r(f -!- Mf-"A JHwhJ.Mrak" ,wi""'.r''v - - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. , ' , 4 I COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor and Pub. AN B. MALONKg Newa Editor Entered at tho poatofflco t Marsh ffeld, Oregon, (or transmlssloa through the malls as second class tryill matter. rjAddrcsfl all communications.! to, , ' ' "COOS BAT DAIMT, TIMES., , Marfdifleld :t ;i : i OrogoM f ' "? THEY WQ, SERVE- 1 lit ' SEC. KMJX IN . FRD MY Is Shown Many Courtesies at Golden Gate Visits Exposition Grounds. (By Associated' P,r,os,to Coos Bay , Time.) ' SAN FRANCISCO, May, 7. Secre tary of Stato Knox arrlvod la San Francisco today. Ho will remain nartu fnr T.o Aliening Ho catno hero i doubt every ono will bq hotly" contest- FIELD MEET H mm at .tho Invitation of officials of tho Panama-Pacific Intornntlonal Exposi tion nnd tho California Dovolopmont Board. Ho was accompanied by Gov ernor Walter E. ClaYk, of Alaska. Tho party was mot by military nnd civic officials. After nn Informal luncheon, Secretary Knox recolvod tho consular "corps and lator was tak en on a trip about San Francisco bay. Ho will bo tondorcd a banquot tonight, after which ho will bq tho guest of tho San Francisco Press Club, FOR PEACE COMMISSION THi. ,A T COSTS somouii0;is,to ao reauy unselfish work for thd peopio. For tho pooplo aro shjw of rc-fljjojflo-dnd tli'eWu wtiojwork$ only ) 'lilmwlf, without regard" fV tho lights 'of his weakor" orottirch, gath ara moro worldly gear by far, and Has a much easier time so far ob Wfi cjnsclohco permits' than the man wiyo attempts to dq something to help rto causo of tho pooplp, It Is no wonder, thoroforo, that many of those young inon and wpmon, TCho, In tho first fluah of that.slncoro Qcslrc to bo of somo benefit to hu iridnlty that comes to mdat young poo plo, capouso somo unBolflsh causo wUoiild, when disappointment comos, drop away nnd dooldo tbnt, after all, tfio thing to do Is ,to sorvo ono'B soli'. Bald a young man tho other day: "I didn't realize, how little tho poo tflo'cnrod. Ab long as you aro doing things for them you'ro all right. But when you ask thorn for n. llttlo monoy Tieoossary monoy to holp tho fcfluso alonir. thon thoy can't sco you. I'm worked hardrl'vo.Rlvon tho best dot was In mo M what's tho uso? r,(Ruew I'vo started, wrong that tho IWflg Jo do la to wqrk ior myspir, anu Int flin nonnln co h'anK." i ,AThia young man ,1s, simply passing' through that vale of djuonchantniont ; Ui rq op n wjupn,nii muni iij wuu ouuh. tfHWr.Y humanity It will bo soon Hcfllcs Froin Mexico Olven Hnvcn fipj ho comes up put of, tho valley ,n utllcd Htntcs. f other ho may bo counted on for,(Dy Associated ITcbb to Tho Cows jilMi or whothor his first, on- jjay Tlmas) mfaHro was ta passing mood. WAaHINOTON, D. 0., Mny 7. laaylpg'hlin nnflttod for tho great ThQ Dopartincnt ot commorco and IUle, pt mankind. . Labor has authorized tho admission miflfor It la. somehow, Ood a purposo'o( ,0 ch,n0B0 t0 eb1o PnB9 untior ttak thoso who pook to do his will Ul0 8U,)orvBlon 0f the govornmonc. B&quM bo compelled tp sacrifice. Tho T, numj,or J80 and nro from tho Wn who Bprvco humanity mupmko laot tho rocont outbreaks -In tin his mind to llvo.na little salary, ,., VCUHO Ills COHCgo CIJHiii, no iiumu uu- flowed by naturo than hlmsolf, grows rich. Ho must, worst of oil, bo juts- undoratpod by tho, pooplo; must, work Vw0 VooA Expert's Successor Not Coos County High School Ath letes Will Contest For Honors 'Here. Tho Coos county high school track meet which ls'bptng planned foi.not Friday, promises, to bo ojio of, ox tremo IntdrosJ as tho fdur, schools which aro ohtorod nro dotormlned to put forth ovoryenorgy to win. Thro will DO 11 ovonia ana ho President Given More Time to Nnmo Mm for Jobs Without Pay. (By Assoclntod Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C. May 7. Tho tlmo for tho Natlonnl Poaco Commission to bo appointed by tho l'ronldnnt lins boon nxtendcd l)V ft Joint resolution passed by tho llotino which continues In forco tho legisla tion of two years ago authorizing tho appolntmont of flvo commissioners to servo without pay. WlXAi ADMIT CHINESE m for tho coort of the causo whllo Uiono for whom hq works stand Idly f by, npplaudlng tho succnssful buslnoss man wJiobo wealth tueaps tholr Ob yorty. , ilA man Is a hero, rue, who goos aown with tho Titanic, that tho womon and cMldroii mny bo Raved. But tho real hero Is tho man who, day by day, Is faithful to his Ideal, Utougli that falthfulnoss cost him and tTiono doar to Jilm thosQ comforts of Anoolntcd (By Assoclatod rroas to tho Coos Bay Tlmo.) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 7. Dr. Harvoy W. Wiloy's placo In tho Chemistry Bureau Is still vacant nnd tho Indications nro that It will not bo filled for some tlmo. Slnco tho res ignation or tho puro food chnmplon uh chief, tho nfralrs or tho Bureau ltnvo beon administered by tho Doc- niintmi MUnlinll niitl DnnlltMn. llfo which ho might havo If ho would composnB tho puro food board. ut compromlso hlB cQnvlatlons; cost nlm unapprccintoa sacruiccs, cosi him the world's obloquy and scorn. A man cannot sorv tho pooplo nnd ho rich. Ho cannot sorvo them truly nud ho always popular. Ho must ox pqqt neglect, ho must oxprct, If not poyorty, nt least not moro than a plain living. And thoro nro tlmos whon ovon death will bo his portion aH It was tho portion of Josus fJJirlBt, Socrates, Jphn Brown, Snvon nrqja and countless others of tho Kreat srvnntH or humanity. HuL tho lUn of sorvlro has Its com poiiHntlons. It dovolopes n tnnn'H consclonco, nnd It gives n man a imnco with tlHH inner mnntnr. Jt kIvoh him tho grflatost blessing of od from tho 100-yard dash, wnicn opens tho afternoon's contents, to tho rolay raco, which closes tho 'moot. Bandon Is coming confident of re peating their provloua porformanbos and In Oalllcr, Laird and Bowman, with a few pthors to holp out, It will ho a hard mattor to stop thorn, but nil tho other contestants aro equally dotormlnod to win. Positive entries havo not beon re ceived rrom tho other schools as yot, but men llko Oordlng nnd Kuowlton, ot Coqulllo, and Grout and Hodsbn, of TCorth Bend, will mako all con tenders oxort thcmsolvcs to tho ut most to win. In Lnrson. Stutsman. Sidney and Ohauncy Clark and Captain Harring ton, Mnrshficld will havo a quintet which will bo hard to beat. Tho managomont Is ondoavorlng to got tho stores to closo and tho Marsh flold Concort Band has given tholr Borvlcca for tho aftornoon, so It will bo onjoynblo to tho fullest oxtont. It Is hopod that not n dull mlnuto will oxlst after tho program opons at 2 o'clock. Everything Is bolng dono which will lnsuro fairness and tho olllclals nro bolng plckod with enro from thoso who hnvo had provlous exper ience. Finns Will Close. Tho following firms hnvo signed a petition ngroolng to closo tholr stores from 2 to 5 o'clock Friday aftornoon, tho hours tho Coos county field moot will bo In progress, In or der to guarantee a largo attondnncq to lnsuro I to success: E. W. Kaminoror, Coos Bay Cnah Store Ekblad and Son, Clary & Hun tor, MItcholl and Jones, Going nnd Harvoy Co., C, A. Johnson, Fox and Cook, H. Flnnoll, Pioneer Hardwnro Co., Retinoid Brothors. D. A. Curry I'orry and Nicholson, M. D. Sumnur, Mnraliflold Hardwnro Co., Howard Jowolry Co., II. Dradflold, II. 8. Tow or, E. D. McArthur, J. 0. Lang worthy, Rod Croat Drug Co., August Fnrloy, Tho Bazar, Wnlkor's Studio, W. T. Merchant, Norton nnd Hanson, Tho Gunnory, Lockhart-PnrsonB Drug Co., C. W. Wolcott, Brown Drug Co., A. W. Myors & Co., Pooplos' C-10-1C Cont Storo, NnBburg'B Grocory Co., L. W. Plnnz, Carl F. Johnson, 0111- vant & Woavor, Goo. E. Cook, E. Don McCrnry, J. 0. Epporson, Bar nard & Langworthy, Mnrshflold Gro cory, Stnuff Grocory Co., Lockhart Grocery Co., Nolllo A. Owens, Clarke Mllllnory, Mrs. Elrod. Mrs. A. G. Alkon, II. C. Mlllor, C. A. Soymoro. Mntson. Blllnrd Hall, Gow Why Grocery, Coos Bay Wiring Co., Elec tric Rlimi Rtnro. tfnrinnn Tnllnrlnir Hlvoi-s nnd Hnrltuni CongrwH nt Co R crosthwnlt, Davis nnd Ash Wiislilngton, I), C. 'man. (Hy Associniou itobs io uoos unj WI LEV'S PLACE VACANT 8t'crotary of Agrlcultiiro Wilson ib said to bo woll satisfied with tho ar rangomont and Bays thoro Is no hur ry nbout bringing tho matter of ap pointing Wiley's successor to tho at tention of President Taft. MKET NEXT DKCEMIJEIt Tlmos.) WASHINGTON. I). C, Mny 7. Tho Nntlonnl Itlvors and Hnrbors Congross will moot In annual con vention In Washington, Decombor 4 nnd 0. according to nn nniioitnrc o.iih Ul . .- . . .. -V ..,.. . t. n. llfo the sonso of roinnleto fellow-l'noni touny uy rrcsiuu.u vwVn ., alii., tullli lila lirnMmp nn.l wllli Ills . Amsaai. God. It gives Mm nftcr tin- twu of tho years, nftor tho roholllona of YOutii havo bixin subdued, that poaco (that piissoth all understanding. ' Aro thoso all Immaterial things? To tho oyo of Impulsive youth, yos. But, as tho yours pass, as llfo draws nearer and nearer Its closo, thoso Im njntortal things count for moro and more And thoy .nro nil a man may scarry with him when ho lenvos thin llfo; thoy nro. nftor all, the only thing;! ho hns to show for tho llfo In tho Nosh. And nlwnys. In tho Ctrl, tho peop'o updnrstaud, and tho world Is mado lienor. If only by a very little. Some times tho woiid'a understanding comon only nftor doath but It ai way conies. And no good Is over lost, Evon tlimigh wo mny not ho nblo to hco tho offeot or our work, wo Itnow it Is nov or Wholly lost, Mo n""i can s'rlvo, sincerely nnd tiniudUalily, for tho uplifting of tho peopio without adding somothliig to that mighty niovement tt'nt, slowly, hnpori'ttptlhly. ago hy age, Is lifting Immunity a llttlo nearer God. SUES ELECTION JUDGES ROSEIHIRG, Ore, May 7. Donlod the privllogo of voting nt tho olec- tlon hold In tho City of Qlendnlo on WILL IS SUSTAINED 1'lrM Chi'iNtlnu Science Church of llohton Mny Ilctnlii legacy. (By Assoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos.) C0NC011D, N. H., May 7. Tho clnuso In tho will of Mra. Mary Dnkor 0. Eddy, foundor or tho Clirls tlnn Science church, bequeathing tho rcsidiio or her estate valued at about $2,000,000 to tho First Church or Christ Scientist or Boston created a April 1, of this year, because ho was V) , u , o of t, not tho ownor of tho roal eatnto, P. C. SlI,,rolno court of Now Hampshire, Ladd, a morchant or that city, baa ' . , , T, t I1...I .,..11 I., tl,n niiil, nnurt nlno Illlllllllllllll.ll IUUII). 1 III! UI ...v... D..,v ... i..u l.wu.l. wu. """ liolds thnt tho residuary clauso Is not ho threo precinct Judges, C. P. Tot-,n ,ft ,0 U)0 cUurch ,Hl a K,ft for ton, W Ham Nail nnd D. N. Snyder, ; rolKous purposes sustnlnnblo aa a domnndlng $500 dnmnges rrom oach ' clinrltntjlo trust or tnom ror tno "nuiniiinuon" wmen, ;g ho says, ho surrorod. Tho complaint Cinn DownrH Kinn rooltim fhnt tlm notion of tho Uuliros ipIWU KBWani, 41UU was based on a provision of the city I Ji'f fj;fe?i IJSlKfoSiUrf "l UllllllUr lllllt 1IU llUllilUUIIUIUUI D11UII bit eligible to vote nt a city election. This provision, tho complaint do dares, directly contrnvones tho stnto constitution, which, as Intorprotod by tho Supremo Court In n test case sev eral yoars ago, gives a cltl.on tho right to voto nt a municipal election, wlinther ho owns rnnl ostnto or not. Tho court nlso hold that tho election 4e.l"e"hRlh?V.'.r9A!!,u,1!.,,?J: , . ... , i. . .. mr lorniiy vfc inni u ihii iui -uro. nrim tur jiuigus wouiii uu iiiuuiiiiuuiu iu ui'iiou tut ol leitln.nnu . for damages. Ladd Is a Socialist and was a candldnto ror office nt tho Glendnlo election. Irtteil to IfHtl) iht irlriire liaa tiern ulik'tnmrn In nil It iUKru.HiKl Mint UCntatnl. lUII'a Catarrh Cure l the only jioilllve cure now known to the ni(sllcl fraternity. f'nUrrn helnif neon. Iltutloiinl ilUt'e. rninfrm h rnnatltutlniul trcftluunt. IIh1I, CnUrrli cure U taken Inter null). urtlnR illrri'tl)' upon the bloo,l ami mil. cnuNUirtai'e of tlnl tem, thereby !etro)liiK the (otiiulallnn of the ilUtase, anil kIvIiik the p lent ttrtliKth fn bullJliw up the iniutltii. tlon anil aWlrif ualure In ilolnj Iu work. Ihe proprtetori have to much faith In fit cur. K. J.CnEKF.Y ACO.. Toledo. O PoM by all l)ruKElit.7.V. Take HalU' Family I'lll lor iliHfatlnu NEXT FRIDAY Wo aro going to mako A NEW PIECE OF CANDY It's a good ono Ono of our best. IT IS CALLED 1915 WAFERS Tho stores will havo It ON SALE SATURDAY If YOU know what WE know about ITS CR1SPNESS, IT'S FRESHNESS, IT'S GOODNESS, you would, every one of you, take somo homo to tho kids Saturday night. They'll like It and you'll liho it. MADE FRIDAY SOLD SATURDAY EATEN SUNDAY That means you'll buy somo moro Mqmmy SURE. GOOD CANDY ALWAYS Iff Harmon Tailoring Company 178 Broadway Representing Lamm & Co. Chicago's High-Class Tailors Announce the Opening of a Sample and Display Room at 178 Broadway. We Show the Finest tyne of Imported and Domestic Woolens Ever Displayed in This City. Regarding the Fit and Class to Lamm & Cos Suits, Ask the Man W ho Wears Them We Satisfy Or No Pay Harmon Tailoring Company 78 Broadway rm I Electric Power Saves Money In Buildine OoeraHnnc Few large buildings aro constructed nowadays without tho extensive use of central station electric ppwer. t ' 1 K peme. The motors can be moved easily from building to building and from floor to floor. They make possible tho elimination of stenm equip, ment, fuel problems, fire hazard and labor problems. Contractors who have not investigated the merits of electric motors in building construe, tion should get in touch with our commercial solicitor. OREGON POWER CO. Telephono 178 BM STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT MARSHFIELD, OIIEGON. At (ho cloflo of business April IB, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans aud Discounts WUJill Banking IIouso 60,0(1N Cash and Exchangon -. '. 151,11111 ' Total I7JUIII1 LIABILITIES. Capital Stook paid tn I 50.039 tl Surplus and Undlvldod Profits 15,511(1 Doposlts CIM1III Total ITIMMII CONDENSED STATEMENT ,- J Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho clouo of business April 1H, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and dlacountB !OM0HI Bonds, warrants nnd soourltlos 7t,MMI U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation 15,(0)11 Real cstnto, furnlturo and fixtures M-"lM Cash nnd sight oxchango 1SI.HHI Total WMSMI LIABILITIES. Cnpltal stock paid In '"i'iiim Surplus nnd undlvldod profit '": Circulation, outstanding ,i, !t Doposlts T'U" Total V9im In addition to Cnpltal Stock tho Individual liability of StoeiWlr ors Is 1100,000.00. ( INTEREST l.II) ON TIME AND SAVINGS DErOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON. VIce-PrI'l1 DORSE Y KREITZER, Cashlor. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nomlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cnrt Rcnoonahlo Rates All Night Servlco Cureful driving assured. Tlione Blanco Pool Room. 231-R until HP. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phone 5-J. Paluce. Restnurant. City Auto Servi uooa uars, ui r"" reasonr.uio ciinis'-"' - AtL "Will go nnywhero nt wl Stands-Bianco Hotel 4 jft Cigar Store. DayPhoDe-5,, NlglH rnono iu. j.A DARKER GOOBALRpWg T. J. 8CAIFB A. H. HODOINI Marshfield Paint, 2& Decorating Co. ECstlmates MARSHFIELD". Furnished Phone H0L Oregor A Correct Insurance Policy Is very essential. If It Isn't correctly written It Isn't Insur ance. Wo wrlto correct policies In the best companies. US. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front BU msfsSA PRESSERS nd IIAT Wa Agent for Edward t. Btitw flnA Tailoring Let ul al next Suit. phAM1 PROFESSIONALOIBSS ii a. j. HKNDnrs Tl ' .' ' .....i priB- - Moaern -"-. ( We are equippea w - i work on short n" " 1 .; orlces. EmtnM.lJ Lady attendant, Coke Wg ia fihandler notel.PhS!i I W. DENNBT1. iAwyw. tmiil )me over nna- - - IarshBeia For All Kinds of Hauling SEE Clifford Doane PHONE 331-R. Don't forget tae Turkish Baths. PHONE 314J. t-nR. J- T. MeOOlUW V Physician and Sort u.M ftrMOS- Mariuuciii Office: Lockhart Bull jj Opposite post ow-'i. Have That Roof WOW See COW11 Vho 111 (1