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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1912)
,- lift . i!-""!- CV f- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. f 4 1Trf -' -' y"YVv COAST LEAGUE SCORES Portland Won Sunday's Game From Vernon But Lost Saturday. STANDING OF TEAMS W. L. P.C. Onklnnd 22 8 .733 Vornon 10 13 .052 Ban Francisco ..15 15 .500 Sacramonto . . ..14 17 .453 Los Angolcs ....14 10 .4C7 Portland 8 18 .308 POIITLAND, Ore, May C Port land won Sunday's gatno from Vor non by a Bcoro of two to ono. Satin day and Sunday tlio games In tho Coast Lcaguo rosultod as follows: At San Francisco It. II. E. San Francisco 3 10 G Sacramento 8 14 7 Second Game At San Francisco It. II. E. San Francisco 7 14 1 Sacramonto 0 0 3 At Los Angeles R. II. E. Los AngolcB 1 6 0 Oakland 0 9 3 Second Gamo At Los Angolcs R. II. Lob Angolos 2 2 Oakland 5 11 At Portland n. ii. Portland 2 8 Vornon 1 0 Saturday's Gnnies. At Portland R. II. Portland 3 7 Vornon G 7 San Francisco R. II. San Francisco 4 7 Sacramonto . .' 7 14 At Los Angclos-p R. Loo Angolcs 5 Oakland 4 II. 0 9 SELLING'S EXPENSE 910,000 Portland Man 8cnt Largo Sum for Senatorial Nomination. SALEM, Ore, May 0. Moro thnn 110,000 was spent during tho pri mary campaign in bohnlf of Don Sol ling's candidacy for tho republican nomination for United States Sena tor. Sovoral days ngo Mark Wood ruff filod n statomont showing that ho had spont $784.10 for Mr. Soiling, nnd a stntoment was filed by Max MIcliol showing expenditures aggro gating $9941.70 for tho samo pur poso. This statomont shows that $10,000 jvob contributed for this purpose Uy Albort Moyer, of Snn Francisco, $2000; by O. Jacobaon, of Portland, $1000; S. Garde of Scnttlo, $500; H. May, of Portlnnd, $4000; Thoo doro Mnnsflold, of Now York, $1000; S. W. Herman, or Portland, $500; Gus Simon, of Portlnnd, $500; Louis Uloch, of San Francisco, $500. RECEIVER NAMFI) FOR ASSET FIRM EUGENE, Ore, Mny C. Judgo Ilnrrls appointed Frco Thomns, ono of tho promntors of tho Lami County Assot company, receiver to closo Its nfralrB. With tho entry of tho South ern Pacific Into tho field Inst year to build n railroad to tho const, tho as sot company found It ImpoRslblo to contlnuo Its plans, so Bold sonio of Its doslrnblo right of way to tho Hnr rlinnn lino. Thero romnlu hoiuo bills for grading and othor construction work to bo pnld. Llbby COAL. Tho Rtnd YOU have ALWAYS UHEl). PHONE 12 Pacific Llvrv A Transfer Co, Ns.18 The CORK CENTER BALI b the Standard Dall of the Came in thU country, at it is the Official Dall of the World Scries, and will be for the neit twenty years. The National League has adopted the Spalding Cork Center Dall for Twenty Years more. The. American League lias alto adopted a I CORK CENTER BALI. and in the World Series games, only ftfvrew r?niTi? ttavyc cuitn. tuniLu uAijijat can ue uicu, SPALDING "Olllcial Notional Uague" The CORK CENTER BALL Each $1.25 iiuii-i'ii mum, jniiw i no wnr ue Send for samples of material for Da.e Dall tween capital nnd lnbor una In this Uniforms, Free. Copy of Spalding cata- country, nt least, boon fought on a logue sent free on request to any address, certain U'vol of common understand m ... i '" ' do m,t mt'nn tho farcical pr- A. G. Spalding & BrOS. 'tenno of tho Clvlo Federation that 150 Ccnry Street Snn Francisco elr imovsts nro idontlcnl, nor tho We Carry a Complete line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Marshficld, Ore. WM. S. TURPEN Architects 171 FRONT BT. THE PEOPLE'S P0RUM Tho Times will bo pleased to pub lish letters from Its readors on all nuestlons n( nubllo Interest. Each I letter must bo signed by tho wrltor, und bo far as posslblo bo limited to ZOO words. In publishing theao lot torn It must bo understood that Tho Times docs not Indorse tho views ex pressed therein: It Is simply affording u means for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting tho public welfaro. HEROISM OF TDK COMMON SKA .MAN. Editor Times: Evorybody knows about tho horo Ism of Captain Smith of tho Titanic and pictures of tho officers have boon published. But thero Ib ono chap whoso namo nobody knows, nnd who gets proclaim little attention, but whoso dovotlon and pluck nnd self sacrlflco nro beyond prnlso. , What about tho common seaman, who lowered tho boats thnt were to savo tho passongors, but stayed bo hind himself nnd wont down with tho shlp7 Tho offlcor who leads a forlorn hopo, tho flro chlof who takes dospor ato ohnncos in n burning building, tho cnptalii who stays by tho ship all nro buoyed up to a certain oxtoni by tho knowlodgo that tho world will know nnd applaud tholr heroism, nut tho common soldior, tho humblo employo, tho soamnn who scrubs tho deck havo no such hopo. THEY KEPT VESSEL AFLOAT "No mnn's lovo can bo groator than this Thnt ho givo his llfo for his friend;" So tho bravo men stood on tho sink lug ship Atjd worked to savo to tho ond. Thoy called good choor to tho life boat crows As thoy rowed away In tho night, Knowing thoy novor again should boo Tho dawn of tho morning light Wo honor tholr memory, tho noblo, tho trtto, Tho men on tho vessel's deck, Who, putting nil selfishness far out of sight,. Wont down with tho awful wreck. Uut what of tho mon who worked . bolow In tho hold of that giant bont, Tho gallant mon by tho onglno fires, Who kept tho vcssol afloat? Down to tho pumps tlioso bravo mon wnlkcd, And tho mnsslvo doors shut fast Nover to open again; nnd thoy know It meant certain death at tho last. No chanco was tho Ira for cscapo on tno wavo. No chanco for a crnft or a boat, Thoso Rhut-ln horoos who gavo tholr llvos To koop tho vosboI afloat Thoy had lovo for tho dear onos loft nt homo As great ns tho millionaires'; Thoy had lovo of llfo and God's groat world As wldo nnd as doop as theirs; Uut tho heart of tho hero boat strong In both, Undor brondcloth or donlm cont, Tho man on tho dock, and tho man bolow Who Icopt tho vossol afloat. Woop for tho many who sleep 'nenth tho wavo Whoro tho plncld ocean rolls, Pray for tho many who mourn at homo Thoso hundreds of desolnto souIb! Hut In paontiH of prnlso that shall honor tho lost Let tho tondorost, holiest noto ning out for tho mon who wont down to tholr denth To keep tho vossol afloat. A SAILOR. SHALL WE CONTINUE CIVILIZA TION? Editor Times: Wnltor Lippman, writing In that tingling, vibrant monthly, tho Inter national, for April, pens a query, un der tho title of "Shall Wo Contlnuo Civilization?'.' tho poignancy of which strikes In with a lumlnnnco and forro that compels nttontlan. Ho snyfl: War as wo know it may bo n cruel thing, but it presupposes a minimum or civilization. It has de veloped rules which hedgo It about bo thnt tho fighting la dono with n coi tnln dogrco of doconcy. Tlioro nro crimes against mllitlnristn Itself. Tho sick nnd wounded nro protect- 'l, tho non-combatant snfo-guardod, trilce8 nr0 rog,,oc,od( nml nD0V0 nll tho fighting Is ovor when tho treaty of peace Is signed, "Wlivii two men nro fighting," hays John Jay Chapman, "and ngroo that thov will atnn nt siinilmvn w. I havo gnvorumont." For, howovor trtMiiciuloiis their differences, thoro ( Is a nilto of common understanding llinri'i'iiiui Ul'.imuil II1IU lliuro la 1 Mich n thing ns h square deal bo 'tween tho oxploltor nnd his victim. ' Whnt both sides havo tacitly accopt j ed is that production shall go on u dor tho terms ngrood upon In the jtioaty of ponce And so, In spito of the Incessant harrying, industry has I continued, Hut lu Lawrouco tho sanctions hnvo collapsed. Tho agreements and consents which havo herotofon I Henry Ferris, Hndnr, Neb., Is tho J father of ton children and for tho past so yonrs na usoci r oioy a lioney and Tar Compound with to beat of losults. He tells us: "I think Foley's Houoy and Tar Compound is tho best cough modlclno in tho world for I hnvo used It for tho past 30 yoars and can recommond it to nny ono needing a cough medicine." For sale by Red Cross Drug Co. clothed tho class strugglo aro torn up, nnd an lrrcconcllnblo conflict is on. Hunger has mot tyranny, and thero is no basis of understanding any more For hunger has risen to say to tyranny: I no longer accept your idenls. We can agree on noth ing. Production cannot proceed. Thnt Is Sabotage Tho dynamite war of tho SIcN'nmnras Is civilized In comparison. It was merely tho old war In more violent form. But sa botage, the secret spoiling of good, isn't wnr. It Is pure and almplo ni hilism nn nbsoluto refusal to con tlnuo civilization on tho present basis. Tho Lnwrcnco strlkors havo como to tho cud. You can Imnglno them articulate saying to tho Ameri can pcoplo: "You will not chniiMJ tho situation by raising your volco In horror, or writing editorials toll ing lnbor to bo good. Putting tho Editors In Jail will not holp you, nor will prnlso of the wisdom of John Mitchell. Labor has got beyond car ing what you say or whnt yut do Your advlco Is rubbish. Your curses nro llko tho east wind. You aro fac ing something which Is at tho roots of modern civilization, something moro arresting than all your prattlo about elections, charter), and tho constitutionality of thin or thnt. "You havo had amplo tlmo to loam and to prcpnro. You havo boon warned by tho beet minds for tho last 50 years. Lincoln warned you, and Wendell Phillips, not to mention Marx, Dismnrck and Lasallo, Hynd man, Uornard Shaw and Jaures. And you havo gono right on oloctlng Mc Klnloy, Tnft, Dlx. You havo scon a fow ripples on tho surfaco, and so you havo turned to Roosovelt, Urynn and La Folltto. Dut tho ground swell you havo ignored. "Your politics is a mockory. Just think of that housofui of incompe tents at Washington. Think of tholr dobntcs. think of what thoy call Is sue, and then look nt us. Our hun ger is tho anBWor to your stupidity. Wo nro too wretched to contlnuo with civilization." Whnt answer shall wo mako to thorn? On what grounds shnll wo ask thorn to bo satisfied? Just think that ovor when you nro oatlng your dinner. I for ono shnll bo glad to davoto all tho spaco allowed to mo in tho next numbor of Tho International to publishing anybody's reasons why tho mill pooplo of Lawrenco should contlnuo to play tho gamo of clvlllzu tion. Would you do it? I wouldn't. If llfo hold nothing for mo but ondlcss drudgory rewarded by starvation., with n chanco to loso a fingor or an arm nt nny moment, and early dcal.i as a cortainty, I should nttrlbuto my ncqulosconco to cowardice If I found that politics was a deception, that nrgumont and facts made no Im pression upon you, tho only thing thnt would keep mo down Is foar of tho police Thoy hnvo got beyond that in Law renco. I don't liko snbotago. Tho fow yards of cloth that will bo spoiled don't mnttor. Whnt matters Is thnt wo, In our greed and stupidity, hnvo driven thousands of human bo Ings to n point whoro llfo has ceased to bo worth living, What stands nbuvo was written about ton days boforo tho ond of tho strike. It is unnecessary to clinngo It on nccount of tho "victory." Let no ono rojolco ovormuch nt tho result. Tlioro aro, to bo sure gradntlons of misery in holl, nnd theso mill pcoplo may hnvo moved up ono circle nut nil tho strlkors hnvo not yet bcon tnkon back, nor has the Woolen Trust shown whnt Its plans nro for preventing a second strike Tho csscntlnl point of tho situa tion romnlns: that tho two sldos havo no common consonts, thnt both will Justify nny kind of move, nnd that what wo aro watching Is moroly n surfaco reconciliation. Having galnod n rew points, thoso workers mny go on with production for n llttlo tlmo longer. Dut nothing permanent Is accomplished. Tho class war is not ovor. Tho advnntngos galnod will soon bo linporceptlble Tho nows papors aro back at tholr old compla coney nnd tho rovolutionnry situa tion is not uroKon because It is cov ered up. PLAN RACE .MEET Tho Myrtlo Point Enterprise snys: "A number of tho promoters of tho fair association mot at the Entorprlso oillco last Frldny evening to discuss tho ndvlsnblllty of holding n rnco moot hero on tho third nnd fourth of July next. A lettor from F. P. Nor ton, the lending horsemnn on tho Ilnysldo was road. Mr. Norton stnt- lug thnt If tho association decided to hold n moot horo, ho would bring his horses hero nnd nssuros thnt there would bo no rncos at Marshflold to conflict. So far ns wo havo been nblo to learn all tho horsotnon of Coos and Curry countlos nro fnvor alilo to bringing their horses horo, nnd with thoso and n number of sad dle horses nnd buggy hnrsos an Inter esting moot can bo arranged. The entrance fees and gnto recoipts In all probability would pay for tho purses." FRl'lT (SHOWERS PLAN Now Organization nt Rrlilgo to For ward Industry. Tho Myrtlo Point Enterprlso says: "The ore' nrdlsts of tho nrldgo sec Hon orgnnlzod tho Drldgo Horticul tural Socloty Inst Saturday afternoon. The fol'owlng offlcors wero olocted for the ensuing year: Geo, W. Stn., president; O. E. Hill, vleo-presldent; A O. Hnoton, secretary; and J. P. Easter, treasurer. Tho following committee on constitution nnd by laws was appointed: C. II. Nosier, E. O. Hill and J. O. Housor. The next mee'lni; will bo held on Satur day, Mav 4, nt which tlmo arrange ments will be made to entertain Com missioner of Horticulture, A. H. Cor Bon. Prof, nimor, of tho Medford Ex periment Station, and Prof. Wilson, of O. A. Experiment Station at Cor vallls, who will make a tour of Coos county the first part of Juno." i STETSON SHOES-STETSON HATS ZIEOITER BROS.' LADIES' SHOES OLUETT - ARROW SHIRTS KEISER BARATHEA NECKWEAR Standard makes of tho World's Best. . "Money Talks" Hub Clothing Marshficld. Steamer Washington Will Sail from San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday Evening, May 4th F. S. DOW, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FRON AINSWORTII DOCK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., MAY 1st, 8th, MUi, 18th, Jiartl nnd 28th. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE JIAY Itli, 10th, 10th, HOtli, 28th nnd 80tli. L. A. PARKIIURST, Agent. Phono Main I15-L. I 'THE FRIEND S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Cocs Bay From Portland at 6:00 P. M., Monday, May 6 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. C. F. McOEORGE, Agent. VST AND Steamer Red ond o EQUIPPED WITH WIREIiE'JS AND SUIIMAHINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Tuesday, May 7, AL 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McGEOROE, Agent. Get AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF. RUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES $1,150 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, 81.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfp;. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENG8TA0KEN, Mgr. Coqullle Otlhe Phono 191 Marshfleld Offlco 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Plattlnc Lands a specialty. General Agent "EAST8IDF," STADDEN All Linda of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY BUY SnOES FROM 1 PER PAIR UP. TnE 'electric snOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfleld and Shoe Co. Bandon. Occam Dock. OF COOS nAY COMMODIOUS Busy WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS VPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneu mntlc Cleaning Company. Orders for Mork taken nt GOING HARVEY PHONE 100 You Auto Call Poote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Phone 28-J WU1 muke trips to Coqullle, Blanchard's Liv. rery .Wo Jlnvo ccrod tho iil .V l'CHB Of L H. IIolBncr nn,r Du,l Jinred to render excellent J tlin tinmitn nt n .'"' B0rv p i. --, ,- "i V.UU8 llnu n " drivers, good rigs n,T, y cefii thnt will ,onn muisC0 ti'o imbllc. piiono M.. ": ""J1, to horao, n rig or nnvtiun" , .rl tho ifvory line. KB, T h Ing business of nll kinds lrucl- I mjAXC!!!M!!..KIts Iilvrry, Vvv mid Suit., , Wg Have Been Successful In buying n lnrgo stock of flri( clnss Eloctricnl mntorinl nnd givo our patrons n very lowpl, on bouso wiring. Get 0Ur p you enn't afford to ml J Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Cs tate and Insurance I'M Nortli Front Rtrwt A Modorn Drlck Dulldlng, EieCw. Light, Stonm Rent. Elcsanilr Furnished Rooms with Rot nnd Cold Water. HOT EI, COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rntos: 50 cents n Day nnd UDwank Cor. IJrondwny nnd Market. Marshflold, Oregon. j We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Calledjfor and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 87-J Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors and Supplier PHONE lfH-R, 170 So. Rronduny, nut door to Union Mont Market MEN of Ui I. who hv mmim Inrtntln tlOk plMO writs UIIKCLKV X V.IWliZ I'awat Allne, truklntua, TS 8U.MMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THB STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. John S. Coke and John K. Kollock, plaintiffs vs. Ella Sullivan, defen dant: Summons. To Ella Sullivan, defendant aboil nninod: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You nro horouy ronutrcd to appear nnd nnswer or othorwlso plead to ti coniplnint fllod against you la Ui nbovo entitled suit in tbo abort en titled Court on or boforo Mondarttt 0th dny of May, A. D., 1912; and If you fnll to rio nppoar and nntwer or othorwlso plond to said complaint for want thoroof, tho plnlntlffs will apply to tho Court for tho rollct demand ed In tholr complaint, a aucclsct stntoment of which is as follow: 1st. That you, Ella Sullivan. U roqulrod to perform tho condltlomcf your ngreomont to purchase entered Into on tho 19th day of November, A. D., 1900, by ond botween your solf nnd L. D. Kinney for John -.,. .i ti, r irnltrwV br U torms of which ngreomont you ajreea nnd promlsod to purcuneu :' , t .- it --.I 1 C I.. IllnfV ?8 Of U m .. . r Tin nin "n". Com 1UWI1H11U 111 VUUB UU, " ' " . , County, Orogon, nccordlng to tno pi thoroof on fllo nnd of record In t" oillco of tho County Clerk of Coc County, Orogon, nnd that you M re quired to pay to tho plaintiffs nereis or Into Court for the use of t plnlntlffs nbovo nnmed the sum w Tliroo Hundred Soventy-Flve ('' Dollnrs now duo undor tho prJ10" of said ngreomont together itn torost tlioreon nt tho rate of i w cont por nnnum from the "I0"' of November. A. D., 1906 to idje. within ton (10) ' 'rJhye0U of entering a decree ngains t you or within such tlmo as the Court mw deem reasonable. .. (n p 2nd. And in caso mjM do within tho tlmo designated orj Court, thnt you and ""PfS Ing nAy right, title or Interest to m real property by, througj o w you, bo foreclosed and ower J roa or nny nnu u -i. "-nertr. tlon or equity in said real I prop V- oP,r Thnt tho n nintlffs Ml" iimi. mu i . 0 (or judgment against you for nwnrdod their costs nnd dlBUursenic"- - , suit nnd for such other and d l w. . i.a Pnnrt may seem n luiici na iu mw ww-.-- tnblo nnd Just. "S.?niuilL. .a rved uponyo; nils huiiiiui" . -,,-., there" Ella Sullivan, by Pb,lct'tSe period in the Coos Day Tiroes for JM ,B. of six consecutlvo weeks ijer sertlons) upon Monday of eac thereof, commencing ""rcn f ,he D 1912, pursuant to an oraer Hon. John F. Hall. County JuW ' tho County of Coos, 8ta te of OJ duly made on the 2Bth day or A. D.. 1912. TOHND.G0SS. Attorneys for rv Postofflco address Merehjew- gon. First National D 'g, V First publication March ". publication May 6, 1912.