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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912 EVEMIMG EDITIOW. I IWHHHrtlffPf ? !- MilIBB HS' WSu CLOTHCRAFT AlhWool Clothes G uaranteedYet Cost No More i ISN'T it worth a great deal to you to be sure,!!, before you buy$them, that your .clothes are all-wool, will hold shape and stylcjjand give satisfactory'wear and service ? No doubt, you would be willing to pay extra for this assurance, and qonsider it a good investment. But it isn't necessary. With every Oldthprn ft Suit or Overcoatj you can have a guarantee signed by the makers. This guarantee makes you sure of pure wool sure of good tailoring sure that your clothes will wear and hold their shape and snappy, frcsli - bought appear ance to the day you dis card them. Thero'scoi rectness and comfort in the fit, too, sure to please you. Yot, with all this in sured quality, Cloth craft Clothes cost you only $10 to $25. In this price rango you will be surprised at what we can give you for $15, $18, or $20. An investi gation of Clothcraft means better clothes for less money. Ready to wear, ready fit, ready for service. MHHBMBMMMIiaigUICM" Just say. 5130-if you I Suitat;$;L5youeversaw. 1 s a iMMBiarmaiMMa Woolen Mill Store MM-To-JImi I'lqtluora . . ' " :.. II .''. .t!'"'..''" ' .'.'.'vf r : & A The Building of a Drug Business square Dealing, '. Wltwt. i4ii..nii. ... 1 .! tAiiF nrtferencfir 11 ik mat iau more aeservca bjiu yu. j , Heielsthennswe.lnanutiheU. ., . . u.,,.,.. , Became we ElVo you a square deal In tvr- Mng you buy because look at n, .. i. t. ,m .nr Ei. Int. You find that out - W.WIV KVtUIU, WM jw . y ume you trade here. , ., .,,,, . Ve believe In doing things a little b!t better than onUm T doing thing a little bit Utter than ordinary that our buslne3 building U accomplshcd.. .. , , ,. ,., ?"e ' a..cnce between the onunary anu - -"a Itrsr -.-.., ,u a mere is a auterence ueiweeii iuo .--,- ",..,- i "fair priced" drug Btore, The "cheap" store or the ordinary Mote Is dan?n,,. .. . "i...i ,ii iflt U a drua store. Your doctor fi'irJiMrydruettort-WM it U reliable-that we will sell on y drugs nd medicines that are pure and fresh, and at the same time we sell every. Mag at a fair price. tockhart- Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE -- MAIN 298 - US Dato. Hrs. .5.07 Feet .G.7 lira. .5.48 Fcot .5.2 lira. .0.35 Foot .4.0 C.45 11.33 4.1 3.9 7.35 0.0 4.1 0.0 1.13 8.29 0.7 4.2 COOS BAY TIDES. Pel.w Is given tb time and nolght of high and low waUr at Marshflold. Th tides are plncod In the order of occurronce, with, tholr times on the first lino and heights on the sec ond lino, of each ,day; a comparison of consecutive heights -will indicate whothor It Is high or low water. For high wator on bar. subtract a hours .34 minutes. May. 11.41 0.0 12.25 0.3 C.39 4.7 .. . THK WKATIIKIt. !. (By ABsoclatod Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and cooler with Hunt frost In oast. , Tuoadny fair and warmer, oxcopt near const. LOCAL TEMr.nrtAT.mU3 JtE- TOUT. For twonty-four hours.ondlng . nt 4:43 a. m May 0, by BonJ. .OsUInd, special govornmont mo- e toorologlcal observer: Maximum 57 (, Minimum 42. At 4:43 a. m 43 Proclpltntlou 02 f Wind nortliwcn; pnrty cloudy. , .. nouN. 4 INQMAN To Mr. and Ira. Oscar Ingman, at tholr homo In KasUldo, a son, Mothor and child are doing fllcoly. Moot Tomorrow. The- Christian Womon'B Iloard of Missions will moot Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock nt tho Home of Mrs. v. A. Hold. Hold Slioot. Thcro wan n. fair crowd out yostordny' for tho regular snoot of tho Marahflold uun Club. Qwlng to tho showers, tho scoroa wero not up to tho average1 80CIAD OALKNDAH MONDAY O C. I. B. Club with Miss Edith HUdonbrand. Mrs. F. S. Dow at Tea. TUESDAY Eaatorn,Star social session Slstors of Dothany with Mrs. P. A. Sandborg. .-: . polltaulBm to Front stroot waa swung In front of tho Magnus & Mataon establishment Saturday. Lo Mloux and MUlor did tho work. Streets Closed. Owing to tho di lapidated condition of Fourth street, botween Curtis and Donnolly, and Sovcnth, botween Flnnngan arid Gold en, Street Commissioner Lawhorno has closed them to trnvol. Thoy will bo repnlred or rebuilt soon. Meet Tuesday. Tho Marahflold Improvement Club will moot at the Chamber of Commorco Tuesday ovoni Ing to .arrnngo for expediting tho movement for tho cltlldron'a garden ing conteBt nnd for bonutlfying tho lawns, homes and streolB lu Marsh-field. PERSONAL NOTES ItOCCO DIASOA of Coos Itlvor Is In Marshnold today . MRS. C. E. EDWARDS of Allegany was n Marshfleld shoppor today. MRS. E. E. DYER was down from Dnnlols Crook today. JOHN SOHETTER nnl wlfo of Ton Mllo wero in Marshflold today. HENRY JARVI8 of Coos Rlvor Is a Marshflold visitor. W. F, HODSON and wlfo of Coos Rlvor woro Marshflqld shoppora today. MRS. WILL .EIOKWORTH of Mllll coma waB tho guest Tif Marshflold rolatlveB yesterday. A. R. McDONALD of Black Crook, Ton Mile, Ib a Marshflold buslnoss visitor, ANDREW OLSON of Ton Mllo Is spondlng a fow days In Marshflold on buslntus nnd ploasuro. Mi'ctlnj; Inter Dorlo Chnptor, O. E. 8., will moot a weok from tomor row night for a social session. It was erroneously announced Saturday that tho meeting would bo hold to- j morrow night. Grt DamngeiH Ludgron brothors whq woro Booking dnmages for Injury to tholr ranches by tho now road from North Inlot to Ton Mllo woro nwardod $14 and $11 nploco by tho County court at Coqulllo last wook. , HiuhIhoiiio BIkh A largo gold sign mat mum nnoinor toucn or motro Mnny At Dunce. Tho band dnnco nt tho Eagles' Hall Saturday night wub largely nttcnuoa. Mnny now numbers wero played, but owing to tho Inability of many mombora of tho band to como nnd tho lack of tlmo to practlco thorn they did not como up to tho wishes of the organization. Resumes Business J. w. Watt, tho apodal custodian placed In chargo of tho Sanitary Market laat wook, has turnod tho business over to tho owner. W. U. Itohror. Mr. Rohror Is now going to fight tho Judgmont which D. W. Small socurod ngalnst him. l'lciilc Toiuorrow TJio Ladles Aid Socloty of tho Mnrahllold nnd North Bond Swedish Luthoran churchos will hold tholr annual plcnlo tomorrow at tho Chan. Encgrcn ranch on Coob Rlvor. Tho Wnh-To-Waso will lcnTo North Bond at 9:30 and Mnrahfleld nt 10 o'clock with tho plcnlckora. M. S. CROSSEN, tho real cstato man, has oponod now o(I1cob nt 178 Broadway. O. O. LUND apont frlonds at Bnndon lower Coqulllo. Sunday with nnd on tho J. T. CONLOQUE, Bertha Couloguo nnd Tonna Tulloy, of Lampa, apont Sunday with frlonds In MarBhtlold. L. A. LILJEQVIBT and wlfo loft this morning for Coqulllo, nftor an ovor Snndny visit with rolatlvcs and frlonds horo. MRS. E. D. BUSBY Ib expected homo this wook fr6m Idnho nnd EnBtorn WnHhlngton, where sho has boon visiting rolatlvcs. SHERIFF W. W. GAOR enmo ovor from Coqulllo today to invostl- gate mutters In connection with tho recent troublos on South Slough. slon of probato court. Tomorrow nnd next day ho and tho other county commissioners will Inspect roads In that soctlon of tho county. North Bend News Mrs. L. D. Smith, of Daniels Crook, visltod frlonds horo yeotorday. Miss Ollvo Richard, of SumnorV spont yestorday with frlonds la Marshflold. Mrs. John Horn ontortalned Mrs. C. II. Broulilafd and Miss Delia Broulllard at luncheon 'last Tuosday. MayorL, J. Simpson returned last evening on tho A. M. Simpson from a two months' trip through California. "Mrs. E. E. Hays and Mrs. Claffiold Slmpnon woro Marshflold shoppora Saturday. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot Tuo day nttcrrjoon at 2:30 at tho homo 6f Dr. B. B. Glarko, on Shdrman avenue. Wnltor McLood will drlvo Dr. Clark's contestants to Emplro Tues day ovonlhg, leaving Dr. Clarko's mb tdonce at 7 o'clock. Major Morton Tower and. Mrs. Tower loavo today for South Coo's rlvor to proparo tholr summer homo thoro for numtrio'r residence They will bo gono sovoral days. To Convention Tho nnnual con vention of tho Orogon Knights' of Columbus will bo hold at Eugono noxt wook following tho Initiation of a Inrgo class thoro Sunday. Tho Marahflold council of tho order will bo roproBontod by Hugh McLaln and J. H. Flanagan, probably. I IiuprarliiK. Frank Sacchl says that reports recolved from tho 8an Franclsco hospital nro to tho effect that tho Mills girl la improving in health, In addition to other troubloH Biio sufforod from epileptic fits and surgeons nay this will bo cured by an operation nnd her general health ib gradually growing better. MR8. J. T. McCQRMAC Is planning to leave tho lnttcr part of tho wook for Portland whore bIio will con sult HpeclallstB In regard to hor noalth. Mrs. Wm. Vnughhh, Miss Evolyn Vineyard nnd Archlo Vaugban, of North Bond Holghta, were visitors at tho Vaughan camp on Dafola Creek for a couplo of dn'ys last Wook. Mr. and M-s. Goorgo Goisondorfor, ontortdlnod at a dlnnor party rocent- jy. Tiioir guests woro Mr. R. -. Coko, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Droulllard, Miss Dolln Broulllard nnd Rov. D. A. MabLood. 't Tho Prosbytorlan Ladles' Aid will 'moot With Mrs. A. W. My6rs In South Marshflold at 2.30 Thursday after noon, "Shamrock" leaving tho Wool on Mill slip at 1:45. A good attend anco Ib desired. Loroy Thnckor, Watortown, S. D., .says: "I Buffered with rhoumatlsm for ovor eight yoara, and. It seemed nt times I would go crazy with pain. Three bottles of Foley Pills curod my rheumatism nnd I gladly recommend t1 cm. Bold by Rod Cross Drug Co. WANT ADS. LOST Brown rubbor, solf-fllllng fountain pen, nt P. O. dosk, Satur day morning. Please return to Times office FOR HA LI? Four Jorsoy milk cowaj gontlo nnd good milkers. Phono 303X5, Plan lUco Meet. P. P. Norton stated todny that plans nro being mnuo to 110111 a rnco moot In Mnrsn fleld July 2 and 3 nnd to hold nn othor nt Myrtle Point July 4 nnd 5. Nothing (ietlnlto has boon done yot. It Ib llkoly that somothlng will bo dono soon about this and nlso about tho colobratlon or tho Fourth of July hqro. I igx0pnMSlJ IihoHh'HiTOKfiS WANTED Imniwlliitflly. A Sli-mly young mnu, familiar with gas en gines to operate orchard spraying apparatus. $3,00 por day and board whllo working, to right pur- ty. Must bo bona lido rcsldont of Coos Bay soctlon, nnd know loca tion of ranchos. Address Fruit In spector, Mnrshflold, or phono 140J. Parish Meeting. In nccordnnco with tho Canonical law of parishes lu tho DIoccho of Orogon thoro will bo n mooting of tho congregation of tho Episcopal church this uvenlni: In tho church building for tho purposa of electing n vestry to servo for tho com ing your. Tho meeting Is called for 7:30- nnd nil communicants nnd bap tized porsona who nttoud tho church uro euruoBtly nukod to be present. E. G. FLANAGAN nnd Potqr Logglo. who havo boon spondlng sovornl days on right of way matters along the Coos Bay h Bolso survey, re turned to spend Sunday. ED RICHMOND, formorly proprietor of tho Dlanco Billiard parlors, Is oxpoctcd horo on the next Break water. Ho is now traveling for tno Amorican Tobacco company. MRS. C. R. WADE In expoctod horo tomorrow from Dandon to visit hor sister, Mrs. Jam Cowan, 8r and other rolatlvcs and frlonds on tho Bay for a wook or so, OEO. McCUTCHEON has returned from n fow wooks' visit at his old home, near McMlnnvlllo. Ho nlso . visltod ut Portland arid says that Gregory Canty Is gradually recov ering tho uso of his afflicted leg. WANTED TO RENT Pour to six room houso. Phono Times ofllco. FOR SALE Smlth-Promlor typo writer; price- $15. 13C Broadway North. FOR HUNT Throe turnlshed houso- koeplng rooms, near city park, In North Bend. Seo Times offlco. POR HEXT Pino sunny house-keeping apartment. Sacchl Bldg. En quire Nasburg Grocery. SCOTCH COLLIES $10. Address B. W. P.. Norton's Gulch, Empire, Or. BARGAIN BALKi 40 horsepower nuto for $600: first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost new $3000; will soil for $000 on eat. top'is. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front street. Phouo 180-J. FOR HAM? One new 20-foot gaso line launch. Soo Max Tim mer man, 862 North Front stret. FOR SALE A livery business paying over 40 per cent net annually on the purchase price. A genuine bargain at $3750. Terms. FRENCH REALTY CO., 315V2 N. Front St. Dayton Bicyelcs Marshfield Cycler BICYCLES FOR RENT Ship to Portland Further proof of tl)o possibilities of Coob Pay as a manufacturing center Is shown by tho fact that Harry Klmnor, of Port land, on. n recont trip to Marshflold, inndo n purchasa of n largo bill of Forostor Cigars for his Elkhorn Cafo lu that city. Tho shipment was made 011 tho last proakwatur. . To Buy MIIiut'h Negotiations nro In progrosB for tho purchase of J. II. Mllnor'u Hnrdwaro Store by Mllo Supmor. Mr .Sumner was formerly connoctod with tho Btore but re cently haB boon nssoclatod with tho Ploueor Hnrdwaro. If tho deal Ib consumalod, as it probably will be, Mr, Mllnur will rotlro from nutlvo business to look aftor his real estate and other interests on tho Pay, Open Pino OllkeTho W. P. Hur mon Tailoring Co., of which W. P. Harmon tho well known Coob county ropresontatlvo of Lamm & Co, of Chicago, Ib tho hoad, havo oponod n vory metropolitan appearing olllco anil display room at 178 Broadway, The plato has boen (lttud up ologunt ly with a largo lino of sample pat terns Including bolts of cloth from which you may choose your suit and havo it made to order. Dies ut l'ortluiul Word Iibb boon recolved horo of tho doath of Ruth Irene Gulovson, tho flftoon-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrn, Q. R. Gul ovson at tho home of hor parents In Portland Sunday, She had been 111 for a couplo of years. Tho family formerly lived in Marshflold, She was u nieco of M, P. Gulovson of Marshfleld and has sovoral cousins horo. Thoro havo ben two or throe deaths In tho G. R. Gulovson family In tho last fow years. In Injured. Word has been ro colved hero that Miss Lucy Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, M. C, Hor ton who has been spending the last fow months with relatives at Cler mont, Calif., met with n serious ac cident. Sho was thrown from a horse, her hip dislocated, her arm Injured and a bad gash cut across her face. Sho was In California re cuporatlng from an illness which compelled hor to glvo up her course at tho University of Washington a fow months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hor ton left for Clermont last weok, HUGH McLAIN and wife oxpect to loavo Friday for Portland and oth er northern pointB. Mrs. McLnln will remain there a few wcoks visiting until their son, Loo, who Is attending school thoro, Is ready to return with her. .V4V.i44;i4K O ALONG TUB WATERFRONT il The Rodondb will sail tomorrow from San Francisco fdr Cooi Day. Tho Homor, which arrived in late Saturday, will sail tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock for San Francisco. Tho atoainor Washington Is duo In todny from San Francisco with pas scngors and frolgnt. Tho Elizabeth nrrlvod In at Ban don today from Ban Francls'c6 and tho Tillamook tlnltod from there for Portland. Tho schoonor Wasp, bolonglng to Geo, F. Llndormnn nnd which mads a fow trips into Coos Bay, is reported ovorduo at Seattle nnd considerable approhonBton is felt for hor eafotr. dipt. J. J. Roynolds announce that Capt. Edgar Simpson will mako tho flrst trip to Alaska on tho Mlrone as mastor of hor. On tho trial spla yostordsy, the Mlrono showed up vory favorably. OEO. N. BOLT and wlfo yestorday vlBlted Miss MuLoan, a slater of Mrs. Duncan Ferguson, who re cently undorwont an oporatlon nt Moroy huupltnl, at North Bend. Sho Is getting along nlcoly nnd may bo ablo to return homo In a week or so. REV. AND MRS. It. K. BROWNINO are leaving tomorrow morning via. Drain for Portland. Mrs. Brown ing will contluuo on to Washing ton, I). C to visit her family and rolutlves. Rov. Browning whllo In Portland will bo In nttondanco nt tho diocesan convention. MR AND MRS. J. B. Z1ICGLER, par ents of Mrs. W. F. Harmon and formerly residents of Coos Bay but locatod at The Dalles, Oregon, re cently, nro oxpoctod to urrlvo on tho Alliance nnd will make tholr future homo horo. Thoy will bo welcomed back by mnny frlonds. C. W. MONTGOMERY roturnod yo.. terduy from n week's trip through Curry county. Ho was making a long drive thoro hiHt weok whon tho bad spoil of weather was at Its woist. A. II. McCoinb, of Marsh flold waB making tho trip with him mill declares It was tho worst h ever mado. Mr. McComb roturnod Saturday. W. Rr FOOTE, who was tried at Co qulllo last wook for tho murder of Chas. Wilcox and In whoso caso the jury disagreed, Is spondlng a few days with his sons, D. L. Footo and W. E. Foote. in thlB city. Ho hns. furnlshod $5000 ball for his ap pearance for retrial. It Is said that parties at Coiiuillo offered to fur nish a sum much In excess of this amount It needed. Tho G rnco Dollar brought In a car go of oil for tho Stundnrd Oil com pany nnd will tnko out a lon,d of lumbor from tho Smith mill.. Her nrrlval will tormlnnto a shortage In distillate, which bothorod many of tho launches on tho Bay. Tho Mlrono, tho new gasoline schoonor which tho Parnos Packing company hnd built nt North Pond to net as a tondor for tholr cannorlos in Alaska, enmo down to tho Alliance dock yestorday to load a cargo of salt which was shipped horo fromSan Francisco, H0WA111V8- gontilno MEXICAN TAMALKS dollvorod any nlaco In the city until 13 O'CLOCK nt nLgbji. Thoy aro IlliADV to SERVE. Phorfe n.H.l. JUDGE JOHN P. 11 LL went to Co nuillo this morning to hold a bob- Here's a Genuine Shoe Bargain Wo havo a brokon lot of Mon's Pat ent Colt Shoos that formorly Sol for $5.50 While thoy last, if wo havo your size, you got thorn for Only $3.00 See our window and como in and try a pair on, The Bazar Phone 32 The Ilouse of Quality, 'FLOUR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality