunent for $1.00. TA y?axcql Star Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. WANT ADS. , WANTED Waitress. moro uairy i.uncu. Apply Haiti- FOIt HA LP -Clienp. Threo lotH on Sherman Avo., nonr Dull Park, 90 x 130 foot, $1,000 down, balauco on tlmo. T. W. Ronnie, North Ilond, Oro. FOIt HALE Cheap, in totiN ulfnfa hay. Apply O. M. Ilolllstor, Ilroak wator dock. FOIt ItENT Siiutll furnUlifd rottngt Inqulro 749 South Fourth street. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 US Stick a Knife Into a pleco of our roaBt beof and note how tondor It Is. Put a morsel In your mouth nnd then you'll know what meat toothsomeness means. Same way with tho rest of meats. Put them to tho test of tasto and tonderness today. MARSnFIELD OASII MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Mtusliilfld'JVlephoneh -North Rend 221 J Two Markets 51 Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to mil at ''wJts-E' The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway and innKe selec tion from the large stock now on hand. Mr. WIUoii lias In his employ h " onl "practical marble an I gr. cutter In Coos county. And none but the best work Is turned out. FOR SALE Four Jersey milk cows; gontlo and good mllkors, Phono 303X5. FOR SALE Smlth-Promlor type writer; prlco J 15. 130 Broadway North. HOTEL FOR RENT Furnlshod; $250 required. Call at Loader Darbor shop. RESTAURANT FOR RENT Or salo, completely furnished. Call 150 Front St.; Leador Barber shop. FOR RENT Fine sunny house-keeping apartment. Sacchl Bldg. En quire Nasburg Grocery. SCOTCH COLLIES 10. Address B, W. n.. Norton's Gulch. Emplro.jOr. BARGAIN SALE: 40 horsepower auto for $001)5 first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost now $3000; will soil for $600 on eat. terms. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front street. Phono 180-J. FOR SALE One new 20-fool gaso line launch. Seo Max Tlmmer man. 803 North Front stret FOR SALE A livery business paying over 40 per cent net annually on the purchase price. A genuine bargain at $3750., Terms. FRENCH REALTY CO., 31512 N. Front St. Dayton Blcyelcs Marshfield Cyclery IIIOVOLES FOR RENT ; NEW GASOLINE SCHOONER OF THE F. C. BARNES rACJUNG VESSEL. Just beforo sailing this morning from North Bond, Cnpt. J. J. Rey nolds tendered a ropoptlpn to a small party of frlonds aboard tho Mrouo, tho flno now gasoltno schooner of tho Barnes Packing ,conrpan.y. Tho Ml rcno sailed for. ttiq Columbia River from whoro sho will no.toiPu:ot sou 11 a to load oannory supplies for AlaBKn. From hero she took 320 cases of salmon and 100 sacks of salt. ( , Tho crow on thoj maldon trip con sisted of CnpU Edgar Simpson na master, George Mny, formorlyof tho Ill-fated Oshkosh, as onglnoor, Floyd Huntloy as nsslstant onglnoor and Wm. Nlcholsoni Tho AHrano was built by Kruso & Banks for tho F. O. Barnoa Pncklng company of Portland and sho will bo used nn tondor for tho company's Alnska canncrlos. Sho Is G5 foot long, litis 20-foot beam .yndG-foot hold and resistors forty-thrco tons gross and thirty-six tons not. Her carrying capacity Is about ninety Ilyo tons. Mnny who hnvo scon hor consider tho Mlrcno to bo ono of tho staunch est, trimmest and most comploto llt tlo vossols that over gracod Pacific coast wntors. Sho has an 80 IL P. Stnndnrd ongluo und 5 II P hoisting cnglno. Her hull Is of Port Orford Codar nnd No. 1 Hr planking was used on hor. In fact, spoclal caro was given to tho soloctlon of all tho material used In buldlng hor. Capt. J. J. ItoynodB of tho F. C. Bnrncs Pncklng company who enmo lioro for tho Mlrcno Is highly dollght od oyer their now vessel and declares that sho Ib only tho first or n num bor of tho snmo typo thnt will bo built on Coos Bay In the near future. provoraont Club will meet this even ing at tho Marshflold Chnmbor of Commorco to porfoct plans for their civic Improvoraont campaign. Wed Tomorrow Tho inarrlano of Miss noso Wall nnd Hurry Winklor will bo solomnlzod tomorrow morn ing, tho RoV. Fathor Munro officiat ing. Only Immodlnto rolntlvea will bo In attendance Tho young couplo will loavo at onco via Bnndon for California whoro thoy will spend tnoir nonuymoon. Threaten Suit. Constable W. B. Cox has bcon verbnlly notified that W. B. Rohrcr, owner of tho Sanitary Markot, will bogln suit against him to recover $90 which Mr. Cox attached to cover n Judgment for D. W. Small and also for $1000 dam- ng$s which Rohrcr clnlms his busi ness reputation suffered as a result of Mr. Cox taking chargo of tho shop. AVlll Sell Interest- J. W. Flanagan of tho Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Is negotiating for tho salo of that en torprlso and oxpocts to retlro from tho oil business. Ho has some othor propositions undor consideration but has not dollnltoly sottlod upon any thing. His many frlonds will hopo that his business prospocts will per mit his romnlnlng n resident of MarahHold. PERSONAL NOTES MRS. WILL FAItRIN of Sumner Is in Mnrshtlold today. JULIUS KRUSE of Isthmus Inlot Is a Marshflcld business visitor to day. , F. S. DOW Is looking after business Interests In tho Coqulllo vnlloy to day. BEN McMULLEN Ib hero from Myr tlo Point today on business and pleasure. DR. s. J. MANN of Bandon Is In Marshflold on business and pleas ure today. MR8. A. 8. FARRIN of Bouth Marsh flold 'oxpfcets to lcitvo soon to visit rolatlvcs In Portland. MAJOR TOWER nridwife of Emplro 'aronBpondlnfe W row days ftt their bungalow h 'South Coos Riven HA31RY NASBURG will lehvo tho lnat of tho weok to jptn his wlfo who Ib visiting relatives in Oak land. PETER LOQOIE nnd R. A Wornlch rot North Bend camo down last ovcnlng to attend tho council mooting hero. ALEX MATSON and wlfo of Catching Inlot will leavo In n tew days to spond tho summer nt their old homo In, Finland. MR. AND MRS. R. A. WERNICII and baby, L, F. Falkonstoln and John Mullon of North Bond woro guests nt tho Chandler today. T GALL SCORES New Series Opens Today Wltlf Portland Playing at Sacramento. 9 13 15 17 16 .710 .'GCS .500 .453 .484 PETER PETERSON of Haynes Inlot oxpocts to leavo shortly to visit nt his old homo in Sweden. Ho will bo absent sovorul months. ALBERT ANDERSON, of GrnntB Pass, Oro., and P. II. Gragnn, of Mlnnosotn, nro on Coos Bay In vestigating Its prospects and resources. GEORGE HARDING, who lives in WcBt Marshflold, Is laid up with n. badly cut foot. It will bo somo Umo boforo ho will bo ablo to got out again. , BTANDING OP TriAMfl . , "W. L. P.O. vaKiana 22 'Vornbn :i6 , San Francisco . .15 'Sacramento . . ..14 Los AnnolcQ ... .15 Portfamf '8 18 ,308 , PORTLAND, Ore, May 7, A now sorlos fit 'gttmod o'pohs In tho Coast iJotfKUo today. Tho 'ctimlhg week, tho tohms play as follows! Portland at Sacrnmohto; Lob Angqles nt San Francisco. Only ono gnmo was played ycbtor day. It wns as follows: At Los Angeloa RUB Lob Angoloa 9 15 1 Ouklnnd 2 2 1 CLUn MAKES I'ljApS North -Bend News Mrs. J. T. McGuIro Is qulto 111 at hor homo on Union Avenuo. Mrs. J. E. Edmunds of South Marshflold Is n visitor In North Bend today. Tho Christian Endeavor met yes tonluy ovonlng at tho Christian church for business mooting and el ection of ofllcors. Mrs, M. Brown Is qulto sorlously HI nt tho home of hor daughter, Mrs. E. E. Hays. Mrs. I. Lnndo of Marshfleld was a visitor hero yestordny. Mrs. L. Hodson who has been vis iting relatives hero for tho pnst two monthB returned yestordny to her homo In South Marshfleld. Mrs. Fred Lyster nnd llttlo daugh ter loft yesterday for n fow months vUlt with relatlvos In Cannda HOWARD'S genuine MEXICAN; TA MALES delivered any placo In the city until 12 O'CLOCK nt nlgliu Thoy are READY to SERVE. Phono :t:J New Bill Tonight at TSe Royal DALTON and TRAVELLE English Comedy Artists presenting "MR. KNOW-ALL AND THE COUN TRV .MAID" A comedy sketch rich with fun and humor, qulto above tho avorago. You can't help but like them. Pretty costumos and good singlng. A prize singing stunt on a barrel for Thursday night .Come nnd find out about It. THREE GOOD PICTURES ADMISSION 10c. You wllj look a good while beforo jou find a better medlclno for coughs nnd colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief It cures. Try t when you have a cough or cold, and you aro certain to be pleased with the prompt euro which It will effect. For sale by all dealers. W, 8. TUAPEN returned todny from Myrtlo Pplnt whoro ho wob on business rolntlvo to tho now city hall there for which ho prepared plans, JIo reports that tho council bad n warm session thero last ev ening relative to street Improve ments. Tho newly cloctcd council men took their positions lart ovon lng. L. T. MATfl'HEWS hnB roturnod from a briof prospoctlng tour Into Jos ephine county. Ho camo by way of tho old Coos Bay wagon road nnd says tho road Ib In very bad condition. In many places tho stngo wheels Bank to tho axlos In tho mud nnd ho snys If Coos Bay pooplo could bco the condition of tho road thoy would novor com plain when tho mall was lato. AMONG THE SICK OO Gcorgo Harding, n workman em ployed In clearing tho Porhnm tract In Wost Marshflold sovoroly cut his foot this morning, n grubbing ax slipping and Inflicting tho wound. Sovoral stitches woro necessary. Ho Is tho second workman to bo injured in this manner thero. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Washington Is duo in today from San Francisco, Tho Ellznboth sallod today Batdon for San Francisco. from Tho Rustlor roturnod today from a trip to Gold Boach nnd Woddorburn. Tho Breakwater will sail tomor rdw morning from Portland for Coos Bay. Tho Alliance sailed from Portland Inst ovonlng nnd Is duo In onrly to morrow. Tho Rodondo sallod this aftornoon from San Francisco for Coos Bay and will roach horo early Thursday. Ellis McCormack, n son of Mlko MrCormack of Rlvorton, who has Myrtlo Point Organization Considers ' 'Many' Projects. Tho Myrtlo Pplnt Entorprlso 'saya: Lost ovonlng, being tho first Wed nesday bvenlnp lrt May, occurred' tll rcgulnr monthly business mooting of tho Myrtlo Club. Bocrotrtry Roberts road a letter from thtl 'Orogon Immigration Com mission, hsklng for tho compilation of dntn for n wrlto-up of our com munity for tho "Orogon Almanac' -tho booklet 'which Is to bo liiibllahed undor appropriation of tho Inst Leg islature. To tompllo this' data a coiumlttco consisting of O. Milton Schult, J. L. Knight nnd K. II. Han son wns appointed, Supt. A. T. Park Informed tho club that Presldont Campboll of tho State Unlvorsltr will bo In this county the first of Juno, nnd ob tho local schools will closo May 17th, It wbb suggested that It might bo woll that tho club tnkc- chnrgo of tho ontortainlng of tho gontlomnrv whllo In bur city. In vlciw of tho fact that tho Myrtlo Club should mako It n point to eh tortnln all porsons of prominence who 'may sojourn In otlr midst, a Btnndlng commlttoo was appointed, with Power to act on ocnsslons of thla chnractor. Tho commlttoo named Was II. I). Stoward, J. O. Stommlor, and O. E. Hilling. Along tho lino of tho California "rnlslti day It wiis nuggostod that a movement bo stnrtod In Coos county for n "Gravonstcln Applo Day." In as much nn Myrtlo Point has not pulled off any Fourth of July col ob ra tion nnd In view of tho fact that a ruco meet Is bolng nrrnngod for the third nnd fourth of July,' tho board of managers woro Instructed tp co oporato with tho fair association and nrrnngo for a program of publlo speaking and sports for tho entor talnmont of tho visitors in tho foro noon of tho Fourth. CYCLONE CARRIES AWAY SCHOOL AND PUPILS BROKEN BOW, Nob. May7 v 4 Thousands of spectators flockodv to this vicinity to gazo with wondor at a llttlo school house which wns picked up by n cy- 4 clono rocontly, carried half n mile nnd deposited right sldo 4 up with n precious cargo of 4 twolvo chlldron nnd tho tonchor, Miss Clara Mills. Nono of tho chlldron woro sorlously hurt, but Miss Mills wns sorlously In- Jurod by tho fall which carried T- hor against a desk. Tho storm 4 camo up Just ob tho tonchor was ' 4 proparlng to dismiss school, 4 4 AVhoh tho pupils, who had Just 4 4 loft tho building, saw tho torrl- 4 4 fylng funnol shapod cloud ap-'4 4 proachlng, thoy flod back to 4 4 tholr dosks In torror. An In- 4 4 stant later, tho building was 4 4 picked up and carrlod ovor 4 4 Holds and foncos nnd two 4 4 crooks nnd sot down In a whoat 4 immi minnlnrr sn !-. T mnAt rA)Antl flOUlt UCVIl IMMMSISfj WIS IMU ItUUUIIUU VVWMW. ly passed tho examination making him a full fledged mnrlno onglnoor and has boon transferred to tho Nann Smith. Tho Homor "wTlfsaiT today for San Frnuclfico. Sho ran on tho mud In tho lower Bay In tho fog this morn ing hut will probably get off this uftornonn. Among thoso sailing from hero on the Homer are J, D. Bowvln, John Bowvln, D. Dowvln, G. II. So u I o, John C. Edwards and J, Guiin. 044444444444444444 HOWARD'S genuino MEXICAN TAMALE8 dollvorod any placo in the city until 12 O'CLOCK nt night. Thoy aro READY to SERVE. Phono nan. Ltbby COAL. The Xlnd YOU harej iLWAYS USED. PnONH 78 Padflft Livery ft Transfer Co. Try Tho TlmOB Want Ads. flV3 If You Arc Not Using sSSrtt You Are Not Using the Best r ;ii iff rHasicuco. kouR Snow Drift Flour Highest 'Quality