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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1912)
n,jirtii.-r.i9 JfciW . nrT. JfPTpriWWf IWyWPiiWJTttWRBtHHr!, THE COOS AY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON J.MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912-EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKV Editor and Pnb. DAN E. MALONEV News Editor ' Entered at tho poatofllco at Marsh deld, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls as second class tnall matter. AddrcsB all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrfthfleld :t it !t tt Oregon 'Oodtcatod to th sorrlc of th people, that no good cause shall lack champion, and ttiat evil shall not Inrire unopposed. ' , l " ' BUBSOniPTIOIf RATBS. ' DAttr. ' One year ..... M-'O Per month i f WEEKLY. Ono year f 1.60 Whoa paid, strictly in adranoo the subscription price' of the Coos Day Times is f G.00 per year or (2.60 for alx months. An Indopondont Republican nows paper published ovory evening except Sunday, and Wookly by ThV Coon Hay Titties Publishing Co. "HO LACK OP OPPORTUNITV IT IS a common complaint of tho Idfo, tho Incompetent, and tho unsuccessful that ttiero nro. no iiuch opportunltloa nowadays as woro oulovcd by tho successful men who Kt their start forty, thirty, or twen ty, roars ago. i novur nuu mi ui ndrtlnltv: I lmvon't hnd hnlf a cHattcd." Is tho chorus of'tho disap pointed and tho -dlngruntlodt as itnoy cqndtfo with ono another yor tho docaaonco of tlo present day and Ncolca reason for tholr folluron Tho "good old days" which t)ioso urisuricossful onoa Inrnonl" woro no more filled with opportunities than tfufrgoldcn days of tho present. Op portunity is in tuo nir. it is nu nrnilnd (ib. every whoro. NovGr woro tho rowards of tnorlt rlonnr, or half 'as rich, as thoy nto oday. Novtr whs 'thoro a grontdr dbriifind tor Ideas, MVor wero thoy iott6r paid. And it la tho men of IdtW svho mnko opportunities If thoy tio not find tuom; iris tno mon or'tnrlp whoticflOVvo bppbrtunltlcn, tlikl"mUst'edticato'thoms61v'efl to rcc- cgtWiii and avail themselves of tliblr rfihficcH when they come. Sooner or Inter Opportunity KrWKJktt at ovcry man's door.' It does not 'find' ovory man nt homo. If the door bo not passes on. It must Uto'wntchcd nnd waited 'for--indllt is Worth While! l a FACING LIFE f-rt ni'POSINO C0I0116I' Astor had tried to use his wealth and ln- ' J 'tlucfnco to got a life-boat for thol, okcllmlvo uso .of himself and his 'entourage? ' There 'Is a toxt for much preaching tin tlirt'miRKOHtlon. ' Facing doath, Colonel Astor thought of othorR. Home day mon will fnco llfo ns courageously as thoy face doath. LISTENING FOK WHISTLE The whlstlo of a locomotlvo on thn Itosehurg-Cons Hay lino would bo a woloumo sound. Wonder whon that .first, splko will bo drlvon? RoseburB Nowh, COOS FOR HOOD HOARS TIiIh morning's mall rorelved by u T. Prall. secretary of tho Oregon Loagno for Highway fmprovomoni, UiowH that the IntoroRt of the farm orH In tho six hnrmony good roads measure la being nrotnu'd, Rn RouraKlne ronorts from workers In Yamhill, Coos, Ilarnoy and Sherman rcounUoi woro recnlved as well as tiunny inqulrloH nnd offers of help from other bocUoiih of tho stato. rpnrtlaud Journal, t WITH THE I TOAST AND TEA t ' r GOOD EVENING A happy mnrrlago has In It nil tho pleasures -of friendship, all tho enjoymonts of sonso and roason and Indeed all tho sweets of life. ADDISON. ) THE HUTTERFLY I saw a llttlo four-yoar-old Out In tho grassf at piny; Ho watched n llttlo patch of nun That camo and danced away. i And suddenly his eyes lit up, Ho gavo a llttlo cry And' clapped his hands in wild de light Ho saw a butterfly. Ho followed It and tried to catch " Tho wonder In his hands; It flitted on ahead of him AcroBs tho clover-lands'. Again nnd yet again ho tried, It always flow away, And loft him lonoly when tho sun Had vanished from tho day. And through tho night tho llttlo lad Would clutch his hands nnd cry Out from his dreams, "Ob, como'to mo, Drlght llttlo butterfly." And this Is lifo with you nnd mc, Children wo nro who run To chaso somo wondorspnnglod thing that glistens in tho sun. And whon night comes our empty hands Clutch at glad dreams that creep Up through tho sllonco and tho dark To slilno across our sloop. A rolling stono gathers somo hard ItnockB. ' Small mon fool big whon standing on tholr dignity. It's his running exponscs kcops many a man bohindi Tho solf-mndo man usunlly to mouopollzo tho spotlight. that trios If you want other pooplo to look down on you look down to them, A man Is soldom so lovel hendcu that ho can't get n hat to fit him. "-" Whon pcoplo ask for broad and nro given n' stono, It is never a proclaim stono. Somo Coos Hay mon settle up bo fore settling down nnd then dovoto tholr lives to settling up. Till: IIACHKLOH GIRL SAYS III tho gamo of honrts, a llttlo two- spot novor has tho slightest doubt that ho will succoed In capturing n quoou. It may sound parndoxlcal, but homohow as a man grows oldor ho Is always glnd to romomber that ho did a lot of things for which ho is sorry. nni i-r lint n ' Vmmmmmmmu bAULtb HULU MEII1I HERE I Local Aerie Conducts Annual Exercises n Honor of. ' Departed Members. Marshflold Acrlo, No. 538, Fra ternal Order of Eaglos, yestor'dny hold its annunl memorial exorcises, paying trlbuto to tho doparted mora bors of tho organization. Tho ser vices which wore hold "At tho ceme tery woro largely nttondod. During tho pnst'j'oar liut ono name was added 'to tho roll of 'tho' Aerie's departed, that of Wm. N6blo, and tho exercises wero conducted .noar' his grave ' Tho mombcrs nssomblod nt tho hall at 2 o'clock yostorday afternoon nnd marched to tho cemetery. At tho comotery tho memorial ritualistic o orclsos wero conducted by tho fol lowing officers for tho Aerlo: Past Worthy President J. W. Davis. President M. J. Ostrow. Chaplain O. Rt Flnnngnn. Secretary C. C. Going. Conductor Rubs NaBburg. Guards Paul Bettys and Charles Oulmotto. Joo Yonkor, who was a victim of tho launch North Stnr disaster and whoso body was novcr rccovored was also a mombor of tho Marshflold Aorlo of EagloB. AMONG THE' SICK Doh Essor, n workman dmployod cloarlng tho Porham tract In West Marshflold, sovoroly Injurod his foot Saturday afternoon. Tho nx slipped, cutting n gash requiring four or live inches. Mrs. 0. P. Thomas who arrived hero n week or ton 'days ngo from tho Vlllamotto Valley", is reported qulto ill of erysipelas nt tho Roy Mooro homo. Mrs. D. T. MoMurphy who rcsldos on North Rroadway was taken to Morcy hospital Saturday fdr troat mont. Mr. .McMurphy works nt tho C. A. Smith mill. Thoro nro times whon wo should ho thankful for what wo fall to get. It must bo somo satisfaction to sailors to know that buoys will be buoys. FlIrtH drnw mon as papor draws files and similar results. sticky fly often wiln IN TIIU GARDEN , I tolled like a Turk last summor, with shovel nnd hoe and rako. "My gnruon will bo a hummer," I mur ium od, "and no mlstnko." A round olny bllthoiy ycllln'. I labored. In swont awash, nnd plantod tho statoly molon, nnd also tho queenly squash: nnd, quoting tho works of Runynn, nnd quatrains from Pope nnd Gray, planted tho fragrant onion, and succulont halo of hay. And nil through tho sizzling season out thoro In my yard I wrought, and often my feet woro freozln whon othorwlso I wns hot. When othor folks wont a flshlng, or hiked to tho three-ring show, I tolled In my garden wishing that I with tho rest could go; but ho who Is bent on raising nbundanoo of garden sags, who hopes for a crop amazing of spinach and spnrrowgrass, must cut out all vain excursions, stoor clear of tho giddy boys; for him thoro nro no diversions, no fishing or other Joys. And this Is a man's re ward In tho day when tho toll Is done; a big pile of woods in tho garden, nnd a shortage of wholesome fun. WALT MASON. U'fl castor for a man to mako monov If ho Isn't on sponklng tonus with his consclonco. 11(1 NOT YIELD TO DISAPPOINT MENT NUV'RR ylold to disappointments, thoy nro designed, they will come. Welcome them as nee- oasary ovIIh, purtontloua of coming Kootl As n Ploiui wnicu uarnoiiB ino r.lnrloim brightness of tho sky, du ficonds In copious nnd refreshing nhoyon, so do tho clouds which darken our mental vIhIoiib, gradually clear away, discovering to us moio vlniuly our moral wenknoss, nnd what ' s'ort sighted mortals enre." Never jlt'ld to disappointment lt Is co w.i nt Iro to shrink It Is truo that figures' do not no ways llo. Somo wo hnvo soon hang ing In tho wnrdrobo and ovor tho back of n chair. Somo women nro hard to plenso. They hardly get n wedding gown bo foro thoy bogln to loolc up mntorlnl for n divorce suit. PRIZE RIDDLE TODAY "If thero Is somo underground work going on nt Vosuvlus do you think tho volcanoes It?" SPRING AROl'ND THE CONNER Spring's around tho comer with hor liliio eyes full of fun; aioiiK( t in (lormatit energies of the soul; nervo I Sle's peeping down tho vnlloys thysolf for tho conflict, nnd your' And nlie's romping In tho sun; Eood gonll will conduct you snroly 'or gouion nnir is tossing through the voyage of life. For whnt I On tho glory of tho breezo. is to hinder tho atlBfnctlon. or inter- And all tho white skin glinting cept tho expoctntlon of him, whoso With hor skirts above her knees uhllltltH, nro adequulo to his employ-1 incut? Ily ntleutlnn he can bound j Spring's nronnd tho corner, the circuit of his own Influence. Ob-1 Wnltlng for tho word to say Korvntiou instructs him whom ho should trust, Manly firmness, ac companied with conciliatory kind ness, are characteristics of a mini, too noble for any ono to Indulge tho Milu Idea, that they can bo temptod, fir i1..piIviwl nlthnr liv linnn nr fnnr. Never yield to disappointment. It I spring's around tho corner, Is nln to contend against necessary I .And tho lco may pnek Its grip, Sho can lift tho lilac latches Of the dewy world and stay. A ghoBt of April lnughtor Down n Februnry lane, And now her swift foot pnttor, On tho bronst of dreams again! PROGRESS ON OIL WELL Drilling Is again In progress at the Mloccuo Oil & Gas Co.'s woll on Hear Crook and Indications nro looking better all tho time. Largo quantities of fonm nro now constantly oozing out of tho well which Is a good sign ns those In position to know will m firm. nandon Recorder. HOWARD'S gonutno MEXICAN VAMALES delivered nny place In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlgln. Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Phono n.W. and Inevitable ovlls. When thoy happen, thoy must bo endured. What cm ho more In opposition to reason and truo greatness, than to bo tho sUvn of fear. Wo may desplso the imputation, but fear Is tho strongest passion, and subdues and governs tho will more completely than nil others, l.el us cease to con Bldor perhaps may never hap pen; oi be porploxed by the develop ment and progross of events over which w had no control. Then tho power of fear Is weakened. Faith cheers the wounded spirit, gladdens tho luurt. with peace and quiet, It Is not slen to man to know the' coiiiKHtlon of canso and event, there fore, when our plans have been nilbiMiTlud, and our most ardent ele ctro crossed, wo may always consolo ourselves by tho hope of future rec ompense, Try Tho TJmeg Want" Ads. Thore'n laughter in her blue eye, And there's scorn upon hor lip. Her bosom of the blossoms Heaves beside tho opon gate, And how hor red cheoks pnntlng Mako us hungrier to wait! Spring's around tho corner. And her hoydon hair unbound Is swinging in n sunlight Of bright glory to tho ground. Her silver limbs nro Bhlnlng Down the valleys of tho day, An ero wo'vo tlmo to know It For wo'vo crowned her queen of May. SAVE 9500 Sh-room two-story houso on Com mercial avenue. Built three years. Largo lot CO x UO. Is a swell homo. Has fine lawn and small garden spot In tho roar. At this prlco It is the blggost bargain In town. Price $250Q E, S. GEAR, room 22, First National Bank. Jas. C. Dnhlmnnn, serving Ins third tot m as mayor, Omaha, Nobr., again was successful In receiving tho overwhelming support of tho votots In tho primary election. Ho also successfully rid himsolf of a bad cabe of kidney trouble by tho aid of Foley Kidney Pills, nnd wrltos: "I hnvo taken Foley Kidney Pills and thoy havo given mo n groat deal of relief, so I cheerfully recommend thorn." What Foley Kldnoy Pills have dono for Mayor Dahlmnn they will do for any othor person bothered with backache, rheumatism, or nny other form of kidney or bladder trouble, Just try them for quick nnd pormnnent results. For sale by lied Cross Drug Co. TO AND FROM Sweden, Norway, Finland And any othor part of Europe. Now Is the time to buy your ticket from AUfl. JWZEEN. Real Estate aud Insurance. 68 Central Avenue Marshflold For All Kinds of Hauling si:e Clifford Doane 1MIONE fiai.R. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MARSHFIELD. ORE. Harmon Tailoring Company J 78 Broadway Representing Lamm & Co. Chicago's High-Class Tailors Announce the Opening of a Sample and Display Room at 178 Broadway We Show the Finest Line of Imported and Domestic Woolens Ever Displayed in This City. Regarding the Fit and Class to Lamm & Cos Suits, Ask the Man Who Wears Them We Satisfy Or No Pay i Harmon Tailoring Company 178 Broadway We Make Home Lighting Effective and Economical When the lighting solicitor of the Oregon Tv or Comptuiy plans a ligliUng'insaWon he airnd at scientific results and lov) cost. opmtty Their object is to please tho customer so that ho will desire to continue using elcctrio light Household lighting bills depend nnich oij the character of $ue wiring and equipment of lamps, fixtures, shade's and reflectors. Electric lighting means no matches, drl,o&in or danger. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF ' FLANAGAN & BENNETT MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tlio close of business, Aprli 18, 101U. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts Hanking Houso Cash nnd Exchanges BANf fUMmil ! M.I II II Total fllURH LIABILITIES. ' Capital Stock paid In J 50,11111 Surplus nud Undivided Profits ( (Mllil Deposits ilMllll Total Ull,lllll CONDENSED BTATEMENT , Of The First National Bank of Coos Baj At tlio close of business April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts RtUlHI Uonds, warrants and sccurltlos tUl'lt U. S. bonds to securo circulation - 15.'" H Real eatato, f urnlturo and fixtures "'"-" Cash and sight exchango.'. . . .' IWW Total... mm LIAUILITIE8. Capital stock paid In "0!'!!i!!l Surplus and undlvldod profits ,! '!i uj Circulation, outstanding ,! ' iJ HnnnRlta . . I,J Deposits. Total. fSflJ3Ul In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability ol StMl era Is f 100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. 1IORT0N, Vlce-PWI DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. U v1''; Lynn Lambeth Prod Nemlo Cadillac Auto Service (Jood Cars Rcnsonnblo Rates All NlRht Service Careful driving assured. Phone niani-o Pool Room, 231-R until 11 p. M. After 11 P. M. phone 6-J. Palaco Restaurant. City Auto Servic uoou cars, mi - roasonnblo c'inrges. 0 "Will go anywhere t I JJ Stands Blanco now ";.,l Cigar Store. DayrhoneJ-Ill Night l'lione iu. DARKER it qOODAIg T. J. 80AIFB A. H. HODOIN8 Marshfield Paint, (8b Decorating Co. estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon A Correct Insurance Policy Is very essential. If. It Isn't correctly written It Isn't Insur ance. We wrlto correct policies In the best companies. !. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt, Unique Pantatorj THE MODERN '7Fv0Trfl PRESSEESndnATnEM Asent for EdwrdlS.B'r" J fine Tailoring Mi " " next auu. p.1 Hitit WWIlilii..' fSWS' . iouiinV8 Modem Ufa 5 Wo are eaulpped to n work on short now - lowest pnct. u, ---. .... iii-ri alto OhanniBr m"- - J W. RENNBT1, un )fflae over Flanagan 1 larshCeld The Sign of Good Candy Always Don't forget the Turkish Baths. PHONE 21, fWl IIAI'IIILJIMVI DH. J. i. iWfcW - . Physician and 8arf Marshfleld. 0rM- . ...... imlMlBt Jfflce: WCKuarv i Opposite nos "wi Have That R $ SeeGOHfij PbOMT ! I